Algebra 1 Mrs. Robin Gapinski Classroom Policies and Expectations (Effective as of 20 August 2013) Materials: You are expected to bring all of the following supplies (except for the textbook) to class each day: Required textbook: Algebra 1 (McDougal Littell) Three-ring binder (for all worksheets, class activities, quizzes) One subject spiral notebook (for homework) TI-Nspire CX CAS calculator (you are required to bring this to class everyday) Learning Targets: In this course, students will learn to… Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Content Targets: The Algebra content targets are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Student performance will be monitored by formative feedback and evaluated by summative assessments. School Expectations/Policy: All school rules and policies will be enforced in the class (in particular, appropriate dress code and cell phone policy.) You are expected to check your school e-mail daily and use this e-mail address to communicate with me. Classroom Expectations: RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY Be to class on time! Each tardy will result in a deduction of 2 points from your classroom expectation grade. You are expected to be in your seat with your class materials and homework out on your desk at the start of class each day. Go to the washroom or get a drink of water prior to the start of class. Avoid missing class! For every unexcused absence, 3% will be subtracted from your quarter grade. It is your responsibility to check your attendance record with me and to follow up with clearing any absences with the attendance office within the 24-hour rule. Since this class consists of a hands-on activities and calculator or computer labs, you will be at a strong disadvantage if you are absent from class. I cannot recreate the lesson or learning experience if you are absence! Extra Help: Don’t hesitate to go to the Learning Center for extra help, to check the answers on your homework, or to work in a small group. You are also welcome to set-up a time to meet with me during one of my free periods: 2, 4, 6 and 9. Homework Expectations: All homework is to be done in a spiral notebook with a pencil. It will be collected and checked on Fridays during your Content Target Quiz for completion and accuracy. Half credit will be awarded for late work shown to me later the same day or the next day after it was initially due. If you are absent on Friday, you must make-up your content target quiz before or after school on Monday to receive credit as well as turn in your spiral notebook for accuracy and completion. You will be given an assignment sheet for each chapter and can access my portal site ( for posted worksheets, answer keys, and assignment sheets when you are absent. It is your responsibility to e-mail me or check my portal site for homework assignments or what you have missed when you are absent from class. If you are unable to print out the daily class notes and/or worksheets that you missed in class, I will leave extra worksheets in the classroom that you can pick-up before school the next day, during a passing period or a free period. Homework will be differentiated according to your specific needs for improvement and mastery so that you reach your full potential and are proficient in the content targets for Algebra. In the upper right-hand corner of each homework assignment, you must do the following: 1. DAY # 2. HW Assignment: Page Number & Assigned homework problems 3. Content Target Number(s) 4. Copy down the entire the homework problem including any diagrams (no exceptions!) from the textbook or worksheet 5. Show any intermediate steps or give a written explanation 6. Circle your final answer *Students are expected to check and correct their own homework as answers to odd problems are located in the back of the textbook and peer tutors/math teachers are available to provide extra help in TLC (The Learning Center-A-220) before, during all class periods and after school daily. You can find extra practice problems on for reinforcement and further mastery of algebraic concepts. Quizzes/Tests: All quizzes and tests must be done in pencil! You will receive a point deduction if you take a quiz or test in pen. You will be given ample opportunities through homework, quizzes, and review worksheets to prepare and study for your unit tests. Tests will cover unit course targets while course target quizzes on Fridays will be cumulative review of all previously learned concepts from prior units. All make-up tests must be taken in the Testing Center (C-207). Test Corrections: You will have one day to do test corrections (turn in the next school day) to earn back 1/3 of the lost points. To receive back lost points on your unit assessment, you must do the following on a separate piece of paper: 1. Copy the problem down including any diagram or figure 2. Show any intermediate steps to solve the problem correctly or else write a complete sentence, explaining your solution or justifying your reasoning. Group Work: The integration of the Navigator system and the TI-Nspire CX CAS calculator in this course provides unique opportunities to engage all students in the learning process. Using technology as a learning tool through cooperative learning in the classroom is practice for real life; you will develop and exercise the same skills in the classroom that you will need in your life at home, in the community beyond HPHS, and in the workplace. Thus, you are expected to participate actively in your group work, expressing your opinion, listening to others, and acknowledging that everyone’s ideas have value. Be willing to change your mind on the basis of logic! Include everyone in your group! Collaborate rather than compete! If you have criticism to express, direct it at ideas, not at people. And last but not least, agree to disagree if necessary. You are all unique and exceptional individuals who bring different experiences and knowledge bases to your group. Show patience, respect, and tolerance for one another. Your group will be successful and have extra credit opportunities as you encourage the success and deeper understanding of what we are learning in one another. Feedback: I will update your grades on Infinite Campus twice a week. Checking your grade on-line regularly is a wonderful means of staying informed and monitoring your overall performance in this class. I strongly encourage you to communicate with your parents regarding your overall performance and to contact me at any time with any questions so that you reach your class goal and full potential in this course. Grading Policy: You will be graded on a cumulative point system from daily homework, quizzes, tests and TI-Nspire activities (no curves). I do not round quarter grades but semester grades may be rounded with active class participation, homework completion and putting forth consistent effort during both quarters of the semester. Each semester grade is comprised of 40% for each quarter grade and 20% for the final exam. Each student should be aware of the academic policy stated in the student handbook. If a student is caught cheating or gives the impression of cheating, they will receive a zero on the assignment, test, or quiz. You have the responsibility to never give the impression of cheating at any time! Name Home Internet Access: Home Phone YES NO Languages(s) spoken at home Home Address City, Zip Mother Name Daytime Phone Father Name Daytime Phone Periods with no class assigned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lunch Period 4 5 6 Parents/Students: I/We have reviewed the classroom expectations with my child and understand the policies and behaviors of my child and all students enrolled in this course. Parent Signature Student Signature 7 Mrs. Gapinski’s Classroom Expectations & Policies Algebra 1 2013-2014 I read and understand the class policies and expectations for me in Algebra 1 with Mrs. Gapinski. Student name (please print) _______________________________________________ Student signature _________________________________________________________ I have read and understand the class policies for my son/daughter in Algebra 1 with Mrs. Gapinski. Parent/Guardian name (please print) Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian email address _______________________________________________