SHEARWATER OFFICERS’ MESS CONSTITUTION 1. The Shearwater Officers’ Mess is hereinafter referred to as the Mess. AUTHORITY FOR ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION 2. The Mess is established under authority of QR&O 27.01. It shall be operated in accordance with regulations and orders governing the operation of Messes in the Canadian Forces and the instructions contained in this Constitution. 3. The Wing Commander remains the final authority for all policy and procedures relating to the operation of the Mess. PURPOSE OF OPERATION 4. The Mess shall be operated for the purpose of providing services and amenities to its members. The following are examples of events sponsored, supported or hosted by the Mess: a. a common meeting ground; b. a focal point for social and recreational functions; c. a home for living-in personnel; d. a facility for meals and lodging; e. a venue for the conduct of meetings, conferences and official ceremonies; f. a facility for official entertainment; and g. a suitable place for the display of memorabilia. MEMBERSHIP 5. All regular force officers are required to belong to an established Officers’ Mess and pay monthly membership dues. Such fees, together with income from bar sales and other revenue, shall be received and accounted for in accordance with CF regulations and orders. An up-to-date list of Mess membership, by category, shall be maintained by the Mess Manager and be available upon request. The membership of the Mess shall consist of: 1/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 a. Ordinary Members; b. Associate Members; and c. Honourary Members. ORDINARY MEMBERS 6. Only Ordinary Members may serve on the Mess Committee and vote at Mess meetings. The following persons are Ordinary Members of the Mess: a. all officers of the Canadian Forces based at 12 Wing or one of its lodger units; this includes those officers on temporary duty at the base in excess of 14 days; b. officers of the Armed Forces of other countries who are on exchange, secondment or on loan to the Canadian Forces and employed at 12 Wing or one of its lodger units; c. upon application, officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre of directly sponsored cadet units who use 12 Wing facilities; and d. civilian instructors, as defined in QR&O 3.10, called out on continuous duty with a unit served by the Mess; said membership will apply only for the duration of their duty. 7. Ordinary members are responsible for ensuring that the Mess Manager is advised of any change to their status (i.e. mailing address, temporary absence, posting etc. ). ASSOCIATE MEMBERS 8. Persons falling into one of the categories listed below may, upon application and subject to the approval of the Wing Commander, become Associate members of the Mess. The maximum number of associate members may be set from time to time by the Mess Committee. a. Retired. This category comprises: i) retired officers of the Regular Force who were honourably released and are entitled to an immediate or deferred Service annuity; 2/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 ii) b. c. retired officers of the Reserve Force who were honourably released and had accumulated a minimum of 12 years service. Working. This category comprises: i) DND civilians of officer status employed at 12 Wing, one of its lodger units, or some other element served by the Mess; ii) retired DND civilians of officer status who had a continuous, unbroken Mess membership with any CF Officers’ Mess for a minimum of 20 years, who have been honourably released and receive an immediate or deferred service annuity iii) other civilians of officer status similarly employed at or in connection with 12 Wing, one of its lodger units, or some other element served by the Mess; iii) officers of the Supplementary Reserve, Cadet Instructor Cadre or Canadian Rangers; and iv) officers of the regular armed forces of other countries serving in the vicinity of 12 Wing Shearwater. Other. This category comprises i) Social: personnel other than those mentioned in subparagraphs a or b who may be admitted to membership for a term not exceeding one year (without prejudice to renewal thereof for further one year terms), upon the recommendation of the Mess Executive Committee, the majority vote of those present at a General Mess Meeting and the approval of the Wing Commander. ii) ROTP and UTPNCM officer cadets attending a university at which a Mess has not been established 9. An Associate Member shall be afforded the privileges of the Mess but may not serve as a voting member. An Associate Member may assist the Mess Executive Committee or any subcommittee but by doing so, assumes no responsibility. 10. Associate Membership shall be reviewed at the same date each year. Temporary membership may be granted until the next General Mess Meeting upon approval of the Wing Commander after approval by the Mess Executive 3/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 Committee. Associate Membership is not transferable from one Mess to another; however, a person may have Associate Membership in more than one Mess but shall pay dues in each Mess. Associate members shall not solicit nor transact non-governmental business in the Mess. 11. Upon the death of an Associate member in good standing, membership will be transferred to the surviving spouse for the balance of that membership, or for up to six months (whichever is longer). All membership dues will be waived during this period. 12. A person who is eligible to become an Associate member but who does not join the Mess shall not be permitted to use the facilities of the Mess. Under these circumstances, this person may be permitted to use only the dining facilities with the concurrence of the WComd. HONOURARY MEMBERS 13. An Honourary Member shall be accorded the privileges of the Mess but shall pay neither Mess subscriptions nor serve the Mess in any capacity. Honourary Membership is intended to recognize an individual’s position or contribution to the nation or to the military by providing opportunities for the use of the Mess. Honorary memberships, other than Lifetime Honorary Memberships, shall be reviewed and confirmation of renewal made prior to the 1 April each year 14. Officers of the Canadian Regular Force or Primary Reserve are Honourary Members of every Officers’ Mess, except in the Mess in which they are Ordinary or Associate Members and in seagoing ships. Any distinguished person may be invited to become an Honourary Member of the Mess for a term not exceeding one year, without prejudice to renewal of membership for further one year terms, upon recommendation of the Mess Executive Committee, majority vote of those present at a General Mess Meeting and approval of the Wing Commander. 15. The Mess may honour a retiring or retired member by granting an Honourary Lifetime Membership, which would be valid only at Shearwater Officers’ Mess. Honourary Membership granted by other Messes will also be honoured at the Mess on an infrequent and casual basis. If the holder of an Honourary Lifetime Membership wishes to become an Associate Member of the Mess appropriate to the holder's former rank, the holder may apply to the Wing Commander through the Mess Executive Committee. 16. According to a former policy, numerous Lifetime Honourary Memberships were granted to former RCAF personnel. RCAF Honourary Memberships that were granted prior to 01 Feb 68 shall only be rescinded with NDHQ approval Another former policy granted “Gold Card” to various persons; this Mess shall 4/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 grant any person holding a Gold Card a Lifetime Honourary Member and that person shall receive all the privileges associated with this type of membership. 17. An Honourary Member may be assessed a proportionate share of expenses associated with any Mess function or entertainment attended. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 18. The Mess shall be administered by an Executive Committee appointed by the Wing Commander and elected by and from the Ordinary Members at a General Mess Meeting. The Mess Executive Committee shall consist of: a. a president (PMC), appointed by the Wing Commander for a one year term (without prejudice to appointment for further one year terms); b. a vice-president (VPMC), appointed by the Wing Commander for a one year term (without prejudice to appointment for further one year terms); c. the Mess Manager (as an ex-officio member); d. a secretary, elected from and by the Ordinary Mess Members for a one year term (without prejudice to election for further one year terms); e. a finance officer elected from and by the Ordinary Mess Members for a one year term (without prejudice to election for further one year terms); f. an entertainment officer, elected from and by the Ordinary Mess Members for a one year term (without prejudice to election for further one year terms); g. an Entertainment Sub-Committee Chairperson, elected from and by the Ordinary Mess Members for a one year term (without prejudice to election for further one year terms); h. a sports officer, elected from and by the Ordinary Mess Members for a one year term (without prejudice to election for further one year terms); i. a living-in representative appointed by the PMC from the living-in members residing in the Officers’ Mess Accommodations; 5/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 j. a Mess improvements officer, elected from and by the Ordinary Mess Members for a one year term (without prejudice to election for further one year terms); k. a representative of each unit at Shearwater appointed by their CO as ex-officio members; and such other members as required. 19. The duties and responsibilities of Executive Committee members shall be as set out in Terms of Reference promulgated by the PMC at the beginning of each person’s term. All positions except the PMC and V/PMC may have deputies. MEETINGS 20. Meetings shall be held as follows: a. b. c. the Mess Executive Committee shall meet once a month; and General Mess Meetings shall be held at least once during each six month period. Mess Executive Committee meetings shall be held, at the call of the PMC, to consider: i) approval of expenditures that come within executive authority; ii) approval of financial statements; and iii) any other matters concerning the operation of the Mess. General Mess Meetings shall be held, at the call of the PMC, to consider: i) financial matters ii) proposed Mess activities; iii) election of officers; and iv) any other business concerning the Mess. Extraordinary General Mess Meetings may be convened by: i) the Wing Commander; ii) the PMC; or 6/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 iii) the written request of 25 ordinary Mess members. 21. A quorum at either a General or an Extraordinary General Mess meeting shall comprise at least fifty percent of the Mess membership. All matters for decision shall be determined by a majority vote of the ordinary members present, subject to the approval of the Wing Commander. AMENDMENTS 22. Proposals to amend the Mess Constitution shall be made in writing and shall be submitted to the Mess Executive Committee Secretary. The Secretary will post the proposal on the notice board for a minimum of fourteen days. The proposal shall be considered at the next General Mess Meeting. 23. To be approved, a proposed amendment required a two-third majority vote of the ordinary members present. a. If a conflict arises between the Mess Constitution, Mess Bylaws or CF Orders, the Constitution and Bylaws shall be amended administratively by the Secretary to reflect the directives. This may be done without reference to, or approval by, the Mess membership. TESTIMONIAL FUND 24. A Testimonial Fund is established for the benefit of the members of the Mess to provide appropriate recognition of retirements, postings, family grief, and hospitalization. A monthly Testimonial Fund assessment, at a rate fixed from time to time by the Mess Committee, shall be charged to all Ordinary and Associate Members. Only Ordinary Members are expected to contribute towards the purchase of departure gifts on posting of Ordinary Members. 25. The PMC or the Mess Manager may authorize expenditures from the fund up to, but not exceeding, the amounts shown below: a. $100 as a token of sympathy in the event of the death of a Member or their immediate family as determined by the PMC. This may be a floral tribute or an equivalent charitable donation, in accordance with the desires of the family; b. $100 in amenities to Hospitalized Mess Members. If an ordinary member in good standing is hospitalized in a military or civilian facility for a period of five days or more, that member will be entitled to a gift basket and an appropriate card; 7/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012 c. $150 for the purchase of a retirement gift for an Ordinary Member retiring with not less than 20 years of service with the Canadian Forces; d. To purchase a memento for each Ordinary Member departing on posting depending on the length of their membership at the Shearwater Officers’ Mess and is divided as follows: 12-24 months $50, 25-48 months $100, 49-72 months $150, 73+ months $200; e. $500 for the purchase of a gift for the departing Wing Commander; f. $150 for the purchase of a gift, or as part of a larger gift in conjunction with the other Messes, upon the retirement or posting of the Wing Chief; g. $50 token of congratulations to be given to an Ordinary Member on the birth/adoption of a child in the form of a baby hamper or gift certificate; and h. $100 as a token of sympathy in the event of the death of a member of 12 Wing, regardless of rank or whether the member was employed as a regular force member, a reservist or a DND civilian employee. This may be a floral tribute or an equivalent charitable donation, in accordance with the desires of the family. 26. Upon being posted to 12 Wing Shearwater, members will receive an engraved mug to be kept in the Mess until the member is posted out. The cost of the mug will be subtracted from their eventual memento entitlement as covered in para 25.d. 27. Posting gifts will consist of a range of products approved from time to time by the Mess Committee. They may include prints, mugs, books, or plaques. These gifts will be available in the Mess office. Due to the size of the Mess membership, normally the presentation of these gifts will be the responsibility of the Mess Member's unit or section. 28. Expenditures for retirement gifts may be for any item, or portion thereof, up to the authorized amount. Normally the selection and presentation of this gift will be organized by the Member's unit or section, taking into account the desires of the Member. When feasible or appropriate, this gift will be presented at a special, or already planned, Mess function in order to receive the widest possible recognition by the Members. Payment will be made by the Mess office on presentation of a receipt and appropriate information on the officer to whom the gift is being presented. 8/8 Amended 14 May 2012 Approved – General Mess Meeting 9 March 2012