Module: Agrochemicals and weed science Code: PP21 Skill Objectives Purpose and focus of the Module: The subject aims at providing adequate knowledge and skills on all aspects of common agrochemicals used in Bhutan. At the end of the course trainees will be fully equipped to use pesticides safely and judiciously and recommend the right pesticide for a pest or disease. They will also be operate various pesticide appliances and identify the common weeds associated with the crops. Unit Topics / Information Elements Credit Hours CR Explain the safe uses of pesticides Agrochemicals Carry out maintenance of Spraying the spray equipments. equipment Calculate the dosage of the chemicals and prepare spray solutions. Carry out spray programes AS SS Introduction to agrochemicals .5 .5 Advantages and disadvantages of pesticides Classification of pesticides Pesticide formulation .5 .5 2 .5 2 1 Pesticide toxicity and risk 1 1.5 The pesticide product label 1 .5 Safety precautions .5 .5 Types of sprayers & function 1 .5 Operation and maintenance of sprayers Application of Choice and timing of pesticides pesticides Spray calibration Calculation of chemical dosage Spray preparation Spraying techniques Identify the different agro Common chemicals and explain pesticides their uses. used in Bhutan, their PR Remarks Insecticides/acaricides Fungicides Rodenticides .5 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 2 1 1 1 .5 .5 1 1 3 1 1 0.5 3 1.5 0.5 1 nature and properties Herbicides 1 1 Non toxic chemicals and baits .5 0.5 1.5 1 1.5 1 Good management practices in pesticide use Identify the different types Weed science Biology and classification of of weeds infesting various common weeds of crops crops and recommend Collection & identification of appropriate control common weeds, measures Preparation of weed herbarium 1.5 .5 1 3 General methods of weed control (cultural control methods) 1 1.5 1 Uses of herbicides in weed control 2 1.5 1 19.5 13 9 18.5 60 Module : Plant Protection (PP21) Programme: Diploma in Agriculture Credit Value: 60 Credit hours (6 Credit Points) Staff member (s) responsible: Dr. Jamba Gyeltshen General Objectives: The subject aims at making the trainees fully acquainted with the various agrochemicals used for crop protection in Bhutan and weed management. Learning outcomes: The module conducted in first semester second year and by the end of the module the trainees will be able: o Explain the benefits and risk associated with use of pesticides in crop production. o Use and undertake necessary safety precautions while handling pesticides. o Operate and maintain common pesticide spraying equipments o Calibrate a sprayer and prepare spray solution o Apply pesticides depending on type of pesticide, time and weather condition o List down the common pesticides used in Bhutan o Identify the common weeds and recommend appropriate control measures. Skills Learning and Teaching approaches: There will be 19.5 hrs of class room teaching which includes both lectures and group work that constitute the main approach complemented further by 13 hrs of practical training. Practical training will be conducted at CNR Agriculture farm and lab. Students will have to allocate 9 hours for assignments and 18.5 Hours for self-study. Assessment: Assessment is carried out both as an ongoing process, which constitutes 60% weight of the total marks and final written exam, which constitutes 40%. Continuous assessment will be marked through two written exam for 20% each and two assignment of 10% each. Subject Matter: It aims at providing adequate skills for managing pest and disease of field and horticultural crops using pesticides. It deals common pesticides used in Bhutan, safety precautions while handling pesticides, calculation of dosage and preparations of spray solution. The module also covers calibrations of sprayers and techniques of spraying. Identification of common weeds and their management is also covered in this module. Reading list: 1: Nene, Y.L. 1971. Fungicides in plant disease control. 3rd ed. Oxford and IBH publishing. New Delhi. 2: Singh, S.S. Hand book of Agricultural Science. Kalyani Publishers. India 3: ADB. Hand Book on the use of pesticides in the Asia Pacific region. Phillipines 4: Parker, Chris. Weeds of Bhutan. 5: Gupta, O.P. Modern Weed Management. Agro Botanica. India 6: 7: