1 Appendix A 2 Gravity data processing 3 As gravity data come from very different sources, they were homogenised by referring them to 4 the IGSN71 network, and then revised in order to avoid inconsistencies and to exclude erroneous 5 measurements. After this process, our data set consisted of 1,077 gravity data covering an area of 6 20.4 x 21.6 km. 7 We computed free air anomaly because the investigated area is almost flat and the surface rocks 8 are lithologically rather heterogeneous, making it difficult to determine a reliable average value of 9 the density. We subtracted to the anomaly the sea water effect and the regional field. To subtract the 10 sea water effect we integrated the off-shore measurements with points extracted from a smaller 11 scale bathymetric map, thus obtaining a set of 2,310 points distributed over an area of about 5,500 12 km2, large enough to consider border effect negligible over the CF area. Using an approximation of 13 the sea floor shape by a triangular mesh, we computed the sea water effect using a density of 1,030 14 kg·m-3. This average value results from the analysis of density profiles in the Gulf of Naples 15 [Stabile et al., 2007]. As obvious, the correction affects offshore data, but is limited to 10 mGal at 16 most. On land, it never exceeds 2 mGal. 17 To perform the correction for the regional field, we considered the results of the seismic 18 tomography of Judenherc and Zollo [2004]. They interpret the shape of the 5.5 km/s isoline as 19 representing the top of the Mesozoic limestone basement that underlie the whole region [Principe et 20 al., 1987] at few kilometres depth. This is the most important regional feature of the area. The 21 tomography covers an area large enough to include CF and their surroundings both off shore and on 22 land, but we extrapolated the border of the basement to match the dimension of the sea floor model. 23 The density of the basement was assumed to be 2,600 kg·m-3 according to other gravity 24 investigations of the area [Cassano and La Torre, 1987, Berrino et al., 2008]. The computed 25 correction is very small because the basement is essentially flat in the area. Never the less, we used 26 the known shape of the basement to compute the average density of the overlying rocks. To this 1 27 aim, we optimized the density contrast between the basement and the overlying rocks over the 28 whole area covered by the know shape of the basement minimizing the free air anomaly residual. 29 The area includes features of the gravity field not directly linked to the shape of the basement (e.g. 30 Campi Flegrei caldera low, and Ischia height), so we minimized the L1 norm of the residual. We 31 obtain as reference value 2,100 kg·m-3 as a reference value. This result is consistent with the 32 average of the values adopted by Cassano and La Torre [1987] for rocks down to 2 km depth. 33 These values were calibrated over the density measured on samples extracted from geothermal 34 wells. 35 36 3D gravity inversion modelling 37 The aim of every gravity survey is to identify the density structure of the investigated area. The 38 first step is then to single out a volume within which the sources of anomaly of the gravity field are 39 likely to be present. Once this volume is determined, it has to be partitioned into blocks the gravity 40 attraction of which can be computed to solve the forward problem. The identified volume will likely 41 be characterized by a topography and gravity data are measured at points on it. The positions of data 42 points are then samples of the topographic surface. Starting from these samples, it is possible to 43 build a triangular mesh representing an approximation of the true surface shape. We accomplish this 44 task using the implementation of optimal Delauney triangulation of Watson [1982] that we modified 45 to perform additional tasks needed to compute the gravity generated by the forward model. In our 46 case, the topography of CF is characterized by very small relieves generated by the volcanic activity 47 that only in the northern part of the area become as high as about 200 m. 48 If data are scattered the sampling of topography may be very different in different areas. In this 49 case it is necessary to add auxiliary points determined from maps or a DEM to improve and 50 homogenize the approximation of the topography. Obviously these added points provide more 51 details about the shape of the topography, but they do not bear any further information about the 52 gravity field. 2 53 Once the mesh is obtained, under each triangle a sequence of triangular prisms, that we called 54 column, is built. The uppermost prism has a slanted face following the topography, while the other 55 prisms have planar upper and lower faces. The heights of the prisms can be chosen at will and can 56 be arranged to have a sequence of regular layers below the base of the topography. The volume 57 containing the topography can be instead divided into irregular layers, i.e., containing columns of 58 different heights. Assuming that each prism has a given constant density, the gravity attraction of 59 the column can be computed analytically at each data point using the method outlined by Okabe 60 [1979]. 61 Adding more auxiliary points to the data set improves the approximation of the topography by 62 the triangular mesh, but also increases the number of triangles and related columns. To reduce the 63 number of parameters and to let them have a more regular shape, the columns have to be grouped. 64 To this aim, the area covered by the topography is ideally subdivided into regular cells and the 65 triangles belonging to a cell are grouped to form a polyhedron. Then the prisms belonging to a layer 66 and to the columns related to grouped triangles are combined into a new block, whose gravity 67 attraction is the sum of the attraction of the forming prisms, provided that they all have the same 68 density. 69 On the basis of the new blocks the kernel matrix A whose elements are the gravity attraction at 70 the i-th data point generated by the j-th block, assumed to have unit density, is built. Knowing the 71 densities of the blocks, the gravity attraction at data points can be computed by a standard linear 72 system of equations. 73 The resulting inverse problem is usually ill-posed and solved using the Tichonov regularization 74 theory [Tichonov and Arsénine, 1976]. The key point of the theory is that a stable solution of the 75 inverse problem can be obtained by imposing that the model has to fit the observed data within both 76 a given accuracy δ, usually linked to data and model errors, and an additional constraint. We have 77 imposed the minimum weighted norm as the additional constraint on the solution, thus, according to 78 the theory, we have minimized the functional 3 P=||Am-d||2+||Wm||2 79 80 where m is the vector of the unknowns model parameters, d is the data vector, W is a weighting 81 matrix and is the relative weight between the resulting misfit and the effectiveness of the imposed 82 constraint. 83 The application of regularization theory to gravimetric and electromagnetic data is extensively 84 discussed by Zdhanov [2002]. . The author shows that choosing W as a diagonal matrix which 85 elements are the norm of the column vectors of A, the weighting matrix maximizes the sensitivity 86 of the model parameters to data changes . He also shows that, for the inverse linear discrete problem 87 under consideration, the analytical solution in order to minimize the functional P is m=(ATA+W2)-1ATd 88 89 90 . By repeatedly computing this solution for different values of α, the quasi-optimal value of the parameter can be selected using the method of L-curve [Hansen, 1992]. 91 To actually set up the inversion, after an extensive series of tests we established the vertical 92 parameterization shown in Figure A1. The subaerial part of the model represents one irregular layer 93 having bottom at sea level. The part of the model between sea level and the sea floor represents the 94 second irregular layer having bottom at 0.2 km b.s.l.. Then a sequence of regular layers is 95 established down to 3 km b.s.l. with spacing of 0.4 km, and further down to 4.8 km b.s.l. with 96 spacing of 0.6 km, for a total of twelve layers. The resolution is also shown in Figure A1 Taking as 97 threshold reference the 3 percent of the maximum value, we observe a satisfied resolution up to a 98 depth of about 3 km 99 100 References not cited in the main text 101 102 103 104 105 Hansen, P. C. (1992), Analysis of discrete ill-posed problems by means of the L-curve, SIAM Review, 34, 561-580. Okabe, M. (1979), Analytical expression for gravity anomalies due to homogeneous polyhedral bodies and translation into magnetic anomalies, Geophysics, 44, 730–741. 4 106 Principe, C., M. Rosi, R. Santacroce, and A. Sbrana (1987), Explanatory notes to the geological 107 map, in Somma-Vesuvius: edited by R. Santacroce, Quaderni de ‘‘La Ricerca Scientifica’’, 114 108 (8) pp. 1–52, CNR, Rome, Italy. 109 Stabile, T. A., A. Zollo, M. Vassallo, and G. Iannaccone (2007), Underwater acoustic channel 110 properties in the Gulf of Naples and their effects on digital data transmission, Ann. Geophys., 111 50, 313–328. 112 Tichonov, A., and V. Arsénine (1976), Méthodes de résolution des problèmes mal posés (french 113 translation from russian), MIR, Paris, 202 pp. 114 Watson, D. F. (1982), ACORD: Automatic Contouring of Raw Data, Comput. Geosci., 8, 97-101. 115 5 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 Figure A1 --left: sketch of the basic structure (layer) used to parameterize the density distribution; right: resolution for each layer of the model. As a reference, a (red) line corresponding to a 3 percent of the maximum value of resolution has been plotted 6