Troop 1 Historian Report For March 2010 Written by Bryan Niebanck The troop started out the month with a regular meeting where scouts met in the chapel to discuss details about the Jamboree and Camp Sequassen for the summer. Afterwards, scouts concentrated on finishing advancement and merit badges for the court of honor the following week. On Thursday of that week, a group of scouts earning the Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge met at 99 Gulf Street with their counselors, Mrs. Povroznik and Mrs. Sussan. Joshua Sussan, a Life Scout, also helped our scouts earn this badge. In this first Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge class, scouts learned about people who were blind, deaf, and had arthritis or dyslexia. On the first weekend in March, Troop 1 could be found in Otis, Massachusetts on a Ski Trip. The departure time was on Saturday bright and early at seven o’ clock in the morning, and they returned the following morning on the 7th of March. Scouts came back with smiles on their faces, and you could tell that every one of them had had a blast! On the 9th, scouts attended the Mary Taylor Church with their parents and relatives for the Court of Honor. Many families gave pledges that night and scouts were given out award after award. These awards included rank advancements as well as merit badges. Refreshments were served after the Court, and scouts stayed for a troop picture. The following Tuesday was set aside for a fun night, and scouts had a blast bowling with their friends. Then, the next weekend they all went up to Camp Sequassen for the annual Family Brunch at the Friendship Lodge. The day before the Brunch, Saturday, younger scouts completed requirements for their rank advancement by successfully completing an orienteering course. Friends also had fun together playing games of Capture the Flag and Ultimate Frisbee. On Sunday, when families came up to the camp to pick up their children, they all walked in the cabin to a wonderful aroma of breakfast. To eat, there was French toast, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and pie for dessert. On the 23rd of March scouts met in the Milford First United Church of Christ (Congregational)’s Fellowship Hall to invite the Plymouth Men’s Club to tables for dinner. Since the Plymouth Men’s Club is our sponsor, we like to recognize its members every year by hosting the Plymouth Men’s Club Appreciation Dinner at the church. The food being served was chicken nuggets, carrots, potatoes, corn beef and cabbage, rolls, and a choice of either vanilla or chocolate cake for dessert. After the meal, the Amazing Andy stopped by to show off some amazing magic tricks for us. Two days later, on Thursday, the Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge class met for their second session at 99 Gulf Street. During this session, scouts talked with Joshua Sussan about his scouting activities, to which he responded to very well. Also, while individual scouts were doing the above with Joshua, others were being read facts about people with disabilities. Scouts were answering to these facts and determining whether they were actually a real fact, or if they were a myth. Scouts also learned about different sports and recreation offered for people with disabilities. Also on this day, since this was the last class, they handed in their worksheets and pamphlets for the badge. On the second to last day in March, Mr. Krom, our scoutmaster, held a Troop 1 town hall meeting in the chapel. On this day, scouts discussed ideas for upcoming fun nights and camping trips, and Mr. Krom announced the meeting dates and times for upcoming merit badge classes. On the 31st, a Wednesday, the First Aid Merit Badge class met at 6:00 pm at 99 Gulf Street. The first session was completed here, with three more sessions to go. I would also like to congratulate our scoutmaster, Mr. Mark Krom, in earning the Silver Beaver Award for all his hard work and 30 years of service with Troop 1.