
Name: __________________________________
Date: _________________
Period: _____
Homework: Substances and Mixtures
1. A substance is made from a combination of simpler substances combined in a definite ratio.
This substance is A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
2. A substance cannot be chemically separated into simpler substances. This substance is A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
3. A material is a combination of other substances that are not in a fixed ratio. The material can
be physically separated into these simpler substances. This substance is A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
Describe how you might separate the following mixtures based on their physical properties.
5. How would you separate a mixture of sulfur and iron filings?
Sulfur and Iron Filings
6. How would you separate a mixture of salt and water?
Salt and Water
Identify each of the elements below based on the information given.
7. Which element has 8 protons, 8 neutrons and 10 electrons? ___________________________
8. Which element has 15 protons and 16 neutrons? ____________________________________
9. Which element has 3 protons, 4 neutrons and 3 electrons? ____________________________
10. Which element has 12 neutrons and 11 protons? ___________________________________
The picture to the right shows a clear and blue liquid that
have been placed in the same container and allowed to sit
for 25 minutes.
11. Are these liquids miscible or immiscible? ___________________
12. Why are these liquids not mixing? _______________________________________________
13. Which liquid is most dense? ___________________________________________________
14. What could you use to separate these liquids? _____________________________________
Answer the following questions about elements, compounds and mixtures.
1. A crystalline sample is brought into the lab. The laboratory technician notices that the
sample can be chemically separated into simpler substances. The sample should be identified
as –
A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
2. A solid, silvery sample with a high melting point is brought into the lab for testing. The lab
determines that the sample cannot be separated into substances. The sample is –
A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
3. A metal sample with a broad melting point is brought to a lab. The lab determines that it can
be separated into simpler substances by melting. The sample is –
A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
4. A liquid sample is brought into the lab for testing. It is determined that the sample is a
combination of simpler substances which have been joined together in a definite ratio, and that
it can be chemically broken apart into these simpler substances. The sample is –
A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
5. What type of material can be represented by dissolving large amounts of sodium chloride
into a beaker of distilled water?
A polymer
B alloy
C gaseous
D aqueous solution
6. What type of material can be represented by melting samples of copper and zinc, mixing
them together evenly and allowing them to cool and harden?
A polymer
B alloy
C gaseous
D aqueous solution
7. Air is a combination of different gases which do not exist in exact ratios and can be separated
based on their physical properties. Based on this information, it can be inferred that air is a A an element
B a compound
C a mixture
8. Solutions are formed when substances are evenly mixed together. A solution would exist in
which of the following phases?
A solid
B liquid
C gas
D solutions can exist in any phase
Intensive vs. Extensive Properties Review
1. Are intensive or extensive properties based on the size of a sample? ____________________
2. For each of the physical properties below, determine whether they are intensive (INT) or
extensive (EXT).
State of Matter _______
Number of Moles _______
Hardness _______
Density _______
Volume _______
Color _______
Odor _______
Temperature _______
Mass _______
Melting Point _______
Specific Heat _______
Energy _______
Boiling Point _______
Number of Atoms _______
Length _______