Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide 911 emergency = To report a crime in progress, fire or any situation where there is immediate danger to life or property. Agency Phone Agency Clay County Sheriff’s Office 904-284-7575 Green Cove Springs Police 904-529-2220 Orange Park Police 904-264-5555 Animal Control 904-284-6342 Fire and Rescue or 904-284-7703 Emergency Management 877-252-9362 904-284-7703 Clay County Health Dept. 904-269-6340 Phone Jax Electric Authority (JEA) Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. City of Green Cove Springs Electric Florida Power and Light 800-432-4770 904-272-2456 904-529-2229 800-226-6543 Water: Clay County Utility JEA 904-272-5999 800-432-4770 Clay County Emergency Numbers Position Phone Position Phone Superintendent Deputy Superintendent 904-284-6510 904-284-6515 Asst. Superintendent of Support Services 904-284-6517 Director of Facility Planning and Construction Director of Transportation Director of School Food Service Director of Maintenance 904-284-6517 904-284-6594 904-284-6521 904-284-6522 Coordinator of Operations 904-284-6524 Office of Safety/Security Student Services (Crisis Team) 904-284-6511 Clay County School District Emergency Numbers Position Name School phone/cell Administrative: _________________________________________________________ Guidance: _________________________________________________________ Custodial: ______________________________________________________________ Nurse: PE/ CPR trained: ___________________________________________________ Office Staff: _________________________________________________________ Youth Resource Officer:____________________________________________________ Others: ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ School Based First Response Team 1. The Principal or his/her designee shall make an announcement in person or over the school intercom. 2. Messengers may be used as an alternate means of staff notification. 3. Do NOT use radios, cell phones in the event of a bomb threat. Students will be loaded into school buses, cars and any other available means of transportation, and moved to the designated evaluation site. Teacher Responsibilities : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teachers are responsible for the supervision of the students in their charge. They are to direct these students to assembly areas as directed. If time permits, classroom doors and windows should be closed and locked. Teachers should carry their roll book with them. Teachers should take roll once they are at the assembly area and report missing students to the Principal. 6. Teachers, who are not with a class, should check halls, restrooms and other areas to be certain no students are left behind. They should send a list to the Principal of the students they find. Secretary’s Responsibilities: 1. Notify Superintendent’s office at the request of the Principal. 2. Take the school roster and student emergency cards to the evacuation site. Evacuation to Emergency Evacuation Site The Principal or designee will announce a lock down using the intercom, radio, phones, or messenger as the situation warrants. The announcement should be precise and to the point. “Lock down in effect.” “Lock down in effect.” “Lock down in effect.” Teachers should initiate lock down procedures anytime that they hear extremely violent behavior outside their classrooms. Front Office Responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. Notify 911 and the Superintendent’s office. Account for students and staff as much as possible. If safe to do so, Custodial and office staff will secure all exterior/non-classroom doors to the extent possible. Teacher Responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Close and lock classroom doors. Direct students in hallways into room. Direct students to sit on the floor, out of line sight of doors and windows, or in a closet if available. Window coverings should be closed. (blinds, shutters, etc.) Teachers will check class rolls and account for their students. Names of missing students will be recorded and given to the Principal when it is safe to do so. Teachers not assigned to a classroom at the time of a lock down, will check the immediate area for students and then proceed to the nearest safe room. Teachers and students are to remain on the floor until law enforcement or a staff member they recognize assures them that it is safe to unlock the doors and leave the room. Lock Down Procedures 1. The person finding a fire will pull the nearest alarm immediately and notify the front office using intercom, radio, phone or messenger. 2. Office Staff will notify the principal and immediately call 911. Some schools fire systems are NOT connected to the Fire Department. 3. Everyone is to follow the evacuation plan posted in the room, or if given, directions provided over the intercom. A. Teachers will lead their classes to a safe area according to planned evacuation routes. They should carry their roll book and emergency box. Classroom windows and doors should be closed if safety will not be compromised by taking time to do so. The First Student in line holds the door until all persons in the class have passed through. Once outside, teachers will check their rolls and notify the Principal of any missing students. Teachers are to remain with their class, administer first aid as needed, put name tags on students, if needed. B. Office Staff will take emergency forms, the school roster, and front office emergency kit out of the building. C. The Principal or designee will notify the superintendent and law enforcement. D. The school First Response Team will attempt to contain fire to the limits of their training. They will help direct traffic and keep access clear for emergency vehicles. E. Utility companies should be notified by Head Custodian. F. The Principal, Fire Department, and Law Enforcement will organize a search for missing persons. 4. Everyone is to remain outside until re-entry is approved by appropriate emergency personnel and/or the Principal. 5. If re-entry is not possible, the administration will follow the evacuation off-site and/or early dismissal plan. Fire Suicide Attempt in Progress: NEVER leave the student alone 1. THE First Responder should have someone call 911, notify the Principal, counselor and school nurse. 2. The Principal or Designee should call the parent(s) or guardian. 3. Administer first aid. 4. If the person is conscious try to get him/her to tell you how they harmed themselves if it is not obvious (if they overdosed, what did they take?) 5. Evacuate any other students from the area. 6. Call the District Crisis Team. 7. Call the Student Services office to report the attempt and/or suicide. Person talking about committing suicide or behavior indicates possible suicidal tendencies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Talk with the person and listen to what they say without being judgmental. Assess the seriousness of the situation. Do not be afraid to ask if the person is thinking of suicide. DO NOT make promises not to tell. Explain you will need to talk with the counselor and parents of a student. Refer the person to the counselor or school psychologist for risk assessment. NOTIFY THE PRINCIPAL. The counselor or school psychologist will evaluate the situation with the Principal and contact the parent(s) or guardian immediately. If the parent does not take control of the student and the student is a high risk, law enforcement will be contacted. The student may be taken to Clay County Behavioral Health for further evaluation or if the situation warrants may be Baker Acted. Suicide Tornado, Hurricane, Thunderstorm, Flooding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. In times of severe weather all outdoor activities should end and everyone should be brought indoors. The Principal may decide to stop class changes by special announcement and/or holding bells if students may be exposed to lightning or severe weather. DO NOT use the phone unless absolutely necessary during a lightening storm. Stay away from metal objects, electrical appliances and plumbing until the storm passes. When a tornado or thunderstorm watch is announced on the Weather Alert Transmitter or comes to the attention of school personnel by other communication, the Principal will verify the information and notify the Faculty and students. Refer to the Lightning Policy. A spotter will observe the sky near the school. If conditions indicate that a tornado is forming the Principal will announce the need to take cover and/or evacuate. When a tornado warning is announced a weather spotter should continuously monitor the weather conditions near the school. If a tornado is sighted the Principal will announce the need to evacuate to safe areas or take cover. Each school is to have an evacuation plan posted in each room. Teachers will take their class to the appropriate safe place time permitting. They should keep their roll book with them. All personnel and students are to place themselves in a protected position covering their heads and faces with their hands and arms “duck and cover.” Try to get under desks or tables, or into safe halls, restrooms or closets. Stay away from windows and glass. If outside lie in a ditch or low place. After danger is past, Teachers should take roll and inform the principal of any missing students. They should give First aid and comfort students. The First Response Team should begin emergency procedures to the extent appropriate to the situation. The Superintendent will announce if schools will be evacuated or closed early in the event of an approaching hurricane or flood warning. Severe Weather - Tornados, Thunderstorms, Hurricanes Caution: IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF HEAD, NECK, OR BACK INJURY DO NOT MOVE THE PERSON. CALL 911 AND LET THE FIRE/RESCUE MOVE THE VICTIM UNLESS GREATER INJURY WILL RESULT FROM NOT MOVING THE PERSON. Critical Situation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. First Responder immediately notifies the Principal by radio, phone, or messenger. Principal notifies office staff and calls for person certified in CPR/ First Aid. Office Staff - as directed by the Principal/designee Immediately calls 911 for ambulance service. As quickly as possible informs parent, guardian, and/or family. Informs school nurse and obtains health information to send with the victim. The Counselor will initiate contact with District Crisis Team. Inform siblings, if in school, of the situation. Go to site and calm other students. The School Nurse sends health information with student, administers First Aid. A school representative should go to the hospital with the injured/ill individual. The Principal will notify the Superintendent’s office and Coordinator of Operations. If several students are involved the same procedures will apply with teachers off duty and other staff taking responsibilities as requested. Non-critical Situation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Teacher or first responder will request assistance as needed and notify the Principal. The School Nurse will render first aid. The Office Staff will notify the parent or guardian. In case of an animal bite or contagious illness, notify the Health Department and/or Animal Control. Depending on the seriousness of the injury or illness, the Principal will notify the Superintendent’s office. ALWAYS use gloves when dealing with body fluids. If there is any doubt, get a student to a medical facility. Serious Injury / Illness Suspicious individual: 1. Any staff member should notify the Front Office and Principal of any suspicious individual or person who does not have school identification (visitor badge). 2. The Principal or designee will question the individual and determine the level of threat, if any. 3. If the individual has no legitimate business on campus they will be asked to leave. 4. If necessary, the principal will call or direct someone to call 911 and/or the Youth Resource Officer. 5. If the intruder is hostile a LOCK DOWN will be announced. Follow lock down procedures 6. Notify the Superintendent’s office. 7. Police will take charge on their arrival. Assault by an individual without weapon: 1. 2. 3. Avoid confrontation. Try talking to the individual to calm them. Offer alternatives. Tell others in the area to leave and to notify the Principal, Front Office or nearby adult as the situation warrants. If the situation escalates, the Principal may initiate a lock down. Attempt to Kidnap/ Kidnapping: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A teacher shall NEVER release a child directly to a requesting adult without authorization from the Front Office. If there is any doubt that an adult is to have access to a student, the Office Staff shall verify the adult’s right of access by notifying the Principal and checking the student’s file. If the student is not cleared to go with the adult, the student’s parent(s) or guardian shall be notified and the student kept in close supervision of an adult until the parent comes for him/her. If a student is taken by a non-custodial parent or other individual who does not have a right to access the student CALL 911 and notify the school Youth Officer. Be ready to provide the full name of the student, birth date, and description or picture. Give other pertinent information as is known. Isolate witnesses as to not contaminate evidence/statements. Notify the Superintendent’s office and parent/legal guardian of the student. No guide can be all inclusive. Follow professional judgment. Better to err on the side of safety than risk injury or abduction. Intruder / Kidnapping / Custody Issues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Principal may call for LOCK DOWN. If hazardous vapors are in the air, NOTIFY all Teachers to get all students inside and close windows and doors. Turn off air conditioners or heaters. Custodial staff, office personnel, and staff close all doors and windows and turn off air movers in buildings. Call 911. Notify the Superintendent’s office. The school First Response Team will be activated to the extent needed. The Principal determines safety concerns with law enforcement, county emergency management, and/or officials of involved transporter. Evacuation is planned as needed. A. Train Derailment: Contact 911 and determine if any danger to school. If hazardous materials are involved, evacuate if they pose a threat. If access to school is blocked, alternate routes will be planned with law enforcement. Use media to inform parents. B. Airplane crash: If fire is a threat to school, evacuate buildings. Use the intercom, radios, phones to give directions if changes in evacuation routes are necessary. Follow the directions of emergency management and law enforcement. Use media to inform parents of school situation and where they may pick up their children. C. Commercial Carrier crash near school: Determine if any danger to school; hazardous spill, fire, blocked access. Call for Lock down or evacuation as needed. Use media to inform parents. In any circumstance the Principal or his/her designee will determine what emergency actions are needed with input from appropriate officials. Teachers will follow the directions of the Principal and take charge of their students. Teachers will take roll and report any missing students to the Principal. Teachers will take their emergency boxes and use the materials in them to provide aid to any injured students. Front Office staff will be charged with taking the school roster. Train, Airplane, Commercial Carrier Accidents - Chemical Spills Student with a concealed weapon: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Obtain the name of the student suspected of having a weapon in school. Obtain suspected location of the weapon. Send two people to search location of the weapon, preferably the Youth Resource Officer and Administrator. Designated administrator or other adult isolates the suspected student from others. Remove their belongings, carry and secure in the office. If the weapon is found the Officer should secure it. If a Police Officer is not present, the administrator may carefully place the gun into a box on a towel or cloth and bring it to the office or can wait at the location for a Police Officer. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO UNLOAD A GUN OR REMOVE A MAGAZINE. DO NOT CARRY A DISPLAYED WEAPON DOWN THE HALL. DO NOT STICK A GUN INTO YOUR POCKET. If the weapon is in a backpack or some other movable article, DO NOT allow the student to get it out or touch it. YOU carry the backpack to the office and wait for law enforcement. Notify the parents and Superintendent’s Office. Student with weapon displayed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Closest adult call 911 and notify front office or send for help. Front office notifies the Principal and send for Youth Resource Officer. Give as much information as possible - type of weapon, location, name of person with gun, if known, description of incident. Upon receiving notice of a weapon displayed the Principal or his designee will initiate a LOCK DOWN. The FIRST RESPONSE TEAM will be activated as appropriate. An ADULT on the scene MAY ACT, depending on the circumstances: give loud order to all students to “Clear the area now” or “Get to the floor”. Calmly ask the student with the weapon (use name if known) to “Put the gun (knife) down.” Calmly ask the student to move away from the weapon. Talk softly and in a calm manner to the student until Law Enforcement comes or the student willingly walks with you to the office. If the person with the weapon is violent-threatening and their actions may place you or others in danger, loudly order all people present to “Get to the floor”. Seek shelter under a table or desk. Do NOT play hero. WAIT for LAW ENFORCEMENT. Let Law Enforcement handle any student with a weapon who does not readily give up the weapon. Have the Police handle any investigation. Separate witnesses. Determine if medical attention is necessary. Notify the Superintendent’s Office. Notify the parents of the involved student and send a letter home to all parents to dispel rumors and calm fear. Involve the District Crisis Team as appropriate. Weapons In situations when students are fighting, verbally threatening harm, or causing disruption by their behavior the First Adult on the scene should act so as to protect other students and curtail the disruption. Students actively fighting: 1. Notify the Principal by phone, intercom or messenger. 1. The Principal or his/her designee will determine if 911 or the Youth Resource Officer need to be alerted. 2. At the scene: a. Speak to the offending students by name, if known, and request that they stop and each take two steps back. If the fighting students do not respond, do not step into a fight unless you have been trained in safe physical management. Wait for help. b. Send other students away from the scene. Isolate witnesses. Student yelling or bullying: 1. Walk at a diagonal toward the student. Walking directly to the student may be taken as an attack. 2. Stand to the side of the student and allow the student their personal space. 3. Use a personal greeting first. Avoid confrontation by beginning casually, “What’s up, Joe?” 4. Do not block in the student by backing them into a wall or corner. 5. Keep your hands visible and do not point fingers. Use your whole hand in a circular fashion to gesture. 6. Calmly request that the student come with you and walk to the office or a classroom. If they refuse, try to calmly engage them in conversation and have someone else go for an administrator. 7. Ask the student to tell you their side of the issue. The purpose is to calm the student, not to gather facts. 8. Proceed according to the severity of the incident. If the student is composed and ready to participate in class, you may choose to allow him/her to go to class. If necessary write a discipline referral, call for assistance, or detain the student until you can get help. The age of the student and intensity of the incident will have to guide your course of action. Fights, Verbal Disturbances 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Call 911 and notify the Superintendent’s Office. Alert Everyone in the school of the danger by intercom if possible. Initiate lock down. Evacuate in event of fire. The Principal or designee should give directions over intercom, if possible, of safe evacuation route. Clear students from harm’s way to the extent possible. Have everyone take cover. DO NOT try to play the HERO. Keep down. If there is one shooter and he/she has stopped shooting, attempt to ask the shooter to place the weapon on the ground and walk away. If there are several shooters and the possibility of bombs DO NOT use radios or cell phones. The head custodian and Principal or designee should communicate with and support police. First Response Team should respond to Principal and follow through with duties to the extent possible. Front Office Staff will attempt to get school roster, student emergency cards and the office emergency box out of the building and to the police command post or Principal. Teachers should maintain lock down in their classrooms and administer first aid as possible. Do not leave the classroom unless directed by police or school official, if there is danger because of fire. The Police will: 1. Take charge of the crime scene. 2. Implement evacuation and management procedures. 3. Initial arriving police will enter the building with instructions to stop the threat immediately. 4. Additional police will establish a secure perimeter around the school. 5. Police will establish a command post as soon as possible with an administrator and head custodian reporting there. 6. Emergency Operations Center hotline will be activated. 7. Police will establish near scene press contact point and off-site location for scheduled new updates. Police will establish a hotline for victim services. 8. Police will send command staff and necessary traffic control personnel to the alternative evacuation site location. School Personnel and Students being evacuated at police direction will be instructed to keep their hands on their heads and anticipate pat down search. All possibilities cannot be described. Professional judgment will have to be exercised and the extent of intervention based on the danger and extent of the situation. School Shooting Bomb Threat Received at school by phone: 1. DO NOT HANG UP. Keep the phone line open as long as possible. Signal someone near you to alert the Principal 2. Using the checklist on the following page, get information from the caller. Write down everything the caller says. 3. Someone near by should get on another line and call 911. Tell the operator, “This is (name of caller) from (name of school). We are reporting a bomb threat on another line. The number on that line is . 4. Notify the Principal immediately. DO NOT USE RADIO OR CELLULAR PHONE. THESE MAY ACTIVATE THE DEVISE. DO NOT TURN OFF THE LIGHTS. 5. The Principal or designee will call the Superintendent’s office, law enforcement and the fire department. 6. The First Response Team will be notified. 7. The Principal will weigh the situation and make the determination whether or not to evacuate the school. He/she may consult with the First Response Team and law enforcement. 8. If the decision is to evacuate, follow Emergency Evacuation Procedures. 9. If the decision is to not evacuate, conduct a search of the area. Keep strict note of which areas are searched and given “All Clear” status. If suspicious object(s) are found evacuate immediately. Bomb threat is received in writing or at a different location: 1. Follow directions 4-9 above. 2. A written threat should be turned over to the police. If a suspicious object is found: 1. Activate the fire alarm system or other wise evacuate the area. 2. Evacuate the buildings of all personnel as deemed appropriate. 3. The danger area shall be identified and a clear zone of at least 300 feet shall be maintained. 4. Notify the Superintendent’s office, Coordinator of Operations, law enforcement, and fire department. Only reenter buildings when approval is given by appropriate emergency or school officials. Bomb Threat/ Suspicious Object