1 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANISATION Retention & Disposal Guidelines for the unitary authority of Northumberland County Council Draft 2 Version History Version Date Description Author 0.1 03/09/2009 Working draft K. A. Shiel 0.2 25/09/2009 1st published draft K. A. Shiel Job Title Signature Date Name Job Title Signature Date Author:K.A.Shiel Records Manager Distribution List Name All NCC staff & Members Date of Next Review: 01/04/2012 Approval and Authorisation Approved by:- Authorised By:- 25/09/2009 3 Contents 1. The purpose of the retention schedule 2. Benefits of a retention schedule 3. Maintaining and amending the retention schedule 4. What to do with records once they have reached the end of the administrative life 4a Destruction of records 4b Transfer of records to the Archives 4c Transfer of information to other media 5. Flowchart to determine if a document should be treated as a record. 6. Retention Schedule Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 4 1. The purpose of the retention schedule Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Local Government is required to maintain a retention schedule listing the record series which it creates in the course of its business. The retention schedule lays down the length of time which the record needs to be retained and the action which should be taken when it is of no further administrative use. Members of staff are expected to manage their current record keeping systems using the retention schedule and to take account of the different kinds of retention periods when they are creating new record keeping systems. The retention schedule refers to all information, regardless of the media in which it is stored. 2. Benefits of a retention schedule There are a number of benefits which arise from the use of a complete retention schedule: 3. (a) Managing records against the retention schedule is deemed to be “normal processing” under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Provided members of staff are managing record series using the retention schedule they can not be found guilty of unauthorised tampering with files once a freedom of information request or a data subject access request has been made. (b) Members of staff can be confident about destroying information at the appropriate time. (c) Information which is subject to Freedom of Information and Data Protection legislation will be available when required. (d) The Council is not maintaining and storing information unnecessarily. (e) Enables the Council to identify records (closed and/or semi-current records) that can be stored off-site in a records repository e.g. Woodhorn Records Management Service. Maintaining and amending the retention schedule Where appropriate the retention schedule should be reviewed and amended to include any new record series created and remove any obsolete record series. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 5 4. What to do with records once they have reached the end of their administrative life 4a. Disposal of Records Where records have been identified for disposal they should be disposed of in an appropriate way. All records containing personal information, or sensitive policy information should be shredded after disposal. Any other records should be bundled up and disposed of to a waste paper merchant or disposed of in other appropriate ways. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the Council to maintain a list of records which have been destroyed and who authorised their destruction. Members of staff should record at least: File reference (or other unique identifier); File title (or brief description); Number of files; The name of the authorising officer; Date of destruction This may be kept in an Excel spreadsheet or other database format. 4b. Transfer of records to the Northumberland Collections Service (formerly Northumberland Archives Service) Where records have been identified as being worthy of permanent preservation, arrangements should be made to transfer them to the Head of Collections. Send all materials for archiving to Head of Collections, Woodhorn, Northumberland Museum and Archives, Queen Elizabeth II Country Park, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Records pertaining to administration of public service in Berwick-Upon-Tweed should be sent for archiving to the Borough Archivist, Berwick Record Office, Council Offices, Wallace Green, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1ED. 4c. Transfer of information to other media Where lengthy retention periods have been allocated to records, members of staff may wish to consider converting paper records to other media such as digital media. The lifespan of the media and the ability to migrate data where necessary should always be considered. The Collections Service Digital Preservation Policy can be used to advise on storage media. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 6 5. Flowchart to determine if a document should be treated as a record Courtesy of the RMS Toolkit for Managing Paper Records (August 2008) chart created by Kent County Council Is there a statutory requirement to keep these records? (e.g. health & safety) if unsure check the corporate retention schedule Yes No Does the document contain information which either has been or is likely to be needed to defend a legal case? Yes No Yes Is the document a draft of a report that has been issued? Unless required for audit or reference purposes this is NOT a record and can be destroyed No This document is NOT a record but it cannot be safely disposed of until the final report has been issued Is the document a draft of a report that has not yet been issued? No Is the document a final report that has been issued? If the information has ever been the subject of a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act please contact the FOI Officer for advice about whether this information should be retained (if it does not appear to be a record) Yes No Does the document contain financial information which is required as part of an audit trail? Yes No Does the document contain financial information which is not required as part of an audit trail? Yes Unless required for reference purposes this is NOT a record and can be destroyed No Does the document contain personal information that could constitute a principal client record (including personal records)? Yes Have I told the person who’s data this is that it is going to be kept? Have I ensured that I have a good reason for keeping this personal data? or Does the document contain personal information but does not count as a principal client record (including managers’ copies of personal records)? Yes No Is this document a core record of a project? E.G. plans, contracts, reports, project progress? This may or may not be a record. If in doubt treat the documents as records. It is easier to throw something away later than it is to re-create the record if it has been destroyed by mistake. Yes If the answer to either of these questions is “no”, then contact the Data Protection Officer If you do not have the consent of the data subject to keep the personal information and you keep the document you may be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. This document is a record and should be retained and managed against the retention schedule Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 7 6. Retention Schedule DP Democratic Services EM DP1 Elections DP2 Council and Committee Meetings DP3 Partnerships DP4 Honours and Submissions DP5 Political Parties’ Papers Environmental Management EM1 Enforcement Certification and Prosecution EM2 By-Laws EM3 Cemeteries and Crematoria EM4 Waste Management and Collection EM5 Land Use FI Finance HP Housing HR HP1 Housing Provision HP2 Housing Maintenance Human Resources (Personnel) HR1 Personnel Administration HR2 Employee and Industrial Relations HR3 Equal Employment Opportunities HR4 Recruitment HR5 Termination of Contract HR6 Training and Development Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 8 HS IA HR7 Appointments of Statutory Officers HR8 Occupational Health and Safety Training Health and Safety HS1 Policies HS2 Health and Safety Operations HS3 Emergency Planning HS4 Health Records HS5 Environmental Health HS6 Gravestones and Memorials Internal Audit IA1 IF IM LC Internal audit Infrastructure and Transport IF1 Planning and Development IF2 Infrastructure Management and Maintenance IF3 Transport IF4 Highways Records and Information Management IM1 Records Management IM2 Information Management IM3 Freedom of Information Act Legal and Contracts LC1 Case Files LC2 Litigation LC3 Contracts and Tendering LC4 Awarding of Contracts Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 9 LC5 MA PM Insurances Corporate Management and Administration MA1 Management and Administration MA2 Policy, Procedures, Strategy and Structure MA3 Quality and Performance Management MA4 Public Relations Property and Land Management PM1 Asset Management PM2 Property and Land Management PM3 Leasing and Occupancy Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 10 DP DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES The retention and use of records relating to the democratic process of the organisation Ref DP1 DP1.1 DP1.1.1 ELECTIONS ACTIVITY: PREPARATION FOR ELECTIONS Basic activity description Summary certification of those eligible to vote Example of records Electoral Register Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Permanent Ballot Papers Statutory 6 months from close of poll. DP1.1.2 Voting (local elections only) DP1.2 ACTIVITY: RESULTS OF ELECTIONS DP1.2.1 DP1.2.2 DP1.3 DP1.3.1 Basic activity description Declaration of results (Local elections only) Example of records Consolidated returns of votes received Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Declaration of results Consolidated returns of (European Parliamentary votes received elections) ACTIVITY: MEMBER DECLARATIONS Statutory Basic activity description Members acceptance of Office Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Example of records Signed register (bound?) DP1.3.2 Members Declarations of Interests Ref DP2 COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS Declarations of all current members Common Practice Retention Period Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Hardcopy – CONFIDENTIAL SHRED 6 months from date of election Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Hardcopy – CONFIDENTIAL SHRED 12 months from date of election Hardcopy – CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retention Period Permanent T + 18 months (T = resignation / retirement / non-election) Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF E-copy – delete Hardcopy – CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 11 DP2.1 ACTIVITY: MINUTE TAKING Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period DP2.1.1 Basic activity description Taking minutes Basic activity description Minute Books and Indexes Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period DP2.1.2 DP2.2 DP2.2.1 DP2.2.2 DP2.2.3 Ref DP3 DP3.1 Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Notes of minutes Dispose when final minutes e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL signed SHRED Draft/rough minutes Common Practice Dispose when final minutes e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL signed SHRED ACTIVITY: COMMITTEE MEETINGS (The process of preparing business for Council consideration and making the record of discussion, debate and resolutions). Agenda and non confidential reports considered by each Council, Cabinet Committee and Panel meetings. Registers of Declarations to Special Committees Signed Council minutes Signed Committee minutes Council Agenda and Business Papers Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Schedule 12a Local government Act – Access to Information CY + 5 years Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Common Practice Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF PARTNERSHIP, AGENCY AND EXTERNAL MEETINGS Basic activity description The process of preparing business for partnership and agencies consideration and making the record of discussion, debate and resolutions, where the Example of records Documents establishing the committee. Agendas. Minutes. Council reports. Recommendations. Supporting documents such Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 12 local authority legally owns the record. DP3.2 Ref DP4 DP4.1 Ref DP5 DP5.1 as Council briefing and discussion papers. The process of preparing Documents establishing the business for External committee. Committees Agendas consideration and Minutes making the record of Reports. discussion, debate and Recommendations resolutions, where the Supporting documents such local authority does not as briefing and discussion own the record. papers. HONOURS AND SUBMISSIONS Common Practice Basic activity description The process of preparing of honours submission Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Basic activity description The process of undertaking representation of the local authority – Local Authority representatives Example of records Honours nomination form Covering documentation Letters of support Referral for comment from Lord Lieutenant POLITICAL PARTIES’ PAPERS Leader of Council papers e.g. Leader’s records Leader of Opposition papers e.g. Leader’s records Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice 3 years after last action Retention Period 5 years after last action Retention Period 3 years after last action e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 13 EM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT The retention and use of records relating to the provision of environmental and community services within the organisation Ref EM1 EM1.1 EM1.1.1 EM1.1.2 ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION AND PROSECUTION ACTIVITY: REGISTRATION, CERTIFICATION AND LICENSING Basic activity description Summary management systems that allow the monitoring & management of registration, certification and licences registration requirements in summary form The administration of applications, registration, certification and licences in relation to the local authority’s registration requirements. For topics in relation to toxic or hazardous substances (including petroleum) see EM3.2.3. For topics in relation to the registration of care for children see EM3.2.4 Example of records Visual Impairment Register. Applications for Animal Registration. Applications for Registration of a Business Premises. Applications for Release of Animals impounded. Registers. Certificates of registrations of: • door supervisors. • taxi drivers. • beauty therapists. Animal movement licences. Gaming. Fire Certification. Disabled Parking Permits. Blue/Orange Badge. Registration to sell poison. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Statutory Note may want archival review in cases of licensing of children in entertainment Retention Period Permanent Retain 2 years after registration or entitlement lapses Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 14 EM1.1.3 The process involved in licensing sites for the holding or use of toxic or hazardous substances. (Including petroleum, agricultural chemical products or herbicides) EM1.2 ACTIVITY: NOTIFICATION EM1.2.1 EM1.3 EM1.3.1 Ref EM2 EM2.1 EM2.1.1 EM2.2 Diesel Licences. Petroleum Licences. Health and safety licensing. Hazardous substances. Contaminated land register/pollution Common Practice Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Basic activity Example of records Statutory Retention Period description Provisions/Authority The process of issuing Health and Safety Common Practice Retain 2 years after matter notices to citizens with compliance inspections is concluded respect to particular responsibilities. ACTIVITY: INVESTIGATION, INSPECTION AND MONITORING OF PUBLIC ACTIVITIES Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Basic activity description The process of prosecution or sanction of an individual or organisation for failing to comply with their legal responsibilities. BY-LAWS Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Example of records Prosecution / sanction files Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Retain 7 years from last action. ACTIVITY: ENACTMENT Basic activity description The process of making local laws Example of records Master set of by-laws. Policy development documents. Correspondence. Submissions. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF ACTIVITY: ADMINISTRATION & ENFORCEMENT Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 15 EM2.2.1 Ref EM3 EM3.1 EM3.2 Basic activity description The process of administering and enforcing by-laws Example of records Basic activity description Summary management systems that record the location and occupancy of deceased individuals. The process of regulation of burials and cremations. Example of records Applications and Certificates. Permits. Licenses Infringement Notices (parking) Correspondence CEMETERIES & CREMATORIA Internment register Lair register Lair plans Permits. Applications. Orders. Medical Certificate ‘B’ Cremation Registers Medical Certificate ‘C’ Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Retain 2 years after certificate has expired or penalty payment has been made of the matter has been finished or correspondence on the matter has ceased. Retention Period Permanent Statutory. Cremation Regulations 1915 and 1920, S.R. & O. 1915. Retain 5 years after last action Statutory. Cremation Regulations 1915 and 1920, S.R. & O. 1915. Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED EM3.3 The process of regulation of cremations. EM3.4 Records associated with Memorial construction Common Practice Until superseded. the process of arranging Policy. funerals. Funeral information. Memorial construction. Low cost funerals WASTE MANAGEMENT & COLLECTION (The provision of hard waste reduction services by the council to ratepayers) Ref EM4 EM4.1 Basic activity description The process of arranging the collection or transportation of household waste. Example of records Waste transfer records. Recycle waste records. Green waste records. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory. Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 SI 2839. Retention Period Retain 2 years after last action. Hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (Note: The waste management contractor must retain records for 6 Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 16 years under landfill tax legislation.) EM4.2 Ref EM5 EM5.1 EM5.1.1 EM5.1.2 EM5.1.3 The process of arranging the collection or transportation of controlled waste. Waste transfer records. Statutory. Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991 SI 2839. Retain 2 years after last action. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (Note: The waste management contractor must retain records for 6 years under landfill tax legislation.) LAND USE ACTIVITY: PLANNING SCHEME AND BUILDING REGULATION Basic activity description The activity of developing a vision and strategic directions regarding existing and future land use within the municipality and the development of local and town centre plans to ensure the implementation of the Structure Plan. (The production of planning policy documents). The activity of consultation to gain approval for the Structure Plan. Unitary Development Plans. Local Plans The activity of recording information on historical buildings, monuments and ecology at a specific Example of records Structure Plan. Local Plan. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory and Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Consultation documents and replies. Inquiries and objections made by members of public. Public Inquiry documents. Common Practice Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Sites and Monuments records. Ecological records. Species records. Common Practice Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 17 site EM5.1.4 EM5.1.5 The process of receiving, considering and responding to submissions and objections to planning schemes and amendments The process of controlling development of land and property through planning and other statutory applications. Historically listed buildings. Definitive map. Commons register Waste Planning Application consultation. Mineral Planning applications consultation. Objections. Inquiries, Public etc. Archaeological; advice/conditions. Planning application files and plans. Correspondence relating to any objections. Hearing papers. Planning application register. Cartographic index. Appeal decision letters. Planning Registers Common Practice Statutory Retain 15 years after decision. Permanent from 1 July 1948. (prior to this date – offer to Head of Collections) Offer controversial/high profile schemes to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Other documents e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Consider digitising. Offer 1 digitised copy to Head of Collections. Pre 1948 - Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF EM5.1.6 The process of recording all other documents relating to planning control matters not covered above. EM5.2 ACTIVITY: COUNTRYSIDE PLANNING Basic activity description Pre-application enquiries. Planning appeals. Correspondence. Example of records Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Retain 7 years from last action. Retention Period Offer controversial/high profile schemes to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Other documents e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 18 EM5.2.1 EM5.2.2 The process of maintaining the countryside and developing open spaces for public amenity. The process of maintaining the countryside and developing open spaces for public amenity. Policies Procedures Common Practice Until superseded Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs). Country parks and nature reserve development plans and correspondence. Land purchase agreements. Common Practice Retain 7 years after administrative use concluded These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF EM5.3 ACTIVITY: PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS EM5.3.1 Basic activity description The summary management of planning scheme regulation EM5.3.2 The process of regulating the planned use of land or buildings EM5.3.3 The process of approving building applications in relation to listed or other significant buildings. Example of records Building control Registers Building Files. Plans and Specifications. Correspondence. Applications and Permits. Decision Notices Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Common Practice Retain 15 years after closure. Common Practice Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Offer controversial/high profile schemes to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Other documents e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 19 Or Certificates Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Common Practice Retain 15 years after the issue of certificate of final inspection. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED The process of enforcing building or land regulations. ACTIVITY: LAND SEARCHES Common Practice Retain 15 years after compliance with enforcement notice. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Basic activity description The process of providing local authority information to satisfy the lenders of money for the purchase of property or home improvements. The activity of maintaining local authority information pertaining to land and property. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory EM5.3.4 The process of inspecting building work for the purpose of ensuring compliance. EM5.3.5 EM5.4 EM5.4.1 EM5.4.2 Certificate of Final Inspection. Building Inspection Records. Diaries. Enforcement Notices Example of records Land Searches Local land Charges Register. Statutory Retention Period Retain 6 years after search is concluded Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 20 FI FINANCE The retention and use of records relating to the Financial services within the organisation. Ref FI1 FI1.1 ACTIVITY: Basic activity description Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 21 HP HOUSING The retention and use of records relating to the provision of council housing services within the organisation. These items are also found in other sections. Ref HP1 HP1.1 HP1.1.1 HOUSING PROVISION (The process of the allocation and management of welfare housing by the local authority and the associated issues of homelessness) ACTIVITY: APPLICATIONS & REGISTRATION OF INDIVIDUALS Basic activity description The process for applying for council housing. (Successful Applications) Example of records Council Housing application forms and supporting material. Application for transfer of tenancy and supporting papers. Application for emergency housing or referral from another agency. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Expiration of agreement + 12 years HP1.1.2 The process for applying for council housing. (Unsuccessful Applications) Council Housing application forms and supporting material. Application for transfer of tenancy and supporting papers. Application for emergency housing or referral from another agency. Common Practice Closure + 7 years HP1.1.3 Registration of individuals housing applications Council Housing Register Housing Act 1985 Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes as proof that the tenant was housed properly by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 22 (master version only) HP1.1.4 Garage Applications HP1.2 ACTIVITY: TENANCY AGREEMENTS HP1.2.1 Basic activity description The process of awarding tenancies in council housing. Application Forms Example of records Signed tenancy agreements. Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Housing Act 1985 Sealed tenancy agreements. Expiration of agreement + 6 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes as proof that the tenant was housed properly by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes as proof that the tenant was housed properly by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Ordinary Tenancy – paper copy Expiration of agreement + 6 years. Tenancy Under Seal – paper copy Expiration of agreement + 12 years. Electronic versions of both types Expiration of agreement + 12 years HP1.2.2 The process for managing the tenancy of an individual. Correspondence re: the tenancy. Tenancy files. Housing Act 1985 Expiration of agreement + 12 years Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 23 HP1.2.3 Leaseholder Agreements (See also HP1.3 ACTIVITY: TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION AND HOMELESSNESS HP1.3.1 Basic activity description Temporary Accommodation Leaseholder Files Example of records Housing Act 1985 Customer Account Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice HP1.3.2 Removals / storage / kennelling Customer Account Common Practice HP1.3.3 Homelessness Case File Case File Common Practice Ref HP2 HOUSING MAINTENANCE (For renovation of public buildings see PM2.3) HP2.1 Basic activity description Housing repairs Example of records Property record Customer record Renovation records Statutory Provisions/Authority Housing Act 1985 Expiration of agreement + 6 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED CY + 1 year after customer’s account has cleared CY + 1 year after customer’s account has cleared CY + 2 years after case is closed Retention Period CY + 2 years after repair completed e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 24 HR HUMAN RESOURCES (Personnel) The retention and use of records relating to the provision of personnel services within the organisation Ref HR1 HR1.1 HR1.2 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Basic activity description Summary management systems that allow the monitoring & management of employees in summary form. Note: The summary information that this record class attempts to capture is:Name Date of birth Date of appointment Work history details Position/designation Titles & dates held The process of employing staff and administration to ensure that entitlements & obligations are in accordance with agreed employment requirements. Records containing Superannuation Information Example of records Employment Register – Permanent Staff. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Common Practice T + 6 years Employment Register – Temporary Staff. Employment Register – Casual Staff. Personal History Cards. Superannuation History Card. Salary Master Record. Medical Clearance. Details of assigned duties. Probation reports. Medical examinations. Personal particulars. Educational qualifications Declarations of pecuniary interests. Secrecy undertakings. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (Letter of acceptance – see HR1.3) (Letter of appointment see HR1.3) Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 25 HR1.3 Personal records (Personnel file) T + 6 years Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF HR1.4 Records relating to staff working with children T + 25 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HR1.5 All other records T + 6 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Ref HR2 EMPLOYEE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS HR2.1 Basic activity description Identification & development of significant directions concerning industrial matters. Completed application form. Letter of appointment. Letter of acceptance. Medical clearance. Job description. Sickness records. Political restriction. Employment contract. Disciplinary and grievance records * Example of records Generic agreements and awards. Negotiations. Disputes. Claims lodged. Daily industrial relations management Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice HR2.2 Liaison processes of minor and routine industrial matters HR2.3 ACTIVITY: DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES HR2.3.1 Basic activity description Processing of Disciplinary and Grievances Investigations – where proved Example of records Disciplinary records. Grievance records. Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority For all practical purposes this function would not be subject to records management, except for Warnings involving Retention Period Permanent Administrative use + 6 years Retention Period Kept on personnel file Oral Warning – 6 months. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These warnings to be removed from the personnel file & destroyed after the relevant time has been spent. Written Warning – 12 Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 26 children, which remain on the personal file permanently for reference purposes. HR2.3.2 Ref HR3 HR3.1 Processing of Disciplinary Disciplinary records and Grievances Investigations - where unfounded EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Common practice Basic activity description The Process of producing policies and procedures to ensure compliance with appropriate legislation. Statutory Provisions/Authority Employment Law Example of records Equal Employment Opportunities policy (Latest version). Equal Employment Opportunities procedures/guidelines (latest version) Investigation reports. HR3.2 The process of investigation and reporting on specific cases to ensure that entitlements & obligations are in accordance with agreed Equal Employment Opportunities guidelines policies. HR3.2 ACTIVITY: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Basic activity Example of records Common practice Statutory months. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Final Warning – 18 months. Warnings involving children – Permanent. Retain only until grievance has been found to have been unfounded; or after appeal. Retention Period e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record All final versions to be kept permanently. Retain 5 years after action completed Retention Period These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 27 description HR3.2.1 The process of checking and ensuring the health of staff HR4 RECRUITMENT HR4.1 Basic activity description The selection of an individual for an established position - Successful applicants Provisions/Authority Health questionnaire. Medical clearance. Adjustments to work place restrictions. Recommendations Example of records Advertisements. Applications Referee reports Interview reports Interview notes Common Practice. Health & Safety Legislation. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Administrative life of the record Retain 50 years after last action Retention Period Retain 1 year after recruitment has been finalised. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (For letter of appointment see HR1.3) Common Practice Retain 6 months after recruitment has been finalised. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Common Practice. Section 124 of Police Act 1997. Successful applicants – Retain for 1 week from receipt of disclosure (if clear). e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HR4.4 NB: CRB Disclosures should never be kept on personnel files and should be kept separately ACTIVITY: STAFF MONITORING Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period HR4.4.1 Basic activity description Performance appraisal Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HR4.2 The selection of an individual for an established position - Unsuccessful applicants HR4.3 Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure HR4.4.2 Process of monitoring staff leave and attendance Advertisements. Applications Referee reports Interview reports Interview notes Example of records Probation reports Performance plans Sick leave. Jury Service. Study leave. Special and personal leave. Common Practice T + 6 years Retain 2 years after action completed e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 28 HR4.5 Attendance books. Flexitime sheets. Leave applications. Clock on/off cards. Annual leave cards. ACTIVITY: STAFF RETENTION HR4.5.1 Basic activity description Financial reward Ref HR5 HR5.1 HR5.1.1 HR5.2 Example of records Retention Period Retain 7 years after action completed Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (All records relating to actual payments are dealt with under finance) TERMINATION OF CONTRACT ACTIVITY: NOTIFICATION OF TERMINATION Basic activity description The process of terminating employment of staff through resignation, voluntary redundancy, dismissal, retirement and death. Example of records Letters of resignation Redundancy (section 188) Retirement Dismissal Death Leavers form Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period T + 6 Years Common Practice T + 6 Years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: EXIT PROCESS Basic activity description Example of records HR5.2.1 Exit questionnaire Assessment of responses HR5.2.2 Exit Interview HR5.2.3 Leavers checklist Ref Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period 6 months after Termination of Contract Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Common Practice 6 months after Termination of Contract e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Common Practice 6 months after Termination of Contract e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 29 HR6 HR6.1 HR6.1.1 ACTIVITY: ROUTINE TRAINING Basic activity description Routine staff training processes. Example of records Individual course records. Individual staff assessments. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent (not occupational health and safety or children related) HR6.1.2 Training (concerning children) HR6.1.3 Training (proof of completion) HR6.1.4 Training materials Ref HR7 APPOINTMENTS OF STATUTORY OFFICERS HR7.1 Basic activity description Summary management systems that allow the monitoring & management of statutory officers in summary form. Individual course records. Individual staff assessments. Certificates Awards Exam results Booklets Forms Presentations Example of records Magistrates register Head of Paid Services. Monitoring Officer. Section 151 Officer. Common Practice Common Practice Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retain 35 years after training completed, or last entry Retain on Personnel file (see HR1.3) Retain 1 year after course is superseded Retention Period Permanent (recorded in Council minutes) Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 30 HR7.2 HR7.3 HR7.4 HR8 HR8.1 The process of administering employees to ensure that entitlements & obligations are in accordance with agreed employment requirements. The appointment of an individual for a statutory position The process of selection of an individual for a statutory position – successful applications Common Practice Retained on Personnel File (see HR1.3) e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Appointment files Common Practice Permanent Vacancies & applications records. Interview notes. Prospective staff records. Registers of applicants. Unsuccessful applicants. Common practice Retain 2 years after date of appointment. Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (Permanent record in Council minutes) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING Basic activity description Training (occupational health and safety Example of records OH&S training register Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Until superseded by refresher training. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED (Individual course assessment records should be destroyed once the training has been renewed every 3 years). HR8.2 Food Hygiene courses for business Course register Common Practice Latest training information should always be retained. CY + 3 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 31 HS HEALTH AND SAFETY The retention and use of records relating to operations regarding health and safety at work (for Occupational Health and Safety Training see HR 8) Ref HS1 HS1.1 POLICIES Basic activity description Health and Safety at Work of employees. Example of records Written statement of employers general policy. HS1.2 Health and Safety at Work of employees Arrangements and procedures for carrying out policy at HS1.1. HS1.3 Health and Safety procedures Written procedures HS1.4 Safety clothing and headwear on construction sites Written procedures Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 s.2(3): Written Statement of general policy for employee health and safety at work. Statutory. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 s.2(3): Written Statement of general policy for employee health and safety at work. Statutory. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992. Reg. 4: Health and Safety. Statutory. Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 SI 1989 No. 2209. Reg. 5: Rules and Directions. Retention Period Until superseded. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Until superseded Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Until superseded Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Retain for duration of work on site These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 32 9YF Ref HS2 HS2.1 HS2.1.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY OPERATIONS ACTIVITY: INSPECTIONS AND ASSESSMENTS OF WORKING ENVIRONMENT AND EQUIPMENT Basic activity description Process of inspecting equipment to ensure it is safe. Example of records Equipment inspection records. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Retention Period 6 years from destruction of equipment Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS2.1.2 Fire Alarm/emergency lighting Inspection reports Common Practice Retain last two certificates HS2.1.3 Building installations Inspection reports Common Practice Retain last two certificates e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS2.1.4 Other statutory inspections/tests Inspection reports Common Practice CY + 10 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS2.1.5 Working platforms and personal suspension equipment. Excavations and cofferdams etc. Inspection reports Statutory. Construction (Health, safety and welfare) Regulations 1996 SI 1996 No 1592 – Regs. 29,30 and Schedule 7. 3 months after work is completed These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 33 HS2.1.2 Processes that permit work HS2.1.3 HS2.2 Process of carrying out monitoring to ensure it is safe ACTIVITY: LOG BOOKS HS2.2.1 Basic activity description Fire safety HS2.2.2 Machine maintenance HS2.3 ACTIVITY: LIFTING OPERATIONS HS2.3.1 Basic activity description Lifting operations (Thorough examinations) Monitoring results Example of records Fire precaution log book Machine maintenance log book Example of records Examination results/reports Common Practice Retain 1 year from last action. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Statutory Retain 3 years from last action e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Statutory. Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations 1998 SI 1998 No 2306 Reg. 5. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998 No 2307 Reg. 9. Retention Period Retain 6 years after last entry Life of equipment Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED For as long as equipment is operated. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Current report to accompany equipment if sold on. HS2.3.2 Lifting operations (Thorough examinations and inspection – other than an accessory) Examination results/reports Statutory. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998 No 2307 Reg. 11. For as long as equipment is operated. Previous reports e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS2.3.3 Lifting operations (Thorough examinations and inspection – accessory for lifting) Examination results/reports Statutory. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998 Retain 2 years from date of report. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 34 No 2307 Reg. 11. Lifting operations (Thorough examination and inspection – installation or after assembly at new site/location Lifting operations (Thorough examinations and inspection – 6/12 monthly inspections under Reg.9). Examination results/reports Statutory. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998 No 2307 Reg. 11. For as long as the equipment is operated e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Examination results/reports Statutory. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998 No 2307 Reg. 11. Until superseded or the expiration of 2 years whichever is later. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS2.3.6 Lifting operations (Records made under regulation 10(2) Examination results/reports Statutory. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 SI 1998 No 2307 Reg. 11. Until superseded e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS2.4 ACTIVITY: RISK ASSESSMENTS HS2.3.4 HS2.3.5 HS2.4.1 HS2.5 HS2.5.1 HS2.5.2 Basic activity description Process to assess the level of risk Example of records Risk assessment Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Retention Period Retain 3 years from last assessment Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: ASBESTOS RECORDS Basic activity description Process of monitoring of areas where employees and persons are likely to have become in contact with asbestos Air monitoring of employees exposure to asbestos where appropriate. Example of records Property asbestos files Record or suitable summary. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory. Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987 SI 1876 No. 2115. Statutory. Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987 SI 1987 No. 2115 Reg. 15. Retention Period 40 years from last action. Retain 5 years from date of monitoring. Retain 40 years if health record required. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 35 HS2.5.3 HS2.5.4 HS2.6 Asbestos health records (where exposure to asbestos exceeds the action level) Employee health records Certificates of health Certificate of health examination Statutory. Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987 SI 1987 No. 2115 Reg. 16(1). CY + 40 years. Statutory. Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987 SI 1987 No. 2115 Reg. 16(3). Control of Asbestos at Twok (Amendment) Regulations 1998 SI 1988 3235 Reg. (4). Retain 40 years from date of issue. Must be retained by the employer. Copy must be given to the employee. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF ACTIVITY: RECORDING HEALTH & SAFETY EVENTS / INCIDENTS Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 36 Basic activity description Process that records injuries to adults Accident forms Accident reports HS2.6.2 Process that records injuries to children Accident forms Accident reports Ref HS3 HS3.1 EMERGENCY PLANNING HS2.6.1 HS3.1.1 HS3.1.2 HS3.2 HS3.2.1 HS3.2.2 Ref HS4 Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Based on Statutory Retention Period Retain 3 years from closure Retain 25 years from closure Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: PLANS AND RECORDING SYSTEMS Basic activity description Process to develop the emergency/disaster plan for the local community. Example of records Major incident plan Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Common Practice Basic activity description Activities that report on all major incidents in the local community. Whether the emergency plan has been invoked or not. Activities that report on all minor incidents in the local community HEALTH RECORDS Statutory Provisions/Authority Common practice Permanent Common Practice Retain 7 years after closure e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. Example of records Post incident reports Example of records Health Screening records Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory. Numerous regulations Retain 10 years after closure Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Process of recording the results of the test for emergency/disaster plan for the local community. ACTIVITY: MAJOR INCIDENTS Basic activity description HS4.1 Example of records Retention Period Retain 40 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 37 HS4.2 COSHH COSHH health surveillance records Statutory. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 SI 1999 No. 437 Reg. 11. Records kept under the 1994 Regulations to be kept as if the 1999 Regulations had not been made. Reg. 18. COSHH Regs. 2002. Permanent HS4.3 COSHH Monitoring records to comply with COSHH Statutory. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 SI 1999 No. 437 Retain 5 years – general records. Statutory. Noise at Work Regulations 1989 Reg. 5: Assessment Record. Until a further assessment is made. HS4.4 Noise monitoring Ref HS5 HS5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Noise assessment records Retain 40 years for personal experience of identifiable individuals. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Consider adding to health records. ACTIVITY: ACCIDENT RECORDS Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 38 HS5.1.1 The process of Reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences. RIDDOR F2508 F208A Statutory. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 SI 1995 No. 3163 Regs. 4/5. Retain 7 years after last action. (If incident happens to a person under the age of 18, records retained until they reach 18 + y years after last action) HS5.1.2 Records of minor incidents in the local community. Enforcement, certification, prosecution etc Copy notices. Copy certificates. Common Practice Retain 7 years after closure of all active cases linked to premises. HS6 GRAVESTONES & MEMORIALS HS6.1 ACTIVITY: INSPECTION REPORTS HS6.1.1 The policies and procedures regarding inspection of gravestones and memorials Common Practice Permanent Inspection Policy Inspection Procedures These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 39 Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Common practice Permanent E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Tender documents. Common practice Permanent HS6.1.4 Tenders received. (Successful tenders) Common practice Permanent HS6.1.5 Tenders received. (Unsuccessful tenders) Common Practice Until successful tender contract signed. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. E-Version – delete. Hardcopy – CONFIDENTIAL SHRED HS6.1.2 Records associated with the inspection and resulting action taken regarding the care of gravestones and memorials HS6.1 ACTIVITY: TENDERS FOR REMEDIAL WORK HS6.1.3 Records associated with tenders for remedial work on Gravestones and Memorials Gravestone inspection Report (including photographs) Memorial inspection report (including photographs) Report from Structural Engineer. Actions taken / work done report. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 40 IA INTERNAL AUDIT The retention and use of records relating to the internal auditing of organisational processes Ref IA1 IA1.1 IA1.1.1 IA1.1.2 IA1.1.3 INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITY: AUDIT PROCEDURES Basic activity description Audit reports (including interim & draft) that are concerned with the examination of long term contracts. Audit reports and supporting papers compiled during a fraud investigation Other audit reports (including drafts) Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Retention Period CY + 6 years Retain 6 years after legal or disciplinary proceedings have been completed. Internal audit records are classed as those records that have been created solely for the purpose of an internal audit review and include: Reports. Terms of reference. Programmes/plans. Correspondence, including emails, letters, CY + 3 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 41 advice & consultancy. Minutes of meetings etc. Working papers. Annual audit needs assessment. Internal audit strategy. IA1.1.4 Audit management programmes, plans and strategies. IA1.1.5 Audit Manual & guides relating to departmental procedures Until superseded IA1.1.6 Annual Reports to the S151 Officer CY + 3 years Retain for 1 year after the last date of the plan, or from the time that they were updated. These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 42 IF INFRASTRUCTURE, HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT The retention and use of records relating to the provision of transport and planning services within the organisation Ref IF1 IF1.1 IF1.2 IF1.3 IF1.4 Ref IF2 IF2.1 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Basic activity Example of records Statutory description Provisions/Authority The activity of developing Structure Plan Common Practice a vision and strategic Local transport plan directions regarding (shared) existing transport and infrastructure within the municipality The activity of Amendments to definitive Common Practice establishing planning map. scheme controls and Road adoption providing for them to be amended and modified The process of receiving, Enquiries, consultation Statutory considering and documents, objections responding to and correspondence submissions and objections to planning schemes and amendments. The process of Common Practice investigating and enforcing planning regulations. INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE Basic activity description The activity of providing municipal services in relation to infrastructure within the local authority. Example of records Street Files. Street Records. Requests for: Hedge clipping Tree planting Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Retain 50 years after enforcement notice e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retention Period Retain 7 years after last action. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 43 Naming of streets Numbering of houses Street load limits Street signs Bus shelters Applications to dig footpaths. IF2.2 Ref IF3 IF3.1 IF3.1.1 The activity of maintaining and repairing roads, streets, bridges, bridle paths, rights of way, tunnels, cycle paths TRANSPORT Common Practice Retain 7 years after action completed. ACTIVITY: TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT Basic activity description The process of acquisition and disposal of vehicles through lease or purchase. IF3.1.2 The process of managing allocation & maintenance of vehicles. Ref IF4 IF4.1 HIGHWAYS Example of records Leases. Contract. Quotes. Approvals. Fleet Authorisation Numbers. Approvals as Drivers. Allocation & Authorisations for vehicles. Maintenance. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Common Practice Retention Period Retain 7 years after the disposal of the vehicle. Retain 7 years after the sale or disposal of the vehicle. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: HIGHWAYS INSPECTIONS Basic activity description IF4.1.1 Maintenance records Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED The process of detailing when a length of highway was inspected, by whom, inspection type, what was found and follow up action Example of records Inspection reports. Follow-up actions. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period CY + 20 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 44 Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 45 IM RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The retention and use of records relating to the provision of records and information management within the organisation Ref IM1 IM1.1 IM1.1.1 IM1.1.2 IM1.1.3 RECORDS MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY: RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES Basic activity description The process of preparing corporate policies and procedures. The activity whereby standards, authorities, restraints and verifications are introduced and maintained to manage information effectively. Retention procedures Example of records RM Policy RM Strategy Retention and disposal Policy. Corporate Scanning Strategy. Digital Preservation Policy. Statutory Provisions/Authority FOIA Public Records Act Retention Period Until superseded Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. All backups to be deleted. Classification Schemes. Registers. Indexes. Authorised lists of File Headings. Common Practice Until superseded Retention Schedule FOIA Public Records Act Until superseded Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF All backups to be deleted. Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. All backups to be deleted. IM1.1.4 The management of collections of records transferred to the archives. Transfer records FOIA Public Records Act Permanent These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 46 with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. IM1.1.5 Ref IM2 IM2.1 IM2.1.1 IM2.1.2 IM2.1.3 Ref IM3 IM3.1 Emails which are held in the corporate email archiving system FOIA Public Records Act Retain 4 years All backups to be deleted. e-version – Fully delete All backups to be deleted. INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY: SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Basic activity Example of records description The internal process to CRM develop or extend the capabilities of a system used to support the activities of the Local Authority. The process to implement Implementation Plan a system used to support the activities of the Local Authority. The process to support and administer a system used to support the activities of the Local Authority. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Statutory Provisions/Authority Retention Period Retain for life of the system Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retain 7 years after last action. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retain 5 years after last action. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: POLICY RECORDS Basic activity description Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 47 IM3.1.1 The process of handling FOI requests FOI Policy. FOI Procedures. Implementation of FOI. FOI retention and disposal policy. Documents on organisation’s FOI Policy. FOIA 2000 (s.46) DPA 1998 Case records FOIA 2000 (s.46) DPA 1998 IM3.1.2 Case records that lead to the development of precedents and best practice IM3.2 ACTIVITY: INDIVIDUAL TRANSACTION RECORDS Until superseded. (Permanent retention in archives) Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF All backups to be deleted. Permanent Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF All backups to be deleted. IM3.2.1 Basic activity description Receipt of FOI requests, detailing the FOI request, the consideration of possible exemptions and subsequent appeals. Example of records Case file records. Statutory Provisions/Authority FOIA 2000 (s.46) DPA 1998 Retention Period Retain 3 years after date of creation. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF All backups to be deleted. IM3.3 ACTIVITY: ACCESS STATUS RECORDS IM3.3.1 Basic activity description Statistical data. Example of records Number of requests received and answered. Details of their outcomes. Etc. Statutory Provisions/Authority FOIA 2000 (s.46) DPA 1998 Retention Period Retain 10 years. Also keep as required for DCA reporting requirements (if applicable) Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 48 Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. IM3.3.2 Activities detailing access decisions Public Interest Test. Redacted versions of documents. FOIA 2000 (s.46) Retain 10 years. (You may wish to keep this information as it could be considered current until superseded by a subsequent decision. This will depend on how you choose to record such information). All backups to be deleted. These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. All backups to be deleted. IM3.4 IM3.4.1 IM3.4.2 ACTIVITY: OTHER RECORDS Basic activity description Records scheduled for disposal FOI financial transactions Example of records Information subject to FOI request but scheduled for destruction. Fees received Statutory Provisions/Authority FOIA 2000 (s.46) DPA 1998 FOIA 2000 (s.46) DPA 1998 Retention Period ~Retain 1 year from the date of the last correspondence on the matter. Use current financial retention schedule Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Undertake original disposal of information according to the corporate retention schedule. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 49 LC LEGAL AND CONTRACTS The retention and use of records relating to the provision of legal and contractual services within the organisation Ref LC1 LC1.1 CASE FILES Basic activity description All Case Files Working files and papers except as shown in sections HP1.1 above. Ref LC2 LC2.1 Example of records Section 106 agreements. TPOs Leases, Licences, General legal matters Statutory Provisions/Authority Departmental Code of Practice Retention Period Hardcopy – CY + 2 years after matter closed. e-version retain for period identified by Head of Legal Services Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF LITIGATION Basic activity description The process of managing, undertaking or defending for or against litigation on behalf of the local authority. Example of records Correspondence Criminal case file Civil case file Pleadings Orders Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Background papers – 3 years after case concluded or closed. Court File Documents – 7 years after case concluded or closed. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Major Litigation records - Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Major litigation – 7 years after case concluded or closed LC2.2 ACTIVITY: ADVICE Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 50 LC2.2.1 Basic activity description The process of providing legal advice on a point of law Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Hardcopy - Retain 3 years after last action. E-version – Retain 3 years after last action. LC2.3 ACTIVITY: AGREEMENTS LC2.3.1 Basic activity description Process of agreeing terms between organisations. LC2.4 LC2.4.1 LC3.1.1 Concordat. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice (Depends on value of agreement. Mainly to do with agreements between public bodies, not in regard to contracts). Note this does not include contractual agreements. ACTIVITY: CONVEYANCE (See also Property Acquisition and Disposal) Basic activity description The process of changing ownership of land LC2.4.2 Ref LC3 LC3.1 Example of records Example of records Property records Land charges Deeds of Title Retention Period Hardcopy – 1 year after expiration or termination of agreement. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record If major precedent - Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED E-version 6 years after expiration or termination of agreement. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Retention Period Closure + 12 years Statutory Permanent Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF CONTRACTS AND TENDERING ACTIVITY: PRE-CONTRACT ADVICE Basic activity description The process of calling for expressions of interest Example of records Expressions of Interest Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Retain 2 years after contract let, or not proceeded with. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 51 LC3.2 LC3.2.1 ACTIVITY: SPECIFICATION AND CONTRACT DEVELOPMENT Basic activity description The process involved in the development and specification of a contract Example of records Tender specification NOTE for project files containing drafts leading to a final version these records can be destroyed. LC3.3 ACTIVITY: TENDER ISSUING AND RETURN LC3.3.1 Basic activity description The process involved in the issuing and receipt of a tender LC3.4 LC3.4.1 Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Example of records Opening notice Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Tender envelope Retention Period Ordinary Contracts – paper version 6 years after the terms of contract have expired. Contracts Under Seal – paper version 12 years after the terms of contract have expired. Electronic versions of both types Retain 12 years. Retention Period 1 year after start of contract. Note: Normally there is no electronic version Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: EVALUATION OF TENDER Basic activity description Summary tender evaluation criteria Example of records Evaluation criteria Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Retention Period Ordinary Contracts – paper version. Retain 6 years after terms of contract have expired. Contracts Under Seal – paper version. Retain 12 years after terms of contract have expired. Electronic versions of both types Retain for 12 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 52 LC3.4.2 Successful tender document Tender documents Statutory Ordinary Contracts – paper version. Retain 6 years after terms of contract have expired. Contracts Under Seal – paper version. Retain 12 years after terms of contract have expired. Electronic versions of both types. Retain for 12 years e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Common Practice Retain 2 years after start of contract. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Quotations LC3.4.3 Unsuccessful tender document LC3.5 ACTIVITY: POST TENDER NEGOTIATION LC3.5.1 Ref LC4 LC4.1 Basic activity description The process in negotiation of a contract after a preferred tender is selected Tender documents Quotations Example of records Clarification of contract. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retain 1 year after terms of contract have expired. Post tender negotiation minutes AWARDING OF CONTRACTS Basic activity description The process of awarding a contract Example of records Signed contract Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Retention Period Ordinary Contracts – paper version. Retain 6 years after terms of contract have expired. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 53 Contracts Under Seal – paper version. Retain 12 years after terms of contract have expired. Electronic versions of both types. Retain for 12 years LC4.2 LC4.2.1 ACTIVITY: CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Basic activity description Contract operation and monitoring Example of records Service Level Agreements Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Compliance reports Management and amendment of contract Minutes and papers of meetings. Changes to requirements. Variation forms. Extension of contract. Complaints. Hardcopy - 3 years after terms of contract have expired. E-version – 3 years after terms of contract have expired. Performance reports LC4.2.2 Retention Period Statutory Ordinary Contracts – paper version. Retain 6 years after terms of contract have expired. Contracts Under Seal – paper version. Retain 12 years after terms of contract have expired. Electronic versions of both types. Retain for 12 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Disputes of payment. Ref LC5 INSURANCES Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 54 LC5.1 LC5.1.1 LC5.1.2 LC5.1.3 LC5.2 LC5.2.1 ACTIVITY: INSURANCE POLICY MANAGEMENT Basic activity description The summary management of insurance arrangements. The process of insuring Local Authorities Officers, property, vehicles and equipment against negligence, loss or damage Example of records Insurance Register Insurance Policies Correspondence Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Permanent Common Practice Permanent. The process of Insurance Policy renewal renewing insurance records. policies. ACTIVITY: CLAIMS MANAGEMENT Basic activity description The process that records insurance claims against the Local Authorities or Local Authorities Officers. Example of records Claims Register. Claim Records. Correspondence Retention Period Retain 5 years after the insurance policy has been renewed. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory. Limitation Act 1980 Workman’s Compensation Act. Retention Period Retain 7 years after all obligations/entitlements are concluded (allowing for the claimant to reach 25 years of age). Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED TENANCY AGREEMENTS (See Housing HP1.2) Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 55 MA CORPORATE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION The retention and use of records relating to the Corporate Management and Administration of the organisation Ref MA1 MA1.1 MA1.1.1 MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITY: CORPORATE PLANNING AND REPORTING Basic activity description The corporate planning and reporting activities of Local Authorities MA1.1.2 The process of preparing business for strategic consideration and making the record of discussion, debate and resolutions MA1.1.3 The process of preparing business for cross departmental consideration and making the record of discussion, debate and resolutions The process of preparing business for Business Unit consideration and making the record of discussion, debate and resolutions. MA1.1.4 MA1.2 Example of records Corporate Plans. Strategy Plans. Business Plans. Annual Reports. Signed strategic management team minutes. Draft Minutes. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Common Practice Permanent Common Practice Closure + 3 years Common Practice Closure + 3 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Offer signed minutes to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF. Draft minutes e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: STATUTORY RETURNS Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 56 MA1.2.1 Ref MA2 MA2.1 Basic activity Example of records Statutory description Provisions/Authority The process of preparing Reports to Central Common Practice information to be passed Government on to central government as part of statutory requirements POLICY, PROCEDURES, STRATEGY AND STRUCTURE Basic activity description Activities that develop policies, procedures, strategies and structures for the Local Authorities. Example of records Policy, procedure, Precedent, Instructions. Organisation Charts. Records relating to Policy Implementation and Development. Asset management plan. Community Strategy. Community Plan. Community Safety Plan MA2.1.1 The process of monitoring and reviewing strategic plans, policies or procedure to assess their compliance with guidelines. MA2.2 ACTIVITY: PUBLIC CONSULTATION MA2.2.1 Basic activity description The summary results from consultation with the public and staff in the development of Records relating to Best Value Reviews. Example of records Retention Period Closure + 7 years Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Permanent Common Practice Closure + 5 years Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Retention Period Closure + 10 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 57 significant policies of the local authority MA2.2.2 Ref MA3 MA3.1 MA3.1.1 MA3.2 MA3.2.1 The process of consulting the public and staff in the development of minor policies of the local authority. QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Common Practice Basic activity Example of records description The process of Best Value Review. monitoring or reviewing Comprehensive the quality, efficiency, or Performance Assessment. performance of local authority service or unit. The process of Assessment Form assessing the quality, efficiency, or performance of a local authority service or unit ACTIVITY: ENQUIRIES AND COMPLAINTS Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Closure + 5 years Common Practice Closure + 2 years Basic activity description The management in summary form of enquiries and complaints directed to council. Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Example of records Indexes. Summary of complaints Registers Closure + 1 year Retention Period Retention Period Permanent e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 58 MA3.2.2 The management of enquiries, submissions and complaints which result in significant changes to policy or procedures. Reports. Returns. Correspondence. Common Practice Permanent MA3.2.3 The management of routine responses on Council actions, policy procedures Printed material. Form letters. Common Practice CY + 2 years Ref MA4 MA4.1 MA4.1.1 MA4.1.2 MA4.2 Move to MA2.1? These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED PUBLIC RELATIONS ACTIVITY: PUBLICATIONS Basic activity description The process of designing and setting information for publication. The published work of the local authority. Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Common Practice Retention Period 3 years from last action Dispose after administrative use Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED One hardcopy to go to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF e-version – delete other Hardcopies CONFIDENTIAL SHRED ACTIVITY: MEDIA RELATIONS (Communications) Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 59 MA4.2.1 Basic activity description Process of interaction with the media Example of records Press releases MA4.2.2 Media publications concerning Local Authorities MA4.3 ACTIVITY: MARKETING (Promotions) MA4.3.1 Basic activity description The process of developing and promoting Local Authorities campaigns and events Partners Magazine ‘In Touch’ ‘Valley News’ Press Cuttings Media Reports Example of records Reports and promotional material MA4.4 ACTIVITY: CIVIC AND ROYAL EVENTS MA4.4.1 Basic activity description The recording of ceremonial events and civic occasions MA4.4.2 Example of records Visitors Book Audio Tapes Video Tapes DVDs Photographs Newspaper clippings The process of organising a ceremonial event or civic occasions Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Closure + 3 years Common Practice Permanent Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Retention Period Retention Period Permanent Retention Period Permanent CY + 7 years Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 60 PM PROPERTY AND LAND MANAGEMENT The retention and use of records relating to the provision of property and land management services within the organisation. Ref PM1 PM1.1 PM 1.1.1 PM1.1.2 PM1.2 PM1.2.1 PM1.2.2 ASSET MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY: SUMMARY ASSETS MANAGEMENT Basic activity description See Property Management for real property assets. (PM2.2.2) Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority See Transport Management for vehicle assets. (IF3.1.1) Summary management reporting on the overall assets of the local authorities. Schedules of Common Practice Acquisitions. Consolidated Current Asset Reports. Annual Reports. Summary of Current Assets. Asset Registers. ACTIVITY: ASSET MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE Basic activity description Management systems that allow the monitoring & management of assets in summary form. Process of reporting and reviewing assets status Example of records Subsidiary asset Registers. Routine Returns and Reports on Asset Status. Inventories Stocktaking Surveys of usage Acquisition and disposal reports and proposals Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Common Practice Retention Period Permanent Retention Period Retain 7 years after the conclusion of the financial transaction that the record supports. Retain 2 years after administrative use is concluded. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 61 PM1.2.3 The process of maintaining assets PM1.2.4 The process of maintaining Plant and equipment. The process of maintaining building contracts. PM1.2.5 PM1.3 PM1.3.1 Ref PM2 Garden maintenance. Cleaning. Painting Service Records. Plant files. Common Practice Retain 7 years after last action. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Common Practice Retain 7 years after sale or disposal of asset. e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Statutory Retain 12 years after sale or disposal of building. E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF ACTIVITY: ASSET ACQUISITION AND DISPOSAL Basic activity description Management of the acquisition (by financial lease or purchase) and disposal (by sale or write off) process for assets Example of records Legal Documents relating to the Purchase/Sale. Particulars of Sale Documents. Board of Survey. Leases. Applications for Leases, Licences & Rental Revision. Statutory Provisions/Authority Statutory Retention Period Retain 6 years, if under £50,000. Retain 12 years if over £50,000. After all obligations/entitlements are concluded. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF PROPERTY AND LAND MANAGEMENT Basic activity description Example of records Statutory Provisions/Authority Retention Period Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 62 PM2.1 PM2.2 PM2.2.2 PM2.2.3 PM2.3 PM 2.3.1 Reports to Management on overall property of the Local Authority. Consolidated Property & Common Practice Buildings Annual Reports. Summary of leased property. Summary of Local Authorities owned property. Site Register. Register of Leases ACTIVITY: PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND DISPOSAL Basic activity description Management of the acquisition (by financial lease or purchase) process for real property. Example of records Plans Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Permanent Retention Period Retain for life of property or building + 12 years. Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record Offer material re: major/significant properties to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF These records may need to be kept beyond their administrative use to be used for evidential purposes by the authority E-version – save to EDMS/EDRMS with further review date. Hardcopy – consider digitising and saving to EDMS/EDRMS or appropriate shared business folder with further review date. Otherwise hardcopy to be stored at Woodhorn Modern Records Management Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF ACTIVITY: PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND RENOVATION: The process of managing and undertaking renovations and development of property. (for renovations of Council Housing see HP2.1) Basic activity Example of records Statutory Retention Period Action at the end of the description Provisions/Authority Administrative life of the record Offer to Head of Collections, Management of buildings Project specifications. Common Practice Permanent Northumberland Collections and estates of “special Plans. Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, interest” Installation Manuals. Management of the disposal (by sale or write off) process for real property. Legal documents relating to the sale. Particulars of sale documents. Board of Survey. Tender Documents. Conditions of Contracts. Common Practice Retain 15 years after all obligations/entitlements are concluded. Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated 63 Northumberland, NE63 9YF Certificates of Approval. PM2.3.2 Management of all other buildings and estates. Project specifications. Plans. Installation Manuals. Certificates of Approval Common Practice Work Orders. Tender Documents. Conditions of Contracts. Statutory PM2.3.3 The action process involved in the development and renovation of property. Ref PM3 LEASING AND OCCUPANCY PM3.1 PM3.2 Basic activity description The process of managing leased property The process of managing the occupancy of property Example of records Lease Agreements. Rental Expenditure Authorities. Valuation Queries. Applications for Leases, Licences & Rental Revision. Requests for Works, cleaning, etc. Retain for the life of property or building. Offer to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF Retain 12 years after the conclusion of the transaction that the record supports. Offer material re: major/significant properties to Head of Collections, Northumberland Collections Service, Woodhorn, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9YF (For asbestos see HS2.5) Statutory Provisions/Authority Common Practice Common Practice Retention Period Retain 15 years after the expiry of the lease. Retain 7 years after the conclusion of the transaction that the record supports. Action at the end of the Administrative life of the record e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED e-version – delete Hardcopy - CONFIDENTIAL SHRED Records Management Service – Retention & disposal schedule v.0.1 C = current, Cy = current year, T= termination of contract/term of office/employment, D = destroy, P = permanent, A = archive, S = select/sample for archive. Periods are in years unless otherwise stated