Agri-Food Research in Europe: Mapping report Bibliometric mapping of agri-food research activities in 33 countries and survey of the research capacity in 14 countries January 2008 This report is part of the project “EU AGRI MAPPING” which has been awarded financial support by the European Commission through the contract FP6- 506087 under the 6th framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities. The Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of the content of this publication. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report forms part of the deliverables from "EU AGRI MAPPING ", a project which has been awarded financial support by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme. More detailed information on the project can be found on the website The following reports are available: Country reports 33 country-reports on the agri-food research system (249 pages) Country reports summary Summary of the trends and needs in agri-food research (50 pages) Mapping report Bibliometric mapping of agri-food research activities in 33 countries and survey of the agri-food research capacities in 14 coutries (68 pages) Final report Overview of the European agri-food research landscape (20 pages) Edited by: Balázs BORSI and Attila UDVARDI Based on contributions by: Balázs BORSI Olivier CHARTIER Gábor PAPANEK András SCHUBERT Attila UDVARDI Mária VANICSEK Erzsébet VISZT 2 CONTENTS Foreword .................................................................................................................................... 4 1. Objectives and methodology .................................................................................................. 5 2. European agriculture by country groups .............................................................................. 10 3. Agrifood research in the EU-33 countries – a bibliometric assessment .............................. 14 3.1 The position of Europe in agrifood scientific publications ............................................ 14 3.2 The importance of agrifood science in national S&T .................................................... 17 3.3 Specialisation patterns .................................................................................................... 19 3.4 The growth of agrifood science publications ................................................................. 20 3.5 A gap between institutions ............................................................................................. 21 4. Agrifood research capacities surveyed in the EU-12+2 countries ....................................... 22 4.1 Institutional setup and financing .................................................................................... 22 4.2 Human resources ............................................................................................................ 26 4.3 Research infrastructure ................................................................................................... 30 4.4 Innovative and scientific output ..................................................................................... 32 4.5 Research competence ..................................................................................................... 36 4.6 Excellence ...................................................................................................................... 39 5. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 42 References ................................................................................................................................ 44 Annexes .................................................................................................................................... 45 7.1 Agrifood fields of science .............................................................................................. 45 7.2 The bibliometric methods............................................................................................... 49 7.3 Basic agrifood bibliometric indicators ........................................................................... 53 7.4 Survey methodology ...................................................................................................... 62 7.5 Basic survey results – summary statistics by countries.................................................. 68 3 Foreword When the AgriMapping project was launched in January 2006, the project team felt that we stepped on the way to European agricultural and food research ‘united in diversity’. The journey looks long, and this research report in the reader’s hand is a first attempt to set a common way of thinking about the present, and more importantly, the future of European agrifood research. It was not at all easy to compile this document because the agrifood research domain is complicated, and usually the agrifood industry, which is undergoing important changes, is considered sensitive throughout the world. Nevertheless, we believe that Europe needs to find appropriate answers to global challenges also in the agrifood arena. To find those answers, policy makers and stakeholders should be aware of what is actually at stake. The ‘Mapping Report’ is the synthesis of the statistical information and the survey results available to describe agrifood research in European countries. The main source of information was the results of a bibliometric analysis (in the EU-33 countries), a web-assisted survey (in the EU-12+2 countries) and the country reports (for the EU-15 countries) prepared in the AgriMapping project frame in 2006 and 2007. When relevant, available complementary statistics were also used. It needs to be stressed that at the time of writing this report the response rate to the survey in the EU-12+2 countries surpassed 60% of the research organisations registered as ‘agrifood research organisation’ by the AgriMapping project. This gives a sound base for most of the statements in the study, however, we should also know that the sample of research organisations used is strongly biased towards state-owned or public organisations. Altogether about 1900 agrifood research units were identified, and the answers of 1160 could be used for this report. This gives an acceptable base for most of the statements in this report, which means that no major deviations would be expected if the response rate increased. Nevertheless, the Polish and the Turkish figures derived from the survey results should be treated more as reliable approximations. The editors would like to express their sincere thanks to Olivier Chartier, the AgriMapping project co-ordinator, who was ready day and night to discuss the issues that emerged during the compilation of this report. We are grateful to Zsuzsa Antal, Nastasia Belc, George Boustras, Marie Fauchadour, Max Feinberg, Dora Groó, Emese Karácsonyi, Nada Konickova, Aneta Maszewska, Ivan Minkov, Claudia Elena Mosoiu, Tiiu Ohvril, Bozena Podlaska, Joanna Pullicino, Algirdas Radzevicius, Pavol Schwarcz, Ilze Stokmane, Irma Tomazic, Tuba Turan, Liliana Vizintin, And Lana Zutelija, without whom the extensive international survey of agrifood research entities could not have been a reality. We deeply acknowledge the high quality bibliometric analytical work delivered by András Schubert, which provided a European-level insight into the diversity of agrifood research. Last, but not least, Anna Munkácsy and Tamás Tompa must be mentioned for their invaluable technical assistance in processing the data. Budapest, January 2008 Balázs Borsi editor GKI Economic Research Co. 4 1. Objectives and methodology The overarching aim of this mapping report is to present where Europe and the New Member States and the candidate countries of the European Union stand in terms of agrifood research. We hope that the report helps the identification of strengths, weaknesses and gaps, which can then serve as a knowledge base for thinking about future scenarios in the agrifood industry in general and in agrifood research in particular. The tool chosen to reach this general objective is a mapping exercise. The term ‘mapping’ has become a widely used buzzword recently. Mapping does not have an agreed definition. In practice it refers to a systematic and structured effort, in which we explore and present an object in a previously unknown structure. This structure may refer to: geographic considerations, when the phenomenon explored (the subject or unit of analysis) is presented by countries, regions or cities; classification system(s), when the units/subjects analysed are presented according to pre-defined groups, and these groups are not necessarily organised in a hierarchic structure; and quality or quantity considerations, when the phenomenon is presented according to different quality or quantity levels. Mapping is used in many different subject areas. For example, in cartography, mapping is the creation of maps depicting features on the earth's surface. In psychology and cognitive science, mapping is the relationship between a source domain and target domain or the relation between the elements of source and target in an analogy. In genetics, gene mapping reveals the relative position of genes in a genome. In computer science, it can be any computable function, a procedure, or a table, e.g. relating a key to its value in an associative array. In our domain, i.e. science and technology policy, mapping refers to the geographical distribution and concentration of a component of the National Innovation System. Box 1: National Innovation System (NIS) According to innovation system theory, innovation and technology developments are results of a complex set of relationships among actors in the so-called National Innovation System. Actors in the NIS include enterprises, universities and government research institutes, financial institutes etc. A NIS can be defined as follows: “the network of institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities and interactions initiate, import, modify and diffuse new technologies” (Freeman, 1987) “the elements and relationships which interact in the production, diffusion and use of new, and economically useful, knowledge ... and are either located within or rooted inside the borders of a nation state” (Lundvall, 1992) “a set of institutions whose interactions determine the innovative performance ... of national firms” (Nelson, 1993) ”the national institutions, their incentive structures and their competencies, that determine the rate and direction of technological learning (or the volume and composition of change generating activities) in a country” (Patel and Pavitt, 1994) “that set of distinct institutions which jointly and individually contribute to the development and diffusion of new technologies and which provides the framework within which governments form and implement policies to influence the innovation process. As such it is a system of interconnected institutions to create, store and transfer the knowledge, skills and artefacts which define new technologies” (Metcalfe, 1995) See: OECD (1997): National Innovation Systems, OECD, Paris In furthering the development of the European Research Area (nota bene: the European Innovation System), mapping is an important activity as it aims to increase the visibility of European research and development capabilities. 5 In this report we analyse the research activities of Europe that are related to agricultural production, food industry and the rural society. The following notions and definitions are given: Research and development (R&D): “the creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications” (OECD [2002] p. 30). What makes R&D different from pure science is its orientation towards applications. Agricultural production consists of two large subsectors, animal production and crop production. Animal production includes establishments that raise livestock, such as beef cattle, poultry, sheep, and hogs; farms that employ animals to produce products, such as dairies, egg farms, and apiaries (bee farms that produce honey); and animal specialty farms, such as horse farms and aquaculture (fish farms). Crop production includes the growing of grains, such as wheat, corn, and barley; field crops, such as cotton and tobacco; vegetables and melons; fruits and nuts; and horticultural specialties, such as flowers and ornamental plants (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics – on February 2008). The food industry covers various businesses that supply much of the food energy consumed by the population. Subsistence farmers can be considered outside of the scope of the modern food industry. Among others, the food industry is mainly concerned with raising of crops and livestock, the production of seafood; regulations (including food quality and safety), manufacturing (agrichemicals, seed, farm machinery and supplies, agricultural construction, food processing, food preparation and packaging etc.); food conservation and transportation technologies including logistics; trade. Rural society is a society in which there is a low ratio of inhabitants to open land and in which the most important economic activities are the production of foodstuffs, fibres, and raw materials (Encyclopaedia Britannica – on February 2008). From the above it follows that agrifood research means R&D activities, the results of which are used in agricultural and food industry production as well as developing the performance and well-being of the rural society. We should also note that there are areas, for which agrifood research might be relevant but which are concerned rather with industrial activity (such as the production of plants for industrial use). In any case, for ourselves we understood agrifood research with the broadest possible scope. Mapping of NIS components, such as the agrifood research sub-system, can have different foci: mapping the research activities is the identification of agrifood research and development areas addressed by research institutions; mapping the research capacities aims to explore the research capacities of the institutions active in agrifood research and development areas; mapping of competencies is the identification of research institutions competent in agrifood research and development areas; mapping of research excellence aims at identifying the best research performing institutions in agrifood research and development areas. 6 The depth and coverage of the mapping exercise can also differ. Mapping can be realised at the level of research teams, research institutions or the level of a region, a country or a group of countries. In this report, mapping was equally given a geographical, a classification system and a quality ladder structure. First, in the geographical approach, agrifood research activities are explored and presented by countries and country groups. Second, agrifood research is understood in the broadest possible spectrum, whereby the project team defined 11 broad fields of agrifood research, divided into 42 fields and 187 sub-fields and these fields are used in the study. Third, agrifood research activities are also viewed as who is competent in what, where quality infrastructure and a critical mass of researchers exist and where we can find notable scientific and innovative output. Fourth, we have also looked at where some excellence can be find looking at multiple criteria from the AgriMapping survey results. Table 1 Agrifood science and research fields* as defined by the AgriMapping consortium Broad fields of science / research A economic, social and political aspects C food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns engineering, mechanisation, ICT D plant breeding and biotechnology E plant production and protection F animal production and husbandry G animal health and welfare B H I aquaculture and fisheries forestry and landscape management of natural and biological J resources K horizontal issues *For the full classification see the Annex. Source: AgriMapping network Sub-fields A1. production and producer issues / A2. rural development / A3. micro economics / A4. horizontal expertise / A5. market issues / A6. policy issues / A7. agricultural public finance B1. human nutrition / B2. post harvest and food technology / B3. consumer concerns C1. engineering & mechanisation / C2. ICT D1. plant genetics / D2. plant molecular biology / D3. plant breeding / D4. plant biotechnology and non food use E1. plant physiology / E2. plant nutrition / E3. plant health / E4. plant production systems F1. animal genetics and breeding / F2. animal husbandry / F3. production systems / F4. nutrition and feed / F5. non food use of animal products G1. animal physiology / G2. animal behaviour / G3. animal health / G4. animal welfare / environmental H1. aquaculture / H2. fisheries I1. forestry / I2. forest products J1. soil / water / J2. biological resources / J3. environment / J4. climatology and climate change K1. statistics applied to agriculture research / K2. food chemistry The following methods were used in gathering the information: Web-assisted survey: in the EU-12+2 countries (the New Member States1 and Candidate Countries of the EU: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey) a survey was realised to collect information about agrifood research centres. A test occurred in 4 countries (Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic and Latvia), to collect ground feedback on the questionnaire, which asked about the type of the research organisation, the human resource conditions, the international mobility of researchers, the research infrastructure, the scientific production, the research activity and last, but not least the financing of the organisations (for details see the Annex). Bibliometric analysis: András Schubert (researcher, Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, editor of the journal Scientometrics) 1 At the time of the project start Romania and Bulgaria was not yet member of the European Union, so earlier project documents refer to this group as the EU-10+4 countries. 7 defined search profiles for the agrifood research fields, with the help of which different statistical extractions took place in the Web of Science database. Multivariate statistical analysis (in particular: cluster analysis) was used with the available statistics and the bibliometric search results. Box 2: Examples of mapping in the science and technology policy domain Mapping of Excellence: With the aim to map scientific and technological excellence, the European Commission launched a pilot exercise in 2000 in three areas (life sciences, nanotechnologies and economics). The exercise was intended to evaluate and refine the methodology to conduce mapping of excellence exercises. HERA: Humanities in the European Research Area - is an EU 6th Framework Programme ERA-NET project aiming at strengthening the European voice in the Humanities. HERA brings together one pan-European and 13 national research funding agencies across Europe in order to coordinate research activities and thereby transcend historical limitations and develop new Europe-wide research agendas. NW-IALAD: The integrity and safety assessment of concrete dams plays an important role for the infrastructure of many states of the EC. However, the water reservoirs created by those dams are often considered as a potential hazard to the population. The safety of these important structures is of great concern to the owners, operators and engineers as well as to the public. This is the motivation to establish a thematic network, which brings together government authorities, researchers from universities and end users from companies to conduct a state of the art review on integrity and safety assessment tools for concrete dams, to map current research activities and to identify the needs for further research activities. The project MORESS ("Mapping of Research in European Social Sciences and Humanities") is an important contribution to the endeavour to establish a European Research Area in the social sciences and humanities. It has been conceived, organized and coordinated by the European University Association (EUA) with the aim to improve access to information on research in social sciences and humanities. Through bringing together multiple sources of information in Europe into an integrated structure, MORESS aims to provide useful tools for interested researchers and decision-makers, and to enhance the future quality of European research. RECORD was a Thematic Network project of the EU, being an acronym for "Recognising Central and Eastern European Centres of RTD: Perspectives for the European Research Area". Experts of the RECORD network went through a 24 month long interactive learning process on benchmarking RTDI organisations and published two books: a Benchmarking Manual and an Experimental Map of Centres of Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. The Research Evaluation and Policy Project (REPP) is Australia's leading centre for the systematic evaluation and mapping of research across all fields of scholarship. A major focus of REPP is research on the advanced quantitative analysis of scientific performance and the organisational structure of Australia's research landscape, and REPP regularly conducts bibliometric analyses of scientific publications produced under the patronage of publicly-funded bodies such as the ARC, CSIRO and NHMRC. Parallel to this, REPP also recognises the value of developing novel qualitative and quantitative approaches to research assessment, and the need to generate 'metrics' or indicators sensitive to the research and dissemination practices of a variety of fields not well served by standard bibliometric approaches, particularly in the social sciences, humanities and arts, as well as disciplines in the applied sciences such as computing and engineering. Mapping of research financing organizations in the US, China, and Japan: This report is a first mapping of research financing organizations in the three countries. The study has been initiated by VINNOVA with the intention to enable a more in-depth study on Swedish scientists and researchers possibilities of finding financing and cooperation projects with extra-European environments. For further reference see: Most of the mapping of research activities listed in Box 2 relied on bibliometric and patent statistics analysis or empirical survey, coupled with expert opinion. The AgriMapping report 8 is unique in its approach, because it combines survey methodologies with a bibliometric analysis, not giving higher priority to any of them. Before analysing and drawing conclusions on European agrifood research as such, we have to see the basic characteristics of the environment into which it is embedded. In the next chapter we present the reader a grouping of European agrifood industry and research, which hopefully contribute to understanding the position of the different countries that are analysed in subsequent chapters. Mapping European agrifood research is done from two angles. First, with the help of a bibliometric analysis European agrifood research is studied as a whole. We show Europe’s position, the importance of agrifood science in the EU-33 countries, the growth of publications and an introduction to the analysis of institutional level data. Second, with the help of survey data in the EU-12+2 countries, we explore the institutional setup, the general financing, the human resources and the infrastructure of agrifood research. The performance of the different EU-12+2 countries is also assessed. What is the performance in agrifood research fields? Where, in which agrifood research fields can particular competences be identified? What strengths and weaknesses do the countries show in terms of research output and outcome? Which countries can attract more of the agrifood researchers from abroad? These are the questions that the ‘Agrifood research capacities surveyed in the EU-12+2 countries’ chapter addresses. 9 2. European agriculture by country groups European countries have very different endowments for agriculture. First we examine whether there are similar characteristics for agriculture and the agrifood sector between the European countries. We use k-means cluster analysis with seven centres to create seven country-groups with similar parameters. Box 3: Cluster analysis Cluster analysis is an exploratory data analysis tool which aims at sorting different objects into groups in a way that the degree of association between two objects is maximal if they belong to the same group and minimal otherwise. Cluster analysis can be used to discover structures in data without providing an explanation/interpretation. In other words, cluster analysis simply discovers structures in data without explaining why they exist. In general, the k-means method will produce exactly k different clusters of greatest possible distinction. It should be mentioned that the best number of clusters k leading to the greatest separation (distance) is not known as a priori and must be computed from the data. Standardisation of the variables is frequently done to get rid of the bias caused by different scales. For further reference see e.g.: We have run the cluster analysis with 9 variables. Data that characterise the agricultural potential and efficiency of a country and are scale-independent (country size has no influence) were chosen. The latest available 2004 indicators were used. The variables used are the following: agriculture, value added (% of GDP); food, beverages and tobacco, value added (% of GDP); agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 hectares of arable land; arable land (hectares per person); permanent cropland (hectares per person); permanent pasture (hectares per person); employment in agriculture (% of total employment); food import per population (1000 US$) food export per agricultural worker (1000 US$). For Israel and Slovakia some of the data were missing (GDP data for Israel and land data for Slovakia), so they were left out from the analysis. In Iceland mechanisation (tractors per hectares of arable land), in Ireland food industry GDP is very high, so they were also left out as they represent special cases. 10 Table 2 Groups of European countries by selected agrifood variables (characteristic average 2004 data for the groups are shaded) Legend: Green cells: 50 percent higher values than the average; red cells: 50 percent lower values than the average Source: GKI computations Group 1: Romania and Turkey The share of agricultural value added in the GDP is the highest amongst the groups, and also the food industry has the highest weight in the case of these countries. Agriculture accounts for nearly one-third of employment, mechanisation is poor and external trade indicators are also at poor levels. Group 2: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland The share of agriculture in GDP is higher than in more developed economies, but substantially lower than in the first group. The arable land in hectares per person is the highest between the analysed country groups. Mechanisation of production is poor, but employment in agriculture has a marked weight in the labour force structure. The export productivity of agriculture is higher than in the previous country group but lags substantially behind that of the developed economies. Group 3: Greece, Portugal and Spain 11 In this group of the Mediterranean countries agriculture has a lower weight in GDP than in the previous groups. The importance of agriculture in employment and the export productivity is similar to that of the preceding group, however, mechanisation is better. The permanent cropland and the permanent pasture in hectares per person are at the highest level between the country groups. Group 4: Austria, Cyprus, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Malta, Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom This is the most heterogeneous group, but these countries are similar in terms of the agricultural statistics used for the analysis. For different reasons mechanisation of the agrifood sector is at high levels, but agriculture in general has a low weight in the economy. Group 5: Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden In the Scandinavian countries the productivity agrifood export is outstanding, but agriculture has low importance in GDP production and employment. Group 6: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg The Benelux states are a very specific country group of developed economies, where the otherwise low-importance agrifood industry specialises for the export of expensive agrifood products. Export productivity is remarkable and so is the import intensity of agrifood products. 12 Fig. 1 The 6 groups (by the general agriculture and food industry characteristics) Source: GKI Economic Research Co. By extracting well-interpretable country groups, the above cluster analysis provides us a snapshot of European agriculture. Certainly, the different country groups feature different state of agricultural development. Their prospects and further growth will depend on the responses given to the new challenges facing agriculture and agrifood research. According to the EC [2007] report, one of the major hurdles facing Europe in making the transition knowledge based agri-futures in the need to address the growing challenge of knowledge failures. European agricultural research is currently not delivering the type of knowledge, which is needed by end users in rural communities as they embark on the transition to the rural knowledge-based bio-society. The problems are not exclusive to agricultural research but they are felt more acutely in this sector where the role of traditional, indigenous knowledge is already being undermined as a result of the growing disconnection with ongoing research activity. The following parts of the Mapping Report tries to assist the debate by showing what could be seen from European agrifood research with the help of bibliometric data and survey of agrifood research organisations. 13 3. Agrifood research in the EU-33 countries – a bibliometric assessment 3.1 The position of Europe in agrifood scientific publications Based on the bibliometric data analysis,2 the EU-33 countries together have a dominant position in agrifood research in the world. Nevertheless, on average scientific papers from the United States have greater impact as they are more frequently referred to: the average citation per paper is about 30% higher than that of the EU-33 countries. Fig. 2 The number of agrifood publications and citations in 1996-2005 Publications Citations Rest of the world 30% Rest of the world 22% USA 30% USA 38% EU-33 40% EU-33 40% Source: GKI computations using 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. If measured by their share in prestigious publications, such as the ones in the Web of Science (WoS) database, five countries dominate European agrifood research. The UK has the largest portion, about one-fifth of the agrifood publications, but it is known that the WoS database is biased towards the UK. Nevertheless, Germany has about 14%, France 10%, Spain 8% and the Netherlands about 6%. Approximately the same figures apply for citations: together with the UK these five countries account for more than 60% of the citations from European countries. 2 This Chapter is based on the bibliometric analysis done for the AgriMapping project. For methodological details please consult the Annex. 14 Fig. 3 Publications and citations in 1996-2005 (EU33 = 100) 25 20 15 10 5 Share in EU-33 publications (%) UK FR DE ES NL IT FI SE DK BE CH NO PL IL TR AT GR IE CZ HU PT SK HR SI EE IS BG LT RO LV LU CY MT 0 Share in EU-33 citations (%) Source: GKI computations using 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. The European picture is slightly different if the citations per papers figures are computed. Beside the UK, the Scandinavian countries (Denmark and Sweden, first of all), the Benelux states and Switzerland manage to produce influential papers across several fields of agrifood science. Most probably the small countries highly specialise in their agrifood R&D, excelling on certain areas (for a general picture see the figure below and for detailed charts the Annex). 15 Fig. 4 Citations in 1996-2005 (countries with at least 10 publications, most cited top 5 countries on the scientific fields A-K) Legend: A: economic, social and political aspects; B: food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns; C: engineering, mechanisation, ICT; D: plant breeding and biotechnology; E: plant production and protection; F: animal production and husbandry; G: animal health and welfare; H: aquaculture and fisheries; I: forestry and landscape; J: management of natural and biological resources; K: horizontal issues. For the detailed list of agrifood research fields please consult the Annex. Source: GKI computations using 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. The EU-12+2 countries together have less than 10% share in Europe’s agrifood publications in the WoS database. In citations they account for a 3-4% portion only. Among the most prestigious publications there are much less publications and citations from the New Member States and the Candidate Countries than from the developed Europe. 16 3.2 The importance of agrifood science in national S&T The share of agrifood science publications in total publication counts is around 2% in the world. This means that agrifood science is represented below the share agriculture and food industry has in GDP3 or R&D. There can be two main many reasons for that. One is that agrifood research is probably less publication-intensive than other scientific disciplines e.g. chemistry, engineering or medical sciences. The other is that a substantial portion of the publication output of national agrifood research / science is not reviewed by Thomson Scientific for the Web of Science database, because they appear in national language or other local journals. Box 4: The most important and relevant scientific literature databases FAO Agris: The AGRIS database promoted by FAO is a dedicated database for agricultural sciences and technology. It currently contains over 2.3 million bibliographic references from 1975 to date. CAB Abstracts: This database is specialised for life sciences (agriculture accounting for a very large portion within it) covering journals over 150 countries. It contains over 5.2 million records from 1973 onwards. Over 7000 academic journals are selected and abstracted annually. It has its own thesaurus, which could be compared with the AgriMapping fields of agrifood science in the future. Scopus: It is a broad coverage of the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences literature also including patents. Out of its 15000 peer-reviewed journals about 3400 titles are life sciences. Scopus has a total of about 33 million abstracts. Web of Science: The WoS database provides access to multidisciplinary information from approximately 8,700 of the most prestigious, high impact scientific journals in the world. There are three distinct groups among the EU-33 countries: Some smaller European economies produce 3-4% agrifood-related articles as a share of the total publication output. The figures for Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Estonia, Finland, Cyprus and Denmark vary between 3 and 4%. In Slovakia, Malta, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, the UK, and Turkey the share of agrifood science publications in the total is between 2 and 3%. The figure for rest of the EU-33 countries is between 0.7 and 2%, with Romania and Bulgaria having the lowest shares. 3 Certainly and interestingly, the statement is true for the developed world, whose publications dominate the Web of Science database, which was used for this report. 17 Fig. 5 Share of agrifood science publications in total scientific publications (%, 1996-2005) 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 USA Source: GKI computations using 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation (US). For the methods used please consult the Annex. The three groups tell us about the relative position of agrifood science in the total national scientific production. 18 World IS EU33 IE NO FI EE CY SK DK MT CZ HU ES LU PT GR SE NL BE HR UK LT TR AT PL CH LV DE IL FR IT SI BG RO 0 3.3 Specialisation patterns Are there any similarities between the countries if we also take into account the broad agrifood fields of science? Yes and no. Again, a cluster analysis was used, but now for the weights that each agrifood field of science (from A to K, see the Table below). Table 3 0,17 0,11 0,04 0,23 0,21 0,34 0,38 0,10 0,20 0,40 0,13 0,15 0,27 0,07 0,25 0,21 0,31 0,27 0,22 0,13 0,41 0,26 0,09 0,14 0,03 0,26 0,11 0,13 0,13 0,09 0,08 0,21 0,10 0,30 0,15 0,08 0,60 0,15 0,60 0,15 0,09 0,32 0,91 0,08 0,15 0,08 0,96 0,56 0,31 0,13 1,10 0,35 0,40 0,48 0,13 0,13 0,13 0,25 0,13 0,13 1,71 0,11 1,53 1,26 0,13 Source: GKI computations using 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation (US). For the methods used please consult the Annex. With the help of bibliometric data, 10 groups of countries and individual countries could be distinguished according to the importance of agrifood research and science in national science and technology (S&T). For the groups the following agrifood fields of science have high share in national S&T: Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK: animal production and husbandry, animal health and welfare, and the management of natural and biological resources. Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Turkey: animal production and husbandry, and the management of natural and biological resources. Bulgaria, France, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Romania and Slovenia: none of the broad fields of agrifood science is particularly strong within national S&T according to the bibliometric data. Denmark and Hungary: plant production and protection, animal production and husbandry, animal health and welfare, and the management of natural and biological resources. Estonia and Finland: plant breeding and biotechnology, plant production and protection, forestry and landscape, management of natural and biological resources. Iceland and Norway: animal production and husbandry, aquaculture and fisheries, management of natural and biological resources. Cyprus: plant breeding and biotechnology, animal production and husbandry, management of natural and biological resources. Ireland: food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns, animal production and husbandry, animal health and welfare, management of natural and biological resources. 19 Malta 0,45 0,17 0,06 0,20 0,20 0,36 0,41 1,41 0,22 0,69 0,33 Luxembourg 0,22 0,15 0,08 0,78 0,38 0,20 0,26 0,17 0,87 0,69 0,30 Ireland 0,13 0,28 0,09 0,23 0,48 0,34 0,58 0,20 0,12 0,54 0,33 Cyprus Iceland, Norway A: economic, social and political aspects B: food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns C: engineering, mechanisation, ICT D: plant breeding and biotechnology E: plant production and protection F: animal production and husbandry G: animal health and welfare H: aquaculture and fisheries I: forestry and landscape J: management of natural and biological resources K: horizontal issues Estonia, Finland Austria, Czech Rep., Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, France, Croatia, Lithuania, Israel, Greece, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia, Latvia, Portugal, Sweden, Romania, Spain, Turkey Switzerland, Slovenia UK Denmark, Hungary Groups of European countries by agrifood research fields: percentage weight of the scientific field in all S&T publications 1996-2005 (characteristic average data for the groups are shaded) Luxembourg: management of natural and biological resources. Malta: aquaculture and fisheries, management of natural and biological resources. Although there are clear similarities between the countries, it must be noted that this cluster analysis is less stable than the previous one (which made use of the general agriculture and food industry data). The countries that change their groups when a different number of cluster centres are used are the following: the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Out of the first group, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia form a different group if the number of cluster centres is increased. This means that for a number of small EU countries (such as Denmark and Hungary, Estonia and Finland, Iceland and Norway, Cyprus, Ireland, Luxembourg and Malta) “high-end” agrifood science means clearer specialisations with relatively high shares of certain research fields. For the three large groups specialisation patterns are less evident. 3.4 The growth of agrifood science publications The bibliometric data for agrifood research shows that the number of EU-33 publications in the Web of Science database grow at a faster pace than that of the competitor United States. Nevertheless, the US agrifood researchers are more influential, because in four broad agrifood fields of science (A: economic, social and political aspects; C: engineering, mechanisation, ICT; D: plant breeding and biotechnology; I: forestry and landscape) the growth of citations is higher than the growth of the number of publications. For Europe this is only true for E: plant production and protection. Fig. 6 Growth of the number of citations and publications (2002-2004/1996-1998), percentage points change in the share of the world total) EU33 countries USA 20 20 16 16 G 12 J K A Growth of citations Growth of citations E B H 8 F C I 4 A 12 I 8 4 D D K B G 0 4 E J H 0 0 4 C 8 12 16 0 F 20 4 8 12 16 20 -4 -4 Growth of publications Growth of publications Legend: A: economic, social and political aspects; B: food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns; C: engineering, mechanisation, ICT; D: plant breeding and biotechnology; E: plant production and protection; F: animal production and husbandry; G: animal health and welfare; H: aquaculture and fisheries; I: forestry and landscape; J: management of natural and biological resources; K: horizontal issues. For the detailed list of agrifood research fields please consult the Annex. Source: GKI computations using 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. 20 Which European countries account for the growth of publications and on which fields? First of all, the Mediterranean countries (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey), two transition countries (the Czech Republic, Poland) and Ireland, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark and Germany. And publications from which research fields grew faster? We have found that: management of natural and biological resources; animal health and welfare; plant production and protection; and horizontal issues were the most popular for Europe’s agrifood researchers in 1996-2005. 3.5 A gap between institutions The institutional level of the bibliometric data extractions could be used to show which European institutions constitute the top-30 within European agrifood research. Although it is highly unlikely that major institutions were left out from the detailed list in Annex 7.3, we would stress that these 30 institutions are surely but not necessarily exclusively among the best performing if measured by the number of prestigious publications. In the top 30 European institutions we find institutions from the first ten countries in Fig.3. Although the best performing EU-12+2 institutions in terms of publication output have around 200 publications, their impact (measured by the citation per paper) is much lower than in their Western counterparts. The only exception is the Czech Academy of Sciences. Table 4 The identified EU-12+2 research institutions with the highest number of agrifood publications in 1996-2005 Institution Publications* Citations / publications Academy of Sciences CZ 201 9.8 Polish Academy of Sciences PL 218 5.6 Hungarian Academy of Sciences HU 198 4.7 Szent István University HU 220 3.7 Slovak Academy of Sciences SK 112 2.7 * on a full-count basis: every co-author equally receives one point per publication Source: 10 year data extraction from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Generally speaking, the EU-12+2 institutions are much less frequently featured in the agrifood science publications of the Web of Science database than their Western counterparts. 21 4. Agrifood research capacities surveyed in the EU-12+2 countries 4.1 Institutional setup and financing Reliable data about business (or private) agrifood research capacities could not be collected in the EU-12+2 countries of the AgriMapping survey. 4 To some extent this is also true for the non-profit sector. As we could not reliably clarify the situation in the individual countries, the analysis below concentrates and draws conclusions on the public domain of agrifood research, but, when relevant, data from the business sector is also analysed. The number of public agrifood research units is about 1800 in the EU-12+2 countries and Poland accounts for about one third. Poland, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary account for 80% of the public agrifood research capacities in the EU-12+2 countries. Research units were defined as individual research groups specialised for agrifood research. In general there are more university research units than public (ministerial, Academy of Science etc.) research institutes, but it does not mean that university agrifood R&D is in general larger than public research, because approximately the same number of researchers work in higher education and public research units. Nevertheless, there are great differences across the countries. Out of the larger countries, the research system in Poland and Bulgaria is dominated by public research institutes, whereas in Turkey, Hungary or the Czech Republic university research units are in majority. This finding is in accordance with the National Innovation Systems (NISs) in the respective countries (see for example the Trenchart country reports at Fig. 7 Number of research organisations in the AgriMapping survey by type size categories Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 4 Data collection for the survey was organised individually in each country, usually by the National Contact Points for food, who are supervised by the national governments. 22 The vast majority (almost 90%) of the agrifood research capacities are small in size and has less than 30 employees. The fragmentation of European agrifood research is a fact on the Eastern skirts of Europe: one fifth of the capacities has less than 5 employees and half of the research organisations has 6-15 employees. Two further organisational aspects of agrifood research organisations were surveyed: whether the research organisations are complete (their full activity is R&D) or partial (R&D is just part of the whole activity); and whether they are commercial (organisations that operate in a competitive business environment and primarily for business purposes) or public (organisations that operate in a government-dominated, non-competitive, non-business environment). Not surprisingly, 60 percent of the agrifood research units is ‘public and partial’ research organisation. These are universities, state-financed institutes that conduct routine analysis as well as research, foundations that perform research as a part of their activities, etc. 30 percent is ‘public and complete’ research organisation. They are the institutes in Academy of Sciences networks, foundations that perform research as their core activity etc. (for this taxonomy of research organisation see Glaser [2000]). In the sample 6% of the commercial organisations is ‘complete’, these are the R&D enterprises, while the remaining 4% is ‘partial and complete’, which are in-house R&D departments in industrial enterprises. Here we underline again that the conclusions for the business sector are not robust enough, because many of them were not included on the AgriMapping list of agrifood research organisations in the EU-12+2 countries. In the sample Cyprus is the only country, where commercial enterprises have dominance in agrifood R&D. The EU-12+2 countries can spend much smaller amounts on agrifood R&D than the more developed countries. The reason is twofold: these countries have much smaller per capita GDP than the Old Member States of the European Union (EU-15); and government spending dominates agrifood R&D expenditures, which in many countries is a smaller portion of the R&D expenditures than business R&D. 23 Fig. 8 R&D expenditures by performing sectors (% of GDP, 2005) 3 2,5 2 Higher education Government Industry 1,5 1 0,5 0 CY RO BG SK PL LV MT LT HU EE SI CZ EU27 US Source: Eurostat The survey data reinforce that government spending is the most important financial source for agrifood R&D in the New Member States: three-quarter of the research organisations that participated in the survey receives funding primarily from the government. Knowing that the sample is biased towards public organisations, this is not a surprise. Nevertheless, there are some differences in the financing patterns: non-competitive government funding is markedly present in Slovakia, Estonia, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Romania; competitive government funding has substantial weight in Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey and Poland; Slovenia, Hungary and Bulgaria have the most diversified funding for agrifood research. 24 Fig. 9 Number of agrifood research organisations by main financing source of the annual research budget (2003-2005) Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 * competitive government financing: projects won after competitive bidding procedures – so that the organisation can actually lose the funding targeted at the end of the procedure – count as source on a competitive basis. ** non-competitive government** financing: If the organisation participates in a money-allocation mechanism so that the money cannot be lost (but e.g. 'only' reduced), it counts as source on a non-competitive basis of research funding even if the procedure itself is called 'competitive bidding'. *** both competitive and non-competitive government financing other sources: foundations, non-profit organisations, etc. Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Here it should be mentioned that the most developed countries will increasingly turn to competitive funding for research in many segments of the public domain. For instance, the funding and governance system of university research is undergoing important changes in Denmark – in this direction. 25 4.2 Human resources In the AgriMapping survey we enquired the number of researchers at the agrifood research organisations. PhD students were included if they were involved in research projects that would be ongoing even without the PhD student concerned. ’Engineers of the department’ and technical support staff are also included in the figures below. From the response rates to the survey an estimated figure for the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) researchers could be computed. Altogether the total number of agrifood researchers (FTE) in the EU-12+2 countries5 is around 30-35 thousand, which is the size of a small city. Fig. 10 Estimated number of agrifood researchers (FTE) in the public sector 2006-2007* 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 MT CY EE LT LV SI HU HR BG SK CZ RO TR PL Number of res earchers , F T E , 2005 Number of res earchers with P hD or higher, F T E , 2005 Number of res earchers under 35, F T E , 2005 Number of women res earchers * A rough estimate only, based on multiplying the survey data, assuming that the largest capacities have already been involved in the survey. The final estimates were checked within the AgriMapping consortium Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Most of the agrifood researchers (more than 80%) work in the public sector: at universities, ministerial etc. research institutes, in the Academy of Sciences. The researchers are highly skilled: 60% of them has a PhD or higher scientific degree. Young researchers (under 35) account for 40% of the researchers, the share of women researchers is close to 50%. We did not measure, but it can be assumed that women are employed in lower positions than men across the AgriMapping sample of countries (for a global picture on the issue see UNESCO [2006]). 5 Reliable information from the rest of Europe could not be collected. 26 Box 5: Ageing Europe Ageing is increasingly becoming one of the most serious economic, social and demographic phenomena of our times. It is estimated that by 2050 the number of people over 60 in Europe will be doubled to 40% of total population or 60% of the working age population. Over the next few decades the „baby boomers”, the largest generation, born in the ’50s and the ’60s, will start to retire. The situation will be exacerbated by the very different life expectancy of their parents and grandparents. This new scenario brings about many opportunities, but there is also concern for how the system will work. The larger group of retirees will need healthcare, pensions, housing and community care, and on a greater scale than ever. At the same time birth rates throughout Europe are falling. This means that fewer young people will drive the economy and pay growing welfare and social bills. Social and public policies will have to be adjusted to meet these needs either in the form of higher taxes or by encouraging people to pay more into private pension funds. Some believe that older people should play an active role in society and be encouraged to work and study beyond retirement, possibly through part-time work and on a voluntary basis. Legislation preferring younger generations and neglecting the participation of older people in society has to be changed. Pension systems start to show the signs of strain. Recent research found that many millions of people do not have an occupational pension and have to solely rely on the state’s help when they retire. At the same time, employers are closing generous final salary pension schemes, which have so far lessened state dependency. With regard to the above, European governments are increasingly compelled to search for long-term solutions based on the agreement of opposing parties. The share of young agrifood researchers is outstanding in Malta and Cyprus, whereby ageing of researchers is a problem in Romania, Latvia, Slovakia and Poland, first of all. Nevertheless, the trends are less worrying, because the majority (60%) of the research units reported increasing number of young researchers in the last 5 years, and only about 10 percent mentioned a decreasing number of young personnel during the period. From the trends and the current state of the age tree it seems that Latvia and Lithuania are in the most problematic situation. In the other countries, where the age distribution is worrying (Romania, Slovakia and Poland) the trend is promising. Fig. 11 Percentage share of young researchers women researchers in 2003-2005 Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 27 Fig. 12 Evolution of young* research personnel (distribution of agrifood research organisations by their assessment in 2006-2007) * under the age of 35 Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Fig. 13 Evolution of women researchers (distribution of agrifood research organisations by their assessment in 2006-2007) Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 28 The percentage share of women in the total number of researchers was slightly below 50% in the EU-12+2 countries. Latvia is characterized by the highest percentage of women researchers (60%), followed by Romania and Lithuania. Cyprus has the lowest figure (25%). In Turkey, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Estonia there is also substantial dominance of men in agrifood research. The small majority (49%) of the research units reported stagnating number of women researchers in the last 5 years, while not more than 6% noted decrease (46% reported increasing). Fig. 14 Estimated distribution of agrifood researchers (FTE) in the EU-12+2 countries in 2006-2007 by field of science Plant production and protection Horizontal issues Engineering, mechanisation, ICT Aquaculture and fisheries Forestry and landscape Animal health and welfare Animal production and husbandry Economic, social and political aspects Plant breeding and biotechnology Management of nat. and biol. resources Food tech., human nutr. and consumer concerns Remark: All the scientific area of all research units are involved, which has produced at least one article, or contributed to at least one project report in the period 2003-2005. Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 In the EU-12+2 countries the most significant scientific fields concerning human research capacity on the field of agrifood science are: plant production and protection; economic, social and political aspects; management of natural and biological resources; food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns; and plant breeding and biotechnology. These are the areas with some human resource potential in these countries. 29 4.3 Research infrastructure The majority of agrifood research organisations in the EU-12+2 countries operate in unfavourable infrastructural conditions. The average value concerning the development on research infrastructure on a 5 graded scale is 2.1. It means that in most of the countries research organisations have a rather obsolete research infrastructure, which is an obstacle to international research co-operation. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this value concerns only 963 out of the 1154 organisations, because 191 research units reported that they have access to good quality infrastructure, but lack an own research infrastructure. Fig. 15 Average quality* of the existing agrifood research infrastructure 2006-2007 *The following scale was used: 5 - The research organisation has an internationally competitive technology and it is able to conduct top research in cutting-edge research topics; 4 -The research organisation has top research infrastructure, the infrastructure enables regular international research co-operation but it is not competitive if compared with the 'best in our research field' 3 - The research organisation has good quality research infrastructure, probably one of the most up-to-date in the country, but it is not good enough to join in international research on a regular basis 2 - The research organisation has an obsolete research infrastructure if compared with international organisations and it is an obstacle to international research co-operation 1 - The research organisation has a rather obsolete research infrastructure and it is an obstacle to more domestic contracts Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Only 24% of the research units reported at least good quality research infrastructure. 10% has top research infrastructure, which enables regular international research co-operation. 3% has quality infrastructure, which enables international cooperation, but it is not competitive if compared with the “best in the given research field”. 30 On average the highest share of agrifood research institutions that have competitive good quality infrastructure (at least 4 on the above scale) was reported from Romania, Turkey and Cyprus, but this concerns only about one-fifth of the research organisations. Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia have the lowest share of institutions with competitive research infrastructure in agrifood research. Fig. 16 The agrifood research infrastructure 2006-2007 Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 35% of the surveyed research organisations reported obsolete infrastructure that is an obstacle to perform research services for the domestic market. Additionally, 25% cannot join in international works due to the poor quality of the research infrastructure. Box 6: ESFRI and SCAR studies on infrastructure The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) published a roadmap for research infrastructures in Europe for the next 10 to 20 years, aimed at providing an overview of the needs for research infrastructures of pan-European interest in all fields of science and technology. This European roadmap was the first exercise at European level and was the result of wide stakeholder consultation: almost 1000 experts from all fields of research were involved and consulted in the process of preparing the roadmap, of which 200 were involved in the peer-review. ESFRI’s roadmap is meant to be reviewed every two or three years; a 2nd roadmap is expected in October 2008. The Standing Committee for Agricultural Research (SCAR) decided to launch strategic discussions aimed at identifying key agricultural research infrastructures of EU relevance, possible means of sharing existing infrastructures among Member State research teams, and targeted proposals for the future activities of SCAR in this field. Shared infrastructures for agrifood research are believed to improve efficiency, to better allow for studying agrifood phenomena of global relevance. Launching an infrastructure study to systematically overview the future needs and governance schemes of shared European agrifood research infrastructures seems a rational exercise by SCAR, because it can give a European scale to an important, yet still fragmented segment of the European Research Area. Source: an overview by Valceschini and Berthet to the SCAR (18 January, 2008) 31 Although the large-scale, web-assisted survey did not allow us to precisely identify where (on which agrifood research fields) good quality research infrastructure exists in the EU-12+2 countries, some conclusions could be drawn. There are few, internationally acceptable pieces of research infrastructure on the following fields: food technology (in Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia); plant breeding and biotechnology (Estonia, Poland and Romania); plant production and protection (Lithuania and Romania); animal health and welfare (Estonia and Turkey). We stress again that the above list does not mean that the countries are strong players in those fields of agrifood research. It is just an indication that from an infrastructural point of view some capacity is available there. 4.4 Innovative and scientific output Due to the basic sample properties, it is not a surprise that in the EU-12+2 countries almost all (98%) of the agrifood research units published articles in 2003-2005, although these countries are not very influential on a global scale (see also Chapter 3). One third (34%) could report that the research organisation commercialised new products and technologies, and only one fifth (22%) filed patent applications. Fig. 17 Innovative and scientific activity of agrifood research organisations in 2003-2005 (%) 100 80 60 98% 40 20 34% 22% 0 publis hed artic les filed patent applic ations c ommerc ialis ed new produc ts or tec hnolog ies Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 The figures above confirm what is called the ‘European paradox’. Although the term was formulated already at the end of the 1980’s, it became well known following the CressonBangemann [1995] report. The paradox originally said that compared with its principal competitors the scientific performance of the EU is excellent, however, commercial 32 performance has deteriorated. “One of Europe’s major weaknesses lies in its inferiority in terms of transforming the results of technological research and skills into innovations and competitive advantages” (Cresson-Bangemann [1995] p.5). We must note that in the EU12+2 countries the European paradox is a greater problem than in the developed EU countries.6 Therefore, there are some scientific achievements (shown by the publication intensity and the bibliometric analysis results), but the links with agrifood innovations are moderate (shown by patenting intensity and the commercialisation efforts). Fig. 18 Share of agrifood research organisations engaged in commercialisation and patenting activity in 2003-2005 (%) Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Certainly, there are country-specific differences in terms of the propensity to patent and commercialise knowledge. Filing patent applications was the most intensive in Romania (44% of the agrifood research units filed patent in 2003-2005). Latvia (39%) and Poland (26%). From Malta no patenting was reported and the figure is very small for Turkey and Lithuania as well (6 and 7%). Half of the research units commercialised new products or technologies in Cyprus and Slovakia, while only 12%in Turkey and 16% in Croatia. Although these figures tell us something, there is still a lot of noise in the data, which makes direct comparisons difficult. For instance the intellectual property rights (IPR) regimes substantially differ across countries and the large share of agrifood that filed patents in 20032005 in Romania or Latvia may not show high innovation or business value. The same is true for the other metric used: commercialisation may only have a negligible innovation impact. 6 There are worrying signs about European scientific excellence as well. Dosi et al. [2005] argue that by now the paradox is not true for a some key technologies (biotech, ICT, new materials, etc.), where EU R&D has been losing ground. 33 To measure the real relative innovation and scientific performance, the AgriMapping survey also measured the following indicators as per 100 researchers: Important innovation: a new product / technology / organisational mode / tool or method had or contributed to an additional turnover of more than EUR 100 thousand or more than 500 people use a new product/technology or it saved life or improved the quality of life substantially. The research organisation's contribution is substantial if at least one third of the new knowledge came from the research organisation. Domestic patents: granted by the national patent offices (to measure it separately from triadic patents). Triadic patents: patents granted by the EPO (European Patent Office) and/or JPO (Japan Patent Office) and/or the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). The highest innovative performance could be measured for Malta: international and domestic patents as well as important innovations per 100 researchers are high. Latvian researchers also do well in terms of important innovation, however, their international patent figure is more medium-range in the sample of EU-12+2 agrifood research organisations (and, as noted earlier, the value of domestic patents remains questionable in comparison with the triadic ones). According to the responses Slovak, Turkish and Romanian agrifood research suffers most from the European paradox. Fig. 19 S&T indicators per 100 agrifood researchers 2003-2005 * Important innovation carried out: a new product / technology / organisational mode / tool or method had or contributed to an additional turnover of more than EUR 100 thousand or more than 500 people use a new product/technology or it saved life or improved the quality of life substantially. The research organisation's contribution should have been substantial: at least one third of the new knowledge came from the research organisation. ** Patents granted by the EPO (European Patent Office) and/or the JPO (Japan Patent Office) and or the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 34 Fig. 20 Triadic patents and important innovations per 100 agrifood researchers 2003-2005 * Important innovation: a new product / technology / organisational mode / tool or method had or contributed to an additional turnover of more than EUR 100 thousand or more than 500 people use a new product/technology or it saved life or improved the quality of life substantially. The research organisation's contribution should have been substantial: at least one third of the new knowledge came from the research organisation. ** Patents filed with the EPO (European Patent Office) and/or the JPO (Japan Patent Office) and or the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office). Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 With respect to the researcher intensity of important innovations, international patents and agrifood research fields, the following country-specific information could be seen from the survey: There are cases when international patent production (measured by the triadic patents) and innovativeness (measured by the contribution to important innovations) go hand in hand. The food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns in Bulgaria, Estonia and Poland, engineering, mechanisation and ICT (Poland), plant breeding and biotechnology (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Poland), plant production and protection (Estonia, Hungary and Poland), animal production and husbandry (Bulgaria, Estonia and Hungary) and aquaculture and fisheries (Malta) fields of agrifood research can be mentioned. There are countries, whose researchers contribute to important innovations on given research fields more actively than in the whole sample, but the lack of international patenting indicates either some gap of international competitiveness, or the very much domestic nature of the innovations. This is the case for Bulgaria (engineering, mechanisation, ICT) Cyprus (food technology, plant breeding and biotechnology, plant production), Estonia (forestry), Hungary (food technology, engineering, mechanisation, ICT, plant breeding and biotechnology, animal production and husbandry, animal health and welfare), Malta (plant breeding and biotechnology), 35 Poland (forestry), Turkey (animal production, aquaculture) and for almost all fields in Romania and Slovenia. This shows that the international and domestic innovativeness and competitiveness of agrifood research is not at all easy to measure per se, because the local context and embeddedness is very important in some cases and distinguishing these is often not possible with the use of relatively simple surveys. Also, we shall not forget that the analysis concerns a few sectors only, where the European paradox is not so harshly present. 4.5 Research competence Research competence for the EU-12+2 countries that participated in the AgriMapping survey was shown by two rather different measures: the ability to take part in and conduct large research projects, in which the total project budget is above EUR 100 thousand and the research organisation’s share is at least EUR 20 thousand; the ability to attract foreign researchers for doing real research work, which is defined with the help of the hosting period (hosting a foreign researcher for more than 6 weeks). The number of large research projects completed per 100 researchers was around 15% in 2005 in the EU-12+2 countries. This is a low figure indicating the fragmented nature of agrifood research (and, to some extent, less competence because the research organisations are not able to offer research service for the industry in these scales – the threshold for large project was only a 100.000 euro budget!). Out of the large projects two-third was realized in collaboration with industry (showing that there can be demand) and 80% was co-ordinated by the surveyed research organizations. Two-third of the large projects are EU projects. In terms of the number of large research projects per researchers, the agrifood research units of Cyprus and Malta proved to be the most effective in 2005. Out of the so-called transition countries Slovenia, Poland and Estonia can be mentioned. Countries with the fewest number of large projects per researcher were Slovakia and Turkey. Although large projects are few in number, a substantial portion of them takes place in collaboration with industry and within the framework of EU projects. Even more of these large projects are coordinated by the research organisation in question. If competence is measured by the ability to take up large research projects, the European Union clearly has great influence on the agrifood research in the EU-12+2 countries as it provides impetus for being part of large collaborative projects. 36 Fig. 21 Large projects* completed in 2005 * the total project budget is above EUR 100 thousand and the research organisation’s share is at least EUR 20 thousand Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 With the exception of Malta, in the EU-12+2 countries the percentage of agrifood researchers sent abroad to do research is higher than that of hosted researchers. The international mobility of agrifood researchers is also significantly higher in Malta than in the other EU-12+2 countries. Additionally, the relative mobility rates show that the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovenia, and to some extent Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Lithuania host more agrifood researchers within the New Member States and the candidate countries. Although we do not know the sender countries, this shows some agrifood research competence of international relevance. Slovakia, Romania, Latvia and Turkey have much lower mobility rates showing that these countries are much less part of the international bloodstream of agrifood research. 37 Fig. 22 International mobility* of researchers in 2003-2005 * foreign researchers hosted for more than 1.5 months (without those, who came to acquire a Ph.D. degree) and own researchers sent abroad to do research for more than 1.5 months Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Fig. 23 International mobility of researchers in 2003-2005 * foreign researchers hosted for more than 1.5 months (without those, who came to acquire a Ph.D. degree) and own researchers sent abroad to do research for more than 1.5 months Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 38 Box 7: Researcher mobility Mobility of researchers is increasingly becoming a prioritised focus of European science, technology and innovation policies. Increased mobility is seen a vital instrument to achieve an improved integration of research systems. Additionally, increased inter-sectoral mobility is seen as an important instrument for transferring scientific expertise to companies in order to improve their research capabilities. Enhanced mobility - especially the one from business to research institutes - will lead to an increased awareness of business needs and opportunities. Countries with high innovation performance compete intensively to attract top scientists and researchers. Data also indicate that high demand for qualified labour has recently led to increased migration. Developing and transition countries are in a weak position when competing for foreign researchers and scientists. The outflow of researchers and scientists could potentially erode the science base of low-income countries. Because of a strong increase in the demand for skilled relative to unskilled labour the countries concerned tend to develop policies of return migration. A reasonable salary level has to be preferably guaranteed but the return decisions of researchers and scientists are, however, primarily shaped by factors such as the quality of the research environment, professional reward structures and access to state-of-the-art equipments. Several analyses point the important role of innovation systems in influencing the inflows and outflows of highly skilled people. Although agrifood researcher mobility data from the developed EU countries was not collected, we assume that mobility rates there are more balanced. It should also be noted that the mobility rates surveyed are not low. 4.6 Excellence According to the bibliometric data analysed, there is a relatively large gap between the best performing developed European countries and the New Member States. Nevertheless, scientific excellence should not be treated in the same way as innovation and research excellence as the European paradox also shows. For the EU-12+2 countries the survey results can show: if there are strengths beyond the publications, because we have asked also about innovations, patents etc.; and if there are country specific strengths compared with the averages measured in this specific group of countries. According to the survey results, there are measurable strengths in Bulgaria (food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns, plant breeding and biotechnology, animal production and husbandry), Estonia (forestry and landscape, management of natural and biological resources), Malta (aquaculture), Slovenia (forestry and landscape, management of natural and biological resources) and Slovakia (forestry and landscape). Please note that these strengths are measured within the EU-12+2 countries. The bibliometric data underpin the strengths of Slovakia in forestry and landscape and Hungary in plant production and protection. In case of the other countries, which have measurable strength according to the survey results, the bibliometric data are less in accordance with the survey results. 39 Table 5 Strengths and weaknesses in the EU-12+2 countries (measured against the distribution of the absolute number of innovations, patents, large projects, articles, studies, standards across the sample, in 2003-2005) Legend: Green: the given fields of agrifood research have a higher weight in the country than in the whole sample. Red: the given fields of agrifood research have a lower weight in the country than in the whole sample. Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Table 6 Strengths and weaknesses in the EU-12+2 countries (measured against the distribution of the relative (per researcher) number of innovations, patents, large projects, articles, studies, standards across the sample, in 2003-2005) Legend: Green: the given fields of agrifood research have a higher per researcher figure in the country than in the whole sample. Red: the given fields of agrifood research have a lower per researcher figure in the country than in the whole sample. Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 There were two approaches used for looking at excellent performance at the institutional level from the survey results: First, we said that in 2003-2003 excellent (internationally competitive) agrifood research organisations published articles, filed patent applications, took part in the commercialisation of new products / technologies and hosted more than 1 foreign researcher for more than 6 weeks. 40 Second, we considered a research organisation excellent if research is funded primarily from corporate or international sources. One can say that these criteria are arbitrary. This is true to some extent. However, it can hardly be questioned that if an agrifood research organisation wants to be competitive on an international scale, it should be able to publish articles, apply for patents and enforce its commercial interest as well. At the same time being part of the international bloodstream of research is also important (see also the Record Manual [2004]). Since representation of public and university agrifood research organisations is acceptable, the analysis of excellence was carried out only for public and university research organisations only. Fig. 24 Number of ‘excellent’ public agrifood research organisations in the EU-12+2 countries (2003-2005) (the number of articles, patents, foreign researchers hosted in these organisations is >1) 25 1 20 11 15 T ype 1+2 T ype 2 1 10 1 1 2 T ype 1 7 6 11 5 8 0 1 1 1 1 EE MT SI 2 2 1 1 HR SK 1 2 TR 3 6 6 3 1 LT CZ BG RO HU PL Legend: Type 1: the number of articles, patents, foreign researchers hosted in these organisations is >1; Type 2: the majority of funding is corporate or international Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 In the first approach (Type 1 of excellence) a total of 40 such organisations were found. Half of them are universities. The vast majority has 5-100 researchers. Government money dominates research funding. In the second approach (Type 2 of excellence) a total of 38 organisations were found. They are smaller in size than the group of the Type 1 of excellence. Last, but not least we should underline that we found only 3 agrifood research organisations, which meet both criteria of excellence. 41 5. Conclusions The AgriMapping exercise was an exciting path-breaking experiment for many reasons: it aimed at clarifying where Europe stands on a field (agrifood research) that was previously not surveyed from a global standpoint; it could deliver a classification system of agrifood science and research fields, which proved to be a useful input for both the bibliometric analysis and the survey, on which the empirical data collection part of the project relied; it brought together experts and policy practitioners to regularly discuss agrifood research from half of Europe; it validated that the use of web assisted survey and bibliometric analysis fit well the exploration of the activities and the capacities of research. In the National Innovation System approach, the agriculture and food industry context is important to understand national agrifood research. When agricultural endowments and agrifood industrial performance is analysed, there are similarities between groups of countries in Europe. The Mediterranean countries, for instance, have similar characteristics as well and it is not at all sure if there is agrifood research cooperation between these countries. The other example is Scandinavia, where probably there are more research collaborations in the agrifood arena. Certain types of agrifood cooperation might be encouraged by policy in these groups, starting by more in-depth sectoral analysis. According to the bibliometric indicators, agrifood research output is not bad in Europe. However, it is fragmented and less influential than US agrifood science, although some catching up could be measured in the number of publications. There is also a gap between both the EU-15 (“Old Member States”) and US and the EU-15 and the EU-12+2 (New Member States plus Croatia and Turkey) countries. A study of other indicators than those used in this exercise (number of publications and number of citations) could help to validate the solidity of this finding. The empirical survey carried out in the EU-12+2 has much relevance due to the lag these countries suffer from in agrifood research. Across these economies agrifood research is dominated by state-owned institutions and is relatively under-funded. The research infrastructure is in bad shape, it often does not allow the researchers to join in international work. The share of large projects is low, showing the fragmentation of research not only in Europe in general, but also within the surveyed countries. The European Paradox is prevalent: there are scientific results but contacts with industry are low. With a few exceptions (Malta and Cyprus) business orientation seems very limited (which contrasts global trends). We should also note that business agrifood research was not sufficiently covered and thus remained relatively hidden and unknown. To help the clarification of the situation – as a first step – agrifood research conferences with the involvement of business research should be encouraged to see who the larger players are. In the EU-12+2 countries the FTE number of agrifood researchers is estimated at 30-35 thousand (size of a small town). These countries have skilled agrifood researchers and ageing is not as serious as expected. We hypothesise that with its Barcelona-Lisbon strategy the EU is perceived to offer perspectives also for agrifood researchers in these countries. 42 In the EU-12+2 countries the most significant scientific fields measured by human research capacities on the field of agrifood science are: plant production and protection; economic, social and political aspects; management of natural and biological resources; food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns; and plant breeding and biotechnology. The European paradox is a problem area in most of the EU-12+2 countries: patenting is not frequent, there is a stronger focus on publications. International patenting activity compared with important innovations shows that local agrifood competitiveness is more frequently supported by agrifood research organisations and international competitiveness is more questionable. Further, the low figures on large projects indicate that there is also a problem with the “supporting industry” behind agrifood research, because large projects are largely generated by EU funding. Despite this rather dark picture, mobility rates of researchers was measured to be relatively high. It is probably a characteristic of agrifood research (because, for instance, to deliver valuable research results in this particular field requires more on-thespot research by fellow researchers in international collaborations) and again indicates that there is some knowledge flow across Europe in this respect. Certainly, we say this without knowing the sender countries, the analysis of which could clarify the situation (e.g. there are probably intensive “traditional” staff exchanges between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, or Malta and Italy). In AgriMapping a combined way of looking at excellence was used because excellence is a multi-faceted and dynamic phenomenon. Similar approaches are encouraged in similar future exercises (in this respect the bibliometric analysis could provides only one, although important portion of the information that helps analysis). Within the EU-12+2 countries some country-specific strengths could be shown in Bulgaria (food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns, plant breeding and biotechnology, animal production and husbandry), Estonia (forestry and landscape, management of natural and biological resources), Malta (aquaculture), Slovenia (forestry and landscape, management of natural and biological resources) and Slovakia (forestry and landscape). The bibliometric data also support the strengths of Slovakia in forestry and landscape and Hungary in plant production and protection. Measured against multiple criteria, less than one-tenth of the public agrifood research organisations surveyed proved to be ‘excellent’. Given this situation, raising awareness to (business) R&D and innovation among researchers in the public domain seems particularly important. Last, but not least we underline that local contexts are very important as much of the agrifood research is less exposed to globalisation than other fields, so the results of this mapping report should be treated with care. Nevertheless, both the bibliometric analysis and the survey results from the EU-12+2 could show important characteristics of European agrifood R&D. 43 References Cresson, E. – Bangemann, M. (1995): Green Paper on Innovation. EC. Brussels. 1995. Dosi, G. – Llerena, P. - Labiba, M.S. (2005): Science-Technology-Industry Links and the „European Paradox: Some Notes on the Dynamics of Scientific and Technological Research in Europe. LEM Working Paper. 2005. EC (2007): Foresighting food, rural and agri-futures. Reportof high level independent expert group appointed by the European Commission. European Commission, Brussels, February 2007. (distributed on the SCAR Conference “Towards future challenges of agricultural research in Europe”, Brussels, 26-27 June 2007) Glaser, J. (2000): Content and organisational forms of innovations – Some comments on the Case Studies. In: Werner Meske and Dang Duy (eds.): Vietnam’s Research and Development System in the 1990s – Structural and Functional Change. Discussion paper P00-401. Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 183-202 OECD (2002): Frascati Manual. Proposed standard practices for surveys on research and development. OECD, Paris OECD (2005): Oslo Manual. Guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data. 3rd edition, OECD, Paris Record Manual (2004): Benchmarking Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession Countries. Edited by Borsi, B, Dévai, K., Papanek, G., Rush, H. European Commission, Budapest University of Technology and Economics UNESCO (2006): Women in science: under-represented and under-measured. UIS Bulletin on Science and Technology Statistics, Issue No. 3. November 2006 44 Annexes 7.1 Agrifood fields of science A Economic, social and political aspects A1 Production and producer issues A2 Rural development A3 Micro economics A4 Horizontal expertise A5 Market issues A6 Policy issues A7 Agricultural public finance A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A3.4 A3.5 A3.6 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.4 A4.5 A4.6 A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A7.1 Land Production structure Producer income Rural development Rural socio-economics Rural labour market Poverty Market development Financial issues Agricultural production Organisation and management Environmental management Organic production Econometric modelling Statistical and econometric analysis Computer programs Agricultural census and survey system Policy evaluation Foresight and prospective study Food chain analysis Organic markets Agricultural supply and demand Price Distribution and consumer Competitiveness Trade Agricultural and food market policy Trade policy Quality policy Environmental policy Food and nutrition policy Rural development policy Agricultural public finance B Food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns B1 Human nutrition B1.1 Functional food B1.2 Conventional food B1.3 Nutrigenomics B1.4 Food and diet related diseases B1.5 Food pattern and health B1.6 Consumer habits B2 Postharvest and food technology B2.1 Food chain management B2.2 Transportation B2.3 Storage B2.4 Cooling B2.5 Processing B2.6 Conservation B2.7 Packaging B3 Consumer concerns B3.1 Risk assessment B3.2 Food quality and quality control B3.3 Traceability B3.4 Residues and contaminants B3.5 Trust B3.6 Coexistence 45 C Engineering, mechanisation, ICT C1 Engineering & mechanisation C2 ICT D Plant breeding and biotechnology D1 Plant genetics D2 Plant molecular biology D3 Plant breeding D4 Plant biotechnology and non food use E Plant production and protection E1 Plant physiology E2 Plant nutrition E3 Plant health E4 Plant production systems C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C2.4 Traction Animal traction Building and housing Machinery, equipment, tools GPS (Global Positioning system) Robotics Precision agriculture Tracking and tracing Identification and registration GIS (Geographical Information System) DSS (Decision Support System) D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D2.1 D2.2 D2.3 D2.4 D3.1 D3.2 D3.3 D4.1 D4.2 D4.3 D4.4 D4.5 D4.6 D4.7 D4.8 D4.9 Genetic resources Plant genomics Gene regulation Molecular evolution Molecular ecology Bioenergetics Photosynthesis Conventional breeding Resistance (stress, pathogens, etc) breeding GMO Plant (cell) based vaccines Plant (cell) based fine chemicals Biomass –energy Bioplastics Fibers Cosmetics, medicals, colorants etc Construction materials Paper Fuels E1.1 E1.2 E1.3 E1.4 E2.1 E2.2 E2.3 E2.4 E2.5 E3.1 E3.2 E3.3 E3.4 E3.5 E4.1 E4.2 E4.3 E4.4 E4.5 E4.6 E4.7 E4.8 Plant development Hormone action and regulation Physical stress (water, drought, temperature etc) Plant-plant interaction Nutrient assimilation Nutrient deficiency Toxicity (toxicological evaluation) Fertilisation Mineral balance Pest research Plant protection Weed management Pathogen control Biological control Intensive cropping Extensive cropping Organic farming Grassland and pastures Peri-urban agriculture Open air horticulture Protected horticulture Urban horticulture 46 F Animal production and husbandry F1 Animal genetics and breeding F2 Animal husbandry F3 Production systems F4 Nutrition and feed F5 Non food use of animal products G Animal health and welfare G1 Animal physiology G2 Animal behaviour G3 Animal health G4 Animal welfare G5 Environmental H Aquaculture and fisheries H1 Aquaculture H2 Fisheries I Forestry and landscape I1 Forestry F1.1 F1.2 F1.3 F1.4 F2.1 F2.2 F3.1 F3.2 F3.3 F3.4 F4.1 F4.2 F5.1 F5.2 F5.3 Animal genetics Animal genetic resources Selection technologies Reproduction and embryology Mating technologies Embryo-technologies Intensive Extensive Pastures Organic farming Animal nutrition Feed and feed technology Cosmetics Wool – Leather Medicals G1.1 G1.2 G1.3 G1.4 G1.5 G1.6 G2.1 G2.2 G3.1 G3.2 G3.3 G3.4 G4.1 G5.1 G5.2 G5.3 Growth and development Lactation Endocrinology Immunology Neurobiology Other physiologies Ethology Housing systems Disease control strategies Disease detection Vaccine development Antibiotics resistance Animal welfare Manure management Ecosystems Pasture management H1.1 H1.2 H1.3 H1.4 H1.5 H1.6 H2.1 H2.2 H2.3 H2.4 Aquatic animal nutrition Aquatic animal genetics and breeding Water quality Aquatic animal health and pathology Aquaculture production systems Non-food use of aquatic resources Fishery management Fishery ecology Marine ecosystems Fish capture systems I1.1 I1.2 I1.3 I1.4 I1.5 I1.6 I1.7 I1.8 Sustainable management Fires and hazards Diseases and pest control Forest ecology Genetic resources Breeding and propagation Agro forestry Forest farming 47 I2 J K Forest products I2.1 I2.2 I2.3 I2.4 I2.5 I2.6 I2.7 Management of natural and biological resources J1 Soil J1.1 J1.2 J1.3 J1.4 J1.5 J2 Water J2.1 J2.2 J2.3 J2.4 J2.5 J2.6 J3 Biological resources J3.1 J3.2 J3.3 J3.4 J3.5 J4 Environment J4.1 J4.2 J4.3 J4.4 J4.5 J5 Climatology and climate change J5.1 J5.2 J5.3 Horizontal issues K1 Statistics applied to agriculture research K2 Food Chemistry 48 Pulp Energy Timber Ecology Land surveying Environmental design Countryside management Conservation Rehabilitation Erosion Soil (micro)biology Fertility Water management Irrigation Drainage Water and sanitation Water conservation Hydrology Alternative resources Ecosystems Biodiversity Natural resources management Nature conservation Landscape Ecotoxicology Desertification Environmental health Waste management Climate change and agriculture Climate change models and forecast Climate change monitoring 7.2 The bibliometric methods The bibliometric methods were used to assess the worldwide research activity in agricultural and food science and technology as it is reflected by the mainstream journal literature. Besides merely counting the publications, an attempt is also made to gauge their scientific influence using the standard techniques of citation analysis. Data sources Publication and citation data can be taken from Thomson Scientific’s Web of Science (WoS) database. Although WoS is not specialized to the agri-food field, its multidisciplinary and international character helps to put the results of the analysis into the widest possible frame of comparison. A particular advantage of WoS is that it includes the institutional address of all authors of the papers (not only that of the first or contact author), thus it helps to assign correctly co-authored papers to all contributing countries/institutions. Subfield categorization The classification system elaborated in the AgriMapping project categorizes the agri-food field into 11 level-1, 41 level-2 and 186 level-3 subfields. Preliminary data extractions from the WoS database suggested that level-2 is the deepest level where meaningful bibliometric analysis can be performed. The 41 level-2 fields (denoted in the classification by A1 to K2) were, therefore, chosen as subfield levels of analysis. Country/institution assignment Publications are assigned to countries/institutions according to the country/organization field of their record in the WoS database. This, in turn, is based on the institutional address given in the by-line of the publication. Publications were counted on a fractional count basis, i.e. for articles with collaborating institutions from multiple countries/economies, each country/economy receives fractional credit on basis of proportion of its participating institutions. The fractional count basis enables the aggregability of the indicators for various country groups/clusters. It means that if a paper was authored by scientists from k countries, then each contributing country was credited by 1/k publication (instead of 1 publication in case of full counts). Similarly, if a papers with authors from k countries received z citations, each contributing countries were credited by z/k citations (instead of z). The publication and citation numbers calculated this way can be directly summed over any number of countries to form correct subset indicators. Data retrieval strategies For each of the 41 level-2 fields, a specific “search profile” is designed with the aim of retrieving as many relevant publications of the field as possible without allowing excessive “noise”, i. e., vaguely relevant or irrelevant items. It must be understood that the primary aim of the retrieved publication list is to serve as a representative sample of its field (both as its size and its composition is considered), and by no means should it satisfy the criteria, e.g., of a specialized bibliography. Data retrieval is based on “key terms”, which – depending on the actual topic – may be key journals, key elements of institutional names, key authors, keywords in the title, abstract or keyword list of the paper, etc. Key terms are used in proper logical combinations to achieve the desired filtering effect. 49 Usually, first a broader profile is constructed for the level-1 field, which is then narrowed using more specific terms at level-2 (often taken from the specifics of the constituent level-3 fields). An example Let us take as an example the field B2: “Postharvest and food technology”. It belongs to the level-1 field B: “Food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns”. This field can be delimited by a set of journals ranging from ACTA-ALIMENTARIA AGRICULTURAL-AND-FOOD-SCIENCE-IN-FINLAND AGRO-FOOD-INDUSTRY-HI-TECH ALIMENTA ALIMENTARY-PHARMACOLOGY-&-THERAPEUTICS AMERICAN-JOURNAL-OF-CLINICAL-NUTRITION AMERICAN-JOURNAL-OF-ENOLOGY-AND-VITICULTURE AMERICAN-JOURNAL-OF-POTATO-RESEARCH AMERICAN-POTATO-JOURNAL ANNALS-OF-NUTRITION-AND-METABOLISM ANNUAL-REVIEW-OF-NUTRITION AQUACULTURE-NUTRITION ARCHIV-FUR-LEBENSMITTELHYGIENE ARCHIV-FUR-TIERERNAHRUNG-ARCHIVES-OF-ANIMAL-NUTRITION ... to POSTHARVEST-BIOLOGY-AND-TECHNOLOGY POTATO-RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS-OF-THE-NUTRITION-SOCIETY PROGRESS-IN-FOOD-AND-NUTRITION-SCIENCE REPRODUCTION-NUTRITION-DEVELOPMENT REVISTA-DE-AGROQUIMICA-Y-TECNOLOGIA-DE-ALIMENTOS REVISTA-ESPANOLA-DE-CIENCIA-Y-TECNOLOGIA-DE-ALIMENTOS SCIENCES-DES-ALIMENTS SEIBUTSU-KOGAKU-KAISHI-JOURNAL-OF-THE-SOCIETY-FOR-FERMENTATION-ANDBIOENGINEERING TRENDS-IN-FOOD-SCIENCE-&-TECHNOLOGY ZEITSCHRIFT-FUR-LEBENSMITTEL-UNTERSUCHUNG-UND-FORSCHUNG ZUCKERINDUSTRIE; a set of institutional name elements, like FOOD, CROP, ALIMENT*, NUTR*, LEBENSMITT*, a set of keywords ALIMENT*; APICULT*; AQUACULT*; BEEF; BEER*; BEVERAGE*; ...; SEAFOOD; SUGAR-BEET*; SUGAR-CANE*; VEGETABLE*; VITAMIN*; WHEAT; WINE*; (the asterisk * sign marks arbitrary ending of the word). This wider (level-1) profile is then restricted with the specifics of the level-2 field, partly taken form the topics of the constituent subfields: B2.1: Food chain management B2.2: Transportation B2.3: Storage 50 B2.4: Cooling B2.5: Processing B2.6: Conservation B2.7: Packaging The characteristic keywords of the B2 field thus include terms like CONSERVATION; COOLING; FOOD-CHAIN-MANAGEMENT; FOOD-TECHNOL*; PACKAG*; POSTHARVEST; PROCESSING; STORAGE; TRANSPORTAT*; etc.; FREEZING; If required, negative criteria may also be set to exclude undesirable combinations of key terms, e. g., PROCESSING NOT DATA-PROCESSING By combining the above search conditions in a proper logical order, a search profile yielding exactly the publications belonging to the B2 field can be constructed. Goodness of the search profiles The goodness of the search profiles was verified with the help of several other databases in a few cases. The example of Fisheries & Aquaculture is given below. Legend: WoS core jrnls: search in the Web of Science database using only journal titles. WoS spec prof: search in the Web of Science database using the search profiles for the level 2 fields of science, WoS gen prof: search in the Web of Science database using simplified search profiles for the level 1 fields of science, Scopus: search in the Scopus database using simplified search profiles for the level 1 fields of science, CAB Abs: search in the CAB Abstracts database using simplified search profiles for the level 1 fields of science, The search profiles were generated by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 51 Although for some less developed countries there can be larger differences, in general the distribution of publications among the EU countries (and the USA) is very similar, however, relevance of the specific, somewhat more in-depth search profiles for the level 2 fields of agrifood science was observed to be higher. An addendum to this mapping report contains the search profiles by fields of science. Trend analysis in Chapter 3.4 To make time trends easily and directly traceable, a different citation counting scheme was used in the 3x3yrs table. Here, citations to each paper was counted in a three-year period (the year of publication plus the subsequent two years), that is, the same citation time window was applied independently of the year of publication. Indicators for three three-year periods were then formed and tabulated. The tenth year of the study (2005) was left out from this analysis, since the required citation window was far not completed in the time of the data retrieval. 52 7.3 Basic agrifood bibliometric indicators Number of publications by countries and fields of science 1996-2005 World EU-33 USA AT BE BG A1 2 378 772 702 22,3 31,7 0,5 A2 6 969 1 697 2 394 27,2 29,4 0,3 A3 813 238 254 5,7 2,0 A4 1 232 338 567 9,8 12,7 A5 1 280 382 454 3,4 10,2 1,5 A6 1 448 501 500 9,4 16,0 1,3 A7 195 67 58 0,5 4,2 1,0 B1 5 681 2 103 1 684 24,3 75,1 2,5 B2 5 433 2 187 1 099 14,9 73,8 6,0 B3 937 427 244 5,3 19,0 0,5 C1 1 219 391 440 5,0 26,7 1,0 C2 2 366 791 766 13,7 23,4 1,0 D1 2 999 1 042 743 13,6 52,1 6,5 D2 3 467 1 116 1 125 29,4 34,6 1,5 D3 3 165 1 014 804 17,4 32,7 9,5 D4 6 747 2 179 1 139 53,1 48,6 7,0 E1 1 674 576 483 19,0 15,9 3,8 E2 7 836 2 505 1 640 39,7 49,6 3,5 E3 4 017 1 077 1 224 5,2 13,6 0,5 E4 998 476 132 31,8 4,5 F1 8 826 3 362 1 816 43,2 78,5 5,1 F2 1 070 419 221 9,3 13,0 F3 3 945 1 208 647 20,0 28,4 F4 5 509 1 886 1 135 23,8 68,1 1,5 F5 802 228 99 3,8 2,5 2,0 G1 4 264 1 607 1 301 32,7 56,2 5,3 G2 5 379 2 293 1 517 37,2 56,7 2,5 G3 5 746 2 379 1 517 76,0 99,0 2,5 G4 2 436 1 365 264 30,5 47,7 0,5 G5 1 310 363 420 5,0 7,5 0,5 H1 8 441 2 626 2 163 20,9 73,9 0,3 H2 3 988 1 157 1 121 9,4 17,2 2,3 I1 10 376 2 829 3 440 70,0 88,8 4,0 I2 3 364 781 1 118 20,9 13,0 J1 7 799 2 523 1 569 40,9 85,8 3,8 J2 5 353 1 474 1 718 21,0 38,3 4,8 J3 6 560 1 902 2 160 27,3 45,4 3,3 J4 4 932 1 700 1 442 33,4 42,9 2,5 J5 6 346 2 177 2 215 36,0 45,3 6,2 K1 6 690 2 248 1 819 42,7 77,5 1,5 K2 3 756 1 780 651 24,1 56,0 4,0 128373 52291 38084 798 1372 84,8 HR CY 2,5 10,0 1,0 2,5 1,0 1,0 6,5 6,0 1,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 4,2 5,3 0,5 16,5 7,0 0,5 3,5 10,0 2,0 1,0 3,0 6,5 9,5 5,5 0,5 1,0 2,0 6,4 1,3 0,5 19,6 2,5 6,7 1,0 1,0 3,5 4,2 5,5 2,0 1,0 16,0 162 0,3 4,0 1,0 0,5 0,1 2,0 1,6 1,5 22 CZ 3,4 8,5 1,0 5,5 3,6 1,0 1,0 16,3 18,9 0,5 7,0 5,3 12,3 15,6 18,3 21,1 9,0 45,2 29,8 3,0 133,0 5,0 12,3 64,4 11,0 17,7 17,0 42,9 1,5 3,0 43,2 3,0 42,3 6,0 23,8 27,0 16,7 22,5 23,3 37,5 16,4 709 DK EE FI FR DE GR HU IS IE IL IT LV LT 16,2 1,9 12,5 45,4 111,7 12,3 8,2 2,0 8,3 7,5 17,1 1,5 34,0 6,4 35,4 69,0 116,2 30,7 8,3 1,5 29,3 23,3 41,8 2,6 9,9 8,9 10,8 15,4 31,9 3,8 2,5 4,5 4,0 1,7 10,3 5,5 0,5 9,3 40,5 41,3 13,3 2,7 4,0 14,2 11,5 10,5 44,2 58,4 11,0 1,1 1,0 6,4 3,0 11,4 13,3 1,0 10,3 46,5 64,7 11,6 1,0 1,5 6,2 2,7 12,6 1,0 0,5 0,3 0,5 3,8 14,0 2,0 1,5 0,5 4,5 68,9 0,5 95,2 214,6 316,7 15,5 19,6 0,5 55,1 29,3 157,7 2,0 87,5 37,5 201,6 238,6 99,4 28,0 1,4 81,8 92,0 204,7 23,6 4,5 45,9 58,9 11,8 3,5 14,8 3,5 24,1 13,0 6,2 22,2 73,0 5,0 4,7 1,0 8,3 5,5 21,9 30,0 3,3 22,7 66,6 93,1 29,8 19,2 5,0 11,5 64,3 0,5 2,0 24,2 14,9 183,8 158,3 9,3 10,4 1,0 4,7 35,7 79,6 1,0 24,9 27,9 73,8 107,2 203,7 9,5 8,3 1,6 3,9 20,7 71,1 0,5 32,0 2,8 17,0 111,7 160,5 7,9 18,7 5,6 35,6 60,6 0,5 0,5 55,7 4,0 149,7 127,4 283,5 37,7 10,0 11,6 21,3 196,0 11,0 4,0 8,8 4,3 27,7 57,7 105,4 3,0 3,8 0,5 2,0 16,5 29,9 1,0 83,3 11,5 92,4 240,3 460,1 28,6 87,0 2,0 5,2 74,8 115,2 1,0 6,5 61,3 20,6 73,2 172,8 18,8 38,7 3,0 33,5 50,9 1,0 1,0 59,4 23,0 13,3 109,2 3,5 1,5 0,5 3,0 4,0 20,2 3,0 79,5 2,5 66,3 456,1 533,3 63,7 36,6 4,0 73,4 50,7 177,8 0,1 2,1 11,4 0,8 11,2 45,4 94,2 5,0 6,5 2,5 7,0 22,0 78,8 1,0 31,3 176,5 156,6 11,4 3,5 1,3 65,0 20,5 66,5 77,4 0,5 50,6 246,0 277,7 29,0 12,3 0,2 43,0 39,7 64,9 2,8 7,0 1,5 14,8 35,3 2,7 2,5 14,1 1,5 34,9 2,3 21,8 154,9 276,0 5,5 40,4 2,5 23,1 30,2 106,7 0,5 73,1 4,5 57,8 199,6 348,2 11,0 14,8 1,2 24,5 44,1 65,7 1,0 3,0 66,0 1,5 12,4 150,6 512,1 14,4 81,6 1,9 28,2 29,0 75,7 5,5 86,6 30,7 55,3 279,1 1,3 11,8 1,5 17,8 5,0 51,4 1,0 9,5 9,6 31,1 45,2 8,3 2,0 2,0 6,0 7,2 17,9 1,0 78,8 2,1 67,4 349,7 174,1 56,9 29,0 11,1 40,5 103,4 160,3 0,6 1,0 55,8 2,3 40,1 143,9 68,9 36,0 2,8 17,7 10,2 14,2 90,2 0,3 74,4 23,1 288,2 235,7 473,0 42,8 12,6 1,4 13,3 36,7 81,7 2,2 4,2 23,3 5,2 168,5 34,4 78,7 11,5 9,2 5,0 25,8 0,2 0,2 133,0 4,5 70,5 264,1 447,4 24,8 40,7 5,0 17,2 47,2 109,4 6,5 19,3 0,8 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46,7 14,9 1,2 124,3 8,0 11,5 88,2 12,0 98,2 20,5 156,6 6,0 6,3 66,5 14,2 40,2 7,5 35,8 17,0 16,4 33,5 10,6 21,2 28,9 1020 Source: 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences PT RO SK 5,7 1,2 7,3 6,5 1,5 8,6 2,1 3,0 1,5 3,5 1,0 14,8 3,3 0,5 8,3 5,0 15,5 0,8 3,2 26,4 2,0 4,0 5,5 1,0 1,0 0,5 1,0 8,3 1,9 1,5 9,4 5,6 9,2 3,4 9,1 1,5 2,2 44,6 13,0 15,2 3,8 1,2 3,2 32,7 2,0 11,8 4,5 2,0 4,8 31,7 1,0 4,3 12,6 9,4 0,3 7,2 3,0 2,3 6,3 1,0 8,3 1,5 4,0 0,6 46,8 2,0 20,9 1,3 33,9 3,1 8,3 11,4 3,3 20,8 1,2 22,1 4,5 29,4 3,5 9,6 5,2 31,3 2,2 38,5 6,0 489 58,8 38,8 2,0 6,0 20,4 2,3 20,9 14,5 13,6 0,3 1,0 3,8 1,0 45,8 2,0 1,5 9,0 10,0 28,3 4,4 9,0 9,8 295 Citations per publications by countries and fields of science 1996-2005 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 E3 E4 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 H1 H2 I1 I2 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 K1 K2 Av. World EU-33 USA 5,3 5,2 6,2 5,1 5,0 5,9 5,2 4,5 6,3 5,0 4,2 5,4 3,4 2,9 4,2 4,4 4,0 5,3 3,3 3,4 4,2 12,3 12,1 16,2 7,0 8,2 8,1 7,0 6,8 8,7 4,1 3,8 5,3 6,3 5,8 7,2 15,7 15,6 23,0 16,1 15,2 20,1 10,8 11,3 13,9 7,2 8,1 11,1 14,0 13,2 17,1 7,7 8,6 9,7 7,5 7,6 8,7 7,3 6,6 11,2 9,5 9,7 16,5 8,9 7,2 15,5 5,8 6,5 7,7 6,6 6,9 10,8 4,2 4,4 8,2 11,8 9,3 17,5 10,6 9,7 13,4 6,2 5,6 8,4 4,4 5,3 4,1 7,8 6,6 10,4 8,3 8,5 9,0 11,6 10,7 13,5 10,7 10,2 13,5 6,5 6,6 8,2 8,0 9,1 9,3 6,2 5,2 8,4 11,1 9,9 13,2 7,4 8,3 9,3 14,6 14,5 16,2 7,1 7,3 7,8 8,4 9,1 12,3 8,7 8,5 11,3 AT 4,7 1,4 3,3 5,0 2,1 2,5 1,0 10,6 5,9 7,6 10,3 5,8 17,9 10,5 14,1 6,8 11,9 5,1 27,2 2,2 18,9 2,6 3,2 3,9 2,6 13,6 10,9 3,5 6,1 3,4 12,7 6,0 8,5 11,1 7,1 3,3 8,6 4,6 8,3 9,0 7,1 7,8 BE 8,8 6,8 2,8 9,2 2,9 5,3 3,6 11,8 10,6 9,6 2,2 9,8 18,3 17,2 9,7 13,6 10,7 7,6 5,5 3,9 8,9 6,8 4,4 7,2 26,2 6,0 7,3 6,2 3,4 4,1 10,3 5,1 15,0 14,5 8,7 4,7 9,3 9,8 8,8 8,1 7,5 8,8 BG HR CY 0,0 0,8 1,0 1,3 0,0 0,4 2,0 1,2 0,0 8,2 4,3 1,0 0,0 11,0 2,3 0,3 0,5 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4,0 7,5 6,5 2,5 4,7 6,7 12,1 5,6 10,2 1,7 15,8 11,2 7,9 5,7 5,1 2,9 16,8 1,0 5,0 7,8 2,4 4,4 1,8 1,8 12,2 10,1 4,5 6,2 0,8 5,4 3,5 4,7 3,0 4,2 9,1 2,2 4,1 0,0 2,4 5,8 1,2 7,9 2,2 4,6 0,0 1,6 4,6 4,4 4,8 0,0 5,4 2,0 5,3 1,0 5,7 2,4 4,0 12,0 1,0 1,0 5,1 0,3 1,4 9,6 1,8 13,7 2,9 11,2 3,0 17,1 3,0 2,6 7,6 1,8 4,3 3,7 3,1 6,5 1,3 2,1 8,0 9,7 2,8 6,1 0,0 11,1 2,6 5,7 1,0 2,1 9,7 3,1 5,6 3,5 2,0 10,9 7,0 5,4 3,8 2,4 7,6 3,1 6,8 0,0 8,3 4,0 4,6 7,2 2,7 7,6 2,4 5,4 2,3 2,0 8,2 3,2 6,1 1,8 1,3 10,6 5,2 5,4 0,9 1,1 12,9 8,2 9,2 7,6 11,1 8,1 3,9 4,0 4,0 3,7 9,5 3,6 7,8 0,7 5,1 9,3 2,9 6,0 2,7 2,2 Source: 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 54 Publications (P) and citations per publications (C/P) by the top 30 EU-33 institutions and fields of science 1996-2005 INSTITUTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 INRA UNIV WAGENINGEN & RES CTR SWEDISH UNIV AGR SCI CNRS CSIC UNIV LONDON ROYAL VET & AGR UNIV UNIV HELSINKI UNIV UTRECHT DANISH INST AGR SCI UNIV EDINBURGH UNIV READING STATE UNIV GHENT KATHOLIEKE UNIV LEUVEN UNIV OXFORD UNIV HOHENHEIM TECH UNIV MUNICH NORWEGIAN UNIV LIFE SCI CNR UNIV CAMBRIDGE UNIV BRISTOL LUND UNIV SCOTTISH AGR COLL HEBREW UNIV JERUSALEM UNIV ABERDEEN UNIV WALES UNIV GIESSEN AGR RES ORG UNIV BONN UNIV ZURICH FR NL SE FR ES UK DK FI NL DK UK UK BE BE UK DE DE NO IT UK UK SE UK IL UK UK DE IL DE CH TOTAL PUB C/P 2380 10,3 1508 10,0 1298 11,5 1278 14,3 1227 9,8 836 11,8 621 10,0 608 11,6 524 10,7 519 8,6 516 14,9 490 10,1 490 10,1 470 8,3 433 16,8 427 6,7 421 7,4 413 8,5 411 8,2 401 13,9 392 11,7 372 15,7 367 10,6 334 13,1 328 8,5 324 10,2 320 6,9 302 9,2 302 5,2 287 12,5 A PUB C/P 103 3,4 221 7,9 44 6,7 24 10,0 14 6,6 198 8,1 15 3,9 24 3,0 32 9,6 8 8,1 44 6,1 50 3,6 15 2,3 49 4,5 65 10,4 19 3,5 25 2,3 38 7,5 3 19,0 46 5,0 23 10,2 19 5,6 21 4,4 23 4,7 54 4,9 62 7,4 22 2,6 4 2,0 23 2,4 12 14,7 B C PUB C/P PUB C/P 198 12,1 39 5,8 126 13,2 70 8,0 33 8,2 45 5,8 32 18,4 29 5,8 247 10,4 31 2,5 36 11,5 10 13,9 83 9,7 8 5,0 71 14,0 5 2,4 29 9,7 12 7,1 37 13,3 16 5,9 10 7,0 11 9,7 73 12,0 11 4,3 53 12,6 6 3,7 52 10,3 35 5,3 13 18,8 3 3,0 49 9,1 11 3,6 41 5,3 17 4,2 17 14,3 7 3,9 48 7,8 12 2,3 21 14,2 4 8,0 30 18,3 1 2,0 39 8,5 6 20,5 5 24,0 9 4,1 36 12,7 2 18,5 9 17,0 11 7,1 4 5,3 4 4,5 24 5,4 15 8,5 81 11,8 7 2,7 23 6,8 11 1,5 23 10,0 2 4,5 D PUB C/P 255 16,5 143 13,4 162 15,4 205 16,5 156 10,8 78 18,7 69 12,6 78 14,3 26 9,4 22 11,6 66 27,8 19 11,2 63 22,5 23 6,0 32 10,7 53 6,8 56 9,3 34 8,8 97 9,1 24 20,3 25 16,2 55 23,9 8 8,8 53 26,1 18 8,3 33 8,5 15 4,4 33 13,8 16 8,1 19 47,3 E PUB C/P 275 9,4 183 8,9 198 8,3 89 21,3 201 9,4 49 14,2 94 15,4 37 7,1 16 34,4 101 7,4 34 19,9 56 7,6 22 4,0 37 8,9 14 14,8 101 7,2 59 4,1 42 11,0 42 10,8 22 14,5 25 19,3 34 11,6 35 12,5 53 7,9 33 8,0 32 17,3 27 12,5 52 9,4 67 4,7 9 23,0 F PUB C/P 788 9,9 265 9,3 264 11,1 88 16,0 79 14,0 48 9,0 100 9,7 73 11,4 84 13,5 199 8,5 110 15,6 67 9,0 64 9,2 43 5,5 36 20,9 100 6,3 81 10,0 114 7,5 39 7,2 43 22,7 49 14,3 22 25,2 169 11,9 52 16,6 39 5,4 56 7,8 75 6,2 72 8,3 53 6,1 21 16,7 G PUB C/P 257 7,7 144 6,9 190 7,9 161 15,8 57 11,9 120 9,1 133 6,6 58 12,4 233 8,1 100 6,4 165 8,9 37 6,7 97 6,3 44 6,4 116 11,7 26 2,9 58 4,8 26 10,6 14 15,4 172 10,6 193 8,8 30 10,5 122 9,3 38 11,6 35 7,2 39 9,4 102 5,4 23 7,9 30 4,8 157 7,7 H PUB C/P 113 7,7 83 8,9 24 6,8 166 11,8 113 12,1 64 10,6 26 10,6 25 7,0 6 17,7 5 11,0 5 6,6 9 15,8 51 11,6 34 8,1 9 11,4 12 9,9 3 4,7 15 5,5 33 6,5 11 11,7 11 7,4 13 6,5 1 15,0 30 10,6 56 10,4 28 9,2 1 13,0 19 7,8 5 1,8 4 4,8 Source: 10 year data from the Web of Science data extractions by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 55 I PUB 145 111 255 91 50 59 39 166 21 1 63 21 29 26 44 20 43 74 19 22 7 54 4 12 36 33 3 2 10 14 C/P 16,0 9,4 17,6 11,0 9,0 14,1 7,2 13,8 8,7 14,0 24,3 6,8 12,5 13,7 7,2 4,4 7,7 11,3 7,2 15,6 22,4 26,3 4,3 22,7 9,9 7,2 14,0 11,5 4,0 7,6 J PUB C/P 268 9,1 318 11,4 233 14,3 417 13,7 272 9,1 186 16,1 70 9,1 113 16,0 88 10,9 71 11,6 74 21,9 162 12,8 88 8,3 124 10,5 125 27,5 66 8,8 69 9,1 81 8,6 94 7,5 56 16,1 42 15,2 112 21,6 39 15,0 40 8,2 68 10,8 68 12,8 62 12,3 28 5,0 78 4,5 28 18,3 K PUB C/P 274 9,4 154 8,1 99 8,9 84 11,1 135 12,6 61 9,1 84 9,7 49 7,4 22 16,6 55 8,6 19 8,9 43 8,7 50 8,6 59 7,4 11 17,5 38 6,2 36 8,3 52 6,7 47 7,6 11 35,4 14 7,9 43 8,5 17 10,7 22 5,6 18 7,9 13 15,7 16 9,6 13 4,2 24 9,0 10 6,2 Fig. 1 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Economic, social and political aspects (A) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. Fig. 2 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Food technology, human nutrition and consumer concerns (B) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. Fig. 3 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Engineering, mechanisation, ICT (C) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. Fig. 4 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Plant breeding and biotechnology (D) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. 57 Fig. 5 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Plant production and protection (E) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. Fig. 6 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Animal production and husbandry (F) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. 58 Fig. 7 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Animal health and welfare (G) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. Fig. 8 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Aquaculture and fisheries (H) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. 59 Fig. 9 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Forestry and landscape (I) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. Fig. 10 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Management of natural and biological resources (J) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. 60 Fig. 11 Citations per publications in 1996-2005 - Horizontal issues (K) Legend: green: less than 10 publications; blue: 10 or more publications Source: computations from the Web of Science database by the Institute for Research Policy Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. For the methods used please consult the Annex. 61 7.4 Survey methodology Two survey questionnaires were used, they are shown as the responders saw them. Some of the questions were adopted from the Record Manual [2004]. Questionnaire for registration on THE ANSWERS WILL BE PUBLISHED Respondent Full name Phone Email Information on the research group Name in national language Name in English City name in national language City name in English Country Contact person of this research group (published on Full name E-mail Tel Additional contact information Web Site I agree to display the e-mail of the contact person on Yes No BASIC INFORMATION C1. Please mark: your research organisation is (or belongs to) a: University / higher education research institution Public research institute (e.g. Academy of Science, government research organisation etc.) Private non-profit institution Business enterprise Other type, please specify C2. Average number of employees in your research group: Average number of employees in 2005 C3. Over the last 3 years, did your research group: Yes Publish articles? File patent applications? Commercialise new products or technologies? 62 No C4. Please indicate the scientific area in which your research group has produced at least one article, or contributed to at least one project report over the past 3 years: Research field code (cf attached list) 1 2 3 4 … C5. Name and Email of researcher Please indicate the name and E-mail of the researchers from your research group. Name of the researcher E-mail address 1 2 3 4 …. Note 1 : An invitation to register on researcher database will be sent by E-mail. Note 2: Researchers will indicate the reference of their publications and research projects. Without this information, the research group will not appear in the search of Questionnaire for the mapping survey THE INFORMATION WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED A.1. PLEASE MARK IF THE A, B, C OR D TYPE IS THE CLOSEST TO YOUR ORGANISATION: Organisation tasks / 'Complete' research organisations 'Partial' research organisations Organisational forms A B Commercial (non(e.g. R&D enterprises) (e.g. in-house R&D in industrial public)* enterprises) C D (e.g. research institutes in Academy of (e.g. universities, state-financed institutes Public (nonSciences networks, foundations that that conduct routine analysis as well as commercial)** perform research as their professional research, foundations that perform activity etc.) research as a part of their activities, etc.) * organisations that operate in a competitive business environment and primarily for business purposes ** organisations that operate in a non-competitive, non-business environment B.1 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AND RESEARCHERS (INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH GROUP ) 2005 Total number of employees on a Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) basis Total number of researchers* on a Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) basis Number of researchers with Ph.D. degree or higher on a Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) basis Number of researchers under 35 on a Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) basis *Ph.D. students can be included if they are involved in research projects that would be ongoing even without the Ph.D. student concerned. ’Engineers of the department’ and technical support staff are also to be included 63 Please mark your assessment on the evolution of young research personnel (researchers under 35) in the research group: The percentage of young researchers has increased in the last 5 years (there are more young researchers) The percentage of young researchers has not changed in the last 5 years The percentage of young researchers has decreased in the least 5 years (there are less young researchers) B.2 INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY Total number of foreign researchers hosted for more than 1.5 months in the last 3 years (2003 – 2005) * Number of researchers sent abroad to do research for at least 1.5 months in the last 3 years ( 2003 – 2005) *please do NOTcalculate those, who came to acquire a Ph.D. degree B.3 GENDER Percentage of women in the total number of researchers Please mark your assessment on the gender of research personnel: The percentage of women researchers has increased in the last 5 years (there are more women researchers) The percentage of women researchers has not changed in the last 5 years The percentage of women researchers has decreased in the least 5 years (there are less women in research) B4. RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE Please mark your assessment of the physical research infrastructure (without office equipment): The research organisation has an internationally competitive technology and it is able to conduct top research in cutting-edge research topics The research organisation has top research infrastructure, the infrastructure enables regular international research co-operation but it is not competitive if compared with the 'best in our research field' The research organisation has good quality research infrastructure, probably one of the most upto-date in the country, but it is not good enough to join in international research on a regular basis The research organisation has an obsolete research infrastructure if compared with international organisations and it is an obstacle to international research co-operation The research organisation has a rather obsolete research infrastructure and it is an obstacle to more domestic contracts We have no substantial infrastructure, but we have access to it and can participate in top research both nationally and internationally C1. SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION AND INNOVATION IN THE LAST 3 YEARS 2003-2005 Number of important innovations* Number of domestic patents granted: Number of patents granted by the EPO and/or JPO and/or USPTO ** Number of publications in journals reviewed by the Institute for Scientific Information*** *Important innovation: a new product / technology / organisational mode / tool or method had or contributed to an additional turnover of more than EUR 100 thousand or more than 500 people use a new product/technology or it saved life or improved the quality of life substantially. The research organisation's contribution is substantial if at least one third of the new knowledge came from the research organisation. ** EPO : European Patent Office ; JPO: Japan Patent Office ; USPTO: United States Patent and Trademark Office ***and thus appears in the Science Citation Index 64 C2. LARGE RESEARCH PROJECTS ongoing /started 2005 in completed in 2005 Number of large research projects* Of which: the number of projects in collaboration with industry the number of projects in which the organisation co-ordinates the number of European Union Framework Programme projects *the total project budget is above EUR 100 thousand and the organisation’s share is at least EUR 20 thousand. C3. ACTIVITY BY RESEARCH AREAS Please provide the number of important innovations, patents, large projects and international articles realised in the last three years (2003, 2004 and 2005) for each scientific area (note: the total can be higher than the total of C1) Number important innovations Number of of international Number patents of large (EPO; JPO; projects USPTO) Scientific field code (cf attached list) Number of articles in Number of Number of international studies and standards jou reports* written** rnals Number in 2003-2005: * Only reports financed by and / or supplied to national (and international) organisations. The research group is a major contributor to these reports: at least one third of the knowledge should come from the research group. **Only approved standards. The research group is a major contributor to these reports / standards: at least one third of the knowledge should come from the research 65 D1. INDICATE RESEARCH budget breakdown (for the last 3 years): PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR ANSWERS CONCERN RESEARCH BUDGET ONLY. What percentage of your annual research budget is financed by 0-5% 6-25% 26-50%, 51-75% 76-100% a) Private companies? b) International sources(such as the EU, UN, OECD, NATO etc.)? c) Not competitive* government financing? d) Competitive* government financing? e) Other sources (foundations, non-profit organisations, etc.)? *Projects won after competitive bidding procedures – so that the organisation can actually lose the funding targeted at the end of the procedure – count as source on a competitive basis. If the organisation participates in a money-allocation mechanism so that the money cannot be lost (but e.g. 'only' reduced), it counts as source on a non-competitive basis of research funding even if the procedure itself is called 'competitive bidding'. The sample and the response rate Table 7 Number of agrifood research units in the master list and the response rate (%) Higher education research unit Public research institution Private nonprofit research 313 (26%) PL 261 (60%) 45 (22%) TU 194 (51%) CZ 108 (52%) 71 (61%) 88 (81%) 68 (93%) RO 43 (81%) 115 (89%) BG HU 78 (73%) 33 (67%) HR 71 (54%) 48 (56%) 39 (82%) EE 15 (73%) 15 (80%) SI 34 (71%) 23 (96%) 24 (92%) LT 21 (86%) 15 (100%) SK 23 (96%) 12 (92%) LV CY 1 8 MT 5 4 Total 1 041 (54%) 734 (69%) Source: AgriMapping Survey November 2007 4 9 11 2 3 Business research organisation 5 7 9 11 5 5 1 2 3 32 (66%) Other Total 1 1 9 16 4 2 1 0 4 2 5 2 58 (76%) 0 2 1 37 (84%) 584 (41%) 247 (45%) 206 (59%) 194 (85%) 169 (86%) 121 (72%) 121 (55%) 56 (80%) 52 (75%) 47 (94%) 40 (93%) 39 (95%) 15 (73%) 11 (82%) 1 902 (61%) About half of the higher education agrifood research units and two third of the public agrifood research organisations responded to the survey questionnaire. The best response rates (>80%) were attained in Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Malta and Estonia. Naturally, Poland and Turkey managed to collect less answers to the questionnaire in relative terms, but in absolute numbers we are talking about several hundreds of agrifood research units only from these two countries. 66 Fig. 12 Agrifood research capacities by type (for all units in the master list) Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 Fig. 13 Number of agrifood research units and the responders Source: AgriMapping Survey 2006-2007 67 SI TR Source: AgriMapping survey 2006-2007 Researchers under 35 (FTE, 2005) Researchers with PhD or higher degree (FTE, 2005) Large EU projects completed in 2005 SK 61 149 5 3 70 47 11 4 188 78 9 10 19 45 12 111 42 4 22 11 29 21 9 135 291 132 94 9 13 21 36 33 5 59 27 6 140 16 Large EU projects ongoing / started in 2005 RO 12 36 4 1 6 5 4 2 18 11 5 3 3 4 7 17 10 4 9 5 8 8 0 20 61 15 38 3 8 9 8 6 4 4 3 2 7 5 Large projects completed with industry in 2005 MT PL 3 23 4 0 3 2 0 1 7 8 3 2 2 3 1 9 8 4 9 4 2 1 0 18 42 26 32 5 4 5 1 2 1 1 3 0 5 1 Large projects ongoing / started with industry in 2005 LT 34 99 4 2 38 26 6 2 55 42 7 9 7 32 10 57 21 4 22 10 21 22 3 81 155 70 63 7 10 11 18 15 4 24 12 3 98 10 Large projects completed in 2005 LV 191 164 471 664 25 17 11 10 253 325 150 197 41 26 8 1 355 314 236 226 19 26 33 44 37 35 109 104 24 29 323 211 143 134 9 7 90 153 61 112 84 107 67 97 8 8 394 511 632 929 593 660 469 1237 27 37 35 44 51 103 309 297 273 480 12 18 101 102 70 111 15 18 792 530 127 70 Large projects ongoing / started in 2005 HU 355 296 1100 823 42 23 14 6 535 314 333 210 65 37 10 6 706 513 471 249 68 31 81 29 81 43 265 179 57 32 609 378 321 179 17 10 271 179 180 92 208 171 177 115 17 16 971 757 1891 1299 1276 866 1953 801 69 47 82 34 183 73 848 449 885 402 32 16 193 134 217 79 23 10 1765 1269 283 78 Triadic patents granted in 2003-2005 EE 445 2269 178 43 779 557 247 17 981 695 195 217 170 424 135 952 775 26 314 445 296 256 26 1175 3707 1660 4121 81 1528 778 1443 1556 159 259 391 39 1985 783 Domestic patents granted in 2003-2005 CZ 2426 1955 188 43 813 455 258 15 2089 1559 104 161 130 412 93 2949 1100 716 292 289 210 205 24 8004 5225 1988 3400 71 949 319 2903 1291 166 451 355 33 1694 474 Important innovations in 2003-2005 CY 35 101 4 3 38 27 6 3 55 43 7 9 7 32 11 57 22 5 22 11 22 22 5 81 156 70 63 7 10 13 18 15 4 24 12 3 98 10 Researchers sent abroad for more than six weeks in 2003-2005 HR Public research institution business enterprise other nec university / higher education Public research institution Public research institution business enterprise university / higher education Public research institution private non-profit business enterprise other nec university / higher education Public research institution university / higher education Public research institution business enterprise university / higher education Public research institution university / higher education Public research institution university / higher education university / higher education Public research institution university / higher education Public research institution private non-profit business enterprise other nec university / higher education Public research institution business enterprise university / higher education Public research institution private non-profit university / higher education Public research institution Researchers (FTE, 2005) BG university / higher education number Employees (FTE, 2005) type Employees (headcount, 2005) Country Research organisation Women researchers (FTE, 2005) Organisations that published articles in 20032005 Organisations that filed patent applications in 20032005 Organisations that commercialised new products or technologies in 2003-2005 Foreign researchers hosted for more than six weeks in 2003-2005 7.5 Basic survey results – summary statistics by countries 88 229 6 3 145 58 12 6 283 101 8 9 20 68 15 137 50 4 33 13 52 33 8 181 372 254 157 13 15 23 62 67 5 56 26 6 277 20 65 202 62 3 50 68 8 8 98 53 21 15 11 33 17 114 48 10 30 150 36 45 7 147 299 144 359 11 46 46 32 91 19 25 20 6 126 39 51 228 20 3 49 33 6 3 68 62 20 14 11 37 18 62 53 9 39 50 23 23 5 111 277 115 269 18 25 56 45 19 5 29 14 3 104 52 35 137 4 3 38 27 6 3 55 46 11 9 14 32 11 52 20 6 32 23 35 21 5 79 168 71 63 9 12 13 24 15 4 26 12 3 100 10 58 238 9 3 59 70 45 21 121 138 46 33 17 75 24 131 61 12 71 40 45 31 8 144 482 333 516 30 22 70 73 60 7 72 69 6 234 23 48 150 5 3 68 45 9 13 92 67 18 14 10 43 11 88 42 6 22 21 32 24 5 105 281 213 301 16 14 47 47 59 13 31 26 4 137 13 48 139 16 3 46 37 9 13 82 53 14 14 11 42 12 95 38 9 33 35 28 24 5 98 203 161 222 18 17 36 32 25 5 47 44 3 111 14 39 120 11 3 46 31 6 6 65 46 7 10 7 33 11 72 31 6 22 21 26 22 5 97 195 112 138 13 14 29 28 20 6 27 19 3 100 12 45 131 4 3 44 34 15 11 64 57 11 10 7 49 11 64 35 8 43 17 27 26 7 95 249 99 97 10 15 20 40 38 4 37 28 3 110 10 43 110 4 3 38 28 10 10 60 47 8 12 8 38 11 56 28 5 22 11 25 22 5 89 196 87 91 8 12 16 32 29 4 28 22 3 99 10