Critical Injury Meeting

O.I.S.E./UT & SOC.
19 March 2007
ROOM 8-126
Judith Trotter-Field (252 Bloor Co Chair, Certified Management)
Linda Gardiner(725 Spadina Sociology USW)
Christine Davidson (45 Walmer USW)
Mary Lovatsis (252 Bloor USW Local 1998 Certified Worker Member)
Anne Shipley (725 Spadina Sociology Management)
Joe Weinberg (OISE Management)
Penny Deligiannis (45 Walmer USW Local 1998)
Becky Liddle (252 Bloor Faculty)
Marion Morgan(252 Bloor USW Co Chair Worker Member 252 Bloor USW
Makeda Daley-Garniss (371 Bloor USW)
Judy Silver (252 Bloor Faculty)
Sabina Pampor (371 Bloor UTS Management)
Meg O’Mahony (371 Bloor Faculty)
Stephanie Swift (252 Bloor Faculty Librarian)
Nancy Smith Lea (252 Bloor OPSEU Local 578)
Sandra Deike OEH&S UofT - Present
George Orfanakos UTS - Present
Peter Nicoll OEH&S UofT
Committee Secretary: Reg Thornton (non voting)
Call to order (Special Meeting of the OISE JOH&SC)
The meeting was called to order at, 11:05 am by the Management Co Chair.
The members in attendance where thanked for their participation at this special meeting
on short notice.
The Members were advised that the discussions held during this
and any subsequent meetings on this subject are to be treated with some degree of
confidentiality as to the identity of the persons involved in this incident.
The Members were given copies of the Ministry of Labour (MOL) Investigation
Report. This report was also posted in the work place of all the Members represented
on this Committee.
As noted in the report the accident occurred on Monday March 12, 2007. A
worker sustained a critical injury when a glass office panel gave way. The worker was
given first aid on site by fellow workers and transported to the hospital. At this time
the worker is doing well in the hospital.
An accident report was submitted by Management on Tuesday March 13, 2007
and the MOL was advised of the critical injury on Wednesday March 14, 2007.
Inspectors from the MOL came to investigate on Thursday March 15,2007. They
spoke with some workers and Management about the incident.
supplied documentation to the MOL for information with regards to what was done
during and after the accident.
The MOL returned Friday March 16, 2007 with their report and presented it to the
co chairs of the JOH&SC. The report was posted in the workplace.
The members were given copies of the report and some discussion of the events
were held. The members discussed the MOL order that the JOH&SC reviews the
accident and provides recommendations to the employer to prevent future occurrences.
Joe Weinberg advised the members that the scope of their investigation could include
all areas. For example response time, record keeping, actions taken. With rotating
academic supervisors clear instructions and responsibilities of supervision should be re
enforced frequently.
EH&S was asked as to their role in this event. Peter Nicoll Director of EH&S for the
University of Toronto told the Committee he would like to see that the investigation
consider the root cause and to develop recommendations for OISE/UT. Perhaps all
of UofT could use the recommendations to assist in the improvement of reporting
procedures and accident prevention. Things that could be checked are building code
regulations and what needs to be done, interview people involved. It was stressed tha
the interviewing should not imply any blame.
The members asked if EH&S would participate in the investigation and Sandra Deike
EH&S was assigned to work with the members.
The following members were
assigned by the group to act as Critical Injury Investigators.
Marion Morgan(252 Bloor USW Co Chair Worker Member 252 Bloor USW
Mary Lovatsis (252 Bloor USW Local 1998 Certified Worker Member)
Penny Deligiannis (45 Walmer USW Local 1998)
Judith Trotter-Field (252 Bloor Co Chair, Certified Management) will serve as the
Management leason he investigators. Committee Secretary: Reg Thornton (non
voting) will be the Management resource to the investigators. The members were
reminded that this investigation is a workers investigation and if at any time they wish
the management members to retire that they will do so.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am with the Critical Injury Investigators (CII)
staying to plan a working schedule.
The CII following the recommendations from Peter Nicoll agreed that the
investigation should proceed quickly using the following topics.
view work space
interview worker associated with accident
interview worker injured in accident
interview others, ie: Facilities & Services, OISE
Security, UofT Police and any others the members may decide
could contribute to understanding of the events of the accident.
discuss and prepare a draft response for the
main JOH&SC
final report to be submitted to the MOL
The chair of CII Marion Morgan will communicate items related to above via email and
call meetings of the group as may be required.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm