generic profile : associate lecturer (academic level a)

(APPROVED: December, 2000)
The entry qualifications of a Level A Academic vary greatly, ranging from those who have completed an undergraduate or
honours degree and possess extensive experience to those who have completed a PhD degree. This means that within the Level
A category, there are at least two levels of duties and expectations of performance based on the qualifications, skills and
experience of the staff member.
All duties will involve some form of cultural activity which prioritises Indigenous knowledges and practices requiring
community cultural recognition. This also constitutes "qualification". Teaching, research/creative activity, administration,
professional service, will all involve the following: community cultural affirmation; cultural maintenance and development;
cultural value and protocol. They will emphasis educational importance of cultural awareness. Evidence in each of the four
areas may include:
 Community recognition
 Community documentation
 Participation in discussion of cultural impact
 Publication (where approved) appropriate or desired by the community.
The activities which a staff member could be expected to be involved in, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited
 delivery of teaching/support activities requiring particular Indigenous cultural knowledge, awareness and understanding;
 the conduct of teaching in an academic or academic support context which might include: one to one supervision,
mentoring, induction and continuing support of Indigenous students as well as/or conducting tutorials, practical classes,
demonstrations, workshops, student field excursions etc with indications of skill, quality and effectiveness as evidenced by
Student Evaluation of Teaching, supervisor, peers, academic support and specialist assessment, as appropriate;
 the preparation and delivery of lectures and seminars;
 consultation with students;
 marking and assessment primarily connected with topics in which the staff member teaches or advice on such matters in an
academic support role;
 producing teaching materials or support materials for students for whom the staff member has responsibility;
 developing subject material with appropriate guidance from the topic or course coordinator;
 acting as topic or support program coordinator where appropriate provided that the skills and experience demonstrate this
 supervision of students.
Research and/or Creative
A staff member should prepare this section of their report on the basis of research activity and/or creative activity. The kinds
of evidence that applicants may provide include but are not limited to:
description of actual research activity;
action or applied research in field work or community in anticipation of, association with, or preparation for higher degree
research projects and/or cultural activities;
creative activity projects such as:
participation in, or organisation of, community celebrations or public cultural events (eg NAIDOC, Survival Day,
festivals etc) engendered by cultural institutions, organisations or groups (see Professional/Community below)
contribution to exhibitions at the state/national level
original performance as an individual or part of a group.
limited number of publications (includes conference papers, refereed and non-refereed journal articles, book(s) and book
chapter(s), translations, film/play reviews);
grants and other funding attracted;
membership of and activities related to community or professional bodies, etc;
journal editorial/referee responsibilities;
participation in research seminars/cultural workshops;
invitation to apply for non-traditional research funds;
research collaborations or contribution to research groups.
For creative work, details of degree of cultural significance which may or may not include degree of originality, level of
competence and recognition by peers for the work should be addressed.
Administration (including
Service to the University)
The activities which a staff member could be expected to be involved in, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited to:
attendance/contribution at Centre/departmental/faculty/university meetings, and/or membership of a limited number
of formal/community committees and working parties internal or external to the university, which require Indigenous
perspectives, knowledges or input;
continuing and effective support to students as well as support to programs;
administrative contribution to the maintenance of the Centre’s external community contacts;
limited administrative functions primarily connected with topics in which the staff member teaches, or academic support
Professional Performance
(including Service to the
The activities which a staff member could be expected to be involved in, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited to:
• involvement with Indigenous communities and organisations and may include involvement with other relevant
community groups, professional organisations, government or private sector organisations.
 recognised responsibility for bodies of Indigenous knowledges and the appropriate application of such knowledges
 membership of professional organisations, community organisations, external liaison groups (eg SSABSA, Tandanya,
AIATSIS, ASSPA, Tauondi College, Indigenous Community Progress associations and organisations, Heritage committees
consultancy or advisory work undertaken outside the University;
attendance at conferences, workshops, community meetings, public forums.