Any open burning within the boundaries of the Clifton Fire Protection District requires an open burn permit. This includes agricultural burns BURN PERMIT 2015 YEARLY FEE $10.00 Spring Season: March 1 thru May 31 ALLOWABLE MATERIALS TO BURN: Fall Season: September 1 thru October 31 Dry weeds, dry garden waste, dry vegetation Dry tree/shrub trimmings LESS THAN 1 INCH IN DIAMETER REQUIREMENTS OF THIS BURN PERMIT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Burning is permitted only during daylight hours— 2 hours after sunrise and 2 hours before sunset. All smoldering or smoking fires shall be completely extinguished. There must be a responsible person constantly attending the fire at all times. Permit must be present at burn location. Burning household waste or trash, scrap lumber, or anything other than the allowed materials listed is PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES. BURNING IN A BARREL IS PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES. Burning of materials that cause dense smoke or odor, including allowable materials listed above that are wet is PROHIBITED at all times. Material must be dry. The following requirements must be adhered to: Have an adequate fire extinguisher, water hose, or other appropriate extinguishment media available. Keep the fire a safe distance from a structure (including combustible fences). Fire must be attended at all times. No burning during adverse weather conditions (high temperature, high wind, low humidity) that could cause a fire to become out of control, or when a red flag warning has been implemented by the National Weather Service Office. No burning during emergency fire bans issued by Federal, State, or County government or the Clifton Fire Protection District. You may be held liable for damages caused by your fire if it becomes out-of-control and damages the property of others. In addition, you may incur criminal charges as a result of reckless, out of control burning. The Clifton Fire Protection District has the responsibility to investigate and extinguish a fire should we deem it to be hazardous or a threat to life or property, or in violation of the requirements listed above. This regulation is hereby authorized under provisions of the Colorado Air Quality Control Act, C.R.S. 1973, Section 25-7-128, and the Board of Directors of the Clifton Fire Protection District, through adoption of International Fire Code.