Core and More Lesson Planning

Core and More Lesson Planning
Topic Opener / Interactive Math Stories
Review What You Know
Skills Trace
Item Analysis for Diagnosis and Intervention
Introduce Centers
Introduce Math Project (excellent for advanced students)
Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)
Building Background Knowledge
- The Language of Math, vocabulary development (daily)
Spiral Review
Problem of the Day
Interactive Learning (10-15 minutes)
Interactive Learning is a CORE part of each lesson and needs to be done everyday.
1. What materials will you need?
2. Will each student have enough materials to model the problems?
-If they do not, will you have them pair up or adjust the problems?
3. Where will students record their work during this phase of the lesson?
- Student page
- In their “Math Journal”
- Individual Whiteboards
- On a student page from the topic pouch.
4- Will you collect, grade and record problems OR just spot check?
5- How will you check for understanding during this phase of the lesson?
- Individual whiteboards
- Call on students
- Walk around the room and observe
- Have students/groups share out
6- What learning modalities will you use during this phase of the lesson?
- Kinesthetic
- Tactile
- Visual
- Auditory
7- Will you use the EXTEND?
Visual Learning Bridge (5 minutes) and Guided Practice (10 minutes)
The visual learning bridge, at the top of each lesson, is critical to connecting the concrete to
the visual and then to the abstract. Look for “prevent misconceptions”.
Choose ONE option
- Animated CD
- Animated On-line
- Overhead Transparency
- Bridge in Student textbook
Where will students record this work?
Will you collect, grade and record OR just spot check?
How will you check for understanding?
If most students are struggling during this phase of the lesson, what will you do?
- Skip independent practice and do the differentiated instruction centers
and the intervention center for that lesson.
- Do the re-teaching sets at the back of the Topic Guide.
- Use direct instruction with various problems from the guided and
independent practice.
- Use direct instruction with various problems from the guided and
independent practice.
- Use lessons from “Meeting the Needs of ALL Students”.
- Use the differentiated instruction Intervention lesson.
5- Will some of the problems from the problem solving be part of the guided
practice or independent practice?
Independent Practice and Problem Solving (15 minutes)
Not all problems need to be assigned.
Which problems will you assign?
Where will students record their work?
Will you collect, grade and record the independent practice?
How will you check for understanding?
If students do not finish the problems assigned for independent practice, will
these problems be homework?
Formative Assessment (5 minutes)
Choose ONE option.
PLC common formative assessment
Quick Check
Writing to Explain
Mind Game
Center Activities (15 minutes)
This part of the lesson is beneficial for providing engaging activities while the teacher works
with small groups of students who need reteaching. (Tier 2)
Choose from the many options.
Math Project
Meeting Individual Needs
Teacher led Interventions
Leveled Homework
Will you do these activities and if so, when?
When will you give directions on how to play?
What materials will be needed for the activities?
Will you work with the Intervention group?
How will you determine which activities will be assigned to each group of
6- Online games
Finish Independent Practice and/or Problem Solving page.
Spiral Review Worksheet/Quick Check
Decide whether you will collect and grade homework?
Will you discuss homework? Is so, when?
On line games
Formative and Summative Assessment Tools
Test-Taking Tips for test success in each topic
Choose from the many options:
- Topic tests (online)
- Item Analysis for Diagnosis and Intervention
- Free-Response Test
- Performance Assessment
- Other Assessment Tool
- Benchmark Assessments (online)