Research Thrust on disruptions/runaways Overarching goal: eliminate disruptions as a threat to the viability of fusion energy If this thrust is not pursued and the goal not achieved, fusion power in magnetically confined plasmas will not be reliable or economical. The thrust has elements requiring immediate attention to benefit ITER (Theme I), and longer term elements to address the challenge more comprehensively (Theme II). Within these two themes, the thrust is most strongly linked to the issues of control, and also to measurement, and integration. The thrust also connects directly to issues of PFCs (Theme III), RAMI (Theme IV), and magnetic configurations without disruptions (Theme V). Thrust elements organized by 1. Prediction Can the onset of most disruptions be predicted? 2. Avoidance What level of steady-state tokamak performance can be achieved while avoiding disruptions? Can the stellarator remain free of disruptions at the beta and collisionality characteristic of a reactor? 3. Mitigation Can the potential damage from major disruptions in future high performance discharges be largely avoided? 4. Characterization of consequences All goals listed contribute to Theme II. Many have explicit connection to Theme I. Goal relating to gap or issue 1(a). Predict onset of disruptions in tokamaks with sufficient accuracy to enable active avoidance or controlled shutdown Time frame Short: Theme I 1(b). Validate models of runaway electron generation, confinement, and loss 1(c). Compile comprehensive disruption statistics Short: Theme I Work description Develop suite of diagnostics and realtime analysis to predict onset of VDEs and disruptions arising from multiple causes including equipment failure. Benefit to fusion Cross-links with control, measurement, integration panels Evaluate compatibility of above with high performance, burning plasmas. Understanding physics of disruptions and their precursors improves prospect for better avoidance in ITER, DEMO Compare the prediction of runway electron currents with experimental data to provide a reliable means for projecting to ITER and Demo. Understanding of single-event catastrophes in ITER, DEMO with control, integration panels; Themes 3 & 4 Short, and Compile single-machine and multicontinuing machine data on disruptions, VDEs, in ITER runaway events, forces and thermal loads: frequency of occurrence, ‘types’, ‘causes’ (physics + hardware), correlations with device, FW material, plasma configuration, ops mode, effect of ‘control’, deployment of avoidance or mitigation measures, …. Statisical knowledge provides operational guidance in ITER, DEMO 2(a). Avoid Short: disruptions in Theme I tokamaks by active Medium means Develop set of control methods to avoid onset of disruption or VDE and/or lead to safe shutdown; apply to ITER. 2(b). Advance magnetic configurations immune to major disruptions Extend stellarator research to integrated high performance (long pulse, reactor-like values of , Ti, ne obtained in stellarators but not simultaneously) Medium to Long 2(c). Demonstrate Short, potential of various medium, levels of nonand long axisymmetric shaping to avoid disruptions Design non-axisymmetric shaping schemes for disruption control Evaluate integrated consequences of NA-shaping of axis-symmetric systems Minimize interruption of operation and damage requiring repair Robustly eliminate disruption as show-stopper in fusion energy system Reliably eliminate disruptions with minimum deviation from tokamak experience and technology with control, measurement, integration panels With Theme V With Theme V 3(a). Develop reliable mitigation schemes for unavoidable disruptions in tokamaks 3(b). Provide additional mitigation of runaway electron avalanche should it occur Short Expand MGI activities on present Theme I, devices to assess to medium feasibility for ITER and DEMO Improved survivability of ITER and DEMO with control panel Short to long Eliminate consequences of potentially catastrophic runaway beam With control panel Develop tools to provide the density required to collisionally damp the runaway electrons. Assess suppression of runaways by stochastic magnetic fields both intrinsic and externally applied. Assess control and rampdown of runaway-dominated discharges 4(a). Develop Short, validated models of Theme I disruption medium dynamics 4 (b). Develop Medium disruption-tolerant to long PFCs 4 (c). Develop after-disruption recovery strategies Medium to long Compare experiment with computational models that predict the electromagnetic and thermal heat loads due to disruptions to develop a predictive model. Conceive, develop and test innovative PFC materials or concepts, e.g., liquids, capable of in-situ repair; special recovery measures Explore wall-conditioning techniques and in-situ dust removal for optimal recovery Prediction of disruption consequences in ITER, DEMO, and others Hardening of fusion facility (CTF, DEMO) against unmitigated disruptions Enable recovery from disruption damage is as routine as possible With Theme III With Themes III and IV