The Devon Karst Research Society. THE CATTEDOWN BONE CAVES, Cattedown, Plymouth, Devonshire, UK. Section 6.0. CATALOGUES OF “THE LEWIS SPARROW COLLECTION” of the Fossil Bones originating from Excavations in Burnard’s Cattedown Bone Cave located in Messrs. Sparrow’s Carpenter Rock Quarry, Cattedown. donated on 06 February 1899 to the Plymouth City Museum by Mr Lewis Sparrow, the Proprietor of the Carpenter Rock Quarry in which was located Burnard’s Cattedown Bone Cave. The pages in Section 6. list the surviving fossil bones of the collection donated by Mr Lewis Sparrow to the Plymouth City Museum on 06 February 1899. The Museum provided us with 2 lists of this fossil material in 1981 without restrictions as to their use. Both lists incorporated the Cattedown Fossil material from both the "Lewis Sparrow Collection" (originating from Burnard's Cattedown Cave) and the "Robert Burnard Collection" (originating from Worth's Cattedown Bone Cave), without discriminating between the two separate Collections and their separate origins. Whilst reproducing the lists in the original format as given to us, we have edited out the data relating to the fossil material originating from the "Robert Burnard Collection" (Worth's Cattedown Bone Cave), ie. Accession Numbers 1272 to 1345 inclusive, for the purposes of enhancing clarity, The 1st catalogue version (originally 2 pages of A4 paper) is unattributed and undated but the 2nd and more detailed catalogue version (originally 9 pages of A4 paper) is attributed to a Mrs P.J. Shaw of Sheffield and is dated January 1978. In the 2nd catalogue version, we have added details of the material as recorded in the Museum’s Accession Card Records. The 2nd catalogue version offers greater details of the fossil specimens than does the 1st version. The link between the two catalogue lists is with the matching Accession Numbers but beware! .... the 2nd catalogue version omits the point or dot included in the Accession Numbers of the 1st catalogue version! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 6. CATALOGUE 1. [All accession numbers, descriptions and storage locations have been extracted from the original typescript catalogue.] PART CATALOGUE OF BONES ORIGINATING FROM BURNARD'S CATTEDOWN BONE CAVE AND DONATED ON 6th February 1899 TO THE PLYMOUTH INSTITUTE BY Mr. LEWIS SPARROW, THE THEN PROPRIETOR OF MESSRS SPARROW’S CARPENTER ROCK QUARRY, CATTEDOWN, CONTAINING “BURNARD’S CATTEDOWN BONE CAVE”. [PLYMOUTH CITY MUSEUM ACCESSION Nos. 134.6 to 135.6.] Storage Box Identification Accession Number. Descripton of Storage Box Contents Origin in Burnard's Excavation. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ HYAENA Box 1. 134.6 134.7 / 135.6 134.9 10 teeth. 2 pieces of joining jaw. 2 pieces of jawbone. RHINOCEROS Box 1. 134.8 2 upper molars BISON Box 1. 135.0 5 teeth 135.1 5 x bone fragments of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) DEER Box 1. Section 6. CATALOGUE 1. (continued) ..... Storage Box Identification Accession Number. Descripton of Storage Box Contents Origin in Burnard's Excavation. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ HORSE Box 1. 135.3 135.4 8 fragments of bone 20 teeth Large Box 135.2 135.5 4 bones, Horse 3 bones, Bison [end of unattributed and undated Plymouth City Museum List 1.] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 6. CATALOGUE 2. [All Accession Numbers and descriptions are from the original handwritten catalogue. We have adjusted the presentational layout of the information to provide greater clarity and added additional text on bone description, wherever possible. In most cases, the Accession Numbers are given in numerical order.] COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF BONES ORIGINATING FROM BURNARD'S CATTEDOWN BONE CAVE AND DONATED ON 6th February 1899 TO THE PLYMOUTH INSTITUTE BY Mr. LEWIS SPARROW, THE THEN PROPRIETOR OF MESSRS SPARROW’S CARPENTER ROCK QUARRY, CATTEDOWN, CONTAINING “BURNARD’S CATTEDOWN BONE CAVE”. KEY : R = right side. L = left side. M = Molar tooth. DM = Deciduous Molar tooth. PM = Pre-molar tooth. I = Incisor Tooth. C = Canine tooth. The protocol for annotating the position, type and the number of the tooth in the upper or lower jaw is given in the Section providing a Glossary of Terminology. [PLYMOUTH CITY MUSEUM ACCESSION. Nos. 1346 to 1356.] Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BOVID 1346 Tooth, L. PM3. HYAENA 1346 1346 1346 Teeth, Canine, point of, unerrupted x 3. Tooth, L. PM2, unerrupted. Tooth, L. PM3, unerrupted. HYAENA HYAENA 1346 1346 Tooth, L. PM3, unerrupted. {different Tooth, R. PM3, unerrupted. {animals. 1346 1346 Tooth, R. PM4, unerrupted. Tooth, Incisor, fragment. 1348 1348 Tooth, R. Upper Milk Molar. Tooth, L. Upper Milk Molar. HYAENA ?? (error in notes here - not sure what animal may be Hyaena but have no record - sorry!) Acc No. 1346 = 10 teeth of Cave Hyaena, [Hyaena spelaea.] Acc No. 1348 = 3 x Upper Molars of Rhinoceros, [Rhinoceros Antiquitatus.] HYAENA 1349 Mandible, right, fragment + Teeth, DM2., DM3. and DM4. and M1. errupting Acc No. 1349 = Right Mandible of Cave Hyaena; 2 x pieces; Young animal. [Hyaena spelaea]. BOVID 1350 1350 1350 1350 Tooth, L. Tooth, L. Tooth, R. Tooth, R. Acc No. 1350 = 7 x Teeth Ox, [Bos primigenius.] 1350 Tooth, R. M3. M1. M2. M1. M2. {could {be the {same {animal? (termed Bison, Bos Primigenius!) RED DEER ? 1351 Astragalus. RED DEER 1351 1351 1351 Metacarpal, right, proximal. Radius shaft, left, fragment, gnawed. Humerus shaft, right, broken. 1352 1352 Metatarsal shaft, fragment. Radius, right, distal fragment. RED DEER ? HORSE Acc No. 1351 = 5 bones of Red Deer, [Cervus elaphus.] Acc No. 1352 = 4 bones of Horse, [Equus caballus.] Section 6. CATALOGUE 2. (continued) ..... Species Identification. Accession Number. Shaw's Descripton of / Notes about the Fossil Bone or Other Material. Species / Bone Identification according to Accession Card. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HORSE (continued) ... 1352 1352 Metacarpal shaft, fragment. Metacarpal shaft, right, proximal fragment, gnawed. BOVID or CERVID 1353 Metapodial, fragments x 9. Acc No. 1353 = 8 x fragments of bones, [Equus caballus.] HORSE 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 1354 Tooth, L. PM2. (moderately long). Tooth, L. PM3. Tooth, L. PM4. Tooth, L. M2. x 2. Tooth, L. M2. (very long). Tooth, L. M3. Tooth, L. Lower Incisor x 2. Tooth, L. I1. Tooth, R. PM2. Tooth, R. M1. Tooth, R. M1. (very long). Tooth, R. M2. (very long). Tooth, R. M3. Tooth, R. M3. Tooth, R. Lower Incisor. Teeth, Incisors x 3. Acc No. 1354 = 21 x Teeth of Horse, [Equus caballus.] BOVID 1355 1355 1355 Humerus, proximal fragment. Atlas? Atlas? Acc No. 1355 = 3 x bones Ox, [Bos primigenius.] HYAENA ? 1347 Maxilla, right + Teeth, DM2 and Deciduous Canine. Acc No. 1347 = Right Maxilla of young Cave Hyaena, [Hyaena spelaea.] HYAENA ? 1356 Maxilla, right + Teeth, DM3, DM4 and PM4. Acc No. 1356 = Maxilla of of young Cave Hyaena, [Hyaena spelaea.] (Accession Nos. 1347 and 1356 are joined.) [end of Plymouth City Museum List 2. attributed to P J Shaw dated January 1978. ] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General Notes and Remarks : 1. All Accession Numbers / Fossil Specimens can be accounted for by cross-referencing with Burnard's Excavation details, found in Section 5.0. 2. MISSING SPECIMENS from the P.J. Shaw List (by Accession No.). [There are no missing specimens]. 3. MISSING SPECIMENS from the Collection in the Pymouth City Museum, as of December 2003. [To be addressed in the near future]. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ MS Word97 doc.Link attachment for Website / Bone Caves of the Plymouth District / Cattedown Bone Caves. The Devon Karst Research Society, Text revised 23 April 2004.