complete cv - EcoGenoDiv

Date of birth:
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Panayiota Kotsakiozi
17-10-1984 and
Panayiota Kotsakiozi
2006: BIOLOGY DEGREE (September 2002-October 2006), Faculty of Biology, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece. (6.82/10).
2013 : PhD Biology (October 2007-July 2013), Faculty of Biology, Department of Human
and Animal Physiology, NKUA, Greece. Thesis title: A comparative study of the
physiological adaptations of the Greek endemic land snail genus Codringtonia Kobelt 1898.
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. E.D Valakos. Graded “Excellent”.
Foreign languages: English (C2 level), German (Beginners’ level).
A.1. *Kotsakiozi P., Pafilis P., Giokas S., Valakos E.D., 2012. A comparison of the
physiological responses of two land snail species with different distributional ranges.
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 78 (2): 217-224.
A.2. Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A., Giokas S., Papanikolaou I., Valakos E.D., 2012.
Mitochondrial phylogeny and biogeographic history of the Greek endemic land-snail
genus Codringtonia Kobelt 1898 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae). Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62: 681-692.
A.3. Parmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P., Rand D., 2013. Animal Mitochondria, Positive Selection
and Cyto-nuclear Coevolution: Insights from Pulmonates. PLoS ONE 8 (4): e61970.
A.4. Pаrmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P., Tropea G, Yağmur, E. A., Stathi I, Fet V, Soleglad, ME.
2013. DNA markers confirm presence of Euscorpius avcii Tropea et al., 2012
(Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) on Samos Island, Greece. Euscorpius, 161: 1–6.
A.5. Parmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P., Stathi I., Poulikarakou S., Fet V., 2013. Molecular
phylogeny of the Mediterranean scorpion genus Euscorpius Thorell 1876 (Scorpiones:
Euscorpiidae) from Greece and adjacent regions. Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society, 110: 728-748.
A.6. *Kotsakiozi P., Rigal F., Valakos E.D., Parmakelis A., 2013. Disentangling the effects
of intra-species variability, phylogeny, space and climate on the evolution of shell
morphology in Greek endemic land snails of the genus Codringtonia. Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society, 110: 796-813.
A.7. Fet, V., Soleglad, M.E., Parmakelis, A., Kotsakiozi, P., Stathi, I. 2013. Three more
species of Euscorpius confirmed for Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius,
A.8. Fet, V., Soleglad, M.E., Parmakelis, A., Kotsakiozi, P., Stathi, I. 2013. A new species
of Euscorpius from Tinos Island, Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Revista Iberica
de Aracnologia, 23: 3-10.
A.9. Tropea, G., Fet, V., Parmakelis, A., Kotsakiozi, P., Stathi, I. 2013. A new species of
Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 from Peloponnese, Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae).
Euscorpius, 169: 1−11.
A. 10. Fet V., Soleglad M.E., Parmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P. & Stathi I. 2014. Two new
species of Euscorpius from Euboea Island, Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae).
Arthropoda Selecta, 23: 111-126.
A.11. *Kotsakiozi, P., Parmakelis, A., Aggeli, I.K., Gaitanaki, K., Giokas, S., Valakos, E.
2014. Water balance and expression of Heat-Shock Protein-70 in Codringtonia species:
a study within a phylogenetic framework. Journal of Molluscan Studies, doi:
A.12. Tropea G., Fet V., Parmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P., Stathi I. 2014. Three new species of
Euscorpius (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) from Greece. Euscorpius, 190.
A.13. Tropea G., Fet V., Parmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P., Stathi I. 2014. A new species of
Euscorpius (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) from southern Bulgaria. Under review.
A. National Congresses
A.14 Kotsakiozi P., Roussos S., Ilgaz C., Lymberakis P., Poulakakis N. The phylogeography
of Mediodactylus kotschyi (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). 7th Hellenic Congress of Ecology,
“Ecological processes in space and time”. Mytilene, Greece, October 2014. (Oral).
A.13. Karabatsou L., Yağmur E.A., Fet V., Kotsakiozi P., Soleglad M.E., Terzopoulou S.,
Balanika K., Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi M., Voutsela A., Parmakelis A.Molecular phylogeny
of Iuridae (Scorpiones: Iurida: Iuroidea) in western Mediterannean. 36th Annual
Scientific Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece, 811 May 2014. (Oral presentation).
A.12. Kotsakiozi P., Voutsela A., Parmakelis A., Firbas P., Giokas S., Valakos E.D.
Phylogeny or adaptation? The case of Helicidae. 36th Annual Scientific Congress of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Ioannina, Greece, 8-11 May 2014. (Oral
A.11. Sitara K., Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A. Shell differentiation of the genus Mastus in
Crete with the use of geometric morphometrics. 35th Annual Scientific Congress of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Nafplio, Greece, 23-25 May 2013. (Oral
A.10. Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A., Aggeli I.K., Gaitanaki K., Giokas S., Valakos E.
Expression of Heat Shock proteins and resistance to desiccation in Codringtonia species
(Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae). 6th Hellenic Congress of Ecology, “Ecological
processes in space and time”. Athens, Greece, October 2012. (Poster).
A.9. Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A., Giokas S., Valakos E.D. The shell differentiation of the
genus Codringtonia and its relation to phylogeny and the environment. 33rd Annual
Scientific Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Edessa, Greece, 19-21
May 2011. (Oral presentation).
A.8. Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A., Konstantakis A., Giokas S., Valakos E.D. The relation of
water content and resistance to desiccation with the distributional range of the
Codringtonia species (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae). 5th Hellenic Congress of
Ecology, “Ecological processes in space and time”, 4-7 October 2010, Patras, Greece.
(Oral presentation).
A.7. Konstantakis A., Kotsakiozi P., Giokas S., Pafilis P., Valakos ED. Seasonal physiological
patterns in C. eucineta. 32nd Annual Scientific Congress of the Hellenic Society of
Biological Sciences, Karpenisi, Greece, 20-22 May 2010. (Oral presentation).
A.6. Kotsakiozi P., Papanikolaou I., Parmakelis A., Giokas S., Valakos E.D. Levels of mtDNA
divergence in the species of the genus Codringtonia (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). 32nd
Annual Scientific Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Karpenisi,
Greece, 20-22 May 2010. (Oral presentation).
A.5. Sagonas K., Kotsakiozi P., Pafilis P., Valakos ED. The effect of temperature in the
activity of digestive enzymes in species of the genus Podarcis. 31st Annual Scientific
Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Patra, Greece, May 2009. (Oral
Firbas P., Kotsakiozi P., Giokas S., Pafilis P., Valakos ED. Ecophysiological responses
of Eobania vermiculata. Life between aestivations. 31st Annual Scientific Congress of the
Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Patra, Greece, May 2009. (Oral presentation).
Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A., Giokas S., Pafilis P., Valakos E. Eco-physiological
adaptations of the Helicidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) under adverse environmental
conditions. Environment or phylogeny? 4th National Congress “Contemporary trends in
the Ecological Science”. Volos, Greece, 9-12 October, 2008. (Oral presentation).
Kotsakiozi P., Giokas S., Pafilis P., Valakos E.D. Eco-physiological adaptations of two
land snail species during aestivation. Stochastic and deterministic strategies. 30th
Annual Scientific Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Thessaloniki,
Greece, May 2008. (Oral presentation).
Kotsakiozi P., Giokas S., Pafilis P., Valakos E.D. Seasonal changes in physiological
patterns of the land snail Helix aspersa: A success story. 29th Annual Scientific Congress
of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Kavala, Greece, May 2007. (Oral
B. International Congresses
B.1. Parmakelis A., Kotsakiozi P., Poulikarakou S., Stathi I., Fet V. Ancient scorpions of
Greece: DNA phylogeny of Euscorpius (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae). 12th International
Congress of on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and adjacent regions (12th
ICZEGAR). Athens, Greece, June 2012. (Poster).
B.2. Kotsakiozi P., Parmakelis A., Giokas S., Valakos E.D. Water balance and morphological
constraints in relation to distributional patterns in a land snail genus of Greece.
Thermal Adaptation Science Meeting, Evolutionary and plastic responses of animal
growth to different temperatures: adaptations and constraints. 28-30 April, 2011,
Tartu, Estonia. (Poster).
B.3. Kotsakiozi P., Papanikolaou E., Parmakelis A., Giokas S., Pafilis P., Valakos E.D. The
phylogeny of the endemic land snail genus of Greece Codringtonia (Gastropoda,
Pulmonata) based on mtDNA sequence data. 11th International Congress of on the
Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and adjacent regions (11th ICZEGAR). Heraklion,
Crete, Greece, 21-25 September 2009. (Poster).
B.4. Giokas S., Kotsakiozi P., Karkoulis P., Pafilis P., Valakos E.D. How variable are the
seasonal ecophysiological adaptations of land snails in semi-arid ecosystems? 10th
international congress on the zoogeography and ecology of Greece and adjacent
regions, Patra, June 2006. (poster).
Genetic data acquisition methods
 DNA/RNA and proteins isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis, PCR product sub-cloning,
primers’ design and PCR optimization, genes’ expression using Reverse Transcriptase
PCR and Western blot, sample preparation for downstream applications following the
extraction methods (PCR, sub-cloning, sequencing, restriction enzyme profiling etc).
Genetic data editing, analysis and retrieving
 Sequence data handling using: CodonCode Aligner, Sequencher, MEGA, CLUSTAL.
 Phylogenetic/phylogeographic and population genetic analysis using: MEGA, PAUP*,
ModelTest, MrBayes, BEAST, Garli, DNAsp, S-DIVA, Lagrange, DAMBE, Arlequin.
 Familiarity with sequence data retrieval from public databases.
Study of morphological variation
 Conventional univariate and multivariate morphometry
 Geometric morphometrics
Data analysis
 Statistical analysis using SPSS, STATISTICA, R-environment.
 Statistical methods for comparative analysis taking phylogenetic relationships into
Animal handling and care, tissue acquisition
 Eight years experience in maintaining lab populations of Lacerta and Podarcis lizards.
Daily routine involved feeding, containers cleaning and maintaining larvae populations
that were used to feed the lizards.
 Familiarity with blood and other tissue collecting from lizards.
 Field work in sampling lizards, land and fresh-water snails species.
2014: Translation of a book chapter from English to Greek. Chapter 23. Cecie Starr,
C. Evers, l. Starr (2013). Biology today and tomorrow. Brooks/Cole Gengage Learning. For
the Greek edition: UTOPIA.
2012: Contribution to the undergaduate lab excersise notes “Primates III” (use of
molecular data) and writing of the appendix for the image editing. In Valakos and
Papavasileiou (2012, 2013) Anthropology practicals, NKUA, Faculty of Biology, Section of
Animals and Human Physiology.
09/2012 - present: Writing popular science articles.
06/2011-08/2011: Webinar: Learn R in Depth (USA Geological Survey Institute).
The webinar was comprised of twenty four 3-hour sessions.
02/2012: Introductory course to the basic principles of Coalescent Theory and
Applications supported by the Marine Biology and Genetics (MARBIGEN) project,
IMBG-HCMR, Herakleion, Crete. The course was comprised of five 3-hour sessions
including theory and hands on training.
01/10/2012-03/10/2012: Workshop on “Next-Generation Sequencing
technologies and Informatics tools for studying Marine Biodiversity and Adaptation”.
IMBG-HCMR, Herakleion, Crete.
During my postgraduate studies (2007-2012) I contributed to the teaching activities of
the Faculty of Biology of the University of Athens as Lab assistant in Animal Physiology and
Comparative Physiology. Furthermore, I contributed to the training of undergraduate
students in molecular biology/animal physiology techniques and in statistical and
phylogenetic analyses.
2002-2006: Salatelis Foundation for under graduate studies.
2007-2008: Zoi Soutsou Foundation for post graduate studies.
2015-2016: Bodosaki Foundation for post-doctoral research in Yale University.