October 2012 Minutes - Valley Falls USD 338

PTO Agenda
October 8, 2012
School Commons
Meeting Minutes
PTO Officers present: Buffy Coleman, Jeanette Shipley, Heidi Pickerell
PTO Officers absent: John Shipley
School Staff/Administration present: Susan Grey, Mark Lamb
Guest present: Andy Dinger, Ed Dinger, Dan Maiers
Call to Order
Jeanette Shipley, Secretary, called the meeting to order at 5:35pm.
Review of September 10th minutes
Edits to the September 10th minutes were made. Buffy advised that Jayne Coleman was unable to serve as a
judge for the Homecoming Parade. Renae Kearney and two other gals from the community served as judges.
Treasurer’s report:
September ending balance:
Current Ending Balance: $5,278.09
Old Business:
1. Homecoming-PTO award $50.00 to top Homecoming float
The Junior Class was the winner of the Homecoming float. Buffy will be issuing a check to the junior
class fund.
2. Walk to School Day-October 3rd
Susan Grey advised that the event went well. As discussed in an earlier meeting, PTO and USD 338
will share the cost of breakfast. Cost of breakfast approximately 180 students x $1.20=$216.00. PTO
to pay half, approximately $108.00.
New Business:
Dan Maiers, Jayhawk Area Council-Boys Scots of America
Dan was added to the agenda. Jeanette opened the floor to Dan. Dan is the NE Kansas District
Executive Coordinator for Jayhawk Area Council- Boy Scouts of America. Dan advised that he was
visiting PTO to ask for assistance. He advised that preliminary work is under way to redevelop a Cub
Scout pack in Valley Falls. He asked for assistance in identifying community leaders that could
possibly be interested in assisting with development of a Cub Scout pack. Susan Grey advised that
she could send a letter home with students (if one was provided) and post announcement on the school
website. Dan thanked the committee for their time and advised Susan that he would be following up
with her.
Concession Stand
1. Football concession stand microwave-on loan from Margo’s room
Jeanette reported that the football concession stand microwave has quit working. Margo Ellerman
has loaned PTO a microwave for the remainder of the football season. THANK YOU MARGO!
We will need to purchase a new microwave for the next football season.
2. Pizza Vendor for Basketball
 Previous discussion (at August PTO meeting)
o Use Mac’s Grill for football season
o Give opportunity to Dingers for basketball season
Buffy advised the committee that no formal motion/decision had been made on using Dingers as a
pizza vendor. Heidi opened the floor to Andy and Ed Dinger. Andy and Ed provided pizza to the PTO
committee for test tasting. Andy advised that they recently have started serving pizza in their
restaurant and asked/inquired if PTO would consider them/give them a chance as a pizza vendor for
the basketball season. Andy advised that PTO’s cost would be $7.00 for a large pizza (he suggested a
New York Style pizza), he would provide delivery service to each game, and would provide
anywhere from one to several pizza warmers (as needed). He advised that that they could also
provide Calzones and Stromboli if interested. Andy and Ed thanked the committee for consideration.
(Andy provided an excellent presentation on his pizza services that his restaurant has available).
Discussion followed. Buffy suggested that PTO maintain the practices of getting pizza from Mac’s Grill
(Steve & Monica) for the concession stands. It was voiced that Steve and Monica do a lot for the
community and out of loyalty, PTO should stay with them. Jeanette voiced that as a new
business/pizza vendor, Dingers should also be given the opportunity to provide pizza for the
concession stand; spread the business among our local businesses. After no further discussion, the
following motion was made. Motion: Jeanette Shipley made the motion to give Dingers the
opportunity/chance to provide pizza for the basketball concession stand season. The motion was
not seconded and motion died. Jeanette reminded both Buffy and Heidi that John emailed both a
written vote and provided a verbal vote to Heidi, in favor of giving Dingers the opportunity/chance of
providing pizza to the concession stand during the basketball season. Heidi took the pizzas to the
school board meeting to share among the School Board members/staff which was immediately
following the PTO meeting.
1. Bag fund-raiser
Kick-off Friday, October 5th (two week window)
Heidi advised that the kick-off went well and thanked school administration for their
assistance and support and thanked Buffy for coordinating the packets etc. Mark Lamb
advised that the fund-raiser packets went home last Friday. Buffy will be providing the
follow up for the bag fund-raiser.
Follow-up note 11/2/12: Fundraiser total sales $4,069.00 and $236.00 donation. Check
to fundraiser company was $2,436.60. PTO profits $1,868.40. Mr. Hansford’s 5 th grade
class won the pizza party.
Fall Bazaar (November 10th)
PTO Breakfast fund-raiser “Breakfast at the Fall Bazaar”
 Begins at 7:00am-End time at 10:00am
 Pancake/sausage & biscuits/gravy (drinks)
Jeanette advised that planning is going well.
Follow-up written report: Event flyers continue to be posted locally along with
marketing table top tent cards being placed where available. Petro has
volunteered to donate sausage gravy, Dingers have volunteered to donate
sausage patties, Shipleys have volunteered to donate coffee, orange juice, and
syrup. Items that may need to be purchased include biscuits, pancake mix and
Discount Card fund-raiser
 Status report/follow-up
Background: Jeanette researched discount count card fund-raisers over this
past summer. One of the discount card fund-raisers identified was Major Saver.
They are used by the Topeka 501 school district foundation annually. Major
Saver works predominately with school foundations, but after some discussion,
the fund-raiser representative provided a suggestion that Valley Falls PTO may
entertain the idea of “arming” off of the Topeka 501 school district spring fundraiser, but would be an independent fund-raiser for Valley Falls. Jeanette invited
the representative to present at the September PTO meeting.
One of the
suggestions during Major Saver’s presentation was that Valley Falls PTO could
“arm” off of this spring’s Topeka 501 school district fund-raiser, with a goal for
next year to possibly develop a Jefferson County School District wide discount
card fund-raiser (each schools fund-raiser would be independent) using local
Heidi advised that she recently had the opportunity to network with 501 school
district administration/management and they spoke very highly of the Major
Saver discount card fund-raiser. She advised that 501 schools have raised
approximately $250,000 in the time span that they have used Major Saver.
Major Saver’s communication regarding the fund-raiser opportunity was as
recent as of this afternoon. Heidi advised that she would like to take the lead on
this fund-raiser.
No formal motion/decision was made regarding the Major Saver fund-raiser.
Suggestions for fundraiser
Decorated Christmas Tree (Spirit Christmas Tree)
 When: Fall Bazaar
Jeanette advised that Jeri Clark, with the Recreation Commission, suggested (threw out
the idea) PTO entering a decorated Christmas Tree at this year’s fall bazaar.
It was suggested to inquire more information regarding the event.
No formal motion/decision was made regarding the Christmas Tree fund-raiser.
Follow-up note: Jeanette followed up with Jeri. Jeri advised that this is the second year
for the event. It is open to school classrooms and school clubs/organizations. The trees
are decorated and submitted. Fall Bazaar attendees can vote on the trees by putting
loose change in decorated collection containers in front of each tree. The tree that
collects the most change/money wins the competition and gets to keep the change. The
recreation commission also provides awards for first, second, and third places (judging).
5K Run/Walk (see handout flyer)
 When: spring
 Entry Fee (give t-shirt with entry fee (pre-registration))
 Prizes for winners
Jeanette referred to the attached handout flyer. Discussion followed. This is a fundraiser or similar fund-raiser that Jeff West and Seaman also do. There were a lot of
ideas thrown out around this fund-raiser to enhance it. The general consensus of the
committee was that this could be a great and fun fund-raiser. Heidi suggested
contacting the track team coaches/teams to inquire if they would participate by helping
man the courses etc. Jeanette will do the leg work.
No formal motion/decision was made regarding the 5K Run/Walk.
See Upcoming events in October and November for discussion/action
Upcoming events:
 October 20th
Volleyball Sub-state/Cross Country Sub-state
No confirmation on activities at time of PTO meeting.
Follow- up Note 10/16/12: Lori Glissman asked for a donation for HSVB substate (Ellwood and Wabaunsee) in the amount of $100.00 but indicated that the
team would be appreciative of any amount of support. Lori indicated that the
donation would be used for drinks and
snacks (in between games) for the
team. Jeanette Shipley made the motion (by email) to provide $100.00
donation to HSVB team. After discussion (by email) of past history of funding
awards of this type of request, it was suggested that the HSVB team be given
$75.00. Jeanette amended her motion (by email) to provide $75.00
donation to HSVB team for sub-state activities. Buffy seconded the motion.
John voted in favor of the
motion. No firm vote was casted by Heidi. The
motion passed 3-.0 (by email).
October 22nd-26th
Red Ribbon Week
Mark Lamb and Susan Grey advised that activities are being planned for Red
Ribbon Week. Heidi advised both Susan and Mark to contact PTO if they
needed any assistance with activities.
Follow-up Note 10/19/12: Susan Grey emailed a request for possible funding
assistance from PTO for lanyards for the high school for Red Ribbon Week. The
total cost of the lanyards is $154.45. Buffy made the motion to provide the
$154.45 for the lanyards. Heidi, John and Jeanette were in favor of the motion.
Motion passed (by email).
October 27th
Volleyball State/Cross County State
No confirmation on activities at time of PTO meeting.
October 29th-30th
Parent-Teacher Conferences
No activities discussed.
 November 6th
Fall Sports Banquet
Follow-up report 10/31/12: Rod Bundee emailed for assistance from PTO for
paper products and drinks for the Fall Sports Banquet scheduled for November
6th. Jeanette made the motion to approve the request. The motion was
seconded and passed (by email).
November 8th-9th
High School Play
Heidi advised that she has been in contact with Nola Mulligan. Heidi asked Nola
to contact her when she has confirmation on play dress rehearsal date (s) and
PTO will provide pizza for dress rehearsal.
Follow-up 10/30/12: Heidi emailed and advised that she has visited with Ms.
Mulligan and dress rehearsal is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8th. There
are 22 students participating. Heidi advised that 11 pizzas will be needed. The
request was approved (by email).
November 10th
Turkey Bingo
Jeanette advised that planning is going well.
Follow-up written report:
Event flyers and event needs flyer will be sent home soon
Soup Dinner
o Soup (Chili and Chicken & Noodles) donated by Dingers
Donations for turkey bowling prizes/raffles (to date) are as follows:
o Dingers, Valley Falls
The Vindicator-gift certificate commitment for a one-year newspaper
subscription, Valley Falls
Melissa McAfee-haircut gift certificate and gift certificate for 10 tanning
sessions, Valley Falls
Aahh Some Blossoms-gift certificate commitment, Valley Falls
Coyote Canyon-gift certificate for 4-dinners, Topeka
Nancy Gatzemeyer-Thirty- One item donation, Zumba punch card gift
certificate and maybe one more gift certificate, Valley Falls
Brads Café, Topeka
Cedar Ridge, Atchison
Chunkee Dunkers-Ozawkie/Oskaloosa
Discovery Furniture, Topeka
Kaner Coffee, Topeka
KT’s Short Stop, Winchester
Turner Designs, Valley Falls
Valley Lawn & Garden, Valley Falls
November 12th-16th
American Education Week
No confirmed activities at time of meeting.
November 16th
Football Sub-state
No confirmed activities at time of meeting.
November 20th
PTO Late Night
Buffy advised that she is on the planning committee and planning is going well.
Follow-up report 10/24/12: Amy Sherretts asked for budget amount for Late
Night Activities. The amount discussed was $150.00. The general consensus of
the PTO officers was to support Late Night at approximately $150.00. Laura
Kirkwood emailed and advised that After Prom would take the concession stand
for Late Night. Valley Victors will be hosting a Soup Dinner beginning at 5:30pm
for Late Night Activities.
Follow-up report 10/30/12: Buffy Coleman disseminated a Late Night Time Line
November 24th
Football State
No confirmed activities at time of meeting.
 December 10th-14th
December 11th
December 17th
MAP Testing
No discussion.
PreK-6 concert
7-12 concert
Jeanette advised that the After Concert refreshments have been very well
received the past two years. Jeanette shared that she would like to see PTO
continue with this. Jeanette advised that she would make contact with Margo
regarding making cookies.
No formal motion/decision was made regarding After Concert events.
Follow-up Note10/29/12: Jeanette visited with Margo Ellerman. Margo advised
that they would make cookies for these events.
December 20th
AR Store
Jeanette reminded the committee that PTO donation has been $300.00 for each
store in the past. Heidi advised that if PTO funds were available, there should be
no problem to provide $300.00 for the Christmas AR Store.
No formal motion/decision was made regarding AR Store funding.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm.
Next PTO Meeting
November 12th @ 5:30pm in the Commons
District Bi-monthly Newsletter Dates
Submission Deadline:
Submission Deadline:
Submission Deadline:
Submission Deadline:
Nov. 19th
Jan. 22nd
Mar. 15th
May 24th
Items addressed by email: October-November
Buffy may have located a microwave for the FB concession stand. Heidi advised sounds good
and John advised ok with purchase if nice size and works. No additional information available.