
Arts Council of the Morris Area
Arts in Education Showcase Schedule
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Signature Project
The Signature Project is a multi-faceted. Its core is a huge 76 ft x 36 ft mural layered with hidden
secrets. A live performance brings the mural to life, with artist Patrick Dunning ingeniously
weaving stories and images in the great tradition of Irish artists. A unique, exhilarating tapestry
blending art and technology, the live performance of The Signature Project also offers the
opportunity for the audience to join over 300,000 people whose signatures already comprise the
fabric of this monumental art work. Patrick Dunning; Grades 3-12
Sweet Potato Pie and Such
Renowned storyteller Queen Nur presents a tasty collection of shows for all ages.”Hippo Rockin’
and Bunny Hoppin’ All Around the World” uses stories, dance and music in a highly interactive
performance. The tales include such favorites as “Giraffe’s Can’t Dance” and “Anansi the Greedy
Spider,” stories teach character development while the interaction promotes confidence. “Sweet
Potato Pie and Such” celebrates African-American heritage using song and dance, accompanied
by African instruments. Queen Nur; Grades K-8
Lustig Dance Theatre
Lusting Dance Theatre has developed several educational programs designed to bring dance to
public and private schools in accessible formats that highlight dance as a means to health, fun
and enrichment. Programming includes Artist and Choreographic Residencies, Assemblies and
In-school Dance Residencies which fulfill the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards in Dance
Education, and, in an effort to help thwart childhood obesity, LDT has integrated lessons on
nutrition into each workshop. Programs formally developed thus far may also be adapted for
community settings and older patrons.Lustig Dance Theatre; Grades K-12
Virtually Me
As profiled on NBC and FOX News, Virtually Me! is a rockin’ new musical helping parents and
educators all across the country foster a new dialogue with their students about CYBERBULLYING and TECHNOLOGY ABUSE in a fun and entertaining way. This live musical
production is filled with great characters, topical stories, cool songs, and high-energy
choreography. To watch video, download songs, see what kids are saying on their blog, or read
the Study Guide, please visit their website at Virtually Me; Grades 4-9
Songs and Stories of Uganda - Ugandan music is a vibrant synthesis of song, dance, drumming,
poetry, and fable. At times lively and ecstatic, at others mellow and soulful – Kinobe brings this
rich culture to life with the beautiful music and enchanting folk tales of his homeland. As with all
good stories there are lessons to be learned, and Kinobe illustrates these messages with heart
and humor. He grew up within earshot of the king’s palace, where drumming and singing filled the
days and often the nights. This is the very life of his homeland, of his childhood, of his family, and
he shares it with groups of all ages in this engaging show featuring the many beautiful
instruments of traditional African music. Grades K-12
Spiritree Residency
Spiritree residencies draw on the power of art-making to tap the many talents and intelligences of
students. The thematically defined interdisciplinary projects integrate the arts with the curriculum
as students create murals, masks, giant puppets, and life-size figures in paper mâché and
engage in creative research. Themes focus on subject areas such as history, literature or
science and are chosen by teachers and the artists. So that students may share their creative
learning experiences with others, each residency culminates in an installation, mural, pageant or
parade. Marco Giammetti and Carol Hendrickson; Grades K-12
Mural Residency – Dan Fenelon
Award winning Mural artist Dan Fenelon creates school and public murals with students of all
ages.Dan Fenelon; Grades K-12
Shakespeare Live
Midsummer Night’s Dream - Shakespeare LIVE! always offers a fresh, imaginative take on this
perennial audience favorite. When starry-eyed young lovers and zany would-be actors cross
paths in a magical forest, the result is one of the world’s most uproarious comedies. A
Midsummer Night’s Dream is the ideal “first Shakespeare” for elementary grades, and a riotous
roller-coaster ride for teens (and teachers).Grades 3 -12
The Story Pirates
Play/Write, the cornerstone of Story Pirates programming, integrates the excitement of theater
into standards-based language arts lessons. The Story Pirates present a series of writing
workshops, book-ended by all-school assemblies that showcase students' innate creativity and
celebrate their ability as writers. The Story Pirates; Grades K-8
The Bodacious Book Shows
These shows get kids thinking and talking about great books, making it the perfect way to kick-off
or culminate any reading program. The audience is completely involved throughout these shows
with comic characters like Professor Fineprint and Beatrice the Bookworm, and the “Have You
READ It?” Game that everyone plays with questions and challenges about their favorite books.
Each show also features a folktale brought to life with audience volunteers. Two versions: 1- The
Classics; 2- The World Tour .Agostino Arts; Grades K-8
Addressing History
When you were a student, how often did history feel like a jumble of dates and random people?
Did history seem remote, as if it never mattered to today? Did you ever hold a piece of history in
your hand? Did you know that your very own closet is full of history? A young person seldom has
enough life experience for classic textbook history to be remembered. Instead of using dates as
references, Fool's Academy discovers history in your own clothes. Fools Academy; Grades K-5
Harmonium introduces students to the fun of fine a cappella singing with a wide range of songs
from different time periods and in different languages. Students learn about range, part-singing,
canon and different styles of music including Renaissance, romantic and contemporary, as well
as the importance of music as a means of self-expression. In addition, Harmonium offers a
program on Medieval and Renaissance music to complement the middle school curricula on
these historic periods. Harmonium Outreach Chorus; Grades K-12
Key Wilde and Mr. Clarke
This duo performs original humorous upbeat songs with an emphasis on guitar and tight vocal
harmonies. Their songs introduce students to a wide range of musical styles from bluegrass to
samba and are presented with animated projected visuals created by illustrator Key Wilde. The
illustrations illuminate themes and characters depicted in the songs and are designed to stimulate
the imaginations of young students. Key Wilde; Grades K-6
Transformation Storytelling
This program brings a world of folktales to life on the faces of the audience. In his unique show,
author and artist Christopher Agostino combines storytelling and painted faces to completely
engage any audience with a playful performance illustrated by his amazing facepainting on
volunteers from the audience. Stories and content vary to suit grade levels. Several themes are
available, including: Animals; Native American Totem Tales; Ecology tales; and for older
audiences there’s the cultural explorations of A World History of Masks and Facepainting.
Agostino Arts; Grades K-1