
Unit 6: Evolution
Evidence for Evolution
Name _______________________________________________
Date ________________ Period _______ Assignment 22
Station Notes
Station #1: Fossils
1. What is a fossil?
2. Describe the formation of sedimentary rock.
3. In undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rock is found at the ____________________________________________.
4. Name 3 ways that fossils are formed.
Station #2: Comparative Anatomy
5. What is comparative anatomy?
6. Organs or structural parts that appear to have a common evolutionary origin are called _____________________
structures. These structures are similar in ________________ but not in ______________________.
Station #3: Vestigial Structures
7. What is a vestigial structure?
8. List 3 vestigial structures.
9. Vestigial structures are defined as _____________________________________.
Station #4: Cell Structures
10. Name 3 cell organelles that are common to all cells.
Station #5: Genetics
11. Organisms that are ________________ related have a greater similarity in their protein structure.
12. Name 2 body chemicals that are similar in living things.
Station #6: Examples of Evolution
13. Fossils of the ___________________________ and the _________________________ show that animals have
changed through time.
1. Which is a vestigial structure found in humans?
a) toe
b) fingernail
c) tooth
d) appendix
2. An evidence that suggest the dog and cat had a common evolutionary origin is a comparison of their
a) sizes
b) diets
c) colors
d) skeletons
3. According to the theory of evolution, with the passage of time, organisms have
a) not changed
b) changed for the better, only
c) changed
d) changed for the worse, only
4. In undistributed rock layers, the oldest rocks are located
a) in the top layer
b) in the bottom layer
c) in the middle layer
d) between the top and bottom layers
5. Digestive enzymes are similar in mammals. This evidence, which supports evolution, resulted from comparing
a) types of skeletons
b) development of embryos
c) types of cells
d) chemicals in living things
6. A structure that an animal or plant no longer used is known as a
a) mutation
b) vestigial structure
c) fossil
d) petrified structure
7. A geologist finds fossils in each of the undisturbed rock layers. The fossils are all structurally similar. Which is the most
likely conclusion that the geologist would make?
a) All fossils are of the same age.
b) The relative ages of the fossils cannot be determined.
c) The fossils in rock layer D are older than those in layer A.
d) The fossils in rock layer B are older than those layer C.
Instructions: For each statement in questions 8 - 10, select the term, from the list below, which is most
closely related to that statement. Then record its number on the line provided.
Evolutionary Terms
a) Fossil evidence
b) Evidence from anatomy
c) Vestigial structure
8. The wing of a bat is similar to the flipper of a whale.
9. Insects have been found in amber.
10. The tail vertebrate of a human.