article 3: board of directors / officers

Texas Ferret Lovers Rescue
1. The name of this organization shall be called Texas Ferret Lovers Rescue, referred to as
“TxFLR”, “the rescue”, or “the corporation”.
2. “Ferret” or “Domestic Ferret” as used herein and in all TxFLR publications shall refer to the
Domestic European ferret (Mustela putorius furo or Mustela furo). Any other species of hybrid
will be called by its proper name, with scientific classification if possible.
3. The primary area served will be greater Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex in the state of Texas. Areas
served secondarily may be selected by the board on case-by-case basis from the state of Texas or
adjacent states.
4. TxFLR is an corporation of natural persons for rescue purposes. These persons include, but are
not limited to, ferret enthusiasts and owners, volunteers, veterinarians, and shelters. The
organization consists of Board of Directors, referred to as “Directors”, and may form committees
as needed to conduct rescue business.
5. TxFLR is an organization devoted to the rescue of ferrets as pets and to enhancing the welfare
and quality of life of the ferret. The general goal is to rescue, rehabilitate, and to education others
on their care, health and welfare of the species.
6. The Corporation shall have any and all powers granted to it by Texas Uniform Incorporated
Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1995 and all other statues and other laws of the State of Texas
applicable to incorporated nonprofit corporations.
1. Volunteering with the TxFLR is open to the public, including any individual or organization,
regardless of age, gender, race, creed, national origin, or political convictions.
a. Any individual volunteer under 15 years of age must be sponsored by a family volunteer
or legal guardian over 21
b. Directors have the right to refuse any volunteer or to expel an existing volunteer of
reasonable cause. Anyone so refused is entitled to a written notification. The judgment
may be appealed within 10 days; otherwise, the termination will be final.
2. Volunteers have the following responsibilities and duties:
a. To provide and maintain a healthful, safe and caring environment for ferrets
b. To uphold the principles and polices of TxFLR, as set forth in these bylaws
c. To conduct oneself and one’s family in a dignified and courteous manner whenever
representing TxFLR or attending any TxFLR event
3. Volunteers of the Corporation are not personally liable for debts, liabilities, and other obligations
of the Corporation as provided by Texas Statue. Further, Volunteers of the Corporation shall not
be personally liable for any tortuous act or omission, or breach of contract of the Corporation.
Volunteers are protected from personal liability to the full extent of Texas Statute.
TxFLR shall be managed by the Officers who will oversee and direct the on-going functions of
the organization. The Directors / officers as a group constitute the Directors.
Selection and term: Each new officer shall be sponsored by an existing Officer and approved by
the majority vote of the remaining officers.
Criteria for selection: Each Board member / officer will meet the following criteria:
a. Be at least eighteen (18) years of age
b. Be an active volunteer
c. Having been sponsored and approved by the Officers
d. Have not been convicted of any statutory violation involving animal abuse or
Be devoid of any conflict of interest, which might hinder or negate the ability to function
as an Board member / officer
f. Have access to electronic mail.
Removal of a Board Member / Officer will follow statement of cause signed by any current Board
of Director / Officer. The statement must include specifics as to why the Board Member / Officer
should be removed. The statement will be reviewed by the remaining Directors at a set meeting.
There will be a seven (7) day advance notice to all meetings.
The functions and duties of Directors / Officers will be as follows. Any officer can be designated
to perform those functions of the President in his/her absence or inability to perform the duties of
the position.
a. President
 Acts as Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation
 Has the authority to call meetings of any type
 Presides over all Directors and volunteer meetings
 Has final approval or issue authority over all publications carrying the TxFLR name
b. Vice-President
 Performs the functions as prescribed by President
c. Secretary
 Maintains a record of all decisions, activities, and/or votes made at business
 Maintain listings of animal controls, volunteers, other clubs, veterinarians, breeders,
pet sellers, and other shelters.
d. Treasurer
 Maintains a financial record of all financial transactions
 Receive and deposits monies in the TxFLR designated financial institution
 Disburses TxFLR funds in accordance with direction of the officers.
A Board of Directors quorum shall consist of at least 3 officers, one of which must be either the
President or the Treasurer.
Officers of the Corporation are not personally liable for the debts, liabilities, and other obligations
of the Corporation as provided for by Texas Statute. Further, Officers of the Corporation shall not
be personally liable for any tortuous act or omission, or breach of contract merely because they
are authorized to participate in the management of the affairs of the Corporation.
The Board of Directors is authorized to enter into and/or execute contracts for TxFLR in the name
of the Corporation. Such contracts and agreements must bear the signature of the President and
the Secretary in order to make such contracts or agreements binding upon TxFLR.
Notwithstanding this proviso, neither the Board of Directors, nor its individual office holders may
enter into any contract, pledge its credit, or cause the Corporation to be committed to any
financial liability beyond the Corporations ability to honor such obligations.
1. TxFLR shall operate as a non-profit organization
2. Fundraising revenues shall be designed for any operating expenses of the rescue and other rescue
3. The Fiscal year for the Corporation shall be January 1st through December 31st of each year.
4. The Corporation is required to maintain in good standing, a secure, federally insured account in a
Financial Institution that provides such services.
5. Any Volunteer or Officer, under the direction of the Directors, is to be reimbursed for all preapproved legitimate expenses incurred in the name of TxFLR.
6. All Volunteer’s expenses up to fifty dollars ($50) require written approval from any Board of
Director prior to incurring the expense. All expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50) require
written approval from the Treasurer prior to incurring the expense.
7. Receipts for expenses incurred under Section 5 and 6 of this Article must be presented to the
Treasurer for reimbursement.
8. The Treasurer will notify immediately any Volunteer submitting a check that is returned or
denied payment for any reason. The Treasurer is empowered to collect, on behalf of the
Corporation, a collection fee, in addition to any financial institution charge, for each check
returned to TxFLR due to insufficient funds.
1. Should anything happen to a member of the Board of Directors that would cause them to be
incapacitated in the duties to the corporation, the remaining Directors have the authority to
dissolve the corporation or elect a board member.
2. Should a director become incapacitated, the remaining Directors have the authority to dissolve all
assets after debts are satisfied.
a. All moneys could be transferred to another 501c3 rescue or…
b. Set up in a trust fund to help maintain quality life for the ferrets who’s owners can not
afford the medical care
i. This would be maintained by an appointed vet
ii. Appointed by an attorney by joint agreement
iii. Or maintained control by the remaining Directors
1. Rules and regulations to supplement these bylaws shall be devised as needed for the purpose of
charity and uniformity. Additions, deletions or changes may be made to said rules and
regulations at any Board of Directors Meeting, after a simple majority vote of those Directors /
Officers in attendance where a quorum is present. Rules and Regulations as allowed for in this
proviso shall not conflict with, change the meaning of, or otherwise violate the spirit and letter of
these Bylaws or the Articles of Incorporation. In all questions of authority, these Bylaws shall
take prescience over any rules or regulations so enacted.
2. Rules and regulations as provided for herein will be in the form of announcements issued the
Secretary. These rules and regulations will be considered to be in force immediately upon receipt
of said announcement.
3. It is the responsibility of all Directors / Officers to read and understand any announcement issued
by the Corporation.
4. The Directors / officers are given full power to make, alter, amend or repeal any and all bylaws of
the Corporation at any Board of Directors Meeting after unanimous vote of those Directors /
Officers in attendance where a quorum is present. This power may be exercised without prior
notice to the Corporation of the Committees intention to so act. The Directors / Officers may also
affect this section by mail or e-mail, if circumstances so warrant.
5. The Order of Business and/or procedures of any Board of Director’s Meeting or Officer’s
Meeting, or any subject not covered by these bylaws, or noted in Corporation Minutes shall be
subject to "Robert's Rules of Order Revised" where applicable. Should there be a conflict
between these bylaws and "Robert's Rules of Order Revised" in the matter of Order of Business
and/or procedures, the latter shall prevail.
6. If any provision of these bylaws is found to be invalid or unenforceable, for whatever reason, the
remainder of these bylaws shall still be effective