Drama 1 OPEN SCENE Project 100 points
You and your scene partner will determine the meaning of one of the open scenes written below. Remember it is not what you say but how you say it. How you say it depends on the given circumstances (the 5 W’S.)
Take as much time as you need to perform the scene. You can begin with activity before you begin to speak as a character. Use the skills we have learned so far in class. I expect you to be truthful as your character and to consider human behavior and sense memory, if applicable. Be creative-- you can interpret the scene however you like, but keep your scene school appropriate.
X: hello
Y: Hello
X: I didn’t expect to see you here
Y: I didn’t expect to see you here either
X: Well, it certainly is a surprise. You look a little pale
Y: Is that so, I feel OK
X: Well, goodbye
Y: Goodbye
1: Hi
2: Hello
1: How’s everything or How are you
2: Fine, I guess
1: Do you know what time it is
2: No not exactly
1: Don’t you have a watch on
2: Not on me
1: Well
2: Well what
1: What did you do last night
2: Nothing
1: Nothing
2: I said nothing
1: I’m sorry I asked
SCENE REQUIREMENTS-You must plan, rehearse, and memorize your scene. Use costumes, props and sets. Take your time-there is no time limit. You will be graded on your written actor’s work, truthful behavior, clear given circumstances, intention, creativity, memorization, rehearsal, effort, and props and costumes.
Drama 1
Part One : Pair up with your scene partner. Answer the questions below. Write in complete sentences. Although you and your partner may collaborate to create the circumstances of your scene, each person needs to complete their own written analysis.
You will turn in your analysis the day you perform.
Written Analysis
Plan the given circumstances of your scene. a.
WHO are you? Include details that make up character. Answer the following character questions. What is your name, age, height, and weight? How is your health? How do you speak—loudly and clearly? How do you move— gracefully or clumsy? What education have you had? What is your cultural background? What is your occupation? What is your religion? What is your relationship with the other character? What is your goal in life? What is your usual mood? Describe your personality. What is your family life like? b.
WHAT are you doing in the scene? What believable activity/actions are you doing? c.
WHERE are you? How does location affect your behavior? d.
WHEN does the scene take place? How does time affect your behavior? e.
WHY is your character doing what you he/she is doing in the scene? What is the purpose or goal?
INTENTION - what do you want from the other character? How do you get what you want from the other character?
In a couple of sentences describe what your scene is about.
List what costumes, set pieces and props you will use.
Draw a picture of your set below. You may use symbols to represent the set.
Label all furniture.
Part 2: Stand up with your partner. Find a space in the room and stage or create the movement for your scene. Then, rehearse your scene many times. Memorize your lines, then rehearse some more. Make sure you bring your lines home tonight to rehearse your scene.
100 points
Clear interpretation__/10 points
Synthesis of location and time in behavior__/10 points
Activity/actions in location__/10 points
Intention/tactics__/10 points
Truthful behavior__/10 points
Memorization__/10 points
Rehearsal/preparation__/10 points
Energy/effort/overall performance__/10 points
Written Actor’s analysis__/20 points
10=perfect understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
9=great understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
8=good understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
7= proficient understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
6=fair understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
4-5= substandard understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
2-3= poor understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
1= acting concepts/written work barely existent
0= demonstration or understanding of acting concepts/written work not shown
100 points
Clear interpretation__/10 points
Synthesis of location and time in behavior__/10 points
Activity/actions in location__/10 points
Intention/tactics__/10 points
Truthful behavior__/10 points
Memorization__/10 points
Rehearsal/preparation__/10 points
Energy/effort/overall performance__/10 points
Written Actor’s analysis__/20 points
10=perfect understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
9=great understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
8=good understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
7= proficient understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
6=fair understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
4-5= substandard understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
2-3= poor understanding and demonstration of acting concepts/written work
1= acting concepts/written work barely existent
0= demonstration or understanding of acting concepts/written work not shown