2016 Plasma Spectrochemistry Conference Program

2016 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry
January 11 – 16, 2016, Tucson, Arizona
Preliminary Program
Monday, January 11, 2016
Opening and Plenary Lecture
08:00 PL01 Nanoparticles in the Environment: Analytical Strategies for Identification and Quantification, Frank von der
Kammer, University of Vienna, Department of Environmental Geosciences, Althanstrasse 14, UZA 2, A-1090 Vienna,
Austria, frank.von.der.kammer@univie.ac.at; Stephan Wagner, Jana Navratilova, Antonia Praetorius, Thilo Hofmann
01 Sample Introduction and Transport Phenomena
09:00 IL01 Recent Developments and Spectrochemical Applications of the Drop-on-Demand Aerosol Generator for LowVolume Samples, Nicolas H. Bings, Johannes Gutenberg - University of Mainz, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry,
Laboratory for Inorganic Trace Analysis, Duesbergweg 10-14, D-55128 Mainz, Germany, bings@uni-mainz.de; IrinaChristin Marutschke, Nathalie Pilger, Michael Bassler, Klaus S. Drese
09:30 IL02 Advances in the Aerosol Generation and Transport in ICP Techniques, José Luis Todolí, University of Alicante,
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain, jose.todoli@ua.es
10:00 Break
10:20 M01 Development of Multi-function Type Grid Nebulizer for Plasma Spectrometry, Kazumi Inagaki, National
Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science, Tsukuba Center 3-9, 1-1-1
Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan, k-inagaki@aist.go.jp; Rina Matsushita, Shin-ichiro Fujii, Shin-ichi Miyashita,
Akiko Takatsu, Tomonari Umemura
02 Nanomaterials Analysis and Characterization
10:40 IL03 Selenium NPs Are on the To Do List for Environmental Chemists, Jörg Feldmann, University of Aberdeen,
Department of Chemistry, Trace Element Speciation Laboratory, Aberdeen AB24 3UE Scotland, United Kingdom,
j.feldmann@abdn.ac.uk; Eva M. Krupp
11:10 M02 Evaluation of Transport Efficiency of Nanoparticles Through a Total Consumption Sample Introduction
System in Single Particle ICP-MS, Shin-ichi Miyashita, National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute
of Advanced Industrial Science (AIST), Tsukuba Central 3-9,1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan, shinichimiyashita@aist.go.jp; Hiroaki Mitsuhashi, Shin-ichiro Fujii, Akiko Takatsu, Kazumi Inagaki
12:00 Lunch Break
1:00 IL05 Characterization of Composite Nanoparticles by ICP-MS Methods, James F. Ranville, Colorado School of Mines,
Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry, Golden CO 80401, jranvill@mines.edu
1:30 IL06 Field-Flow Fractionation Coupled to ICP-QQQ as a Tool for the Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles
Aiming at Bioanalytical Applications, Jorge Ruiz Encinar, University of Oviedo, Faculty Chemistry, Department of
Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Julian Claveria, 8, E-33006 Oviedo, Spain, ruizjorge@uniovi.es; Mario Menéndez
Miranda, D. Bouzas Ramos, José M. Costa Fernández, Alfredo Sanz-Medel
2:00 M03 AF4/ICP-MS, Isotope Labeling and "Reverse" On-Line ID as Powerful Tools for Nanoparticle Analysis in
Environmental Matrices, Björn Meermann, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Department G2 - Aquatic Chemistry, Am
Mainzer Tor 1, D-56068 Koblenz, Germany, meermann@bafg.de; Kristina Wichmann, Frank Vanhaecke, Thomas Ternes
2:20 M04 Effects of Filtration on the Detection, Quantification, and Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in
Water Samples Using Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Emily Siska, US Environmental
Protection Agency, 9462 Oro Silver Ct, Las Vegas NV 89178, siskae@univ.nevada.edu; Khanh An Huynh, Edward
2:40 M05 On the Study of Short and Long-Term Stability of Gold Nanoparticles in Biological Fluids Using SP-ICP-MS,
Ciprian Mihai Cirtiu, Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec, Centre de Toxicologie du Québec, 945 Av. Wolfe, SteFoy, QC G1V 5B3, Canada, ciprian-mihai.cirtiu@inspq.qc.ca; Normand Fleury, Chady Stephan
3:00 Break
3:20 IL07 New Insights in Exposure Scenarios about Nanomaterials, Petra Krystek, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM),
VU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1087, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, petra.krystek@vu.nl
3:50 IL08 The Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles in Biological Fluids, Tissues and Cells by ICP-MS Techniques, Jörg Bettmer,
University of Oviedo, Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Julian Claveria 8, Chemistry, E-33006 Oviedo,
Spain, bettmerjorg@uniovi.es; Juan Soto-Alvaredo, Nerea Fernández-Iglesias, Carlos López-Chaves, Maria Montes-Bayón,
et al.
4:20 IL09 Strategies for Size-Specific Isotope Dilution Quantification of Nanomaterials Using FFF-ICP-MS: The Real
Sample Challenge, Heidi Goenaga-Infante, LGC Ltd, Queens Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 OLY, United Kingdom,
heidi.goenaga-Infante@lgcgroup.com; Susana Nunez, Dorota Bartczak
4:50 M06 Matrix Effect and Validation of Single Particle ICP-MS for Measuring Nanoparticle Size and Size Distribution,
Antonio R. Montoro Bustos, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Chemical Sciences Division, Materials
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
Measurement Laboratory, 100 Bureau Dr MS 8391, Gaithersburg MD 20899-8391, antonio.montorobustos@nist.gov;
Kavuri P. Purushotham, András E. Vladár, Karen E. Murphy, Michael R. Winchester
5:10 M07 Online Coupling of Flow-Field Fractionation and Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass
Spectrometry: Characterization of Nanoparticle Surface Coating Thickness and Aggregation State, Khanh An
Huynh, US Environmental Protection Agency, 944 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas NV 89119, huynh.khanhan@epa.gov; Emily
Siska, Edward Heithmar
Heritage Lecture
5:30 HL01 Tools of the Trade -- From Flow Injection to Laser Ablation, Cameron McLeod, University of Sheffield, Centre for
Analytical Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Sheffield S3 7HF, United Kingdom, c.w.mcleod@sheffield.ac.uk
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
03 Laser Assisted Plasma Spectrochemistry
2016 Winter Conference Award in Plasma Spectroscopy Symposium
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific
08:00 PL02 Recent Developments and Advances in the Theory, Instrumentation and Applications of Laser-Assisted Plasma
Spectrochemistry, Nicoló Omenetto, University of Florida, Department of Chemistry, PO Box 117200, Gainesville FL
32611, omenetto@chem.ufl.edu
09:00 IL10 Laser Spectrochemistry, Detlef Günther, ETH Zürich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, HC,
G113, Wolfgang-Pauli Str. 10, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland, guenther@inorg.chem.ethz.ch; Olga Borovinskaya, Luca
Flamigni, Joachim Koch, Hao Wang, Daniel Tabersky, Marcel Burger, Martin Tanner
09:30 IL11 Measuring the Periodic Chart of Elements and Isotopes with Every Laser Ablation Pulse, Rick E. Russo,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd, MS 70-108B, Berkeley CA 94720, rerusso@lbl.gov
10:00 Break
10:20 T01 Development of Near-Field Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy for Elemental and
Isotope Sub-Micrometric Analysis of Solid Samples, Chirelle Jabbour, CEA Saclay, DEN-DANS/DPC/SEARS/LANIE,
Department of Physical Chemistry, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, chirelle.jabbour@cea.fr; Jean-Luc Lacour, Michel
Tabarant, Alexandre Semerok, Frédéric Chartier, Damien Aureau, Arnaud Etcheberry
10:40 T02 Elemental Mapping of Biological Samples Using Tandem LA/LIBS, Maximilian Bonta, TU Wien, Institute for
Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Getreidemarkt 9/174-IAC, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, maximilian.bonta@tuwien.ac.at;
Jhanis J. Gonzalez, Rick E. Russo, Balazs Hegedus, Andreas Limbeck
11:00 T03 LA-ICP-MS as a Flexible Tool for Quality Control and Research Applications, René Chemnitzer, Analytik Jena
AG, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1, D-07745 Jena, Germany, rene.chemnitzer@analytik-jena.com
11:20 T04 Time-Resolved Tunable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy in Femtosecond Laser-Induced Plasmas, Mark Philips,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PO Box 999, Richland WA 99352, mark.phillips@pnnl.gov; S.S. Harilal, Jeremy
11:40 T05 Spectral Line Assignment: A Statistical Approach for Forensic Applications, Matthieu Baudelet, University of
Central Florida, Townes Laser Institute, CREOL, College of Optics, 4000 Central Florida Blvd, Orlando FL 32816-2700,
baudelet@creol.ucf.edu; Jessica Chappell, Brandon Seesahai, Martin Richardson, Michael E. Sigman
12:00 Lunch Break
04 Laser Assisted Plasma Spectrochemistry
1:00 IL12 Laser Assisted and Plasma Spectrometry: Development and Applications in Laboratory of Atomic
Spectrochemistry, Czech Republic, Viktor Kanicky, Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry,
Kotlarska 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic, viktork@chemi.muni.cz
1:30 IL13 How Does the Elemental Fractionation Occur in LA-ICPMS and How Can We Solve It?, Naoki Furuta, Chuo
University, Department of Applied Chemistry, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan, nfuruta@chem.chuou.ac.jp; Ryohei Machida, Takashi Nakazawa
2:00 T06 Diagnostics and Modeling of Laser Induced Plasma in Relation to Current Needs of Spectrochemical Analysis,
Igor B. Gornushkin, BAM, Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing, Richard-Willstätter-Str. 11, D-12489 Berlin,
Germany, igor.gornushkin@bam.de; S.V. Shabanov, R. Glaus, A. Ya. Kazakov, A. Demidov, and U. Panne
2:20 T07 Modeling Chemical Reactions in Laser-Induced Plasmas, Sergei Shabanov, University of Florida, Department of
Mathematics, Gainesville FL 32611, shabanov@ufl.edu; Igor Gornushkin
2:40 T08 Comparison Between Nanosecond, Femtosecond and Filament Assisted Laser Ablation Plumes, Sivanandan
Harilal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Blvd, Richland WA 99352, hari@pnnl.gov; B.E. Brumfield, J.
Yeak, M.C. Philips
3:00 Break
TP Tuesday Poster Session
Sample Introduction and Transport Phenomena
TP01 New Developments in ICP Spray Chambers, Jerry Dulude, Glass Expansion, Inc., 4 Barlows Landing Rd, Suite 2A,
Pocasset MA 02559-1983, jdulude@geicp.com; Ryan Brennan, Vesna Dolic
TP02 Dilute or Die -- How to Handle High Matrix Samples by ICP-MS, Marcus Manecki, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen)
GmbH, Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, marcus.manecki@thermofisher.com; Daniel Kutscher, Shona
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
TP03 Improving Sample Throughput in an ICP-OES Using Flow Injection, Glyn Russell, Agilent Technologies Australia Pty
Ltd, 679 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Australia, glyn.russell@agilent.com; Brendan Hahesy
TP04 Use of Ultrasonic Nebulization with ICP-AES for Enhanced Detection of Regulated Elements in Pharmaceuticals per
USP <232> and <233>, Fred G. Smith, Teledyne CETAC Technologies, 14036 Industrial Rd, Omaha NE 68144-3334,
TP05 Vortex Mixing Dilution System for ICP and ICP-MS, David Clarke, Teledyne Cetac Technologies, 14306 Industrial Rd,
Omaha NE 68144, david.clark@teledyne.com; Erik Pollock, Pete Winship, James Block
TP06 Micro Volume Sample Introduction System for ICP-MS, David Clarke, Teledyne Cetac Technologies, 14306 Industrial
Rd, Omaha NE 68144, david.clark@teledyne.com; Brian Cook, James Block
TP07 Fundamental Performance of a PFA Microconcentric Nebulizer for ICP-MS, Don Potter, Savillex Corporation, 10321
West 70th St, Eden Prairie MN 55344-3446, dpotter@savillex.com; Greg Eiden
TP07b Evaluation and Characterization of Commercial Micronebulizers, José Luís Todolí, University of Alicante,
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain,
jose.todoli@ua.es; Carlos Sánchez, Agueda Cañabate
TP08 An Automated System to Perform Low Pressure Speciation and Simultaneous Total Metals Analysis by ICP-MS,
Kyle Uhlmeyer, Elemental Scientific, Inc., 7277 World Communications Dr, Omaha NE 68122,
kyle.uhlmeyer@icpms.com; Patrick Sullivan, Dan Wiederin
TP09 A Rapid, Micro Injection System for Direct Analysis of High Total Dissolved Solid Samples by ICP-MS, Kyle
Uhlmeyer, Elemental Scientific, Inc., 7277 World Communications Dr, Omaha NE 68122, kyle.uhlmeyer@icpms.com;
Austin Schultz, Dan Wiederin
Nanomaterials Analysis and Characterization
TP10 Multi-Technique Approach Characterizing Nanosilver in FDA Regulated Products, Traci Hanley, US FDA Forensic
Chemistry Center, 6751 Steger Dr, Cincinnati OH 45237, traci.hanley@fda.hhs.gov
TP11 Expanding the Detectable Nanoparticle Size Range by Sector Field ICP-MS, Torsten Lindemann, Thermo Fisher
Scientific (Bremen) GmbH, Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, torsten.lindemann@thermofisher.com;
Shona McSheehy Ducos
TP12 Extending the Range of Single Particle Analysis Using High Resolution ICPMS, Karla Newman, Trent University,
Department of Chemistry, 1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough ON K9J 7B8, Canada, karlanewman@trentu.ca; Phil
Shaw, Leon Eldridge, Holger Hintelmann, Chris Metcalfe
TP13 SP-ICP-TOFMS for the Analysis of Nanoparticles, Martin Tanner, TOFWERK AG, Uttigenstrasse 22, CH-3600 Thun,
Switzerland, m.tanner@tofwerk.com; Olga Borovinskaya
TP14 Characterization and Optimization of Plasma Operating Conditions for Single Particle Analysis Using a Fast
Scanning ICP-MS, Bazargan Samad, PerkinElmer Inc., 6-501 Rowntree Dairy Rd, Woodbridge, ON L4L 8H1, Canada,
samad.bazargan@perkinelmer.com; Hamid Badiei
TP15 Significant SP-ICP-MS Instrument Settings and Their Implications on Data Quality, Aaron Hineman, PerkinElmer,
Inc., 501 Rowntree Dairy Rd, Unit 6, Woodridge ON L4L 8H1, Canada, aaron.hineman@perkinelmer.com; Chady Stephan
Laser Assisted Plasma Spectrochemistry
TP16 Tracing of Cancer Cell-Specific Cyotoxic Drugs by Laser Ablation ICP-MS, Michaela Vasinová Galiová, Masaryk
University, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kotlarska 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic,
galiovam@seznam.cz; Roman Hrstka, Kristyna Stulova, Lucie Koubkova, Jindrich Karban, Jiri Pinkas, Viktor Kanicky
TP17 Quantifying Challenging Liquid Samples Using Self-Aliquoting Micro-Array Plates and Dried-Droplet Laser
Ablation, Winfried Nischkauer, TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Getreidemarkt 9/164-IAC, A1060 Vienna, Austria, winfried.nischkauer@tuwien.ac.at; Maximilian Bonta, Frank Vanhaecke, Andreas Limbeck
TP18 Performance Characteristic of Single Collector and Multi-Collector ICP-MS for Single Shot Laser Ablation Isotope
Ratios, Phil Shaw, Nu Instruments, Unit 74 Clywedog Rd South, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham LL13 9XS, United
Kingdom, phil.shaw@nu-ins.com; Benoit Disch, Ye Zhao, Rob Hutchinson, and Ciaran O'Connor
TP19 Direct Determination of Elements Present on NIST 2557 (Used Auto Catalyst) by Laser Ablation - Inductively
Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), Laura Poirier, Chevron Energy Technology Company, 100
Chevron Way, Richmond CA 94801-2016, laurapoirier@chevron.com; David Leong, Derrick C. Quarles Jr., Jhanis J.
Gonzalez, Richard E. Russo, Francisco Lopez-Linares
TP20 Application of a 213 nm NdYAG Laser to the ICP Analysis of Catalysts, José Luís Todolí, University of Alicante,
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, PO Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain, jose.todoli@ua.es
TP21 Analytical Performance of a Turn-Key Femtosecond Laser Ablation System, Rob Hutchinson, Electro Scientific
Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom,
rhutchinson@esi.com; Katherine McLachlin, Ciaran O'Connor, Shane Hillard, Leif Summerfield, Jay Walkins, Erik Larsen
TP22 Analytical Performance of a Turn-Key Femtosecond Laser Ablation System, Robert Hutchinson, Electro Scientific
Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom,
rhutchinson@esi.com; Katherine McLachlin, Ciaran O'Connor, Shane Hilliard, Leif Summerfield, Jay Walkins, Erik Larsen
TP23 Study of Super Fast LA-ICPMS Plasma Injection Using a Theoretically Ideal Sample Chamber, Leif Summerfield,
ESI, 685 Old Buffalo Trail, Bozeman MT 59715, lsummerfield@esi.com; Katherine McLachlin
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
TP24 Long-Term Laser Ablation System Stage Return Accuracy -- Sub-Micron Performance in Real Applications, Rob
Hutchinson, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United
Kingdom, rhutchinson@esi.com; David S. Wray, Erik Larsen
TP25 Rapid Analysis of High-Purity Gold by Laser Ablation ICP-OES, Rob Hutchinson, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.
(ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Busines Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom, rhutchinson@esi.com; Jayme Curet,
Matthew Cassap, Katherine McLachlin
TP26 Ultrafast Analysis by Laser Ablation ICP-MS Using a New Dual Concentric Injector Interface, Robert Hutchinson,
Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom,
rhutchinson@esi.com; David Price, Fadi Abou-Shakra, Ciaran O'Connor
TP27 A High Sensitivity Approach for Open-Cell LA-ICPMS of Trace Elements in Stalagmites, Bodo Hattendorf, ETH
Zürich, Laboratory for Inorganic Chemistry HCl G 122, Vladimir-Perlog-Weg 1, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland,
bodo@inorg.chem.ethz.ch; Chng-Che Wu, Marcel Burger, Detlef Günther
TP28 Development of a Matrix-Independent Calibration Strategy by LA-ICP-MS, Jan Thieleke, Leibniz University
Hannover, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Callinstrasse 9, D-30167 Hannover, Germany, thieleke@acc.uni-hannover.de;
Xi Chen, Carla Vogt
TP29 Investigating the Influence of Combination of Magnetic Field and Various Atmosphere Conditions on LIBS Signal
Enhancement, David Prochazka, Brno University of Technology, CEITEC BUT Central European Institute of Technology,
Technická 3058/10, 61600 Brno, Czech Republic, david.prochazka@ceitec.vutbr.cz; D P. Porizka, J. Klus, A. Hrdlicka, J.
Novotny, K. Novotny, J. Kaiser
TP30 Multivariate Approach to Detection of Uranium Using LIBS, Jakub Klus, Brno University of Technology, CEITEC
BUT Central European Institute of Technology, Technická 3058/10, 61600 Brno, Czech Republic,
jskub.klus@ceitec.vutbr.cz; David Prochazka, P. Porizka, J. Novotny, A. Hrdlicka, K. Novotny, J. Kaiser
TP31 Comparison of ICP-MS Elemental Analysis of Detects by HR-ICP-MS and LA-Q-ICP-MS, Ela Bakowska, Corning
Incorporated, CMP SP-FR-06, Corning NY 14831, bakowskae@corning.com; Stephan Kuenzli
TP32 Time-Dependent Studies of Nanoparticle Lifetime in Rat Lung Using LA-ICP-MS, Rob Hutchinson, Electro Scientific
Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom,
rhutchinson@esi.com; Timothy H. Marczylo, James L. Warren
TP33 High Resolution Elemental Mapping of Biological Samples, Julian Wills, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH,
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, julian.wills@thermofisher.com
TP34 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 2D Distribution Mapping of Nanoparticles, Karel Novotny, Masaryk
University, Central European Institute of Technology, Kamenice 753/5, CZ-625 00 Brno, Czech Republic,
codl@sci.muni.cz; Marie Novotná, Ales Hrdlicka, Pavel Kopel, Jozef Kaiser, René Kizek, Vojtech Adam
TP35 The NWR iMAGE -- Elemental Microscopy, Robert Hutchinson, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court,
Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom, rhutchinson@esi.com; Jay Wilkins, Leif Summerfield,
Ciaran O'Connor, Katherine McLachlin
TP36 Performance and Data from an Elemental Microscope -- The NWR iMAGE, Rob Hutchinson, Electro Scientific
Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom,
rhutchinson@esi.com; Leif Summerfield, Jay Walkins, Ciaran O'Connor, Katherine McLachlin, Norbert Jakubowski, Heike
Traube, Diego Esteban-Fernandez
TP37 UV-fs-LA-ICPTOFMS Depth Profiling of La0.4Ca0.6MnO3 PLD Thin Films, Kevin Guex, ETH Zürich, Department of
Chemistry and Applied Biosciences HCl G 122, Vladimir-Perlog-Weg 1, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland,
guex@inorg.chem.ethz.ch; Aljandro Ojeda, Joachim Koch, Christof Schneider, Thomas Lippert, Detlef Günther
TP38 Environmental Forensics of Contaminated Plant Samples Using the J200 Tandem LA-LIBS, C. Derrick Quarles Jr.,
Applied Spectra, Inc., 46665 Fremont Blvd, Fremont CA 94538, dquarles@appliedspectra.com; Charles Sisson, Jhanis J.
Gonzalez, Richard E. Russo
TP39 Elemental Mapping of Nanoparticles via Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry, Trevor Addesso, Texas Tech
University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Box 41061, Lubbock TX 79409-1061, trevor.addesso@ttu.edu;
John Usala, Gerardo Gamez
WS01 Workshop on New Plasma Instrumentation
Sponsored by Analytik Jena AG
3:10 WS101 Developing an Infrared-Heated Sample Introduction System for Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical
Emission Spectrometry for Pneumatic Nebulizers, Yoseif Makonnen, Queen's University, Department of Chemistry, 90
Bader Ln, Kingston ON K7L 5C9, Canada, yoseif.makonnen@chem.queensu.ca; John Burgener, Diane Beauchemin
3:25 WS102 Development and Characterization of a New High Sensitivity ICP-MS, Iouri Kalinitchenko, Analytik Jena AG,
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1, D-07745 Jena, Germany, iouri.kalinitchenko@analytik-jena.com
3:40 WS103 Trace Analysis of As, Bi, Ir, P and V in Very High-Purity Metals by High Resolution ICP-OES, Jan Scholz,
Analytik Jena AG, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1, D-07745 Jena, Germany, jan.scholz@analytik-jena.com; Kyoto Matsuito, Kyoto
Killenberg, Heike Gleisner, Alf Liebmann
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
3:55 WS104 High Speed Bio-Imaging by LA-ICP-TOF-MS and a New Direct Concentric Injector Nebulizer, Rob
Hutchinson, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United
Kingdom, rhutchinson@esi.com; Martin Tanner, Olga Borovinskaya
4:10 WS105 Improved Sample Introduction for an ICP-OES Designed to Reduce Ar Consumption, Glyn Russell, Agilent
Technologies Australia Pty Ltd, 679 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Australia, glyn.russell@agilent.com
4:25 WS106 Exploiting the Limit of Single Particle ICP-MS -- From Particle Size to Particle Number, Chady Stephan,
PerkinElmer Inc., 501 Rowntree Dairy Rd, Unit 6, Woodbridge, ON L4L 8H1, Canada, chady.stephan@perkinelmer.com
4:40 WS107 Nanoparticle Analysis: An Upcoming Challenge for Environmental and Food Analysis, Daniel Kutscher,
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH, Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany,
daniel.kutscher@thermofisher.com; Julian D. Wills, Shona McSheeny-Ducos
4:55 WS108 Environmental Life Cycle of Metal-Based Nanoparticles Assessed by Single Particle - ICP-MS, Chady Stephan,
PerkinElmer Inc., 501 Rowntree Dairy Rd, Unit 6, Woodbridge, ON L4L 8H1, Canada, chady.stephan@perkinelmer.com
5:10 WS109 Using ICP-MS-MS to Resolve Difficult Interference Problems in the Analysis of Nanoparticles, Steve Wilbur,
Agilent Technologies International Japan Ltd, 9-1 Takakura-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0033, Japan,
michiko_yamanaka@agilent.com; Michiko Yamanaka, Takayuki Itagaki, Kazuo Yamanaka
Heritage Lecture
5:30 HL02 The Boundary Conditions for Scientific Research, Kay Niemax, BAM - Federal Institute for Materials Research
and Testing, Department I, Richard-Willlstaetter-Str. 11, D-12489 Berlin, Germany, niemax@bam.de; Iouri Kalinitchenko
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
05 Plasma Fundamentals, Instrumentation, and Mechanisms
08:00 PL03 Advances in Plasma Spectrochemistry, Gary M. Hieftje, Indiana University, Department of Chemistry, 800 E.
Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington IN 47405-7102, hieftje@indiana.edu
09:00 IL14 Recombination and Diffusion in the Vacuum Interface of an ICP-MS: A New Look at Some Old Data, Paul B.
Farnsworth, Brigham Young University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Provo UT 84602-5700,
paul_farnsworth@byu.edu; Ross L. Spencer, and Matthew Zachreson
09:30 IL15 Conversion of Nanoparticles, Microparticles and Solutions into ICP-MS Signals from Sample Transport to
Detection, John W. Olesik, The Ohio State University, Trace Element Research Laboratory, School of Earth Sciences, 125
S. Oval Mall, Columbus OH 43210, olesik.2@osu.edu; Austin T. Wilson, Chuanqiang Sun, Shi Jiao
10:00 Break
06 Young Plasma Scientists Award Form
Sponsored by Thermo Scientific
10:20 AW02 Young Plasma Scientists Award
10:30 IL16 Optimism Unbounded: A Young(ish) Chemist's View of Innovation in Atomic Spectrometry, Steven J. Ray,
State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Chemistry, Buffalo NY 14260, sjray2@buffalo.edu; Gary M.
11:00 IL17 Recent Developments in Nanoanalysis: On the Separation and Characterization of Single Nanoparticles in
Complex Mixtures Using CE-spICP-MS, Carsten Engelhard, University of Siegen, Department of Chemistry and
Biology, Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2, D-57068 Siegen, Germany, engelhard@chemie.uni-siegen.de; Bastian Franze, Ingo
Strenge, Christopher Kuhlmann, Darya Mozhayeva
11:30 IL18 Flowing Atmospheric-Pressure Afterglow: A Source of Ions, Molecules, Atoms, and Chemistry, Jacob T.
Shelley, Kent State University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kent OH 44242, jshelley@kent.edu; Sunli P.
Badal, Yi You, Garrett M. MacLean, Kelsey L. Williams, Priscila Da Silva Ferreira
12:00 Lunch Break
06 Young Plasma Scientists Award Form
Sponsored by Thermo Scientific
1:00 IL19 Particle Transport in the ICP Torch: A Closer Look Through Computations, Maryam Aghaei, University of
Antwerp, Plasmant - Plasma, Laser Ablation & Surface Modelling Antwerp, Universiteirsplein 1, BE-2610 WilrijkAntwerp, Belgium, maryam.aghaei@uantwerpen.be; Helmut Lindner, Annemie Bogaerts
1:30 IL20 Recent Developments in GDOES Elemental Mapping Toward Analysis of Large Diameter Samples, Gerardo
Gamez, Texas Tech University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Box 41061, Lubbock TX 79409-1061,
gerardo.gamez@ttu.edu; Marcel Kroschk, John Usala, Trevor Addesso
2:00 IL21 Advanced Direct Analysis of Innovative Materials by Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry, Jorge Pisonero,
University of Oviedo, Department of Physics, E-33600 Oviedo, Spain, pisonerojorge@uniovi.es; Cristian González,
Alfredo Sanz-Medel, Nerea Bordel
2:30 IL22 The Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (LS-APGD) Ion Source: A High InformationDensity Microplasma, R. Kenneth Marcus, Clemson University, Department of Chemistry, Clemson SC 29634-1905,
marcusr@clemson.edu; Lynn X. Zhang, Edward D. Hoegg
3:00 Break
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
WP Wednesday Posters
New Plasma Instrumentation
WP01 How the Latest Advancements in ICP-OES Instrumentation and Software Address the Requirements of Standard
Methods Whilst Minimizing Costs Associated with Analysis, Matthew Cassap, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen)
GmbH, Hann-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, matthew.casap@thermofisher.com; Elena Chemetsova, Sanja
WP02 Hydrogen as Reaction Gas for 80Se Determination: Strategies and Application, Aline Fernandes de Oliveira, University
of São Carlos, Department of Chemistry, Rodovia Washington Luis Km 235, São Carlos, SP 13565-905, Brazil,
alinefo@gmail.com; Jenny Nelson, Ana Rita A. Nogueira, Joaquim A. Nóbrega, Joseph A. Caruso, Julio Landero-Figueroa
WP03 Evaluation of Internal Standardization for Boron Determination in Plants by IC-MS/MS with O2 as Cell Gas,
Clarice Amaral, Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCar, Chemistry Department, P.O. Box 676, Highway Washington
Luiz km 235, São Carlos, SP 13565-905, Brazil, clariceamaral@yahoo.com.br; Raquel C. Machado, Alex Virgilio, Renata
S. Amais, Daniela Schiavo, Ana Rita Nogueira, Joaquim A. Nóbrega
WP04 Ultra Trace Measurement of Sulfur, Phosphorus and Silicon Using Reaction Cell Technology of ICP-MS/MS,
Nakano Kazumi, Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd, 9-1, Takakura-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-8510, Japan,
kazumi_nakano@agilent.com; Yasuyuki Shikamori, Naoki Sugiyama
WP05 Optimization, Evaluation, and Characterization of Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (LSAPGD) Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: A Tool for Elemental Analysis, Sarah Harris, Clemson University, 102
Biosystems Research Complex, 105 Collings St, Clemson SC 29634, smharri@clemson.edu; Lynn X. Zhang, R. Kenneth
WP06 Direct Elemental Analysis of Solid Surfaces Utilizing Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge (LSAPGD) Optical Emission Spectroscopy, Htoo Paing, Clemson University, 102 Biosystems Research Complex, 105
Collings St, Clemson SC 29634, hpaing@g.clemson.edu; Lynn X. Zhang, Sarah Harris, R. Kenneth Marcus
WP07 Combined Matrix Effects in Plasma Pencil Spectroscopy, Hrdlicka Ales, Masaryk University, Central European
Institute of Technology, Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic, ales2003h@centrum.cz; Magda Dvoraková, Pavel
Slavicek, Karel Novotny, Viktor Kanicky
WP08 Microfluidic Separations Integrated with the Liquid Sampling-Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge: A Complete
Portable System, Benjamin T. Manard, Los Alamos National Laboratory, PO Box 1663, Los Alamos NM 87544,
btmanard@lanl.gov; Ning Xu, Jun Gao, Alonso Castro
WP09 Study of Accuracy Profiles for Different Elements by ICP-AES and ICP-MS, Alexandre Labet, CEA,
DEN/DEC/SA3/LARC, Bâtment 152, F-13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France, alexandre.labet@cea.fr; Seige Pontremoli,
Nadège Arnal, Stephanie Lancette, Nicole Delteil
WP10 Rapid Sample Preparation and Analysis of Polymer Materials by Oxygen Combustion for Analysis of Metals by
ICP, Gary Meyer, Promerus LLC, Polymer Analysis and Materials Testing, 9921 Brecksville Rd, Brecksville OH 44141,
WP11 Multi-Energy Calibration: Fast Matrix-Matching Determinations in Microwave-Induced Plasma Optical Emission
Spectrometry, George L. Donati, Wake Forest University, Department of Chemistry, Salem Hall, Box 7468, WinstonSalem NC 27109, donatigl@wfu.edu; Daniel A. Goncalves, Tina McSweeney, Mirian C. Santos
WP12 Pushing Sector Field Mass Spectrometry to the Cloud, Nico Kivel, Paul Scherrer Institute/ CERN, OHLA/ 128, CH5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland, niko.kivel@psi.ch; Heiko-Dirk Porthast, Marco Streit
WP13 Direct Liquid Crystal Analysis by Plasma-Based Ambient Desorption/Ionization, Christopher Kuhlmann, University of
Siegen, Department of Chemistry and Biology, Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2, D-57068 Siegen, Germany, kuhlmann@chemiebio.uni-siegen.de; Jacob T. Shelley, Carsten Engelhard
WP14 Fast Data Acquisition with Microsecond Time Resolution in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and its
Advantages for the Characterization of Nanoparticles, Ingo Strenge, University of Siegen, Department of Chemistry and
Biology, Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2, D-57068 Siegen, Germany, strenge@chemie-bio.uni-siegen.de; Carsten Engelhard
WP15 New and Improved Interference Reduction for ICP-MS, Christoph Wehe, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH,
Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, christoph.wehe@thermfisher.com; Daniel Kutscher, Julian D. Wills,
Shona McSheehy Ducos, Lothar Rothmann
WP16 The Reaction of Argon Ions with Oxygen Gas Molecules in the Reaction Cell of ICP-QMS/QMS, Yanbei Zhu,
National Metrology Institute of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Umezono,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan, yb-zhu@aist.go.jp; Nobuyuki Aoki, Yasuyuki Shikamori
WP17 Parametric Study of Helium Discharges in Capacitively Coupled Plasmas, Muhammad Abrar, COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology, Park Rd, Chack Shahzad, Islamabad, 45550, Pakistan, m.abrar@comsats.edu.pk; Muhammad
Fawad, Muhammad Zakaullah, Abdul Waheed, Adnan Saeed
Elemental Speciation Analysis
WP18 A Close Look at the Volatilization of Arsenic and Other Metalloids in Soils Using VD-GC-ICPMS and VD-GC-MS,
Georges-Marie Momplaisir, US Environmental Protection Agency, 944 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas NV 89119,
momplaisir.georges-marie@epa.gov; Charles G. Rosal, Jason R. Sylva
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
WP19 Speciation Analysis of Arsenic in Seafoods: Method Development and Application, Mesay M. Wolle, US Food and
Drug Administration CFSAN/ORS/DBC/CHCB, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy, College Park MD 20740,
mesay.wolle@fda.hhs.gov; Sean D. Conklin
WP20 Evaluation of Caliper Staccato Automated Robotic Sample Preparation for Arsenic Speciation Using HPLC-ICPDRC-MS, Nolan D. Hilliard, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, MS F-50, Atlanta GA
30341, nhilliard@cdc.gov; Cynthia D. Ward, Kathleen L. Caldwell, Robert L. Jones
WP21 A Novel Approach Involving Speciation of Cr3+ and Cr6+ in Total Particulate Matter from Mainstream Tobacco
Smoke Utilizing ETV-ICP-MS, Mark R. Fresquez, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC/NCEH/DLS/TVB,
4470 Buford Hwy MS F-44, Atlanta GA 30341-3717, mwf6@cdc.gov; Clifford Watson, Steve Pappas
WP22 Speciation Analysis of Chromium on Filter Media, Tamutsiwa Mututuvari, High Purity Standards, 7221 Investment Dr,
North Charleston SC 29418, moven@hps.net; Anita Hsouna, Svetlana Uzunova, Kim-Phuong Tran, Zhen Xu, Jinghao Li
WP23 Fast Track to Speciation Solutions Utilizing the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS, Mark Kelinske, Agilent Technologies, 2850
Centerville Rd, Wilmington DE 19808, mark.kelinske@agilent.com
WP24 Evaluation of Two Numerical Models for Double Spiking Species - Specific Isotope Dilution Analysis for Mercury
Analysis, Zhongwen Wang, Health Canada, Food Research Division, 251 Sir Fredrick Bauting Driveway, Health Products
and Food Branch, Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9, Canada, robert.dabeka@hc-sc.gc.ca; Tara Hierlihy
WP25 Iodine Speciation in Dietary Supplements by (HPLC) High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with
(ICP-MS) Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Detection, Ryan Saadawi, U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, 6751 Steger Dr, Cincinnati OH 45237, ryansaadawi@hotmail.com; Robert A. Wilson, Enrique G. Yanes
WS2 Workshop on Biological and Clinical Sample Methodology
3:10 WS201 Quantitative Laser Ablation - Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Rat Brain Slices
to Monitor Changes in Biologically Relevant Metals with Manganese Exposure, Elizabeth Mullin, University of
Buffalo, 852 Natural Sciences Complex, Buffalo NY 14260, ejmullin@buffalo.edu; Jerome A. Roth, Richard Salvi, Diana
S. Aga
3:25 WS202 Low-Dispersion LA-ICP-MS Cells: High-Resolution Tissue Imaging and Single Cell Analysis, Stjin Van
Malderen, Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Krijslaan 281-S12, B-9000 Gent, Belgium,
stjin.vanmalderen@ugent.be; Frank Vanhaecke
3:40 WS203 Quantification of the Rare Earth Elements in Biological Matrices at Trace Levels Using ICP-MS/MS
Technology, Patrick J. Parsons, New York State Department of Health, Laboratory of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,
Wadsworth Center, Albany NY 12201-0509, patrick.parsons@health.ny.gov; Aubrey Galusha
3:55 WS204 Measuring Rare Earth Elements in Human Bone by ICP-MS/MS, Aubrey L. Galusha, New York State
Department of Health, Laboratory of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, Wadsworth Center, Albany NY 12201-0509,
aubrey.galusha@health.ny.gov; Pamela C. Kruger, Lyn Howard, Patrick J. Parsons
4:10 WS205 Certification of Thyroid Hormones in NIST Standard Reference Materials, Brittany Catron-Kassim, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Hollings Marine Laboratory, 331 Fort Johnson Rd, Charleston SC 29412,
brittany.catron@nist.gov; Stephen Long
4:25 WS206 A Combined Method for Detecting Cr, Ni, and As in Human Urine by Inductively Coupled Plasma Universal
Cell Technology Mass Spectrometry, Deanna R. Jones, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford
Highway MS F-18, Atlanta GA 30341-3724, hii4@cdc.gov; Kristen Wallon, Jeffery Jarrett, Kathy Caldwell, Robert Jones
4:40 WS207 The Big Four -- The Four Metals on the Top Ten List of Priority Chemicals of Public Health Concern and the
Monitoring of Their Levels in Food Stuff, Barbro Kollander, National Food Agency, Box 622, Science Department, SE75126 Uppsala, Sweden, barbro.kollander@slv.se
4:55 WS208 Atomic Spectroscopy and Pharmaceutical Research, Tiebang Wang, Merck, 126 E. Lincoln Ave, RY818-C102,
Rahway NJ 07065, tiebang_wang@merck.com
5:10 WS209 LIBS, LA-ICP-MS and XRF for the Evaluation of Residual Catalysts in Pharmaceuticals, Lydia Breckenridge,
Bristol-Myers Squibb, 1 Squibb Dr, New Brunswick NJ 07712, lydia.breckenridge@bms.com; Nancy Lewen, Sharla Wood
Heritage Lecture
5:30 HL03 49 Years of Atomic Spectroscopy -- From Nebulizers to Detectors -- Time Marches On, M. Bonner Denton,
University of Arizona, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1306 E. University Blvd, Tucson AZ 85721-0041,
Thursday, January 14, 2016
07 Speciation, Metallomics, Biodistribution Analyses
08:00 PL04 Bioanalytical Tools to Address the Clinical Implications of Using Fe-Nanoparticles for Therapeutic
Applications, Maria Montes-Bayón, University of Oviedo, Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Julian
Claveria 8, Chemistry, E-33006 Oviedo, Spain, montesmaria@uniovi.es; J. Garcia Fernández, N. Jakubowski, Alfredo
Sanz-Medel, U. Panne
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
09:00 IL23 Bio-Imaging by Use of Laser Ablation ICP-MS, Norbert Jakubowski, BAM - Federal Institute for Materials
Research, and Testing Division, Richard-Willlstaetter-Str. 11, D-12489 Berlin, Germany, norbert.jakubowski@bam.de;
Heike Traub, Diego Esteban, Tina Buechner, Janina Kneipp, Eyk Schellenberger, Larissa Mueller, Anje Hermann
09:30 IL24 Progress on Bioano Amplifications for Highly Sensitive Protein Quantification via Immunoassays - ICP-MS,
José M. Costa-Fernandez, University of Oviedo, Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Avda. Julian Claveria 8,
E-33066 Oviedo, Spain, jcostafe@uniovi.es; Marta Garcia-Cortes, Alfred Sanz-Medel
10:00 Break
10:20 IL25 The -omics Evolution of the Biological Trace Element Research: Opportunities for ICP MS, Ryszard Lobinski,
CRNS, LCABIE-IPREM, Laboratory of Analytical Bioinorganic and Environmental Chemistry, Hélioparc, F-64053 Pau,
France, ryszard.lobinski@univ-pau.fr
10:50 IL26 Mass Spectrometric Assays in Preclinical Studies on Metallodrugs, Gunda Köllensperger, University of Vienna,
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Waehringer Str. 38, A-1090 Vienna, Austria,
gunda.koellensperger@univie.ac.at; Luis Galvez Monntano, Luca Bamonti, Michaela Schwaiger, Gerritt Hermann, Petra
Heffeter, et al.
11:20 IL27 ICP MS and Selenium Pathways -- From Drug Synthesis to Cancer Cell Metabolism, Joanna Szpunar, LCABIE,
CNRS UMR 5254, Hélioparc, 2, Av. Pierre Angot, F-64053 Pau-Pyrénées, France, joanna.szpunar@univ-pau.fr
12:00 Lunch Break
07 Speciation, Metallomics, Biodistribution Analyses
1:00 Th01 Isotopic and Speciation Analysis Using Tandem-ICP-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS), Eduardo Bolea
Fernandez, Ghent University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Krijslaan 281-S12, B-9000 Gent, Belgium,
eduardo.boleafernandez@ugent.be; Frank Vanhaecke, Lieve Balcaen, Martin Resano, Balazs Klenesar
1:20 Th02 Selenium Speciation in Dietary Supplements: Label Verification, Kevin Kubachka, US FDA Forensic Chemistry
Center, 6751 Steger Dr, Cincinnati OH 45238, kevin.kubachka@fda.hhs.gov; Traci Hanley, Madhavi Mantha, Robert
Wilson, Aline Oliveira, Julio Landero, Joseph Caruso
1:40 Th03 Simultaneous Speciation Analysis of Bio-Accessible As, Se, and Cr in Leachates from Baby Cereals for Realistic
Risk Assessment, Nausheen Sadiq, Queen's University, Department of Chemistry, 90 Bader Lane, Kingston ON K7L 3N6,
Canada, diane.beauchemin@chem.queensu.ca; Diane Beauchemin
2:00 Th04 Iodine Speciation in Dog Foods and Treats by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Detection, Robert Wilson, US FDA Forensic Chemistry Center, 6751
Steger Dr, Cincinnati OH 45238, robert.wilson@fda.hhs.gov; Enrique G. Yanes
2:20 Th05 Investigation of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic Species Degradation and Reduction Properties by Nano Zero
Valent Iron (nZVI) Using IC-ICP-MS, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Hampshire College, School of Natural Science, 893 West
St, Amherst MA 01002-5001, dula@hampshire.edu; Chelsea Westra
2:40 Th06 Advanced Application of Speciation and ICP-MS Detection, Daniel Kutscher, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen)
GmbH, Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, daniel.kutscher@thermofisher.com; Shona McSheeny-Ducos
3:00 Break
ThP Thursday Poster Session
Agriculturical, Biological, Clinical, Food, Pharmaceutical Materials Analyses
ThP01 Developing a Trace Metals Laboratory Quality Control Program, Denise Rokke, Mayo Clinic, RO-SU-1-332-MTLS,
200 First St. SW, Rochester MN 55905, rokke.denise@mayo.edu
ThP02 A Comparison Between Different Sample Preparation Techniques of Biological Specimen for Subsequent Use in
Elemental Analysis, Maximilian Bonta, TU Wien, Institute for Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Getreidemarkt
9/164-IAC, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, maximilian.bonta@tuwien.ac.at; Balazs Hegedus, Andreas Limbeck
1ThP03 Lot Screening of Sample Collection and Storage Devices for Trace Metals Analysis, Reba J. Williams, Battelle
Memorial Institute, 505 King Ave, Columbus OH 43201-2696, yie6@cdc.gov; Michael Andrews, Cynthia D. Ward,
Kathleen L. Caldwell, Robert L. Jones
ThP04 Whole Blood Arsenic in a Patient Population, Chris Gilmer, Mayo Clinic, Metals Laboratory - RO_SU_01_332MTL,
200 First St. SW, Rochester MN 55905, gilmer.christopher@mayo.edu; Denise Rokke
ThP05 Measurement of Antimony, Bismuth, and Molybdenum by ICP-MS, Melissa Maras, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW,
Rochester MN 55905, maras.melissa@mayo.edu; David L. Murray, Paul J. Jannetto
ThP06 A Simple Dilute-and-Shoot ICP-MS Method for As Determination in Blood, Esperanza García-Ruiz, University of
Zaragoza, Department of Analytical Chemistry, I3A, Pedro Cerbuna 12, S-50009 Zaragoza, Spain, garciae@unizar.es;
María R. Flórez, Martin Resano
ThP07 Rapid and Simple Determination of Cadmium and Lead in Whole Blood by ICP-MS, Joao Ulrich, Instituto de
Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Ipen/CNEN-SP, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2242, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil,
jculrich@ipen.br; Jorge Eduardo de Souza Sarkis
Biomonitoring Method for the Analysis of Chromium and Cobalt in Human Whole Blood by ICP-KED-MS, Joaudimir
Castro-Georgi, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Inorganic and Radiation Analytical Toxicology Branch, 4770
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
Buford Hwy NE, MS F-50, Atlanta GA 30341, jcastrogeorgi@cdc.gov; Yuliya L. Sommer, Cynthia D. Ward, Kathleen L.
Caldwell, Robert L. Jones
ThP09 Ruggedness, Robustness, and Analyte Stability for Chromium and Cobalt in Whole Human Blood Biomonitoring
Method Using ICP-KED-MS, Yuliya L. Sommer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, MS
F-50, Atlanta GA 30341, ysommer@cdc.gov; Joaudimir Castro-Georgi, Cynthia D. Ward, Kathleen L. Caldwell, Robert L.
ThP10 Accurate Manganese Quantification in the Clinical Laboratory, Nathan Hines, Mayo Clinic, Metals Laboratory, 200
First St. SW, Rochester MN 55905, hines.nathan@mayo.edu; Steven Eckdahl, Paul Jannetto
ThP11 Platform Comparison for the Separation and Quantification of Three Mercury Species in Human Whole Blood by
HPLC-ICP-DRC-MS, Derrious Lowe, Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King Ave, Columbus OH 43201-2696,
yie1@cdc.gov; Joshua D. Godshaw, Yuliya L. Sommer, Cynthia D. Ward, Kathleen L. Caldwell, Robert L. Jones
ThP12 Use of Dried Blood Spots and ICP-MS for Multi-Element Determination in Blood, Lise Pedersen, Odense University
Hospital, Department of Clinical Chemistry & Pharmacology, Sdr. Boulevard 29, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark, lisepedersen@rsyd.dk; Karen Andersen-Ranberg, Mads Nybo, and Mads Hollergaard
ThP13 Automated Sample Preparation of Urine for ICP-MS Analysis, Kristen Wallon, Battelle Memorial Institute, 2987
Clairmont Rd, Suite 450, Atlanta GA 30329, kwallon@cdc.gov; Deanna Jones, Jeff Jarrett, Kathleen Caldwell, Robert
ThP14 Automated Preparation of Urine Samples for ICP-MS Using prepFAST, Dean Bass, Doctors Data Inc., 3755 Illinois
Ave, St. Charles IL 60174, dbass@doctorsdata.com; Anita Shah
ThP15 Chromatographic - ICP - MS Methods for Targeted and Untargeted Multi-Metal of Blood and Urine, Brian Jackson,
Dartmouth College, HB6105 Fairchild Bldg, Hanover NH 03755, bpj@dartmouth.edu
ThP16 Sr-90 in Human Excretion Samples. Comparison of MC-ICP-MS and Conventional LL -Counting, Mechthild
Burow, Research Centre Jülich GmbH, Department of Safety and Radiation Protection, Wilhelm-Johnen-Str., Postfach 191,
D-52425 Jülich, Germany, m.burow@fz-juelich.de
ThP17 Ultra Trace Analysis of Silver in Animal Tissue, Marie Rinne, Leibniz University Hannover, Institute for Inorganic
Chemistry, Callinstrasse 9, D-30167 Hannover, Germany, rinne@acc.uni-hannover.de; Dennis Kliem, Fabian Zimmermann,
Carla Vogt
ThP18 Elemental Imaging of Tissues from Animals That Have Been Exposed to Mn Oxide or Ag Nanoparticles, C. Derrick
Quarles Jr., Applied Spectra, Inc., 46665 Fremont Blvd, Fremont CA 94538, dquarles@appliedspectra.com; Renata
Brodzka, Maciej Stepnik, Katarzyna Domeradzka, Jhanis J. Gonzalez, Richard E. Russo, et al.
ThP19 Development of a Candidate Keratin Reference Material Using Horns from Lead-dosed Goats: Multi-element
Characterization by ICP-MS, Mina Tehrani, New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center, PO Box 509,
Albany NY 12201-0509, mina.tehrani@health.ny.gov; Patrick J. Parsons
ThP20 Triple Quad ICP-MS Using Oxygen and Ammonia Reaction Gases for Analysis of Seven Toxic Metals in Cigarette
Smoke Particulate Matter (TPM), Naudia Gray, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Tobacco and Volatile
Organics Branch, 4770 Buford Hwy NE Mail Stop F44, Atlanta GA 30341-3717, nrgray@cdc.gov; Nathalie GonzalezJimenez, R. Steven Pappas, Clifford H. Watson
ThP21 Triple Quad-ICP-MS for Analysis of Ten Toxic Metals in Tobacco Products, Nathalie Gonzalez-Jimenez, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, MS F44, Atlanta
GA 30341-3717, ngonzalezjimenez@cdc.gov; Naudia Gray, R. Steven Pappas, Clifford H. Watson
ThP22 Screening Plant Materials for Toxic and Nutritional Elements, Ewa Pruszkowski, PerkinElmer, 710 Bridgeport Ave,
Shelton CT 06484, ewa.pruszkowski@perkinelmer.com; Cynthia Bosnak
ThP23 Feasibility of Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction for Extraction and Preconcentration of Toxic Elements in
Sugar for Further Determination by ICP-MS, Fabio A. Duarte, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),
Departamento de Quimica, Avenida Roraima, 1000, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, fabioand@gmail.com; Paula Dalia
Vecchia, Tassia S. Seeger, Eduarda Q. Machado, Karine Reinke, Erico M.M. Flores
ThP24 Internal Standardization as Strategy for Overcoming Non-Spectral Interferences in As, Cd, Cr and Pb
Determination in Mineral Fertilizers by Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP OES, Raquel Cardoso
Machado, Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCar, Chemistry Department, GAIA, Highway Washington Luiz km 235,
São Carlos, SP 13565-905, Brazil, raquelcm.quim@gmail.com; Clarice D.B. Amaral, Alex Virgilio, Daniela Schiavo, Ana
Rita A. Nogueira
ThP25 How Does Auto-Dilution Help to Improve the Workflows for Quantification of Elemental Impurities in
Pharmaceuticals Using ICP-OES?, Elena Chernetsova, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH, Hann-Kunath-Str. 11,
D-28199 Bremen, Germany, matthew.casap@thermofisher.com; Sanja Asendorf, Matthew Cassap
ThP26 Determination of Trace Elements in Pharmaceutical Samples Using a Highly Sensitive ICP-MS According to USP
Regulations, Peio Riss, Analytik Jena France SARL, L'Orme des Merisiers, Parc Technologique, Bât Explorer, F-91190
Saint-Aubin, France, peio.riss@analytik-jena.de
ThP27 Enhanced Detection of DNA Sequences Using PCR Amplification and On-Line Gel Electrophoresis (GE) - ICP-MS:
Multiplex Determination of Gene Copy Number Variations, Elisa Blanco-González, University of Oviedo, Department
of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, Julian Claveria, 8, Faculty Chem, E-33006 Oviedo, Spain, eblancog@uniovi.es;
Tamara Iglesias González, Luisa María Sierra Zapico, María Montes-Bayón
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
ThP28 Evaluation of Standard Dilution Analysis (SDA) for Beverages and Foodstuffs Analysis by ICP OES, Alex Virgilio,
Federal University of Sao Carlos, Department of Chemistry, P.O. Box 676, Sao Carlos, SP 13565-905, Brazil,
alexvirgilio@yahoo.com.br; George L. Donati, Daniela Schiavo, Joaquim A. Nóbrega
ThP29 Multielement Analysis of Milk and Milk Products Using an Agilent 4200 MP-AES and 5100 ICP-OES, Jenny
Nelson, Agilent Technologies, Inc., 3045 Deakin St, Unit U, Berkeley CA 94705, jenny_nelson@agilent.com; Courtney
Tanabe, Greg Gilleland, Steve Wall, Fabio Silva
ThP30 Multielement Analysis of Milk and Milk Powder Using an Agilent 7900 ICP-MS, Jenny Nelson, Agilent Technologies,
Inc., 3045 Deakin St, Unit U, Berkeley CA 94705, jenny_nelson@agilent.com; Courtney Tanabe, Craig Jones
ThP31 Rapid Analysis of Foods, Cosmetics, and Traditional Chinese Medicines by ICPMS and ICPOES. A Comparison
Between Microwave-Assisted Heating and Hotblock Digestion Methods, Karl J. Yang, New York State Department of
Health, Laboratory of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, Wadsworth Center, Albany NY 12201-0509,
karl.yang@health.ny.gov; Kamal Swami, Diana Gimaraes, John P. Orsini, Patrick J. Parsons
ThP32 Characterization of the Elemental Composition of Botanical Products (Spices, Supplements, Teas and Condiments)
for Use as a Tool in Identifying Potential Adulteration and Heavy Metal Contamination Using ICP-OES and ICPMS, Patricia L. Atkins, Spex CertiPrep, Inc., 203 Norcross Ave, Metuchen NJ 08882, patkins@spexcsp.com; Huifang
Lang, Bill Driscoll
ThP33 Arsenic Speciation in Food, Juice, and Pharmaceuticals Using LC-ICP-MS, Helmut Ernstberger, PerkinElmer Inc.,
710 Bridgeport Ave, Shelton CT 06484-4794, helmut.ernstberger@perkinelmer.com; Kenneth Neubauer, Stephen Mangum
ThP34 Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015 -- Survey, Evaluation by PCA, EU
Maximum Levels, Control Methods, Barbro Kollander, National Food Agency, Box 622, Science Department, SE-75126
Uppsala, Sweden, barbro.kollander@slv.se
ThP35 Analysis of Food Stuff by ICP-OES Using Automated Sample Preparation, Sanja Asendorf, Thermo Fisher Scientific
(Bremen) GmbH, Hann-Kunath-Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, sanja.asendorf@thermofisher.com; Elena
Chemetsova, Matthew Cassap
ThP36 Total Arsenic Analysis of California Wines by MP-AES, Courtney Tanabe, University of California, Davis, Food Safety
and Measurement Facility, One Shield Ave, Davis CA 95616, cktanabe@ucdavis.edu; Greg Gilleland, Susan E. Ebeler,
Jenny Nelson
ThP37 Improving Techniques to Optimize Selenium as Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease, Bárbara Cardoso, The Florey
Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melborne Brain Centre, 30 Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia,
barbara.rita@florey.edu.au; Blaine Roberts, Ashley Bush, Dominic Hare
ThP38 Quantification of Six Elements in Whole Blood Using ICP-MS/MS for the Assessment of Metal-on-Metal Implants,
Gregory M. Zinn, Doctors Data Inc., 3755 Illinois Ave, St. Charles IL 60174, gzinn@doctorsdata.com; Anita Shah, Dean
WS3 Workshop on Speciation, Metallomics, Biodistribution Methodology
3:10 WS301 Statistical Approach for the Investigation of Essential and Non-Essential Elements in Tissues of Crabs Dietary
Exposed to Mercury Species with/without Co-Exposure to Selenium, Daiane Placido Torres, Brazilian Agricultural
Research Corporation, Embrapa Temperate Agriculture, Rodovia BR 392, km 78, Pelotas, RS 96010-971, Brazil,
daiplacido@yahoo.com.br; Ricardo Alexandre Valgas, Solange Cadore, Andrea Raab, Jörg Feldmann, Eva Maria Krupp
3:25 WS302 Matrix Extension of FDA Method EAM 4.10 for Arsenic Speciation in Fruit Juice to Include Wine, Sean D.
Conklin, US FDA/CFSAN/ORS, Chemical Contaminants Branch, 5100 Paint Branch Pkwy, College Park MD 20866,
sean.conklin@fda.hhs.gov; Patrick Gray, Kevin Kubachka, Jenny Nelson
3:40 WS303 Quality Assurance Standard for Assessment of Arsenic Species in Apple Juice, Lee L. Yu, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Dr, Stop 8391, Gaithersburg MD 20899-6391, lee.yu@nist.gov; Michael Ellisor,
Clay Davis
3:55 WS304 Arsenic Speciation Analysis of California Wines by HPLC-ICP-QQQ, Courtney Tanabe, University of
California, Davis, Food Safety and Measurement Facility, One Shield Ave, Davis CA 95616, cktanabe@ucdavis.edu; Kevin
Kubacka, Susan E. Ebeler, Jenny Nelson
4:10 WS305 Chromium Speciation Analysis of Soil/Sediments Using Species Isotope Dilution Extraction Methodology and
Species Recovery, Qianli Xie, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Laboratory Service Branch, 125
Resources Rd, Toronto, ON M9P 3V6, Canada, qianli.xie@ontario.ca; Nadya Sudokova, Peter Wang, Alla Kryukova,
Glenna Keating, Marcus Burnham, and Marcin Pawlak
4:25 WS306 Visualising Mouse Neuroanatomy and Functions by Metal Distribution Using LA-ICP-MS and Advanced
Imaging Alignment and Analysis, Dominic Hare, University of Technology Sydney, Thomas Street, Broadway, NSW
2007, Australia, dominic.hare@uts.edu.au; Bence Paul, David P. Bishop, Chad Paton, Van Tran Nguyen, Nerida Cole,
Megan M. Niedwiecki, et al.
4:40 WS307 The Dream Instrumentation for Routine Analysis and Control of Maximum Limits in Food, Barbro Kollander,
National Food Agency, Box 622, Science Department, SE-75126 Uppsala, Sweden, barbro.kollander@slv.se
4:55 WS308 Isolating Iron from Complex Liquid Matrices Using Particulates Impregnated with a Task-Specific Ionic
Liquid, Winfried Nischkauer, TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Getreidemarkt 9/164-IAC, A1060 Vienna, Austria, winfried.nischkauer@tuwien.ac.at; Katharina Bica, Frank Vanhaecke, Andreas Limbeck
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
5:10 WS309 Characterization of Particulate in Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke with Scanning Electron Microscopy and
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, R. Steven Pappas, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Tobacco and
Volatile Organic Compounds Branch, 4770 Buford Hwy NE Mail Stop F44, Atlanta GA 30341-3717, rpappas@cdc.gov;
Mary Halstead, Cliff Watson
Heritage Lecture
Sponsored by Analytik Jena AG
5:30 HL04 48 Years Later: From Thermodynamics to Mass Spectrometry, Joseph A. Caruso, University of Cincinnati,
Department of Chemistry, Metallomics Research Center, Cincinnati OH 45220, joseph.caruso@uc.edu
Friday, January 15, 2016
09 Environmental and Isotope Analyses
08:00 PL05 In-Situ Isotope Ratio Measurements Using Multiple Ion Counting ICPMS Coupled with Laser Ablation,
Takafmi Hirata, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa Oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan, hrt1@kueps.kyotou.ac.jp; Shuhei Sakata
09:00 IL28 Evolution of Isotopic Analysis from Geochemistry to Environmental Challenges: Deconvolution of Pathways
and New Horizons, Olivier F.X. Donard, Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physicochemie, pour l'Environnement et
les Matériaux, Hélioparc, F-64053 Pau cedex 9, France, olivier.donard@univ-pau.fr; S. Berail, E. Tessier, Z. Pedrero, D.
09:30 IL29 Influence of Algae on Trace Element Speciation in Ambient Waters, Dirk Wallschläger, Trent University, 1600
West Bank Dr, Peterborough ON K9J 7B8, Canada, dwallsch@trentu.ca; Joshua Baker, Kelly LeBlanc
10:00 Break
10:20 IL30 Isotopes as Indicators of the Environmental Past, Thomas Prohaska, University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences Vienna, Department of Chemistry, VIRIS Laboratory, Konrad Lorenz Strasse 24, A-3430 Tulln, Austria,
thomas.prohaska@boku.ac.at; Johanna Irrgeher, Andreas Zitek
10:50 IL31 Advances in High-Resolution Paleoclimate Research with LA-(MC)-ICP-MS, Klaus Peter Jochum, Max Planck
Institute for Chemistry, Biogeochemistry and Climate Geochemistry Department, PO Box 3060, D-55020 Mainz, Germany,
k.jochum@mpic.de; Gerald H. Huag, Meinrat O. Andreae
11:20 F01 Environmental Applications of GC-ICP-MS, Armando Durazo, University of Arizona, Department of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering, 1133 E. James E. Rogers Way, Tucson AZ 85721-0011, armandodurazo@gmail.com; Shane
A. Snyder
11:40 F02 Real Time Monitoring of Multi-elements Concentrations in Airborne Nanoparticle (ANPs) by Direct
Introduction into ICPMS, Naoki Furuta, Chuo University, Department of Applied Chemistry, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyoku, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan, nfuruta@chem.chuo-u.ac.jp; Ryohei Fukushi, Takashi Nakazawa
12:00 Lunch Break
10 Stable Isotope and Forensic Analyses
1:00 IL32 High Chemical Resolution for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis, Martin Resano, University of Zaragoza, Department
of Analytical Chemistry, Pedro Cerbuna 12, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain, mresano@unizar.es; Esperanza García-Ruiz, Maite
Aramendia, Eduardo Bolea-Fernández, Lieve Balcaen, Frank Vanhaecke
1:30 IL33 From Outer Space to Within the Human Body: Natural Isotope Ratios as Proxies, Frank Vanhaecke, Ghent
University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Krijgslaan 281 - S12, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium,
frank.vanhaecke@ugent.be; Yulia Anishkina, Stepan Chernonozhkin, Philippe Claeys, Marta Costas-Rodroguez, Maria del
Rosario Florez-Garcia, et al.
2:00 IL34 Deciphering the Iron Isotope Message of the Human Body, Thomas Walczyk, National University of Singapore,
Department of Chemistry, Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543, Singapore, walczyk@nus.edu.sg
2:30 F03 Lead and Copper Isotope Ratios of Neolithic Copper Axes and Bronze Age Gold Coins -- Hint at Raw Material
Origin and Recycling, Robert Lehmann, Leibniz University of Hannover, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Callinst. 9, D30167 Hannover, Germany, lehmann@acc.uni-hannover.de; Carla Vogt, Ingo Horn
3:00 Break
FP Friday Poster Session
Environmental Sample Analyses
FP01 High Throughput, Low Cost Analysis of Environmental Samples According to US EPA 6010C Using the Agilent 5100
SVDV ICP-OES, Neli Drvodelic, Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd, 679 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave, VIC 3170,
Australia, elizabeth.kulikov@agilent.com
FP02 Prevalence of Rare Earth Elements as a Matrix Interference in ICP-MS Analyses of Environmental Samples for
Arsenic and Selenium, Ernest Walton, USEPA Region 4 SESD/ASB, 980 College Station Rd, Athens GA 30605,
walton.ernest@epa.gov; Terri White
FP03 Metals Determination in Produced Waters by Sector-Field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after
Microwave-Assisted Ultraviolet Digestion, Juliana Severo Pereira, University Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
Química, Depto de Química Inorgânic, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, julianasfp@ufrgs.br; Diogo P. Moraes, Maria
de Fatima P. Santo, Katherine Kellerman, Pamela S. Bârela
FP04 Determination of Ag and Other Trace Elements in Seawater Using Automated Preconcentration, Matrix Removal,
and Method of Standard Additions, Nathan J. Saetveit, Elemental Scientific, Inc., 7277 World Communications Dr,
Omaha NE 68122, nathan@icpms.com
FP05 Effect of Preservation Methods on the Stability of Dissolved Elements in Drinking Water Samples, Elham Zeini
Jahromi, University of Calgary, Alberta Centre for Toxicology, HMB19, 3330 Hospital Dr NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4N1,
Canada, ezeinija@ucalgary.ca; Sylvia Tiu, Lorinda Butlin, David W. Kinniburgh
FP06 Investigation of Past Trace Metal Pollution Events Using Tree Core Samples Collected from a Mining Area in China
by LA-ICP-MS, Dula Amarasiriwardena, Hampshire College, School of Natural Science, 893 West St, Amherst MA
01002-5001, dula@hampshire.edu; Schuyler Brevig, Fengchang Wu
FP07 Determination of Copper and Zinc in Tissues of Laboratory Mice by ICP-MS, Liliana V. Saldivar, UNAM, Manuel
Acosta 11, El Maestro, México, D.F. 10100, México, liliana.saldivar@gmail.com; Garcia Garcia Hebe, León Zárate Rafel,
Espejel Maya María Guadalupe, Rodriguez Salazar Maria Teresa de Jesus, et al.
Stable Isotope and Forensic Analyses
FP08 A Feasibility Study on the Analysis of C-14 by Inductively Coupled Plasma (QQQ) Mass Spectrometry, Lindsey
Whitecotton, Agilent Technologies, 2850 Centerville Rd, Wilmington DE 19808, lindsey.whitecotton@agilent.com
FP09 Analysis of Ancient Glass Samples from Uluburn Shipwreck and from Banbhore, Pakistan, Ela Bakowska, Corning
Incorporated, CMP SP-FR-06, Corning NY 14831, bakowskae@corning.com; Robert H. Bril, Stephan Kuenzli, Arlene A.
Clark, Brian S. Courtright
FP10 Investigation into Matrix Effects in Apatite Pb/U Geochronology, Jay Thompson, University of Tasmania CODES,
Sandy Bay Campus, Geography-Geology Bldg, Clarke Rd, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005, Australia, jay.thompson@utas.edu.au;
Leonid Danyushevsky, Sebastien Meffre
FP11 Pb Isotope Analysis of K Feldspars -- A Challenge for LA-ICP-MS, Rob Hutchinson, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.
(ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United Kingdom, rhutchinson@esi.com; David S.
Wray, Sophie Evans-Young
FP12 Complete System Level Approach to <1 Micron Laser Ablation System Stage Return Accuracy, Katherine McLachlin,
Electro Scientific Industries, 685 Old Buffalo Trail, Bozeman MT 59715, mclachlink@esi.com; Erik Larsen, Rob
Hutchinson, Ciaran O'Connor, Shane Hilliard, Leif Summerfield, Jay Wilkins
Geochemical Analysis
FP13 High Speed Imaging of Zircon Grains by LA-ICP-TOF-MS and a New Direct Concentric Injector Interface, Rob
Hutchinson, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. (ESI), 8 Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6XS, United
Kingdom, rhutchinson@esi.com; Martin Tanner, Olga Borovinskaya
FP14 A Comparison Between ICP-OES and ICP-MS for Quantification of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Reference
Materials, Rui Santos, Analytik Jena AG, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1, D-07745 Jena, Germany, rui.santos@analytik-jena.com
FP15 Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Samples and Fertilizers by Synchronous Vertical Dual View
(SVDV) ICP OES, Clarice Amaral, Federal University of São Carlos, UFSCar, Chemistry Department, GAIA, Highway
Washington Luiz km 235, São Carlos, SP 13565-905, Brazil, clariceamaral@yahoo.com.br; Raquel C. Machado, Juan
A.V.A. Barros, Alex Virgilio, Daniela Schiavo, Ana Rita Nogueira, Joaqium A. Nóbrega
FP16 Application of Sequential Extractions Methods to Investigate Availability of Potentially Toxic Elements in Fertilizers
by ICP OES, Alexandre M. Fioroto, Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Quimica (IQ-USP), Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes,
748, São Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil, alexandrefioroto@yahoo.com.br; Pedro V. Oliveira
Nuclear Materials Analysis
FP17 Quantifying Group 1 and 2 Elements in Bulk Actinide Matrices via HR-ICP-IDMS from an Automated Ion
Chromatography System, Benjamin Byerly, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Chemistry Division, Actinide Analytical
Chemistry C-AAC, Los Alamos NM, byerly@lanl.gov; Benjamin Manard, Jun Gao, Cole Hexel, Ning Xu, Lav Tandon
FP18 Reduction of Sample Size and Waste Generation for Trace Elemental Analysis in Plutonium Materials by ICP-MS,
Michael F. Schappert, Los Alamos National Laboratory, PO Box 1663, Los Alamos NM 87544, schappert@lanl.gov;
Alexander Martinez
FP19 Determination of Trace Elements in Secondary Fluid by ICP-AES and ICP-MS for the Study of Clogging in the Tube
Support Plates of Steam Generators in Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactor, Alexandre Labet, CEA,
DEN/DEC/SA3/LARC, Bâtment 152, F-13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France, alexandre.labet@cea.fr; Seige Pontremoli,
Véronique Pointeau
Petroleum Analyses
FP20 Multi-Elemental Determination (Including Si) in Gasoline with ASTM Method D5185 Using Agilent 5100 ICP-OES,
Elizabeth Kulikov, Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd, 679 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Australia,
FP21 Quantification of Sulfur in SRM 2718a Green Petroleum Coke via IC-SF-ICP-MS, Steven J. Christopher, NIST
Charleston Laboratory, A201 Hollings Marine Laboratory, 331 Fort Johnson Rd, Charleston SC 29412-9110,
steven.christopher@nist.gov; Thomas Vetter
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
FP22 Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Petroleum Coke by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission after
Microwave-Assisted Combustion, Juliana Severo Pereira, University Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Química,
Depto de Química Inorgânic, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, julianasfp@ufrgs.br; Diogo P. Moraes, Dirce Pozebon,
Katherine Kellerman, Bianca B. Motta
FP23 Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Heavy Crude Oil by USN-ICP-MS, Erico Flores, Universidade Federal de
Santa Maria (UFSM), Departamento de Quimica, Avenida Roraima, 1000, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil,
ericommf@gmail.com; Gabriel T. Drzian, Paola A. Mello, Leticia S.F. Pereira, Cezar A. Bizzi, Edson I. Muller
FP24 Bioethanol Analysis Through ICP-MS by Using a Total Sample Consumption System, José Luís Todolí, University of
Alicante, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain,
jose.todoli@ua.es; Carlos Sánchez, Charles-Philippe Lienemann
FP24b Monitoring Metals and Metalloids During the Bioethanol Manufacturing Process, José Luís Todolí, University of
Alicante, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain,
jose.todoli@ua.es; Carlos Sánchez, Charles-Philippe Lienemann
FP25 Speciation and Quantitation of Siloxanes in Naphtha Using GC-ICP-QQQ with ORS, Jesus E. Angiano, CONSCI, Ltd.,
1416 East Southmore Ave, Pasadena TX 77502, jesus@conscicorp.com; Blake A. McElmurry, William M. Geiger
FP26 Metals Determination in Black Shale Samples by Sector-Field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after
Microwave-Assisted Digestion, Diogo P. Moraes, University Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Instituto de
Química, Depto de Química Inorgânic, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, 91501-900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil,
diogo.moraes@ufrgs.br; Juliana Charâo Marques, Juliana Severo Fagundes Pereira, Pâmela Susin Barela, Tatiane de
Macedo Miceli
FP27 Multi-Element Analysis of Heavy Crude Oil Samples Using Sector-Field Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry,
Diogo P. Moraes, University Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Instituto de Química, Depto de Química Inorgânic,
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, 91501-900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, diogo.moraes@ufrgs.br; Dirce Pozebon, Juliana Severo
Fagundes Pereira, Nayara Almeida da Silva, Pâmela Susin Barela
FP28 Analysis of Oils: Understanding Chemical Stability and ICP Matrix Effects, Thomas Rettberg, VHG Labs, 276 Abby
Rd, Manchester NH 03103, thomas.rettberg@lgcgroup.com; John Dupont, Chuck Goudreau, Dana Hedrick
Advanced Materials Analyses
FP29 Study on Accurate and Precise Determination of Chlorine by Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometry, Masaki Ohata, National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science, AIST Tsukuba Central 3-9, 1-1-1 U, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan, m-oohata@aist.go.jp; Yanbei Zhu, Naoko
FP30 Determination of Halogens in Polyimides by ICP-MS, Erico Flores, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM),
Departamento de Quimica, Avenida Roraima, 1000, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, ericommf@gmail.com; Sindy R.
Krzyzaniak, Rafael F. Santos, Sandra M. Cruz, Marcia F. Mesko, Fabio A. Duarte, Paola A. Mello
FP31 Multi-Elements Determination in Inorganic Matrix Using Microwave-Diluted Acid Digestion and ICP OES, Luiza
G.R. Albuquerque, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Instituto de Quimica (IQ-USP), Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748, Sao Paulo, SP
05508-000, Brazil, luiza.albuquerque@usp.br; Pedro V. Oliveira
FP32 Compositional Analyses of Enamel Frit by ICP-MS and ICP-OES, Jeff Zeske, Medtronic, plc, 6700 Shingle Creek
Pwky, MS G201, Brooklyn Center MN 55430, jeff.zeske@medtronic.com; Jason Heffelfinger, Zahedul Huq
FP33 An Ultraclean Sample Introduction System for Direct Analysis of High-Purity and Semiconductor Grade Chemicals
for ICP-MS, Kevin Wiederin, Elemental Scientific, Inc., 7277 World Communications Dr, Omaha NE 68122,
kwiederin@icpms.com; Dan Wiederin, Austin Schultz, Kyle Uhlmeyer
FP34 REE Matrices -- How to Accurately Determine Contamination Levels, Cynthia Bosnak, PerkinElmer, 710 Bridgeport
Ave, Shelton CT 06484, cynthia.bosnak@perkinelmer.com; Ewa Pruszkowski
FP35 Ultra Trace Uranium Measurements Using High Sensitivity S-Lens of ICP-QQQ, Naoki Sugiyama, Agilent
Technologies, 9-1 Takakura-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0033, Japan, naoki_sugiyama@agilent.com
FP36 Determination of Challenging Trace Elements in Ultrapure Sulfuric Acid by Triple Quadrupole ICP, Kazuo
Yamanaka, Agilent Technologies International Japan Ltd, 9-1 Takakura-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0033, Japan,
kazuo_yamanaka@agilent.com; Naoki Sugiyama
FP37 The Analysis of High Purity Industrial Gases for Sub-ppb Levels of Contamination Using GC-ICP-QQQ, Chris
Scanlon, Agilent Technologies Inc., 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara CA 95051, chris_scanlon@agilent.com; William
Geiger, Emmett Soffey, and Steve Wilbur
FP38 Trace Analysis of Gas Phase Elements in Metals by Fast-Flow GD-MS, Joachim Hinrichs, Thermo Fisher Scientific
(Bremen), Hanna Kunath Str. 11, D-28199 Bremen, Germany, joachim.hinrichs@thermofisher.com; Shona McSheehy
FP39 Evaluation of Electronic Scrap Grinding for Au Determination by ICPOES, Vinicius S. Margatho, Universidade de Sao
Paulo, Instituto de Quimica (IQ-USP), Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-000, Brazil,
vinicius@lorene.com.br; Pedro V. Oliveira
FP40 Kerogen Sample Analysis, Akinsehinwa Akinlua, Obafemi Awolowo University, Department of Chemistry, Ife-Ife
220005, Nigeria, geochemresearch@yahoo.com
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
WS4 Workshop on Stable Isotope and Forensic Materials Methodology
3:10 WS401 Lead Isotope Analysis of Household Solder: Making the Link from Bomb to Bomb-Maker, Claude Dalpé,
Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP, National Forensic Laboratory Services, 1200 Vanier Pkwy, Ottawa ON K1A OR2,
Canada, claude.dalpe@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Nigel G.R. Hearns, Anders N. Quist, Kanwardeep Dehl, M.D. (Matt) Allen
3:25 WS402 Isotopic Tracer Tool for Nutrients and Pollutants in the Marine Ecosystem of the German Wadden Sea,
Johanna Irrgeher, Helmholtz Center Geesthacht, Institute for Coastal Research, Max-Planck Strasse 1, D-21502 Geesthacht,
Germany, johanna.irrgeher@hzg.de; Thomas Prohaska, Andreas Zitek, Daniel Proefrock
3:40 WS403 Halogens: A Brief Look at Their Determination and Isotope Ratio Measurements by ICP-MS with Different
Sample Introduction Approaches, Jefferson S. de Gols, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Chemistry,
Av. Des Vitor Lima, no. 476 Trind, Florianópolis SC 88040-900, Brazil, jefferson_uel@yahoo.com.br; Frank Vanhaecke,
Daniel L.G. Borges
3:55 WS404 Isotope Dilution Calibration Strategy by LA-ICP-MS Using Solid Reference Materials, Jan Thieleke, Leibniz
University Hannover, Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, Callinstrasse 9, D-30167 Hannover, Germany, thieleke@acc.unihannover.de; Carla Vogt
4:10 WS405 Determination of Radiogenic Silicon and its Isotopes in Neutron Irradiated Aluminium by ICP-MS, Youqing
Shi, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River Laboratories, Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0, Canada, youqing.shi@cnl.ca;
Carrie Broome, Roxanne Collins
4:25 WS406 Liquid Sampling - Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge for Studying Isotopes in Field Deployable Mass
Spectrometry, Edward Hoegg, Clemson University, Pacific Northwest National Lab, 101 Calhoun Dr, Clemson SC 29634,
ehoegg@g.clemson.edu; R. Kenneth Marcus, Charles Barinaga, Garrett Hart, Gearge Hager, Sarah Harris
4:40 WS407 Sr Isotope Ratios and Rb-Sr Ages by LA-ICPMS with Isobar Separation by On-line Electrothermal
Vaporization, Hale Ceren Yilmaz, ETH Zürich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences HCl G 122, VladimirPerlog-Weg 1, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland, yilmaz@inorg.chem.ethz.ch; Bodo Hattendorf
4:55 WS408 Potential of High Resolution ICP-OES for Plutonium Concentration and Isotope Analysis in Specimens
Originating from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Michael Krachler, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute of
Transuranium Elements, P.O. Box 2340, D-76125 Karlsruhe, Germany, michael.krachler@ec.europa.eu; Rafael Alvarez
5:10 WS409 Determination of Rubidium in Single Moths to Track Budworm Activity Using the Agilent 4200 MP-AES,
Wayne Blonski, Agilent Technologies, Suite 5 - 6705 Milcreek Dr, Mississaga, ON L5N 5M4, Canada,
wayne.blonski@agilent.com; Gaetan LeClair, Peter J. Silk
Heritage Lecture
5:30 HL05 Innovative Research on Plasma Spectrochemical Methods for Solving Analytical Problems, José A.C. Broekaert,
University of Hamburg, Institute for Inorganic and Applied Chemistry, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, D-20146 Hamburg,
Germany, jose.broekaert@chemie.uni-hamburg.de
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Heritage Lecture
08:00 HL06 ICP-MS from the Eye of the Beholder Part II, Robert S. Houk, Iowa State University, Department of Chemistry,
Ames Laboratory USDOE, Ames IA 50011, rshouk@iastate.edu; Jenee Jacobs, Jonna Berry, Lewis Peel
11 Marine and Earth Sciences Analyses
09:00 IL35 Correction of Laser-Induced Elemental Fractionation in LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Geological Materials, Simon
E. Jackson, Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8, Canada, simon.jackson@nrcan.gc.ca
09:30 IL36 Cleanlab-in-a-Box: Automated Column Chromatography Facilitates Innovative Applications of MC-ICP-MS,
Stephen J. Romaniello, Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Tempe AZ 85287,
sromanie@asu.edu; M. Paul Field, Harrison B. Smith, Gwyneth W. Gordon, M. Hwan Kim, Ariel D. Anbar
10:00 Break
10:20 S01 Optimization and Application of ICP-MS-MS for the Analysis of Elements and Element Species of Growing
Concern, Daniel Pröfrock, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Department of Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry, Max-Planck
Straße 1, D-21502 Geesthacht, Germany, daniel.proefrock@hzg.de; Tristan Zimmermann, Annika Retzmann
10:35 S02 Application of 248 nm Excimer Laser for LA-ICPMS Analysis of Sulphide Minerals: Need and Advantages,
Leonid V. Danyushevsky, University of Tasmania, CODES, Private Bag 79, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia,
l.dan@utas.edu.au; Sarah Gilbert, Paul Olin, Jay Thompson
10:50 S03 Determination of High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) in Soil and Mineral Sample by Atomic Spectrometry
after Microwave-Assisted High-Pressure Acid Digestion, Michael Raessler, Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie,
Hans-Knoell-Str. 10, PF 100164, D-07745 Jena, Germany, raessler@bce-jena.mpg.de
11:05 S04 Quantitative Determination of Trace Level (ppm) Concentrations of Rhodium and Palladium in Copper-Rich
Minerals Using LA-ICP-MS, Zhaoping Yang, Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E8,
Canada, zhaoping.yang@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca; Simon E. Jackson, Louis J. Cabri, Pamela Wee
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program
11:20 S05 Determination of the Tm-171 Amount for the Neutron Capture Cross-Section Determination at Stellar Energies,
Niko Kivel, Paul Scherrer Institute/ CERN, OHLA/ 128, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland, niko.kivel@psi.ch; Rugard
Dressler, Stephan Heinitz, Carlos Guerrero Sanchez, Dorothea Schuhmann
11:35 S06 Recovery of Niobium and Tantalum from Poly Mineralized Ore Material, Mona El Hazek, Jazan University,
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Gizan 33966, Saudi Arabia, monaelhazek@hotmail.com
12:00 Lunch Break
12 Advanced Materials Analyses
1:00 IL37 Advances in Glow Discharge Spectrochemistry, Volker Hoffmann, IFW Dresden, Institute for Complex Materials,
PO Box 270116, D-01171 Dresden, Germany, v.hoffmann@ifw-dresden.de
Petroleum and Semiconductor Materials
1:30 S07 Characterization of Petroleum Using Borate Fusion and ICP-OES Analyses, Mélanie Bédard, Claisse Corporation
Scientifique, 350 rue Franquet, Suite 45, Québec, QC G1P 4P3, Canada, mbedard@claisse.com; Philippe Daigle, Marie-Eve
1:50 S08 Application of Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy for Analysis of Petroleum Crude Oils and
Derivative Products, Greg Gilleland, Agilent Technologies Inc., 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara CA 95051,
greg.gilleland@agilent.com; Laura Poirier, Jenny Nelson, Fe Agluiar, Francisco Lopez-Linares
2:10 S09 Proposed ASTM Method on Elemental Analysis of Refined Liquid Petroleum Products by Inductively Coupled
Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Laura Poirier, Chevron Energy Technology Company, 100 Chevron Way, Richmond CA
94801-2016, laurapoirier@chevron.com; Jenny Nelson, R.A. Kishore Nadkarni, Wayne Collins, Francisco Lopez-Linares
2:30 S10 Determination of Nickel and Vanadium in Crude Oil Fractions (600-1200 F) by Coupling High Temperature Gas
Chromatography with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Francisco Lopez-Linares, Chevron Energy
Technology Company, 100 Chevron Way, Richmond CA 94801-2016, flhu@chevron.com; Carl Rechsteiner, M.M.
Boduszynski, M.E. Moir, David Leong, Jenny Nelson, Laura Poirier
2:50 Break
3:10 S11 Rethinking Microwave Sample Preparation for Trace Metals Analysis of Petrochemical and Geochemical
Matrices, Johan Nortje, Milestone, Inc., 25 Controls Dr, Shelton CT 06517, mwave@milestonesci.com; Arshad
3:30 S12 Defeating Process Contamination Limits in High Purity Material Analysis with Mass Selective Ion Implantation
and Detection, Orville T. Farmer (III), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute, PO Box 999,
Richland WA 99352, tom.farmer@pnnl.gov; Martin Liezers, M.L. Thomas, R. Cohen, A. Burrows
WS5 Workshop on Novel Plasma Instrumentation
3:50 WS501 Further Development in Elemental Analysis of Solid Samples by Microplasmas On-a-Chip Optical Emission
Spectrometry, Vassili Karanassios, University of Waterloo, Department of Chemistry, Waterloo Institute Nanotechnology,
Waterloo ON N2L 3G1, Canada, vkaranassios@uwaterloo.ca; Fatima Khan, Brandon Spain
4:10 WS502 Isotope Enrichment-Sample Preparation by ICP-MS: New Tricks from an Old Technique, Martin Liezers,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute, PO Box 999, Richland WA 99352,
martin.liezers@pnnl.gov; O.T. Farmer, M.P. Dion, Greg C. Eiden
4:25 WS503 Dielectric Barrier Discharge Ionization - Plasmajet and Plasma Between the Electrodes, Joachim Franzke, ISAS
Leibniz - Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften, Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Str. 11, D-44139 Dortmund, Germany,
joachim.franzke@isas.de; Antje Michels, David Kluta, Viasta Horvatic, Damir Veza, Cedo Vadla
4:40 WS504 Molecular and Elemental Analysis with Plasma Assisted Reaction Chemical Ionization (PARCI) Mass
Spectrometry, Kaveh Jorabchi, Georgetown University, Department of Chemistry, 37th and O Streets, NW, Washington
DC 20057, kj256@georgetown.edu; Haopeng Wang, Kunyu Zheng, Peter Haferl, Michael Dolan, Kaveh Kahen, Hamid
4:55 WS505 Comparison of ICP Modeling Results and Measured Plasma Properties, Maxim Voronov, IFW Dresden,
Institute for Complex Materials, P.O. Box 270116, D-01071 Dresden, Germany, voronovmv@mail.ru; Volker Hoffmann,
Carsten Engelhard, Wolfgang Buscher
5:10 WS506 A Novel ICP for Atomic Spectrometry: Microwave-Sustained Inductively Coupled Atmospheric-Pressure
Plasma (MICAP), Andrew J. Schwartz, Indiana University, Department of Chemistry, 800 E. Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington
IN 47405, andschwa@indiana.edu; Yan Cheung, Jovan Jevtic, Velibot Pikelja, Ashok Menon, Steven J. Ray, Gary M.
5:25 WS507 Measurement of Temperature Within a Free Expanding Organic Aerosol and It's Impact on Sample
Introduction of Highly Volatile Organic Solvents into an ICP, Gary Meyer, Promerus LLC, Polymer Analysis and
Materials Testing, 9921 Brecksville Rd, Brecksville OH 44141, gary.meyer@promers.com
5:40 WS508 Method Development for Simultaneous Multi-element Determination of Inorganic Elements by Microwave
Induced Plasma Spectrometry Using a Four-Mode Microflow Ultrasonic Nebulizer, Henryk Matusiewicz, Poznan
University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, PL-60-965 Poznan, Poland,
6:00 Closing Session
2016 Winter Conference
Preliminary Program