Battle of the Books Rules for Participation Thank you for choosing to become a member of West Heritage’s Elementary School’s Battle of the Books Club. The reading of good literature from different genres, the practice of good sportsmanship, the development of leadership skills, and just plain FUN are some of the many benefits you will gain with your participation in BOB. We have planned six mandatory meetings that will take place prior to the District Competition. We are here to encourage and cheer for your reading success only; therefore it is your responsibility to meet the requirements of the number of books read, to participate productively at all meetings, and work cooperatively with your teammates. If you do not meet the requirements by the deadlines you will not be allowed to attend the meetings, celebrations or the District Competition. We have provided a list of the 2014-2015 BOB titles on a chart to help you keep track of your success. You are responsible for recording the BOB books you have read and tested on in your BOB folder in the library. It is important to know who wants to participate in Battle of the Books. Please return the below contract by Friday, September 12 to your teacher. We are looking forward to getting to know you and to a rewarding year of reading. Should you have any questions regarding involvement in Grapeland School’s Battle of the Books, you may contact the advisors, Mrs. Prestage-Layman, Mrs. Baugh, Mrs. Bustamante, or Mrs. W. at 899-7049. Thank you and HAPPY READING! *******************CUT AND KEEP TOP PORTION**************** Battle of the Books Contract We, the undersigned, understand the requirements for participating in West Heritage’s Elementary School’s Battle of the Books. We acknowledge the receipt of the book titles, rules, and mandatory meeting dates. Student’s name (Print first and last name) _________________________________ Student’s Teacher for the 2014-2015 school year ________________________ Student’s signature _______________________________________________ Parent’s signature ________________________________________________ Check all that apply: □I am willing to donate treats for celebrations. □I would like to volunteer to help with BOB. EMAIL:_________________________________________________________ (Email will be used for Battle of the Books related activities only.) Copyright © 2014 Etiwanda School District BOB Deadlines 3rd Grade A minimum of 12 titles need to be read and AR tested this school year. All BOB mandatory meetings/parties are on the day after the deadline dates. A list of eligible students will be posted in the library on the day of the meeting. Do not come to the meeting if you have not read the required amount of books by the deadline date. Remember, while we value your participation in BOB, you alone are responsible for meeting the deadlines. Should you have any questions, please speak to Mrs. Prestage, Mrs. Bustamante, Mrs. Baugh, or Mrs. W., our Battle of the Book advisors. September 12 Tuesday, October 28th Wednesday, October 29th Tuesday, November 18th Wednesday, November 19th Tuesday, January 27th Wednesday, January 28th Tuesday, February 24th Wednesday, February 25th Tuesday, March 17th **BOB contract due to your teacher Deadline: 4 books read and tested by 2:30PM Spooktacular Reading! BOB Celebration Deadline: 6 books read and tested by 2:30PM So Grateful For Books! BOB Celebration Deadline: 8 books read and tested by 2:30PM Cozy up With a BOB Book! BOB Celebration Deadline: 10 books read and tested by 2:30PM I Love Reading! BOB Celebration Wednesday, March 18th Deadline: 12 books read and tested by 2:30PM Lucky Me To Be In BOB! BOB Celebration Wednesday, April 29th I’m a BOB Battle Winner! BOB Celebration Saturday, May 2nd Etiwanda School District Battle of the Books! Copyright © 2014 Etiwanda School District BOB Deadlines 4th & 5th Grade A minimum of 20 titles need to be read and AR tested this school year. All BOB mandatory meetings/parties are on the day after the deadline dates. A list of eligible students will be posted in the library on the day of the meeting. Do not come to the meeting if you have not read the required amount of books by the deadline date. Remember, while we value your participation in BOB, you alone are responsible for meeting the deadlines. Should you have any questions, please speak to Mrs. Prestage, Mrs. Bustamante, Mrs. Baugh, or Mrs. W., our Battle of the Book advisors. September 12 Tuesday, October 28th Wednesday, October 29th Tuesday, November 18th Wednesday, November 19th Tuesday, January 27th Wednesday, January 28th Tuesday, February 24th Wednesday, February 25th Tuesday, March 17th **BOB contract due to your teacher Deadline: 4 books read and tested by 2:30PM Spooktacular Reading! BOB Celebration Deadline: 8 books read and tested by 2:30PM So Grateful For Books! BOB Celebration in Deadline: 12 books read and tested by 2:30PM Cozy up With a BOB Book! BOB Celebration Deadline: 16 books read and tested by 2:30PM I Love Reading! BOB Celebration Wednesday, March 18th Deadline: 20 books read and tested by 2:30PM Lucky Me To Be In BOB! BOB Celebration Wednesday, April 29th I’m a BOB Battle Winner! BOB Celebration Saturday, May 2nd Etiwanda School District Battle of the Books! Copyright © 2014 Etiwanda School District