Factors of organizational climate influencing learning in companies

Factors of organizational climate influencing learning in companies1
Zuzana Šimberová
Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts,
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Ghent,
19-21 September 2007
Abstract: The paper presents the theoretical background of my Ph.D. project and the first outcomes of
a pre-research dealing with factors influencing approach to learning in a company as they are
perceived by employees, potential learners. These factors can be divided into internal (individual) and
external factors. This paper concentrates on external factors, factors of organizational culture and
climate, which can be modified by personnel strategy and influence learning in a positive way.
There is a lack of similar research in the Czech Republic. However, some inspiration comes from
abroad, e. g. Evans et al., 2006, Ellström, Gill, Kock, 2006. Attention is paid to non-formal and
informal learning, more frequent in companies than formal learning.
Key words: non-formal and informal learning, workplace learning, organizational culture and climate,
learning environment
The paper presents the outcomes of a pre-research that makes a part of a doctoral thesis, both
dealing with learning in companies as a part of lifelong learning. While the latter is more
complex, the former concentrates on factors of organizational culture and climate influencing
learning in companies. These topics are rare in the Czech Republic and there is a lack of
research and information for improvement in workplace learning and in-company training
Workplace learning and in-company training present important elements of further education
and lifelong learning. It is a topic often discussed in recent decades. Although learning and
competence development in a workplace including its conditions is often explored abroad
(e. g. Evans, 2006, Ellström, 2006, Garrick, 1998, Boud, Garrick, 1999), there are almost no
resources and information about learning in companies in the Czech Republic.
The objective of the paper is to present theoretical background of my research which makes
part of my Ph.D. project, information about the company where I have started my research
(e. g. information about the training system and the organizational structure) and some of the
preliminary outcomes based on my pre-research.
1. Factors influencing learning– theoretical background
The very simplified Figure 1 presenting main areas of factors influencing learning
in companies is based on literature and shows the area standing in the centre of my research –
the conditions (factors) as they are perceived by employees. There are four main domains –
1 The paper is written with financial support of Grant funds of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts MU for the year
2007 (Grantový fond děkana Filozofické fakulty MU).
personality, circumstances, organizational culture and climate, and in-company training
system. Personality (e. g. education, age, motivation, etc.) and circumstances (e. g. financial
situation, family, health, etc.) are on the employee’s side and should not be omitted when
speaking about learning and training in companies. But the company cannot change them. On
the other hand, there is organizational culture and climate, which is very important not only
for learning and training in companies, but also for work. It is difficult to separate culture and
climate and I prefer using both of the terms together with emphasis on interpersonal relations.
The last domain – in-company training system and its form – shows the importance that
management attaches to training. This paper concentrates on one of the domains, and maybe
the most important one – organizational culture and climate because it is the domain which
can be changed and improved and, at the same time, plays a great role.
Figure 1: Factors influencing learning in companies
1.1. Workplace learning and in-company training system
In-company training can be described as a ‘learning process organized by a company’ (Palán,
1997, p. 86). It can have different forms and take place in different environments. In-company
training can be as well a course outside of the company (external training) or a course taking
place inside the company (internal training). And if it is inside the company, it can be off-thejob (outside of the workplace) training or on-the-job training (at the workplace, during work).
And these forms relate to the distinction between formal, non-formal and informal learning.
Probably, it is non-formal learning (as off-the-job training) and informal learning (as on-thejob training, mentoring, tutoring, often unconscious) that take place in companies more often
than formal training (which is connected to educational system and certification).
Workplace learning includes learning in the workplace, through the workplace and for the
workplace (Evans et al., 2006). It is an unusual conception in the Czech Republic but I find it
useful as it covers all forms of learning (formal, non-formal, informal) as well as learning for
the current work and for the future work, specific training or a further development.
According to several surveys in the Czech environment (Lidské zdroje, 1999, 2003,
Podkladové, 2003, Alternativní, 1999), organizations and companies invest a lot of money
into the training and development of their employees. However, besides some statistical data,
there is no information which could help companies improve their training systems.
1.2. Organizational culture and climate
The concept of organizational climate has been assessed by various authors and there are
different definitions. We can describe it as an individual perception of the work environment
and of the characteristics of the enterprise (so-called organizational culture, ex. strategies,
rules, values, management, etc.). This research has been inspired by several researches of
learning environment (Ellström, 2005, Evans et al., 2006, Rainbird et al., 2004) and it
concentrates on deep and detailed analysis of organizational climate in a large-sized enterprise
in relation with in-company training.
In this research, organizational climate corresponds to the feelings of employees at work, their
perception of the enterprise, and also to their identification with the enterprise. The
organizational climate includes several factors which may influence the employees’ attitude
towards learning in different ways. Authors (Šigut, 2004) usually understand in-company
learning as a way to change organizational climate and culture. This research supposes also
inverse influence – organizational climate can change (facilitate or hinder) learning in a
Organizational climate or environment in the enterprise is based on the perception of the
enterprise by employees. It is characterized by the ‘relationships between people and
organization and relations of superordination and subordination. They are determined by
mutual influence of targets, formal structures, processes and behaviour of people’ (Lukášová,
2004, s. 269). The feelings that an employee has at work, his perception of values, rules,
patterns of behaviour, ways of management, etc. (these characteristics of a company are
called organizational culture), influence his behaviour and conduct and also his attitude to
learning and in-company training (Šigut, 2004).
Although surveys in this field are still missing in the Czech Republic, we can be inspired
abroad, e.g. in the UK (Evans, Hodkinson, Rainbird, Unwin, 2006, research of expansive and
restrictive learning environment (learning culture)) or in Sweden (Ellström, Gill, Kock, 2006,
who inquire the relationship between learning at work and some characteristics of the
company, e. g. work organization, company management, etc.). Thanks to these surveys we
know some factors (among them many are covered by the term organizational culture and
climate), which play a role in learning and training in companies, e. g. work in teams,
interdisciplinary communication, manager as facilitator, support of formal qualification
development, opportunities to learn, delegated responsibility, etc.
1.3. Personality and circumstances
Besides the factors stated above which are created by the company, there are also factors
brought to the company by individual employees. Their personal characteristics, education,
experience (at work or anywhere else) as well as their values, cultural background and social
competences influence their attitude to learning and training in the company and their
participation. What is more, these characteristics influence also organizational culture and
climate in the company (Evans, 2006).
In the similar way as personal and biographical conditions also external circumstances
influence employee’s approach towards learning and training at work. They also present a
group of factors or conditions which may be unknown to the company and the company
cannot influence them while tending to improve employees’ approach to learning and
training. Evans (2006) states three areas influencing a person – financial, family and health
These conditions can be analysed in another paper because I do not want to underestimate
them. In this paper, I would like to concentrate on the area of organizational culture and
2. Factors of organizational climate influencing learning – empirical evidence
2.1. Methodology
For the empirical part of my Ph.D. thesis I have chosen a design of qualitative research – a
case study. The main methods are documentary analysis (directive ‘employees’ training’,
annual reports with organizational structure) and two types of interviews – semi-structured
interview and ‘interview with the double’ –, completed by observation.
I find qualitative methodology useful considering the topic. I am interested in the conditions,
factors and circumstances which employees perceive as important for their learning in their
company. And for this paper, I concentrate on organizational culture and climate and their
factors. Then my research question is: What factors of organizational climate influence
employees’ approach to learning in the company? What are the differences between
factors stated by employees at different positions (director, manager, employee)? What are the
differences between factors influencing non-formal and informal learning?
The combination of these two types of interview allows me to get relevant data not only about
non-formal learning, which is easier to reflect, but also about informal learning during work
which is often unconscious. A semi-structured interview is a well-known technique. On the
other hand, an ‘'interview with the double’ is not used frequently even if it can bring many
interesting findings.
The ‘interview with the double’ was developed by Sylvia Gherardi (Gherardi, 1995) as a
projective technique used in ethnographic studies. It is a kind of role play between the
researcher and the respondent. The interviewee is asked to describe his work in detail, so that
the researcher could do the same work next day and none of the colleagues would notice the
change. So the description should include not only work description, but also information
about behaviour at work, relationships and feelings. In this way, talking about his everyday
work, cooperation with colleagues and relationships, he can uncover conditions for learning in
the workplace (informal learning) which is often difficult to notice. The respondent can talk
more openly and can feel more relaxed because he does not talk about himself, his work, his
problems, but he instructs a person, tells him what to do in his place. The ‘interview with the
double’ helps to discover the relationships in the workplace – that means organizational
culture and climate.
For my research, I have chosen a large-sized company (about 1000 employees) operating in
power industry in the Czech Republic which was willing to cooperate. After a documentary
analysis (employees’ training directive, annual reports including organizational structure,
information about employees), I have chosen (in cooperation with the personnel clerk) five
departments with six sections and 14 employees of these sections (Figure 2). As I want to
compare the perception of conditions of employees at different levels in organizational
hierarchy, I plan interviews with the director of the department, the manager of the section
and then with the employees. I will do 25 interviews together.
This paper presents information about the company based on documentary analysis and
interviews with the personnel clerk responsible for training and preliminary outcomes based
on two (extreme, different) interviews with employees during my pre-research.
2.2. The company’s training system
The company is very interested in learning, training and further development of employees.
According to annual reports in the last three years, emphasis is put on obligatory courses
prescribed by the legislation, then on languages, management skills and IT skills.
The company has elaborated a directive of employees’ training effective from May 2007. It
describes the training system which is based on the strategy of the company and personnel
department. The aim is to ensure employees’ competences to work efficiently. The purpose of
the directive is to:
optimize and describe the process of training and development provision,
define the conditions of participation in activities,
define the duties of the participants.
The directive describes the training cycle in four steps:
training needs analysis,
planning of training and development,
realization of training activities,
evaluation of training activities.
It is important to mention that many companies omit the last phase because they do not realize
its importance for the next cycle. The company applies evaluation at the end of a training
activity but it also plans to evaluate the changes of behaviour at work several months after the
training activity.
The training needs analysis is based on annual evaluating interview with the chief. They plan
training activities for the next year together according to their needs and wishes.
Then the personnel department elaborates a plan of training activities for the whole company
and informs the employees about agreed activities via intranet.
In the directive, there are also areas of training activities offered to employees:
studies at universities,
obligatory courses,
information and communication technologies,
marketing skills,
vocational training,
project training activities – outdoor activities,
management skills,
Besides these activities, the company prepares ‘Minimum of a new employee’ which will help
newcomers in an easier and faster adaptation to new conditions.
The two years’ programme Perspectives allows chosen employees to grow in accordance
with the new trends in young managers’ education. It is intended for employees who work on
a non-managerial position at least for 1 year and can speak English. They pass an assessment
centre and the chosen ones can join the program.
In 2006, the training and development in the company was also supported by the European
social fund through the project Lower and middle management academy, which consisted
of 8 modules (work in teams and effective communication, stress and conflict management,
power engineering and its specifics, leadership and coaching, Labour and Commercial code
and the EU, finance a controlling, presentation skills and meeting of participants).
2.3. Organizational structure
When thinking about my potential respondents, I had to analyze organizational structure of
the company as well. Because the objective of my research is – inter alia – to find out the
differences in attitudes and approaches of employees at different levels, I have chosen three
important levels in a very complicated structure.
For my research, I plan interviews with 25 respondents. They cover 5 departments (5
directors), 6 sections (6 managers) in these departments, and 14 employees from these
Figure 2: Organizational structure and sampling
2.4. What factors of organizational climate influence learning and training in
From my pre-research, I have chosen two employees at the same level in the organizational
structure with different characteristics. They perceive the conditions in the company in a
different way. They have not only different personal characteristics, which play an important
role in their attitude to learning, but they perceive the organizational climate differently.
Jana – woman, 4 years before retirement, working in the company for 11 years, secondary
Pavel – man, his first job, working in the company for 2.5 years, university
2.4.1. Factors connected to informal learning during work
Relationships with colleagues
Pavel is enthusiastic. He describes their relationships as very close, he meets his colleagues
also in the evenings, e. g. for sports, dinner, etc. He shares his office with four colleagues and
they ask each other if they have some difficulties. If they do not know the answer, he can call
colleagues from other regions. He has friends also among the colleagues from the department
in the same corridor. ‘We go to a restaurant, play squash...’
Jana describes her relationship with colleagues as formal and strictly linked to work because
they are young and have nothing in common with her.
‘I would never have a cup of coffee with my colleagues...’
Work in teams
Pavel is in a team with his boss and two colleagues who do the same job. Each of them have
their own piece of work but they consult it together.
‘We are three doing the same job... we share the work and if someone has a problem he asks.’
Jana has her own work and a big part of it is administration when she works on her own. If
she needs help, she asks colleagues from another department.
‘...and then I put the data into computer... it is an administrative work.’
Manager as facilitator
Pavel is in a team with his chief and when they get new duties they share them. Pavel says he
still has to learn.
‘I always ask my chief before I do something and he usually says ‘ok, do it...’ or ‘no, find
another way.’
Jana works alone and has to find a solution herself. If she asks her chief, he just says ‘find a
solution, I know you will succeed’. Several years ago, Jana did a lot of work in a project
herself and the chief knows he can trust her.
‘...he just says ‘find a solution, I know you will succeed.’
2.4.2. Factors connected to non-formal learning in courses organized by the company
Support and appreciation of training
Pavel says he can join chosen courses and his chief has nothing against it. If he completes a
course, there is no reward, and almost no possibility of promotion. ‘If I want to attend a
course he has nothing against it... he also attends some...’
Jana is not asked to attend courses. She has to know what is necessary for her job. She has no
ambition but ‘young colleagues have a possibility to be promoted.
Awareness of training possibilities
Pavel sometimes gets an offer from the personnel department but he looks for interesting
courses himself. He knows where he can find useful courses and he knows how to apply for
‘A colleague from the personnel department sends us the offers and she has made a new
notice board on the corridor recently.’
Jana does not know about any courses and her chief does not want her to attend any. She is
not interested in the courses. She attends only courses necessary for her job.
‘I think I had to learn a lot...in my age... with the computer...if there is something very new
and important we have a course organised.’
Future career
Pavel has attended or still attends many courses and he is happy that the company allows him
all courses he chooses. He likes attending the courses even if it is not necessary for his current
‘I do not use it now but it can be useful in the future.’
Jana prefers having her free time spent with her grand-children. She is going to retire in
several years. ‘I think I will stay here until my retirement.’ She is not afraid of losing her job
because her chief trusts her and ‘he entrusted a lot to me when we started in this department...
and he comes and asks me if he has a problem.’
It is clear that there are many factors and conditions influencing and determining employees’
approach towards learning and training in companies. It is not only the personality and
biographies of individuals with their own external circumstances, which the company cannot
change, but also conditions created by the company which can be improved, as in-company
training system and organizational culture and climate.
This paper concentrates on the last domain of conditions – organizational culture and climate.
Only the basic factors gained from just two interviews show that they are different for nonformal and informal learning, and that it is important to work on both fields to improve the
conditions for employees. People in one (such a large) company can have different points of
view based on their personal characteristics too. The outcomes reflect also the approach of the
company to individual employees, e. g. employees before retirement do not get information
about any courses and are not asked by the managers to follow any of them.
Although this example of outcomes is very short, it supports the idea that there are many
factors of organizational culture and climate influencing learning and training in companies
and they are perceived as important ones. Next interviews will show more...
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