Specific Academic Aptitude in Social Studies

September 2012
Grade Level_________
Specific Academic Aptitude in Math
Identification requires for two content area teachers or two grade level teachers complete Form A if
the student has one standardized, norm referenced Math composite test score of 96% or better.
 If a student can receive two norm referenced standardized Math composite test scores in the range of
96% or better only one Form A - Teacher Recommendation and Teacher Checklist is required.
(Test can include Stanford 10, MAP, EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT or any other norm referenced test.)
Form A
Teacher Recommendation
Student Name: ________________________________
School: _______________________________________
I recommend the above named student for potential placement in the gifted/talented program area of Specific
Academic Aptitude in Math for the following reasons:
(Teacher Signature)
Teacher Checklist
Please check the characteristics which accurately describe the TYPICAL behavior of this student.
_____ gets the answers correct, but may find it difficult to tell you how.
_____ invents new, obscure systems and codes
_____ reasons effectively; likes logic problems and puzzles
_____ grasps the abstract nature of mathematics easily
_____ enjoys trying to solve difficult problems
_____ likes to solve problems through discovery
_____ intuitive; has the ability to do deductive and inductive reasoning
_____ exhibits great desire to excel in math, as a mathematician or in a math-related
_____ is eager to tell others about discoveries and shows excitement in voice when
talking about this subject
_____ good at verbalizing math concepts, processes and solutions
_____ prefers to work individually
_____ is inquisitive
_____ is very alert; supplies rapid answers in math
_____ organized in handling data
_____ grasps or learns math concepts and processes easier than most students
Please record the number of characteristics checked.
September 2012
Grade Level_________
Specific Academic Aptitude in Science
Identification requires for two content area teachers or two grade level teachers complete Form A if
the student has one standardized, norm referenced Science composite test score of 96% or better.
 If a student can receive two norm referenced standardized Science composite test scores in the range
of 96% or better only one Form A - Teacher Recommendation and Teacher Checklist is required.
(Test can include Stanford 10, MAP, EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT or any other norm referenced test.)
Form A
Teacher Recommendation
Student Name: ________________________________
School: _______________________________________
I recommend the above named student for potential placement in the gifted/talented program area of Specific
Academic Aptitude in Science for the following reasons:
(Teacher Signature)
Teacher Checklist
Please check the characteristics which accurately describe the TYPICAL behavior of this student.
_____ interested in science books, science programs and/or related science websites.
_____ has science related hobbies, collections
_____ likes gadgets that are used with scientific thinking and/or work
_____ learns science concepts quickly
_____ has large knowledge base in science for his/her age
_____ curious about natural relationships and wants to understand how things work
_____ comes up with good questions or ideas for experiments
_____ understands scientific method, conducts experiments carefully
_____ persistent; sticks with investigations in spite of difficulties
_____ exhibits great desire to be a scientist using discovery, questioning strategies, research
_____ is eager to tell others about discoveries and shows excitement in voice when
talking about this subject
_____ recognizes the importance of collecting data
_____ good at verbalizing science concepts
_____ writes good lab reports and observations
_____ is very alert; supplies rapid answers in science
_____ likes to take things apart and examine them
_____ good with simple and/or complex equipment, able to improvise set ups
Please record the number of characteristics checked.
September 2012
Grade Level_________
Specific Academic Aptitude in Social Studies
(Grade 4-8) Identification requires for two content area teachers or two grade level teachers
complete Form A Teacher Recommendation and Teacher Checklist if the student has a composite
test score of 96% or better on the SAGES -2 Language Arts/Social Studies Subtest.
(Grade 9-12) Identification requires for two content area teachers complete Form A – Teacher
Recommendation and Teacher Checklist if the student has one standardized, norm referenced
Reading composite test score of 96% or better. (Test can include SAGES, PLAN, ACT or any other
norm referenced test.)
Form A
Teacher Recommendation
Student Name: ________________________________
School: _______________________________________
I recommend the above named student for potential placement in the gifted/talented program area of Specific
Academic Aptitude in Social Studies for the following reasons:
(Teacher Signature)
Teacher Checklist
Please check the characteristics which accurately describe the TYPICAL behavior of this student.
_____ sensitive to social issues and/or concerned with moral and ethical questions
_____ is eager to research and study in depth social issues.
_____ knowledgeable about current events
_____ reads, and discusses issues dealing with global awareness
_____ shows interest in learning a foreign language
_____ has a high interest level in global issues of environment, endangered species, etc.
_____ enjoys learning about the past, present, and future
_____ is eager to tell others about discoveries and shows excitement in voice when talking about this subject
_____ usually prefers to work individually
_____ is inquisitive
_____ is very alert; supplies rapid answers to questions in this subject
_____ understands cause and effect
_____ can apply knowledge to a variety of related issues involving society and/or social relationships
_____ is willing to ask questions or participate in discussions that are open-ended and philosophical
_____ is able to entertain doubts and alternative points of view
_____ is capable of appreciating and respecting viewpoints of others
_____ enjoys the process of research, of investigating for its own sake
___/17 Please record the number of characteristics checked.
September 2012
Grade Level_________
Specific Academic Aptitude in Language Arts
Identification requires for two content area teachers or two grade level teachers complete Form A –
Teacher Checklist and Teacher Recommendation if the student has one standardized, norm
referenced Language or Reading composite test score of 96% or better.
 If a student can receive two norm referenced standardized composite test scores in the range of 96%
or better only one Form A - Teacher Recommendation and Teacher Checklist is required.
(Test can include Stanford 10, MAP, EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT or any other norm referenced test.)
Form A
Teacher Recommendation
Student Name: ________________________________
School: _______________________________________
I recommend the above named student for potential placement in the gifted/talented program area of Specific
Academic Aptitude in Language Arts for the following reasons:
(Teacher Signature)
Teacher Checklist
Please check the characteristics which accurately describe the TYPICAL behavior of this student.
_____ is an avid reader
_____ expresses feelings of characters to make them seem real
_____ writes more than other students (quantity)
_____ writes for pleasure when not required
_____ introduces, develops and concludes a story interestingly and elaborately
_____ enjoys composing poems, original stories, plays or keeping a journal
_____ has an advanced vocabulary beyond normal age level
_____ sees details, is a good observer, makes connections
_____ organizes and sequences ideas well
_____ has a good sense of humor, uses and responds to satire and other forms of humor
_____ original, creative, comes up with unique ideas
_____ elaborates well, explains details clearly
_____ able to visualize and translate images into correct written form
_____ curious, capable of independent study and research
_____ sees relations between literature and life
_____uses words effectively, writes descriptions, communicates emotions
_____ performs well in verbal participation
_____ prefers to work individually
_____ is inquisitive
Please record the number of characteristics checked.