Local heritage fund project signage template

Local heritage fund project signage template
As part of the funding agreement, grant recipients must agree to allow the council to erect a
temporary sign advertising the project and the parties involved. This is a valuable opportunity
to tell the broader community about the heritage project, and about funding support from the
council and NSW Government.
This sign must be displayed in a prominent location for the duration of the project, and must
be visible and legible. Grant recipients may choose the materials and size of sign they want.
A signage template is on the next page and an example of a sign is included on the page
Councils are required to use the Office of Environment and Heritage and Heritage Council
logos in all material associated with this project. Logos are included in the signage template
and sample sign.
Works project signage template [please delete this
heading from your sign]
[Add your council logo
[Place your project name here]
[Brief paragraph describing the project or item, when it was constructed and why it is
[Brief description of the works to be undertaken]
The project is being carried out by [name of organisation] with major funding support from:
[Name of local council]
the NSW Government
[name others]
[Identify project director/conservation architect/builder/Heritage Council/Office of
Environment and Heritage]
Sample sign
Add your council logo here
Smithtown House Museum 1913
Constructed when the railway first came through Smithtown, is the museum was the home of
the first mayor of Smithtown, Walter Smith, from 1875–1944.
Major roof repair work will be undertaken during 2011–2013.
The project is being carried out by the Smithtown Progress Association with major funding
support from:
Smithtown Shire Council
the NSW Government
Smithtown Rotary Club
Mr and Mrs A J Jones
John Smith, Project Director – phone 4888 7934
Jim Brown, Heritage Specialist – phone 3423 9977
For more information, contact:
Smithtown Shire Council – phone XXXXXX
Office of Environment and Heritage – phone (02) 9873 8500 or visit
Donations are most welcome and are tax deductible. Please phone (02) 4888 7934