Southwest Property Management, Inc. Highlands of Ocoee HOA Board of Directors BUDGET Meeting – Minutes October 13th, 2008 Location: West Oaks Mall Community Room – 7:00pm HOA Management – Mike Piazza, Spencer Solomon – SWPM I. Call to Order: 7:02pm - Tim II. Evidence of Meeting: Sign was posted in community 48 hours in advance & on Highlands page of III. Determination of a Quorum: Achieved Board of Directors Present: Tim Blaszczyk, Jerry Sullins, Bill Gray, Diane Daub, Heather Sneller IV. Prior Meeting Minutes – Tim-Moved, Jerry-2nd – All Approve. V. Old Business a. Tract B Easement Disposition – (Behind Back Retention Pond Area) - put to rest. 1. Gate – Deemed not necessary if DS Landscaping will access through Bill Gray’s property that he granted access to. 2. Easement Maintenance – Mike will direct DS to maintain the easement to a reasonable height, primarily from Spring to Fall (not necessary to mow it weekly), and access via Bill’s property – DS wants $690 to clean up & $45/service to maintain (21/yr = $945) 3. Hammocks Notification – The Hammocks have been notified via an email from Mike to their community manager that the Highlands haven’t abandoned the easement property. b. Landscaping Contract – Mike will finalize a Scope of Work and email it to Heather to request bids - Done c. Perimeter Fence – Discussed funding the repair and priority of the project vs. repairing the deteriorating perimeter brick wall. Spencer estimates we’ll have appx $9,000 in reserve account by the end of 2008, with current quote of $15-17,000 - REA, Inc. d. Brick Wall –Bill will get at least 1 contractors to provide a current quote, but noted that with escalating prices, the quote won’t be valid for very long. A resident in attendance noted that a repair was made 4-5 yrs ago, using her water and leaving concrete pieces in her lawn. The wall leaned shortly after being installed because the developer never put in a foundation. Now the wall is cracked, and pillars are cracked and leaning. We need pricing to determine budgetary requirements for 2009 – Mike has a quote of $9,658 from REA, Inc. e. Community Sign/Bulletin Board 1. Back Entrance – Board approval of design in Black & White – 2-Sided required – Mike 2. Front Entrance – Deferred to 2009 f. Newsletter – Not Discussed VI. Committee & Management Reports: a. Financials 1. CD Reserve Funds Status – Spencer did research and determined that Coldwell Bank statements do indicate that in February of 2007 they did turn over: $5,300 in Operating Funds, $6,955 in Reserve Money Market funds, & $5,200 in Regular Money Market funds. The checks weren’t labeled, so Spencer deposited Reserve amount in Operating account. That accounts for the $1,700 discrepancy. Tim moved to transfer the difference to the Reserve Account. Diane 2nds. All approve. Spencer will transfer the funds - Done Page 2 of 2 2. BUDGET – Ratification 2009 – Discussed and adjusted the proposed budget based on anticipated expenses and income. Tim – moved, Diane 2nd. All vote Aye – Budget Approved. Spencer – will email the revised budget to the Board 3. Financial Compilation 2007 – Spencer delivered copies to the Board VII. New Business: a. Annual Meeting & Elections – Annual meeting is the 2nd Monday in January so we need to determine which position terms are expiring and who will be running so we can create a ballot. Determined that only 1 position is expiring. b. Jerry Sullins – Announced that at the end of this year, he is either stepping down or not running again. The March Minutes reflect that Jerry’s term expires at the end of the 2008 term (2009 Annual Meeting), and the others run to 2010 or 2011. VIII. Comments from Homeowners: a. Is the brick wall at risk of falling down? Unknown but it needs repair. b. If there’s a special assessment, will we be notified? Yes, 2/3s vote required. c. Fence at cul-de-sac is falling down. It belongs to the neighboring home, not The Highlands. Mike will determine if it’s the City of Ocoee or Orange County Code Enforcement’s jurisdiction, and email everyone where to call – Emailed and called, but no resolution d. Boy Scout Food Drive – Resident asked Board’s permission to put sign in front of subdivision to announce the drive for the 1st two weekends in November. Board approved as long as it is posted on the common HOA property. IX. Adjournment: 8:14pm Jerry-moves. Bill-2nds. All approve. ***** Next Meeting: ANNUAL - Monday, February 9th, 7pm - West Oaks Mall Community Room ***** COLOR CODE: YELLOW – MOTION GREEN – ACTION ITEM Highlands of Ocoee HOA PINK – COMPLETED BLUE - OPEN Southwest Property Management, Inc.