60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Włodzimierz Przybylski Gdansk University of Technology Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Summary: The paper presents the outline history of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation of the Gdansk University of Technology over the span of 60 years – throughout the period 1945-2006. 1. INTRODUCTION The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has been active for 61 years as a part of Gdansk University of Technology. Together with its section, the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, the Faculty has undergone a number of organisational transformations. The research now being within the scope of the Department’s activities which was initiated in 1945 by two departments: Metal Processing and Construction of Metal Working Machines. The pioneer work, undertaken in these two units by several distinguished professors, and carried over by generations of academic teachers, is presently continued by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, which assumed its name on September 1, 1994. Throughout 60 years, the Department has developed educational techniques, research into the laboratory testing of machine technology, construction of machine tools for metal and wood processing, construction of metal and wood working machines, machine cutting, tools, plastics processing, metrology and quality engineering. The author of this account has worked in the Department for 43 years, having gone through the stages of academic career from assistant lecturer to full professor. 2. OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT AND ITS STRUCTURAL CHANGES THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD 1945 - 2006 In 1945, among 17 departments [1] set up as part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to begin their first post-war academic year 1945/46, there were two departments with the scope of research closely related to that of the present Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation. The first one, the Department of Construction of Metal Working Machines, was founded by a distinguished specialist in machine tools and machine cutting at the pre-war Lvov University of Technology, the first term Deputy Rector of the Gdansk University of Technology, professor E. T. Geisler [3] (Fig. 1 and 2a). Professor E. T. Geisler was the Head of the Department (Fig. 2a), until his retirement in 1960. His successors were: professor R. Siemiński (1960 - 63), senior lecturer S. Horiszny, MSc (1963 - 66), assistant professor, A. Osiecki, PhD (1966 - 69). The other unit, the Department of Metal Processing, was set up in 1945 by professor L. Eker, a former prewar lecturer at Lvov University of 11 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Technology. Professor L. Eker directed the Department only until 1946, when he moved to Krakow. His post was taken over by professor W. Mermon (Fig. 2b), who directed the Department until 1956. In 1956, the Department of Metal Processing was divided and renamed. One part of it became the Department of Metal Machining and the other part gave rise to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. After professor Mermon passed away, the Department of Metal Machining was led by the following scientists: senior lecturer S. Horiszny, MSc (1956 - 61), assistant professor Franciszek Wójcik, PhD (1961 64) and assistant professor Romuald Kolman, PhD (1964 - 69). The Department of Mechanical Engineering was organised and first directed by professor W. Mermon until his untimely death on January 23, 1959 [6]. Professor Mermon’s mission at the Department of Mechanical Engineering was continued by his deputy, professor S. Miłoś, MSc, who became the first Dean of the Faculty of Machine Technology at Gdansk University of Technology, in office from 1956 to 1958. Professor S. Miłoś, MSc, worked as a scientist at GUT from 1945 to 1987 (Fig. 8a). He ran the Department of Mechanical Engineering until 1969, when the Institute of Mechanical Engineering was established (Fig. 3). In 1951, the Department of Woodworking Machines came into operation. Formally established as early as in 1945, it began its activity as the unique entity of that kind in Poland [l, 4]. Its manager, R. Siemiński, PhD (Fig. 6b), an outstanding specialist in machine tools for wood processing, had run the Department until it was incorporated in the Institute of Mechanical Engineering in 1969. Figure 1: Professor E. T. Geisler surrounded by co-workers of the Department: E. Świątek, Purzycki, J. Darlewski, J. Niekrasz, E. Dylewski, S. Winiecki and S. Miłoś (approx. 1950) 12 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation a) b) Figure 2: The first Head of the Faculty of Metal Working Machines - professor E. T. Geisler (a) and the Head of the Department of Metal Machine Cutting - professor W. Mermon (b) Another unit carrying out research into wood machining was the Department of Wood Product Engineering, established in 1953. Its first director, professor M. Janiczek (Fig. 6a), continued in his office until his death on November 19, 1960. The Department was then directed by assistant professor R. Dziewanowski, PhD (Fig. 6c) until 1969. In 1969, when the departments at GUT underwent major restructuring, a new Institute of Mechanical Engineering was formed within the Faculty of Production Engineering. The Institute, with its name inherited from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, incorporated all five departments which had operated so far in the area of machine tools, machine cutting and machine technology (Fig. 3). The Institute of Mechanical Engineering was organised and then led by professor R. Siemiński (1969-73). His work as a director was continued by professor M. Feld (197392). Prof. M. Feld (Fig. 8b) who ran the Institute for 19 years, until all the institutes at GUT were reorganized into departments in 1992. The Institute of Mechanical Engineering included six divisions whose priority task was educational activity (Fig. 3). To perform scientific-research works 10 research groups were created at institutes. Additionally, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering was enriched by the work of the Design Engineering Studio and the Experimental Workshop. The deputy directors of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering were: assistant professor A. Osiecki (1969 - 72), assistant professor W. Klimkiewicz (1983 - 85), assistant professor W. Przybylski (1979 83), assistant professor J. Bartosiewicz (1985 - 88), lecturer A. Konczakowski (1990 - 91). By June 1981, the Institute had developed into a large unit which employed 3 professors, 7 assistant professors, 15 lecturers, 32 assistant lecturers, 6 senior lecturers, 39 technical staff and 9 administrative staff – the total of 111 people [6]. 13 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Department of Metal Processing Prof. L. Eker (1945-46) Prof. W. Mermon (1946-56) 1945 Department of Woodworking Machines Construction R. Siemiński, PhD (since 1951) 1951 Department of Wood Mechanical Engineering Prof. M. Janiczek (1953-60) 1953 Department of Mechanical Engineering Prof. W. Mermon (1956-59) St. Miłoś, s.l. (1959-69) 1956 Department of Machine Tools Construction for Metal Processing Prof. E. Geisler (since 1945) Department of Metal Working Machines Prof. E. Geisler (up to 1960) Prof. R. Siemiński (1960-63) St. Horiszny, s.l. (1963-66) As. Prof. A. Osiecki (1966-69) Department of Woodworking Machines As. Prof. R. Siemiński (up to 1969) Department of Wood Product Engineering Prof. M. Janiczek (up to 1960) Prof. R. Dziewanowski (1961-69) 1969 Department of Metal Machining Prof. St. Horiszny (1956-61) As. Prof. F. Wójcik (1961-64) As. Prof. R. Kolman (1964-69) Institute of Mechanical Engineering Prof. R. Siemiński (1969-73), As. Prof. M. Feld (1973-92) Sections in 1981: - Design of Manufacturing Processes (Prof. M. Feld) - Machine Tools and Machining (As. Prof. S. Horiszny) - Woodworking Machines (Prof. R. Siemiński) - Machines and Plastics Processing Engineering (As. Prof. T. Burkiewicz) - Quality Engineering and Metrology (Prof. R. Kolman) - Organization of Engineering Industry (As. Prof. K. Grelak) - Engineering and Design Studio (J. Scisłowski, MSc) 1992 Department of Mechanical Engineering Prof. M. Feld (1992-94) Department of Machine Tools and Machining As. Prof. J. Bartosiewicz (1992-94) 1994 Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Prof. W. Przybylski (since 1994) Figure 3: Changes in organisation and structure of present Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation in years 1945 – 1994, with surnames of heads of the departments and sections 14 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 4: Employees of the Department at the 30th Anniversary ceremony of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1987): (from the left): prof. St. Miłoś, prof. R. Dziewanowski, prof. R. Siemiński, prof. A. Osiecki, as. prof. T. Burkiewicz, as. prof. W. Przybylski and rector of GUT - prof. E. Dębicki In 1994, during the ceremony to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Production Engineering, its Lecture Hall was named “The Auditory of Professor Edward Tadeusz Geisler”, to honour his outstanding scientific contribution. On the initiative of the then Vice-Dean for Education, assistant professor W. Przybylski, a memorial plaque was unveiled at the entrance to the Auditorium to commemorate Professor Geisler, outstanding specialist in machine tools and machine cutting. On January 1, 1992, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was established as a result of a merger of the Faculty of Machine Technology and Production Organisation with the Machine Construction Faculty. The newly created unit enjoyed full academic rights. In 1992, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering was transformed into the Department of Mechanical Engineering, which started work under management of professor M. Feld. In September 1992, the Department of Machine Tools and Machining was found. Managed by associate professor J. Bartosiewicz, PhD, its 6-people team worked for two years until the Department was made as a part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in September 1994 and re-named as the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, under the management of assistant professor W. Przybylski. Currently, the structure of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation entails four scientific-educational sections: Manufacturing Engineering Design and Automation Section, Machine Tools and Machining Section, Quality Engineering and Metrology Section, Plastics Mechanical Engineering Section. The Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation is currently composed of 12 laboratories, including 4 educational ones, 8 scientific-research and an Educational Aids Studio (Fig. 5). 15 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Secretary Office Head of Department Educational Aids Studio Chief Specialist Head of Section Educational Laboratories Section Laboratory of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Processes Laboratory of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Section of Manufacturing Processes Planning and Automation Laboratory of Computer Aided Process Planning Laboratory of Metrology Laboratory of Technological Machines Dynamics and Automation Section of Machine Tools and Machining Laboratory of Machine Tools and Tools for Wood Processing Laboratory of Abrasive Cutting-off Section of Quality Engineering and Metrology Laboratory of Lapping Technology Laboratory of Surface Layer Engineering Section of Plastics Engineering Laboratory of Plastics Processing Laboratory of CNC Controllers Programming for Machine Tools and Robots Laboratory of Rapid Prototyping Figure 5: Organisation chart of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (June 2006) 16 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation a) b) c) Figure 6: Founders and Heads of the Departments relevant to machine tools and wood technology: a – professor M. Janiczek, b – professor R. Siemiński, c – professor R. Dziewanowski a) Figure 7: a) b) c) Heads of the former Department of Metal Working Machines and Machining: a – assistant professor St. Horiszny, b – professor R. Kolman, c – assistant professor T. Burkiewicz (founder of the Laboratory of Plastics Processing) b) c) Figure 8: Perennial Heads of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering: a – assistant professor St. Miłoś, b – professor M. Feld, c – professor W. Przybylski 17 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 9: The employees of the Department in time of the 30th Anniversary Jubilee at 22 May 1987. In the fist row (from the left): prof. R. Kolman, Vice-rector of GUT - prof. W. Pudlik, Rector of GUT - prof. E. Dembicki, Dean - prof. St. Butnicki, prof. M. Feld, as. prof. W. Przybylski, as. prof. J. Jaracz 3. THE EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT Throughout the years preceding the formation of the present Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, its structural predecessors employed over 200 academic teachers. That number includes a few outstanding personages of merit, the founders of the first educational units of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and those whose generous work contributed to the scientific and educational success for the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation which celebrates 60th anniversary. The honourable group of those who have built our present success includes the late professor E. T. Geisler, professor W. Mermon, professor R. Siemiński, professor M. Janiczek, St. Horiszny, DSc, Z. Bujniewicz, DSc, T. Burkiewicz, DSc, W. Klimkiewicz, DSc, professor St. Miłoś, professor R.Dziewanowski, J. Ścisłowski, MSc. 18 Professor E.T. Geisler (1884-1966) graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Ryga University of Technology, in 1908 with a Technology Engineer’s degree. Professor at Lvov University of Technology and Gdansk University of Technology, lecturer at the Wawelberg and Rotwand Technical School in Warsaw (1911 - 15). Full professor (1923), Manager of the Department of Metal Processing (1921 - 41) and Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lvov University of Technology. In the interwar period, a distinguished organizer of the Polish machine tool industry. From 1945, an organizer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology, the first-term Vice-Rector in the Rectors’ Board of Gdansk University of Technology appointed in 1945, Head of the Department of Metal Working Machines (1945 - 60). Author of over 50 scientific publications and books, including "Metal Working Machines and Their Operation" (1929). 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Professor W. Mermon (1900-1959), graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lvov University of Technology (1925). Head of the: Department of Metal Processing (1946 - 56) and Department of Mechanical Engineering (1956 - 59) at GUT. Head Manager of the Department in Machine Tools Company in Poręba (1929 - 34), manager of the technical development bureau at the Automobile Works in Ursus - part of the National Engineering Works (1935 - 39). Specialist in machine technology, the author of several books on production tooling. Professor R. Siemiński (1912-1990), graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lvov University of Technology in 1939. A lecturer at Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow after the war. From 1951, Manager of the Departament of Woodworking Machines at Gdansk University of Technology, which he ran for 18 years. Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering at GUT (1966 - 69) as well as the first Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Professor R. Siemiński’s output includes 80 publications, among others, a course book “Woodworking Machines” (1955), which had three reeditions (the last edition in 1991). Professor R. Siemiński organized the unique educational specialization in Poland – “Woodworking Machines and Devices”. Professor M. Janiczek (1902-1960), assistant professor at Lvov University of Technology until 1940 which he had graduated and received the PhD degree. After the war, professor M. Janiczek lectured at the Faculty of Forestry at Jagiellonian University, the Higher School of Agriculture and Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow. In 1951, he became manager of the Department of Wood Product Engineering which he ran until he passed away in 1960. Also Dean of the Faculty of Machine Technology (1958 - 60). The author of number of scientific publications on wood technology and machines for wood industry. Assistant Professor Stanisław Horiszny, DSc, (1917-1981), graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Lvov University of Technology in 1941. Started work in February 1946 at Gdansk University of Technology in the Department of Construction of Metal Working Machines, where he worked until his untimely death in 1981. Manager of the Department of Metal Machining (1956 - 61). A renowned specialist in design of the machine tools, particularly cutting-off machines. For his service in the Polish Army during the war, Staniaław Horiszny was honoured with a Medal of the Campaign of Berlin. Assistant Professor Stanisław Miłoś, MSc, (1911-2001), received the MSc degree in 1939 at Lvov University of Technology. His career at GUT started in 1946. Organizer of the Faculty of Machine Technology and was its first Dean (1956-58). Manager of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (1959-60). Specialist in the machine technology and production tooling. The list of other late meritorious academic teachers of the Department must be complemented by the following names: Assistant professor Edward Dylewski, MSc, (died probably in 1983), the organizer and manager of the Institute of Workshop Metrology. Retired in 1960. Assistant professor Zbigniew Bujniewicz, DSc, (died in 1989), lecturer of metrology, head of the Technical Diagnostic Section. Zbigniew Bujniewicz was honoured with the Medal of the Polish Army four times. Assistant professor Franciszek Wójcik, DSc, (died in 1964), manager of the Department of Metal Machining (1961 64), a renowned specialist in machine cutting and metal plastic processing. 19 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Assistant professor Leszek Eker, (born in 1906), the founder and the first manager of the Departament of Metal Processing (1945), who also was a secondary school teacher in Krakow. Retired in 1970. Assistant professor Władysław Klimkiewicz, DSc, (1920-1998) – Deputy Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, manager of the Institute of Machine Tools, specialist in machines for wood processing. His achievements include co-creation of unconventional frame sawing machines. Retired in 1990. Assistant professor Tadeusz Burkiewicz, DSc, (1922-2001) – Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering (1977 - 78), the organizer of the Laboratory of Plastics Processing. Soldier in Warsaw Uprising, honoured with a number of War Medals. Retired in 1991. Professor Romuald Dziewanowski (1911-2002) – Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering (1965 - 66) as well as manager of the Department of Wood Mechanical Engineering, a renowned specialist in wood technology. Retired in 1981. The credits should also be given to the living, currently retired professors for their contribution to the development of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation: Professor Mieczysław Feld (born in 1924). Formerly Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering (1973-1992), promoter of a number of PhD dissertations by the Department’s employees, the author of several valuable book publications and academic course books on machine technology. Retired in 1994. Professor Romuald Kolman (born in 1922). Former Vice-Dean, Manager of the Department of Machining and Head of the Institute of Quality Engineering and Metrology, promoter of several PhD dissertations, author of several books and manuals on machine cutting, metrology, quality and methodology of scientific work. Retired in 1991. Figure 10: The employees of the Technological Process Design and Automation Section (1994): 1st row (from the left to the right) - M. Deja, MSc, A. Zalewski, PhD, L. Dziewanowski, PhD prof. M. Feld, prof. W. Przybylski; 2nd row - H. Biegalski, PhD, M. Zawadzki, MSc, T. Bocheński, PhD, A. Barylski, PhD, P. Jagodziński, MSc, M. Siemiątkowski, PhD 20 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 11: The employees of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation during a ceremony of Professor M. Feld’s retirement from the office of Department Manager: in the row on the right professor R. Dziewanowski, professor R. Kolman, A. Balawender, DSc (Dean of Faculty of ME), professor M. Feld, Z. Walczyk, DSc (Vice-Dean of Faculty of ME), professor W. Przybylski, M. Szczepińska (31 August 1994) The Department also owes its credits to its former employees – professor A. Osiecki, assistant prof. K. Grelak and assistant professor J. Bartosiewicz. The employees of the Department who have also performed a number of important functions in the authorities of the Faculty and the University: Vice-Rector of Gdansk University of Technology Prof. Edward T. Geisler (1945-46), Prof. Włodzimierz Przybylski (199699, 1999-2002). Deans of the Faculty of Production Engineering: Assistant prof. Stanisław Miłoś (1956-59), Prof. Mieczysław Janiczek (195960), Prof. Romuald Dziewanowski (1965-66, 1969-75), Prof. Ryszard Siemiński (1966-69), Assistant prof. Tadeusz Burkiewicz (1977-78), Prof. Włodzimierz Przybylski (198790, 1990-93), Associate prof. Adam Barylski (since 2002). Acknowledgements should be given to the academic lecturers who have worked in the Department for forty years or longer. This number includes: Elżbieta Meller, PhD, (retired in 2002), Andrzej Meller, PhD, (retired in 2005), Leszek Dziewanowski, PhD, (retired in 2005), Prof. Włodzimierz Przybylski, PhD, (since 1963). 21 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Table 1: The employees of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, who have qualified as Professors in 1945-2006. No Name and Surname Graduated as Associate Graduated as Full Professor Professor 1 Edward Geisler 1921 1923 2 Włodzimierz Mermon 1955 3 Mieczysław Janiczek 1957 4 Ryszard Siemiński 1960 1972 5 Romuald Dziewanowski 1968 6 Romuald Kolman 1971 1985 7 Andrzej Osiecki 1983 1992 8 Mieczysław Feld 1986 - 9 Włodzimierz Przybylski 1993 Within the period 1945 - 2006 the Department has employed several tens of Doctors of Science and Professors (Table l). Nowadays, the Department has one professor and two assistant professors, one of them employed as associate professor of Gdansk University of Technology. The current state of employment at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (as at April 1, 2006) by structure unit: Section of Manufacturing Processes Planning and Automation: Professor Włodzimierz Przybylski, PhD – head of section, Associate professor Adam Barylski, DSc, Henryk Biegalski, PhD, lecturer, Tadeusz Bocheński, PhD, senior lecturer, Stefan Dzionk, PhD, lecturer, 22 - Comments died in 1966 died in 1959 died in 1960 died in 1990 died in 2002 retired in 1991 Regular employment as a professor at GUT since 1997, retired in 1994 Regular employment as a professor at GUT since 1997 Michał Dobrzyński, PhD, lecturer, Jarosław Niedojadało PhD, lecturer, Rajmund Rytlewski, PhD, senior lecturer, Mieczysław Siemiątkowski, PhD, lecturer, Jerzy Wojciechowski, PhD, senior lecturer, Andrzej Zalewski, PhD, senior lecturer, Bogdan Ścibiorski, MSc, assistant, Aleksandra Wiśniewska, MSc, assistant, part-time employee. Section of Machine Tools and Machining Roman Wasielewski, DSc, lecturer head of section, phone: 347 21 01, Wojciech Blacharski, PhD, lecturer, Kazimierz Orłowski, DSc, lecturer, Henryk Pochmara, MSc, senior lecturer. 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Quality Engineering and Metrology Section: Piotr Grudowski, PhD, lecturer, head of section, phone: 347 14 34, Adam Boryczko, DSc, lecturer, Jolanta Preihs, Dr, senior lecturer, Piotr Waszczur, PhD, assistant. Section of Plastics Engineering: Kazimierz Dembczyński, MSc, senior lecturer – head of section, phone: 347 11 19, Jerzy Issajewicz, PhD, senior lecturer, Sławomir Szymański, PhD, lecturer, Tomasz Seramak, PhD, lecturer, Sławomir Klimkiewicz, MSc, specialist. Educational Laboratories Section: Jerzy Zieliński, PhD, chief specialist, head of section Zygmunt Foremnik – senior technician, Paweł Vetter – senior technician, Krzysztof Kiewlicz, Eng., senior specialist, head of CAPP laboratory, Olgierd Kiewlicz, computer operator, part-time employee. Educational Aids Studio: Krzysztof Kiewlicz, Eng., senior specialist. Secretary Office: Mirosława Szczepińska, independent rapporteur. Figure 12: Employees of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (state of employment as at April 1, 2006) 23 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation 4. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES In the beginning years of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, its educational activities focused on professional training of the students and development of teaching syllabuses and methodology [4]. Moreover, throughout the whole period since 1945, the Faculty has provided a supplementary part time MSc courses as continuation of bachelor courses. These courses have received 80 -100 candidates a year with at least two year long professional experience in industry and following to an entrance exam. The part time bachelor courses (named engineer studies of the 1st degree) have been available in the specialization of: machine tools, tools and mechanical engineering. The Faculty offers a two and half year long Master Degree course to the outstanding graduates of the bachelor courses. In 1956, unified six year long supplementary part time MSc courses were offered to working engineers and extramural MSc courses to other candidates. However, both projects were terminated in 1963/64 due to their low educational efficiency. In total, the part time professional and weekend studies were completed by 691 graduates in academic years 1956/57 - 1968/69. The Institute of Mechanical Engineering has offered the following specializations in the following profiles: mechanics, manufacturing engineering, machine tools and devices engineering. These specializations were also available at GUT Branch in Elbląg full time and supplementary options as well as at the postgraduate course in Heavy Elements Engineering. In the years 1990-2002 the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation participated in education and graduation of students in two curriculum profiles: 24 Mechanics and Machine Building, with the following degree options: manufacturing process planning and automation, heavy machinery engineering, machine tools for metal processing, machine repair engineering, exploitation of technological machines and devices, organisation and management (with specialization in production management). Automatics and Robotics with the degree option of: flexible manufacturing systems. The Department offers lectures on a wide range of topics organized in 40 subjects, mostly combined with laboratory training. The Department graduates approximately 60 students per academic year in 4 specializations within the Mechanics and Machine Building profile: production engineering and computer aided manufacturing processes, quality engineering and manufacturing management, computer aided production engineering supplementary MSc courses, flexible manufacturing systems. In the period of 1996-1999, the Department developed and carried out „European MSc Course of Management and Control of Loan Production in Network Computer Systems” with financial support of the UE program TEMPUS (Fig. 13). That two semester course, run in cooperation with the Universities of Karlsruhe and Louvain, was completed by 35 students. As a result of the project, the Department was enriched by a modern laboratory of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. The project was supervised by Prof. Włodzimierz Przybylski 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation as its contractor, and directed by Dr. Jerzy Wojciechowski as the project manager. The group of lecturers included 6 professors of the Universities of Karlsruhe (Prof. Dieter Spath, Prof. Hans Grabowski, Prof. Ulrich Rembold and Prof. Rüdiger Dillmann) and Catholic University of Louvain (Prof. Jean- Claude Samin, Prof. Benoît Raucent, Prof. Philippe Chevalier and Prof. Marc Lobelle) as well as the Polish GUT specialists: (Prof. Włodzimierz Przybylski, Prof. Józef Woźniak, Dr. Jerzy Wojciechowski, Dr. Mieczysław Siemiątkowski, Dr. Piotr Grudowski and Dr. Wojciech Molisz). Figure 13 25 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 14: The Reunion of 1968 Graduates of the Faculty of Production Engineering, with the Department staff held at May 21, 1993. In the middle of the 1st row, in a light-coloured suit, Rector of GUT, professor E. Wittbrodt – a graduate of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Additionally, the completion of 21 MSc degree dissertations throughout the last seven years has involved cooperation with other European universities as a part of the European project of student exchange „SOCRATES”. 5. RESEARCH ACTIVITY It would be impossible to render all the scientific achievements of the Department throughout 60 years in the present account, of which the detail information can be found in “Annual Reports” published by GUT [8]. Therefore, only the most significant accomplishments of the period 1945-2006 will be listed below in chronological order: Design of cutting-off machine to cut-off with diamond wheels. Research and design of twist drill sharpening machine, Design of multiradial drilling machine which was produced for many years by H. Cegielski Company. Design of a few new industrial plants was performed. Development of hydraulic devices for measurement of oil flow rate. Research on process and design of surface cleaning device by hydrodynamic abrasive machining method. Design of hydroplastic universal chucks. Development of special machine tools for mass production of bicycles. The 1945 – 1969 period Research on machining properties of cutting resistant materials such as: semiconductors, cerametals, laminates, rubber and quartz. 26 Design of gear hobbing machine. Development of measurement method of shaft-line of ships. Development profilometer. of unique wood 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Development of circular saws manufacturing method and design of variety woodworking machines, i.e. sandpapering machine a lot produced for export. Development of the set of wood quality criteria according to stipulated elements method. A mention should be made here of the achievements of the students active in the Process Engineers Students’ Scientific Circle, presented at four sessions of “Polish National Seminar of Students and Young Mechanical and Technology Engineers” from 1965 to 1968. The Seminars were initiated and led by professor St. Miłoś; now his work is continued by J. Wojciechowski, PhD. The 1970 - 1993 period This period witnessed the activity of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering. The Department’s activity focused on research into manufacturing engineering, carried out as a part of Central Research Project Coordination Office (CPBP). Research on finishing process optimization with tools design: lapping, abrasive cut-off, milling, burnishing, et al. Research on group machining technology and flexible manufacturing systems. processing machines, abrasive cut-off saws, lapping and burnishing machines. Research on plastics injection moulding process and technology. Research and prediction of operational properties of machine elements surface layer. Technological diagnostics of manufacturing machines by geometric structure measurement of machined surface. Research and implementation corporate quality control systems. of Major scientific achievements within the last five years of activity of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, continued by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation include the following projects, realized as part of various research and industrial programs: Selected problems of products quality in electromachinery industry - CPB-02.20. Automatic abrasive cut-off machine for steel bars and pipes up to 50 mm. Multi-ribbed segmental grinding wheel (1300 mm) for cutting-off large profiles. Fundamentals of flat surfaces lapping process and design of single-disk lapping machine – CPBP-02.20. Abrasive cut-off machine type PS04 for cutting of cutting resistant materials (with bench oscillatory movement and flexible feed system). planning Computer aided process planning of cylindrical gears – government department subject RP-I-06. Research on cutting tools and their reliability. Crankless sash gang saw with kinetic energy accumulator – CPBR-6.5. Research on technological quality of lapping, burnishing, abrasive cutting-off and milling of complex surfaces. Automatic piston injection machine type WT15MDA. Computer (CAPP). aided process Design of manufacturing machines and devices, i.e. sash gang saws, plastics Automatic machine for oscillatory superfinishing of gears holes for Vehicle Gearbox Factory POLMO in Tczew. 27 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 15: Turning and burnishing lathe type TUR 50CNC-N with Sinumerik 810T control system for simultaneous machining shafts with high slenderness ratio and piston rods by turning and burnishing – developed within framework of the Central Research Project Coordination Office project – CPBR-6.1 28 Geometrical structure of surface (SGP) measurement and analysis in manufacturing process and machine tools diagnostics - CPBP-02.20. Metrological spectral analysis of geometrical surface structure in machine tools diagnosis – subject of habilitation thesis of A. Konczakowski, PhD, who died in 1991. Burnishing lathe type TUR 50CNC-N for machining of shafts with especially high slenderness ratio – CPBR 6.1-1 (according to own patent from year 1993, in cooperation with Ponar factory). Burnishing of crank disk journals of adjusting-pitch propeller (for ABBZAMECH company in Elbląg). Flexible manufacturing system of complex surfaces turning WJP-407 (for HYDROSTER plant in Gdansk). Quality diagnosis and improvement methodology within EU quality systems standards framework – grant of State Committee for Scientific Research. Optimization of sliding burnishing process on CNC lathes - grant of State Committee for Scientific Research. In the 1970 - 1993 period the Department collaborated with the Technische Universität Berlin, Fochhochschule Hamburg, Hochschule Bremen, University of Oulu, Moskovskij Avtomechaniczeskij Institut, Technical University of Budapest, Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Brne as well as approximately 20 production plants and scientific institutes in Poland. 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Table 2: No The employees of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, who have qualified as Assistant Professors in 1994-2006 Name and surname Graduated as Associate Professor At Employed at the Department 1 2 Romuald Kolman Andrzej Osiecki 1962 1965 Warsaw UT Warsaw UT 3 4 5 6 7 8 Andrzej Balawender Józef Bartosiewicz Adam Barylski Roman Wasielewski Kazimierz Orłowski Adam Boryczko 1989 1989 1994 2000 2004 2005 Wroclaw UT Warsaw UT Wroclaw UT Gdansk UT Gdansk UT Gdansk UT 1964-91 1952-57 and 1966-77 1965-77 1967-97 1974 1975 1976 1975 Figure 16: Automatic machine for oscillatory superfinishing of gears holes The 1994-2006 period Period of last 12 years have witnessed the re-organization of the Department as a result of which it has incorporated all the scientific teams active in the field of machine tooling and mechanical engineering. In 1994, the Department employed 50 staff, including 32 academic lecturers. In 1995 a thorough restructuring and modernization was started at the Laboratory 29 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Process (the so-called workshop). Facing reduction of industrial orders the workshop was turned into an educational research laboratory. Among other changes, its machine tools were moved to create a nest arrangement of CNC machine tools, robots and burnishing tools. Two new educational rooms for the practicing students were furnished with display panels and exhibits. Following to that, other laboratories were modernized and new special laboratories opened, primarily for scientific research works, but also available for educational purposes and degree research. The laboratories are listed in Fig. 5. New special equipment and software was purchased to furnish Department laboratories, including: Computers and special computer software, CAM software e.g. Mastercam, Witness, Preactor, KSPT and KSPF ver 2, Sysklass, Denford CIM, CADMOLD-3D, license of network version I-DEAS software was extended to 20 stands. Denford-Cyclone CNC lathe. Denford-Triac CNC mill with tool magazine. Two industrial robots (IRp6 and IRB 2400) and trilevel rotary storage. Stylus profilometer Hommel Tester T500. Stereoscopic microscope type SMZ-2T NIKON with image analysis software. Die sinking EDM type FORM2-LCZ NC from Agie Charmilles Corporation. Stereolithography machine (SLA) with „Lightyear” software from 3D Systems Corporation. Vertical CNC mill. Scientific Research and the Polish Science Development Fund (2004). In the last 12 years the following research projects were carried out at the Department, financed by the State Committee for Scientific Research: The mentioned above equipment was purchased from the funds of the TEMPUS program (1996-1999) run by the Department as well as financed by State Committee for 30 Development of method and computer software for selection of parameters of machine elements burnishing process – 1995 (directed by W. Przybylski). Diagnosis of machine-tools by the spectral analysis of the workpiece surface geometrical structure and the research on servo-drive-mechanism of technological machines. Research on wood cutting on sash gang saws with energy accumulation and system balancing with narrow-kerf saw blades with elliptical tool movement – 1997 (directed by W. Klimkiewicz). Design of special abrasive-metallic laps and research on the industrial applications – 1998 (directed by A. Barylski). Design of special abrasive-metallic laps and research on the industrial applications – 1998 (directed by A. Barylski). Methodology of diagnosis of small firms’ quality management systems and their adjustment to international quality management standards – 1998 (directed by R. Kolman). Determining of dependency of grinding wheels characteristic features and functional properties of cut-off process – 1999 (directed by M. Feld). Analysis of single-disc lapping in the aspect of flatness requirements of lapped surfaces – 2001 (directed by A. Barylski, promoter grant - M. Deja). Research on wood cutting process with narrow-kerf saw blades on sash gang saw with elliptical trajectory tool movement – 2001 (directed by W. Przybylski, contractors: R. Wasielewski, K. Orłowski). 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 17: The new Laboratory of Flexible Manufacturing Systems at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, built mainly from the funds of the TEMPUS European program The Department’s scientists also participated in several international research projects, such as: Zeitfenstergesteuerte Fertigung von Bautelilen in segmentierten Unternehmen. D1 (TU Karlsruhe – 2001). Optimierung der Arbeitsund Technologieplanung durch Berucksichtidung von interaktionen E5 (TU Karlsruhe – 2002). Joining by Rolling for Flexible Manufacture of Lightweinght Frame Structures DFG- TRANSREGIO-10 (TU Dortmund - 2003-2006). Bilateral Scientific Program “POLONIUM” with cooperation of IUT in Troyes (France). The last decade’s major scientific research and construction elaborations prepared at the Department include: Design of sash gang saw type PRW-15, which production was stared by REMA company in Reszel and is selling by austrian company Wintersteiger (Gold Medal at Poznan International Fair DREMA 1999 and President’s Cup awarded by the President of Supreme Engineers’ Organization and Minister of Science and Computerization in year 2004. Vision controller of circular saw teeth type WKOPTar – 2004. Tools for burnishing of hardened steel for Alstom Power Inc. and MAAG in Elbląg) and large turbine rotors – Gold Medal of VIPO (in Geneva) at Gdansk International Exhibition of Inventions 2002. Special lapping tools with abrasivemetallic inserts for flat lapping. Segmental grinding wheel for metal cutoff. 31 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Attachment for electromechanical burnishing of shaft journals on lathes. Trilevel, cooperating with IRp6 robot rotary shaft magazine – 2001. Technological robotic stand consisting of ABB-IRB-2400 robot and pneumatic attachment – 2004. The Department collaborates with a number of production plants, such as, for example: Alstom Inc., MAAG Gear Zamech, Eaton Truck Components in Tczew, part of Eaton Corporation, ANDRE Abrasive Articles in Koło, Factory of Woodworking Machinery REMA in Reszel as well as the LONZA Company in Gdansk. In 2004, the POLONIA bilateral scientific program was started in collaboration with the URCA University of Reims and IUT University of Troyes. The program involved the exchange of five Department staff members, who went to France, and two French Professors, who arrived at GUT. The scope of research includes the application of fuzzy logic control systems in FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems), with regard to product quality. The Deparment has also collaborated with the following foreign Universities: Universität Berlin, University of Miskolc, Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Troyes (France), Universität Karlsruhe (Germany), Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Technická Univerzita vo Zwolene (Slovakia, started from 2004). As part of collaboration, several international conferences and symposia have been organised in the area of finishing technology and manufacturing engineering: XXII School of Abrasive Machining (1999), Quality Engineering - conferences in 1997 and 2005, Engineering of Machine Elements Surface Layer – Scientific Session of State Committee for Scientific Research of Polish Academy of Science (1997), Finishing Machining – II, IV, VI – International Seminar (1995, 1998, 2002) jointly with 32 Universities of Berlin and Miskolc, II Symposium “Selected Problems on Process Planning” (2004), IX Conference “Burnishing technology (2005). Together with Karlsruhe University, the Department has organized the following seminars: Cost Reduction by Optimised Business Processes – Seminar (1990), An Approach for Production Planning and Control for Decentralized Structures (2001), Trends of Production Technology (2 seminars) and four International Colloquiums (2002, 2003). The Symposium: “Selected Problems on Process Planning” (2004), with the participation of foreign lecturers, was dedicated to the 80th birthday of Professor M. Feld, whereas the National Conference “Quality Engineering ’02” was dedicated to Professor R. Kolman’s 80th birthday. In the 1997-2004 period, the Department organised two Seminars as part of Plenary Meetings of the Machine Construction Committee at GUT. The seminars were prepared and hosted by professor W. Przybylski (member of State Committee for Scientific Research of Polish Academy of Science since 2000). The years 1997-2004 also witnessed scientific training trips to the Universities abroad, such as the traineeship of the assistant lecturers: M. Deja at TU Berlin and BU London and P. Jagodziński at BU London and U. Patras, D. Ścibiorski, M. Dobrzyński and R. Hochschulz (at TU Karlsruhe), S. Dzionk, B. Ścibiorski and A. Wiśniewska (at IUT de Troyes). Within the last 12 years, 8 assistant lecturers graduated as Doctors of Science, and 4 lecturers qualified as assistant professors. The research scope conducted at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation is focused on the following areas: 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Optimization of conventional cutting processes as well as the tools design, especially for lapping, abrasive cuttingoff, turning and milling. Optimization of burnishing process as well as tool and jigs design – for turning-burnishing, sliding, electromechanical and oscillatory burnishing of carbon and hardened steel. Modelling, planning and design of manufacturing process structures along with CAx and CIM technologies and strategies of tool flow control and management TDM. Issues of flexibly automated manufacturing in Flexible Manufacturing Systems FMS. Table 3: No Sawing of wood, especially with narrow-kerf saws and sash gang saws design and saw measurement facility. Diagnosis of machine tools as well as spectral analysis of workpiece surface geometrical structure and research on servo-drives of machine tools. Injection moulding of plastics, modelling and computer simulation of injection process and research on plastics composite reinforced with thermoset recycled material. Quality engineering in production systems including total quality management and statistical process control methodology. The employees of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation and collaborators, who have conducted research and qualified as Doctors of Science in 1945-2006 (in chronological order). Name and Surname Graduation year Promoter 1 Edward Tadeusz Geisler 1953 2 Tadeusz Burkiewicz 1964 prof. R. Siemiński 3 Władysław Klimkiewicz 1964 prof. R. Siemiński 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Kazimierz Grelak Stanisław Horiszny Andrzej Jorasz Zbigniew Bujniewicz Wacław Dziewulski Józef Bartosiewicz Andrzej Meller Roman Bąk Waldemar Dedel Ryszard Rudziejewski Zygmunt Paszota Andrzej Balawender Leszek Dziewanowski Włodzimierz Przybylski Elżbieta Meller Andrzej Zalewski Eugeniusz Głuchowski 1964 1966 1966 1969 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 prof. R. Siemiński prof. T. Geisler prof. T. Perkitny prof. A. Zimniak A. Osiecki, as. prof. prof. R. Kolman prof. R. Kolman prof. R. Kolman prof. R. Kolman prof. R. Kolman A. Osiecki, as. prof. A. Osiecki, as. prof. Z. Jaworski, as. prof. prof. R. Kolman prof. R. Kolman prof. K. Zygmunt A. Osiecki, as. prof. Comments/time of employment Professor, died in 1996 Asisstant professr, died in 2001 Asisstant professr, died in 1998 Employment to 1980 Professor, died in 1981 Retired in 1986 Asisstant professr, died in 1989 Employment to 1977 Employment to 1997 Employment to 2005 Employment to 1981 Employment to 1976 Employment to 1981 Employment to 1977 Employment to 1977 Employment to 2005 Employment to 2001 Employment to 1977 33 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Table 3: continued 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Bazyli Kominów Andrzej Konczakowski Jerzy Wojciechowski Andrzej Szpunar Józef Niegoda Ryszard Brzoskowski Witold Szydłowski Jerzy Issajewicz Adam Barylski Roman Wasielewski Adam Boryczko Krzysztof Kochlewski Kazimierz Orłowski Marek Zieliński Jerzy Wiśniewski Andrzej Radlak Zbigniew Dambek Tadeusz Bocheński Rajmund Rytlewski Jolanta Preihs Anna Bień Henryk Biegalski 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1979 1982 1983 1983 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1988 1990 1991 43 Jerzy Zieliński 1993 44 Piotr Grudowski 45 Jarosław Niedojadło 1993 1995 46 Sławomir Szymański 2000 47 48 49 50 51 52 2001 2001 2003 2003 2005 2006 Tomasz Tkaczyk Mariusz Deja Stefan Dzionk Tomasz Seramak Michał Dobrzyński Piotr Waszczur St. Horiszny, as. prof. Z. Bujniewicz, as. prof. prof. Z. Jaworski M. Feld, as. prof. A. Osiecki, as. prof. T. Burkiewicz, as. prof. T. Burkiewicz, as. prof. prof. R. Siemiński M. Feld, as. prof. prof. Cz. Cempel Z. Bujniewicz, as. prof. Z. Bujniewicz, as. prof. M. Feld, as. prof. Z. Bujniewicz, as. prof. M. Feld, as. prof. M. Feld, as. prof. prof. R. Kolman prof. M. Feld W. Przybylski, as. prof. prof. R. Kolman W. Przybylski, as. prof. prof. M. Feld W. Przybylski, as. prof. and prof. M. Feld prof. R. Kolman prof. W. Przybylski W. Lewandowski, as. prof. prof. R. Kolman A. Barylski, as. prof. prof. W. Przybylski prof. W. Przybylski prof. W. Przybylski prof. W. Przybylski Apart from the number of DSc and Assistant Professor graduations, the dynamics of the Department’s scientific development is also testified to by numerous publications by the Department’s scientific team members. For 34 Employment to 2001 Asisstant professr, died in 1991 Employment to 1987 Employment to 1977 Employment to 1984 Employment to 1985 Employment to 1989 Employment to 1987 Employment to 1990 Employment to 1989 Employment to 1986 instance, in the period between 1982 and 2005, 1000 publications were made (including 180 publications abroad), and 57 patents were granted. 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Figure 18: View of sash gang saw type PRW – 15 Over the last 25 years, several books have been published, inclusive of 18 monographs by such authors as: W. Mermon, M. Jungst, M. Feld, S. Miłoś, R.Kolman, W. Przybylski, J. Bartosiewicz, E. Meller, A. Meller, A. Szpunar, R. Sikora, A. Konczakowski, A. Barylski, R. Wasielewski, K. Orłowski, A. Boryczko, P. Grudowski. One of the books, “Technology of Surface Plastic Working” by W. Przybylski, was published in Russian in 1991 by Metalurgija Publishing House in Moscow. The Department scientists have also written nearly twenty manuals and educational scripts for students. The most renowned are the manuals by Professor M. Feld on machine technology and production tooling, re-edited several times. activity as part of different structures at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of GUT, leads to the following concluding remarks: The present Department is the largest structural unit at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at GUT, which continues comprehensive studies in the areas covered by the technological Departments of the previous years and the Institute of Mechanical Engineering. The recent period has witnessed a considerable growth in the Department’s scientific and educational output, which is evident in the large number of scientific publications and issued books and scripts. Moreover, the increase can be noticed in the number of the degree options, course syllabus profiles as well as student (SOCRATES) and staff exchange program with foreign Universities. Over the last 12 years, the scientific staff qualified as Assistant Professors, Doctors of Science (DSc) and Senior 6. FINAL REMARKS The analysis of the achievements of the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation in the 60 years of its 35 60th Anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation Lecturers has considerably grown in numbers. The number of well-equipped Department specialist laboratories has increased. The employment at the Department has fallen by 6 in 1994-2006, due to: reduction of the teaching hours from approx. 10.000 in 1994/95 down to 6000 in 2004/05, closing down of the Branch of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of GUT in Elbląg, as well as the transfer of some teaching hours from assistant lecturers to postgraduate students. For the same reason, the number of technical staff was reduced from 16 to 5. [4] Horiszny, S.: Faculty of Production Engineering. In: Gdansk University of Technology 1945-1970. Memorial book. GUT, Gdansk 1970. [5] Feld, M.: A review of the scientific research activity of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering in years 19761981. In: Works of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering – GUT, State Committee for Scientific Research of Polish Academy of Science, Meeting of PT Section in Gdansk, 1981. [6] Przybylski, W.: 30 anniversary of the Faculty of Production Engineering. Proceedings of the 30th Anniversary Jubilee Session of the PE Faculty Council, GUT, Gdansk, May 22, 1987 [7] Gili, E.: The outline history of the 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1945-1995) – GUT. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdansk, 1995 [8] Reports from scientific-research activity and international cooperation of the Gdansk Technical University in the years 1994 – 2005. GUT, Main Library REFERENCES [1] Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In: Gdansk University of Technology 19451955. Memorial book, PWN, Warsaw, 1958 [2] Tenth Anniversary of Faculty of Production Engineering - Gdansk University of Technology. Scientific Session Materials, GUT, Faculty of Production Engineering, Gdansk, 1967. [3] Miłoś, St.: Professor Edward Tadeusz Geisler. In: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – its Founding and History, XL anniversary of Gdansk University of Technology, GUT, Gdansk, 1958 36 _________________________ Prof. Włodzimierz Przybylski is the Head of Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology.