here - Hamden Public Schools

Hamden High School Venture
2040 Dixwell Avenue
Moira Birmingham, Advisor
Stacey Sandler, Advisor
Celebrate your
senior or
promote your
friends or
Friends and Family Senior Tribute Ad/ Business Ad Agreement
Senior ‘s
Name ___________________________________
 1/2 Page
with up to 5 pics & 100 words
 1/4 Page
with up to 3 pics & 50 words
 Business Card Ad
with 1 pic & up to 25 words
or your business card
$ 75
Sample Ad
Name ____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________
Please return this form to:
 Layout: The Venture staff is ready to
assist with the professional layout of
your ad for a $25 fee.
 Late Submission: All ad
submissions must be received by April
4th, 2016
Editing: The Venture Staff reserves the
right to reject or edit submissions that
exceed the allotted word count.
You may also order an ad online if
you’re paying with a credit card.
There is an ad builder at the web site
and no layout fee to create your ad
go to:
 paid in cash
 paid by check #
Please make checks payable to
Hamden High School.
Ms. Sandler in B107 or mail to:
Stacey Sandler
c/o Hamden High School
2040 Dixwell ave., Room B107
Hamden, CT 06514
Thank you for supporting the HHS Venture yearbook!
Hamden High School Venture
2040 Dixwell Avenue
Moira Birmingham, Advisor
Stacey Sandler, Advisor
Friends and Families Senior Tribute Ad/ Business Ad
Dear Seniors, Friends and Families, and Business Owners,
The Hamden High School Venture staff is excited to be offering the opportunity to share the
excitement of graduation with the Friends and Families Senior Tribute Ad/ Business Ad.
Parents and Guardians, this is your chance to feature your special senior. Friends, this is a way
to showcase your special group of friends, cast or teammates! Business owners, promote your
business while helping to support your local high school community!
Friends and Families Senior Tribute Ad/ Business Ad celebrate the personality and
uniqueness of your graduating senior or your group of friends, as well as a great way to promote
your business!! You may include pictures from infancy through the current day, pictures from
special events and triumphs, or a gallery of the student’s own work. The size of your ad
determines the number of pictures and words you may use. For business card ads, we need
your business card or you can use that size ad for a Friends and Families ad, as well!
Take this opportunity to congratulate your special seniors in the 2016 Venture with
Friends and Families Senior Tribute Ads/ Business Ad!!
Rules for submissions:
Use high quality print or digital photographs.
o Do not send cut-up or cut out photos or photos with creases, folds or sticky stuff.
o Avoid blurry and poorly exposed photos.
While the Venture staff does everything in their power to return hard copy
photographs, we are not responsible for lost, damaged or missing photographs.
Words should be typed – better yet, emailed:
Be sure to include the Senior’s name in the message header
Text will be edited, and grammar and spelling will be corrected if necessary.
Parents will NOT be informed of editing needed because the maximum word count
has been exceeded.
Your Tribute Ad supports the HHS yearbook. Thank you!