PLANNING COMMITTEE 2 DECEMBER 2004 04/00743/FUL ITEM 5 Land at Rear of Condover, Headley Road, Langley Vale Erection of 12 internal stables, horse-walker and ancillary staff bungalow with trainer’s office for use as licensed racehorse training yard. PLAN WOODCOTE Metropolitan Green Belt 16.09.2004 RECOMMENDATION REFUSE on following grounds: The proposed development would constitute inappropriate development in the Green Belt as defined in PPG2 “Green Belts” and therefore by definition be harmful to the function and open character of the Green Belt. The proposals would significantly encroach an existing open countryside and harm the function and open character of the Green Belt. The Borough Council is not satisfied that the special circumstances put forward by the applicant are sufficient to outweigh the harm caused to this Green Belt site. The proposal therefore conflicts with Policy GB2 of the Epsom and Ewell District Wide Local Plan 2000. Summary The proposed buildings would be located in a prominent position in an open field close to Langley Vale Road and adjoining stables, barn and floodlit sand school associated with ‘Condover’. The new accommodation would be used with the existing stables etc. by the applicant’s daughter as a racehorse training yard. The proposals exceed the terms of the Local Plan in relation to the justified allowances for essential building needs to sustain the racehorse industry within the Green Belt and the applicant has failed to demonstrate very special circumstances that would justify permission or would outweigh the harm that would be caused to the openness of the Green Belt. The Country Highway Authority raise no objection. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Site and Surroundings The site which has an area of 0.5 hectare is open grassland used for the grazing of horses. The land has a frontage to Langley Vale Road of 63m and Chalk Pit Road (Bridle Path) of 95m. Page 1 of 5 PLANNING COMMITTEE 2 DECEMBER 2004 04/00743/FUL ITEM 5 This site is owned by the applicant who also owns ‘Condover’ together with land fronting Headley Road, Langley Vale Road and Chalk Pit Road. The west boundary of the application site is bound by an existing block of seven stables, a barn in which there is a further 3 stables and a floodlit sand school. The latter facilities are it is understood used for the applicant’s daughter’s horses. There is a separate vehicular access to these stables from Langley Vale Road and there is also a horse access, which crosses the application site linking the Chalk Pit Road and thence to the light controlled horse crossing on Langley Vale Road to the horse margin on that road. Current Proposal Next to the existing horse facilities it is proposed to erect 12 No. internal horseboxes, covered four horse walker and ancillary staff accommodation in a bungalow. The stable building would measure 21.6m by 10.2m with elevations of black tongue and grooved strip lap cladding under a blue/black profile sheet metal gable ended ridged roof with a height to eaves of 2.5m and to ridge 6.0m. The horse walker would have a diameter of 10.98m with sloping metal roof a maximum of 4.1m high. The bungalow would measure a maximum of 8.93m by 15.69m with brick and rendered elevations under a part hipped end ridged roof, having a maximum height to eaves of 2.7m and 5.6m to ridge. The bungalow would have 2 bedrooms, trainer’s office and colours room, living room, kitchen, bath and toilet facilities and a ut8lity/drying room. The applicant has written setting out what he feels are the special circumstances justifying this type of development in the Green Belt as follows: The premises will be occupied by my daughter, Mrs Laura Mongan, who has been training under permit from the existing premises. The Jockey Club have recently granted her a Full Trainers Licence and to make a success of her business she needs to expand and have facilities for around 20 horses, she has regretfully already had to turn future owners away through lack of boxes. Laura, having been born and bred in Epsom, like her parents, is keen to carry on training in the Town using the excellent facilities available, unfortunately there are no modern yards available for start-up trainers. I am aware that the Council’s Local Plan recognises the importance of the racehorse Training industry to the area and I trust you will find these modest proposals acceptable. Page 2 of 5 PLANNING COMMITTEE 2 DECEMBER 2004 04/00743/FUL ITEM 5 There is a complete lack of small ‘start-up’ yards within the Borough and to sustain/expand the training industry the Local Authority should encourage proposals such as these to attract young trainers to the area. Proposals would use and contribute to upkeep of gallops and downs through the fees. Proposals would attract more racehorses/owners to Epsom. Site tucked away from view. Proposed staff accommodation is modest in size and has been well designed to fit in with surroundings. Horses need 24 hour supervision and 2-3 staff accommodation on site. Racing now 7 days a week and late in evening making difficult for staff to get home without own transport. Staff find it difficult to find suitable accommodation in area. All other yards in Epsom have either trainer or staff accommodation on site. Planning History The Council has found no planning record for the existing stables and other facilities alongside the application site. Planning Policy Epsom and Ewell District wide Local Plan 2000 Policies GB2 BE1 MV1 MV8 MV25 HSG11 DC1 General policy for development within the Green Belt. The text of the Local Plan refers to the horse racing industry at 3.3.2, 3.3.3., 3.5.3 to 3.5.6. General Policy on built environment General Policy Parking standards and provision Access Design and layout of new residential development General development control policy Page 3 of 5 PLANNING COMMITTEE 2 DECEMBER 2004 04/00743/FUL ITEM 5 Planning Considerations Green Belt Policy The application site lies within the designated Green Belt, and it is therefore necessary to consider firstly whether or not the proposed development constitutes appropriate development in the Green Belt as defined in National Planning Policy Guidance (PPG2) and the Development Plan. In addition, if such development is considered to be inappropriate as defined in this policy framework, then it falls to be determined whether or not there are very special circumstances to justify permission, outweighing the harm caused to the Green Belt by reason of its inappropriateness. The Local Plan allows for some special consideration to be given to essential development to sustain the racehorse industry in terms of Green Belt policy provided it preserves the openness of the Green Belt, and is sited and designed so as to maintain its character. If essential, small stables for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation may be considered as not inappropriate in the Green Belt. Small stables is normally considered to be no more than 3 to 5 stables, so clearly the current proposals taken together with the existing stables and horse facilities exceed the PPG2 provisions. The proposed development would be sited on currently open land and in a prominent location, clearly visible from the public vantage point of Langley Vale Road. The applicant supports the proposed residential accommodation on the basis of the security and welfare of the horses, difficult working hours and lack of suitable accommodation in the area. It is acknowledged that there may be greater problems of security and welfare with racehorses but development in the Green Belt requires very special circumstances which in this case have not been demonstrated sufficiently to overcome the principle of Green Belt policy and the protection of openness. There are other ways of providing site security and in extreme cases night watchman facilities could be provided in a bay of the stables. The need for accommodation could also be overcome by siting the stables close to an existing dwelling. The applicant has not provided evidence to show that the proposed need for the development could not be provided elsewhere in another existing local racehorse training establishment. To the Councils’ knowledge, Cedar Point Racing stables on Headley Road are vacant. The proposals would significantly affect the openness and character of the Green Belt because of their scale and prominent siting and thus represent inappropriate development of the Green Belt. The supporting information fails to demonstrate very special circumstances justifying permission. Page 4 of 5 PLANNING COMMITTEE 2 DECEMBER 2004 04/00743/FUL ITEM 5 Highways The applicant has advised that he expects vehicle movements by way of horsebox to be 2 – 3 times a week, no more than currently using the existing access into Langley Vale Road The County Highway Authority consider there are no highway objections to make on safety, capacity or policy grounds. Consultations Neighbours notified. Letter received from neighbour with following reservations about the proposals: other options should be considered before new stables are allowed in Green Belt, for instance “The Cedars” stable yard in Headley Road has been vacant for 12 months, make more sense to build next to and share facilities and access with existing yard on Headley Road (Chalk Pit Stables?), noise at early hours, increased use of poor access to Langley Vale Road, stable block too high. Letter received from the Epsom Race Course Trainers Association supports proposals on following grounds: not excessive, internal stables very popular type of stabling for smaller units and very practical, horse walker is smallest available and very worthwhile, staff accommodation bare minimum required. Contact: Jacy Yates Page 5 of 5