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Rosy Girl & Moonlight
300 Years Dorotheum: Tercentenary Auction „19th Century Painting“
on 31. 5. 2007 at the Vienna Dorotheum
As attractive as always, and increasingly international in character, the selection of the auction of
19th century paintings, next to be held on 31st May 2007, continues to be defined by the number
and quality of Austrian works it presents.
The list of all-time favourites at the Dorotheum would
have to include paintings by Waldmüller, Friedrich
Gauermann, or Olga Wisinger-Florian who on this
occasion contributes a sumptuous, sunny Farmer's
garden (June – July), a textbook example of finely
detailed plein air painting (valuation € 150.000 –
250.000). Friedrich Gauermann's oil painting A cow
pasture under trees, with a small chateau in the
background may date to the year 1844 but in its
characteristic interpretation represents a continuation of
17th century landscape painting (€ 100.000 -130.000).
From the extensive œuvre of Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, in all likelihood the most famous and
best known Austrian Biedermeier painter, the Dorotheum is able to offer one of his popular
paintings of girls, the Girl with roses, targetes, narcissi, and wild daffodils, dating to 1829 (€ 90.000
– 110.000).
In the scene In idle conversation, a young man is seen
leaning over a chair flirting with four ladies in a sun drenched
arbour. Typical of the style of Eugen von Blaas and another
fine example of plein air painting this work is remarkable for
the almost photographic plasticity of its figures (€ 250.000 350.000). As light and sensuous as Blaas, as well as
fundamentally romantic and obviously Italian in character,
Oswald Achenbach's 1893 Summer evening by the Bay of
Naples shows the scene in stark and dramatic moonlight (€
150.000 - 180.000) Achenbach was particularly well known
for such paintings of night- and moonlight scenes.
Joseph Karl Stieler, court painter to King Ludwig I. of Bavaria, is most commonly associated with
the 36 lady portraits he painted for his king – among them the long-term royal mistress Lola
Montez – and which can today still be seen at the Nymphenburg Palace. While it does not actually
belong to this so-called 'gallery of beauty', the portrait of Countess of Einsiedel displays Stieler's
skill and technical brilliance at its finest (€ 20.000 - 25.000). According to an expert's report dating
to 1995 there are close stylistic similarities between this painting and the one of Mrs Lorey at the
Bavarian National Museum in Munich. The headdress with floral ornaments worn by the sitter
suggest that the countess commissioned the painting on the occasion of her silver wedding
DOROTHEUM GmbH & Co KG, A-1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 17
www.dorotheum.com. Telefax (+ 43 1) 515 60-379
Eugene Galien-Laloue (1854 - 1941), renowned painter of Parisian street scenes, takes us on a
trip through Paris during the Belle Epoche with "La Madleine" and "Le Quai a Paris" (each € 15.000
– 20.000), while Sweet dreams, a portrait of a lady by the Austrian genre- and portrait painter
Albert Ritzberger, carries us off to an even more distant realm (€ 18.000 - 25.000). A dream come
Public Viewing:
Press Office:
Thursday, 31st May 2007
Palais Dorotheum, Wien 1, Dorotheergasse 17
from 19th May 2007
Mag. Dimitra Reimüller, Dr. Christl Wolf, Tel. + 43 1/515 60-355
Mag. Constanze Werner, Tel. + 43 1/515 60-406
DOROTHEUM GmbH & Co KG, A-1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 17
www.dorotheum.com. Telefax (+ 43 1) 515 60-379