(Spring 2016) DRIVER EDUCATION APPLICATION CIRCLE ONE: SENIOR PAYMENT REC'D ____________________ JUNIOR DATE OF BIRTH ______ ______ ______ month day year ***PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION BELOW*** Name must appear EXACTLY as on your PERMIT or license. NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle name or initial) ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE ___________________________________________ Eye Color ________________________________ CHECK ONE: YES__ NO__ Are you taking a l0th period physical education class? YES__ NO__ Have you been enrolled in driver ed. classes previously? YES __ NO __ Do you receive free or reduced lunch? ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A LEARNER'S PERMIT OR JUNIOR LICENSE AND BE IN GOOD ACADEMIC STANDING (INCLUDING GRADES, ATTENDANCE and BEHAVIOR). PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR PERMIT OR JUNIOR LICENSE TO THIS APPLICATION. If you attend a private or parochial school, please give the name of your school. ____________________________________ With full enrollment of students, driver education classes will be offered Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Please note that we can accommodate 120 students. Selection of applications will be made on a first come, first served basis, giving priority to seniors, followed by juniors, based upon birth date. Students attend class and driving one day each week for sixteen (16) weeks. Classes begin at 2:30 P.M. and end at 5:30 P.M. Number the days below in the order of your preference. For example, if Monday is your 1st choice, please put a number one (1) in the box next to Monday. Please be sure to number each day. If you do not have a preference, check the appropriate box. For your information: No classes will be scheduled on holidays. Cars will meet students in the south lot. Lecture class will meet in Room 343. Students will be dropped from the program upon the third absence from either the car or the class. NUMBER BOXES 1 - 3 MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY [ ] [ ] [ ] NO PREFERENCE [ ] **NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE FOR PARTICIPATION IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (i.e. SPORTS, CLUBS AND FIELD TRIPS.) Any student who fails to make up an absence within a month must attend an emergency make up at the end of the course. This opportunity will be available to make up only a single absence. Additionally, only juniors with a co-op class will be issued a school parking permit. No exceptions will be made. Return this application to Mrs. Surico in the main office by 2:15 P.M. Friday, January 22, 2016. Classes will be posted outside the main office Wednesday, January 27th by 2:15 P.M. You must attach a copy of your license or permit when returning this application. The waiving or reducing of the driver education fee will take place in accordance with those pupils who receive free or reduced lunch. Any student using the lunch waiver to apply for the driver education waiver should see Mrs. Surico in the main office. DRIVER EDUCATION CLASSES WILL BEGIN ON MONDAY, February 1st for students in Monday classes, Tuesday, February 2nd for students in Tuesday classes and Thursday, February 4th for students in Thursday classes. Dear Parent: Please read and discuss the criteria listed below with your child prior to signing this form. It is important for your child to understand the responsibility and ramifications that he/she is undertaking by enrolling in driver education. Students wishing to participate in the driver education program must return this application to the main office with a copy of their permit, by 2:15 P.M. by Friday, January 22, 2016. Driver education classes will start on Monday, February 1, 2016 and will end the first week of June, 2016. Eligible pupils are those who possess a learner's permit, are in 11th or 12th grade, and are in good academic standing. It is expected that proper footwear be worn for the driving portion of the program. Failure to do so will result in driving privileges being denied. Students will be assigned classes based on chronological order of their date of birth, and on a first come, first served basis. A copy of the learner's permit and $415.00 registration fee must accompany the pupil's application at the time of submission. (CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED - MAKE MONEY ORDER OR CERTIFIED CHECK payable to HAUPPAUGE PUBLIC SCHOOLS). After a student has been admitted to the program, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GRANTED. It is most important that students and parents understand the attendance requirements that exist for this onesemester program. To successfully complete Driver Education, each student must meet the following minimal time requirements, as prescribed by New York State and pass a written examination, administered locally to receive their 5-hour certificate: CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION CAR (on-road) INSTRUCTION CAR (observation) 24 Hours 6 Hours 18 Hours When a student is absent from any session, including extracurricular activities and sports, it must be made up within that month. It is the pupil's responsibility to find an opening in a session, a task that is often difficult. If the session is not made up within the month, the pupil must attend an emergency make-up session at the end of the course. This opportunity will be available to make up only a single car, or class session. The student will be dropped from the class upon the third absence, and any absences that are not made up will result in the student being dropped from the program with NO REFUND. In accordance with New York State Education Department guidelines, NO CREDIT TOWARD GRADUATION can be earned by pupils enrolled in a driver education program with a tuition fee. I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of enrollment for the Hauppauge H.S. Drivers Ed Program and give my permission for my child's enrollment. ______________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________ Student Signature Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MONDAYS Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 22 Feb 29 Mar 7 Mar 14 Mar 21 Mar 28 Apr 4 Apr 11 Apr 18 May 2 May 9 May 16 May23 June 6 TUESDAYS Feb 2 Feb 9 Feb 23 Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 Apr 5 Apr 12 Apr 19 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Make up dates: June 7 & 9 THURSDAYS Feb 4 Feb 11 Feb 25 Mar 3 Mar 10 Mar 17 Mar 24 Mar 31 Apr 7 Apr 14 Apr 21 May 5 May 12 May 19 May 26 June 2