ABSTRACTS SUBMITTED IN SESSION 9 Low and Intermediate Energy Proton and Ion Accelerators and Sources 1654 - Beam Optics with Strong Space Charge Effects: Comparing Beam Measurements with 3D Simulations A. Adelmann, S. Adam, S. Humbel, PSI, Villigen In the PSI high intensity proton accelerator facility the 870 keV beam line connects the Cockcroft Walton preaccelerator to the Injector II cyclotron. The beam transported in this line is initially a 12 mA DC beam with an increasing 50 MHz time structure after the buncher. The 12 pairs of wire profile monitors and 5 pairs of light profile monitors mounted in this beamline provide detailed information on the transverse beam properties. In the part after the buncher, due to the dispersion produced by the 90 degree bending magnet, some information on the momentum distribution is available as well. We use Mad9p (methodical accelerator design version 9 parallel) to model the optical properties in this beam line including a full 3D space charge simulation. For the comparison between measured and simulated beam properties a Simulated Annealing based stochastic fit algorithm is used to establish the initial conditions to be entered into the simulation. The good agreement between measurements and simulations in the beamline increses our confidence that the full 3D simulation is also able to predict the phase space transformations dominated by space charge effects on the first few turns in the Injector II cyclotron. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. Stefan Adam Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1164 - An Inverted Plasma Sheath for the Simulation of the Extraction of Volume Produced HR. Becker, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main For the extraction of positive ions from plasmas well established computer programs are available, which are based on the simple Bohm sheath theory. In general the results of such simulations agree very well with experimental data. The situation is completely different, however, for the simulation of the extraction of volume produced H- ions. No simple theory exists for the formation of an inverted sheath, connecting the quasineutral plasma in a self-consistent manner with the field provided by the positive extraction voltage. Based on a formulation of the space charge of the virtual cathode, caused by reflected protons in the extraction aperture, a linear model for an inverted plasma sheath will be presented, which allows to discuss the influence of most physical processes in the formation and extraction of Hand may become the basis of a correct simulation program. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1341 - A New Generation of EBIS: High Current Devices for Accelerators and Colliders* E. Beebe, J.G. Alessi, A. Kponou, A.I. Pikin, K. Prelec, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York With the advent of heavy ion colliders, such as RHIC at BNL and LHC at CERN, the demand for high charge state ion beam intensities was raised by more than an order of magnitude compared to fixed target operation of existing accelerators.[1] RHIC, for example, requires 3.4 E9 gold 32+ particles per ion source pulse, or about 85 nC total positive charge yield, assuming a 20% abundance of the selected charge state in the ion source beam. An EBIS is capable of producing the required ion intensities in beams of a low emittance and pulses as short as 10us, which is quite advantageous for colliders. However, for the colliders, the EBIS requires electron beam currents of the order of 10 A, about 20 times higher than electron beams utilized in devices at accelerators at Dubna, Saclay, and Stockholm for fixed target and low intensity atomic physics experiments. At BNL, we have constructed a test EBIS, designed for the full electron beam power but with only half of the trap solenoid magnet length required for RHIC. Electron and ion beam currents in our test EBIS have exceeded values obtained with previous EBIS devices by more than an order of magnitude, in a stable and quiet mode of operation. For operation with gold, ion spectra with dominant charge state of 34+ have been observed; and, even with only half the trap length required by RHIC, 55nC ion pulses have been obtained at the source exit after a confinement time of only 30 ms. By extending the confinement time in a RHIC EBIS from 30 ms to 200 ms we should be able to produce Pb54+ ions required by the LHC at CERN, which would eliminate several preacceleration, stripping and accumulation stages envisaged in the present scheme, using an ECR ion source. *This work is performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. [1] H. Haseroth and K. Prelec "Possible Application of an EBIS in Preinjectors for Large Heavy Ion Colliders", Physica Scripta T71, 23 (1997). Type of presentation requested : Invited Paper Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 556 - Layout of a New Experimental Storage Ring NESR at GSI P. Beller, K. Beckert, A. Dolinskii, B. Franzke, F. Nolden, M. Steck, GSI, Darmstadt A new experimental storage ring (NESR) is part of the new beam facility proposed recently for GSI. Due to the 1 /22 very high intensity of rare isotope beams envisaged by the new facility nuclear physics experiments with these beams will become feasible. Besides experiments using an internal gas target, the NESR offers the possibility to collide circulating bunches of rare isotope ions with electron bunches counter-propagating in a small 500 MeV electron storage ring. The goal of the electron scattering experiments is the determination of nuclear charge distributions and charge radii. The conceptual design of electron facility and interaction region was done in collaboration with BINP in Novosibirsk. The lattice design has to take into account, that the NESR shall be capable to accumulate 7×1010 antiprotons per hour at 4 GeV/c by applying stochastic cooling. This contribution presents the principle ring design and lattice studies relevant for the different tasks of the ring. * An International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons, Conceptual Design Report, GSI, November 2001 ** A. Koop et. al., Conceptual Design of an ElectronNucleus Scattering Facility at GSI, Final Report, BINP/GSI, August 2001, to be published Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : P.Beller Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 408 - A High Precision Model of AGS Booster Tune Control* K.A. Brown, W. Meng, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York; W. van Asselt, Kernfysich Versneller Institute, Groningen, the Netherlands The AGS Booster is used as the pre-injector to the AGS for heavy ion, polarized proton, and high intensity proton operations. In addition, the Booster is currently being modified to supply slow extracted beams to the Booster Applications Facility (BAF). The Booster is capable of accelerating these various beams up to a maximum rigidity of 17 T-m. However, for AGS injection, the Booster never operates higher than about 10 T-m. For BAF the Booster will operate up to the highest rigidity for heavy ion beams and up to 13 T-m for proton beams. In this note we will give a full description of the Booster tune quadrupoles and the arc dipoles. We will describe magnetic measurements and actual bare tune measurements. We will describe a 3 dimensional model we developed in order to understand various aspects of the tune quadrupole magnets that were not or could not be measured directly. We will present data on tune shifts caused by B-dot effects (e.g., vacuum chamber eddy currents) and results of a 3 dimensional model of eddy currents. Finally we will describe a high precision MAD model of the Booster tunes and the predicted tune control ranges at the highest Booster rigidities. *Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 414 - IEEE 1394 Camera Imaging System for Brookhaven's Booster Application Facility Beam Diagnostics* K.A. Brown, D. Gassner, L. Hoff, S. Tepikian, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York Brookhaven's Booster Applications Facility (BAF) will deliver resonant extracted heavy ion beams from the AGS Booster to short exposure fixed target experiments located at the end of the BAF beam line. The facility is designed to deliver a wide range of heavy ion species over a range of intensities from 10^3 to over 10^8 ions/pulse, and over a range of energies from 0.1 to 1.1 GeV/nucleon Fe +26. With these constraints we have looked to design instrumentation packages which can deliver the maximum amount of dynamic range at a reasonable cost. Through the use of high quality optics systems and neutral density light filters we will achieve 4 to 5 orders of magnitude in light collection. By using all digital ieee1394 camera systems we are able to eliminate the frame-grabber stage in processing and directly transfer data at maximum rates of 400 Mb/sec. In this note we will give a detailed description of the system design and discuss the parameters used to develop the system specifications. We will also discuss the ieee1394 camera software interface and the high level user interface. *Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of Energy. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 416 - A Heavy Ion Microbeam Facility using Micron Resolution Detectors for 3 GeV/nucleon beams.* K.A. Brown, R. Fliller III, Zheng Li, S. Peggs, R. Prigl, V. Radeka, M.E. Vazquez, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York The ability to place discrete numbers of particles in defined cellular and extracellular locations is now possible by using microbeam irradiation facilities. Such facilities permit heavy-ion radiobiology to address specifically the impact of signal transduction between cellular compartments as well as issues related to intercellular communication at limiting low fluences where not all the cells in a population have been traversed by even a single particle. Higher energetic heavy ion microbeams will permit investigations of an important unanswered question: whether neurons that survive traversal by HZE particles develop changes as a late consequence of the damage they incurred. Therefore, these low-fluence studies promise to aid in our understanding of the consequences of exposure to highLET radiation such as encountered in the space radiation environment. In this paper we will discuss the technical issues related to creating microbeams of heavy ions (e.g. iron) at energies higher than at existing microbeam facilities (up to 3 GeV/nucleon) and related to developing 2 /22 an electronic position sensitive detector for heavy ions with a position resolution better than 1 micrometer. The experimental requirements define microbeams to be beams which will have a sufficiently small diameter to localize the ions to a single cell. A facility such as this will require specialized cell culture systems to evaluate the performance of the heavy ion microbeam, and the micro-resolution detector. For the cell studies employing these tools, the necessary infrastructure will include a micro positioning stage with a microscope and auxiliary detectors. This project will advance significantly the stateof-the art of high-energy heavy ion microbeams and of high-resolution heavy ion detectors. The system will allow us to critically determine the response of human cells to the single-particle traversals typically encountered in space environmental exposures, avoiding the confounding effect of the Poisson distribution of particle traversals inherent in conventional exposure systems. During long-term space flight mission, it is estimated that virtually no cell receives more than one Fe ion traversal in 3-year Mars mission scenario. Thus the use of the microbeam will aim to produce data for direct input into the analysis of human health risks during long-term space flights exposures involving exposure to low fluences of charged particles. *Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Dept. of Energy and supported by the National Space Biomedical Research Institute. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 984 - The RCMS Optic Lattice J. Cardona, J. Kewish, S. Peggs, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York The Rapid Cycling Medical Synchrotron is designed to be a very light and inexpensive accelerator. This is possible due to the small beam size that has been chosen early during the design stage. This choice has implications in the design of the optic lattice. In this paper we will present an overview of the RCMS optics lattice, the kind of magnets to be used and also a description of a special optic module that matches the rotating gantry with the rest of the fixed accelerator. Techniques developed to win additional space between quadrupoles without significantly disturbing the lattice functions will also be presented. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. Steve Peggs Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 477 - Proposed New Facilities for Proton Therapy at iThemba LABS P. Celliers, L. Conradie, D. Fourie, N. Fredericks, P. Fördelmann, M.J. Hogan, M. Jakoet, D. Jones, I. Kohler, Y. Manjoo, M. Murphy, J. Pilcher, P. Rohwer, J. SharpeySchafer, J. Symons, E. de Kock, G. de Villiers, IThemba LABS, Somerset West; F. Vernimmen, Tygerberg Hospital, Tygerberg New facilities, based on a commercial 230 MeV cyclotron, for proton therapy are proposed for iThemba LABS (previously National Accelerator Centre, NAC, South Africa). In addition to the existing two vaults for proton therapy three further vaults will be provided. Four of these vaults will be equipped, respectively, with an isocentric spot-scanning system, a fixed horizontal line for spot-scanning and two fixed lines for scattering systems enabling treatment from two angles each. Proton beams from the new cyclotron will be switched between the different vaults. It is estimated that about 1000 patients will be treated annually with the new facilities, which will be operated on a commercial basis. The existing 200 MeV cyclotron will be retained for nuclear physics research, production of radioisotopes, neutron therapy and will in future also be used for eye treatment with protons in one of the existing vaults for proton therapy. The rationale for and the layout of the facilities will be presented. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1841 - LEIR: The Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN M. Chanel, CERN, Geneva Amongst all the modifications of the PS Complex to produce the LHC ion beams, the conversion of the old Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR) into the Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) is a major issue. The accumulation in LEIR of 9*108 Lead ions in normalized transverse emittances of 0.7 mm allows the production of 4 of the 608 bunches needed in one LHC ring, in one LEIR cycle. Then, it will take around 10 min to fill one LHC ring. The requested luminosity of 1027 cm-2s-1 for Lead ion collisions is reachable and is ~1000 times more that the actual chain (Linac3, PSB) can do. The production of Lead ion beams is described, with particular attention to electron cooling, the injection system and the beam lifetime. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 821 - One-Dimensional Ordering in a Heavy-Ion Beam H. Danared, A. Källberg, K.-G. Rensfelt, A. Simonsson, MSL, Stockholm Some years ago, it was found at GSI that the momentum spread of electron-cooled beams of highly charged ions dropped abruptly to very low values when the particle number decreased to below about 5000 ions. This has been interpreted as an ordering of the ions, such that they line up after one another without being able to pass their neighbours. Such transitions have also been observed at CRYRING, and it has been seen how the drop in momentum spread is accompanied by a similar drop in Schottky-noise power. Using a model for the particle distribution in a beam with string-like order, theoretical 3 /22 calculations of Schottky-noise power have been performed. It is found that the model can reproduce the reduction in noise power, and the good agreement with the experimental data can be interpreted as evidence for spatial ordering of the ions. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1 - Possibilities to Increase the Nuclotron's Intensity D. Dinev, INRNE, Sofia The superconducting heavy ion synchrotron Nuclotron is under operation in JINR - Dubna since 1993. The ways to increase the intensities of the accelerated ion beams are discussed in this paper. As the polarized beams are of special interest the stripping injection of polarized protons and deuterons has been considered above all both analytically and by computer simulations. Building a booster has been debated for many years and now a superconducting booster with Dubna-type magnets has been proposed. We have simulated different schemes for injection into the booster: multiturn injection, RF stacking, charge exchange injection and stacking by means of electron cooling. A comparison between the results of the simulations is given as well. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 129 - Design of a Collector Ring for Antiproton and Rare Isotope Beams A. Dolinskii, K. Beckert, P. Beller, B. Franzke, F. Nolden, M. Steck, GSI, Darmstadt Efficient collection and fast cooling of secondary beams are major objectives of the new accelerator/storage ring facility recently proposed at GSI [1]. Present ideas concerning the lattice design for operation of a large acceptance Collector Ring (CR) are presented. The CR has to be optimized for fast stochastic cooling, its lattice designed for three different optical modes. One is necessary for rare isotopes (RI) and another one for antiprotons, both requiring fast stochastic cooling. RI beams shall be injected to the CR at 740 MeV/u with transverse emittance of 50 mm*mrad and momentum spread of 5% (FW). For 3 GeV antiprotons the transverse and momentum acceptances will be 240 mm*mrad and 6%, respectively. Furthermore, the ring shall be operated in the isochronous mode (i.e. at transition energy) for time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry of short-lived RI. Tracking simulations for the different optics, taking into account higher order field effects, have been carried out. In addition, some aspects of beam injection and extraction are discussed. [1] "An International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons", Conceptual Design Report, GSI, November 2001 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1246 - Conceptual Design of a Facility for Internal Target Experiments with Antiprotons up to 15 GeV/c B. Franzke, K. Beckert, P. Beller, A. Dolinskii, F. Nolden, M. Steck, GSI, Darmstadt A major objective of the new beam facility recently proposed for GSI [1] is to permit high luninosity internal target experiments with stored and cooled antiprotons in the momentum range 1.8-15 GeV/c. The concept includes suitable accelerator/storage ring designs as well as adequate techniques for efficient production, fast stochastic cooling and accumulation of antiproton beams. It must fit properly into the complete project: optimal efficiency and extensive time/instrument sharing with heavy ion acceleration and rare isotope beam production. A new linac has to be developed delivering 100 MeV protons in pulses of 60 mA, 0.1 ms duration, and 5 Hz repetition frequency for injection to the existing SIS18. The latter shall serve as intensity and energy booster for fast cycled 100 Tm synchrotron accelerating 3×10**13 protons per cycle to 30 GeV. A net accumulation rate of about 1×10**8 antiprotons every 5 s is aimed at, allowing for experiments at correspondingly high luminosity of up to 2×10**32/cm**2/s. The preliminary layout of a "High Energy Storage Ring" HESR is presented. Results of numerically simulated equilibrium beam properties taking into account intra-beam scattering, internal target effects and electron cooling are discussed. [1] "An International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons", Conceptual Design Report, GSI, November 2001 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 718 - New Results on Electron Cooling at the TSR Heidelberg M. Grieser, M. Beutelspacher, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, MPIK, Heidelberg; T. Shirai, ICR, Kyoto At the heavy ion storage ring TSR. the longitudinal cooling force can be measured with stochastic heating and with the aid of an induction accelerator as well. So it is possible to compare the results of these techniques. As the ion current in such measurements is high, the influence of the ion density has to be taken into account.The results on the longitudinal cooling time measurements will be presented. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1767 - Multiturn Injection Using Coupling Resonance into the Nuclotron Booster I. Issinsky, A. Butenko, A. Kovalenko, O. Kozlov, V. Mikhailov, B. Vasilishin, V. Volkov, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region Multi-turn beam injection process into the Nuclotron booster with filling both horizontal and vertical acceptance is considered. Numerical simulation of 4 /22 particle moving with using a coupling resonance Qx = Qz exited by longitudinal solenoidal magnetic field shows one posibility to reduce considerably losses of particles and to raise injection efficiency. Optimum system parameters and conditions for matching extracted beam emittance with Nuclotron acceptance are determined, and requirements for tolerances are evaluated. Particularities and advantages of such injection way in comparison with the other ones are discussed. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1768 - Separated Orbit Cyclotron with Magnet System Cooled by the Liquid Nitrogen I. Issinsky, A. Butenko, H. Khodzhibagiyan, O. Kozlov, B. Vasilishin, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region Advantage of separated orbit cyclotrons, which efficiency of injection, acceleration and extraction are close to 100%, requires construction of compact bending and focusing magnetic systems using superconductivity. For reducing the expenses of both the accelerator manufacturing and operation a version of the SOC magnetic system cooled by the liquid nitrogen with using standard copper for windings is proposed. On the example of earlier developed superferric cyclotron is shown possibility of construction of such cryogenic systems at their advantage comparatively with use of liquid helium. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 958 - Magnetic Field Design and Beam Optics Study for a 250 MeV Proton Radiotherapy Cyclotron J. Kim, H. Blosser, F. Marti, NSCL, East Lansing; A. Geisler, M. Schillo, ACCEL, Bergisch Gladbach A 250 MeV superconducting cyclotron for radiation therapy with a proton beam is under construction at the ACCEL Instruments to be installed at the PSI by 2004. The design of the cyclotron is in many aspects based on the conceptual design work performed at the NSCL in early 90's. The previous magnetic design has been recently refined in the process of finalizing the magnet configuration using 2D and 3D magnetic field programs, resulting in new hill-edges, valley shims, and etc. For the design of central and extraction regions extensive beam optics simulations were used to ensure a well-behaving beam. The layout of extraction elements essentially remains the same as in the earlier design. The magnetic field and rf electrode shapes in the central region have been modified to achieve adequate vertical focusing for a beam extracted from an internal PIG source. A collimation system is to be placed in the center region to remove unwanted beam phase space. The optics simulation with computed electric and magnetic fields has confirmed that the extraction efficiency above 80 % can be achieved for a beam with a broad initial phase, and the beam loss is being investigated in light of alleviating radiation problem. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 819 - Progress and Development of the CRYRING Facility* A. Källberg, MSL, Stockholm The ECR source now delivers beams to experiments and the beamline to the ring is completed. The EBIS source, CRYSIS, has been used with some radioactive species such as tritium, and uranium. The research groups studying molecules and molecular clusters often request ions that can only be produced in small amounts. Thus, weak beams, less than 1 nA from the ion source, have been successfully injected into the ring and stored currents down to 5 nA have been measured. Furthermore, new ways of running the storage ring, such as fast ramping of the magnets during acceleration is reported as well as development of beam diagnostics. A. Källberg for the CRYRING Group Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 126 - Progress in the Nuclotron Booster Design V. Mikhailov, A. Butenko, I. Issinsky, H. Khodzhibagiyan, A. Kovalenko, I. Meshkov, V. Monchinsky, A. Sidorin, A. Smirnov, E. Syresin, V. Volkov, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region; V. Anguelov, D. Dinev, INRNE, Sofia New results of the Nuclotron booster design, a 250 MeV/Amu rapid cycling superconducting synchrotron at a 1 Hz repetition rate and a circumference of 84 m, are presented. The paper describes different options of heavy ion accumulation in the booster for upgrading the Nuclotron beam intensities. They are a traditional multiturn injection, a "skew" injection, accumulation of protons, deuterons, polarized deuterons and heavy ions up to carbon by charge exchange, acceleration of ions with filled K and L shells, their stripping at the booster exit and trasfer into the main ring. Numerical estimations of the injection efficiency are given. The application of electron cooling at the superconducting accelerator is considered for the first time. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1087 - Development of Compact FFAG Accelerator for Heavy Ion Radiotherapy T. Misu, T. Fujisawa, T. Furukawa, S. Hojo, T. Honma, Y. Iwata, M. Kanazawa, A. Kitagawa, K. Kono, M. Kumada, N. Miyahara, T. Murakami, M. Muramatsu, K. Noda, Y. Sakamoto, Y. Sato, M. Suda, A. Sugiura, E. Takada, M. Torikoshi, S. Yamada, M. Yoshimoto, NIRS, Chiba City During the past several years of successful clinical trial at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC), the heavy-ion accelerator has proven to be a powerful tool 5 /22 for cancer treatment. Due to our satisfactory clinical records at HIMAC, a medical Fixed-Field AlternatingGradient (FFAG) accelerator, which is more compact and cost-effective, is being proposed so as to establish the medical standards for a carbon-beam cancer therapy. In this study we present our current accelerator design scheme. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 641 - S-ring Project at NIRS K. Noda, M. Kanazawa, T. Murakami, E. Takada, S. Yamada, NIRS, Chiba City; S. Shibuya, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Tokyo The small ring (S-ring) project has been started since April, 2001 at NIRS for the following purposes: (1) Development of key-technologies for a compact heavyion synchrotron for the cancer therapy, (2) Study of the radical behavior in a living body, (3) Bio-physics experiment with high LET beam for the estimation of the radiation risk in space and (4) Accelerator physics. The Sring will deliver heavy-ion beams with energies from 1 to 28 MeV/n, s bunch length of 10 to 1000 ns and a small emittance, while the circumference is as small as 25 m. The lattice structure of the ring is based on a double-bend achromatic structure. Applying a bunch rotation method to the high quality beam generated by an electron cooler, we will obtain a short bunched beam through a fast extraction method. An un-tuned RF cavity is adopted to accelerate the beams, which has been tested at a lowpower level. A switching type power-supply has been developed as that for a main magnet has been developed, and its tracking accuracy and stability are estimated to be around 1e-4 and 1e-6 order, respectively. The design and R&D result will be presented. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 100 - Computer Simulation of Space Charge Dominated Beam Dynamics for External Injection into Phasotron L. Onischenko, E. Samsonov, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region Capture efficiency for external injection into Phasotron is under consideration. Computer simulation of the space charge dominated beam dynamics shows the possibility of external injection into Phasotron with sufficient capture efficiency and the permisible emittance growth. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Leonid Onischenko Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 468 - Upgrading of ALPI Resonator by Nb Sputtering A.M. Porcellato, INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Padova ALPI is the superconductiong linac for heavy ions in operation at Legnaro. Its average beta section used to be composed by Pb/Cu QWRs. The replacement of Pb by a Nb sputtered film allowed improving the resonator performance substantially at very low cost. The average accelerating field of the cavity rose from about 2.5 MV/m to 4 MV/m. The upgraded resonators maintain the same thermal and mechanical stability typical of copper-based resonators, keeping their lock in field and phase easy and reliable. At present 2/3 of the resonators have been upgraded and installed without interfering with ALPI beam time schedule. * INFNLNL Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1305 - Calculations of Beam Lifetimes in CELSIUS D. Reistad, Y.-N. Rao, V. Ziemann, TSL, Uppsala We have made computations of beam lifetimes due to the interaction between the stored proton and ion beams and the internal targets (hydrogen pellet target and cluster-jet target with target materials ranging from hydrogen to xenon) and with the electron cooling system in CELSIUS. These computations are presented, and compared with measurements. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1780 - A Double Electrostatic Ion Ring, DESIREE K.-G. Rensfelt, L. Bagge, H. Danared, L. Liljeby, A. Simonsson, Ö. Skeppstedt, MSL, Stockholm The first storage ring with only electrostatic elements used for physics experiments (ELISA) was designed and taken in operation some years ago in Aarhus. The advantages compared to magnetic elements, small size, cheap construction and easy operation was demonstrated. Other projects based on that idea has been implemented and are underway. At CRYRING an increasing number of experiments asks for beams of singly charged, high mass and low energy ions. Many of these experiments could also be done at a small electrostatic ring. The double electrostatic ring Desiree will give these experiments more beam time but it will also open new fields of experiments in atomic, molecule and biophysics. Beams of negative and positive ions will be merged so low energy collisions can be studied. The equipment will be cooled to 10 - 20 K in order to relax internal degrees of freedom in circulating molecules. The paper will shortly review the physics programme and describe the status of the design work. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 867 - Status of ITEP Powerful Ion AcceleratorAccumulator Facility TWAC B. Sharkov, N. Alexeev, D. Koshkarev, ITEP, Moscow 6 /22 The TWAC (TeraWatt Accumulator) project at ITEPMoscow takes advantage of a heavy ion accelerator facility based on two existing synchrotron rings and using a special stripping technique for stacking pulses accelerated in the UK booster into the U-10 storage ring. A bunch of carbon-4+ ions from the laser ion source was pre-accelerated in the new U-3 pre-injector, injected and accelerated in the UK booster ring to 300 MeV per nucleon, stripped down to 6+ and stacked into the U-10 storage ring. After fast extraction the beam has been transported to the beam-target interaction area via a new 86 long beamline. This marks completion and commissioning of the new facility's main systems - ion source, ion pre-injector, RF and power supply for the booster ring, beam transport lines and pulsed magnetic elements. Together with the upgrading of the main accelerator-accumulator systems and with implementation of the pulse compression system, the intensity of the heavy ion beam will then reach the maximal (target) values:In ion acceleration mode supplying up to 4.3 GeV/nucleon and up to 1011 particles/s;In ion accumulation mode, 300-700 GeV/nucleon and1012 ? 1013 particles per ca.100 ns pulse;In medical application mode, some 250 MeV/nucleon , 10 9 - 10 10 particles/s. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1244 - Design of New Compact Cooler Ring for Crystalline Beams T. Shirai, H. Fadil, Y. Iwashita, A. Morita, A. Noda, H. Tongu, A. Yamazaki, ICR, Kyoto; K. Okabe, H. Okamoto, Y. Yuri, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima; M. Grieser, MPI-K, Heidelberg The compact ion cooler ring project has been started in Kyoto University. It will have an electron cooler and a laser cooling system. One of the main subject is a realization of crystalline beams by cooling techniques. The circumference is 19.2 m and the maximum magnetic rigidity is 1 Tm. It has six superperiods. The design of the ring satisfies the so-called "maintenance condition" [1]. It can also be operated with the betatron phase advance below 90 degrees per a superperiod. We plan to test the three-dimensional laser cooling in this ring [2]. The cooler ring design and the cooling systems will be presented in the conference. [1]. J. Wei, X.-P. Li, A. M. Sessler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 (1994) 3089 [2]. T. Kihara, H. Okamoto, Y. Iwashita, K. Oide, G. Lamanna, J. Wei, Phys. Rev.E, 59, 3594 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1325 - Double Synchrotron Complex SIS100/200 for a New Research Facility at GSI P. Spiller, K. Blasche, O. Boine-Frankenheim, B. Franczak, P. Huelsmann, G. Moritz, P. Schuett, GSI, Darmstadt In 2001 a new international research facility has been proposed by GSI. The proposed facility consists of two superconducting synchrotrons SIS100/200 and three cooler storage rings for radioactive ions and antiproton beams. The two stage synchrotron facility SIS100/200 provides for fast acceleration of high intensity uranium ions (U28+) to energies between 0.4 and 2.7 GeV/u and for acceleration of fully stripped uranium ions to at least 23 GeV/u. By using the second stage synchrotron as a stretcher ring, beams of up to 100 duty cycle can be generated. In addition, high intensity proton beams of 29 GeV can be provided for the production of antiproton beams. Specific technical features of the synchrotrons are a)rapid cycling superconducting magnets for the operation at 4 T/s up to 2 T in SIS100 and 1 T/s to at least 4 T in SIS200, b)rf systems for beam acceleration with a total rf voltage of 350 kV and for bunch compression with a voltage of 1000 kV in SIS100 ( the latter is required to generate a short bunch with a pulse length of 50 ns), and c)a well designed vacuum system for the operation at an extremely low pressure of about 10-12 mbar in warm and cold beam tubes. Especially theoretical and experimental studies of dynamic vacuum instabilities are discussed. In addition the layout of the synchrotron with respect to bunch compression and impedance is addressed. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 757 - Developments at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY H. Stockhorst, U. Bechstedt, J. Dietrich, R. Gebel, K. Henn, A. Lehrach, B. Lorentz, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, A. Schnase, H. Schneider, R. Stassen, J. Stein, R. Tölle, P. von Rossen, FZJ, Jülich The Cooler Synchrotron COSY at the Forschungszentrum Juelich delivers polarized and unpolarized protons in the momentum range 600 MeV/c up to 3.3 GeV/c. COSY offers routinely different modes of operation to serve internal experiments with solid targets as well as with gas cluster or atomic beam targets. Stochastic cooling in the longitudinal and transverse phase space has been applied for internal target experiments to preserve the high beam quality. Polarized and unpolarized protons are slowly extracted with high efficiency to external target stations with the method of stochastic feeding. Here, brilliant beams at the external target areas can be prepared with electron cooling. For short pulse experiments also a single turn extraction of an electron cooled proton beam bunch is available. Machine experiments proved that the beam momentum could be increased to 3.65 GeV/c, i.e.beyond the design momentum 3.3 GeV/c. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 290 - An Electron Beam Target/Cooler for Extremely Low-Energy Ion Beams at the Electrostatic Storage Ring Tetsumi Tanabe, S. Lee, KEK, Ibaraki-ken; E. Syresin, 7 /22 JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region; K. Noda, NIRS, Chiba City; I. Watanabe, Toshiba, Yokohama An electrostatic storage ring for studying atomic and molecular science has been operational at KEK since May, 2000. The ring has a circumference of 8 m and can store light-to-heavy ions with an E/q of up to 30 keV [1]. Light ions are produced with an ECR ion source, while macro-molecular ions like bio-molecules are produced with an electrospray ion source. The measured 1/elifetimes are 10 ~ 50 s for light ions and 12 ~ 20 s for biomolecular ions. These lifetimes are long enough to cool vibrationally excited molecular ions, and their intensities are tolerable for practical use, like atomic collision experiments. So far, we have stored bio-molecules [2] with a mass of up to 66,000. In order to study electronion collisions, an electron beam target has been designed, which will be installed in a straight section of the ring. The structure of the target is almost the same as an electron cooler consisting of an adiabatically expanded electron beam; the target can also function as an electron cooler for light-mass ions. Main parameters are: the electron energy, 0.1~100 eV; the interaction length, 20 cm; the electron beam diameter at the interaction region, 20 mm; the expansion factor, 10~100; the solenoid field at the gun region and at the interaction regions, 1000 G and 10~100 G, respectively. The device will be completed in coming spring. The design and the first experimental results will be presented. [1] T.Tanabe et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A (2002) in press. [2] T.Tanabe et al., Proc. Int. Symp. on Dissociative Recombination of Molecules with Electrons, Aug. 26-30, Chicago (2001), in press. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 127 - Lattice and Beam Dynamics of the Isochronous Cyclotron with Separate Orbits and Particle Motion Simulation B. Vasilishin, A. Glasov, I. Issinsky, V. Mikhailov, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region The method and results of calculation of the lattice and beam dynamics in the isochronous cyclotron with separate orbits (SOC) for a 240 MeV proton energy are described. An energy gain during one turn must cause sufficient orbit separation to place the magnetic structure elements. Each part of path between accelerating cavities (period with increasing length)involves focusing and defocusing lenses and two dipole magnets. The bending angles in magnets are calculated to provide such lengths of periods which the beam passes for equal intervals of time (the isochronism condition). Decreasing the orbit separation during acceleration can be compensated by the corresponding increase of the energy gain. We achieve it by shifting the accelerating voltage equilibrium phase from 45 degree at the beginning to 90 degree at the end. This shift is achieved by a small increasing of the period lengths against lengths determined by the isochronism condition (corresponding increase of the bending angles in dipoles). The computing simulation of particle motion and the parameters errors and nonlinearities influence on the beam stability has been performed. The limit proton current is about 0.2 mA. SOC permits the acceleration of nuclei with Z/A near to 0.5. The final energy in this case is 46 MeV/amu. The work was performed by the request of Laboratory Director's Research and Development Funds from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A04] Low- and Intermediate-Energy Circular Accelerators 1070 - Status of 1MV Tandem Proton Accelerator Development* Y.-S. Cho, W.S. Song, KAERI, Daejon For industrial applications such as high-energy implantation, nano-structure fabrication, and explosive detection, a 1MV 10mA tandem proton accelerator is being developed. The proton accelerator consists of a 10mA negative hydrogen ion source, two Einzel lenses, accelerating tubes, a gas stripper, a 1MV 30mA CockroftWalton high voltage power supply, vacuum system with 4 cryo-pumps, and a high pressure insulating gas system. The simple straight optical geometry is adapted for the optics design for the accelerator. The 2MV/m accelerating tubes are developed for this accelerator and tested. The accelerator is being constructed. The details of the accelerator developments will be reported. * This work is supported by the Korea Ministry of Science and Technology. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A07] Electrostatic Accelerators 792 - High Current Tandem Accelerator for Intense Monochromatic Gamma Rays Generation A. Krivenko, L. Barkov, Y. Belchenko, G. Derevyankin, G. Dimov, G. Kraynov, R. Salimov, V. Shirokov, G. Silvestrov, I. Sorokin, S. Taskaev, M. Tyunov, BINP, Novosibirsk Original 2 MeV proton tandem accelerator with current up to 40 mA for monochromatic 9.17 MeV gammaquantum production on Carbon-13 target for contraband detection is described. The tandem is supplied by a powerful sectioned rectifier from ELV type industrial accelerator providing high stability of the proton beam in the region of maximum gamma rays production at protons energy 1.76 MeV. The description of working ion source with current up to 10 mA, variants of gas stripper system and design of 100 kW Carbon-13 target with liquid metal cooling are presented. Also the results of optics calculation for focussing on stripper of high current (1040 mA) compensated H(-) beam with heterogeneous density and transverse energy about 1 eV are given. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A07] Electrostatic Accelerators 8 /22 66 - Layout of an Electrostatic Storage Ring C. Welsch, A. Schempp, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main; H. Schmidt-Böcking, INP, Frankfurt-am-Main An electrostatic storage ring can be seen as a cross between an electrostatic trap and magnetic rings. It combines small size, relatively low costs with a high flexibility in terms of the ions that can be stored and beam parameters. From the point of view of particle dynamics important differences to "classical" storage rings are the mass-independence of the fields and a coupling between the different planes of motion. At IAP the design of a small ring for ions of energies up to 50 keV has been made and a quarter ring section is presently being build up. Different possible geometrical shapes of the machine will be discussed and the corresponding particle dynamics will be shown. Limitations to storage times and envisaged experiments will be presented. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A07] Electrostatic Accelerators 68 - Analysis of Field Perturbation in an Electrostatic Storage Ring C. Welsch, C. Glaessner, A. Schempp, IAP, Frankfurt-amMain; H. Schmidt-Böcking, INP, Frankfurt-am-Main At IAP in Frankfurt the design of a small ring for ions of energies up to 50 keV has been made and a quarter ring section is presently being build up. The setup of optical elements consist of quadrupole doublets, parallel plate 10 deflectors and 70 cylindrical bends. An important question during the design of such a device is the positioning and manufacturing accuracy needed for the optical elements. The dependence of the electric field on electrode displacements and mechanical errors is discussed and the effects on particle dynamics shown. The resulting fields have been used to trace particles through realistic field distributions and to compare trajectories with particles following an idealized orbit. Possible countermeasures are presented and acceptable tolerances given. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A07] Electrostatic Accelerators 1837 - Linac Complex in the JAERI-KEK Joint RNB Facility S. Arai, y. Arakaki, K. Niki, M. Okada, Y. Takeda, M. Tomizawa, KEK, Ibaraki-ken; S. Takeuchi, JAERI, Ibaraki-ken Construction of the JAERI-KEK joint RNB facility has started from 2001 at JAERI-Tokai tandem cite. The facility comprises a tandem accelerator, an ISOL and a heavy-ion linac complex. The radioactive nuclei, produced by bombarding a thick target with a 36-MeV 3microA proton beam from the tandem accelerator, are ionized in an ion source, mass-analyzed by the ISOL, and are accelerated up to 1-MeV/u by the heavy-ion linac complex. The linac complex comprises a 26-MHz split coaxial RFQ (SCRFQ) and a 52-MHz IH linac, which were developed at KEK-Tanashi. The SCRFQ accelerates ions with a charge-to-mass ratio (q/A) greater than 1/30 from 2 to 172 keV/u. The IH linac accelerates ions with a q/A greater than 1/10, and is able to vary the output energy continuously in the range of 0.17 through 1.05 MeV/u. We have a plan to extend the linac system in near future. The present linac complex can be connected to the JAERI superconducting tandem booster linac, if an additional 2 MeV/u linac is newly set between them. The extended linac system is able to provide the RNB energies higher than the Coulomb barrier. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1809 - Frequency Change of IH-Linac to Accelerate an Unstable-Nuclei Beam Y. Arakaki, S. Arai, K. Niki, M. Okada, Y. Takeda, M. Tomizawa, KEK, Ibaraki-ken The heavy ion Linac complex which comprises a 25.5MHz RFQ and a 51MHz linac had been used for accelerating unstable beam and for testing performance of accelerator at KEK-Tanashi campus. These linacs will be moved to tandem facility at JAERI-Tokai,and are connected to an existing super conducting linacs in order to accelerate the unstable beam up to the energy region beyond the Coulomb barrier by setting up an additional IH-Linac(IH2). Since the existing-super conducting linac has an resonant frequency of 129.8 MHz, that of IH-Linac must be changed from 51MHz to 51.92MHz. We performed a test of frequency change by using a half size model of IH-Linac, 3D calculation by using MAFIA code was carried out, and is compared to the measured results. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 536 - Results from the ISIS RFQ Test Stand C. Bailey, A. Letchford, J. Thomason, CLRC RAL, Chilton, Didcot Results are described of studies on the LEBT matching section of the RFQ test stand at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Comparisons are made between measurements on the beam line and theoretical predictions, and an assessment is presented of the extent to which the LEBT is successful in matching a beam with unequal transverse emittances from the ion source into the RFQ. In addition, the degree of space charge compensation present is evaluated, and its evolution with time during the beam pulse is described. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1471 - Possibility Ion Acceleration on Higher Modes at the Linear Accelerator with Interdigital-H Accelerating Structure V. Bomko, A. Kobets, B. Rudjak, B. Zajtsev, KIPT, Kharkov Heavy ion linear accelerators based on interdigital-H accelerating structure has latent resources of particle acceleration at non-conventional modes of excitation of HF power. The results of investigations demonstrate that in the structures of prestripping (PS) and main section 9 /22 (MS) on the Kharkov heavy ion linear accelerator (MILAC) there is a real possibility to accelerate ions on the higher modes of H-type. The investigations were carried out on the models of accelerating structures PS and MS built in the scale 1:3. In the MS cavity the wave &#1053;-120 was excited that corresponds to &#1053;121 for unloaded cavity. In the PS cavity having a rectangular shape, &#1053;-300 is an analogue of this wave (that corresponds to &#1053;-301 for unloaded cavity). In each of the given cases we managed to obtain the required distribution of the accelerating field using local and end resonant adjusting elements. With that there was essential difference in frequencies of excited waves. In the PS cavity the frequency increased by a factor of 1.6, while in the MS cavity the frequency only increased by a factor of 1.08. The frequency changes obtained allow to enhance accelerated particles energy in PS and MS without essential changes of the accelerating structure by a factor of 2.56 and 1.16, respectively. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1842 - Fast Chopper Structure for the CERN Superconducting Proton Linac F. Caspers, A. Mostacci, CERN, Geneva; S. Kurennoy, LANL, Los Alamos The SPL chopper is a traveling wave device, which deflects a slow beam (beta value of 0.08) by its transverse electric field. We discuss the chopper deflecting structure based on a meander line printed on an alumina substrate. This concept profits from the radiation resistance of alumina, its excellent out-gassing properties as well as good thermal conductivity. The use of well-established MIC (Microwave Integrated Circuit) thick film technology allows easy implementations of prototypes; the thickness of the printed layers was further increased by electrochemical deposition method. The topology of the structure has been chosen from standard MIC layouts and was subsequently optimized using numerical simulations. Several prototypes have been manufactured and their preliminary measurements showed encouraging results. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 670 - Study of Separated Function RFQ Structure* C.E. Chen, J. Fang, X. Yan, IHIP, Beijing; Y. Wu, IPP, Hefei The accelerating field in the conventional RFQ is originated from the surface modulation of the quadrupole electrodes. However, the axial field gradient Ez generated in this way is quite limited. Since the enhancement of the modulation would result in less Ez if it's maximum is already reached, and the higher the axial field maximum means the less the focusing power. For this reason, the energy gain of the conventional RFQ is rather limited, especially when the energy of the accelerated ions is higher than 2-3 MeV per nucleon. To improve the situation, the structures of a new type RFQ, the Separated Function RFQ (SFRFQ), have been proposed and studied. In these structures, RF accelerating field mainly occurs at the gaps between cells, while the RF transverse focusing with electrical quadrupole field exists inside the cells. Two kinds of SFRFQ structures, with diaphragms and with rods, have been studied respectively. The energy gain is improved for both cases if comparing with the conventional one. All the preliminary results of analysis, calculations and measurements are presented and discussed in the paper. *Supported by NSFC(19975004) Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 255 - Finite Element Analysis And Frequency Shift Studies for The Bridge Coupler of The Coupled Cavity Linear Accelerator of The Spallation Neutron Source* Z. Chen, LANL, Los Alamos The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is an acceleratorbased neutron scattering research facility. The linear accelerator (linac)is the principal accelerating structure and divided into a room-temperature linac and a superconducting linac. The normal conducting linac system that consists of a Drift Tube Linac (DTL) and a Coupled Cavity Linac (CCL) is to be built by Los Alamos National Laboratory. The CCL structure is 55.36-meters long. It accelerates H- beam from 86.8 Mev to 185.6 Mev at operating frequency of 805 MHz. This side coupled cavity structure has 8 cells per segment, 12 segments and 11 bridge couplers per module, and 4 modules total. A 5MW klystron powers each module. The number 3 and number 9 bridge coupler of each module are connected to the 5-MW RF power supply. The bridge coupler with length of 2.5 bl is a three-cell structure and located between the segments and allows power flow through the module. The center cell of each bridge coupler is excited during normal operation. To obtain a uniform electromagnetic filed and meet the resonant frequency shift, the RF induced heat must be removed. Thus, the thermal deformation and frequency shift studies are performed via numerical simulations in order to have an appropriate cooling design and predict the frequency shift under operation. The center cell of the bridge coupler also contains a large 4-inch slug tuner and a tuning post that used to provide bulk frequency adjustment and field intensity adjustment, so that produce the proper total field distribution in the module assembly. * Work supported by the Office of Basic Energy Science, Office of Science of the US Department of Energy, and by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1355 - Study of a New PARRNe Experimental Area using an Electron LINAC close the Tandem of Orsay S. Essabaa, J. Arianer, P. Ausset, J.P. Baronick, J.-B. Bergot, G. Bienvenu, J. Bourdon, F. Clapier, L. Coacolo, F. Dupong, D. Gardès, D. Grialou, F. Ibrahim, T. 10 /22 Junquera, S. Kandri, J. Le Scornet, J. Lesrel, A. Mueller, N. Rouvière, A. Tkatchenko, B. Waast, IPN, Orsay; L. Rinolfi, CERN, Geneva; T. Garvey, B. Jacquemard, M. Omeich, LAL, Orsay The production of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei through fission is currently prime research interest for the future radioactive beam facilities. For example in the EURISOL* project, photo-fission and fast neutron induced fission are proposed. The photo-fission crosssection for 238U is about 0.16 barn (against 1.6 barn for fast neutrons of MeV) but the conversion electrons/gammas is much more efficient than that of deutons/neutrons. It was then necessary, to test this new method of production, to carry out, in equivalent conditions, an experiment of the type PARRNe 1 using a 50 MeV electron beam. In April 2001, production of fission fragments induced by gammas proved to be successful. Bremsstrahlung gamma rays were produced by the few nA - 50 MeV electron beam delivered by the CERN LEP pre-injector (LIL). This promising alternative has stimulated the studies of a new experimental area at IPNO based on an electron Linac closed to the tandem, through a collaboration with LAL and CERN PS groups. * http://www.ganil.fr/eurisol/ Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1245 - Studies on a 100 MeV/A Superconducting Reaccelerator Linac for EURISOL A. Facco, M. Comunian, A. Pisent, F. Scarpa, V. Zviagintsev, INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Padova; Z. Lipeng, CIAE, Beijing; D. Berkovits, SOREQ, Yavne, Israel A superconducting linac for radioactive beam acceleration up to 100 MeV/u (for 132Sn) has been studied in the framework of the EURISOL collaboration. The linac, fed by a high charge state breeder, is based on high gradient superconducting quarter- and half-wave resonators and includes superconducting RFQs; it was designed for acceleration of ions of all masses and especially studied for ions with mass number around 132. In order to maximize the acceleration efficiency, two stripping stages are foreseen along the linac; multiple charge beam transport is then used to maximize the transport efficiency. Beam dynamics simulations have been performed with the code LANA, which includes realistic field distribution in quarter- and half-wave resonators. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 940 - Beam Dynamics Studies at NSCL of the RIA Superconducting Driver Linac* D. Gorelov, T.L. Grimm, W. Hartung, F. Marti, H. Podlech, X. Wu, R.C. York, NSCL, East Lansing Extensive studies have been done of the longitudinal and transverse beam dynamics of the high power, cw superconducting linac for the proposed Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA). The linac is to accelerate light and heavy ions to energies of ~400 MeV/u or more with beam powers of 100 to 400 kW. For the heavier ions, simultaneous acceleration of several charge states will be used to meet the beam power requirement and to minimize the required accelerating voltage. The multicharge state acceleration scheme does, however, present some challenges in the preservation of beam quality. A linac design with a beginning frequency of 80.5 MHz in lieu of a proposed design using 57.5 MHz [1,2] was evaluated. The higher frequency option simplifies the geometry, decreases the number of different resonators types required, and reduces the microphonics problem. On the other hand, the higher frequency solution would require a somewhat larger number of accelerating structures. In both cases, superconducting solenoid magnets at the lower energies and room-temperature quadrupole doublets at the higher energies are used to provide the transverse focusing and beam matching. The performance characteristics of both scenarios were found to be similar. The results of the beam dynamics optimization are discussed as well as a comparative analysis of the two possible linac designs. * Work supported by Michigan State University and NSF PHY 0110253. [1] K.W. Shepard and T.E. Tretyakova, "Superconducting Accelerating Structures for a Multi-Beam Driver Linac for RIA", LINAC'2000, Monterey, CA, August 2000. [2] D. Gorelov et al., "Superconducting Driver Linac Beam Dynamics Optimization for RIA", Proceedings of PAC'2001, Chicago, IL, June 2001. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. X. Wu Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1361 - High Current Positron Source for Novel Ion Accelerator V. Gorev, RRC, Moscow The theoretical investigations and conceptual design of a high current positron sources and beams,as a carrier of positive charge and energy for novel proton and ion accelarator scheme, is discused.We are going to describe:1.low density electron-positron-proton plasma open traps,as an accumulator and high current impulse source of positrons.,2.generation of high current and power quasimonoenergetical positron impulses by bremsstrahlung. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : prof.V.V.Gorev Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 699 - Design of a 200MHz Proton RFQ Z. Guo, C.E. Chen, J. Fang, Y. Lu, X. Yan, C. Zhang, IHIP, Beijing A 200MHz RFQ was designed to accelerate proton beam to more than 2MeV. A mini-vane four-rod structure was adopted and a 200MHz 400kW RF amplifier will be used as its RF power source. The basic consideration was presented. The design of particle dynamics was performed with PARMTEQ and the preliminary results were given. 11 /22 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 640 - KTF RFQ Linac J.-M. Han, Y.-S. Cho, B.-H. Choi, H.-J. Kweon, H.H. Lee, K.-Y. Seo, KAERI, Daejon The 350MHz KTF RFQ constructed to accelerate 20mA proton beam from 50keV to 3MeV. The basic electrical characteristic for an operaton of the RFQ are testing and will extensively studied for an operation condition with pulsed and cw beam current. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Jang-Min Han Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 624 - Injection into RFQ Using Beams with Different Energies V. Kapin, K. Noda, NIRS, Chiba City An alternative way of beam injection into RFQ linac is discussed. In the low energy part of an ion accelerator, a monochromatic beam extracted from ion source is transported to the entrance of RFQ by the low energy beam transport system (LEBT). RFQ has a high current limit. A beam current is often limited by LEBT or an ion source. A possible way to increase the beam current is to combine several beams at the entrance of RFQ. Beams can be generated by a set of ion sources or a miltiplebeam ion source. A longitudinal acceptance of RFQ has a large energy spread (up to 30-40%), and can be filled by monochromatic beams with different energies. A total combined beam has a discrete energy spectrum within RFQ energy spread. Beams can be combined using a bending magnet acting as an inverse spectrometer. In the case of a linac with a short-pulse operation, a conventional long-pulse ion source can be used. An extracted long-pulse ion beam is cut to the set of shortpulse beams, which are stored on separated orbits of a supplementary ring. The injection scheme is studied for the HIMAC RFQ. Parameters of beam-line and simulation results are presented. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 242 - Acceleration of Radioactive Ion Beams at REXISOLDE* O. Kester, F. Ames, S. Emhofer, D. Habs, K. Reisinger, K. Rudolph, T. Sieber, LMU-München, Garching; O. Forstner, F. Wenander, B. Wolf, CERN, Geneva; J. Cederkäll, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, R. von Hahn, MPI-K, Heidelberg In 2001 the linear accelerator of the Radioactive beam Experiment (REX-ISOLDE)delivered for the first time accelerated radioactive ion beams with a beam energy of 2 MeV/u. REX-ISOLDE uses the method of charge state breeding, in order to enhance the charge state of the ions before injection into the LINAC [1]. Radioactive singly charged ions delivered by the on-line mass separator ISOLDE are first accumulated in a Penning trap, then charge bred to an A/q = 4.5 in an electron beam ion source (EBIS) and finally accelerated in a LINAC from 5 keV/u to the final energy between 0.8 and 2.2 MeV/u [2]. Measurements of the interplay between the REXTRAP, the transfer line and the EBIS have been done as well as the first commissioning of the whole accelerator. The properties of the different elements could be determined and a first optimisation of the system could be carried out. In two test beam times in 2001 stable and radioactive Na isotopes(23Na-26Na) have been accelerated and transmitted to a preliminary target station. There $^{58}Ni$ and Be targets have been used to populate exited states via Coulomb excitation and nuclear transfer reactions. First results of the commissioning and of the beam times will be presented. * supported by the BMBF under 06LM974 and 06HD802I * supported by the EU under HPRI-CT-1999-50003 [1] O. Kester and D. Habs, Charge breeding of intense radioactive beams, Proc. of the 8th Symposium on EBIS sources, 6-8 November, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 2000, AIP conference proceedings 572, p.217 [2] O. Kester et al., Hyperfine Interactions 129 (2000) 43 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 254 - A short IH-cavity for the Energy Variation of Radioactive Ion Beams O. Kester, H. Bongers, D. Habs, LMU-München, Garching In order to perform experiments with radioactive ions at the Coulomb barrier energy variation of the ion beams over a wide range is required. Short linac structures are suitable for that puspose, like the 7-gap resonators for REX-ISOLDE [1]. For the Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments (MAFF) 7-gap IH-resonators are designed to vary the final beam energy between 3.7 and 5.9 MeV/u. This kind of resonator operates at 202.56 MHz and with 10% duty cycle [2]. A prototyp f that cavity is being built and will be tested with beam in the Munich tandem laboratory. Therefore a test beam line with an emittance rig, an analysing magnet and a fast Farday cup has been established. In addition a modification of the drift tube structure is planned in order to use the cavity as an additional booster for the REXISOLDE LINAC. This new design and the test measurements will be presented. [1] H. Podlech et al., Nucl. Instrum and Meth. B 139 (1998) 447 [2] H. Bongers et al., The IH-7-Gap Resonators of the Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments(MAFF) Linac, proceedings of the PAC2001, Chicago, June 2001, p.3945 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1560 - New Potential Function for RFQ Accelerator Cells S. Koscielniak, TRIUMF, Vancouver 12 /22 The performance of a rf quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator design is assessed (in advance of construction) by computer tracking of particles, from one cell to the next, through a model of the electric fields that transport the beam. Most computer models are based on the potential of Kapchinskii and Tepliakov which assumes a perfectly periodic structure, whereas an RFQ accelerator is only a quasi-periodic device; the cells are typically adapted to accept a d.c. beam, bunch, and then accelerate. A particular problem with the two-term potential is that there are only two free parameters, whereas three are required to guarantee continuity at the cell boundaries. In this paper we introduce a new potential and unit cell, with independently variable bore radius and minimum and maximum radii to pole tip, that should better approximate the real-world fields. We also suggest a potential function for a triplet of similar, but not identical, adjacent cells. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 384 - Increasing of Phase Capture for a Multi-Charge Beam in a Heavy-Ion RFQ G. Kropachev, A. Balabin, ITEP, Moscow An opportunity to increase phase capture for a copper beam with different charge states ions from an electrostatic injector at ITEP heavy-ion 27 MHz RFQ input without use of extra devices for ion velocity equalization is considered. High phase capture efficiency is achieved by arrangement of longitudinal emittances for different charge states ions in the corresponding maximum longitudinal acceptances located inside the RFQ channel. Up to this moment the ions move outside of separatrixes. Analytical and numerical approaches are developed to describe a phase capture process for a multi-charge beam. Both approaches predict a maximum of total phase capture efficiency on an injection voltage at fixed inter-vane voltage. According to the numerical approach the total phase capture efficiency can be more than 90%. In this case two-charge-states ions of the copper beam (Cu2+ and Cu3+) are fully captured. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 723 - Development of a FDT-Cavity * K.-U. Kuehnel, A. Schempp, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main To achieve a better focussing at higher energies the RFQ principle is combined with a drift tube cavity. In a Focussing Drift Tube cavity this is done by adding small electrodes with quadrupole symmetry to the accelerating gaps of a spiral loaded cavity. The cavity will first be used as a booster for the new RFQ-injector for COSY at FZ Jülich. * work supported by BMBF Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1551 - Field Tuning of the TRASCO RFQ G. Lamanna, INFN-Sezione di Bari, Bari; P. Antonio, S. Fu, A. Pisent, INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Padova In the frame of the TRASCO/ADS project, the Italian study for an accelerator driven system for nuclear waste transmutation, a 5 MeV CW RFQ is under construction at LNL. In view of the field tuning of such structure we have built and developed a 3 m aluminum RFQ cold model, operated at 352 MHz (as the accelerator). This paper presents the results of tuning the RFQ structure up to an error of 2 %. The tuning procedure and the new algorithm, based on the analysis of the second derivative of the measured bead-pull data, will be described in detail. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1738 - Beam Commissioning and Operation of the ISAC Post Accelerator at TRIUMF R. Laxdal, Z.T. Ang, I.V. Bylinsky, G. Dutto, M. Pasini, R.L. Poirier, TRIUMF, Vancouver The ISAC facility at TRIUMF has been producing intense beams of low energy radioactive ions for experiment over the last three years. A post accelerator comprising a 35 MHz RFQ and 106MHz DTL has been installed and recently commissioned and is now delivering radioactive ions to experiment in an energy range fully variable between 0.15 and 1.5MeV/u. Beam measurements taken during commissioning confirm the initial design goals; the acceleration of low intensity beams with high final beam quality and good efficiency. Delivery of beams for experiment has been relatively straightforward and dependable. We will present the results of the beam commissioning studies and summarize the accelerator performance and operational experience. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 986 - Error Effects and a Tolerance Budget for the Prestripper Section of the RIA Driver Linac* E. Lessner, P. Ostroumov, ANL, Argonne Distortions on the beam dynamics are discussed and a tolerance budget is established for the prestripper section of the RIA driver linac. The prestripper linac contains 85 superconducting (SC) independently phased rf cavities, distributed in ten cryostat modules, that accelerate a 2charge-state (28 and 29) uranium from 0.17 MeV/u to 9.4 MeV/u. Transverse focusing is provided by 44 SC solenoids. The increase in current gained by the multicharge beam comes at a cost of larger final emittance than that of a single-charge beam of the same initial emittance. Minimization of emittance growth of the 2charge-state beam is obtained by transverse and longitudinal phase-space matching at the lattice transitions. Construction errors and misalignments of the magnetic components introduce further effective emittance growth and trajectory distortions. The effects of such errors on the beam parameters are studied by numerical simulations that include three-dimensional 13 /22 electric and magnetic field distributions in the rf cavities and solenoids. Error tolerances are determined to minimize radiation losses and maintain the beam quality in the high-energy section of the linac. * Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract W-31-109-ENG-38. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 774 - Measured Performance of the ISIS RFQ A. Letchford, C. Bailey, J. Duke, D. Findlay, J. Thomason, CLRC RAL, Chilton, Didcot The ISIS RFQ is a 665 keV, 202.5 MHz, 4-rod RFQ intended as a replacement pre-injector for the ISIS spallation neutron source at RAL. A test stand has been constructed for soak testing and characterisation of the RFQ before installation. Results are presented for measurements of the principal parameters of the RFQ together with its performance characteristics. A comparison is made between the measurements and the results from computer simulations. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 82 - Using of RF Undulators for Ion Beam Acceleration in Linac E. Masunov, MEPhI, Moscow RF undulator can be realized in periodical rf-structure where the field has no space harmonic in synchronism with the beam. The accelerating force is produced by a combination of two or more space harmonics of RF field. Hamilton's equation of particles motion in polyharmonic RF field are devised by means of smooth approximation. The analysis of 3D effective potential allows to find the conditions under which focusing and acceleration of the particles occur simultaneously. The new approach to RF acceleration channel parameters choice is suggested. The relationship between 4D phase space volume of the bunch and trasmission coefficient is studied by means Hamiltonian analysis. Examples illustrating the efficiency of the proposed method acceleration are given for cases when RF field has a different phase advances per period of structure. The results are compared with a conventional RF ion linac where the beam is accelerated by a synchronous wave and focusing by a nonsynchronous one. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1427 - Design of the RIA Driver Linac Switchyard* P. Ostroumov, S. Kim, J. Nolen, ANL, Argonne; V. Aseev, INR, Moscow The Rare Isotope Accelerator Facility currently being designed in the U.S. will use both heavy ion and light ion beams to produce radionuclides via the fragmentation and spallation reactions, respectively. Driver beam power of up to 400 kW will be available so that beam sharing between target stations is desirable. Design of the switchyard for the driver beams of RIA is a unique task due to the following features: 1) Distribution of various ion species accelerated to wide range of energies to four target stations; 2) Delivery of beams to two target stations simultaneously; 3) Providing high quality beam optics with higher order corrections for multiple charge state beams to produce small beam spots at the entrance of the fragment separators. A rf sweeper is used for beam delivery to two targets simultaneously. The rf-sweeper is followed by two DC septum magnets. A room temperature IH-type cavity operating at 115 MHz is proposed for the rf-sweeper and it provides fourmilliradian beam deflection. The time of flight of different ion species in the rf-sweeper is close to 180 degree of the rf cycle to minimize fringing field effects. *Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract W-31-109-ENG-38. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 766 - Optimization of Acceptance for the High Current Proton Linac * A. Pashenkov, INR, Moscow The method of optimization of the acceptance for high intensity proton Linac with transition section (TS) between low and high energy parts - choosing of the synchronous phase, accelerating field and length - is presented. A computer code has been written to numerically integrate the longitudinal beam dynamic in the Linac with TS. Basic concepts are applicable to any type of the proton Linac. As an example the problems of the beam acceptance and particle losses in the 600 MeV Moscow Meson Factory proton Linac is considered. * Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1733 - Beam Dynamics Studies on the ISAC-II PostAccelerator at TRIUMF M. Pasini, R. Laxdal, TRIUMF, Vancouver; P. Ostroumov, ANL, Argonne The TRIUMF/ISAC facility, now a world leader in rare isotope production and acceleration, is constructing ISAC-II, that will allow the acceleration of ion beams with 3<A/q<7 to an energy of at least 6.5 MeV/u for masses up to 150. The upgrade will include the addition of a superconducting heavy-ion linac delivering an effective voltage of 43MV. The design of the new postaccelerator has been optimized to provide simultaneous acceleration of multiple charge states. This feature can be used either to reduce the loss in beam intensity after a single stripping stage or to make possible the addition of multiple stripping sections to increase the final beam energy without a significant overall beam loss. The quarter wave resonators providing the acceleration have inherent rf electric and magnetic steering components that complicate multi-charge acceleration and can lead to transverse emittance growth. We will present a detailed beam dynamics study throughout the whole accelerator including matching sections, with realistic field 14 /22 simulations of the steering fields and techniques to compensate transverse emittance growth for multi-charge beams. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1424 - Design of a 40 MeV Linear Accelerator for Protons and Deuterons using Superconducting Half Wave Resonators M. Pekeler, K. Dunkel, C. Piel, H. Vogel, P. vom Stein, ACCEL, Bergisch Gladbach ACCEL currently investigates the design of a 40 MeV cw linac based on independently phased superconducting cavities. The linac is optimized for Protons and Deuterons with a maximum current of 4 mA. The particles will be injected from a ECR source into a normal conducting RFQ, which is capable of cw operation. The transition energy between RFQ and the following superconducting accelerator section is 1.5 MeV/amu. The superconducting section is equipped with half wave resonators to avoid emittance growth by deflecting rf field components on beam axis. The average energy gain per cavity will be 0.65 MeV. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Mr. Christian Piel Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 446 - High-Current Multicharge Heavy Ions Injector Linac for ITEP-TWAC Project V. Pershin, D. Kashinsky, A. Kolomiets, S. Minaev, B. Sharkov, T. Tretjakova, R. Vengrov, S. Yaramishev, ITEP, Moscow The TeraWatt Accumulator (TWAC) at Moscow Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP-Moscow) is under commissioning now. In order to reach the TWAC target parameters it is necessary to build up the new highcurrent injector linac providing 10 to power 11 particles/s instead of existing simple injector for the commissioning with output beam energy 1.2 MeV/u. The new injector should deliver the heavy ion beam with 15-20 mA current of the necessary charge to mass ratio and energy of about 7-8 MeV/u. For this purpose an RF field focused linac which accelerates the Al11+ or Co25+ ions from the laser ion source to the synchrotron injection was developed. Since the normalized emittance produced by the source is expected as large as 4pimm.mrad, the high acceptance 81 MHz RFQ structure has been designed for the first stage of the linac, where the beam energy of 1.6 MeV/u is gained at the length of 6m. The charge state mixture with the total current of about 100 mA is injected directly to the RFQ channel because the beam separation is not efficient behind of the laser source due to high value of initial energy spread. Nevertheless, 85% transmission of the main charge state component whose current is around of 20 mA is reached in the beam dynamics simulations. Four-vane RFQ structure supplied with the coupling interchamber windows provides both the moderate cavity diameter and the operating mode stability. A new type of the RFQ structure with the period length of 2 beta.lambda is proposed for the second stage of acceleration. Preliminary simulated 2 beta.lambda RFQ section following the conventional RFQ gains the energy at the second stage to 7 MeV/m without beam losses providing the effective accelerating gradient of around 3.5 MV/m. The first RFQ section is under manufacturing now. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1531 - Study of a Superconducting 100 MeV Linear Accelerator for Exotic Beam A. Pisent, M. Comunian, A. Facco, F. Scarpa, V. Zviagintsev, INFN-LNL, Legnaro, Padova An ISCL (Independent Superconducting Cavity Linac) able to accelerate a 5 mA CW proton beam up to 100 MeV has been studied at LNL. Such a linac can be used as the first stage of a high energy proton linac or as a stand alone machine. The first application is considered for the 1 GeV primary linac of a European facility for the production of exotic beams (EURISOL project), while a stand alone machine can be used as primary linac of a facility to be built at LNL (SPES project). The main advantages of this linac (respect to a normal conducting accelerator) are the low power consumption and the possibility to accelerate ions with different M/q (up to 34) with almost the same final energy per charge. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 812 - Electromagnetic Design of an 80.5 MHz RFQ for the RIA Driver Linac* H. Podlech, D. Gorelov, W. Hartung, F. Marti, X. Wu, R.C. York, NSCL, East Lansing The Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) [1] requires a high power driver linac capable of accelerating all ions through uranium to energies >= 400 MeV/u with a beam power of 100 to 400 kW. The first accelerating structure would be an RFQ. Electrodynamic simulations using the MAFIA code [2] have been performed to optimize the RFQ Resonator. We present the design of an IH-RFQ (Interdigital H-Type) and a 4-rod RFQ. The operating frequency is 80.5 MHz and the resonator has a length of 523 cm. Because of the specified cw operation, optimization of the shunt impedance and the cooling requirements are major issues. It was determined that an RF power of 17 kW/m (IH-RFQ) and 21 kW/m (4-rod RFQ) would be required to reach the design voltage of 55 kV. * Work supported by Michigan State University and NSF PHY 0110253 [1] http://srfsrv.jlab.org/ISOL/ [2] http://www.cst.de Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. Holger Podlech Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 15 /22 831 - RIA RFQ Beam Dynamic Studies* H. Podlech, D. Gorelov, W. Hartung, F. Marti, X. Wu, R.C. York, NSCL, East Lansing In this paper we present an analysis of the beam dynamics of a possible RFQ for the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) driver linac [1]. We investigated an 80.5 MHz and a 57.5 MHz RFQ. Both RFQs are designed for U28+ with an input energy of 12.4 keV/u. The output energy is 169 keV/u for the 57.5 MHz RFQ and 292 keV/u for the 80.5 MHz RFQ. To increase the total beam power of the driver linac, the RFQ must be capable of accelerating two charge states (28,29) simultaniously. Two charge state acceleration increases the longitudinal emittance significantly. Therefore, one major design issue was the minimization of the longitudinal emittance. To optimize the RFQ accelerator subject to a variety of design criteria (emittance growth, tank length, transverse acceptance) an optimization program has been developed. We present a new method of generating RFQ parameter curves (i.e. modulation and phase) and of optimizing RFQ accelerators. * Work supported by Michigan State University and NSF PHY 0110253 [1] H. Podlech et al., Electromagnetic Design of an 80.5 MHz RFQ for the RIA Driver Linac, these Proceedings Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. Holger Podlech Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 838 - Design of a 40 MHz RFQ for a Post Accelerator at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at NSCL* H. Podlech, D. Gorelov, W. Hartung, F. Marti, X. Wu, R.C. York, NSCL, East Lansing Since 2001 the Coupled Cyclotron Facility with its new A1900 fragment separator has been in operation at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University [1]. Presently a helium gas cell is being commissioned to stop the fragmentation products [2]. As a consequence, a preliminary evaluation has been done of a post accelerator that could deliver rare isotope beams with an energy up to 5 MeV/u. The post accelerator could consist of an RFQ, an IH drift tube structure, and 36 superconducting Quarter Wave Resonators. A cw RFQ capable of accelerating ions with a charge to mass ration of 1:40 to 120 keV/u was specified. Electrodynamic simulations using the MAFIA code [3] have been performed to optimize the RFQ resonator. We present the results of the MAFIA simulations and of the beam dynamics of an IH-type RFQ and a Split Ring RFQ with an operating frequency of 40 MHz and a length of 717 cm. * Work supported by Michigan State University and NSF PHY 0110253 [1] P. Miller et al., Commissioning of the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at NSCL, Proceedings of the PAC2001, Chicago, USA, 2001 [2] S. Schwarz et al., The LEBT Project at NSCL/MSU, European Physical Journal, submitted 2001 [3] http://www.cst.de Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. Holger Podlech Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 914 - Investigation of a Normal-Conducting 175 MHz Linac Design for IFMIF A. Sauer, H. Deitinghoff, H. Klein, U. Ratzinger, R. Tiede, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main The work for the project study of an International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) has been continued. The linac part of the facility has to provide a 40 MeV, 125 mA D+ beam for the homogenous irradiation of a Li target to produce very high neutron fluxes for fusion chamber wall material tests. The linac consists of a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator followed by a Drift Tube Linac (DTL). To different rf structures have been investigated for the DTL: the well known Alvarez type and the IH-type, both operating succesfully at several large laboratories. Moderate rf power losses in the structure has been one main aspect in the design with respect to the required cw operation. Results of multiparticle beam dynamics simulations demonstrate the capability of each structure to handle the very high currents without particle losses and at moderate emittance growth. While the Alvarez DTL design shows less emittance growth with and without errors, the IH-DTL is attractive with respect to its compactness and mechanical robustness. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1429 - An Fully Automated Test Bench for the Measurement of the Field Distribution in RFQ and Other Resonant Cavity F. Simoens, F. Ballester, A. France, J. Gaiffier, A. Sinanna, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette As part of the RF studies of the resonant cavities of the "IPHI" accelerator project ("Injector of Proton High Intensity"), a fully computer controlled bench for the field distribution measurement has been developped. Based on the perturbation method, the acquisition of the s21 transmission coefficient phase shift is synchronized with the displacement of a bead. A systematic study of the noise and uncertainties reduction has lead to a clearly enhanced signal over noise. The measured raw data are then converted to a quantity proportional to the electromagnetic field magnitude. Specifically for the RFQ tuning study, different transverse section positions where to guide the perturbing object have been tested on our RFQ cold-model. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 109 - A Superconducting Injector LINAC for COSY R. Tölle, U. Bechstedt, N. Bongers, J. Dietrich, O. Felden, R. Gebel, K. Henn, H. Jungwirth, A. Lehrach, R. Maier, N. Markgraf, U. Pfister, D. Prasuhn, P. von Rossen, A. 16 /22 Schnase, H. Schneider, Y. Senichev, R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst, E. Zaplatin, FZJ, Jülich; A. Schempp, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main; A. Facco, V. Zviagintsev, INFNLNL, Legnaro, Padova For the Cooler Synchrotron COSY at the Research Center Jülich a superconducting linear accelerator will replace the existing cyclotron which presently serves as an injector for COSY. The new injector will have to deliver polarized H- ions and polarized D- ions for injection into COSY with an energy of at least 50 MeV. The number of particles accepted in COSY is to be risen up to the space charge limit, which is a significant improvement especially for polarized ions. The polarized ions will be generated in a colliding beams source with magnetic extraction and subsequent electrostatic deflection. After the RFQ stage (up to 2.5 MeV/u) the particles will be fed into the LINAC section which consists of about 44 independently phased superconducting 2-gap resonators. The ions are finally guided to the COSY injection point. The main characteristics of the LINAC operation will be 2 mA peak current, 2 Hz repetition rate, 500 us ion source pulse length. A facility description is given and designs are discussed. The status of the project is reported. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1408 - The 7-Gap-Resonators for REX-ISOLDE R. von Hahn, M. Grieser, H. Podlech, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, MPI-K, Heidelberg REX-ISOLDE (Radioactive Beam Experiment at ISOLDE)- a European collaboration of 22 institutions aims to study the structure of very neutron rich light nuclei using radioactive beams. Radioactive nuclei delivered by the mass separator ISOLDE at CERN are accelerated to 2.2 MeV/u using a novel concept. First the radioactive beams from ISOLDE are accumulated in a Penning trap (REXTRAP), then they are converted to highly charged ions in an Electron Beam Ion Source (REX-EBIS), cleaned by a high resolution mass spectrometer and finally accelerated by a LINAC up to 2.2 MeV/u. A first successfully accelerated radioactive ion beam was delivered to the target in autumn 2001 with a preliminary final energy of 2 MeV/u. This paper presents the first tests and successful acceleration of radioactive ions in the 7-gap-resonator section. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [A08] Linear Accelerators 1614 - Controls and Diagnostics for the High Current EBIS at BNL* E. Beebe, J.G. Alessi, O. Gould, D. Graham, A. Kponou, R. Lockey, A.I. Pikin, K. Prelec, J. Ritter, V. Zajic, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York The BNL testEBIS, is a full electron beam power, half ion trap length prototype for an Electron Beam Ion Source that could meet requirements for a RHIC preinjector. [1]. The testEBIS uses a 10A, ~50ms pulsed electron beam to produce intense pulses of highly charged ions, of ~55nC total positive charge yield and as short as 10us duration. An auxiliary ion source is used to inject primary low charged Au ion into the testEBIS in ~500us pulses. The EBIS controller handles all the digital timing and many analog control signals used for power supply and device control necessary, for stable, low loss EBIS operation. Diagnostics used to monitor the electron and ion beams include Faraday cups, current transformers, an inline time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer to accept and analyze the full ion beam, a Mamyrin TOF for providing high resolution of ion spectra for highly charged heavy ions (e.g., Au34+) at 20kV extraction energy, harp-type beam profile monitors and a compact emittance head. The design and operation of these devices will be discussed. *This work is performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. [1] E. Beebe, et.al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71 (2000) 893. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 869 - Operation Experience of the Alice Ion Source M. Cavenago, INFN-LNL, Legnaro; T. Kulevoy, S. Petrenko, ITEP, Moscow The ion source Alice, a compact 14.4GHz ECRIS, was stably operated over its high voltage platform, capable of reaching 350 kV, to provide several beams for ion transport studies, and for injection of accelerators. To further improve reliable operation, two independent microwave power systems were installed; moreover two alternative oven systems are being used (rf oven) or possible (Mevva, ohmic oven); the elaborate hierarchy of hardware interlocks coordinating platform operation (independently from computer assistance) is described. Details of the optical elements installed with the accelerator tube, the platform voltage stability and source upgrading plans are also discussed. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 875 - Vapor Sources for ECR Ion Sources M. Cavenago, INFN-LNL, Legnaro; T. Kulevoy, S. Petrenko, ITEP, Moscow An rf oven system was inserted and tested in the ECR ion source Alice. The test bench performance of this oven were similar to a previously described one [1], but it has space for a larger copper sample and can be mounted at a large angle with the vertical. Oven electronics proved to work even in the ECR source enviroment, that is, both power and pickup transformers stand the 11 kV dc source voltage (and the occasional Paschen discharges); influence on the source voltage stability is also discussed. By placing oven at some distance from actual ECR plasma, initial oven outgassing is made tolerable for rapid ECR operation. Details of extracted copper beam are given. A new ohmic oven was also prepared, using most of the materials and technical simplification introduced by the rf oven (glued crucible, zirconia covering, stress relief in the heating element). [1] M.Cavenago, T.Kulevoy and S.Petrenko, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2002 17 /22 Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1177 - Electron String Source of Highly Charged Ions: Studies and First Tests on a Synchrotron* E.D. Donets, D.E. Donets, E.E. Donets, V.V. Salnikov, V.B. Shutov, Y. Tumanova, V. Vadeev, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region; J.G. Alessi, E. Beebe, A.I. Pikin, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York; L. Liljeby, K.-G. Rensfelt, MSL, Stockholm Operation of EBIS in the reflex mode of operation at certain conditions leads to formation of the so called electron string state of one component electron plasma, which similar to electron beam can be used for production of highly charged ions in Electron String Ion Source (ESIS). We describe the experiments and results on studies of electron string features, such as electron density distribution and B-dependence of string density and of ESIS ion output, obtained using 4 different EBIS sources since the EPAC'98 conference. The results of the first tests of ESIS "Krion-2" on injection of C6+ and Ar16+ ions in JINR Nuclotron also will be presented. * The work is supported in part by US CRDF (Grant RP12110) and by the Swedish Royal Academy of Science. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Professor Evgueni. D. Donets Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1189 - Status Report on Development of Tubular Electron Beam Ion Source (TEBIS)* E.D. Donets, E.E. Donets, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region; R. Becker, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main The tubular version of EBIS with off-axis injection and extraction of ions was proposed to provide a significant increase of interacting electrons and ions compared to the usual linear version. The small ion beam emittance, peculiar to EBIS, should be conserved, nevertherless. Here we describe the results of a conceptual analytic and computer simulations of TEBIS in the direct current and in the reflex modes of operation, which predict that effective electron current can reach more than 100 A at a current density of about 300 - 400 A/cm^2 and an energy of the electron beam in the region of several KV with a correspondingly increased ion output of such highly charged ions as, for example, C6+, Ar16+ and Pb54+. The first results of simulation of ion extraction from TEBIS in the off-axis mode also will be presented. * The work is supported in part by US Civilian Research and Development Foundation. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Professor Evgueni D. Donets Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 102 - A New Superconducting ECR Ion Source for the Future Accelerator Facilities S. Gammino, L. Andò, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, M. Menna, L. Torrisi, INFN-LNS, Catania; A. Girard, D. Guillaume, D. Hitz, G. Melin, P. Seyfert, CENG, Grenoble A new electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) running at high frequency has been designed in collaboration between INFN LNS and CEA Grenoble. The source, named GyroSERSE, aims to the production of very high charge states (up to U60+) at intensities so far never obtained and of medium charge states at high intensities (»1 emA). Both goals are of paramount interest for future accelerators and require high-frequency superconducting ECR ion sources. This means a significant step to achieve with respect to the technology of copper coils and permanent magnets, and also with respect to the new projects of hybrid or fully superconducting magnets. The expected performances of the new source are presented: the latter are based on existing scaling laws and have been demonstrated recently by experiments performed with SERSE at 28 GHz"*,**". The technological aspects related to highfrequency operation and to cryogenic systems (in particular mechanical stresses, helium consumption and autonomous cryocooler) are briefly discussed, with a particular emphasis on the possibility of having an independent machine placed on a HV platform. In particular we show that this kind of source is as versatile as the sources of the previous generation but shows performances typically ten times higher. "*" Operation of the SERSE superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source at 28GHz, S. Gammino, G. Ciavola, L. Celona, D. Hitz, A. Girard, and G. Melin, Review of Scientific Intruments 72 (2001) 4092. "**" Results and interpretation of high frequency experiments at 28 GHz in ECR ion sources, future prospects, D. Hitz, A. Girard, G. Melin, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino, L. Celona. Review of Scientific Intruments 73 (2002). Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1141 - A New Room Temperature ECR Ion Source for Accelerator Facilities D. Hitz, D. Cormier, J.-M. Mathonnet, CEA, Grenoble Magnetic scaling laws have recently been determined for the optimization of any Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS)"*". According to these scaling laws, a new 18 GHz room temperature ECRIS has been built to deliver intense beams of medium and high charge states. To achieve an efficient electron heating, additional frequencies could be used at the same time. The effect of these additional frequencies will be presented for cw and pulsed operation of the source. "*" Results and Interpretation of High Frequency Experiments at 28 GHz in ECR Ion Sources, future prospects, D. Hitz, A. Girard, G. Melin, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino, L. Celona, Review of Scientific Instruments (2002) Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 18 /22 1834 - Investigation of Formation of Spectra of Twoelement (Tb_2O_3, Dy_2O_3, Lu_2O_3) Laser Produced Plasma as a Source of Ions R. Khaydarov, IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main; G. Berdiyorov, U. Kunishev, N.U. Uzbekistan-IAP, Uzbekistan In this work the mass-charge, energy spectra of low energy multiply charged ions O and Tb, Dy, Lu in twoelement laser produced plasma has been studied. Experiments were carried out on laser mass-spectrometer with mass resolution of 100 and time-of-flight distance of particles 100 cm. The power density of solid state neodymium glass laser radiation is q=5E10 W/cm^2. In experiments targets Tb_2O_3, Dy_2O_3, Lu_2O_3 with density ~4,4 g/cm^3 were used. It was found experimentally that mass-charge spectra of ions of twoelement plasma, basically, consists of ions O and Tb, Dy, Lu in different ionized conditions. We found that increasing of power density of laser radiation from q=1E9 to q=5E10 W/cm^2 leads to increasing of charge of ions as O so and Tb, Dy, Lu of two-element plasma. Maximum charge of O and Tb, Dy, Lu in plasma are reached under q=5E10 W/cm^2 and they equal to Z_max=2 and 3, respectively. It was also shown that with increasing of q of laser radiation, spectra of ions are changed basically in the field of minimum energy, where highly charged ions is formed. It was found experimentally that both single charged and multiply charged ions have a wide energy spectrum. For example, energy ranges of O ions (Z=1,2) and Tb (Z=1-3) are 10150eV and 20-850 eV, respectively. It was found mutual influence of multiply charged ions O and Tb, Dy, Lu on formation of spectra of plasma ions by comparison of mass-charge and energy spectra of O and Tb, Dy, Lu of two-element plasma in the wide interval of power density of laser radiation. The experimental data are under discussion, taking into account their use in the program of Inertial Fusion Energy. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr.Khaydarov Rajabboy Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1462 - PIG Detachable Lithium Ion Source for Cyclotron A. Kolosov, A. Demyanov, U. Kamushnikov, KINR, Kiev The description presents the design of internal lithium ion source for cyclotron and also the experimental results for testing device of Cyclotron U-240. The detachable ion source have a heating crucible mounted to anticathod. Sufficiently allows to improve the operational technology and obtain Li+, Li2+ and Li3+ ions. In the ion source the operation condition of discharge to minimum impurity into lithium vapour is implemented. The construction and operation condition of crucible prevent lithium ejection from the ion source to cyclotron accelerator volume. Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Mr. A.Kolosov Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 5 - Laser Ion Source for High Current Injection into Synchrotrons S. Kondrashev, A. Balabaev, V. Balanutsa, K. Konukov, A. Lozhkin, A. Marchenko, N. Mescheryakov, V. Nikolaev, S. Savin, B. Sharkov, A. Shumshurov, R. Sydykov, E. Zahodnov, ITEP, Moscow; K. Makarov, V. Roerich, Y. Satov, Y. Smakovskii, A. Stepanov, TRINITI, Troitsk The results of more than one year operation of Laser Ion Source (LIS) on injection of intense C^+4 beam into booster synchrotron of ITEP Terra Watt Accumulator (TWAC) facility are presented. Further improvements of LIS performance will be based on using of 100 J/1 Hz CO2-laser. Recently such laser became operational and it will be used in LIS development for LHC (CERN) and TWAC(ITEP) projects. In order to specify LIS parameters for ITEP-TWAC project generation and yield of highly charged ions for different elements have been investigated experimentally by using CO2-laser with output energy 75 J. The yield of 10-15 mA/ 80 mks Pb^+4 ion beam was optimized to meet the requirements of GSI heavy ion injector. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1838 - Charge Breeding Method Results with The PHOENIX Booster ECR Ion Source T. Lamy, J.-C. Curdy, R. Geller, P. Sole, P. Sortais, T. Thuillier, ISN, Grenoble; K. Jayamanna, M. Olivo, P. Schmor, D. Yuan, TRIUMF, Vancouver The charge breeding method using an ECRIS has already shown interesting results when injecting a 1+ ion beam into the dedicated PHOENIX Booster Ion source developed at ISN-Grenoble with a 10 GHz RF transmitter. New results have been obtained with a 14 GHz RF transmitter and new elements have been studied to get reliable efficiencies and charge breeding times suitable for an easy and daily production of multi-charged Radioactive Ion Beams [1],[2]. The c.w. regime is suitable for cyclotron acceleration. With the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Trap one fulfils the requirements of pulsed accelerators such as linacs and synchrotrons. The trapping time measurements performed with the ECRIT process give a better understanding of the physical processes involved in the ECR-plasma production of highly charged ions and could lead to improvements of ECR ion source efficiencies. [1] TRIUMF/IN2P3 contract nb. CS2000/11 [2] EU-RTD contract HPRI-CT-1999-50003 Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Thierry LAMY Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1930 - Role of the Biased Electrode for Producing the Highly Charged Ions from DECRIS 14-3 Ion Source M. Leporis, S. Bogomolov, A. Efremov, V. Loginov, V. Mironov, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region 19 /22 ECR ion sources are used for the production of highly charge ions in a various accelerator facilities. Most of them usually use biased electrode to increase the ion yield. Physical processes in the plasma of an ion source are quite complicated and the role of biased electrode is not clear. To investigate the effect of the biased electrode on the intensity of extracted highly charged ions the axially movable electrode was placed into the plasma chamber of the DECRIS 14-3 ion source. It was found that the intensity of Ar ions depends on the position of the biased electrode and negative biased voltage. The optimal position of the biased electrode was found near the pick of the magnetic field. Experiments with the pulsed biased electrode were also carried out. The influence of the negative pulse on the ion yield depends on the ion charge state. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 710 - Internal versus External RF Coupling into a Volume Source J. Peters, DESY, Hamburg RF sources have the advantage of a cleaner plasma and a longer lifetime compared to filament sources. Hminus Ions can be produced by RF driven volume sources. These sources are often designed with an internal antenna. A present example is the RF Hminus source for the spallation accelerator SNS. A similar source is considered for the European spallation source ESS. At DESY a new development took place. The internal antenna of the HERA RF Hminus source was replaced by an external RF coupling. This system has been running for more than 25 000 h without any degradation. This is a significant improvement compared to the 980 h average lifetime of internal antenna systems. Six basic reasons are given why external RF coupling is superior to internal coupling. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 495 - Multipass RF Accelerator for Acceleration of Protons and Deuterons M. Petrichenkov, V. Abdulmanov, V. Auslender, A. Panfilov, V.V. Parkhomchuk, G. Silvestrov, V. Volkov, BINP, Novosibirsk Here the project of 12-15 MeV proton-deyton accelerator is described. It is proposed to be used as acceleratorinjector, or neutron source and also can be utilized for isotopes production for PET. The accelerator is 30 MHz RF cavity with four 1-1.5 MeV accelerating gaps and drift tubes of corresponding length. The beam from ion source will be pre-accelerated up to 0.5-1 MeV and bunched before injection into accelerator. After the direct passage of first four accelerating gaps the beam is bent by 225 deg. and returned again into the cavity on the next level. After the next passage of four accelerating gaps the beam is bent again by 225 deg. and returned into the cavity. Thus, it crosses the cavity four times perpendicular to its axis on different levels with corresponding change of drift tubes length. As a result protons and deytons can achieve 12-15 MeV energy in the same structure, correspondingly. The design of cavity was calculated using special computer code SLANS, developed at BINP. The effective shunt impedance of accelerating structure is about 1 MOhm with Q-factor about 20000. The pulsed power of high-frequency losses does not exceed 1.5 MW. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1641 - Recent Results with Highly Charged Au Ions Extracted from a 10A Electron Beam EBIS at BNL* A.I. Pikin, J.G. Alessi, E. Beebe, O. Gould, D. Graham, A. Kponou, K. Prelec, J. Ritter, V. Zajic, BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York All design goals [1] have been reached in the operation of the BNL Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), which is a prototype for an EBIS that could meet requirements for a RHIC preinjector. RHIC requires 3.4 E9 gold 32+ particles per ion source pulse, or about 85 nC total positive charge yield, assuming a 20% abundance of the selected charge state. Stable operation of the 10 A, 50ms electron beams through the EBIS trap have been achieved. Ion injection of low charge gold ions from a low energy vacuum ion source (LEVA) [2] and subsequent extraction of high charge state Au has been demonstrated with electron beams up to 10A. Gold spectra with dominant charge state 34+ and total ion charge 55nC measured on current transformer at the EBIS exit has been obtained after a 30ms confinement period. This corresponds to ~85% of the theoretical ion trap capacity and exceeds our goal of 50% neutralization. Time-of-flight spectra indicate that 20% of the gold charge is concentrated in charge state 34+. The collected ion charge is proportional to the electron current and the gold charge state scales with the electron current density. Details of the EBIS configuration, total charge, TOF and emittance measurements will be presented. *This work is performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy. [1] E. Beebe, et.al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71 (2000) 893. [2] I.G. Brown, et.al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 65 (1994) 1260. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1235 - Influence of Different Inner Hexapole Radius on Construction of ECR Ion Source Hexapoles: New Results* J. Pivarc, IP SAS, Bratislava; A. Tikhomirov, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region The paper presents new data concerning dimentions of permanent magnets which are used for construction of suitable hexapoles for Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECR IS). Permanent magnets are made from FeNdB magnetic materials. The main attention is given to hexapoles with hexapole thickness of 2.8 cm at different inner diameters of (3.6 - 12) cm. It is investigated an influence of inner radius of hexapole to the maximum value of the magnetic field inside hexapole. 20 /22 * Work supported by the Deutsche Bank AG, AdolphPrior-Strasse 11, D-65936 Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources Work supported in part by RIKEN [1] T. Takeuchi et al., NIMB, in print. [2] T. Takeuchi et al., RSI, in print. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 684 - Latest Results of the Cadarache 1 MV SINGAP Experiment and Application of the SINGAP Accelerator Concept to the ITER Neutral Beam Injection System L. Svensson, CEA, St Paul lez Durance; D. Boilson, R.S. Hemsworth, A. Krylov, P. Massmann, H.P.L. de Esch, Association EURATOM-CEA Cadarache, DRFC/SCCP, St Paul lez Durance The SINGAP (SINGle APerture - SINgle GAP) acceleration concept has been developed as a simplified alternative to the multi-aperture, multi-grid accelerator of the ITER Neutral Beam reference design. The objective of the present experiments is to demonstrate reliable multi-second acceleration of a D- beam to 1 MeV (~100 mA, 200 A/m2), relevant to the ITER Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) requirements. During previous studies it has been demonstrated that the SINGAP concept works and good quality 860 keV H- beams (43 mA, 1 s) and 630 keV D- beams (106 mA, 1s) have been produced. In the present campaign another attempt has been made to reach the full beam energy with a refurbished 1 MV epoxy insulator / bushing. Refurbishment had become necessary after the top 2 of the 9 epoxy rings making up the insulator had been perforated and carbonised due to high voltage discharges. The best parameters achieved during the present campaign are 911 keV D- beams ( 58 mA, 1 s) with a current density of 30 A/m2 and 600 keV D- beams ( 100 mA, 1s) with a current density of 70 A/m2. The paper will describe the actual accelerator layout and present the results of the ongoing experimental campaign. The planned development to reach the Dcurrent density ( 200 A/m2) and beam optics required for ITER will also be described. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1265 - Direct Nd:YAG Laser Plasma Injection Scheme in to RFQ T. Takeuchi, T. Katayama, CNS, Saitama; R. Jameson, M. Okamura, S. Ozawa, A. Sakumi, RIKEN, Saitama; T. Hattori, N. Hayashizaki, H. Kashiwagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo A heavy ion production and acceleration system, which consists of a laser ion source and a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) LINAC, has been established at Tokyo Institute of Technology [1-2]. This new system is based on a principle of the direct plasma injection scheme into RFQ LINAC. Using a conventional Nd:YAG laser, instruments (target chamber and the isolator, etc.) could be simplified than the that of CO2 laser. Additionally, the production of more intense beam is expected. We carried out the acceleration test of carbon ion beams by using Nd:YAG laser. The comparison of results for CO2 and Nd:YAG laser is described. 77 - Performance of the H minus Ion Source Development Rig at RAL J. Thomason, R. Sidlow, M. Whitehead, CLRC RAL, Chilton, Didcot A dedicated ion source development rig (ISDR) has been constructed at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) to fully characterise the ISIS ion source and then produce sources with enhanced performances suitable for next generation projects such as the European Spallation Source (ESS). The ISDR has been designed to replicate the beam transport configurations on both the present ISIS pre-injector and the ISIS RFQ. Experiments will be described which investigate the intrinsic differences between these two configurations. Initial results from the ISDR have shown that space charge neutralisation in the accelerated H minus beam is sub-optimal due to the relatively low residual gas pressure in the diagnostics chamber. The effect of introducing buffer gas atoms in order to artificially raise the residual pressure and increase space charge neutralisation will be detailed. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 78 - The RFQ Test Stand Ion Source at RAL J. Thomason, P. Barratt, C. Barton, J. Kerr, C. Lambourne, A. Letchford, G. Murdoch, M. Perkins, J. Saunders, R. Sidlow, C. Viswanathan, M. Whitehead, CLRC RAL, Chilton, Didcot The RFQ test stand at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is now being operated with an ion source identical to that used on ISIS. This is a surface plasma source of the Penning type, and routinely produces 35 mA of H minus ions during a 200 micro second pulse at 50 Hz for uninterrupted periods of up to 50 days. A new ion source vacuum chamber which is compatible with the low energy beam transport for the RFQ has been constructed, and the layout of power supplies and other essential services has been reconfigured in order to ensure that the RFQ will fit the space available when it is eventually installed on ISIS. An extensive redesign of many power supplies, where exact duplication of the ISIS equipment has proved impossible because of component obsolescence, has been necessary. In addition a new timing system and control systems using fibre optic ethernet have been developed specifically for this application. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1845 - High Intensity Ion Beams For Accelerators T. Thuillier, J.-L. Bouly, J.-C. Curdy, T. Lamy, C. Peaucelle, P. Sole, P. Sortais, J. Vieux-Rochaz, ISN, Grenoble 21 /22 The classical PHOENIX 28 GHz ECRIS has been developed to prospect high pulsed multicharged lead ion beams for the LHC [1,2]. The goal of the experiment is to reach 1 mAe pulses of Pb 27+ during 0.4 ms with a 10 Hz repetition rate. This high beam current is one order of magnitude higher than the ones available today. The strategy to take up this challenge is based on an increase of the RF frequency to 28 GHz and an increase of the RF power density (up to 8 kW/liter, limited by the present gyrotron characteristics). Preliminary results have been obtained with Xenon in the late 2001. As a first step, 0.5 mAe of Xenon 22+ has been measured in the afterglow with a time structure that matches LHC requirements. However, this result was obtained with a low beam transmission (around 60 %). As a second step, a new dedicated high current beam line has been setup and coupled to PHOENIX in order to increase beam transmission and ion charge state separation. This line has been designed by computer simulation which shows a 100 % transmission factor. The new results with Xe and Pb are presented and discussed. [1] Grant CERN/GSI/CEA/IN2P4 K598/PS [2] EU RTD HPRI-1999-50019 Type of presentation requested : Poster Speaker : Dr. Thomas Thuillier Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 285 - Neutral Beams Generation by Laser Irradiation of Thin Foils Y. Wada, D. Fukuta, T. Kubota, A. Ogata, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima Ion generation has been reported in these several years by high-power (>10TW), short pulse (<1ps) with solid targets[1][2][3]. We have performed similar experiments irradiating thin (<10micron) plastic and metal foils by a laser with smaller power (1TW) and smaller pulse width (50fs). What we have observed is generation of neutral beams. The foil was set 45degree to the laser direction. The neutral particles were observed at the rear side of the laser injection. To the contrary, ion beams were observed in the direction of reflection of the laser, at the same side of the foil with the laser injection. Differences between these neutral particles and those usually obtained by a sputtering process are in small divergence and high momentum as measured by CR39 track detectors, so we conclude that these particles make neutral beams. [1]A.Maksimchuk et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84(2000)4108. [2]E.L.Clark et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85(2000)1654. [3]R.A.Snavely et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 85(2000)2945. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 1935 - New Program FEFI for Easer Construction and Definition of Boundaries for IGUN A. Zelenak, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region A program IGUN has been developed for simulation of the extraction of positive ions from a plasma and many users have used this program. Also has been developed a preprocessor GPED to IGUN for definition of boundaries of extraction. GPED was written with FORTRAN a long time ago for MS_DOS system and now it seems to be not too much comfortable device for users working on PC with Windows 95 and higher. And for this reason has been written a new program FEFI on C++ that work on PC with Windows 95 and higher and offer for users gently ambient known from operating system Windows. Type of presentation requested : Poster Classification : [T01] Proton and Ion Sources 22 /22