3-Object Speech Outline

3-Object Speech Outline
Specific Purpose:
To share with my class the highlights of my life story so far through sharing three
objects that represents aspects of my journey that have brought me to this point.
A. Wake Up! (Attention Getting Material)
By a show of hands: Who has always know what you wanted to
be when you grow up? Who knows now? Who is still trying to
figure it out?
B. This is Important - WIFM – Reason to Listen
I believe that discovering who we are, who we want to be, is a
process that never ends. There is always room to change our
minds, change direction, discover new interests, improve
ourselves, become more effective human beings, and continue
growing. Life is a journey
C. Get This! (Thesis Statement)
I would like to share the highlights of my life story so far through
sharing three objects that represent aspects of my journey that
have brought me to this point.
D. Preview Statement – Internal Summary
I’ve decided to show you three objects that represent important
aspects of my journey to arrive at this moment, where I can stand
in front of you today, inviting you to know me.
A. First Object: The Doll
 Story of the doll, how she got her name.
 What she says about me: from a very early age, I have had a
strong desire to determine my own role, my own destiny. I
searched for myself.
 Transition: Self-absorbed, difficulty deciding on a path, so life
decided for me.
B. Second Object: The Apron
 My grandmother’s apron and me in the (unchosen) role of
 What is says about me: commitment to those I love, strength,
patience, willingness to make necessary sacrifices, to rise to
the occasion. I surrendered to life.
 Transition: No longer self-absorbed, but still not happy
because I was not choosing for myself.
C. Third Object: The Ori
 How I obtained the Ori, symbol of self, character, spirit, and
 What is says about me: That I am now ready to determine
my destiny and accept the consequences. I sustain myself.
A. Review Statement
Doll & Search, Apron & Surrender, Ori & Sustain.
B. So what? (Why was this important)
Now that my Search and Surrender have culminated in my ability
to be Self-Sustaining, I am a real adult.
C. Clean Up! Memorable Statement
But I wouldn’t say I’ve grown up yet. Since growing is a
process, I don’t intend to ever be finished. Because we share
a learning environment, we are growing up together for a
little while. I feel privileged to do some of my growing right
here, today, along with each of you