
The proposed scheme is shown on the application drawings forming part of
the planning application. The following key drawings are included in the ES
reduced to A4 size:
Site Location Plan
Scheme of Working
Landscaping and Restoration
For full scale drawings refer to the planning application (Vol 1).
The areas included in the application are:
Planning Application Area (gross)
Additional Extraction Area
Quarry Boundary Extension Area
The economic minerals comprise the Highworth Sands and the underlying
Highworth Limestones separated by a band of silt or silty clay. The general
dip is approximately 1 in 80 from north west to south east, but it varies.
The depth of the sand and limestone also varies. The sand varied up to 5
metres deep on the northern boundary, but thins out towards the south. The
limestone varies from 2.2 m to up to 7m thick. The existing ground levels fall
from the north west (104m aod) to the south east (88m aod). The depth of
working varies, with a maximum of approximately 12 metres.
It is estimated that the western extension contains estimated recoverable
mineral resources comprising:
205,000 tonnes
479,200 tonnes
684,200 tonnes
The limestone includes a substantial proportion of rock that is suitable for
processing to produce a Type 1 aggregate. This is a particularly hard rock
suitable for a wide range of uses including road sub-base. It is envisaged that
the site will be worked at a rate of approximately 120,000 tonnes a year,
giving an overall working life of 5 – 6 years. An overall planning permission
period of 7 years is requested to allow for the site restoration.
The existing eastern working area will be completed in early 2013 and it is
proposed that extraction will follow on into the western extension area. The
eastern area will then be restored in accordance with the approved restoration
scheme following the completion of extraction, and in any case before
September 2013 to comply with the planning conditions. However the site
office/weighbridge and associated screen bank, and existing western screen
bank (alongside the plant site) will be retained for the duration of the proposed
western extension.
Scheme of Working and Restoration
The proposed sequence of working and restoration shown on the submitted
drawings is described below:
Phase 1:
Pumping, backfilling and re-grading of the central quarry area
to establish final levels. The existing processing plant site and
associated settlement ponds within this area will be retained.
Phase 2:
Screening and safety bunds will be constructed on the northern,
western and southern boundaries of the extension area as
A 3m screening/safety bund inside the hedgerow alongside
Sandy Lane to the north.
A 7m screening and noise attenuation bund on the northern half
of the western boundary to protect the amenities of The
Hideaway, located 150m from the extraction boundary.
The western bund (above) tapers into a 3m safety/screening
bund on the remainder of the western site perimeter, and
continues around the southern boundary.
The 3 metre bunds will be constructed primarily using soils
from the extraction area (and beneath the bund footprint). The
core of the 7m bund will be constructed of quarry waste and
surfaced with soils.
Phase 3:
Mineral extraction will commence in Phase 3N (North). The
sand overlies the limestone and will therefore be extracted first.
Limestone extraction will be commenced as soon as practicable
and be worked in tandem with the sand. Extraction will then
progress into Phase 3S (South) which is principally limestone.
The sand will be removed by excavator/backhoe and taken by
dump truck to the plant site for screening and grading.
The limestone will be extracted by a 70 tonne hydraulic
excavator that has recently been introduced to work the
limestones at both Hatford and Shellingford quarries. This
avoids the need to use a ‘pecker’ which generates higher impact
noise. The excavated materials will be taken to the existing
plant site for crushing, screening and grading ready for sale.
Phase 4:
Mineral extraction will continue into Phase 4N (North) and 4S
Phase 5:
Site restoration will be carried out upon the completion of
extraction and removal of the plant site:
Regrading of extension area and necessary adjustments to
previously worked area to provide consistent base levels for
Removal of settlement lagoons and provision of with
amenity/wildlife and attenuation pond linked to outfall drainage
Removal of eastern screening bank and grading it contours
either side of the gas main.
Removal of the northern, western and southern screen banks,
final grading and spreading of restoration soils.
The land will be restored at the lower level to the contours shown on the
landscaping and restoration scheme. The site will principally be restored to
agriculture in accordance with the landowners requirements. However
opportunities have been taken to provide ecological value through the
inclusion of the two ponds, whilst the northern bank alongside Sandy Lane can
be planted with trees and provide a wildlife corridor. In addition a Geological
RIGS site will be provided in the Upper Corallian Strata on the northern
boundary where it is accessible from Sandy Lane.
The ecological survey has discovered a rare plant in the existing quarry screen
bank that will be removed as part of the approved restoration scheme. It is
therefore proposed to translocate the plant to a permanent suitable location on
the northern quarry boundary (refer to Environmental Statement for further
Hours of Working
The existing permitted quarry operating hours will continue. These are:
0730 – 1800 Monday – Friday
0730 – 1300 Saturdays
And not on Sundays and recognised public holidays.
Access & Traffic
It is not proposed to change the rate of extraction at the quarry and traffic
generation will therefore be similar to previous levels. All HGV traffic would
be subject to the terms of the existing Lorry Routeing Agreement. This
requires the use of the B4508 between the site access and the A417 and
onwards via the A road network. Local roads are excluded except for local
At an annual rate of extraction of 120,000 tonnes the average daily lorry
movements would be 48 – 24 in and 24 out.
Five full time staff would normally be based at the site. However the quarry
also supports the employment of central company staff (management and
administration) and operational staff (drivers and fitters etc).
Stephen Bowley Planning Consultancy
August 2012