The most important issue facing our country today is waste in the

The most important issue facing our country today is waste in the landfills. The
United States has over three thousand active landfills today. I think if we all recycled we
would be less wasteful. The company “Recology” collects and process waste. The
name Recology is “recycle” and “ecology” combined. This company helps minimize the
amount of materials sent to the landfills. Recology is recycling, composting, and uses
waste reduction materials. Having recycling organizations all over the United States, like
the Recology program in San Francisco, could provide a solution to decrease our waste
in landfills. Recology provides twenty separate recycling programs that is more than
any other city.
Recycling is the right thing to do but, it is also a matter of convenience. A good
reason why people do not recycle is because some people might not have the
opportunity. Recycling helps us by saving money, space, and energy. Everyone loves to
save money. When people recycle, the products that are reused are less expensive
than making new products. Recycling saves energy by taking less energy to process
the recycled materials. Recycling saves space by reducing waste in landfills. Recology
advanced by converting organics into bio gas to generate electricity.
I have come from a long line of family members who recycle. For example my
great grandfather, my grandmother, and both my cousins recycle. My great grandpa
Ernie recycled all kinds of cans such as coffee cans, sardine cans, vegetable cans,
tomato paste cans, soup cans, metal bottle caps, and metal tabs. He washed the cans
out and used them to make tin men. My grandmother Thurma always recycles soda
cans and she still does to this day. My cousin Josh recycles glass bottles, cans, and
cardboard. My cousin amber has a compost bin that she puts coffee grounds, egg
shells, and scraps off of food she doesn’t use and makes a compost of it to fertilize her
garden. I am also going to take on the long line of recycling and start recycling once I
get my own place.
You could help my issue of reducing waste by putting a Recology company in every
state and letting everyone have access to recycling bins. When you let everyone have
access to recycling bins it will be easier for people and simpler for the companies. The
Recology Company is only in San Francisco California it should be in every state.
Recology is employee owned and a non-profit organization. Recology is the largest
compost facility in the United States.
Recycling is a good thing because we can use the recyclables in so many
different ways. Like how my great grandfather turned cans into art. Recycling can take
trash and make it into something new. Instead of wasting the unwanted trash it would
be easier to recycle it.
If you make this possible, I can promise I would recycle everything I could every day. I
would tell all my friends easy ways to recycle. I would ask all my family to recycle. I
would send emails of how to recycle. I would even get separate bins to recycle in. I can
even recycle at school or college or even at my job.
Having Recology in every state will help the waste reduce a lot. Recycling is a
great thing to do, but it’s a matter of availability to people when they do recycle. If
everyone did recycle we would save a lot of time, money, and energy. Recycling is
really beneficial to help maintain a healthy environment, and it is not always a difficult
task to get into the habit of. Every month Americans throw out enough glass bottles and
jars to fill up a giant sky scrapper like the Empire State building.