January 11, 2015 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Holy Spirit Church
Centralia, Missouri
January 11, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Have you ever
wondered why Jesus, who was without sin, was
baptized? The baptism of Jesus symbolized and
anticipated his death. After Christ’s ascension into
heaven, baptism was required for all those who
became Christians. St. Paul makes the connection
between baptism and death for Christians when he
maintained that we are buried with Christ in
baptism, so that we may rise with him to a new life.
In what way will we be good stewards of our new
life in Christ in the coming year?
We would like to welcome all visitors and new
members to our Parish today. Registration papers
are on the bulletin board.
Mon 12 Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1,2b,6,7c,9; Mk 1:14-20
Tues 13 Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5-9; Mk 1:21-28
Wed 14 Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4,6-9; Mk 1:29-39
Thurs 15 Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-7c,8-11; Mk 1:40-45
Fri 16 Heb 4:1-5,11; Ps 78:3,4bc,6c-8; Mk 2:1-12
Sat 17 Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10,15; Mk 2:13-17
Sun 18 1 Sm 3:3b-10,19; Ps 40:2,4,7-10;
1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Mass Intentions
Mon 12 7:30 am-Mark Hellacke
Tues 13 7:30 am-Mary E. Hayes
Wed 14 7:30 am-Matt Hayes
Thurs 15 7:30 am-Deceased Members of Council 7841
Fri 16 7:30 am–Scripture service
Sat. 17 5:00 pm-Ralph Ostmann
Sun. 18 8:00 am-People
10:00 am-Harry & Rose Kendrich
Thank You for all your prayers, cards, gifts, visits,
and other acts of kindness since I have been sick.
All help to make my stay in Heritage Hall to be
Catherine Ripperger
Jesus came from Nazaareth of Galilee
and was baptized by John in Jordon
Remember those that have asked
for our prayers: Margo Romine, Annette Fashing,
Jennie Ryan, Bob Diemeke, Catherine Ripperger,
Maxine Stinocher, Carol Gene Rhodes, Ruth Bader,
Frances Hummel, Richard Freschi, Judy Stringer,
and those out of work. Also remember those
serving in the military: Ray Finlay, Nathaniel
Katz, and Jacob Schlemmer.
Roses for Life weekend will be January 10/11. The
Knights will be handing out roses for you to sign
and return.
. Coffee and Donuts!!!
St. Anne's is sponsoring coffee and donuts after the
10AM Mass on Sunday, January 11. All
parishioners are welcome! Please join us in the
MPB for some sweets and fellowship.
COMING FOR LENT--Sin separates us from the
love of God, but cultivation of virtue can restore
right relationship with Him. This Lent begin the
journey from sin to sanctity with Father Robert
Barron's spiritual study: Seven Deadly Sins and
Seven Lively Virtues. Join a small group with
other members of your Parish by contacting: Ann
Goosey at cagoosey@gmail.com or 573-881-3091.
In these small groups you come to better
understand the seven deadly sins while learning
practical advice on how to instill a life of virtue...a
true journey of conversion for Lent 2015.
The Knights will be having a rosary at 6:30 pm
on Thursday, January 15, before their regular
meeting. Everyone is invited to attend.
As of 12/31/14 we are 96.7% to
goal. 45 or 21% of our 214 parish families have
donated $10,115 toward our parish's Catholic
Stewardship Appeal goal of $10,465. That is
only $350.00 short of our goal. Please help us reach
our goal.
Liturgical Roles January 17/18
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Greeters Barbara Loch, Lucille Ostmann
Lectors: Volunteer
Servers: Gus & Lily Stidham,
Communion: Jason Kehl
Ministers: Volunteer
Gifts: Jeremy Henson Family
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Greeters: John Ripperger, Roger Barela
Lectors: Dave Holsinger, Volunteer
Servers: Volunteers, Volunteers
Communion: Harvey Million, Sr.
Ministers: Louise Million
Gifts: Bob Benoit Family
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Greeters: Larry Ryan, Brian Crocker
Lectors: Rhonda Gibler, Linda Dowell
Servers: Kendall Gibler, Alery Crocker, Niclole Allen
Communion Sterling Schneller
Ministers: Marilyn Schneller
Gifts: Mark Stinson Family
2014-2015 BUDGET
Assessments Fiscal
Weekly Goal
28 $2316.00
Weekly Tithe to Date: $74,626.47 Jan
4 $4071.00
Diocesan Assessments Fiscal year:
July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015
Monthly Cathedracticum $375.00
Calendar of Reservations for MPB
St. Anne Fellowship 1st Thursday 7:00pm
St. Anne Crafts 2nd Wed. afternoons
CCD Wed evenings
Knights of Columbus third Thursday evenings
1st and 3rd Sundays Confirmation after 10:00
Mass and Adult Preparation Class 6:00
Donuts & Coffee 2nd Sunday after 10:00 Mass
Sunday, January 25 Parishioner Rental 3:00 pm
Friday & Saturday January 30 & 31, February
7th KC Shrimp Fest
January ‘15
Sun 11 Donuts after 10:00 Mass
Tues 13 5-8gr. Youth Group Activity Night
7:00-8:00 pm
Tues 13 Parish Council 7:00 PM
Wed 14 St. Ann’s Craft Group 11:30
Wed 14 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Thurs 15 Knights of Columbus Rosary at 6:30;
Social time 7:00 and meeting 7:30 PM
Sun. 18 Adult Preparation Class 6:00 PM
Mon 19 Strong Catholic Family Planning Mtg.
Tues 20 St. Anne Sodality Chairs Mtg 6:30
Wed 21 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Thurs 22 41st Anniversary of Roe v Wade
Thurs 22 Fourth Degree Knights
Mon 27 Rosary 7:00 PM
Wed 28 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Sat 30 5-8 gr Youth Group Service Day 9:00 am
Sat 30/31 Knights of Columbus Shrimp Fest
February 2015
Sun 1
Sun 1
Wed 4
Thurs 5
Sat 7
Sun 7/8
Sun 8
Tues 10
Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday
Confirmation after 10:00 Mass
CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
St. Ann’s Fellowship Tea 7:00 PM
Knights of Columbus Shrimp Fest
Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday
Donuts and fellowship after 10:00 Mass
5-8gr. Youth Group Activity Night
7:00-8:00 pm
Tues 10 Parish Council Meeting 7:00 PM
Wed 11 St. Anne Crafts 1:30 PM
Wed 11 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Sun 15 Adult Formation Class 6:00 PM MPB
Wed 18 Ash Wednesday 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM
NO CCD/Fellowship
Thurs 19 Knights of Columbus Rosary 6:30,
Social time 7:00, Meeting 7:30
Fri 20 Stations 6:30, meal following for everyone
Mon 23 Rosary 7:00 PM
Wed 25 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Thurs 26 4th Degree Knights
Fri 27 Stations 6:30, Meal following for everyone
Sat 28 Youth Group Service Day 9:00
VI. The Sacrament of Penance and
The Sacrament of forgiveness
1446 Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance for
all sinful members of his Church: above all for
those who, since Baptism, have fallen into grave
sin, and have thus lost their baptismal grace and
wounded ecclesial communion. It is to them that
the sacrament of Penance offers a new possibility to
convert and to recover the grace of justification.
The Fathers of the Church present this sacrament as
“the second plank [of salvation] after the shipwreck
which is the loss of grace.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Thank you: Thank you for all your prayers, cards,
visits, food and calls while Butch was sick and
since he died. I am so very blessed to have had the
care and support of the Holy Spirit Parish family
with me during this time.
Parish Council Agenda Tuesday, January 13,
Financial Report
Eagle Scout Project
Food Collection and $1.00 Sunday first full
weekend of the month.
Knights of Columbus meets the third
Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Rosary at
6:30 pm.
St. Anne’s Craft Group meets the second
Wednesday each month.
St. Anne’s Fellowship Group: meets the first
Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm. The
February Meeting will be our Annual Tea on
Feb. 5. A really enjoyable evening.
5th THRU 8th
GRADE YOUTH GROUP---Youth Activity
Night Tuesday Jan. 13th from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
and Youth Service Day Saturday January 31st at
9:00A.M. Come join in the fun! Mendy Bates
(573-721-3156) and Misty Werkmeister (682-4985)
have volunteered to lead this group! If you are
interested in helping with this group in any way
please let Misty or Mindy know or contact Ann
Goosey 573-881-3091/cagoosey@gmail.com.
Father Offutt’s new email is
St. Anne Crafts will meet on Wednesday, January
14 at 11:30 to go to Porky’s in Mexico then to shop
at Bob Diemeke’s Flea Market in Thompson. We
will meet at the MPB. Let Mary know if you plan
to attend.
Taking Bids for the 3 hole sink that was taken out
of the MPB. You may turn in bids to the office or in
the offering basket between now and Monday,
January 12.
Pastoral Plan-New Parishioners and Catholic
“A Night in Bethlehem” review-Betty
Sequence of Construction on CCD Building
Floor Plans
Presenting the building to the Parish
Bid for construction of the inside
CCD/Adult Ed.-Ann Goosey
Knights of Columbus-Larry Ryan
St. Anne’s-Cassie Carrico
Strong Catholic Family: Planning Meeting
Monday, January 19 from 6:30-7:30. The
purpose of this group is to provide activities to help
families nurture the faith of their children. Betty
Gooding is heading up a committee for Strong
Catholic Family activities in our parish for our
youth and adults. We need participation from
members to make this successful. If you are
interested in being involved, suggestions and ideas
needed as well as planning 2015 -2016 activities
and dates. Everyone one is encouraged to be a part
of this committee even those without youth in the
parish. Contact Betty at 573-355-1864 or 682-2827
to help with this.
Confirmation Date: Thursday, November 5, 2015
at 7:00 PM
St. Anne Sodality Annual Tea will be Thursday,
February 5th at 7:00 pm in the MPB. This is a really
enjoyable evening. There will be beautifully
decorated tables, delicious snacks and a guest
speaker. Plus there will be great fellowship. If you
are interested in decorating a table, please contact
Linda Kempker 682-2942 or Cathy Lenz 682-3438
as soon as possible. Invite a friend and plan to
attend. Good way to get to know more of your
fellow parishioners.
If you are not receiving emails from the church
and would like to, please send Mary your email
address at office@holyspiritcentralmo.org
Mardi Gra Party will be Saturday, Feb 14, 2015 5:45 (after mass) -8:00 for all families of Holy
Spirit. It is for all ages and should be a great
celebration before Lent starts.
If you refill the voltive candles, please be sure to
remove the old small metal disc that is on the
bottom of the holder. If this is left, it can cause the
holder to break. Thank you for helping with the
candles when they need to be replaced.
Time and Talent: There are extra sheets in the
back of church if you did not get one last weekend.
PLEASE fill these out and return it to the office or
in the offertory basket even if you have been
serving. It is good to be sure that my list agrees
with what you want. Thank you.
Adult Preparation Class: Do you know anyone
that is interested in becoming a Catholic, that never
was confirmed and wants to be, or someone just
interested in the Catholic faith. Class will meet
Sunday, January 4 at 6:00 pm in the MPB. Call
Harvey Million, Jr. for more information 682-7900.
CCD Bible Trivia: Kids should look up the answer
to the question at home and return it to CCD the
following week.
Question 12: What was the first miracle Jesus
performed? Read John 2:1-11 to find out.
Answer 12: Jesus' first miracle was turning water
into wine at the wedding at Cana.
ATTENTION!!! To reach the office use this
email address office@holyspiritcentralmo.org
A Churchwide oberservance of the
Year of Consecrated Life will begin Nov. 29. It will
end Feb. 2, 2016, the World Day of Consecrated
life. The special year dedicated to consecrated life
was announced by Pope Francis and is similar to
previous themed years announced by Popes such as
Year of the Priest (2009-10) or Year of St. Paul.
(2008-09).The year also marks the 50th anniversary
of “Perfectae Caritatis,” a decree on religious life,
and “Lumen Gentium,” the Second Vatican
Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the
Church. The purpose of the yearlong celebration,
according to a Vatican statement, is to “make a
grateful remembrance of the recent past” while
embracing “the future with hope.”
Natural Family Planning involves no drugs or
devices, there are zero health worries and it is
immediately reversible when you want to try to
conceive a baby. No doctor visits needed, no
prescriptions to fill, no unwanted side effects. To
learn more visit www.midmonfp.org or contact
Jeremy & Maria Henson at (573) 696-0778 or
jmehenson@gmail.com. A Premenopause
Transition class is scheduled for Jan. 24th in
Hallsville by the Hensons. Classes are also
scheduled individually.
Father Offutt’s new email is
You may reach Mary by email at
St. Anne Craft group is collecting Best Choice
Literature in the back of church is for you to
take as you desire.
Books to Borrow: Father has a good selection of
books that he likes to load out if you are looking for
good fiction reading material. These are located in
the rectory/office.
Marriage Challenges? Retrouvaille (a French
word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help
couples heal & renew their marriages that offers
tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage
relationship. It has helped thousands of couples
with marital problems & crises, even couples who
are separated and divorced. For further
information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit
Communion for Shut-ins: If you know of
someone that is not able to attend Mass and would
like to have communion brought to their home or if
you would be willing to take communion to the
nursing home and shut-ins. please call the church
office to make the arrangements, 682-2815.
Multipurpose Building Rental Schedule
To schedule an event please call
Betty Gooding at 573-355-1864 or 682-2827
Good Catholic websites:
www.newadvent.org includes Catholic
Encyclopedia, bible, library and much, much more
www.marymediatrix.com Franciscan site
www.netministries.org for Biblical word
pronunciation click on resource link then bible
basics link and hear the pronunciation!
www.spiritdaily.com Catholic current events,
history and more....
www.diojeffcity.org information on your diocese
and more...
2014 Engaged Encounter Couples can sign up
directly on the Jefferson City Diocese website when
they put down a $25 deposit. The total cost for
each couple is $100 for the weekend The
weekends are held at St. Pius X in Moberly.
Dates for 2015: January 9-11, March 6-8,
May 1-3, August 7-9, and November 6-8
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
404 South Rollins
Centralia, MO 65240
Rev. J. James Offutt
Natural Family Planning is taught in a threemonth series by certified Couple to Couple League
teaching couples. CCL's method, the SymptoThermal Method, is safe and highly effective in
both avoiding or achieving a pregnancy. NFP is
environmentally safe (green), has no side effects
(organic), and is morally acceptable. It guards the
sanctity of life from the moment of conception.
Contact Jeremy & Maria Henson at (573) 696-0778
or jmehenson@gmail.com for information, for
current class schedule or to possibly schedule a
class. The 2014 class schedule and other
information is always available at
Marriage Encounter Weekend- Closeness,
comfort, fun, trust, a friend, and a helper – these are
some of the blessings of marriage. Marriage
Encounter provides the opportunity and the
atmosphere for you to focus on and renew these
blessings in YOUR marriage. Don’t let the
busyness of life steal them away. Every couple
deserves to make a weekend! For Information:
www.jeffcityme.org. Contact Roger and Brenda
Kempker at 573-642-3647 or rkempker@ktis.net
Web Page: Updated weekly by Laura Bormann.
Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm
Baptism: Classes are required. Please call the Rectory.
Marriage: Four to six months notice is required.
Rectory: 573-682-2815 Email: office@holyspiritcentralmo.org
Website: holyspiritcentralmo.org
Multipurpose Building 573-682-2163