Video Resource Bibliography

Sorted by Call Number / Author. Limited by Video.
Understanding government : The judicial branch. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil
Video, c2000.
The Judicial Branch consists of the various Federal Court found in 50 states
of the Union and the highest court, the Supreme Court, in Washington,
D.C. The imperative role of this branch of government is thoroughly
researched in this informative production.
DVD 001.42 Eva
Research skills for students : Evaluating sources. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger
Media, 2004.
DVD 025 Res
Research Skills for Students : Searching the Internet. United States : Schlessinger
Media, c2004.
Learn how to focus, strategize, refine and evaluate research. From
formulating a solid query to understanding when and how to best use
search strategies and search tools, students can access and successfully
navigate the Web.
DVD 081 Ani
Core biology : Animal science. New York, New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2007.
This program traces the development of zoology including the
classification of animal species, comparative anatomy, the understanding
that all animal life comes from eggs, the theory of evolution, the science of
animal behavior, and the principles of animal communication.
DVD 133.4 Sal
Salem witch trials. A&E Television Networks, c1996.
For the incoming Puritan settlers, 17th century New England was a place
filled with fear and uncertainty. It was an environment that - coupled with a
backdrop of religious extremism - bred an anxiety so intense it ultimately
turned deadly.
DVD 153 Sec
Secrets of the Mind. WGBH Boston Video, 2007.
Investigate breakthrough research in phantom limb syndrome, and how the
brain undergoes a massive "re-wiring" when a person loses a limb. Explore
the power of the mind in pain control. See how frightening seizures result
in unbelievably intense spiritual experiences. Discover how findings
learned from brain injuries help us learn about the normal brain.
DVD 154.63 Dre
What are dreams : Inside the sleeping brain. PBS ; Nova ; BBC, 2009.
DVD 220 Hol
5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : Secrets of the Holy Land. Chicago, Illinois
: Questar, Inc, c2009.
Discover the histories and probe the mysteries behind the Holy Land's most
inspiring and compelling sites. Narrator : Richard Kiley.
DVD 270 His
A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years : Episode 3 :
Orthodoxy : From Empire to Empire/. New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Explore Orthodoxy's fight for survival as it stood in the path of Muslim
expansion, suffered betrayal by crusading Catholics, was seized by the
Russian Tsars and faced near-extinction under Soviet Communism.
DVD 270 His
A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 1 : The
First Christianity/. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
In the first of a six part series, Professor MacCulloch goes in search of
Christianity's forgotten origins. He overturns the familiar story that it all
began when the apostle Paul took Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome.
Instead, he shows that the true origins of Christianity lie east, and that at
one point it was poised to triumph in Asia, maybe even in China. The
headquarters of Christianity may well have been Baghdad not Rome. And
if that had happened Western Christianity would have been very different.
DVD 270 His
A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 2 :
Catholicism : The Unpredictable Rise of Rome/.
Over one billion years Christians look to Rome. But how did a small
Jewish sect become the established religion of Western Europe? Explore
how confession was invented by monks and how the Crusades gave Britain
the university system.
DVD 270 His
A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 4 :
Reformation : The Individual Before God. New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Explore the Reformation and how a faith based on obedience and authority
gave birth to one based on individual conscience. Learn how Luther wrote
hymns to teach people the message of the Bible.
DVD 270 His
A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 5 :
Protestantism : The Evangelical Explosion.New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Trace the growth of an expression of faith has has spread across the globe :
Evangelical Protestantism.
DVD 270 His
A History of Christianity (The First Three Thousand Years) : Episode 6 : God in
the Dock. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2010.
Explore how the Church has rediscovered deep and enduring truths about
DVD 292 God
Gods and goddesses. United States : A&E Television Networks, c2001.
Featuring comprehensive interviews with renowned Greek scholars, this
searching program from The History Channel looks at where myths might
have originated, and reveals recent archaeological evidence which suggests
that some myths may have actually taken place.
DVD 292 Gre
The Greek gods. A&E Television Networks, 1998.
From Aphrodite to Zeus, The Greek Gods presents and unforgettable
exploration of the mythic and monumental world of Greek deities.
Inside Islam. Standard format. [New York] : History Channel, c2002.
Narrated by Keith David. Introduces the beliefs, practices, and history of
the second largest religion in the world, presenting commentary from
leading scholars, theologians, and writers.
DVD 301 Geo
Geography for Students : Geographic Perspectives : The United States of
America. United States : Schlessinger Media, c2006.
Get an in-depth look at the relationship between the physical and human
characteristics of our vast and diverse country.
DVD 304 Hum
Human footprint. National Geographic, c2008.
From our cars to our clothes dryers to our disposable toothbrushes, our
impact on planet Earth is astonishing. Human Footprint takes a phase-byphase journey through life to illustrate the enormous imprint every
American makes during his or her time on Earth.
DVD 304 Pop
Population geography. New York : Video Education America (VEA).
Population distribution, composition, change through time, population
structure diagrams and the Demographic Transition Model, and essential
terminology are all explained in clear terms with interesting graphics and
relevant examples.
DVD 305.4 Bur
Burns, Ken. Not for ourselves alone. The story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton &
Susan B. Anthony / a film by Ken Burns and Paul Barnes ; a Florentine
Films production produced in association with WETA-TV
(Washington). PBS Home Video, 1999.
Not For Ourselves Alone tells the dramatic, little-known story of one of the
most compelling friendships in American history. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
and Susan B. Anthony were born into a world ruled entirely by men. By the
time their lives were over, they changed for the better the lives of a
majority of American Citizens.
DVD 305.5 Col
Colonialism & Imperialism. Sunburst Visual Media.
DVD 305.89 SLA
Slavery by another name. [Widescreen format]. [United States] : PBS Home
Video, c2012.
Narrated by Laurence Fishburne. A documentary film, based on the book
by Douglas A. Blackmon, challenging the belief that slavery in the U.S.
ended with Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, and discussing
how, in the South, a new system of involuntary servitude took its place,
was tolerated by both the North and South, and continued into the twentieth
DVD 320 Jud
Understanding government : The executive brance. Thousand Oaks, CA :
Goldhil Video, c2000.
The Executive is a very powerful brance of the government, considering
the President's mandate to dictate foreign policy and direct the armed
forces as Commander in Chief. His cabinet, the Vice President, and various
law enforcement agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and Department of Treasury,
are all an integral part of the Executive Branch.
DVD 320 Leg
Understanding government : The legislative branch. Thousand Oaks, CA :
Goldhil Video, c2000.
The Senate and House of Representatives, the upper and lower hosues of
The Legislative Branch are explored in this outstanding production that
delves into the theoretical intention of the Constitution's Framers.
DVD 320.54 Chi
China : Inside out. WGBH Boston Video, c2008.
Examine four of the relationships China has been making around the world
to discover how China's rise is impacting all of us.
DVD 321.02 Fed
Political and Economic Series : Federalism. Sunburst Visual Media, c2009.
Discover the foundation of the American government and the rules and
redulations that detail which branches and divisions are in charge of what
areas. The separation of state and federal powers is a vital facet of out
democracy. Learn how this division of power safeguards our freedoms.
DVD 322.10 Rel
Religion and Democracy : Religious values and political life. Madison,
Wisconsin : Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2009.
Content supports National Standards for Social Studies Teachers and
Project 2061's Benchmarks for Science Literacy.
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America at the crossroads : The keys to the kingdom (1974 1980); Back to the movement (1979 - 1985). PBS, 1986.
"THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM" - - Famous and lesser-known
participants recount the remedies used to solve the problems of
discrimination in schools and the workplace. For blacks and whites in
Boston, court-ordered busing proves an unpopular means of integrating
schools. "BACK TO THE MOVEMENT" - - Experience the power and
powerlessness felt in black communities during the movement's third
decade through firsthand knowledge and stories. Miami's Overtown section
explodes in rioting when a young black salesman dies after being beaten by
police for a traffic violation.
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America at the racial crossroads : The time has come (1964 1966) ; Two societies (1965 - 1968). PBS, 1986.
"THE TIME HAS COME" - - After a decade-long cry for justice, a new
sould is on the horizon : the insistent call for Power. Malcolm X takes a
nationalism message to urban streets. CBS reporter Mike Wallace, author
Alex Haley, and actor Ossie Davis discuss the new leaders and their role in
transforming the civil rights movement into a broader struggle for human
rights. "TWO SOCIETIES" - - Examine the color lines outside of the south
with rarely seen personal testimony by Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, and
others who survived the times.
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America's civil rights movement : Awakenings (1954-1956)
; Fighting back (1957-1962). PBS Video, 1986.
"AWAKENINGS" - - Emmett Till. . . Rosa Parks. . .Martin Luther King,
Jr. Rare reflections open the door to understanding America's struggle for
equality. "FIGHTING BACK" - - Little Rock. . . "Ole Miss". . . the 1954
Supreme Court Decision. Unforgettable images of the battle lines drawn in
the South come to life through the eyes of those who were on the
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America at the racila crossroads :. : Power! (1966 - 1968) ;
The promised land (1967 - 1968).PBS, 1986.
"POWER!" - - Across America, the call for "Black Power" mobilizes
communities for change in strikingly different ways as told through the
perspectives of Black Panther Party members, teachers, and politicians. In
Cleveland, Carl Stokes becomes the first black mayor of a major city.
"THE PROMISED LAND" - - Hear leaders and activists reflect on Martin
Luther King, Jr.'s crusade to overcome the fragmenting civil rights
movement. A peaceful protest of striking Memphis sanitation workers ends
in tragedy when an assassin's bullet takes King's life. A hundred cities
explode in riots and the the murder of Robert Kennedy shortly after adds to
the darkness.
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America's civil rights years, 1954 - 1965 . : Ain't scared of
your jail (1960 - 1961) ; No easy walk (1961 - 1963). PBS Video, 1986.
"AIN'T SCARED OF YOUR JAIL" - - Sit-ins. . . SNCC. . . Freedom
Rides. See young people unite to overcome segregation. Exclusive
interviews with student activists, community leaders, and government
officials reveal the remarkable human drama behind the lunch counter sitins, nationwide boycotts, and formation of the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Black and white freedom riders travel
together at great risk to protest bus segregation and challenge the
government to protect them from mobs. "NO EASY WALK" - - Discover
the power of mass demonstrations with the emergence of Martin Luther
King, Jr. as the most visible leader of the civil rights movement.
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America's civil rights years, 1954 - 1965. : Mississippi : Is
This America? (1962 - 1964) ; Bridge to Freedom (1965). PBS, 1986.
"MISSISSIPPI : IS THIS AMERICA ?" - - Mississippi becomes a testing
ground of constitutional principals as activists focus on the right to vote.
"BRIDGE TO FREEDOM" - - Eyewitness accounts by the Rev. C.T.
Vivian, Stokely Carmichael, and George Wallace illuminate the events of
1965 focusing on a decade of lessons learned and the role of television in
the civil rights movement.
DVD 323.4 Eye
Eyes on the prize - - America at the racial crossroads : Ain't gonna shuffle no
more (1964 - 1972) ; A nation of law ? (1968 - 1971). PBS, 1986.
"AIN'T GONNA SHUFFLE NO MORE" - - A call to pride and a renewed
push for unity galvanizes black Americans. Telling interviews with
athletes, entertainers, and community participants chart Cassius Clay's
challenge to America to accept him as Muslim Muhammad Ali, and his
fight up to the Supreme Court. "A NATION OF LAW?" - - Civil rights
activists and government officials provide unprecedented insight into the
sometimes violent and unethical response to black activism from local and
federal law enforcement agencies. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover declares
the Black Panthers the number one threat to internal security.
DVD 324.2 Fac
Political and Economic Series : Fascism. Sunburst Visual Media, c2009.
Discover how different philosophies of government affect the rights and
actions of people around the world. Examine historic cases of nations
living under the control of a dictator, and controlled through strict policies.
DVD 324.6 FOR
Iron jawed angels. Widescreen format. [New York] : HBO Video, c2004.
Hilary Swank, Frances O'Connor, Julia Ormond, Anjelica Huston, Molly
Parker, Patrick Dempsey, Laura Fraser, Brooke Smith, Vera Farmiga, Lois
Smith. Dramatizes the story of activists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns who
played pivotal roles in the fight to win voting rights for women.
DVD 328 Con
The Congress. Ken Burns American Collection. United States : PBS Home
Video, c1988.
For 200 years, The United States Congress has been one of the country's
most important and least understood institutions. In this portrait, Ken Burns
explores the history and promise of this unique American institution. Using
historical photographs and newsreels, evocative live footage and interviews
with David Broder, Alistair Cooke, Cokie Roberts, Charles McDowell and
others, the film chronicles the personalities, events and issues that have
animated the first 200 years of congress and, in turn, our country.
DVD 329 Ele
The election process in America. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, c2007.
This video explains the electoral college, and how we actually elect our
government officials. It explains concepts and terms like suffrage,
disfranchisement, lobbyists and political action committees, and it explores
ways in which the election process might be improved, in the wake of the
hotly contested Bush-Gore race for the Presidency. It also review how each
os us can become more involved in the workings of our government.
DVD 330 Eco
Global economic issues. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, 2004.
This program provides an in-depth analysis of current world problems. A
major aspect of globalization is the increased interconnections of the world
economy. This program explores the early wave of globalization, explains
the post-World War II trend toward increased government control of the
economy and examines issues associated with the recent wave of economic
DVD 330.12 Wor
The World Economy : Our crowded planet. Disney Educational Productions.
Travel the globe to investigate the relationship between population and
financial well-being. Compare the cultural obstacles to birth control in
Kenya with China's drastic birth control problems. Hear Scandinavians
describe the price they're willing to pay for family-friendly economic
benefits provided by their countries.
DVD 330.97 Eco
U.S. History : Economic changes. California : Cerebellum Corporation, c2009.
Develop an understanding of the economic history,progress, and ups and
downs, of the United States, since the 1800's. This module reviews the
Gilded Age and the Progressive Era, sharecropping, and the roaring 20's of
the Great Depression.
DVD 330.97 Wig
I.O.U.S.A : One nation, under stress, in debt. PBS Home Video, c2009.
The real state of the union -- The budget deficit -- The savings deficit -The trade deficit -- The leadership deficit -- Epilogue.
DVD 330.97 Wor
The world economy : Depression and recovery. Disney Educational Productions,
See how industrialization, urbanization, and consumerism led to the Stock
Market Crash of 1929. Learn about FDR's New Deal reforms-and listen as
Roosevelt reassures Americans during a Fireside Chat. Discover how
WWII's wartime economy ended the Depression, initiating unprecedented
economic growth and launcing the U.S. into the global economy.
DVD 332. Car
The card game. WGBH Educational Foundation, 2009.
Examine the future of the massive consumer loan industry and its impact
on a frgile national economy.
DVD 332 Cas
Cash, credit, and your future. Learning ZoneXpress, c2009.
Learn how to manage your finances using this program which provides
good basic money management tips.
DVD 332 Pan
Globe Trekker : Panama & colombia. Pilot Productions, 2007.
Introduction ; Panama City ; The Panama Canal ; Portobello ; Kuna Yala ;
Bogota ; Cartagena ; Santa Marta.
DVD 333 Atm
Core meteorology : Atmosphere. New York, New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc.
Chapters : Atmospheres in the solar system ; Composition of the earth's
atmosphere ; The structure of earth's atmosphere; Atmosphere and solar
radiation ; Atmospheric conduction and convection ; Atmospheric
balancing ; Hydorlogical cycle ; The carbon cycle ; The atmosphere and
climate change. This program presents the principles of atmospheric
dynamics. This program also discusses how the atmosphere's elements are
being impacted the unprecedented burning of fossil fuel.
DVD 335.19 Cap
Capitalism and Democracy : Self-Interest, Private Property, and Free
Trade. Madison, Wisconsin : Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2009.
Content supports National Standards for Social Studies Teachers and
Project 2061's Benchmarks for Science Literacy.
DVD 335.4 Cap
Capitalism. Sunburst Visual Medium.
DVD 335.43 Com
Political and Economic Series : Communism & Socialism. Sunburst Visual
Media, c2009.
What is communism? How is it different from socialism? Where did these
concepts emerge? Do they still exist in today's world? Learn how the
political philosophies have played out in reality. Experience insight into
various types of government.
DVD 335.43 Com
The Communist Challenge : The reality of life in "people's" democracies of the
20th century. Madison, Wisconsin : Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2006.
Content supports National Standards for Social Studies Teachers and
Project 2061's Benchmarks for Science Literacy.
DVD 338 Cru
A Crude Awakening : The Oil Crash. Lava Productions, c2006.
Investigate the argument that the era of cheap oil is in the past. Explore the
uncomfortable realities of a world that is both addicted to fossil fuels and
blissfully unaware of the looming "peak oil" crisis.
DVD 338 Cru
Crude impact. San Francisco, CA : Video Project, 2006.
Crude Impact unravels the complex entaglement of our fierce devotion to
oil with the fate of indigenous cultures, human rights, our global economy
and the planet itself.
DVD 338.9 Rea
Real world economics : Simple supply & demand. Chicago, Illinois : New
Dimension Media, c2007.
Using examples from vegetable and sheep farming, this programs shows
how to plot simple supply and demand curves. It explores the various
factors which influence the equilibrium price, and how government
intervention may also affect it. Re-scripted, re-narrated, re-edited for North
American classroom use.
DVD 338.9 Rea
Real world economics : Elasticity of demand. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension
Media, c2007.
Using examples of a competitive seafood market and a monopolistic ferry
service, this program shows the difference between elastic and inelastic
demand. It also plots the graphs that quantify the relative gain or loss in
revenue from price increases or decreases in each situation.
DVD 338.9 Rea
Real world economics : Market structure. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension
Media, c2007.
Includes material on what is meant by the term "market," competition, how
an auction market sets price and what monopolies, oligopoly, price wars,
cartels and government interventions are.
DVD 338.9 Rea
Real world economics : The global economy. Chicago, IIllinois : New
Dimension Media, c 2007.
Covers the reasons for international trade and includes the major
components of international commerce : trading models, balance of
payments issues, advantages and disadvantages of interantional trade,
tariffs, subsidies, quotas, trading blocks and the GATT treaty.
DVD 338.9 Rea
Real world economics : What is scarcity? Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension
Media, c2007.
Includes material on natural resources, needs and wants, economic scarcity,
free goods, resource use, factors of production, producer goods and
consumer goods, rationing by vouchers, and examples of opportunity cost.
DVD 338.91 Wor
The World Economy : Global interdependence. Disney Educational Productions,
Probe the myriad connections between fiscal policies and global markets:
How might the World Bank and the IMF best assist developing countries?
What is the impact of U.S. trade barriers on Vietnam and Cuba, and
NAFTA on Canadian Businesses? See how global economic stability has
been affected by factors ranging from runaway inflation in Brazil to the
creation of the euro.
DVD 338.92 Sci
Science and Democracy : Science is necessary for democracy. Madison,
Wisconsin : Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2009.
Content supports National Standards for Social Studies Teachers and
Project 2061's Benchmarks for Science Literacy.
DVD 342 Bil
United States : Bill of Rights and Constitutional amendments. Thousand Oaks,
CA : Goldhil Video, c2004.
The essential human rights, granted to all Americans, are laid out in easyto-understand language with comments from noted Americans political
science experts from major universities who helped interpret the language
of the Bill of Rights.
DVD 342 Con
United States : Constitution. Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, c2004.
This production combines the insight of American political science experts
on the interpretation of the Constitution with live action and documentary
photography to explain and amplify the mot important document we have
in American society.
DVD 344 Can
Can the Gulf Survive. United States : Vivendi Entertainment, c2010.
National Geographic investigates what happened to the 4.9 million barrels
of oil that poured from the sea floor in one of the worst environmental
disasters of all time. From the front lines of the cleanup efforts, National
Geographic follows the first two months after the spill, tracking cleanup
efforts as experts seek to learn the ongoing effects and BP battles the spill
and the public's outcry.
DVD 363 Geo
Geography for Students : Environment & Society. United States : Schlessinger
Media, c2006.
The main interaction between the environment and society is our reliance
on the Earth's renewable, nonrenewable and flow resources. Explore how
society uses the Earth's resources to meet our most basic needs and those
same resources influence how and where we live. See how we impact the
world around us through our use and misuse of technology, and how the
forces of the ever-changing Earth shape our lives as well. Consider critical
environmental issues related to our use of energy resources and learn to
appreciate the interconnectedness of Earth's systems.
DVD 363.12 Col
Columbia : space shuttle disaster. South Burlington, Vt. : WGBH, c2009.
Gives viewers a new look at the Columbia tragedy and NASA through
interviews with astronauts, NASA personnel, and members of the
Columbia Accident Investigation Board.
DVD 363.7 Env
Core biology : Environmental science. New York, New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2007.
DVD 392.2 Rob
The adventures of Robin Hood. United States : Warner Bros. Pictures, 1938.
Based upon ancient Robin Hood legends. Errol Flynn, Olivia deHavilland,
Basil Rathbone, Claude Rains, Patric Knowles, Eugene Pallette, Alan Hale,
Melville Cooper, Ian Hunter, Una O'Connor.
DVD 425 How
Sentence structure : Fight for a good clause! United States : Teacher's Video
Company, c2003.
Examine the five basic sentence structures by identifying : transitive,
intransitive, and linking verbs; direct and indirect objects; and subject and
object complements. Modify sentences with many types of phrases and
clauses, from compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. This
program features step-by-step instruction and attention-grabbing quiz
DVD 509.2 Geo
The George Washington Carver Project. Bill Landry Productions, c2003.
The story of a simple, humble man who was born a slave, without even a
name, and grew up to become a friend to Ghandi and Henry Ford. An
entertaining, educational, and inspirational tale of the struggle, life, and
work of a great creative scientists and humanitarian who influenced the
history of our country.
DVD 510 Mat
Story of math. Athena, 2008.
Meet the men and women who conceived major mathemathical
breakthroughs and explored the farthest frontiers of abstract thought, often
with tragic results. Learn how their discoveries still drive technology,
science, and even philosophy.
Bill Nye's Solving for X. : variables, balancing equations, dimensional analysis
& linear equations. Classroom ed. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney
Educational Productions, c2009.
Bill Nye. Includes variables, balancing equations, dimensional analysis,
and linear equations.
Bill Nye's solving for X. : infinite fractions, exponents, signed numbers &
proportional reasoning. Classroom ed. Elk Grove Village, IL : Disney
Educational Productions, c2009.
Bill Nye. Includes infinite fractions, exponents, signed numbers and
proportional reasoning.
DVD 522 Mod
Modern marvels : Ovservatories : Stonehenge to the Hubble Telescope. A&E
Televison Networks, c1997.
DVD 523 Pla
The Planet : Different worlds & terra firma. A & E Entertainment, 1999.
Different Worlds - - A richly detailed introductin to the creation,
composition and alien landscapes of the planets. Terra Firma - - Relive the
thrill the first glimpses of otherworldy terrain as you join the early quest to
discover the true nature of our planetary neighbors. Narrated by Samuel
DVD 523 Pla
The planets : Giants & moon. A & E Entertainment, 1999.
Giants - - Take a close look at the planetary behemoths from the pioneering
days of Galileo's dogma-shattering discovery of the Jupiter moons, to
NASA's billion-mile sojourns to Saturn and Neptune, the conclusion is
timeless. Moon - - Join the search for the answer to one of the solar
system's most baffling mysteries, from Cold Warrior scientists racing to be
first on the moon, to current theories and remarkable computer-generated
visions of the moon's explosive creation. Narrator Samuel West.
DVD 523 Pla
The planets : Life beyond the sun & destiny. A&E Network, 1999.
Life Beyond the Sun - - Early planetary researchers learn that conditions on
our neighboring planets may be too hostile to support life and discover how
recent findings hint there may be alien life "hiding out" in places we've
overlooked. Destiny - - Watch as chilly Mars experiences a sultry heat
wave, Mercury and Venus melt down and gas giants undergo a startling
cosmic change. Narrator Samuel West.
DVD 523 Pla
The planets : Star & atmosphere. A&E Entertainment, 1999.
Star - - Plunge into the center of the Sun to woitness the reactions driving
its primordial atomic pulse and observe the spectacle of massive solar
flares capable of engulfing entire planets. Atmosphere - - Explore
otherworldly weather that reveals the surprising variety and force of
atmospheric activity throughout the solar system. Narrator Samuel West.
DVD 523 Spa
Space adventures : The sun. Learning Media of America.
DVD 523.1 COS
The cosmos : a beginner's guide. [Widescreen format]. Silver Spring, MD :
Athena Learning, c2010.
Presented by Adam Hart-Davis. Shows how scientists are using
sophisticated technology to explore and understand the nature of the
DVD 523.1 INT
Into the universe with Stephen Hawking. [Widescreen format]. [Boulder, Colo.] :
Gaiam, c2011.
Aliens -- Time travel -- The story of everything -- Hawking 101 (bonus).
Stephen Hawking. British physicist Stephen Hawking explores the
mysteries of the universe, discussing the possibility of aliens, time travel,
and how the universe began.
DVD 523.1 Mon
Monster of the Milky Way : a supermassive black hole. South Burlington, VT :
WGBH Boston Video, c2007.
Narrator, Liev Schreiber. Astronomers and astrophysicists discuss a
supermassive black hole that has been discovered in the Milky Way galaxy.
DVD 525 Geo
Geography for Students : Places & Regions. United States : Schlessinger Media,
Understand the physical and human characteristics that combine to form
the areas that we create to interpret our planet's complexity. Explore the
ever-evolving natural and cultural features that influence our perceptions of
various regions, and reflect on modern issues related to some of the world's
most interesting locations.
DVD 530 Eve
Everyday physics. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Communications, Inc. :, c2006.
Examine the principles of physics behind activities of ordinary life,
including climbing a ladder, riding a swing, and stacking dominoes to start
an interesting chain reaction.
DVD 531 For
Forces & motion. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Communications, c2004.
Narrated by Nancy Calo, Terry MacDonald. Demonstrates the laws of
force and motion through different examples.
DVD 551 Cli
Core meteorology : Climate. New York, New York : Ambrose Video Publishing,
Chapters : What are climates ; Climates and people ; Measuring global
temperatures and precipitation ; Climates and weather extremes ; Climate
types ; Climates and biomes ; Climate change and biomes. This program
defines climates,and presents the relationships between climates and
biomes, climates and people, and describes the six major climate types.
Weather extremes and how they play a major role in each climate is also
DVD 551 Geo
Geography for Students : Physical Systems. United States : Schlessinger Media,
Explore the nature of the planet's four main physical systems - the
atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere - and discover that
what happens in one system has vast repercussions on the others.
DVD 551. Wea
Core meteorology : Weather. New York, New York : Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc.
Chapters : Introduction (What Is Weather), Measuring Weather Variables,
What Causes Weather, Moisture, Weather Forecasting, Hazardous
Weather, Global Warming and Weather.
DVD 551.5 SIX
Six degrees could change the world. [Widescreen format]. [Washington, D.C.] :
National Geographic ;, c2008.
A warmer world -- CO2, the hidden price -- Plus one degree -- Carbon
footprint -- Plus two degrees -- Accumulating loss of polar ice -- Plus three
degrees -- Forecasting our climate -- New generation of super storms -Plus four degrees -- Impact of rising sea levels -- Plus five degrees -- Plus
six degrees -- Looking for solutions -- Alternate sources of energy.
Narrator, Alec Baldwin. Discusses why many scientists believe that the
Earth's average temperature could rise by as much as six degrees Celsius
by 2100, explores the consequences of global warming, and illustrates how
it has already affected the reefs of Australia, the ice fields of Greenland,
and the Amazonian rain forest.
DVD 570 Bio
Biology. Silver Spring, MD : Discovery Education, c2005.
An overview of the most important discoveries in the history of biology,
including: microorganisms, how cells form new life, the conversion of food
into energy, neurotransmission, hormones, photosynthesis, and ecosystems.
DVD 571 Cel
The Cell Division : Mitosis & the Cell Cycle. iKnow Digital Media, c2007.
The capillary ; cell signals ; physiology of the eye.
DVD 571.6 Cel
Cells : the building blocks of life. Lawrenceville, NJ : Cambridge Educational,
Takes a close-up look at the lowest common denominator of all life: the
DVD 572.42 Pho
Photosynthesis. Plainview, NY : Sunburst Visual Media.
DVD 572.86 Cra
Nova : Cracking the code of life. Clear Blue Sky Productions, 2001.
Race to decode the human genome. ABC correspondent Robert Krulwich.
DVD 574
The Beauty of Mitosis : (University Version). University Version. Waheeb K.
Heneen, c2010.
Explore the fundamental process of nuclear division that mediates the
transmission of exact copies of the nuclear hereditary material of a mother
cell to its two daughter cells.
DVD 574 Bea
The Beauty of Mitosis. School Version. Waheeb K. Heneen, c2010.
Explore the fundamental process of nuclear division that mediates the
transmission of exact copies of the nuclear heredity material of a mother
cell to its two daughter cells.
DVD 574.87 Cel
Cell division : Mitosis & cytokinesis. United States : Allied Video Corporation,
Lesson One : provided information about the three types of cell division
and relates these processes to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Lesson Two
: explains that mitosis is part of the eukaryotic life cycle. Lesson Three :
details the four phases of mitosis and cytokinesis.
DVD 576.8 Dar
Darwin's dangerous idea. Burlington, VT : WGBH Boston Video, c2001.
Interweaves the drama in key moments of Darwin's life with documentary
sequences of current research, linking past to present and introducing major
concepts of evolutionary theory.
DVD 577 Lan
Land of the Inuit. Silver Spring, MD : Discovery School, 2005, c2003.
Narration, David Suzuki, Leyna Juliet Weber. Examines how global
changes are affecting not only the Inuit environment, but also their
traditions and future.
DVD 609 Bur
Connections I : Distant voices and faith in numbers. Ambrose Video Publishing,
Inc, c2007.
Volume 3 : Distant Voices - Telecommunications exist because the
Normans wore stirrups at the Battle of Hastings - a simple advance that
caused a revolution in the increasingly expensive science of warfare.
Europe turned its attention to making money to wage wars. As mine shafts
were dug deepter, they became flooded, stimulating scientists list Galileo to
investigate vacuums, air pressure and other natural laws to mine deeper
silver. Volume 4 : Faith in Numbers - Ecah development in the
organization of systems - political, economic, mechanical, electronicinfluences the next, by logic, by genius, by change, or by utterly unforseen
events. The transition from the Middle Agest to the Renaissance was
influenced by the rise of commercialism, a sudden change in climate,
famine and the Black Death, which set the stage for the invention of the
printing press.
DVD 609 Bur
Connections I : The trigger effect and death in the morning. New York :
Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2007.
Volume 1 : The Trigger Effect - Both the beginning and the end are here.
The end is our present dependence on complex technological networks
illustrated by the NYC power blackouts. Life came almost to a standstill;
support systems taken for granted failed. How did we become so helpless?
Volume 2 : Death in the Morning - How did the test of gold's purity
revolutionize the world 2500 years ago and lead to the atomic bomb?
Standardizing precious metal in coins stimulated trade from Greece to
Persia, causing the construction of a huge commercial center and library at
Alexandria. This wealth of nautical knowledge aided navigators fourteen
centuries later.
DVD 609 Con
Connections 2 : Disc 1. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2003.
Disc 1 : Revolutions ; Sentimental Journeys ; Getting It Together ;
WhoDunit?. Explore the fascinating links between technological invention,
social history, and economics.
DVD 609 Con
Connections 2 : Disc 2. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2003.
Disc 2 - Something for nothing ; Echoes of the past ; Photo finish ;
Separate ways.
DVD 609 Con
Connections 2 : Disc 3. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2003.
Disc 3 : High times ; Deja Vu ; New harmony ; Hot pickle.
DVD 609 Con
Connections 2 : Disc 4. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2003.
Disc 4 : The big spin ; Bright ideas ; Making waves ; Routes.
DVD 609 Con
Connections 2 : Disc 5. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc, c2003.
Disc 5 : One word ; Sign here ; Better than the real thing ; Flexible
DVD 609 Con
Connections I : Countdown and yesterday, tomorrow and you. Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2007.
Volume 9 : Countdown - What happens when you combine a carbon arc
light, a billiard ball coating, a spoked wheel and consecutive image?
Motion pictures! Complex and sometimes incredible events led to Thomas
Edison's remarkable invention; the beginnings of limelight on an Irish
mountain; George Eastman's production of celluloid from the slightly
explosive gun cotton; the "magic lantern" of an Austrian ballistics teacher.
Volume 10 : Yesterday, Tomorrow, and You - "Why did we do it this
way?" Essential moments from the previous programs are reviewed to
illustrate the common factors that make for change. Will they go on
operating to affect our futures? And if so, can be recognize them?.
DVD 609 Con
Connections I : The long chain and eat, drink, and be merry. Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2007.
Volume 7 : The Long Chain - Often, materials discovered by accident alter
the course of the world. In the 1600's Dutch commercial freighters
controlled Atlantic trade routes. Competing British lines induced America
to produce pitch to protect hulls of their royal vessels. This arrangement
lasted until 1776, after which a Scottish inventor tried to produce pitch
from coal tar. By the time he succeeded, the navy was using copper instead.
Volume 8 : Eat, Drink, and Be Merry - when Napoleon marched huge
forces across Europe, he needed an efficient way to store provisions. A
Frenchman preserved sterilized food in empty champagne bottles, an idea
modified by the British, who tried tin cans. Still, canned foods sometimes
spoiled, which led to experiments with refrigeration. Later, it was
discovered that gases may be stored at very low temperatures in a thermos
flask, when lit by a spark these gases can send rocket into space.
DVD 609 Con
Connections I : The wheel of fortune and thunder in the skies. Ambrose Video
Publishing, Inc, c2007.
Volume 5 : The Wheel of Fortune - The power to see into the future with
computers originally rested with priest-astronomers who knew the proper
times to plant and harvest. The constellations influenced life spectacularly,
particularly when the ailing Caliph of Baghdad was cured by and astrologer
using Greek lore. His ancient medical secrets were translated and spread
throughout Europe, ushering in an era of scientific inquiry. Volume 6 :
Thunder in the Skies - A dramatically colder climate gripped Europe
during the 13th century profoundly affecting the course of history for the
next seven centuries. The changes in energy usage transformed architecture
and forced the creation of new power sources. The coming of the Industrial
Revolution, spurred on by advanced in the steam engine, scarred England
indelibly : but a moment in history later, gasoline-powered engines opened
the way to the heavens.
DVD 610 You
Your body, your health. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Communications, c2004.
Narrators, Thom Kikot, Leyna Juliet Weber. Learn abou the processes and
disorders of the human body including how food is broken down by the
body, sickle cell disease, addiction, and AIDS.
DVD 612 Sec
The secret life of the brain. New York : Thirteen/WNET, 2001.
Episode 1. The baby's brain -- Episode 2. The child's brain -- Episode 3.
The teenage brain -- Episode 4. The adult brain -- Episode 5. The aging
brain. Accompanies the PBS series revealing the processes involved in
brain development across a lifetime. Provides new information in the brain
sciences, introduces the foremost researchers in the field, and utilizes
dynamic visual imagery and compelling human stories to help a general
audience understand otherwise difficult scientific concepts.
DVD 612.3 Dig
Digesitve & excretory systems. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, c2006.
Teaches viewers that in order to be of use to our cells food needs to be
broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream and waste products
removed from the body.
DVD 612.3 Foo
Food and digestion. Princeton, NJ : Films for the Humanities and Sciences,
With energetic graphics and simple experiments, this program illustrates
the entire process of digestion in human anatomy.
DVD 612.6 Mir
The miracle of life. South Burlington, Vt. : WGBH Video, 1982.
Takes you on an incredible voyage through the human body as a new life
DVD 612.6 Rep
Reproductive & endocrine systems. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media,
Kids will learn about the primary organs of the endocrine system
communicate and produce the hormones which regulate the critical
functions of other body systems and be introduced to the reproductive
system with an explanation of the reproduction of sex cells & the process
of fertilization.
DVD 612.8 INS
Inside the teenage brain. Standard format. [Alexandria, Va.] : PBS Video, 2004,
Explores research on the human brain that explains adolescent behavior
and that provides insight into how teenagers should be taught and parented.
DVD 612.8 NOV
Nova scienceNOW. [Widescreen format]. [United States] : PBS Distribution,
Magic and the brain / written, produced, and directed by Terri Randall -Can machines think like us? / telescript by Sarah Holt ; story by Michael
Bicks ; produced and directed by Michael Bicks & Sarah Holt -- Magnetic
mind control ; Profile: David Eagleman / produced by Joshua Seftel &
Jesse Sweet ; written and directed by Joshua Seftel. Explores the human
brain, looking at magic and visual processing, examining how closely
machines can replicate the human brain, and controlling minds through
magnetics; and includes a profile of David Eagleman.
DVD 612.82 Bra
The brain. [Widescreen format]. [New York] : A&E Television Networks :,
Explains how the brain functions and examines topics such as instinct and
reason, memory, decision-making, autism, and good and evil.
DVD 613.2 MyP
MyPyramid : simple steps to healthy living. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Channel
School, c2006.
Explore the six basic food groups of the USDA MyPyramid food
guidelines and see how families can make sure they eat enough whole
grains, fruits, and vegetables.
DVD 613.28
Forks over knives. Monica Beach Media, 2011.
Examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative
diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting
animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline traces the personal
journeys of Dr. T. Collin Campbell, a nutritional biochemist from Cornell
University, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, and former top surgeon at the
world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. Inspired by remarkable discoveries they
made, these men conducted several groundbreaking studies.
DVD 614 Bla
In search of history : Scourge of the Black Death. United States : A&E Network,
Conducts an in-depth investigation into the deadliest disease in history;
renowned historians trace its spread and the sweeping changes it introduced
to society while scientists explain how the disease functions and detail the
latest breakthroughs in the ongoing battle for containment; archival art,
period accounts, and extensive location footage reanimate the horrific
plague years.
DVD 614.49 Bla
The black death. New York, N.Y. : History Channel :, c1997.
Reenactments of decisive events that influenced the course of history.
Explores the causes, effects, and legacy of the epidemic that killed millions
of people in Europe during the fourteenth century.
DVD 614.49 Pla
The plague. A&E Television Networks.
During the worst biological disaster in the history of mankind, the so-called
balck death released an indiscriminate fury which shook the very
foundations of human order. Religious hysterial began to break out, and in
desperation, frenzied masses scrambled to find a scapegoat. When all was
said and done, nearly one-third of Europe's population had been completely
wiped out, and devastated survivors were left to contend with a world
forever changed, both socially and economically. It began much like the
common cold. Yet within a day, fever took over, black swellings the size of
baseballs appeared on the neck, and finally a highly contagious bloody
cough quickly sealed the victim's fate.
DVD 614.5 Typ
Typhoid Mary : the most dangerous woman in America. South Burlington, Vt. :
WGBH, c2004.
Narrated by Richard Donat. Dramatization of Mary Mallon, also known as
Typhoid Mary, a Irish immigrant cook who was identified as the source of
an outbreak of typhoid fever in New York in 1906.
DVD 616 Gho
Ghost in your genes. Boston, Massachusetts : WGBH Educational Foundation,
c2007; c2008.
NOVA reveals the discoveries that have oberturned the old story of
inheritance and have profound relevance for how we choose to lead our
DVD 616 Mic
Core biology : Microbiology and genetics. New York, New York : Ambrose
Video Publishing, Inc, c2007.
This program covers the significant turning points in the history of
microbiology and genetics.
DVD 616 Sci
Science Lab Investigations : DNA Transformation. United States : Schlessinger
Media, c2006.
Become familiar with sterile techniques and learn about the basic tools
used by scientists.
DVD 616.02 Ste
Stem cells. Hawkhill Associates, Inc, c2007.
Go inside to the laboratory where stem cells were first cultured. Learn what
stem cells are, how they are cultured, and why they offer such potential for
the future of our health and welfare. Addresses both the science and the
ethical issues of stem cell research.
DVD 616.86 Str
Stress : Portrait of a killer. National Geographic, 2008.
DVD 616.9 Cur
Curse of the rat. Silver Spring, MD : Discovery Communications, 2003.
An archaeologist studies historical records, gravesites, and DNA evidence
from a medieval victim's tooth to determine whether the 14th century Black
Death was the same disease as the bubonic plague.
DVD 616.9 Ebo
Ebola : The plague fighters. WGBH Educational Foundation, c2007.
When a dreaded outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus swept through a remote
region of Zaire in May 1995, NOVA was the only film crew permitted into
the "hot zone." Spending a total of four weeks in the quarantines city of
Kikwit, the result is unprecedented journalistic coverage of this grim battle
against one of the world's most lethal diseases.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : Apollo 11 - Man on the moon. Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : Halley's Comet. Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : "Houston, We Have a Problem" Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : John Glenn orbiting Earth. Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : Learning to live in space. Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : Mars - the beginning. Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Spa
Space adventures : The story behind Gemini. Learning Media of America.
DVD 629 Uni
The Universe. History Channel, c2007.
The Most Dangerous Place in the Universe - - Search For ET - - Beyond
the Big Bang - - Saturn : Lord of the Rings - - Alien Galaxies - - Life and
Death of a Star - - The Outer Planets - - The Moon - - Spaceship Earth - The Inner Planets : Mercury & Venus - - Secrets of the Sun - - Mars : The
Red Planet - - The End of the Earth : Deep Space Threats to Our Planet - Jupiter : The Giant Planet.
DVD 631 Pla
Core biology : Plant science. New York, New York : Ambrose Video Publishing,
Inc, c2007.
This program examines the key points in the development of plant science
from its founding through its foundational discoveries beginning with plant
physiology and reproduction and continuing with the cellular basis of life.
DVD 633 Cor
Corn. United States : A&E Television Networks, c2007.
Whether grown on a farm, in a lab, or even underground, Modern Marvels
reveals how corn has become a true marvel of twenty-first-century science
and agriculture.
DVD 641 Nut
Nutrition and food science. Silver Spring, MD : Discovery Communications,
Uncovers the history and mystery of food science from the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration to the secret bacteria lurking in your common kitchen.
DVD 659 Sic
Sicko. United States : Weinstein Company, c2007.
Michael Moore interviews Americans who have been denied treatment by
the United States health care insurance companies-- companies who
sacrifice essential health services in order to maximize profits. The film
sheds light on how complicated it can become for communities and
individuals,and the sacrifices individuals have made when they are denied
health care coverage.
DVD 681.41 400
400 years of the telescope : a journey of science, technology and
thought. Widescreen format. [United States] : PBS Home Video, 2009.
Narrator, Neil DeGrasse Tyson ; Galileo voices, Stefano Lecci, Francesca
Gianni. Examines the history of the telescope, from Galileo to the
beginning of the twenty-first century, and features interviews with leading
astrophysicists and cosmologists from universities and observatories
around the world; and also discusses theories about life on other planets
and dark energy.
DVD 720.92 Bur
Burns, Ken. Frank Lloyd Wright. PBS Home Video, 2004.
Frank Lloyd Wright was the greatest of all Americans. He was a man who
believed he was destined to redesign the world, creating everything anew.
DVD 722 Sev
5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World. Chicago, Illinois : Questar, Inc, c2009.
From the world's largest pyramid to the very first skyscraper, the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World continue to inspire awe. They challenged
their creators to conquer the scales of their ambitions. Discover the secrets
of how the finest monuments of all time were constructed.
DVD 759 Gre
Tim Marlowe. Great Artists. New York, New York : Ambrose Video Publishing,
DVD 759 Mar
Marlow, Tim. Great artists. New York : Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc.
Volume 1 : Giotto ; Volume 2 : Leonardo da Vinci.
DVD 759 Mar
Marlow, Tim. Great artists. New York : Ambrose Publishing Inc.
Volume 3 : Durer ; Volume 4 : Michelangelo ; Volume 5 : Raphael.
DVD 759 Mar
Marlow, Tim. Great artists. New York : Ambrose Publishing, Inc.
Volume 6 : Titian ; Volume 7 : Bruegel ; Volume 8 : El Greco.
DVD 759 Mar
Marlow, Tim. Great artists. New York : Ambrose Publishing, Inc.
Volume 9 : Rubens ; Volume 10 : Velazquez ; Volume 11 : Rembrandt.
DVD 791.068 Rol
Roller coaster! South Burlington, VT : WGBH Boston Video, c2009.
DVD 791.43 Dea
Dead Poets Society. Burbank, CA : Touchstone Home Entertainment, 2006.
Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke.
DVD 793.9 WWII
WWII battlefront. Madacy Entertainment Group, Ltd., c2003.
DVD 1 - The Atlantic Campaign (Part I) ; DVD 2 - The Atlantic Campaign
(Part 2) ; DVD 3 - The Pacific Campaign (Part 1) ; DVD 4 - The Pacific
Campaign (Part 2) ; DVD 5 The Atlantic Campaign/The Pacific Campaign.
WWII Battlefront covers the war in the air, on the ground, and above and
below the sea in never-before-seen color and captures WWII the way it was
- lived and fought by soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen from both the
Allied and Axis armies.
DVD 796 Has
Haskins, Don. Glory road. United States : Buena Vista Pictures, 2006.
In 1966, a college coach leads his basketball players--the first team with an
all-black starting lineup--to the NCAA national championship.
ESPN Ultimate NASCAR : 100 defining moments. ESPN, 2007.
Get ready for the ride of your life as ESPN Ultimate NASCAR celebrates
the 100 most significant moments in stock car racing history. From its
humble birth in Daytona Beach to the Chase for the Cup, relive all the
action, danger and excitement as the world's greatest drivers hit top speed
in their quest for glory.
ESPN Ultimate NASCAR : greatest drivers, biggest races, hottest
rivalries. ESPN, 2007.
Start your engines and shift into gear as hosts Dr. Jerry Punch and Rusty
Wallace count down the Top 10 Greatest Drivers, Biggest Races and
Hottest rivalries in NASCAR history!.
ESPN Ultimate NASCAR : the dirt, the cars, speed & danger. ESPN, 2007.
Join host Dr. Jerry Punch and a crew of experts as they take an in-depth
look at NASCAR. From its humble dirt track beginnings to the evolution of
the stock car, discover why everyone "just wants to go fast.".
ESPN Ultimate NASCAR : the explosion - NASCAR's rise. ESPN, 2007.
Extended Driver Interviews with Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon and Tony
Stewart. Witness how race coverage has transformed over time in "The
Evolution of NASCAR on ESPN".
DVD 796 Rem
Remembering Marshall : Looking back at the tragedy that touched the
nation. ESPN, 2006.
ESPN bring you an extraordinary tribute to the seventy-five people who
lost their lives on November 14, 1970, in what was perhaps one of the most
catastrophic tragedies in NCAA history. What began.
DVD 796.33 Bli
The blind side. United States : Warner Brothers, c2009.
Sandra Bullock ; Tim McGraw ; Quinton Aaron ; Kathy Bates. Michael
Oher knows little about family. Less about football. What the homeless
teen knows are the streets and projects of Memphis. Well-to-do Leigh
Anne Tuohy knows little about his world. Yet when she and Michael meet,
he's found a home. And the Tuohy's have found something just as lifechanging, a beloved new son and brother. This real-life story of family and
of Michael's growth into a blue-chip football star will have you cheering
with its mix of gridiron action and heatwarming emotion. Share the
remarkable journey of the college All-American and first-round NFL draft
pick who was a winner before he ever stepped onto the playing field.
DVD 796.33 We
We are Marshall. Warner Brothers Pictures, 2006.
Based on the true story of rebuilding the Marshall football program only
months after a plane crase wiped out Marshall's beloved Thundering Herd.
Matthew McConaughey ; Matthew Fox ; Ian McShane ; Anthony Mackie ;
Kate Mara ; January Jones ; Brian Geraghty ; David Strathairn.
DVD 796.52 Tre
Best treks. Pilot Productions, c2002.
PROGRAM CHAPTERS - Intro ; Africa ; Water ; Asia ; Riding ; South
America ; Hikes ; Top Treks - - BONUS CHAPTERS - Mounty Kenya ;
Borneo ; Niger ; Amazon ; Arctic Hike, Canada. Ian Wright and his fellow
travellers take you to incredible trekking destinations across some of the
harshest and remotest places on earth - across every continent - from Asia
to the Arctic, Australia to Africa. Enhanced with additional footage, Pilot
Guide to Best Treks invites you to embark for two hours of breathtaking
adventures. Along the way, climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in
Africa ; walk the Inca Trail in Peru ; ride with husky dogs through the
wilderness of Greenland ; raft the Salmon River in Idaho, the lartest
undammed river in the USA ; hike the world's most active volcano,
Kilauea, in Hawaii.
DVD 808.2 Che
Chekhov, Anton. The cherry orchard : From a play by Anton Chekhov. King
Video, 2002.
Acclaimed international director Michael Cacoyannis and a dream cast of
British screen talent revive Anton Chekhov's masterpiece of imprisonment
in wealth and regret. Charlotte Rampling and Alan Bates. In preRevolutional Russia, Madame Ranevskays (Charlotte Rampling) returns to
her decaying estate after an exile in Paris. Ranevskaya's dissolute brother
Gaev (Alan Bates), her insecure adopted daughter Varya (the late Katrin
Cartlidge in one of her final film roles) and dotty butler Feers (Michael
Gough) are as ill-prepared for the grim financial realities that threaten their
existence as Ranevskaya is. At stake are the estate and the beloved cherry
orchard, the pride of this extended family of aristocrats and freed serfs.
DVD 808.22 Pla
Research skills for students : Avoiding plagiarism. Wynnewood, PA :
Schlessinger Media, 2004.
DVD 808.82 Ibs
Ibsen, Henrik. A doll's house : Based on the play by Henrick Ibsen. MGM, 1973.
A woman's struggle to have her voice heard in a man's world is "startingly
moving" in this cinematic adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's famous play. Claire
Bloom ; Anthony Hopkins ; Ralph Richardson. Nora (Claire Bloom) will
do anything to please her authoritarian husband Torvald (Anthony
Hopkins). Per Torvald's instructions, Nora focuses on such womanly
disciplines as dancing and taking care of babies, while he sees to all the
affairs of money. But when a past financial mistake comes back to haunt
Nora, and Torvald finds out, the result is an explosion of fury and a
shocking revelation that changes the course of the entire family forever.
DVD 808.82 Sha
Shaw, Bernard. Pygmalion. BBC Video, 1973.
Based on a classical myth, Pygmalion has become a classic of the
contemporary stage and screen. Writing the screenplay for the film version
of Pygmalion in 1938 helped Shqw to become the first and only man to
ever win both the Nobel Prize for literature and an Academy Award.
Starring Lynn Redgrave as Eliza Dolittle, this BBC production captures the
complexities of human relationships in a social world. Phonetics professor
Henry Higgins tutors the painfully lower class Eliza Dolittle in speech as
well as manner. When the end result produces a very ladylike Miss
Dolittle, Professor Higgins discovers he may have a few lessons to learn
DVD 808.82 Wil
Wilde, Oscar. The importance of being Earnest. Janus Films, 1952.
Anthony Asquith's film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's comic jewel The
Importance of Being Earnest. The hilarious story of two young women who
think themselves engaged to the same nonexistent man. Michael Redgrave
; Joan Greenwood ; Dave Edith Evans.
DVD 808.92 Mol
Moliere. Tartuffe. Kultur, 1978.
Moliere's timeless comedy, stars the incomparable Donald Moffat as the
scoundrel Tartuffe who manipulates his way into the confidence and
affection of Orgon, an affluent bourgeois concerned with his own salvation,
and whose wife and daughter Tartuffe attempts to seduce. Donald Moffat ;
Victor Garber ; Tammy Grimes ; Patricia Elliott.
DVD 809.93 Kin
King Arthur : His life and legends. [New York] : A&E Home Video :, 2005,
Legends narrated by Mike Grady ; program narrated by John Shrapnel ;
with Jack Perkins. Examines the legends of King Arthur and Camelot, and
identifies the social, political, and emotional elements that have made the
story so appealing to Western culture.
DVD 812 Fra
Frank, Anne. The diary of Anne Frank. United States : Twentieth Century Fox,
Millie Perkins ; Shelley Winters ; Ed Wynn ; Richard Beymer ; Lou Jacobi.
Following the Nazi invasion of Amsterdam, 13-year-old Anne and her
family go into hiding in the confines of an attic. Anne's remarkable account
of their lives, their growing fear of discovery, their deplorable living
conditions and even the blooming of her first love, are intimately depicted
in this extraordinary protrait of humanity.
DVD 812 Han
Hansberry, Lorraine. A raisin in the sun. United States : Columbia Pictures,
Sidney Poitier ; Claudia McNeil ; Ruby Dee. "A Raisin in the Sun focuses
on the African-American working-class Younger family, as they dream of
leaving behind the run-down tenement apartment where they have lived for
many years. The son, Walter, a chauffeur, dreams of making a fortune by
investing in a liquor store but foolishly gives his money to a con artist. His
sister, Beneatha, a somewhat flightly college student, tries to find her
identity and embraces the 'back to Africa' philosophy of a Nigerian friend,
Joseph Asagai. The family's matriarch, Lena, dreams of buying a home,
and does so with her late husband's insurance money, but the house is in an
all-white neighborhood. Their racist future neighbors hire a man named
Karl Lindner as a 'welcoming committee' to try to buy them out to prevent
the neighborhood's integration. However, Walter takes a stand and refuses
to be intimidated or bought out"--.
DVD 812 Wil
Wilder, Thornton. Our Town. PBS, c2003.
Paul Newman ; Jason Robards. Set at the turn of the 20th century, the play
reveals the ordinary lives of the people in the small town of Grover's
Corners, New Hampshire. At the center of the story are Emily Webb and
George Gibbs, young lovers who grow up, get married and start a family.
When Emily and her baby die during childbirth, they join other members of
the town who have passed on and now sit and watch the lives of those left
behind unfold. Given the chance to go back and relive one day, Emily
chooses one of the happiest days - her 12th birthday. But her excitement
turns to disillusionment as she sees they day wasted by trivial
preoccupations and petty disappointments that keep her and her family
from enjoying life for what it is - a precious gift to be savored and
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. Baby doll. California : Warner Brothers, 1984.
Karl Malden (Archie) ; Carroll Baker (Archie's child bride) ; Eli Wallach
(business rival). Times are tough for cotton-miller Archie (Karl Malden)
but at least he has his child bride (Carroll Baker), who'll soon be his wife in
title and truth. The one-year agreement keeping them under the same roof yet never in the same bed - is about to end. But a game with a sly business
rival (Eli Wallach) is about to begin.
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. Cat on a hot tin roof. United States : MGM Home
Entertainment, 2005.
Elizabeth Taylor (Maggie Pollitt), Paul Newman (Brick Pollitt), Burl Ives
(Big Daddy), Jack Carson (Gooper Pollitt), Judith Anderson (Big Mama
Pollitt), Madeleine Sherwood (Mae Pollitt). Members of a neurotic
Southern family gather to face the impending death of their patriarch, Big
Daddy, and battle over the inheritance of his vast estate.
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. The glass menagerie. United States : Time-Warner
Entertainment Company, c1973.
Katharine Hepburn, Joanna Miles, Sam Waterston and Michael Moriarty.
The story of a family that clings to a dreamworld that can so easily be
shattered into jagged pieces.
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. The night of the iguana. United States : MGM and Seven
Arts Productions, c2006.
Richard Burton ; Ava Gardner ; Deborah Kerr ; Sue Lyon. In a remote
Mexican seacoast town, a fallen Episcopal priest struggles to pull his
shattered life together. And three women - an earthy hotel owner, and
ethereal artist and a hot-eyed willful teenager - can help him or destroy
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. The Roman spring of Mrs. Stone. California : Warner
Bros. Pictures, c2006.
Vivien Leigh and Warren Beatty with Lotte Lenya, Jill St. John, Coral
Browne, and Jeremy Spencer. Widow Karen Stone is wealthy and
beautiful. Her acting successes are a memory. She lives alone in a luxury
apartment overlooking the Roman steps where romantic liaisons take place.
And she waits.
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. South. California : Warner Bros., c2006.
Burl Ives ; Colleen Dewhurst ; John Colicos ; William Hutt ; Jessica Tandy
; Michael York ; Maureen Stapleton. The brutes and the belles. The
gadflies and the good ol' boys. The taboos and the profound truths. They're
all part of a Tennessee state of mind - a realm of places, personalities and
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. A streetcar named desire. California : Warner Bros.
Pictures, c1992.
Vivien Leigh (Blanche DuBois) ; Marlon Brando (Stanley Kowalski) ; Kim
Hunter (Stella Kowalski). When she got there she met the brute Stan, and
the side of New Orleans she hardly knew existed . . . Blanche, who wanted
so much to stay a lady . . .
DVD 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. Sweet bird of youth. California : Warner Brothers, 1961.
Paul Newman, Geraldine Page, Shirley Knight, Ed Begley, Rip Torn. A
young opportunist who returns to his Southern home town as the
questionable escort of a middle-aged alcoholic movie queen tries to
impress the community and at the same time make one more contact with
his girl who is the daughter of a crooked political boss in town.
DVD 812.08 Ann
Anne of the thousand days / Mary Queen of Scots. Universal Studios Home
Entertainment, 2007.
Anne of the Thousand Days - follow King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn in
one of history's most famous tragic love affairs in the Academy Award
winning masterpiece starring Richard Burton and Genevieve Bujold. Mary
Queen of Scots - the battle between Mary, Queen of Scots (Vanessa
Redgrave), and Elizabeth, Queen of England (Glenda Jackson), comes
alive once again in the epic that earned 5 Academy Award nominations.
DVD 812.5 O'Ne
The iceman cometh. United States : National Telefilm Associates, 1969.
Jason Robards, Jr. (Hickey), Myron McCormick (Larry Slade), Tom Pedi
(Rocky), James Broderick (Willie Oban), Farrell Pelly (Harry Hope),
Robert Redford (Don Paritt), Ronald Radd (The Captain). In his harrowing
drama, Eugene O'Neill shines a harsh but compassionate spotlight on the
failed lives, empty hopes, and perpetual pipe dreams of an assortment of
down-and-out denizens of a seedy saloon, set in New York in 1912. Their
sad, but complacent existences are rattled when Hickey arrives for his
annual bender a changed man - forswearing alcohol and preaching a
deliverance from "the lie of the pipe dream.".
DVD 813 Beo
Beowulf. 2007.
Ray Winstone ;Robin Wright Penn ; John Malkovick.
DVD 813.01 Gre
Great American authors since 1650 : Volume 1 Program 1 : (1650 - 1845)
;Program 2: (1846 - 1855). New York, New York : Ambrose Video, c2007.
Program 1 : 1650 - 1845 The awe-inspiring saga of America's greatest
authors comes alive in Great American Authors Since 1650. As the
American colonies moved toward becoming an independent nation, a
unique and distinctive voice poured forth from the pens of its authors. Once
the nation was founded, Amerida's first literary giants - Washington Irving,
James Fenimore Cooper, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Edgar Allan Poe - told
stories qaand wrote poems that could only have come from the heart and
sould of the people in this fledgling country. Program 2 : 1846 - 1855
Between the War of 1812 and the Mexican American War that ended in
1848, America experienced an exuberant economic period of growth. And,
it was during this time that American authors produced the nations's first
great wave of classic literature. In this program, such literary giants as
Herman Melville, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson and Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow make their mark on the American psyche.
DVD 813.01 Gre
Great American authors since 1650 : Volume 2 Program 3 (1856 - 1906);
Program 4 (1907 - 1925). New York, New York : Ambrose Video, c2007.
Program 3: 1856 - 1906 After the Civil War the modern American novel
took shape led by Louisa May Alcott, Mark Twain and Henry James. In
this period as the 19th century drew to a clsoe and the 20th century began.
America's literary voiced seemed to come from everyone and from
everywhere. Program 4: 1907 - 1925 During this period, America seemed
to lose its innocence. American writers began to struggle with the problems
that accompanied the age of modernization and industrialization. And, as
the 20th century began to evolve, so began what would come to be known
as the "lost generation" of American authors.
DVD 813.01 Gre
Great American authors since 1650 : Volume 4 : Program 7 (1950 - 1957);
Program 8 (1958 - Present). New York, New York : Ambrose Video,
Program 7 : 1950-1957 If the lost generation authors were searching for
identity and meaning, the group of authors in the middle of the last century
rejected everything that mainstream American embraced. Ultimately they
would speak to the baby boomer generation, first as children, then as
proactive teens, and ultimately as adults in the later part of the century.
Program 8 : 1958 - Present This half century spanned generations of writers
who witnessed or participated in WWII, Korea, The Cold War, The Civil
Rights Movement, Vietnam and multiple wars in the Middle East. Their
diverse experiences influenced them intellectually, spiritually, and
emotionally which contributed to the eclectic collection of thoughtprovoking literature of the period.
DVD 821 Cha
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Huntsville, Texas :
Educational Video Network.
DVD 821 Sir
Sir Gawain and the green knight. Schlessinger Media, 2002.
Considered to be one of the greatest poems written in Middle English, Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight tells the tale of a mysterious challenge laid
down at the court of King Arthur at the turn of the new year. After a
stranger is beheaded, Sir Gawain, on a quest to preserve the integrity of
King Arthur's Court, must travel to the green church to engage the Green
DVD 821.1 Cha
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales II. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger
The Merchant's Tale ; The Pardoner's Tale ; The Franklin's Tale.
DVD 821.1 Cha
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales III. Wynnewood , PA : Schlessinger
The Squire's Tale ; The Canon's Servant's Tale ; The Miller's Tale ; The
Reeve's Tale.
DVD 822.3 Sha
Macbeth. New Jersey : Kultur.
Jeremy Brett, Piper Laurie, Simon MacCorkindale, Millie Perkins, Barry
DVD 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare for students : Key passages in Shakespeare's plays. Library Video
Company, 2009.
Explore some of Shakespeare's most memorable passages from some of his
most often read plays. Also included is an investigation of the different
types of plays that make up Shakespeare's body of work.
DVD 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare for students : The characters of Shakespeare. Library Video
Company, 2009.
Shakespeare's characters are some of the most memorable figures in
literary history. Explore some of Shakespeare's greatest characters. Each
clip consists of discussions and chosen readings that will help students to
discover how Shakespeare masterfully used language to create both
dastardly villains and starcrossed lovers.
DVD 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare for students : The language of Shakespeare. Library Video
Company, 2009.
William Shakespeare was a genius with words. He coined new phrases,
played with word arrangements and was a master of puns. While it is easy
to get swept up in Shakespeare's langauge, it can also be difficult to
understand Archaic words, unusual meanings, and odd verb endings, and
the frequent use of words like "thee" and "thou.".
DVD 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Lionsgate, 1970.
Charlton Heston, Jason Robards, John Gielgud, Richard Johnson, Robert
Vaughn, Richard Chamberlain, Diana Rigg, Christopher Lee, Jill Bennett.
DVD 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. United States : Columbia, 1971.
Jon Finch (Macbeth) ; Francesca Annis (Lady Macbeth) ; Martin Shaw
(Banquo) ; Terence Bayler (Macduff) ; John Stride (Ross). The insane
ambition of Macbeth, a Scottish war hero, unleashes a cycle of violence.
Prompted by the supernatural prophecy of three witches, Macbeth is
goaded by Lady Macbeth into slaying King Duncan and assumin his
throne. Macbeth plunges further into murder and moral decay to keep the
unsteady crown on his head. While his wife crumbles away in guilt and
madness, the haunted Macbeth fights to prevent another dark forecast
which may doom him.
DVD 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare, William. Romeo & Juliet . California : Paramount Pictures, 1968.
Olivia Hussey, Leonard Whiting, Milo O'Shea, Michael York.
Shakespeare's classic romance comes to stunning visual life in a
refreshingly modern interpretation, bringing new vitality and insight to the
most enduring love story ever written.
DVD 822.33 Sha
William Shakespeare : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International
Films, Ltd.
DVD 823 Sch
Schindler's list. Universal Pictures : United States, 1993.
Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, Caroline Goodall.
DVD 823.91 Oed
Oedipus the king. Princeton, New Jersey : Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
DVD 829.3 Beo
Beowulf. Schlessinger Media, 2000.
The epic poem Beowulf leaps from page to screen in this stunning
animated adaptation. Faithful to the original literary work, this animated
presentation chronicles the legendary struggle between Beowulf and the
monster Grendel through fascinating sketch animation, captivating music
and superb performances featuring the voices of Joseph Fiennes (as
Beowulf) and Sir Derek Jacobi.
DVD 882.01 Sop
Sophocles. The Theban play : Antigone. Princeton, New Jersey : Films for the
Humanities & Sciences, c2004.
Julite Stevenson, John Shrapnel, and John Gielgud. Antigone is perhaps the
most easily accessible of all the great classical tragedies, its theme clear
and up-to-date : the conflict between moral and political law. Now the tale
of Oedipus and his family comes to its end - he, his wife Jocasta, his sons,
and now, at the last, his daughter, all dead. Antigone is not the only victim
in the play; Creon too comes to a tragic downfall - although he repents in
time, bureaucratic ritual results in the deaths of Creon's son and wife,
burdening him with guilt as well as grief.
DVD 882.01 Sop
Sophocles. The Theban plays : Oedipus at Colonus. Princeton, NJ : Films for the
Humanities & Sciences, c2004.
Anthony Quayle as Oedipus, John Shrapnel as Creon, Juliet Stevenson as
Antigone, and Kenneth Haigh as Polynices. Bearer of an almost
unspeakable, immutable fate, Oedipus yet feels himself a man chosen - that
is, favored - by the gods. Now an old man, blind and outcast, Oedipus
wanders through Greece guided by his daughter Antigone until he comes to
Colonus, where he know he will die. Protected by the ruler of Thebes
against the armies of Creon who have come in pursuit, he curses his son
Polynices for indifference and ingratitude. Oedipus in this play is old and
rails against the indignities of old age.
DVD 883 Hom
Homer. The odyssey. Hallmark Home Entertainment, 1997.
Armand Assante ; Greta Scacchi ; Isabella Rossellini ; Vanessa Williams.
Odysseus braves all the terrors and temptations of a mysterious, far-flung
world, matching wits and wiles with a fantastic array of beings both mortal
and monstrous.
DVD 904 Nat
Natural disasters : Earthquakes. Washington : Topics Entertainment, c2008.
Earthquake (1972) ; Earthquake Below (1975) ; Lome Prieta Earthquake
(1989) ; Peru : Quake and Recovery (1971). These historical
documentaries, selected by National Archives, illustrated the awesome
power of nature during the 20th century.
DVD 904 Nat
Natural disasters : Forest fires. Washington : Topics Entertainment, c2008.
Countdown to Calamity (1971) ; Design for Disaster (1962) ; Fire at
Malibu (1958) ; Up in Flames (1984). These historical documentaries,
selected by National Archives, illustrated the awesome power of nature
during the 20th century.
DVD 904 Nat
Natural disasters : History of disaster. Washington : Topics Entertainment,
Shock Troops of Disaster (1939) ; The Face of Disaster (1965) ; The Plow
That Broke the Plains (1936) ; There Were There : The Role of the Army
in Disaster Relief (1960). These historical documentaries, selected by
National Archives, illustrated the awesome power of nature during the 20th
DVD 904 Nat
Natural disasters : Hurricanes. Washington : Topics Entertainment, c2008.
A Hurricane Called Betsy (1966) ; A Lady Called Camille (1971) ;
Hurricane Frederic . . . Picking Up the Pieces (1978) ; Welcome to
Corning, New York : Tropical Storm Agnes Flood (1972). These historical
documentaries, selected by National Archives, illustrated the awesome
power of nature during the 20th century.
DVD 904 Nat
Natural disasters : Tornadoes. Washington : Topics Entertainment, c2008.
Day of the Killer Tornadoes (1978). These historical documentaries,
selected by National Archives, illustrated the awesome power of nature
during the 20th century.
DVD 904 Nat
Natural disasters : Volcanoes. Washington : Topics Entertainment, c2008.
Eruption of Mt. St. Helens (1980 and 1981) ; Kilauea Volcano Eruption
(1958 ) ; This Place in Time : The Mt. St. Helens Story (1984) ; Earth
Resources Technology Satellite (1973). These historical documentaries,
selected by National Archives, illustrated the awesome power of nature
during the 20th century.
DVD 907.4 Fes
Great festivals. Pilot Productions, c2002.
PROGRAM CHAPTERS - Intro ; January - Timkat, Ethiopia ; February TET, Vietnam ; Mardi Gras - New Orleans, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro; March
- Caribou Carnival, Canada ; April - Easter Festival, Guatemala ; June - Inti
Raymi, Peru ; Great Pilgrimages, Poland & Spain ; July - Sardia Horse
Race, Sardinia ; Pamplona's Running of the Bulls, Spain ; August - Gay
Price Parade, Netherlands ; Burning Man Festival, USA ; Festivals of
Penace - Pakistan, Phillipines & Malaysia ; September - Goroka Show,
Papua New Guinea ; November - Surin Elephant Festival, Thailand ; Top
Festivals - - BONUS CHAPTERS - January - The Hindu Float Festival,
North India ; Mardi Gras - Venice Carnival, Italy ; Mardi Gras - Trinidad
Carnival, Eastern Caribbean ; April - The Battle of the Moors and the
Christians, Spain ; July - Santa Rosalia Festival, Sicily ; August - Tomatina
Festival, Spain ; August - Gilroy Garlic Festival, USA ; August - Esala
Perahera Festival, Sri Lanka ; August - Elvis Week, USA ; October Oktober Fest, Germany ; October - Ottery St. Mary, England. From ancient
tribal rituals in Papua New Guinea to post modern pagan parties in the
American desert, Justine Shapiro and her fellow travellers take you a a
month by month, year long, round-the-world celebration. Enhanced with
additional footage, Pilot Guide to Great Festivals invites you to travel the
world and celebrate.
DVD 909 Dar
The Dark Ages : The fall of civilization; the rise of a new world order. United
States : A&E Television Networks, c2006.
Join The History Channel on an unforgettable voyate through one of the
most desolate periods in human history as the rulers, conflicts, and
cataclysmic societal breakdown of The Dark Ages are brought to light. At
the height in the second century A.D. the Roman Empire was the beacon of
learning, power, and prosperity in the western world. But the oncepowerful Rome- rotten to the core by the fifth century- lay open to
barbarian warriors who came in wave after wave of invasion, slaughtering,
stealing, and ultimately, settling. As chaos replaced culture, Europe was
beset by famine, plague, persecutions, and a state of war that was so
persistent it was only rarely interrupted by peace. The Dark Ages profiles
those who battled to shape the future.
DVD 909 Mid
Life in the Middle Ages : A history of the Middle Ages. Library Video
Company, 2002.
The Middle Ages is commonly referred to as the period between the fall of
the Roman Empire in Western Europe and the Renaissance. Delve into a
comprehensive overview of the people, places, and events that defined this
period. From Charlemagne through the legendary Crusades and the horrific
Black Death, three distinct eras of medieval time are explored.
DVD 910 Geo
Geography for Students : Human Systems. United States : Schlessinger Media,
DVD 910 Geo
Geography for students : The world in spatial terms. United States : Schlessinger
Media, c2006.
Understand the patterns of organization of the physical and human aspects
of our planet. Learn how landforms define and shape our world to how
people adapt to them and sometimes alter them, the relationship between
the two defines our planet. Learn about cartography and technologies such
as GIS, GPS, and databases that geographers use to help us see the regular
and recurring patterns in the Earth's physical and human systems.
DVD 910.2 Bea
Best beaches. Pilot Productions, c2002.
PROGRAM CHAPTERS - Intro ; January - Tulum, Mexico ; February Montezuma, Costa Rica ; March - Bajo, Mexico ; April - Jericoacoara,
Brazil ; May - Boracay, Phillippines ; Best Diving Beaches ; June Corsica, Sardina & Turkey ; July - Breju, Zanzibar ; August - Nha Trang,
Vietnam ; September - Kadavu, Fiji ; October - Goa & Varkala, India ;
November - Byron Bay, Australia ; Best Surfing Beaches ; December Phangnga Bay, Thailand ; Top Beaches - - BONUS CHAPTERS - Big Sur,
USA ; Los Rozues, Venezuela ; Copacabana, Brazil ; Fraser Island,
Australia ; Best Diving Beaches ; Santa Monica, USA ; Na Pali Coast &
Molokai, Hawaii ; Best Beach Huts ; Sylt, Germany ; Mykonos & Gavdos,
Greece ; Isle St. Marie, Madagascar ; Best Surfing Beaches ; Brenu Beach,
Ghana ; Poly Plage, Ivory Coast ; Top Beaches ; Greece - Special Bonus.
Justine Shapira and her fellow travellers make your task a little easier with
a month-by-month guide to some of the world's best beaches. From
America to the Caribbean Islands, Europe, Africa, Asia, Micronesia and
Australia, visit some of the far-flung shores where they have bathed,
surfed, dived, and even slept.
DVD 912.62 Egy
Egypt. Pilot Productions, c2003.
EGYPT - 1. Introduction ; 2. Cairo ; 3. The Great Pyramids of Giza and St.
Anthony's Monastry ; 4. El Alamein and Siwa ; 5. Bahariya and Bagawat ;
6. Luxor and Valley of the Kings ; 7. Abu Simbel. Traveler Megan
McCormick starts her journey in the sprawling capital of Cairo, She then
travels into the western desert via El Alamein to the oasis town of Siwa,
close to the Libyan border. Heading south for the five day deser trek she
arrives at her final destination - Luxor, which claims to be the world's
greatest open air museum.
DVD 913 Mex
Mexico. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
Experience the richness of Mexico[s geography and history.
DVD 913.13 Mex
Mexico. Pilot Productions, c2003.
CHAPTERS - MEXICO CITY - Intros & Maps ; Zocalo, La Merced
Marked & Glass Blowing ; Teotihuacan ; The Museum of Anthropology &
Tequila bar ; Medicinal Market & Wrestling ; Taxco ; Bullfighting & The
Virgin of Guadelupe Celebrations ; Xochimilco & Mexican Marichis ; El
Rosano - - CHAPTERS - BAJA CALIFORNIA - Intros & Maps ; Tijuana ;
San Quentin ; Bahia de Los Angeles ; San ignacio ; Mulege & La Paz ;
Copper Canyon. Traveler Ian Wright visits Baja California, a mostly desert
mountainous peninsula off the southwest coast of the USA, and the Copper
Canyon, home of modern cowboys and ancient Tarahumara Indians.
Meanwhile, Justine Shapiro explores Mexico City, a buzzing capital where
modern skyscrapers tower over Indian markets and Spanish churches. Visit
the wild border town of Tijuana. Sail close to the grey whales which
migrate to Laguana San Ignacio during the northern winter months.
Explore the colonial silver city of Taxco, and the amazing city of
teatihuacan whose mysterious civilization built the gigantic pyramids of the
Sun and the Moon. Get a hot taste for Mexican chilies at La Merced, one of
the largest food markets, and sample some of the hundreds of tequila
DVD 914 Arg
Argentina. New Dimension Media, c2005.
See why Argentina is a country of untapped wealth. Experience the cultural
and economic wealth and the diverse people and terrains of this remote
DVD 914 Aus
The best of Austria. TravelVideo.
Episode # 1 - Alpine Vacation, Featuring Tyrol, Innsbruck, Hiking,
Seefeld, Train ride, Bell makers, Swarovski, and more ; Episode # 2 - Wine
Country, Featuring Styria, Graz, Lipizzaner Horses, Gamiltz, Ehrenhausen,
Castles, SPA Hotel and more ; Episode # 3 - Hiking in Austria, Featuring
Salzburg, Lofer, Hintermoos, Krimml, Wald, Shopping, Cycling, and more.
DVD 914 Bel
Globe Trekker : Belgium and Luxembourg. Pilot Productions, 2007.
DVD 914 Eur
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Wonders of Europe. United States :
Schlessinger Media, c2003.
Explore the only remaining primeval forest in Europe and explore towering
stands of ancient trees that are home to exotic creatures. Against the
backdrop of the Matterhorn, appreciate the power of the Aletsch, the
mightiest glacier in the Swiss Alps. Catch a glimpse of life found on Earth
50 million years ago.
DVD 914 Fra
France. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
The cultural richness and the geographic variety of France are revealed
along with many historical influences. The highlights of the region are
surveyed. The intensity of Paris is contrasted with diverse rural economies
and traditions, and the many contributions of the French to the world are
DVD 914 Ger
Germany. New Dimension Media, 2005.
Detailed maps show how early Roman towns grew into parts of the
medieval Holy Roman Empire, and then into various states that eventually
combined in to the German nation. Explore characteristics of great cities
including cultural and economic characteristics of a reunified Germany
DVD 914 Ita
Italy. New Dimension Media.
From its Roman roots to the ultra modernistic styles found in Milan, the
diversity and unity of the Italian people, history and geography are
experienced. Sicily's uniqueness is explored. Important coastal cities such
as Genoa, Naples and Venice reveal special beauties and histories. The
contributions of Rome, Florence and Milan have left profound marks upon
Italy. The economy, occupations, and characteristics of each region hare
revealed, including less known ones suce as Liguria and Umbria.
DVD 914 Rus
Russia. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
After countless rulers, seven decades of Communism, and domination of
Eastern Europe as the power behing the USSR, Russia still remains the
world's largest country in landmass. Witness the importance of major cities
and Russia's most important regions and natural wonders. Experience the
changes free enterprise is bringing to this important country.
DVD 914 Spa
Spain. New Dimension Media, 2005.
A colorful overview of the diversity of Spain's history starting with Madrid
to Avila and other cities in the north; then south to the rich contributions of
the Jewish and Moorish peoples.
DVD 914 Swi
Switzerland : Country of Mountains. TravelVideo.
DVD 914.11 Sco
Scotland. Pilot Productions, c2004.
SCOTLAND -1. Introduction ; 2. Glasgow and Sterling ; 3. Islay and Oban
; 4. Fort William, Malliag and the Isle of Skye ; 5. Culloden, Loch Ness
and Strathdon ; 6. Aberdeen and the Orkney Islands ; 7. Edinburgh and St.
Andrews. Traveler Megan McCormick begins her journey in Glasgow.
After a brief stop on the Isle of Islay, she makes her way up the west coast
to fish on the Isle of Skye. Her next port of call is the Orkney Islands. She
then embarks on the final leg of her journey to the capital city and the
spectacular Edinburgh military tattoo.
DVD 914.12 Ger
Germany. Pilot Productions, c2004.
GERMANY - 1. Introduction ; 2. Berlin ; 3. Sylt Island ; 4. Hamburg and
Langeloh ; 5. Nuremberg ; 6. Ingolstadt ; 7. Munich ; 8. Berchtesgaden and
Oberammergau. Traveler Justine Shapiro's journey starts in Berlin where
she learns about Germany's experience during World War II. From there
she hitches a ride to Niebull before continuing onto the incredible beaches
of Sylt. After a stop in Hamburt, she moves to the grand city of Nuremberg
before completing her trip climbing Mount Yenna.
DVD 914.13 Cor
Corsica, Sicily & Sardinia. Pilot Productions, c2004.
CORSICA, SARDINIA, & SICILY - 1. Introduction ; 2. Corsica - Al
Cajola ; 3. Corsica - Corte ; 4. Corsica - Ajaccio ; 5. Corsica - Bonifacio ;
6. Sardinia - Sedilo ; 7. Sardinia - Orgosolo ; 8. Sardinia - Costa Verde ; 9.
Sicily - Palermo ; 10. Sicily - Stromboli. Traveler Ian Wright begins his
journey on the French island of Corsica, the birthplace of Napoleon, where
he enjoys a wealth of outdoor activities. He then sails to the Italian island
of Sardinia to celebrate the S'Ardia festival and witness the fine
horsemanship of the locals. Ian's final destination is the island of Sicily
where he cooks up a storm with a local pasta chef before ending his
journey on top of Stromboli's smoking and lava spitting volcano.
DVD 914.13 Por
Portugal & the Azores. Pilot Productions, c2004.
PORTUGAL - 1. Introduction ; 2. Peneda Geres National Park ; 3. Douro
Valley and Porto ; 4. Santarem ; 5. Fatima ; 6. Lisbon ; 7. Evora ; 8. The
Algarve ; 9. The Azores ; 10. The Azores - Faial and Pico. Traveler Megan
McCormick starts her journey in the beautiful Doruro Valley before
heading north to trek through the spectacular Peneda Geres National Park.
Moving south through Fatima and Santarem she stops in Lisbon before
ending her journey in the idyllic Azores.
DVD 914.13 Spa
Spain. Pilot Productions, c2004.
NORTHERN SPAIN - 1. Introduction ; 2. Barcelona ; 3. Pampolona ; 4.
San Sebastian ; 5. Somiedo National Reserve ; 6. Madrid ; 7. Segovia,
Avila, Salamandro and Zamora ; 8. Santiago de Compostela and Caba
Finistevre - - SOUTHERN SPAIN - 1. Introduction ; 2. The South Coast
and Rhonda ; 3. Tarifa, Los Canos de Meca and La Rabida ; 4. Seville ; 5.
Cazoria National Park : Jaen Province ; 6. Tabernas, Cabo de Gata National
Park ; 7. Alcoy, Valencia Province. Traveler Shilpa Metha explores
Northern Spain during the vibrant Fiesta season, while Christina Chang
goes beyond the tourist hotspots of the Costa del Sol and travels inland to
discover the real Southern Spain.
DVD 914.13 Vie
Vienna. Pilot Productions, c2004.
VIENNA - Introduction ; Day 1. Stephansdom Cathedral and the Hofburg
Palace ; Day 2. Central Cemetery and Sigmund Freud's House ; Day 3.
Mauthausen ; Day 4. Naschmarkt ; Day 5. Salzburg ; Day 6. Old Danube ;
Day 7. The Chambray Palace and Elmayer Dance School. Traveler Ian
Wright begins his trip at the Hofburg Palace, once home to the famous
Hapsbury dynasty. He then heads for the city's cemetery where over two
and a half million people have been laid to rest. After a look around the
Freud museum he heads out of town to learn Mauthausen's gruesome past.
Returning to Vienna he ends his journey at one of the city's famous balls.
DVD 914.17 Ire
Ireland. Pilot Productions, c2003.
IRELAND - 1. Introduction ; 2. Antrim Coast ; 3. Belfast ; 4. Armagh and
Dublin ; 5. Cobh ; 6. Dingle and the Aran Islands ; 7. Connemara and
Donegal ; 8. Tory Island. Ian Wright begins his travels at the spectacular
Antrim coast in Northern Ireland. he then travels to Belfast before crossing
the border and heading to Dublin, the capital of the republic. Passing
through Cobh and Kerry, he then sails to the Aran Islands; hikes in
Connemara and Donegal, and ends his journey on the wild and remote
Tory Islands.
DVD 914.2 Eng
Destination England. Pilot Productions, c2002.
SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND : 1. Introduction and maps ; 2. The
South Coast ; 3. London ; 4. Yorkshire ; 5. The North West : Hadrien's
Wall and Liverpool ; 6. The West Country : Stonehenge and Glastonbury ;
7. Devon and Cornwall : Ottery St. Mary and Tintagel - - LONDON : 1.
Introduction and maps ; 2. Tower of London and Trooping the Colour ; 3.
East End ; 4. West End ; 5. King's Cross and madam Tussauds ; 6.
Camden, Highgate and Knightsbridge ; 7. Day trip : Ascot ; 8. Brixton and
Gay Pride Festival. Traveler Justine Shapiro embarks on an historic
journey across England, exploring its rich past ; while Jonathan Atherton
explores London, Europe's largest capital, a vibrant mix of history, culture,
and rock and roll, spiced up by the influence of over 200 different
DVD 914.21Lon
London. Pilot Productions, c2004.
LONDON - 1. Introduction ; 2. The West End : London Eye, Tower of
London, Trooping of the Colour and Westminster ; 3. The East End ; 4.
British Museum, St. Paul's, The Globe and Soho ; 5. Along the Thames :
Greenwich Observator, Kew Garden and Hampton Court ; 6. West London
; 7. Ascot and Greyhound Racing ; 8. North London ; 9. The South Coast ;
10. Brixton and Notting Hill. Join Globe Trekker travelers Jonathan
Atherton and Megan McCormick as they explore this multi-cultural, multifaceted and richly historical city. Sample traditional jellied eels in the East
End. Take a ride on the world's biggest Ferris wheel. Witness royal
pageantry at Trooping of the Colour. Have a personal tour of the Houses of
Parliament. Have a flutter on the greyhounds at Walthamstow racetrack.
DVD 914.4 Par
Paris. Pilot Productions, c2004.
PARIS - Introduction ; Day 1. The Channel tunnel, L'Hotel Nelle and
Parisian nightlife ; Day 2. The Metro and L'ecole Cordon Bleu ; Day 3. Ard
de Triomphe, Grande Arche del la Defense, Place de la Bastille and the
Lido ; Day 4. Chateau Rouge and Avenue Montaigne ; Day 5. Jardin du
Luxembourg, The Marais and The Louvre ; Day 6. Euro Disney ; Day 7.
The Eiffel Tower. Traveler Justine Shapiro begins her stay in one of the
world's gastronomic centers learning the secrets of French haute cuisine.
The following day she takes in the sites on foot before enjoying a
traditional Parisian cabaret. After an expensive shopping trip she spends
her final day taking in the famous galleries and museums ending at the
Louvre, home to the Mona Lisa.
DVD 914.40 Fra
France. Pilot Productions, c2003.
NORTHERN FRANCE - 1. Introduction ; 2. D-Day beaches ; 3. Mont St.
Michel ; 4. Rennes, Pont L'Abbe and Carnac ; 5. Le Pays d'Auge, Le
Touquest and Boulogne sur Mer ; 6. Douai and Amiens ; 7. The Somme
Valley ; 8. The Champagne region - - SOUTHERN FRANCE - 1.
Introduction ; 2. Bordeaux ; 3. Grotte de Pech, Merle and the Dordogne
River ; 4. The Basque region and Bayonne ; 5. Lourdes ; 6. Roquefort ; 7.
Chateauneuf-du-Pape and Arles ; 8. Marseille ; 9. Grasse ; 10. The French
Riviera : Nice, Monaco and Cannes. Traveler Justine Shapiro starts her
journey in Northern France on the beaches of Normandy. Traveling east
through the vineyards of Champagne, she then explores Brittany and
Somme. Christina Chang takes over in Bordaux, traveling through Arles,
Marseilles, and Lourdes. She ends her journey in monaco on the beaches of
the Riviera.
DVD 914.5 Rom
Rome. Pilot Productions, c2004.
ROME - Introduction ; Day 1. The Forum ; Day 2. Piazza Campidoglio and
Trastevere ; Day 3. The Vatican, St. Peter's and the Spanish Steps; Day 4.
Anzio ; Day 5. Paizza navona and Villa Borghese ; Day 6. Victor
Emmanuel II Monuments, Piazza Venezia and the Colosseum ; Day 7. San
Miniato - Tuscany ; Day 8. The Pantheon, Campo de Fiori and the Trevi
Fountain. Traveler Estelle Bingham starts her exploration of the city at the
Forum, the hub of ancient Rome. From there she visits Michelangelo's
beautiful Piazza Campidoglio before strolling through charming
Trastevere. She completes her tour at the Pantheon, one of Rome's great
ancient buildings and the resting place of Raphael.
DVD 914.50 Ita
Italy. Pilot Productions, c2004.
NORTHERN ITALY - 1. Introduction ; 2. The Alps : Aosta, Ivrea, and
Alba ; 3. Milan ; 4. Parma, Modena and Mantua ; 5. Verona ; 6. South
Tyrol Region : Cortina and the Dolomites ; 7. Venice - - SOUTHERN
ITALY - 1. Introduction ; 2. Rome ; 3. Terracina and Bonito ; 4. Naples ; 5.
Pompeii ; 6. The Almafi Coast, Alberobello, Ostuni and Puglia ; 7.
Calabria, Acri and Aspromonte. Join traveler Megan McCormick as she
explores the spectacular Italian Alps and the modern, cultural and
gastronomic cities of the North, while Justine Shapiro looks beyond the
image of the underdeveloped South, and explores Rome, Naples and
countryside villages, before reaching the tip of Italy's toe in Aspromonte.
DVD 914.7 Rus
Russia. Pilot Productions, c2004.
RUSSIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Moscow ; 3. Star City ; 4. St. Petersberg ; 5.
St. Petersberg - The Petrograd Side ; 6. Murmansk. Traveler Ian Wright
begins his journey in the capital Moscow, home of the Kremlin, and seat of
the Russian government. He then takes the train to Torzhok and historic St.
Petersburg, before flying to the Arctic Circle and the port of Murmansk.
DVD 914.8 Sca
Ultimate Scandinavia. Pilot Productions, c2007.
Explore Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Lapland, Finland, and the Baltic
DVD 914.9 Ams
Amsterdam. Pilot Productions, c2004.
AMSTERDAM - Introduction ; Day 1. The Hemp Hotel ; Day 2. A bike
and canal tour of the city ; Day 3. The Rijksmuseum ; Day 4. Coffee shop
culture ; Day 5. Vondelpark ; Day 6. Albert Cuyp Market. Globe Trekker
traveler Jonathan Atherton takes to the streets and canals to uncover both
sides of this cosmopolitan city.
DVD 914.9 New
New Zealand. Pilot Productions, c2004.
1. Introduction ; 2. Auckland ; 3. The Bay of Islands ; 4. Rotorus ; 5.
Wellington ; 6. Christchurch ; 7. Queestown and the Fox Glacier. Globe
Trekker traveler Ian Wright starts his journey in Auckland, where the city
skyscrapers are home to the most extreme sports in the world. He then
heads up the coast to Matauri Bay and the Bay of the Islands. On the South
island he visits Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown, before climbing
the amazing Fox Glacier.
DVD 914.91 Ice
Iceland & Greenland. Pilot Productions, c2004.
ICELAND & GREENLAND - 1. Iceland - Reykjavik ; 2. Iceland Vatnajokull ; 3. Greenland - Ammassilik ; 4. Greenland - Isotoq ; 5.
Greenland - Nuuk ; 6. Greenland - Ilulissat. Traveler Ian Wright begins his
journey in Iceland's capital Reykjavik. He then hitches a ride to the natural
wonders of Gulfoss and Geysir. Moving northeast he travels to Greenland,
the world's largest island, where he takes a safari to end his journey at the
Arctic Circle.
DVD 914.95 Gre
Greece. Pilot Productions, c2004.
MAINLAND GREECE - 1. Introduction and Map ; 2. Athens ; 3. Chios ;
4. Nafplio ; 5. Areopolis & Mani ; 6. Zagorohoria ; 7. Seres - - GREEK
ISLANDS - 1. Introduction and Map ; 2. Hydra ; 3. Patmos ; 4. Mykonos ;
5. Delos & Santorini ; 6. Crete ; 7. Gavdos. Traveler Christian Chang visits
Mainland Greece, its cosmopolitan and culturally rich capital Athens, and
the Peloponnesian peninsula, while Megan McCormick heads for the
beautiful Greek Islands, scattered around the blue waters of the Ionian and
Aegean Seas.
DVD 914.96 Ist
Istanbul. Pilot Productions, c2004.
ISTANBUL - Introduction ; Day 1. Topkapi Palace ; Day 2. Aya Sofya ;
Day 3 & 4. Gallipoli ; Day 5. The Old City and Grand Bazaar ; Day 6. The
European side ; Day 7. The Asian side ; Day 8. Edme and the Selimiye
Camii Mosque ; Day 9. the Blue Mosque. Traveler Estelle Bingham starts
her exploration of the ancient city at Topkapi palace, former home of
sultans and their concubines. She interrupts her sightseeing for a day trip to
Gallipoli, the site of an infamous World War I battlefield. Continuing her
journey around Istanbul, she visits the opulent Pera Palace Hotel. After
some retail therpy in the Grand Bazaar, she ends her journey at the famous
Blue Mosque.
DVD 915 Chi
China : From the inside. PBS Home Video, c2006.
Episode 1 : Power and the People ; Episode 2 : Women of the Country ;
Episode 3 : Shifting Nature ; Episode 4 : Freedom and Justice.
DVD 915 Geo
Georgia & Armenia. Pilot Productions, Inc, c2010.
Explore flea markets, tourist attractions, hot springs, and seaside resorts of
two countries formerly part of the Soviet Union.
DVD 915 Ind
India. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
India is one of the most diverse nations on earth, in languages, ethnic
backgrounds of its peoples, religions, and landscapes. It birthed the
religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. See the remains of Islamic culture in
the North. Visit various locations throughout the subcontinent.
DVD 915 Tib
Tibet. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
Experience a unique view of Tibet and the Tibetah people focusing on
ancient agricultural and social traditions, which provide unity and self
sufficiency in remote mountain communities. Follow a group of Tibetans
on a journey down mountain pathways and across raging rivers to worship
Buddha. View the Dalai Lama and his message of world peace and advice
to Tibetans to promote a spirit of non-violence in spite of Chinese cultures.
DVD 915.13 Vie
Vietnam. Pilot Productions, c2004.
VIETNAM - 1. Introduction ; 2. Saigon ; 3. The Cu Chi District ; 4. Nha
Trang ; 5. Lang Co ; 6. Hue ; 7. Hanoi ; 8. Lao Cai + Motorbiking in
Vietnam. Traveler Justine Shapiro starts her journey by celebrating the
New Year at the TET Festival in Ho Chi Minh City. From there she
ventures up the coast taking in the unspoined beaches of Lang Co and the
city of Hue. After a bicycle tour of the capital Hanoi, she ends her journey
in the remote highlands near the Chinese border.
DVD 915.3 Bei
Beijing. Pilot Productions, c2004.
BEIJING - Introduction ; Day 1. The Forbidden City and Wangfujing
Street ; Day 2. The Old City ; Day 3. The Silk Street Market and
Tiananmen Square ; Day 4. The Great Wall ; Day 5. Pan Xu Xai Market
and Chinese Opera ; Day 6. The Temple of Heaven. Traveler Megan
McCormick begins her journey at the infamous Tiananmen Square, former
stage of the Cultural Revolution rallies. From here she travels to the
Forbidden City, kept out of bounds for 500 years. She ends her journey at
Beijing's Ice Lantern festival amid a colorful fiesta of ice and light.
DVD 915.40 Ind
India. Pilot Productions, c2003.
NORTH INDIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Veranasi ; 3. Agra and Mathura ; 4.
Delhi ; 5. Corbett National Park ; 6. Rishikesh ; 7. Shimla ; 8. The Kula
Valley and Manali ; 9. Leh - - WEST INDIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Pushkar ;
3. Bikaner ; 4. Jaisalmer ; 5. Rankpur and Udaipur ; 6. Mumbai ; 7. Pune - EAST INDIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Calcutta ; 3. Sagar Island ; 4. The
Andaman Islands ; 5. Havelock Island ; 6. Darjeeling ; 7. Rimbick and
Sandakphu ; 8. Arunachal Pradesh ; 9. Adi Pasi - - SOUTH INDIA - 1.
Introduction ; 2. Madras ; 3. Gingee ; 4. Auroville - The City of Dawn ; 5.
Kodaikanal ; 6. Madurai ; 7. Varkkallai ; 8. Alleppey ; 9. Lakshadweep.
Andrew Daddo visits norther India traveling from the holy river Ganges in
Varanasi to the lost city of Leh. Traveler Holly Morris then moves east to
Darjeeling and Calcutta before heading for the peaceful Andarman Islands.
Farther south, Justine Shapiro visits vibrant Madras before exploring the
lakes and waterways of Kerala's coast. Finally, in west India, Megan
McCormick travels through Pushkar, Bombay, and Goa.
DVD 915.61 Tur
Turkey. Pilot Productions, c2004.
TURKEY - 1. Introduction ; 2. Ephesus ; 3. Fethiye and Mount Olumpus ;
4. Safronbolu ; 5. Goreme ; 6. Nemnit Dag ; 7. Artyin. Treveler Justine
Shapiro starts her journey in the Roman ruins of Ephesus. She then travels
up the coast to the volcanic Cappadocia region, home to one of the first
Christian communities. Traveling east, she visits the wonders of Nemrut
Dagi, and then heads north to her final destination : the Kachkar Mountains
near the Black Sea coast.
DVD 915.9 Ind
Indonesia. Pilot Productions, c2004.
THE EASTERN ISLANDS - 1. Introduction ; 2. Bali ; 3. Lombok ; 4.
Komodo ; 5. Flores ; 6. The Bandas ; 7. Timor - - JAVA AND SUMATRA
- 1. Introduction ; 2. Java - Jakarta ; 3. Java - Anak Krakatau ; 4. Java Borobudur ; 5. Java - Yogyakarta ; 6. Java - Kudus ; 7. Sumatra Gunungleruser National Park and Bukit Lawang Nature Reserve ; 8.
Sumatra - Palua Nias - - BALA 7 SULAWESI - 1. Introduction ; 2. Bali Kuta ; 3. Bali - Ubad and Gunung Batur ; 4. Bali - Lovina and Denpasar ;
5. Sulawesi - Ujang Pandang ; 6. Sulawesi - Rantepao ; 7. Sualsesi Rindigalio and Rantetayo. Join travelers Megan McCormick, Shilpa Mehta
and Mark Crowdy as they visit the archipelagos major islands of Bali,
Sulawesi, Java, Sumatra, Lumbok, Komodo, and Flores.
DVD 915.94 Tha
Thailand, Malaysia & Laos. Pilot Productions, c2004.
NORTHERN THAILAND & LAOS - 1. Introduction ; 2. Thailand Bangkok ; 3. Thailand - Surin and Lopuri ; 4. Thailand - Chiang Mai ; 5.
Thailand - Chiang Rai ; 6. Thailand - Chiang Khong ; 7. Laos - Luang
Prabang ; 8. Laos - Phonsavan ; 9. Laos - Vientiane - - SOUTHERN
THAILAND & MALAYSIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Malaysia - Kuala
Lumpur ; 3. Malaysia - The Cameron Highlands ; 4. Malaysia - Kota
Bharu, Perhentian Islands and Terenggenu ; 5. Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
(The Festiavl of Tapusan) ; 6. Thailand - Phuket ; 7. Thailand - Krabi.
Traveler Justine Shapiro starts her journey in Kuala Lumpur, heading up
through the highlands to the glorious beaches of southern Thailand. Ian
Wright begins his journey in bustling Bangkok traveling north for a trek in
Chiang Mai. From there he travels up the Mekhong River into neighboring
DVD 916 Afr
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Wonders of East Africa. United States :
Schlessinger Media, c1996.
Travel to "the cradle of mankind" and explore great sweeps of open grassy
plains, volcanic craters, magnificent waterfalls, and the highest mountain in
Africa. Capture a glimpse of one of the world's most famous and
impressive wildlife sanctuaries and follow the animals and people who
make their home near the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater. Appreciate the
value of the fragile natural treasures of wildlife and cultural heritage.
DVD 916 Afr
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Wonders of West Africa. United States :
Schlessinger Media, c2001.
Visit a watery wilderness at the edge of the Sahara. Follow the seasonal
cycle of life of the Senegal River delta. Travel with nomads to Niger and
discover hostile, yet beautiful, landscape of rocks and sand dunes. Travel to
the last jungle on the Ivory Coast where you enter the dense rainforest and
catch a glimpse of dwarf antelope, chimpanzees, red colobus monkeys and
Tai elephants.
DVD 916 Nat
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Island Wonders. United States :
Schlessinger Media, c2003.
Explore some of the world's most exotic island wonders as well as some of
the most unique islands. Appreciate the fragile beauty and isolated
diversity of these natural biological wonders.
DVD 916 Sou
South Africa. Chicago, Illionois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
South Africa has a conflicted past, a beautiful landscape, and Africa's
strongest economic engine. Learn about various ethnic groups that make up
its current population, giving the country both vitality and instability. Learn
the history and how it outgrew the colonial legacy of apartheid. Experience
the multicultural reality of today's cities along the country's primary
economic activities and striking environments.
DVD 916 Zim
Zimbabwe. New Dimension Media, c2005.
Witness the architectural remains of an indigenous civilization, and some
of the modern re-enactments of its historic culture. See a thriving city that
reflects the culture and economy of the British colonial settlers, along with
the contemporary African population. See a great amount of wildlife still
abundant in the land, and learn about its geographic regions and other
DVD 916.76 Sey
World destination : Seychelles. Video Clearinghouse.
DVD 917 Can
Canada. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
Canada has a relatively small population but is the world's second largest in
geographical size. Learn how history is made it a bilingual country, with a
French minority. Experience the diverse economic, scenic and cultural
features of the Provinces and Territories.
DVD 917 Can
Globe Trekker : Canada. Pilot Productions, 2005.
DVD 917 Can
Globe Trekker : Canada. Pilot Productions, 2005.
DVD 917 Cub
Cuba. New Dimension Media, c2005.
Combining and overview of history and geography, we learn how the
conquering Spaniards intermarried with the remnants of Cuba's indigenous
tribes and with African slaves, producing a people of diverse features and
rich culture.
DVD 917 Uni
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Wonders of the United States. United
States : Schlessinger Media, c2002.
Explore the natural wonders of the United States.
DVD 917.13 San
San Francisco. Pilot Productions, c2004.
SAN FRANCISCO - Introduction ; Day 1. San Remo Hotel ; Day 2.
Chinatown and North Beach ; Day 3. Alcatraz and Space Walk ; Day 4.
Muir Woods ; Day 5. The Castro and Haight Ashbury ; Day 6. The Golden
Gate Park ; Day 7. The Mission District ; Day 8. Pacifica. Follow Justine
Shapiro through the communities of Chinatown, The Mission District, The
Castro, Haight Ashbury and North Beach that compries the thriving and
cosmopolitan metropolis.
DVD 917.13 Sou
Deep South USA. Pilot Productions, c2003.
DEEP SOUTH USA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Smoky Mountain National Park ;
3. Ashville and Pigeon Forge ; 4. Scottsboro and Cartersville ; 5. Atlanta ;
6. Tuskegee ; 7. The Gulf Shores ; 8. Vicksburg and Clarksdale ; 9.
Memphis. Traveler Ian Wright goes trekking in the Great Smokey
Mountains, before driving south to Atlanta, Georgia. He then catches the
bus to Tuskegee, Alabama and the idyllic beaches of the Gulf shores. He
travels down Highway 61 through Vicksburt and Clarksdale, before ending
his journey in Memphis Tennessee. Along the way, visit the birthplace of
Martin Luther King. Indulge in some comforting soul food. Take a ride on
the Memphis Queen, Mississippi's legendary steam boat. Attend the annual
re-enactment of the battle of Fort Morgan, the last battle of the Civil War.
Experience Elvis week in Memphis, an annual pilgrimage for thousands of
"The King's" fans.
DVD 917.28 Cen
Central America. Pilot Productions, c2003.
COSTA RICA AND NICARAGUA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Costa Rica - San
Jose ; 3. Costa Rica - Monteverde and Volcan Arenal ; 4. Costa Rica Liberia ; 5. The Costa rican and Nicaraguan border - Los Chiles and El
Castillo ; 6. Nicaragua - Solentiname Archipelago ; 7. Nicaragua - Granada
; 8. Nicaragua - Managua and Masaya - - YUCATAN, BELIZE, AND
GUATEMALA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Mexico - Merida and Chichen Itza ; 3.
Mexico - Tulum ; 4. Belize - Belize City ; 5. Belize - Placencia ; 6. Belize Caracol ; 7. Guatemala - Tikal ; 8. Guatemala - Guatemala City ; 9.
Guatemala - Antigua. Traveler Justine Shapiro starts her journey in Merida,
Mexico, the capital of the Yucatan peninsula, where she takes in the Mayan
ruins of Chichen Itza and Tulum. She then travels south through Belize to
Guatemala. Further south Neil Gibson begins his journey in the Costa
Rican capital of San Jose traveling through the Monteverde Cloud Forest
before ending his journey in turbulent Nicaragua.
DVD 917.29 Eas
Eastern Caribbean. Pilot Productions, c2004.
EASTERN CARIBBEAN - 1. Introduction ; 2. Trinidad ; 3. Tobago ;
Grenada ; 5. Carriacou ; 6. Dominica ; 7. Trinidad - Grand-Riviere.
Traveler Justine Shapiro starts her journey in Trinidad's capital, Port of
Spain, for one of the biggest street parties on earth - its world famous
Carnival. She then travels to the laid back island of Tobago, the spice
island of Grenada, the remote Carriacou, before continuing north to the
lush island of Dominica.
DVD 917.3 Bur
Burns, Ken. Horatio's Drive : America's first road trip. PBS Home Video, 2004.
Horatio's Drive recounts the simultaneously inspirational and hilarious saga
of Horatio Nelson Jackson, an eccentric Vermont doctor, who in 1903 - on
a visionary whim and a 50-dollar bet - became the first person to drive an
automobile across the continent heralding the future of the "horseless
carriage" as a vehicle destined for more than inner-city travel and as a
machine that would transform American life.
DVD 917.3 Gre
Great historic sites. Pilot Productions, c2002.
PROGRAM CHAPTERS - Intro ; The Ancient Britons ; The Pharoahs ;
The Persian Empire ; The Ancient Greeks ; The Qin Dynasty ; Great Forts ;
The Nabateans ; The Romans ; The Christianity ; The Islam ; Great
monuments ; The Mayans ; The Khmer Empire ; The Incas ; The People of
Easter Island ; Top Historic Sites - - BONUS CHAPTERS - Luxor, Egypt ;
Abu Simbel, Egypt ; Alhambra, Spain ; Leptis Magna, Libya ; Mount
Sinai, Israel ; Bagawat, Egypt ; Ibn Tulun, Egypt. Megan mcCormick and
her fellow travellers take you on a journey through history and time,
exploring some of the most fascinating sites across Europe, Africa, Latin
America, the Middle East, and Asia. Enhanced with additional footage,
Pilot Guide to Great Historic Sites invites you to time travel our world.
Visit the great pyramids of Egypt ; walk the ancient city of Delos in Greece
; see the spectatular mosque of Esfahan in Iran ; journey to the awe
inspiring city of Angkor Wat ; admire the magnificent 2200 year old
terracotta Army of China.
DVD 917.39 Jam
Jamaica. Pilot Productions, c204.
JAMAICA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Negril ; 3. Montego Bay ; 4. Black River
and Treasure Beach ; 5. Mandeville ; 6. Nine Miles ; 7. St. Anne's Bay ; 8.
Port Antonio ; 9. Kingston. Traveler Ian Wright begins his journey in the
renowned beach resort of negril before heading down the coast to Treasure
Beach. After a stay in Hope Bay he visits the colonial town of Port
Antonio. He then excapes to the solitude of the mountains and ends his
journey watching the sunrise from the peak of Blue Mountain.
DVD 917.47 New
New York. Pilot Productions, c2004.
NEW YORK : Day 1. Grand Central Station, Liberty Island, Wall Street
and Chinatown ; Day 2. The Chelsea Hotel, Basketball and New York
nights ; Day 3. The Bronx, Harlem and City Island ; Day 4. Downtown
Manhattan and Ground Zero ; Day 5. Central Park, Upper East Side and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art ; Day 6. Coney Island and Fire Island. Globe
Trekker travelers Ian Wright and megan mccormick tour New York's five
boroughs : Staten Island, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan home to the famous skyline and Central Park.
DVD 917.63 New
New Orleans. Pilot Productions, c2004.
NEW ORLEANS - Introduction ; Day 1. The French Quarter, Bourbon
Street and Congo Square ; Day 2. St. Charles Street Car, the Garden
District and St. Louis Cemetery ; Day 3. Lafitte ; Day 4. Bearer Terrier
Park and the Warehouse District ; Day 5. The Mississippi River and
Vacherie ; Day 6. Lundi Gras ; Day 7. Mardi Gras. Follow traveler Justine
Shapiro through the French Quarter, Warehouse District and Garden
District to discover the history, drams and legend that is "The Big Easy.".
DVD 917.8 Ame
American Rockies. Pilot Productions, c2003.
AMERICAN ROCKIES - 1. Introduction ; 2. South Dakota - Pine Ridge ;
3. South Dakota - Dead Wood ; 4. Montana - Little Bighorn ; 5. Wyoming Jackson Hole ; 6. Wyoming - Yellowstone National Park ; 7. Montana Whitefish ; 8. Idaho - Nez Perce Reservation. Traveler Ian Wright begins
his journey in the badlands of South Dakota on the Pine Ridge reservation.
His next stop is the holy mountains of Bear Butte, where the Indians pay
homage to the spirits. Traveling north he visits Deadwood, South Dakota,
before continuing through Montana to Jackson Hole in Wyoming. He ends
his journey in the famous Yellowstone National Park.
DVD 917.8 Bur
Burns, Ken. Lewis & Clark--the journey of the corps of discovery / a Florentine
Films production ; a film by Ken Burns ; produced in association with
WETA-TV (Washington, DC) ; director, Ken Burns ; producers Dayton
Duncan, Ken Burns ; writer Dayton Duncan. PBS Home Video, 1997.
This extraordinary film tells the remarkable story of the entire Corps of
Discovery--not just the two famous Captains, but the young army men,
French-Canadian boatmen, Clark's African-American slave, and the
Shoshone woman named Sacagawea, who brought along her infant son.
Journey with them all, across a breath-taking landscape in an unforgettable
experience that explores both the history--and promise--of American.
DVD 917.9 Sou
South West USA. Pilot Productions, c2003.
SOUTH WEST USA - 1. Introduction ; 2. New Mexico - Gallup ; 3. New
Mexico - Santa Fe and Taos ; 4. New Mexico - Roswell ; 5. New Mexico &
Arizona - Deming and Tucson ; 6. Arizona - Sedona ; 7. Arizona - The
Grand Canyon ; 8. Nevada - Las Vegas and the Balck Rock Desert.
Traveler Justine Shapiro starts her adventure in Gallup, on the New Mexico
border. Heading east through Santa Fe and Taos she then moves south to
Roswell. Continuing her journey by motorbike she head north west to
Tucson in the state of Arizona. After a stop at the Grand Canyon she enters
the final leg of her journey via Las Vegas to Nevada's Black Rock Desert.
DVD 917.94 Cal
California. Pilot Productions, c2003.
CALIFORNIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. The High Deserts - Joshua Tree
National Park and Palm Springs ; 3. Los Angeles ; 4. Pacific Coast
Highway - San Simeon, San Luis Obispo and Big Sur ; 5. Gilroy, Yosemite
National Park and Bodie ; 6. Redwood National Park and Garberville.
Traveler Justine Shapiro begins her journey in Palm Springs, a sparkling
oasis in the middle of the desert. From there she travels to sprawling Los
Angeles and tours the Hollywood Hills. Heading north she continues to
beautiful Big sur before leaving the coast for the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
She ends her journey in Humboldt County - home of the Giant Redwoods.
DVD 918 Gal
Galapagos : The islands that changed the world. United States : Warner Home
Video, c2007.
Galapagos reveals how wildlife has found the most enterprising ways to
survive on this restless volcanic outpost, why these islands are such a
fascinating showcase for evolution, and the profound forces that influence
the delicate Balance of Life.
DVD 918 Isr
Israel. New Dimension Media, 2005.
Known as the home of the Jews, the old and new exist side by side in
places and cities. Experience the diverse peoples who make this ancient yet
modern country so compelling.
DVD 918 Per
Peru. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
Peru is one of the most important Latin American countries. Experience
both the Inca heritage and the Spanish heritage of Peru as the diversity of
this land combines the past and the present.
DVD 918 Sou
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Wonders of South America. United
States : Schlessinger Media, c1997.
Explore the southernmost tip of South America into Patagonia for a closeup view of towering blocks of moving ice that glow with an eerie blue
light. On the wall of these ancient glaciers, viewers find traces of the
people who hunted here at the end of the Ice Age. Explore the myths and
science behind the creation of the majestic "devil's threat" and surrounding
waterfalls. Travel the coast of Ecuador to the Galapagos, the islands that
prompted Darwin's theory of natural selection and the concept of evolution.
DVD 918 Ven
Globe Trekker : Venezuela. Pilot Productions, 2008.
DVD 918.04 Arg
Argentina. Pilot Productions, c2004.
ARGENTINA - 1. Iguazu Falls ; 2. Jujuy ; 3. Salta and Catamarca ; 4.
Buenos Aires ; 5. El Bolson ; 6. Trelew ; 7. Patagonia. Traveler Justine
Shapiro begins her adventure in Iguazu, before traveling west to Jujuy.
After an incredible train journey to Salta she continues south to the capital
Buenos Aires. She ends her journey at the southern extreme of the country
amidst the incredible scenery of the Parque Nacional Los Glaciares.
DVD 918.10 Bra
Brazil. Pilot Productions, c2004.
RIO de JANEIRO - Intros & Maps ; Copacabana ; Centro, Santa, Tereza &
Corcovado ; Tijuca Park & Pedra Bonita ; Favela tour, Market Museum of
Contemporary Art & Maracana Parati ; Street Parties & Samba Schools ;
The Samba Parade ; Carnival Bells - - NORTHEAST BRAZIL - Intros &
Maps ; Salvador ; Bahia State & Lencois Recife ; Morro Branco &
Fortaleza ; Jericoacoara Marajo, Belem & The Amazon. Traveler Ian
Wright visits the historic Northeast, from Salvador following the coast to
the mouth of the mighty Amazon the world's largest river. He then goes to
Rio, a lively melting pot originating from Portuguese settlers and Africa
slaves and also the home of samba, soccer, and the Carnival capital of the
DVD 918.13 Ecu
Ecuador. Pilot Productions, c2004.
ECUADOR - 1. Guayaquil and Banos ; 2. Cotopaxi and Quito ; 3. Otavalo
; 4. Lago Agrio and the Aquarico River ; 5. The Galapagos Islands.
Treveler Justine Shapiro starts her travels in Guayaquil, before taking a
train up into the Andes. After climbing the highest active volcano on earth,
she heads north to the capital of Ecuador - Quito. Following a trek in the
Amazon, she completes her trip with a visit to the magnificent Galapagos
DVD 918.13 Per
Peru. Pilot Productions, c2004.
PERU - 1. Introduction ; 2. Lima ; 3. Huaraz ; 4. Trujillo ; 5. Iquitos ; 6. Ica
; 7. Puno and Lake Titicaca ; 8. Cuzco ; 9. Machu Picchu. Traveler Neil
Gibson starts his adventure in Peru's capital Lima. From there he travels
north to trek through the glaciers from the Andean city of Huaraz. Via the
surfing town of Trujula he moves into the Amazon and explores the
abundant rain forest wildlife. Taking a flight south he ends his journey in
the Inca capital of Cuzco.
DVD 918.30 Chi
Chile and Easter Island. Pilot Productions, c2004.
CHILE AND EASTER ISLAND- 1. Introduction ; 2. The Atacama Desert
; 3. San Pedro ; 4. Cerro Tololo and Los Vasquez ; 5. Temuco and
Mapuche ; 6. Punta Aranas and Torres del Paine National Park ; 7.
Robinson Crusoe Island ; 8. Easter Island. Traveler Ian Wright begins his
journey in the scorching aridity of the Atacama desert. He then moves
south to the capital, Santiago before taking a train to visit the indigenous
Mapuche Indians. He travels across the outstanding glacier-streamed
mountains of the Torres del Paine National Park. Via Robinson Crusoe
Island, he flies to Easter Island and ends his journey on one of the most
remote inhabited places on Earth.
DVD 919 Ant
Antarctica : The silent calling. Learning Media of America.
DVD 919 Aus
Australia. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
Austrialis is both a country and a continent of impressive cities around its
fertile coastal areas. Experience the different aspects of Australian life and
reveal their English heritage. The aboriginal heritage is also still evident, as
are animals uniques in the world.
DVD 919.12 Tah
Tahiti & Samoa. Pilot Productions, c2004.
TAHITI & SAMOA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Bora Bora ; 3. Tahiti ; 4. Tubuai
and Rangiroa ; 5. Samoa and Savai'l ; 6. Moorea. Traveler Ian Wright starts
his journey on the legendary island of Bora Bora before flying to Tahiti.
From there he heads to the remote outer islands of tubuai and Rangiroa and
then west to independent Samoa. After a stopover in Moorea he ends his
journey back in Tahiti at the top of Mount Aorai.
DVD 919.40 Aus
Australia. Pilot Productions, c2004.
OUTBACK AUSTRALIA - 1. Introduction ; 2. Darwin ; 3. Kakadu
National Park and Katherine ; 4. Cloncurry ; 5. Alice Springs ; 6. Tanami
Track ; 7. Broome and Cape Leveque ; 8. Kimberly and Kununurra - QUEENSLAND AND THE GREAT BARRIER REEF - 1. Introduction ;
2. Surfers Paradise ; 3. Noosa, Harvey Bay and Fraser Island ; 4. The
Whitsunday Islands ; 5. Magnetic Island and Cairns ; 6. Thursday Island ;
7. The Cape York Peninsula ; 8. Lizard Island and Cod Hole - - SOUTH
EAST - 1. Introduction ; 2. Tamworth ; 3. Bryon Bay ; 4. Sydney ; 5.
Albury and Mt. Buffalo National Park ; 6. Melbourne ; 7. The Grampians
National Park ; 8. Port Arthur ; 9. Tasmania - - SOUTH WEST - 1.
Introduction ; 2. Barossa Valley ; 3. Cooper Pedy ; 4. William Creek ; 5.
Kalgoorlie ; 6. Perth ; 7. Karijini National Park ; 8. Exmouth. Traveler Ian
Wright explores Outback Australia, one of the most sparse and rugged
landscapes on Earth, before checking out the vibrant cities and glorious
beaches of the South East. Meanwhile Megan McCormick checks out lush
rainforests and the stunning Barrier Reef in Queensland, while Estelle
Bingham travels to Perth, Adelaide and beyond to discover South West
DVD 919.44 Syd
Sydney. Pilot Production, c2004.
SYDNEY - Introduction ; Day 1. Sydney Harbour and Kings Cross ; Day
2. Sydney Harbour Bridge, Circular Quay and the Rocks District ; Day 3.
Bondai Beach, Tamarama, Bronte Beach and Waverley Cemetery ; Day 4.
Cabramatta and an Aboriginal historical tour ; Day 5. The Blue Moutains Katoomba ; Day 6. Sydney Opera House and Circular Quay ; Day 7.
Bundeena ; Day 8. Mardi gras ; Day 9. Harley City Tour. Globe Trekker
traveler Justine Shapiro spends a week discovering the Sydney's famous
modern landmarks and discovering its traditional and often overlooked
DVD 919.69 Haw
Hawaii. Pilot Productions, c2003.
HAWAII - 1. Introduction ; 2. Kauai ; 3. Oahu ; 4. Maui ; 5. Hawaii - The
Big Island. Traveler Megan McCormick visits the Na Pali coast on the lush
island of Kauai before heading south to Oahu and the big cites of Honolulu
and Wakiki. She travels on to Maui to discover the world's largest inactive
volcano and ends her journey on Hawaii, also know as the Big Island.
DVD 920 Wri
Wright Brothers' flying machine. South Burlington, Vt. : WGBH, c2003.
Narrated by Neil Ross. Join NOVA as they document the attempt of
modern pilots, builders, aviation experts, and historians to retrace, rebuild
and re-fly planes build to the specifications developed by the Wright
Brothers a century ago.
DVD 921 Dic
Charles Dickens : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films,
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Dic
Emily Dickinson : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films,
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Fau
William Faulkner : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International
Films, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Fit
F. Scott Fitzgerald : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur Films
International, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Goe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur
International Films, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Kaf
Franz Kafka : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Oct
October sky. United States : Universal Studios, 1998.
Jake Gyllenhaal ; Laura Dern ; Chris Cooper. Coatwood, West Virginia,
1957. Working in the coal mines is an inescapable way of life in this small
town. When high schooler Homer Hickam, Jr. sees the Sputnik satellite in
th night sky, he dares to break free of the mines and reach for the stars.
With the support of his teacher and three friends, Homes sets out on an
inspiring quest to build his own rocket. Overcoming a poor education, a
tought father and a series of misfires, Homer turns his dreams into reality in
this incredible true story of hope, determination, and triumph.
DVD 921 Orw
George Orwell : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films,
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Poe
Edgar Allan Poe : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films,
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Ste
John Steinbeck : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films,
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Ste
Robert Louis Stevenson : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International
Films, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Twa
Mark Twain : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Whi
Walt Whitman : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films,
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 921 Wil
Oscar Wilde : A concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films, Ltd.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
DVD 930 Wor
5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : World Wonders Beyond Time. Chicago,
Illinois : Questar, Inc, c2009.
Discover the histories of tombs, temples, shrines and monuments and probe
their mysteries as you travel the world to imcomparable sites that continue
to fascinate and inspire.
DVD 930.09
Seven wonder of the ancient world. Chicago, IL : MM Questar , Inc.
Tracks down the seven wonders of the ancient world in time and place,
revealing the fascinating story behind each one.
DVD 932 Egy
5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : Ancient Egypt. Chicago, Illinois : Questar,
Inc, c2009.
Uncover the secrets of Ancient Egypt's visionary pharaohs, engineers, and
architects, who created some of the finest monuments the world has ever
seen. Noted historians and Egyptologists reveal the highly advanced
construction techniques used to create such wonders as : The Sphinx,
Hatshepsut's Temple, The Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple Complex,
Temple of Ramses the Great.
DVD 932 Gua
Guardian of the Ages : The Great Sphinx. United States : A&E Television
Networks, c2006.
In a fascinating look into the history behind the symbol of the sphinx,
experts debate may significant questions.
DVD 932 Kin
King Tut : Secrets revealed. Preview. United States : A&E Home Video, 2007.
In 1922 the tenacity of archaeologist Howard Carter was rewarded by a
stunning find - the tomb of Tutankhamun. Carter's moment of discovery
changed the history books and the way people regarded ancient Egypt.
Learn about the fabulous treasures within the tomb of the pharaoh known
as King Tut, from objects of staggering beauty to hundreds of practical
items that were provided for the king's journey to the underworld. Follow
in the footsteps of an ancient boy-king whose life and death would
influence the early 20th century. Discover how "Tutmania" transformed art,
architecture and jewelery design.
DVD 937 Rom
5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : Ancient Rome. Chicago, Illinois : Questar,
Inc, c2009.
Explore the stories and secrets behind the masterpieces that transformed
Rome into the last superpower of the ancient world.
DVD 938 Gre
5000 Years of Magnificent Wonders : Ancient Greece. Chicago, Illinois :
Questar, Inc, c2009.
Discover how ancient Greeks used imagination and inventiveness and
courage and conviction to lead architecture into the modern world. Greeks
were able to realize so many groundbreaking and unique engineering
innovations at the dawn of European history.
DVD 938 Won
Wonders of the Ancient World : Ancient Greece. United States : Schlessinger
Media, c1996.
Get an up-close look at the legendary Acropolis, symbol of ancient Greece
at the height of its power, and explore Epidaurus.
DVD 940 Blo
Blood and Oil : The Middle East in World War I. New Jersey : Janson Media,
"Blood and Oil- the Middle East in World War I examines the devastating
conflict and Western political intrigue that laid the foundation for wars,
coups, revolts and military interventions in the Middle East. After the end
of World War I, most of the Ottoman Empire was carved up into 'spheres
of influence', controlled mostly by the British and French. The remaining
territories became the modern state of Turkey in 1923 - after a five-year
struggle by Turkish nationalists against Westerns domination. Written and
produced by Marty Callaghan (Archives of War, Remember Pearl Harbor:
America Taken by Surprise), this feature-length documentary film follows
conflict from the Ottoman Empire's entry into the Great War in October
1914 to the Allied victory and declaration of the new Turkish Republic in
1923, and the hostilities that have plagued the region since. The DVD also
features three extended expert interviews"--Copyright descriptive material.
World War II The German Front. Digiview Entertainment, 2006.
Prelude to war, the Nazi Strike, Secret Life of Hitler, Nuremburg Trials.
DVD 940.54 Iwo
Iwo Jima : 36 days of hell : the true story. United States : Timeless Media Group,
DVD 940.54 Wor
W W II : the lost color archives. New York : A & E Television Networks, 2000.
DVD 945 Ren
The renaissance. Cerebellum Corporation, 2001.
Scholars of The Renaissance from Yale University share their knowledge
in this video which takes the viewer on a captivating and beautiful trip back
to one of the most glorius historical periods.
DVD 947 Ukr
Ukraine. L.A. Film Productions, 2007.
DVD 949 Buc
Bucharest & the Transylvanian countryside. TravelVideo.
Explore Transylvania's medieval villages, splendidly preserved castles and
cycle the forests of the Carpathian Mountains.
DVD 949.9 Bul
Bulgarian Riviera. TravelVideoStore.
Experience the Bulgarian coast as it awakens from its long sleep. Visit the
new hotels, malls, restaurants, and night clubs as well as the beaches. Visit
the museums and monuments, the old monasteries and ancient graves.
DVD 951 Chi
China. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
China has the world's fastest growing economy, yet it also has many
traditions. Experience the blend of both the ancient and the modern. Visit
country villages as well as cities.
DVD 951 Sto
PBS Home Video. The Story of 1. Impossible Pictures Ltd, 2005.
Terry Jones goes on a humor-filled journey to recount the amazing tale
behind the world's simplest number. The Story of 1 reveals how
civilizations used One to develop their culture; where our modern number
came from; and how the invention of zero changed the world forever.
DVD 951.05 Chi
China. Pilot Productions, c1995.
CENTRAL CHINA - Introduction ; Shanghai ; Suzhou ; Huangshan ; The
Yangzi River ; Chongquig ; Xi'an - - SOUTHWEST CHINA - Introduction
; Yangzhou ; Guiyang ; Luzhi & Huangguoshu Waterfalls ; Yunnan
Province ; Songpan. Traveler Justine Shapiro explores the traditional
Southwest of China, the autonomous region of Guangxi and the provinces
of Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan. Meanwhile Megan McCormick journeys
through Central China from Shanghai to the Yellow Mountains, and from
the Yangzi River to Xi'an, the ancient capital of China.
DVD 955 Ind
Iran today. Chicago, Illinois : New Dimension Media, c2005.
Experience Iran's tumultuous history, dramatically diverse landscapes, and
its people and cultures. This program presents a portrait of this historically
important country that remains a political and cultural power.
DVD 956.04 Mid
Middle East. Pilot Productions, c2003.
SYRIA, JORDAN AND LEBANON - 1. Introduction ; 2. Jordan - Wadi
Rum ; 3. Jordan - Petra ; 4. Jordan - The Dead Sea ; 5. Lebanon - Beirut ; 6.
Lebanon - Tyre ; 7. Lebanon - Baalbeck ; 8. Syria - Damascus ; 9. Syria Palmyra ; 10. Syria - Aleppo - - ISRAEL AND SINAI - 1. Introduction ; 2.
Israel - Tel Aviv ; 3. Israel - Safred and the Golan Heights ; 4. Israel Jerusalem ; 5. Israel - Hebron ; 6. Israel - Ein Gedi and the Dead Sea ; 7.
Israeli Egyptian Border - El Arish ; 8. Egypt - Sharm El Shelkh and Dahab
; 9. Egypt - Mount Sinai - - THE ARAB GULF STATES - 1. Introduction ;
2. Kuwait ; 3. Dubai ; 4. Abu Dhabi and Liwa Oasis ; 5. Msucat ; 6. Nizwa,
Hally Ben Khali trek and Sur ; 7. Al-Bustan Palace Hotel ; 8. Salalah and
Traveler Ian Wright starts his journey in Jordan's Wadi Rum Desert,
traveling south past the ruins at Petra and then on to Beirut in Lebanon. He
ends his journey in Syria at the ancient town of Palmyra. Further south,
Megan mcCormick visits battle scarred Kuwait before traveling on to
Dubai and finally Oman. Justine Shapiro completes the journey traveling
through Israel and the Sinai Desert.
DVD 958 Uzb
Uzbekistan : A musical tour of the country's past and present. c2008.
This tour takes us to Bukhara and to Khiva, former oases on the old Silk
Road that joined East and West. Buildings, mosques, and medrese reflect
their former importance under successive rulers, with monuments of
Islamic architecture and decorative art. Music chosen includes
Sheherazade, based on episodes from the Arabian Nights and Sadko, based
on the watery legend that takes the hero of the title into the depths of the
DVD 962 Egy
Egypt. New Dimension Media.
Examine Egypt's role in the modern Middle East. Experience the Suez
Canal, Sinai Peninsula, and Alexandria on the Mediterranean.
DVD 973 Nin
9/11. United States : Goldfish Pictures, Inc., c2001.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, brothers Jules and Gedeon Naudet
were working on a documentary about a rookie New York City firefighter.
Hearing a roar in the sky, Jules turned his camera upward - just in time to
film the only existing image of the first plane crashing into the World
Trade Center. In a fateful instant, Jules and Gedeon became eyewitnesses
to the most shocking and defining moment of our time.
DVD 973 Tur
21st century turning points in U.S. history : Program 1 : 2000 - 2001. Ambrose
Video Publishing, c2009.
Program 1: 2000 - 2001. The first two years of the decade brought about
the George W. Bush presidency, a presidency that was defined by
September 11th 2001, the first attack on American soil since the War of
1812. 2001 was also the year that began the second digital revolution.
DVD 973 Tur
21st century turning points in U.S. history : Program 3 : 2005 - 2007. Ambrose
Publishing, Inc., c2009.
Program 3 : 2005 - 2007. The middle years of the first decade of the 21st
century were a time of great social change, as America' s failing
infrastructure was exposed; performance enhancing drust damaged sports;
illegal immigrants made up as much as a tenth of the population and the
Internet redefined how people connect with each other.
DVD 973 Tur
21st century turning points in U.S. history : Program 4 : 2007 - 2009. Ambrose
Publishing, Inc., c2009.
Program 4 : 2007 - 2009. The end of the decade of the 21st century was the
best of times and the worst of times. Finally, America understood the
consequences of global warming; a sea change occurred when it elected a
Black president, but in the end, it faced disaster when the subprime
mortgage debacle almost brought the financial system to its knees.
DVD 973 Tur
21st century turning points in U.S. history : Progrm 2 : 2002 - 2004. Ambrose
Video Publishing, c2009.
Program 2 : 2002 - 2004. The years between 2002 and 2004 ushered in
America's first pre-emptive war, saw the human genome project jump start
the bioteach revolution and Goole monetize the Internet.
DVD 973.22 Ten
Ten days that unexpectedly changed America. United States : A&E Television
Networks, c2006.
"Massacre at Mystic" ; "Shays' Rebellion : America's First Civil War" ;
"Gold Rush" ; "Antietam".
DVD 973.22 Ten
Ten days that unexpectedly changed America. United States : A&E Television
Networks, c2006.
"The Homestead Strike" ; "Murder At the Fair : The Assassination of
President McKinley" ; "Scopes : The Battle Over America's Soul".
DVD 973.22 Ten
Ten days that unexpectedly changed America. United States : A&E
Entertainment Networks, c2006.
"Einstein's Letter" ; "When America Was Rocked" ; "Freedom Summer".
DVD 973.4 Bur
Burns, Ken. Thomas Jefferson / a Florentine Films production; produced in
association with WETA-TV, Washington ; a Film by Ken Burns ;
producers, Ken Burns and Camilla Rockwell ; writer, Geoffrey C. Ward ;
editors, Paul Barnes and Kevin Kertscher. PBS Home Video, 1997.
Part One: A young Thomas Jefferson from the Virginia wilderness is
transformed by the fire of the enlightenment into his country's most
articulate voice for human liberty. Torn between serene family personal
loss, even as he gives voiced to a new era of democratic government. He
then journeys to Paris as U.S. Minister to France for George Washington
and supports the rising French Revolution. Part Two: Returning from
France, Jefferson strives to preserve they new, fragile American
government and helps create the first political party through his bitter
struggles with the Federalists. As third President of the United States, he
doubles the size of the country with the Louisiana Purchase, but laces
controversy and scandal, finally retiring to his beloved Monticello. His last
years are spent founding the University of Virginia and re-establishing his
friendship with John Adams. By the end of his remarkable life, he had
advanced the cause of religious, political, and intellectual freedom
everywhere and hand changed the course of human events. Returning from
France, Jefferson strives to preserve the new, fragile American government
and helps create the first political party through his bitter struggles with the
Federalists. As third President of the United States, he doubles the size of
the country with the Louisiana Purchase, but laces controversy and scandal,
finally retiring to his beloved Monticello. His last years are spent founding
the University of Virginia and re-establishing his friendship with John
Adams. By the end of his remarkable life, he had advanced the cause of
religious, political, and intellectual freedom everywhere and hand changed
the course of human events.
DVD 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : John Brown's War and Destiny at Fort Sumter. History
Channel in association with A&E Television Networks., c2005.
VOLUME 1 : JOHN BROWN'S WAR : He was a radical abolitionist with
the fanatical plan of freeing Southern slaves through armed insurrection.
His raid on the U.S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry shattered any hope of unity in
an already fragmented nation. DESTINY AT FORT SUMTER : No lives
were lsot in the very first military engagement of the Civil War. Yet, from
the South's modest attack upon a tiny fort in the harbor of Charleston,
South Carolina, came a conflict that would engulf the entire nation.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War journal : Stonewall Jackson and Sherman and the march to the
sea. History Channel in association with A&E Networks, c2005.
VOLUME 4 : STONEWALL JACKSON - Thomas J. Jackson earned his
nickname at the First Battle of Bull Run when he and his men "stood like a
stone wall" against Union forces. After Robert E. Lee, "Stonewall" Jackson
was the South's most brillian leader, cool under fire, and rumored to be
indestructible. But in the end, it was friendly fire that mortally wounded
1864, General William Tecumseh Sherman and 62,000 Union veterans left
Atlanta in flames and began a long, ferocious "March to the Sea." Along
the way, he presented Savannah, Georgia to Lincoln as a "Christman gift."
By March the following year, his objective had been met, and the South's
will had been broken.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War journal : The Battle of 1st Bull Run and The 54th
Massachusetts. History Channel in association with A&E Networks, c2005.
Confederate general George Edward Pickett have something to prove? At
Gettysburg, he led his troops on a slow, suicidal "charge" into the center of
a Union line that virtually annihilated his division. THE 54TH
MASSACHUSETTS - Carried into battle, the regimental flags inspired
entire divisions. They were symbols of pride and heroism, yet their color
and insignia often represented more.
DVD 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : West Point classmates - Civil War Enemies and Robert E.
Lee. The History Channel in association with A&E Networks, c2005.
VOLUME 3 : WEST POINT CLASSMATES - In a great irony, former
West Point classmates faced one another on opposite sides of the conflictUnion generals Sherman, McClellan and Grant versus Confederate
generals Beauregard, Lee and President Jefferson Davis., life would never
by the same. ROBERT E. LEE - A masterful tatician with uncommon
grace in defeat, the greatest commander of the Civil War ended up on the
losing side. The sone of a Revolutionary War hero, Robert E. Lee
graduated second in his class at West Point, but his brilliant military career
with the North came to an end when Virginia seceded. A fascinating
profile, this is a truly intimate encounter with one of the conflict's most
powerful and enigmatic figures.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War : Stonewall Jackson and Sherman and the March to the
Sea. United States : A&E Home Video, c2007.
Stonewall Jackson - He earned his nickname at the First Battle of Bull Run
when he and his men "stood like a stone wall" against Union forces.
"Stonewall" Jackson was the South's brilliant leader, cool under fire, and
rumored to be indestructible. It took a Confederate bullet fired by mistake
to bring him down.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War : The Battle of 1st Bull Run and The 54th Massachusetts. United
States : A&E Home Entertainment, c2007.
The Battle of 1st Bull Run - Did the vain Confederate general George
Edward Pickett have something to prove? At Gettysburg, he led his troops
on a slow suicidal "charge" into the center of a Union line that virtually
annihilated his division. The 54th Massachusetts - Carried into battle, the
regimental flags inspired entire divisions. They were symbols of pride and
heroism, yet their color and insignia often represented more.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War : The Hornet's Nest at Shiloh and The Bloody Lane at
Antietam/. United States : A&E Television Networks, c2007.
The Hornet's Nest at Shiloh - Looks in detail at the fiercest fighting at the
battle of Shiloh, called the Hornet's nest. What had begun as a surprise
attack by the southern forces who routed the northern troops, was turned
around when a small contingent commanded by William Wallace, had his
troopshold a wagon road. When that position fell, the southern general
didn't pursue the advantage and was surprised by Grant and fresh troops
from Ohio the next day. The Bloody Lane at Antietam -Looks in detail at
the fiercest fighting at the battle of Antietam, where it fell to the superior
numbers of northern troops to attack the southern forces entrenched in a
sunken farm road. Uses historians, eyewitness accounts and re-enactments
to tell the story of the battle.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War : The wheatfield at Gettysburg and The tragedy at Cold
Harbor. United States : A&E Television Networks, c2007.
The Wheatfield at Gettysburg - Looks in detail at the fighting on the first
day of the battle of Gettysburg, the so called Battle in the Wheatfield. Uses
analysis by historians, quotations from eyewitnesses and recreations to tell
the story. The Tragedy at Cold Harbor - Looks at the positioning on both
sides that tempted Grant to contemplate taking Richmond if he could just
break Lee's line in entrenched positions. Inaugurated the era of trench
warfare for foot soldiers.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War : John Brown's war and Destiny at Fort Sumter. United States :
A&E Home Video, c2007.
John Brown's War - He was a radical abolitionist with the fanatical plan of
freeing Southern slaves through armed insurrection. His raid on the U.S.
arsenal at Harper's Ferry shattered any hope of unity in an already
fragmented nation. Destiny at Fort Sumter - No lives were lost in the very
first military engagement of the Civil War. Yet, from the South's modest
attack upon a tiny fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, came a
conflict that would engulf the entire nation.
DVD 973.7 Civ
The Civil War : West Point Classmates - Civil War Enemies and Robert E.
Lee. United States : A&E Home Video, c2007.
West Point Classmates - In a great irony, former West Point classmates
faced one another on opposite sides of the conflict-Union generals
Sherman, McClellan and Grant versus Confederate generals Beauregard,
Lee and President Jefferson Davis., life would never be the same. Robert E.
Lee -.
DVD 973.7 UND
Underground railroad : the William Still story. [Widescreen format]. [United
States] : PBS Distribution, 2012.
Dione Johnstone. Tells the compelling story of William Still, one of the
most unheralded individuals of the Underground Railroad, and details the
accounts of black abolitionists who had everything at stake as they helped
fugitives follow the North Star to Canada.
DVD 973.91 Gre
The great depression & the new deal. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media,
c1996; 2003.
DVD 973.91 Roa
The roaring twenties. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, c1996 ; 2003.
DVD 994 Aus
Natural Wonders of the World : Natural Wonders of Australia. United States :
Schlessinger Media, c2003.
Visit the "land down under" and explore some of the most spectacular
ecosystems on the planet. Journey underwater with a stop at the world's
most extensive reef system. Explore the massive monolith known as Ayers
Rock, and discover its importance to native mythology.
Burns, Ken. Unforgivable blackness : the rise and fall of Jack Johnson. PBS
Home Video, 2001.
Tells the story of the first African-American boxer to win the most coveted
title in all of sports and his struggle, in an out of the ring, to lived his life as
a free man. This documentary follows Jack Johnson's remarkable journey
from his humble beginnings in Galveston, Texas, as the son of former
slaves, to his entry into the brutal world of professional boxing, where, in
turn-of-the-century, Jim Crow America, the heavyweight champion was an
exclusively "white title." Despite the odds, Johnson was able to batter his
way up through the professional ranks, and in 1908 he became the first
African-American to earn the title Heavyweight Champion of the World.
The miracle worker. California : United Artists Corporation, 1962.
Anne Bancroft ; Patty Duke ; Victor Jory; Andrew Prine ; Inga Swenson;
Kathleen Comegys. Locked in a frightening, lonely world of silence and
darkness since infancy, 7-year-old Helen Keller has never seen the sky,
heard her mother's voice or expressed her innermost feelings. Then Annie
Sullivan, a 20-year-old teacher from Boston arrives. Having just recently
regained her own sight, the no-nonsense Annie reaches out to Helen
through her power of touch - the only tool they have in common - and leads
her bold pupil on a miraculous journey from fear and isolation to happiness
and light.
Newton's dark secrets. South Burlington, VT : WGBH Boston Video, 2005.
Narrated by F. Murray Abraham. Reveals Newton's fascination with
science and mathematics and his extreme views on religious doctrine, as
well as how he made the bold intellectual leaps that transformed science.
Burns, Ken. Mark Twain. PBS Home Video, 2002.
This remarkable film tell the story of Twain's extraordinary life - full of
rollicking adventure, stupendous success and crushing defeat, hilarious
comedy and almost unbearable tragedy. With fascinating interviews of Hal
Holbrook, Arthur Miller, William Styron and many others, the story is told
primarily through the words of Twain himself, so viewers of all ages can be
personally introduced to this compelling yet contradictory genius, who said
with some justification, "I am not an American. I am the American.".
Speak. Widescreen format. [New York] : Showtime Entertainment, 2005, c2004.
Kristen Stewart, Robert John Burke, Eric Lively, Elizabeth Perkins, D.B.
Sweeney, Steve Zahn. Traumatized by events at an end-of-summer party
and ostracized for calling the police there, high school freshman Melinda
Sordino withdraws and struggles to heal with the help of her art and an
understanding teacher.
DVD Fic Ann
The King and I. California : Twentieth Century Fox, 1956.
Deborah Kerr, Yul Brynner, Rita Moreno, Martin Benson, Terry Saunders.
A musical comedy-drama. A gentle but plucky English widow who, with
her ten-year-old son, goes to Siam in 1862 to educate the King's wives and
children in the ways of western culture subtly influences the volatile King,
whose avidity for scientific knowledge and enlightenment often conflicts
with his traditional arrogance and his adherence to the semi-barbaric
customs of his country.
DVD Fic Aus
Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice. United States : Focus Features, 2005.
Keira Knightley ; Matthew Macfadyen ; Brenda Blethyn ; Donald
Sutherland. In Georgian England, an overbearing mother raises her five
daughters with the sole purpose of finding rich husbands who can support
the family. When a wealthy bachelor and his handsome best friend arrive in
town for the summer, a humorous and complicated love story unfolds.
DVD Fic Aus
Austen, Jane. Sense and sensibility (Motion picture). United States : Columbia
Pictures, 1995.
Emma Thompson ; Alan Rickman ; Kate Winslet ; Hugh Grantt.
A beautiful mind. [Widescreen format]. Universal City, CA : Universal Studios
Home Entertainment, 2006.
Russell Crowe, Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly, Paul Bettany, Adam
Goldberg, Judd Hirsch, Josh Lucas, Anthony Rapp, Christopher Plummer.
Dramatizes the adult life of John Forbes Nash Jr., a mathematician whose
brilliance was tempered by his struggles with schizophrenia.
DVD Fic Bie
Bierce, Ambrose. An occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. United States : Monterey
Video, 2004.
On a lonely bridge a group of soldiers prepare for the somber task of
hanging one of their countrymen, now an enemy, for sabotage. Ambrose
Bierce's heralded story begins on this isolated bridge and envelopes a
journey through the mind and dreams of a man facing death.
DVD Fic Bra
Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. United States : Universal ; MCA Home Video,
1966 ; 1987.
Julie Christie, Oskar Werner, Cyril Cusack, Anton Diffring, Jeremy
Spenser, Alex Scott. Set in the future, where all printed reading material is
banned, a "fireman", in charge of burning forbidden books, takes home a
condemned volume of David Copperfield and begins to read it. Soon his
life is turned upside down as he becomes a hunted fugitive.
DVD Fic Bro
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. United States : Miramax Home Entertainment.
William Hurt ; Charlotte Gainbourg ; Joan Plowright ; Anna Paquin. The
problems of a young governess whose love affair with her master is
terminated when a terrifying mystery is exposed.
DVD Fic Cat
Lloyd Webber, Andrew 1948 -. Cats. California : Universal Studios, 2000.
Musical comedy starring Elaine Paige and John Mills.
DVD Fic Cha
Charly. United States : Cinerama Releasing, 1968.
Cliff Robertson (Charly) ; Claire Bloom. When a mentally challenged man
names Charly undergoes experimental brain surgery, he is miraculously
freed from the prison of his own mind. As his IQ soars to genius
proportions, Charly's eyes are opened to a world he's never truly seen. But
when the effects of this operation inexplicably begin to fade, Charly must
find a way to halt is regression ... before his own mind destroys his life, his
newfound romance and the man he has become.
DVD Fic Coa
Coach Carter. United States : Paramount Pictures, 2005.
Samuel L. Jackson, Rob Brown, Robert Richard, Rick Gonzalez, Nana
Gbewonyo. Samuel L. Jackson plays the controversial high school
basketball coach who benched his undefeated team due to their collective
academic record in 1999.
Cold mountain. [Widescreen format]. [New York] : Lionsgate, [2003].
Jude Law, Nicole Kidman, Renée Zellweger, Eileen Atkins, Brendan
Gleeson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Giovanni Ribisi,
Donald Sutherland, Ray Winstone. Inman, a wounded Confederate soldier,
leaves the hospital where he is being treated and determines to walk home
to his sweetheart Ada, only to find the land and the girl he remembers as
changed by the war as he.
Coma. [Widescreen format]. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2010.
Genevieve Bujold, Michael Douglas, Elizabeth Ashley, Rip Torn, Richard
Widmark. A young Boston doctor is determined to discover why healthy
patients are slipping into irreversible comas during routine operations and
uncovers a medical research horror.
DVD Fic Con
Connell, Richard. The most dangerous game. Narberth, PA : Alpha Video
Distributors, 2002.
Joel McCrea ; Fay Wray ; Leslie Banks ; Robert Armstrong ; Noble
Johnson. A mad Russian hunter becomes bored with big game and decides
to hunt humans. He captures his victims and sets them loose on his wooded
island with only a knife to defend themselves from him.
DVD Fic Coo
Cooper, James Fenimore. The Last of the Mohicans. United States : 20th Century
Fox, 1992.
Daniel Day-Lewis (Hawkeye) ; Madeleine Stowe (Cora Munro). An epic
adventure and passionate romance unfold against the panorama of a
frontier wilderness ravaged by war. Love, tested by fate, blazes amidst a
brutal conflict between the British, the French and Native American allies
that engulfs the majestic mountains and cathedral-like forests of Colonial
Coyote Waits. Widescreen format. [Alexandria, Va.] : PBS Home Video, 2004,
Adam Beach, Wes Studi, Candice Castello, Jimmy Herman. Navajo police
detective Joe Leaphorn and officer Jim Chee solve a modern murder and a
bank robbery supposedly committed by Butch Cassidy.
DVD Fic Cra
Crane, Stephen. The red badge of courage. United States : Metro-GoldwynMayer, 1951.
Audie Murphy, Bill Mauldin, John Dierkes, Andy Devine, Royal Dano,
Arthur Hunnicutt, Tim Durant, Douglas Dicks. As a detachment of Union
soldiers prepares for their first Civil War battle, a young private worries
about his ability to endure the horrors of the battlefield. By contrast, his
fellow soldiers seem fearless. During the first action he flees in panic, only
to recover and fight bravely.
DVD Fic Dam
Damas, Alexandre. Alexandre Damas : The count of Monte Cristo.
Jim Caviezel ; Guy Pearce ; Richard Harris.
Dangerous minds. Widescreen format. Burbank, Calif. : Hollywood Pictures
Home Video ;, c1995.
Michelle Pfeiffer, George Dzundza, Courtney B. Vance, Robin Bartlett. A
former U.S. Marine and first-time teacher finds that conventional methods
don't work with her tough inner-city students, so she breaks the rules to
create her own curriculum.
Dead Poets Society. Widescreen format. Burbank, CA : Touchstone Home Video
:, [1998], c1989.
Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Ethan Hawke. John Keating is a
passionate English teacher at a stuffy private school who encourages his
students to question authority and live life to its fullest.
DVD Fic Dic
Dickens, Charles. A Christmas carol. 1984.
George C. Scott.
DVD Fic Dic
Dickens, Charles. Great expectations. General Film Distributors, c1998.
After harsh years, Pip, an orphan growing up in Victorian England, is given
the means to become a gentleman from an unknown benefactor and learns
that outward appearances can be deceiving.
DVD Fic Dum
The man in the iron mask. MGM Home Entertainment, c1998.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Jeremy Irons, John Malkovich, Gerard Depardieu,
Gabriel Byrne. Dual heirship to the throne of France has one brother being
the King of France and the other a prisoner at Isle St. Marguerite.
D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers reappear as stalwart supporters of
Philippe, twin brother of Louis 14th, who is tossed into the bastile with a
fiendishly designed locked iron mask to prevent anyone from realizing he
is heir to the throne. Through D'Artagnan's aid, Philippe reverses places
with Louis to rule his people understandingly, with Louis killed while
wearing the mask of his own design.
Far from the madding crowd. [Standard format]. [Arlington, Va.] : PBS
Distribution, 2012.
Paloma Baeza, Nigel Terry, Nathaniel Parker, Jonathan Firth. Dramatizes
Thomas Hardy's novel, in which an English farmer, soldier and aristocrat
court a rural Victorian beauty.
DVD Fic Fid
Fiddler on the roof. California : MGM Home Entertainment, 2005.
Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, Paul Mann.
DVD Fic Fit
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The great gatsby. A&E, 2000.
Mara Sorvino ; Toby Stephens ; Paul Rudd.
DVD Fic Foo
Footloose. United States : Paramount Pictures, 1984.
Kevin Bacon (Ren MacCormack), Lori Singer (Ariel Moore), John
Lithgow (Rev. Shaw Moore), Dianne Wiest (Mrs. Moore), Christopher
Penn (Willard). A fatherless teen-age boy (Kevin Bacon) from Chicago,
who likes to dance, tries to shake up his new small midwestern hometown
of Bomont, which doesn't allow public dancing. Bomont's Baptist minister
(John Lithgow) is a staunch supporter of the ban on public dancing, but has
a "loose" teenage daughter (Lori Singer) in high school who doesn't share
his views on the ban. The two teenagers develop a mutual affection for
each other and fight the town's ban on dancing in order to have a high
school dance.
DVD Fic For
Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain : He answered freedom's call. United States :
Walt Disney, 2005.
Hall Stalmaster (Johnny Tremain) ; Luana Patten ; Jeff York ; Sebastian
Cabot ; Dick Beymer. The Newbery-winning story of Boston during the
Revolutionary War, from the Tea Party through the Battle of Lexington, as
seen through the eyes of a young apprentice turned dispatch rider for the
Committee of Public Safety.
DVD Fic Gaines
Gaines, Ernest J. The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. United States :
Classic Media Inc., c1973.
Cicely Tyson (Miss Jane Pittman), Michael Murphy (Quentin Lerner),
David Hooks (Col. Dye), Valerie O'Dell (young Jane), Thalmus Rasulala
(Ned, 42 years old), Rod Perry (Joe Pittman), Beatrice Winde (Lena),
Arnold Wilkerson (Jimmy). Presents the story of the long life of Miss Jane
Pittman, who began her life as a slave in the South and who marched for
her civil rights in the 20th century at the age of 110.
DVD Fic Gol
Golding, William. Lord of the flies. United States : MGM Home Entertainment,
Balthazar Getty ; Cris Furrh. After a harrowing plane crase into the sea, a
group of American military cadets finds itself marooned on a deserted
island. Realizing the minimal chances of being rescued, the boys band
together our of fear and desperation. But as the island paradise becomes
their own, competition and power struggles split them into two packs.
Ralph leads one group and preaches civilized ingenuity and togetherness,
but Jack wants nothing of it and builds a faction of barbaric hunters who
ultimately go to war with Ralph. This powerful shift in conscience
transforms ordinary kids into primal killers, setting off a devastating battle
of good versus evil and presenting a haunting metaphor for the savage in
all of us.
DVD Fic Gre
Grease. California : Paramount Pictures, c2005.
John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, John "Grease", and Stockard Channing
as Ruzo. Go back to high school with Pink Lady Sandy (Olivia NewtonJohn), leader of the bad-boy T-Birds, Danny (John Travolta), and a rockin'
and rollin' all-star cast.
DVD Fic Haw
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The scarlet letter. United States : WGBH Boston Video,
Meg Foster ; John Heard ; Kevin Conway. Hester Prynne, a New England
Puritan maid, marries a man she doesn't love, in order to please her father.
She then secretly falls in love with the Rev. Roger Dimmesdale, has a
baby, and is punished as an adulteress by the strict Puritan community.
DVD Fic Hin
Hinton, S.E. The outsiders. Warner Brothers Production, 1983.
C. Thomas Howell ; Matt Dillon ; Ralph Macchio ; Patrick Swayze ; Rob
Lowe ; Diane Lane. The struggle of three brothers to stay together after
their parents' death and their quest for identity among the conflicting values
of their society.
DVD Fic Hug
Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. California : Columbia Pictures, c1998.
Liam Neeson ; Uma Thurman ; Geoffrey Rush. Jean Valjean, a heartless
convict is transformed by a single act of mercy. Fantine, the vulnerable
prostitute, begs Valjean to raise her only child. An ambitious policeman is
determined to return Valjean to prison.
In the heat of the night. [Widescreen format]. Beverly Hills, CA : Distributed by
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainmet, 2008, c1967.
Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger, Warren Oates, Lee Grant, Larry Gates, James
Patterson. A murder mystery that begins in the deep South, centers on the
relationship between the black homicide detective from Philadelphia and
the red-neck cop from Mississippi.
DVD Fic Irv
Irving, Washington. Shelly Duvall's tall tales & legends. The legend of Sleepy
Hollow. United States : Koch Galaxy Productions, 2005.
Ed Begley, Jr. ; Beverly D'Angelo ; Charles Durning ; Tim Thomerson.
DVD Fic Jam
James, Henry. The turn of the screw. United States : Boston Video, 2004.
Colin Ferth ; Jodhi May ; Pam Ferris. Dramatic story of a mid-19th century
English governess who tries to save her two orphaned charges, Miles and
Flora, from torment by the evil ghosts of the former butler Peter Quint and
his lover, former governess Miss Jessel.
DVD Fic Key
Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon. United States : Echo Bridge Home
Entertainment, c1999.
Matthew Modine ; Kelli Williams ; special appearance by Bonnie Bedelia
and Ron Rifkin. A gentle, mentally-handicapped man faces the chance of a
lifetime and the hard changes that come with it. After undergoing
experimental brain surgery to increase his intelligence, Charlie (Matthew
Modine) is emboldened with his newfound genius, but finds himself
questioning the value of his intellect and struggling to accept his former
self. He confides in Algernon, lab mouse who has had the same procedure,
and his teacher Alice (Kelli Williams), who he begins to fall for.
DVD Fic Kid
Kidd, Sue Monk. The secret life of bees. Twentieth Century Fox, c2008.
Queen Latifah ; Dakota Fanning ; Jennifer Hudson ; Alicia Keys ; Sophie
Okonedo. To escape her cruel, angry father - and discover the truth about
her late mother's past- 14-year-old Lily Owens flees with her caregiver and
friend Rosaleen to a South Carolina town where she's taken in by the beekeeping Boatwright sisters. Surrounded by the unexpected love, grace and
spirituality she encounters there, Lily forms a bond with each of these
uniquely gifted women and discovers that sometimes you must leave home
in order to find it.
DVD Fic Kno
Knowles, John. A separate peace. Paramount Pictures, 2004.
J. Barton; Jacob Pitts; Toby Moore; Danny Swerdlow; and Hume Cronyn.
As World War II rages overseas, the prestigious Devon prep school holds a
summer session for boys trying to graduate before they're drafted. Among
the students are two unlikely new roommates : Gene, a quiet, introspective
bookworm, and Finny, a carefree and wildly popular athlete. Charmed by
Finny, Gene joins him for a series of exciting escapades. But when Gene's
grades decline, he suspects that Finny secretly wants him to fail. Fueled by
anger and envy, Gene and Finny's relationship reaches a breaking point that
changes their lives forever and leads each to an understanding of the power
and meaning of friendship.
DVD Fic Lee
Lee, Harper. To kill a mockingbird. United States : MCA Home Video, 1987.
Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Phillip Alford, John Megna, Ruth White,
Paul Fix, Brock Peters, Frank Overton, Rosemary Murphy, Collin Wilcox.
A white woman accuses a black man of rape. Though he is obviously
innocent, the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no
lawyer will step forward to defend him--except the town's most
distinguished citizen. His compassionate defense costs him many
friendships but earns him the respect and admiration of his two motherless
DVD Fic Lon
London, Jack. Call of the wild. Fries Home Video, 2000.
David Fallon ; Nick Mancuso ; Miles Challenger. A fifteen-year-old boy
living in an Alaskan mining town at the turn of the century has a life
changing event when he encounters a heroic and powerful dog named
DVD Fic Lon
London, Jack. To build a fire. VCI Entertainment, 2004.
Ian Hogg as the Chechaquo. Describes the experiences of a newcomer to
the Yukon when he attempts to hike through the snow to reach a mining
DVD Fic Lon
London, Jack. White fang. United States : Walt Disney.
Jack London's immortal tale of courage and survival comes to life amid the
breathtaking beauty of the great Alaskan frontier. Ethan Hawke ; Klaus
Maria Brandauer. A young man tries to fulfill his father's dying wish to
find gold in the treacherous Yukon valley. His incredible journey begins
when he meets a veteran gold minder who guides young Jack to his father's
claim. Along the way, Jack discovers a kindred spirit who will change his
life forever. . . a magnificent wolf-dog named White Fang.
The lovely bones. Widescreen format. Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount Home
Entertainment, 2010.
Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael
Imperoli, Saoirse Ronan. When 14-year-old Susie Salmon was murdered,
she left her unfinished life behind. Now from her place in a strange but
beautiful in-between world, she must help her father catch her killer and
protect her family before she can finally move on.
The lucky one. [Widescreen format]. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2012.
Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling, Jay R. Ferguson, Blythe Danner. When U.S.
Marine Logan Thibault finds a half-buried photograph of a smiling young
woman in the desert in Iraq, he carries it with him and soon discovers that
it brings him luck in games and during combat; after returning to Colorado,
his obsession with the picture leads him in a fateful search for what may be
the love of his life.
DVD Fic Mar
Mary Poppins. California : Walt Disney Productions. Distributed by Buena Vista
Home Entertainment, Inc., 2004 Release.
Based on the story Mary Poppins, by P.L. Travers. Julie Andrews, Dick
Van Dyke, David Tomlinson, Glynis Johns, Hermione Baddeley. A
musical fantasy about a British nanny who takes over the household of a
proper London banker and his busy suffragette wife and introduces their
two lonely children to a world of imagination in which people fly, carousel
horses come alive, and tea parties are held in the ceiling.
DVD Fic Mar
Eliot, George. Silas Marner : The weaver of Raveloe. BBC Video, c2007.
Ben Kingsley ; Jenny Agutter ; Patrick Ryecart. Falsely accused of theft by
the friend who stole his finance, linen-weaver Silas Marner is driven from
his religious community. Taking refuge in the distant village of Raveloe, he
becomes a recluse, shunning human contact and instead amassing a huge
pile of gold which he lovingly counts every night. Enter Dunstan Cass, the
dissolute younger sone of the local squire. Deep in debt, he steals the gold
and disappears. Once more Silas is left bereft. Then one night he comes
home to a warm and vital replacement for his lost gold - a baby girl asleep
on the hearth. Silas adopts her, christens her Eppie after his mother, and
rears the girl with enormous tenderness and love. But even this newfound
happiness comes under threat. Eppie's real father, Godfrey Cass, wants to
reclaim her. Is Silas losing everything again?.
Message in a bottle. [Widescreen format]. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video,
Kevin Costner, Robin Wright Penn, John Savage, Illeana Douglas, Robbie
Coltrane, Jesse James, Paul Newman. A lonely divorée finds a message in
a bottle on the beach at Cape Cod. Her quest to find the story behind it
leads to a grieving widower building boats in a small village in North
DVD Fic Mil
Death of a salesman. New Jersey : Kultur Media, 1966.
A drama which traces, in flashback pattern, the events associated with the
tragic life and death of a defeated and deluded salesman. Producers, David
Susskind, Daniel Melnick; director, Alex Segal; composer and conductor,
Robert Drasnin. CAST: Lee J. Cobb, Mildred Dunnock, George Segal,
James Farrentino, Albert Dekker.
DVD Fic Mil
Miller, Arthur. The crucible. Twentieth Century Fox, 1996.
Daniel Ray Lewis ; Winona Ryder ; Paul Scofield ; Joan Allen ; Bruce
Davidson ; Rob Campbell. A gang of teenage girls, stifled by the crushing
piety of their elders, dance naked in the woods, one girl's innocence is lost
in the bed of a married farmer who drinks a charm to kill his wife.
Suddenly the devil is loose in Salem. The girls are discovered and spurred
on by their terrified accusations, the entire village is consumed by cries of
witchcraft. One by one, the blameless victims of mass hysteria are torn
from their homes until, inexorable, vengeance is turned on Proctor's wife.
DVD Fic Mit
Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the wind. United States : MGM/UA Home Video,
Based on the book by Margaret Mitchell. Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie
Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Thomas Mitchell, Hattie McDaniel, Butterfly
McQueen. Focuses on the life and loves of the beautiful and selfish Scarlett
O'Hara. The story begins on the O'Hara's Georgia plantation of Tara in
antebellum days and moves through the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Murder on the Orient Express. [Widescreen format]. Burbank, CA : Warner
Home Video, 2004.
Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Martin Balsam, Ingrid Bergman, Jacqueline
Bisset, Jean Pierre Cassel, Sean Connery, John Gielgud, Wendy Hiller,
Anthony Perkins, Vanessa Redgrave, Rachel Roberts, Richard Widmark,
Michael York. Detective Hercule Poirot has a wealth of suspects to choose
from when a wealthy American is stabbed to death en route to Paris on the
Orient Express.
DVD Fic My F
My fair lady. United States : Cocke County High School and Newport Theater
Guild, 2008.
Cocke County High School and Newport Theatre Guild - - April 6, 2008.
Cocke County High School Fine Arts students and Newport Theater Guild.
Can a skillful professor of phonetics teach a lovely but definitely lowerclass Cockney girl to talk like a duchess? Professor Higgins wagers he can
- - and pass her off as an aristocrat among aristocrats. A few painful but
hilarious lessons later, Eliza Doolittle is ready to do exactly that. Eliza sails
through her launch into high society, but her relationship with the Professor
proves to be rough sailing.
DVD Fic Okl
Oklahoma! United States : Twentieth Century Fox, c2005.
Gordon MacRae (Curly) , Gloria Graham (Ado Annie) , Gene Nelson (Will
Parker) , Charlotte Greenwood (Aunt Eller) , Eddie Albert (Ali Hakim) ,
Rod Steiger (Jud Fry) , Shirley Jones (Laurey). In the turn of the century
Oklahoma Territory on the brink of statehood, the story unfolds in peaceful
Claremore. Laurey and Curley fuss and fight and will not admit that they
love each other. Ado Annie cannot decide between Will, a handsome rodeo
rider, and Ali Hakim, a smooth, citified traveling peddler. Curley and Jud
Fry, the rough-edged hired hand, struggle over Laurey's affections. All will
be settled at the Skidmore social.
DVD Fic Orw
Orwell, George. 1984. California : MGM Home Entertainment, 2003.
John Hurt and Richard Burton. Winston Smith (Hurt) endures a squalid
existence in totalitarin Oceania under the constant surveillance of Big
Brother. But his life takes a horrifying turn when he begins a forbidden
love affair and commits the crime of independent thought. Sent to the
chillingly labeled "Ministry of Love," he is placed at the mercy of O'Brien
(Burton), and coolly treacherous leader determined to control his thoughts .
. . and crush his soul.
DVD Fic Orw
Orwell, George and Herman Melville. Animal Farm / Moby Dick. Vivendi
Entertainment, 1999 ; 1998.
ANIMAL FARM - Kelsey Grammer ; Julia Louis-Dreyfus ; Julia Ormond ;
Pete Postlethwaite ; Ian Holm ; Paul Scofield ; Peter Ustinov ; Patrick
Stewart ; MOBY DICK - Patrick Stewart ; Henry Thomas ; Ted Levine ;
Gregory Peck ; Hugh Keays-Byrne ; Norman Golden II ; Kee Chan.
ANIMAL FARM - Unhappy with the poor living conditions they must
endure, the animals of Manor Farm gather for a secret meeting to plan a
revolt. The animals fight and win their freedom, naming their newly
claimed property Animal Farm. All seems perfect, until the desire for
power and other traits they had despised in their original owner show
through in the animals now running the farm. Life is not what they had
hoped it would be. MOBY DICK - The skipper of a nineteenth century
whaling boat is obsessed with the idea of harpooning a whale he considers
responsible for the loss of his leg.
DVD Fic Pao
Paolini, Christopher. Eragon. United States : Twentieth Century-Fox Film
Corportation, 2006.
Based on the book by Christopher Paolini. Ed Speleers, Jeremy Irons,
Sienna Guillory, Robert Carlyle, Djimon Hounsou, Garrett Hedlund, Joss
Stone, John Malkovich. In a land where dragons have all but disappeared, a
young boy finds a dragon egg and discovers that he is destined to be its
rider and defend his homeland against the evil king who now reigns.
DVD Fic Pat
Pate, Alexs D. Amistad. United States : Dreamworks, 1997.
Morgan Freeman; Nigel Hawthorne; Anthony Hopkins; Djimon Hounsou;
Matthew McConaughey; David Paymer; Pete Postlethwaite; Stellan
Skarsgård; Razaaq Adoti; Anna Paquin; Tomas Milian; Austin Pendleton.
Amistad is about a 1839 mutiny onboard a slave ship that is traveling
towards the Northeast coast of America. Much of the story involves a court
room drama about the slave who led the revolt.
DVD Fic Pha
The Phantom of the opera. United States : Warner Brothers Pictures, c2004.
Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick Wilson. A disfigured musical
genius, hidden away in the Paris Opera House, terrorizes the opera
company for the benefit of a young protege whom he trains and loves.
DVD Fic Por
The jilting of Granny Weatherall. Monterey Video, 2005.
DVD features : Author biography, actor biography, printable study guide,
audio interview, Henry Fonda introduction, trailer. Geraldine Fitzgerald,
Lois Smith, William Swetland, and host Henry Fonda. Granny Weatherall
is a spunky old lady of eighty who bosses her doctor and her children
around. She seems strong and in control, and yet she has never had the
upper hand in her destiny. One morning, a flood of long-forgotten
memories brings her to the realization that of all her accomplishments, she
cannot console herself fro the shame-filled day she was left standing at the
DVD Fic Rad
Radio. 2003.
Cuba Gooding, Jr., Ed Harris, Alfre Woodard, S. Epatha Merkerson, Brent
Sexton. The story of a high school coach and the developmentally
challented man whom he took under his wing.
DVD Fic Raw
Rawls, Wilson. Where the red fern grows. Goldhil Entertainment.
Stewart Peterson ; Beverly Garland ; James Whitmore. True story of a boy
growing up in the Ozarks of Oklahoma - Desperate for his own hunting
dogs, Billy scrimps and saves to make his dream a reality. His investment
pays off - Billy and his dogs Old Dan and Lil' Ann win the top prize at the
annual raccoon hungting contest!.
DVD Fic Rud
Rudy. United States : Tristar Pictures, 2000.
Sean Astin; Ned Beatty; Charles S. Dutton; Lili Taylor; Robert Prosky. All
his life, people have told Rudy he's not good enough, not smart enough, not
big enough. But nothing can stop his impossible dream of playing football
for Notre Dame.
DVD Fic Run
Runaway bride. 1999.
Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan cusack, Hector Elizondo, Rita Wilson
and Paul Dooley. Fired from his job by his publisher, a reporter writes a
story about a woman who has left a string of finances at the altar. He and
the whole town is waiting for her to fail again.
DVD Fic Sac
Sachar, Louis. Holes. Walt Disney.
Dogged by bad luck stemming from an ancient family curse, young Stanley
Yelnats is sent to Camp Green Lake, a very weird place that's not green and
doesn't have a lake. Once ther, he's thrown headlong into the adventure of
his life when he and his colorful campmates must dig a hole a day to keep
the warden at bay. But why?.
Sergeant York. [Standard format], Special ed. Burbank, CA : Warner Home
Video, 2006, c[1941].
Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Joan Leslie, George Tobias, Stanley Ridges.
A sharpshooting pacifist drafted during World War I becomes the most
decorated hero of the war for his efforts during the Meuse-Argonne
Offensive in October 1918. Includes commentary, production featurettes,
and other special features.
DVD Fic Sou
The Sound of music. California : Twentieth Century Fox, c2005.
Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Richard Haydn, Peggy Wood,
Eleanor Parker. A musical dramatization of the events which result when a
young postulate becomes the governess of the seven Von Trapp children
who live with their widowed father, a former captain in the Austrian Navy.
DVD Fic Sou
South Pacific. California : Twenthieth Century Fox, 1989.
Rossano Brazzi (Emile de Becque), Mitzi Gaynor (Ensign Nellie Forbush),
John Kerr (Lieutenant Joe Cable), Ray Walston (Luther Billis), Juanita Hall
(Bloody Mary), France Nuyen (Liat).
DVD Fic Spa
Sparks, Nicholas. The last song. United States : Touchstone Pictures, 2010.
Miley Cyrus ; Liam Hemsworth ; Greg Kinnear. Ronnie and her estranged
father try to restore the loving relationship they once had. But reconnecting
with his rebellious daughter isn't easy, so he chooses the one thing they still
have in common - music.
DVD Fic Ste
Steinbeck, John. The grapes of wrath. United States : 20th Century Film
Corporation, 1940.
Motion picture still showing Henry Fonda and other actors as migrants in
camp scene. Henry Fonda ; Jane Darwell. Following a prison term he
served for manslaughter, Tom Joad returns to find his family homestead
overwhelmed by weather and the greed of the banking industry. With little
work potential on the horizon of the Oklahoma dust bowls, the entire
family packs up and heads for the promised land - California. But the
arduous trip and harsh living conditions they encounter offer little hope,
and family unity proves as daunting a challenge as any other they face.
DVD Fic Tol
Mike Tollin. Hardwood dreams : Ten years later. Tollin/Robbins Productions.
Take a season-long look at the California State Champs of 1992 (Varsity
basketball team of Inglewood, California's Morningside High School)as
they battle gangs, egos, underage drinking, jealousy, brushes with the law
and their SAT's in their pursuit of back-to-back championships. This indepth film tackles the societal pressures of an inner-city group of men with
a common goal.
DVD Fic Wes
West Side story. California : MGM Home Entertainment, c2001.
Natalie Wood (Maria), Richard Beymer (Tony), Russ Tamblyn (Riff), Rita
Moreno (Anita), George Chakiris (Bernado). Maria and Tony are in love.
There is trouble between the Jets, a gang of white youths, and the Sharks, a
gang of Puerto Rican youths. When Riff is killed, Tony is forced to get
involved, ending in tragedy.
DVD Fic Wes
West Side story. California : Metro-Goldwyn Studios, Inc., 1961.
Natalie Wood (Maria) ; Richard Beymer (Tony) ; Russ Tamblyn (Riff) ;
Rita Moreno (Anita); George Chakiris (Bernardo). A musical drama about
the staggering waste of youthful energy as observed on New York City's
West Side. Portrays, against a backdrop of poverty, racial tensions, and
teenage gang warfare, the problems of a Puerto Rican girl and a Polish boy
who fall in love despite the hatred and rivalry of their respective ethnic
DVD Fic Wha
Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. United States : Miramax Films, 1993.
Liam Neeson ; Patricia Arquette ; Joan Allen. This film is about a lonely,
poverty-stricken 19th-century New England farmer who has long and
faithfully cared for his bitter, invalid wife. When his wife's distant young
cousin comes to take over as housekeeper they both succumb to their
forbidden passion with tragic results.
DVD Fic Wiz
The Wizard of Oz. California : Warner Brothers, c2005.
Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie
Burke, Margaret Hamilton, Charley Grapewin, Toto (dog). Delightful
musical fantasy tale about a little Kansas girl names Dorothy who dreams
of the magical land of Oz.
Poe, Edgar Allan. The tell-tale heart. United States : Monterey Media, Inc.,
Michael Sollazzo ; Robert E. Reynolds. Murder, madness, and betrayal
from within interweave in this fascinating study of the mind of one driven
by his own demons to take the life of another.
Fic Asi
Asimov, Isaac and William Faulkner. All the troubles of the world and the
bear. Classic Literary Stories. Hollywood, CA: Hollywood Select Video,
Inc., c1987.
From the story by Issac Asimov, what would happen if the world was
served by an all-knowing benevolent computer... and from the story by
William Faulkner about an old bear...a figure of legend and yet.
VC 001 Sto
Stossel, John. Is American #one? In the Classroom Media, c2003.
Segment 1 - The Environment for Success ; Segment 2 - Results May Vary
; Segment 3 - Is It Arrogance?.
VC 001.9 ALI
Aliens. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
Examines stories of extraterrestrial beings, including alien abductions,
UFOs, and visitations from other planets.
VC 001.9 APO
The apocalypse. New York, NY: DK Publishing Inc., 1998.
An investigative exploration into the origins, myths and legends
surrounding the end of the world. Features highlights from the tales of
Armageddon and Ragnarok, plus the Hindu belief of Nirvana.
VC 001.9 CRE
Creatures of the deep. New York, NY: DK Publishing Inc., 1998.
An investigative exploration into the origins, myths and legends
surrounding mermaids, harpies, and gods who transformed themselves into
fish and other creatures that have made humans fear and fantasize about the
sea. Features dramatic rare footage and special effects.
VC 001.9 HOL
The Holy grail : Stonehenge. Bethesda, MD : Dist. by Acorn Media, 1997.
The 1st program explores the legend and secret of the Holy grail. The 2nd
program searches for answers to questions who built the Stonehenge, how,
and why.
VC 006.6 Tea
Teach yourself Microsoft PowerPoint 2000. New York :
VC 025 LIB
Library skills : discovering new worlds. Chicago, IL : SVE & Churchill Media,
Students learn how to effectively use a library for research. Topics covered
include Dewey Decimal System, library services, research tips, library
organization and more.
VC 025 LIB
Library skills : Internet & electronic research skills. Chicago, IL : SVE &
Churchill Media, c1999.
Students learn how to effectively use today's newest medium for research.
Topics covered include web browsers, search engines, topic limiters as well
as the accuracy and reliability of Internet sources.
VC 025.04 Usi
Using the Internet for research. Teacher's Video Company, 2002.
VC 025.5 How
How to use the Reader's Guide. New York : H. W. Wilson, c1993.
Using step-by-step examples and typical research problems to illustrate
exactly how to carry out a periodical search, this video follows a school
librarian as she explains the use of Readers Guide. An effective,
stimulating teaching aid, the How to Use the Readers Guide video saves
many hours of repetitive explanation with a program so clear that students
will have few questions when its over.
VC 025.5 Lib
How to use the library. New York: H.W. Wilson Company, c1989.
VC 025.51 Res
Research 101 : Mastering the library : Modern reserach skills for secondary
students. Chicago, IL : SVE & Churchill Media, c2001.
A program designed to show students how to start and finish any research
project in a modern library. Students may learn how to focus their topics,
determine their information needs, find and retrieve materials, and evaluate
and organize information.
VC 028.71 Lib
Secrets of using the library. Wisconsin: Demco, Inc., c1991.
This video covers basic information everyone needs to know in order to
find books, periodicals, and materials located in the library. It also covers
basic library terms needed to develop skills....
VC 133.4 SAL
Salem witch trials. New York, NY : New Video Group, c1998.
Venture back to 1693,in the village of Salem, Massachusetts, where some
150 people were accused of being witches and 20 of them were tried and
VC 133.4 Wit
Witchcraft in America : Behind the Crucible. Huntsville, Texas : Educational
Video Network, c1989.
Explore the background of the witch trials of 17th-Century Salem in the
context of the religious and social conditions of that era and as a
background to The Crucible.
VC 133.43 Sal
In search of history. Salem witch trials. United States : A&E Network, c2001.
VC 153 Dec
Decision making. Charleston, West Virginia : Cambridge Research Group, Ltd.
VC 158 Goa
Goals. Charleston, West Virginia : Cambridge Research Group, Ltd.
VC 158 Han
Handling stress : Today & tomorrow. Charleston, West Virginia : Cambridge
Research Group, Ltd.
VC 174 Clo
Clone. National Geographic, c2002.
VC 176 Clo
The clone age. Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc., c1997.
Cloning was the stuff of science fiction, until the sheep named Dolly made
the process frighteningly real. The Clone Age explains the science that
undergirds the controversial practice of cloning. Your students will learn
how cells function, and how we can manipulate their reproduction. They'll
also get to tackle some of the ethical dilemmas of cloning: Should we grow
clones for spare body parts? Should we grow clones to be our children? If I
had a clone, would it be just like me?.
VC 221.95 Bib
The Bible: A search for truth. Virginia: Time Life Video, c1995.
VC 232 Jes
Jesus. Inspirational Films, Inc., c1999.
The epic story of the tragedy and triumph of the most controversial life in
human history.
VC 232.966 SHR
Shreds of evidence. New York : A&E Home Video, c1995, c1988.
Documentary on the scientific analysis of the Shroud.
VC 248 Sel
Self esteem. Charleston, West Virginia : Cambridge Research Group, Ltd.
VC 268.6 Cre
Creative teaching methods : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizon :
Teacher's Video Company.
Discover innovative ways to make learning come alive for students!
Explore how to enrich units with games, role playing, projects, debates,
and many more exciting activities. Retention improves when students are
VC 270.20924 PAT
Saint Patrick : Brendan the Navigator. Bethesda, MD : Dist. by Acorn Media,
The 1st program tells how St. Patrick, born a slave, came to do God's work.
The 2nd program retraces the steps of Brendan the Navigator's remarkable
VC 291.1 TRI
Tricky tricksters. New York, NY: DK Publishing Inc., 1998.
Explores stories of tricksters through the ages. Tales of deception from
camouflage in the natural and unnatural worlds, to leprechauns and
Odysseus. Contains dramatic rare footage and special effects.
VC 292 God
Gods and heroes of Greece and Rome. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video
Network, c1995.
Western literature is based on the pantheon of Greek and Roman gods and
the heroes who once consorted with them.
VC 292 Gre
Greek gods. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1998.
Mythology is adored by children and adults, alike. This video explores the
history of the many interesting gods of Greek mythology.
VC 292 Gre
Greek mythology. Teacher's Video Company, c2003.
VC 292 Mou
Those fabulous folks on Mount Olympus. Colorado : Meriwether Publishing
Ltd., 1986.
VC 292 Myt
Mythology : Gods and goddesses. New York : Guidance Associates, Inc., 1999.
Mythology : Gods and Goddesses is a two-part program that seeks to
introduce students to both aspects of mythology: the historical and the
literary. Students are given an idea of the nature of the Greek and Roman
gods and of the importance of these gods in the lives of the ancients.
VC 292 Sto
The storyteller. Greek myths. California : Columbia Tri Star Home Video, c1999.
Theseus and the Minotaur ; Orpheus and Eurydice. 1.When Theseus, the
son of Athens' King Aegeus reunites with his father, the King's jealous wife
Medea curses their lives. To prove his courage and loyalty, Theseus sets
out to kill the half-man, half-bull Minotaur who demands human sacrifices
and terrorizes the land. With the help of a beautiful princess, Theseus
tracks down the man-eating beast, where a fight to the death ensures, and a
shocking secret emerges. 2. When the great musician Orpheus plays his
lyre in the forest, its rhythmic beauty creates the wood nymph Eurydice,
and they fall deeply in love. After a poisonous snake takes her life, the
grief-stricken Orpheus vows to bring her soul back from Hades. But the
task he must complete to reunite with his love turns out to be as tortuous as
the fate he will have to endure.
VC 292 Sto
The storyteller. Greek myths. California : Columbia TriStar Video, c1999.
Perseus and the Gorgon ; Daedalus and Icarus. 1. When a sorceress
foretells that the grandson of King Argos will grow up to cause his death,
the king locks away his daughter Gamay, to prevent a future birth. But no
bars or walls can keep out Zeus, who fathers her child Perseus. Gamay and
Perseus escape captivity and spend the next decade in peace. When evil
King Polydektes threatens his mother, Perseus brings him the head of
Medusa, which turns the King to stone. Now Perseus and his mother are
free to return to Argos and fulfill the oracle. 2. Daedalus , one of the
greatest inventors of ancient Greece, was saddened by his son Icarus'
ineptitude. When Daedalus accidentally kills his nephew, father and son
flee to another land, where they are betrayed by cruel King Minos. Running
for their lives again, Daedalus creates wax wings so they can fly to safety.
Wwhen young Icarus disobeys his father's plea to stay away from the sun,
all their dreams melt away.
VC 292 Who
Who's who in Greek and Roman mythology? Huntsville, Texas : Educational
Video Network, c2001.
Learn about the gods, heroes, and weird creatures that provided Greek and
Roman mythology with a bizarre but interesting cast of characters. Hear
about their rather complicated interactions and understand why myths were
important to ancient people.
VC 292.21 Pow
The Powerful gods of Mount Olympus. New York: Arts & Entertainment, c1996.
Ancient Mysteries investigaes the power of the deities and examines their
mesmerizing effects on an entire civilization.
VC 297.19 Isl
Religions of the world : Islam. Wynnewood, Pennsylvania : Schlessinger Media,
Offers insights into the striking similarities and vast differences among the
world's major religions as well as the unique perspective of its many
individual cultures. Each episode presents a fresh look at the the history of
our world through the eyes of religion as well as an in-depth look at
religions's role in creating cultural diversity. Islam is one of the great
monolithic world religions practiced today. Discover the Islamic culture
through the daily life and rituals of Muslims around the world. Views will
learn about Islam's history. Explore the wealth of Islamic art, architecture,
calligraphy and other contributions that have made Islam a vital influence
in the 20th century.
VC 299.31 Egy
Egypt : Secrets of the pharaohs. National Geographic, 1997.
Travel to a land of mystery and marvel as archaeologists investigate how
the pyramids were actually built. Follow scientists as they discover how the
bodies of the pharaohs were preserved by recreating the ancient ritual of
VC 301 Val
Values. Charleston, West Virginia : Cambridge Research Group, Ltd.
VC 303 Tru
Truce : Conflict resolution. Illinois : Meridian Education Corporation, c1995.
There's been a war going on in our streets, schools and homes. In recent
years, metal detectors have been installed in schools and juvenile crime,
including homicide, is on the rise. It's time to call a truce and learn how to
resolve conflicts peaceably through conflict resolution skills.
VC 306.09 Jap
Media Production Group. As Iwate goes -- is culture local? Richmond, IN:
Center for Educational Media, c1992.
Chiefly in English; some interviewee responses in Japanese, followed by
English translation. Shows how to small Japanese towns have manifested
in various ways ... between Japan and the wider world.
VC 325.09 Wes
The Western tradition : The american revolution and the american
republic. Annenberg, 1989.
43. (Revolution and Romantics) Leaders in the arts, literature, and political
theory argued for social justice and national liberation. 44. (The Age of
Nation-States) The great powers cooperated to quell internal revolts, yet
competed to acquire colonies.
VC 328 Bra
Branches of government : The legislative branch. Washington, D.C. : National
Geographic Society, c1982.
Only part of a representative's time is spent on the floor of the House.
Learn that most lawmaking activity takes place in committees.
VC 328.73 Con
The U.S. Congress and you : Representative Bill Jenkins. Washington, DC :
Committee for Citizen Awareness, 1985.
VC 330.1 Eco
Very basic economics. Van Nuys, California: AIMS Media, 1986.
Junior High - Adult Level. The basics of economics are taught in a real-life
context illustrating supply and demand, specialization, division of labor,
competition, the price mechanism, GNP, etc.
VC 331.1 Fir
First impressions:The key to successful interviews. Indianapolis, IN: Park
Avenue Productions, c1994.
VC 331.1 Res
Resume remedy. Indianapolis, IN: JIST Works, Inc., c1993.
Use in connection with The Resume Solution (331.1 Swa).
VC 331.7 Car
Future careers. Meridian, c1998.
Explores the expanding world of technology and the variety of jobs
associated with it as well as growth potential, educational requirements,
and salary ranges for each occupation.
VC 331.7 Kal
Kaleidoscope of careers (Group 3).
VC 331.7 Kal
Kaleidoscope of careers (Group 4).
VC 331.7 Kal
Kaleidoscope of careers (Group 5).
VC 331.702 CAR
Careers in the 21st century. Scarborough, NY : T. Podell Productions, c1996.
v.1. Careers in computers -- v.2. Careers in teaching -- v.3. Careers in the
media -- v.4. Careers in medicine and health -- v.5. Careers in law -- v.6.
Careers in business. Host: Mizar Turdiu. A series of interviews and talks
with successful professionals who speak about their areas of expertise,
thereby identifying the interests and skills required for a career in those
VC 332.6 Sto
The stock market : Investigate before you invest. Washington, D.C. : National
Geographic Society, c1984.
For his 18th birthday, Jonathan Parker was hoping to receive money for the
purchase of a motorbike. Instead his parents give him a hundred shares of
stock. The gift at first disappoints Jonathan but then causes him to become
interested in the workings of the stock market. Students will explore, along
with Jonathan, this fascinating part of the financial world.
VC 332.64 Mod
Modern marvels. The stock exchange. New York : A&E Television Networks,
VC 332.64 Sup
Supply & Demand. Scottsdale, Arizon : Teacher's Video Company.
VC 332.642 STO
Stock market : what goes up...? Madison, WI : Knowledge Unlimited, Inc.,
Narrator, Kitty Dunn. Explores the rise in the stock market and explains the
Dow Jones Industrial Average. Examines the relationship between the
stock market and the national economy.
VC 333.7 Rac
Race to save the planet : Waste not, want not. Annenberg, 1990.
How to generate less waste, as seen in Peru, Japan, Denmark, and
VC 333.791 Rac
Race to save the planet : More for less. Annenberg, 1990.
How citizens in Iowa, Brazil, Denmark, and India are using energy more
VC 333.95 Rac
Race to save the planet : Now or never. Annenberg, 1990.
Critical changes needed for the 21st Century.
VC 333.95 Wil
Wild about life. Bartlesville, OK: Phillips Petroleum Company,.
Wild About Life! is a docudrama about four teenagers who discover the
value of the variety of life on earth-from wolves returning to Yellowstone
to snails thriving in a restored wetland. Teacher's manual available in
library office.
VC 338.9 Wes
The Western tradition : The technological revolution/toward the
future. Annenberg, 1989.
(The Technological Revolution) Keeping up with the ever-increasing pace
of change became the standard of the day (Toward the Future) Modern
medicine, atomic energy, computers, and new concepts of time, energy,
and matter all have an important effect on life in the 20th century.
VC 341.24 Eur
The European Union Video Library. European Union Video Library.
Washington, D.C.: European Commission Office,.
Series of 5 videocassettes: Tape 1 - An Evolving Union - Jean Monnet (12
min.); 1992 and Beyond (12 min.); EU Enlargement East/Central Europe (4
min.) and Who Runs the Union? (10 min.).
VC 342 Con
We the people : the U.S. Constitution and you. Washington, DC : Committee for
Citizen Awareness.
Explains the principles of the U.S. Constitution and how it impacts our
lives today. Caroline Kennedy.
VC 342.52 Jap
Media Production Group. As Iwate goes -- is politics local? Japan, resources for
understan. Richmond, IN: Center for Educational Media, c1992.
Chiefly in English; some interviewee responses in Japanese, followed by
English translation. Shows how two towns in a rugged region 500 km. from
Tokyo...are trying to cope with ...underdevelopment.
VC 344 Rac
Race to save the planet : It needs political decisions. Annenberg, 1990.
The power of politics in protecting the environment in Zimbabwe, Thailand
and Sweden.
VC 345.73 Lan
Landmark American trials : Sacco and Vanzetti 1921. Beverly Hills, California :
World Almanac Video : Distributed by Choices, Inc., [2000?], c1999.
Re-examines the 1921 case of Sacco and Vanzetti, the anarchists who were
tried for murder and executed in Massachusetts. Discusses whether they
were the victims of prejudice and a corrupt judicial system.
VC 347 Bra
Branches of government : The judicial branch. Washington, D.C. : National
Geographic Society, c1982.
In 1968 the largest oil field yet discovered in North America was found on
Alaska's North Slope, on state land. To ensure that some of the newfound
oil wealth would remain in the state after the precious resource had been
depleted, Alaska decided to deposit a percentage of the oil revenue in a
"Permanent Fund." The Alaskan legislature agreed to distribute some of the
annual earnings of this fund to state residents. In the case that followed,
one family turned to the courts to enforce their rights.
VC 347.73 Cou
"Your court system and you" : Representative William L. "Bill" Jenkins (TN1). Washington, DC : The Committee for Citizen Awareness.
Features Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Ruth Bader
Ginsburg. Portrays two hypothetical cases which illustrate the handling of
civil and criminal cases. Localized to help students understand their
particular access points to their court system.
VC 353 Bra
Branches of government : The executive branch. Washington, D.C. : National
Geographic Society, c1982.
The executive branch is the largest and most diversified of the three
branches of the federal government. The complex administrative arm of the
executive branch is the federal bureaucracy.
VC 353.04 Exe
"Your executive branch and you" : Representative Williams Jenkins (TN1). Washington, DC : Committee for Citizen Awareness, 1999.
Features Secretary of Education under President Clinton, richard Riley.
Features former Secretary of Transportation under President Bush, Sam
Skinner. Localized for your state and congressional district.
VC 355 Arm
The army national guard experience : ready for anything. Washington D.C. : The
Army National Guard.
Challenge. Adventure. Rewards. The Army National Guard Experience has
it all! Learn how you can serve your country in America's longest enduring military service, The Army National Guard.
VC 355 Arm
The Army National Guard Experience : ready for anything. Washington D.C. :
The Army National Guard.
Challenge, Adventure. Rewards. The Army National Guard Experience has
it all! Learn how you can serve your country in America's longest enduring military service, The Army National Guard.
VC 362.2 Ame
American Teenage Video Magazine. Depression/Stress. Niles, IL : United
Learning, Inc.
Most teenagers get the blues, but some actually develop and suffer from
depression. Often depression is brought on by stress. ATVM helps teens
identify the warning signs and cope with depression.
VC 362.2 Pro
"A promise for tomorrow" : a teen suicide prevention program. c2000 : The
Jason Foundation, Inc., c1997.
The film subtlety shows classic warning signs of suicidal ideation of two of
the characters. As the plot develops, the students will learn what they must
do to help save a friend in crisis - that is, get the help of a responsible adult.
VC 363 Was
Wasted! Guns & teens, lives and dreams. Public Interest Film & Video,.
Gun violence involves urban and rural students, all ethnic groups, and both
genders. This video reaches out to all those young people and seeks
solutions from a mix of experts and students.
VC 363.1 Rac
Race to save the planet : Remnants of Eden. Annenberg, 1990.
Protecting the diversity of living organisms while addressing the needs of
growing human populations in Thailand, Costa Rica, Oman, Kenya, and
VC 363.3 Cos
Cosmic travelers : Comets and asteroids. Global Science Productions, c1998.
Since the beginning of time, comets and asteroids have captivated
mankind's attention. Examine the effects of past impacts of comets and
asteroids here on Earth and elsewhere in the solar system; uncover the
plans NASA and the scientific community are developing to protect the
Earth from another major impact.
VC 363.3 Fin
Final target : planet Earth. Global Science Productions, c1998.
Explore the present efforts to locate and observe the objects that may hold
the fate of the planet.
VC 363.3 Sud
Sudden impact : Meteors. Paradise Productions, Inc., c1997.
Understand one of nature's most extraordinary sights and be prepared to get
out of the way of a Sudden Impact!.
VC 363.7 Rac
Race to save the planet : In the name of progress. Annenberg, 1990.
How environmental disasters can begin as well-intentioned development
projects, as seen in Brazil and India.
VC 363.9 For
For all practical purposes : Introduction to contemporary
mathematics. Annenberg, 1987.
18. (It Grows and Grows) How population grows mathematically 19.
(Stand Up Conic) Conic sections in 20th century inventions.
VC 364.1 Jac
Secrets of the unknown : Jack the ripper. MPI Home Video, 1989.
Who was the phantom beast named Jack the Ripper who 100 years ago slit
the throats of five London prostitutes from ear-to-ear? did he reveal his
identity in writing above one of the victims? Was Jack the Ripper a
member of British Royalty? Was the killer actually three different men?.
VC 370.28 Int
Integrating computers in the curriculum : Tips, techniques, &
strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona : Teacher's Video Company.
In the modern age, computer skills are essential for all students. However,
using technology in the classroom can be a puzzling and daunting task!
Discover ideas for projects that involve computers and the internet.
VC 371 Tea
Teaching to the brain. United States : The Learning Channel and the National
Educational Association, c1993, 1992.
VC 371.1 Par
Parental involvement. United States : The Learning Channel and the National
Education Association, 1993, 1992.
VC 371.10 Avo
Avoiding burnout : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona : Teacher's
Video Company.
The stresses and strains of the classroom environment effect everyone
differently. Teachers cana bcome frustrated and overwhelmed. This video
provides insights and simple tips for teachers under pressure.
VC 371.10 Con
Constructive parent conferences : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale,
Arizona : Teacher's Video Company.
Learn strategies for turning parents into supports rather than adversaries.
VC 371.10 Tea
The beauty of teaching : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona :
Teacher's Video Company.
Highlights the reasons the field of education is so important and fulfilling.
VC 371.24 Sma
Small group activities for differentiating instruction. Gainesville, Florida :
Teacher Education Resources.
Viewers learn how to add instructional differentiation, to supplement their
regular teaching tactics, without abandoning what already works for them.
A complete workshop package modeled after actual staff development
workshops conducted by Paul George, Professor, University of Florida.
VC 371.26 STA
Standardized test success. Huntsville, TX : Educational Video Network, c2000.
Provides important test-taking tips for standardized testing. Explains what
these tests are designed to measure and offers advice on how to prepare.
VC 371.3 EFF
Effective study strategies. Acton, MA : Academic Resources Corporation, c1988.
PRESENTER: Terri Eoff, Michael Conforti. A thorough and
comprehensive study plan based on notetaking, pre-reading, and SQ3R
(survey, question, read, recite & review).
VC 371.3 How
How to study. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1987.
This always popular program helps students utilize efficient use of study
time while they learn how to improve their comprehension and succeed in
VC 371.3 How
How to study : Note-taking, memory, & exams. Huntsville, Texas : Educational
Video Network, Inc.
Part 2 of 3 How to Study videos.
VC 371.3 How
How to study : Preparing to study. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video
Network, Inc.
Part 1 of 3 How to Study videos.
VC 371.30 Hom
Assigning effective homework : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale,
Arizona : Teacher's Video Company.
Homework is intended to reinforce the learning. Educators want more and
students want less! What is the ideal amount and what are the most
effective formats? Experts explain and provide suggestions.
VC 371.30 How
How to teach study skills. Alexandria, Virginia : Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, c2000.
How to teach study skills is a 15-minute videotape that explores how to
help students learn and apply study skills.
VC 371.30 Les
Lesson planning : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona : Teacher's
Video Company.
Successful lesson planning in a combination of scheduling, conceptual
organization, and practical implementation. Review strategies for creating
perfect plans to facilitate out-come based learning and reach teaching
VC 371.3028 HOW
How to study for better grades. [United States] : World Book, c1988.
John Cascella, Pat Hodges, Dave Sharp, Margi Klausmeier, Ken West, Ken
Strunk. Hosted by Tom Beeler. Pointers on how a student can organize
their time & routines to achieve the maximum out of their studying and
achieve good study habits.
VC 371.39 Coo
Cooperative leaning : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona :
Teacher's Video Company.
Experts praise cooperative learning as an effective method that empowers
students. But how can we use it in the classroom? How can we overcome
students' resistance to group work? This revealing program provides
VC 371.42 Man
Managing student conflict : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona :
Teacher's Video Company.
This program examines positive techniques for helping students resolve
interpersonal conflicts without hostility or violence. Reenactments
demonstrate how to intervene in potentially volatile situations.
VC 371.5 Kee
Keeping control of the class : Tips, techniques, & strategies. Scottsdale, Arizona
: Teacher's Video Company.
Classroom control is a prerequisite for learning. Experts offer tips for
minimizing social talking, keeping students' attention, and maintaining a
productive environment. When a class is fully cooperative, teaching is
VC 371.58 Col
Colvin, Geoff. Defusing anger and aggression : Safe strategies for secondary
school educators. Oregon : Iris Media, 1999.
A 30-minute video program for professional development. The author
analyzes aggressive behavior and describes effective strategies for defusing
it. Six vignettes demonstrate how problem behavior may be escalated or
VC 371.95 How
How to engage students in critical thinking. Alexandria, Virginia : Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2000.
How to engage students in critical thinking is a 15-minute videotape that
provides ideas on how to create a classroom environment that cultivates
critical thinking.
VC 373 EVE
Everything you always wanted to know about high school ... but were afraid to
ask. Fairfield, CT : Jacoby/Storm Productions, Inc. ;, c1996.
Introduces middle school students to the academic and social aspects of
high school. Presents suggestions to help ease the transition and reduce
students' concerns.
VC 378 Col
The college channel: PSAT preparation. The College Channel, c1996.
VC 378.1 Eff
Efficient Time Management. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network,
Your life will run much more smoothly when you become an efficient
manager of your time. This video will give you some helpful tips about
how to find the time to accomplish your goals. Learn how to set priorities
and take control of your life.
VC 378.19 How
How to organize learning groups. Alexandria, Virginia : Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development, c2000.
How to organize student learning groups is a 15-minute videotape that
examines different types of grouping strategies.
VC 378.3 Col
The college channel: Choosing a college. The College Channel, c1996.
VC 384.3 Int
Information superhighway. Seattle, Washington: Free Range Media, Inc., c1994.
Understanding and using the Internet - A step-by-step guide.
VC 384.3 Int
Searching the Internet. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Wentworth Worldwide Media,
Inc, c1995.
VC 384.3 Int
Your first cruise: A beginner's guide to the Internet. Charleston, West Virginia:
Cambridge Educational, c1995.
Discusses what the Internet is, how Internet developed, the access
requirements, the features of, and how Internet is being used world wide.
Full motion color.
VC 386.44 PAN
Panama Canal. New York : A & E Home Video, c1994.
Documentary on the building of the Panama Canal.
VC 391.4 Mas
Masks of Mexico. 1998.
Masks of Mexico explores the ritual use of masks dating back to Aztec
priests and warriors, and the influence of Spanish friars who used masks to
spread the teachings of Christianity. The result is a vibrant blend of
indigenous and European traditions that gives Mexican masks their
distinctive flavor.
VC 394.2'68282 SAN
Santa Claus. New York : A&E Home Video, c1994.
Hosted by Jack Perkins. He began as the bishop of Myra and evolved into
one of the most recognizable and marketable characters: Santa Claus.
VC 398 Cam
Camelot. New York : Multimedia Entertainment and A&E Television Networks,
Extraordinary breakthroughs in the search for Camelot.
VC 398 Rip
Fairy Tale Theater. Rip Van Winkle. Gaylord Production Company, c1985.
VC 398.2 Coc
Cocteau, Jean. Beauty and the beast. Janus Film: Janus Collection, 1946.
Black and white.
VC 398.2 Mag
Magic tales: Enchanting stories traditionally told. Atlas Video, c1991.
Enter a world of magic and moonlight, where fairies reign, spiders peak
and flowers are as old as the ages. In this alluring journey to the land of
storytelling fantasy, hear about: How an Abenaki Indian's curiosity gets
him into trouble in The Man Who Wanted to See the Little People; why we
need the magic of the moon in Boggles and Beasties; and other stories.
VC 398.20 Ili
The Iliad and the Trojan War. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network,
Part 1 : The Prologue to the Iliad (18 min.) ; Part 2 : The Wrath of Achilles
(19 min.) ; Part 3 : The Death of Patroclus (23 min.) ; Part 4 : The End of
the War (18 min.). Homer's Iliad and the accompanying epics about the
Trojan War sustained the culture of the classical world for more than
fifteen hundred years. Heroes and gods strive toward an outcome as
exciting as it was inevitable.
VC 398.21 MYT
Mythical horses. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
Celebrates the mythical horses such as centaurs, unicorns and the Greek
horse Pegasus.
VC 398.2/2 MER
Merlin the wizard : Fairies and leprechauns. Bethesda, MD : Dist. by Acorn
Media, 1997.
The 1st program tells tales of the Wale's wizard Merlin and many mysteries
surrounding his death. The 2nd explores the origins of the magical beings
known as the little people.
VC 398.22 ROB
Robin Hood : King Arthur. Bethesda, MD : Dist. by Acorn Media, 1997.
The 1st program tells the story of Robin Hood, the 12th century noble
archer. The 2nd program searches for the truth behind the tales of King
VC 398.234 UND
The underworld. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
A presentation on the underworld of classical mythology - the realm from
which there is no return. The River Styx, Charon, Cerberus and other
reminders from the past that constitute the dark unknown and which
influenced Dante and more recent thinkers.
VC 398.2454 BIR
Birds & things with wings. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
A presentation on fabulous birds. Birds have played a part in the myths of
cultures around the world. Classic tales about the phoenix, the thunderbird, the garuda, & the roc.
VC 398.2454 CRE
Creatures of the night. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
A presentation on the creatures and apparitions that appear in darkness &
shadow. Vampires, witches, ghost and other monsters lurk in the dark of
myth and folklore.
VC 398.2454 MAN
Man beasts. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
A presentation on those mythic creatures, part man, part beast about which
ancient cultures were both awed and terrifed. The minotaur and the medusa
are just two of these hybrid creatures.
VC 398.2454 SPI
Spirits of the forest. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
Examines mythology and folklore about the fantastic creatures who inhabit
the forest, including witches, giants, spirits, hobgoblins, and wild men.
VC 398.2454 WER
Werewolves. New York : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
A presentation on werewolves. Werewolves have figured in the myths &
stories of Europe from the Middle Ages as well as the folklore of India.
The story of a man changing into a savage beast continues to hold a
powerful grip upon the imagination.
VC 398/.469 DRA
Dragons. [New York] : Dorling Kindersley Vision, c1998.
An odyssey to uncover the origins of the mythical creature dragon, its link
to natural history, and the different meanings it has in different cultures.
VC 398/.9415 WAR
The warrior queen : the pirate queen. Bethesda, MD : Dist. by Acorn Media,
The 1st program tells the tale of the bloody battle between Queen Maeve of
western Ireland and Cuchalain. The 2nd tells the story of Grace O'Malley,
the most notorious pirate of her day.
VC 428 Gra
School house rock : Grammar rock. Scholastic Rock, Inc., c1995.
Areas addressed: adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, pronouns,
verbs, nouns, prepositions, and subjects.
VC 428.20 ACT
ACT verbal review. New York : Video Aided Instruction, Inc., 1989.
VC 500.023 Car
Careers in science : From archaeologist to zoologist. Charleston, West Virginia :
Cambridge Educational, c1997.
Takes a look at aeronautics, archaeology, biology, botany, chemistry,
conservation, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, meteorology,
nursing, paramedicine, pharmacy, research, space exploration, teaching,
veterinary medicine, and zoology careers. A great way to motivate students
and encourage investigation of scientific career opportunities.
VC 501 Sci
The scientific method. National Geographic, 1993.
Shows work by a chemist, a biologist, and a geologist to demonstrate how
the scientific method -- observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and
conclusion -- helps scientists organize and define their research.
VC 501 Sci
Scientific method. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, c1993.
Shows work by a chemist, biologist, and a geologist to demonstrate how
the scientific method - observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and
conclusion - helps scientists organize and define their research.
VC 508.11 Sha
The shape of things. NOVA. Peace River Films, 1985.
Depicts the common structures and shapes that appear in nature through
cinematography, still photographs, and drawings. Emphasizes the
orderliness and beauty of natural objects...
VC 510 Spo
Sports figures : Makes math and physics a ball! ESPN.
Understanding math and physics by learning the dynamics of sports. Uses
sports to teach core mathematics and physics concepts to high school
students. Relaxing with Impulse, Bouncing Basketballs, Golf Is A Drag,
Tacking Speed, Sailing Through Bernoulli, Math Under Pressure, How
Sweet It is.
VC 510.79 ACT
ACT math review. New York : Video Aided Instruction, Inc., 1990.
VC 515 For
For all practical purposes : Introduction to contemporary
mathematics. Annenberg, 1987.
(Overview) How management science helps our society run more
efficiently. (Street Smarts) Using "Euler circuits" to find the most efficient
VC 516 For
For all practical purposes : Introduction to contemporary
mathematics. Annenberg, 1987.
16. (Overview) Geometry in history. 17. (How Big Is Too Big?) Balancing
the strength of materials with the size of the structure.
VC 516.2 For
For all practical purposes : Introduction to contemporary
mathematics. Annenberg, 1987.
Euclidean geometry, the Pythagorean theorem, and similarity.
VC 519.3 For
For all practical purposes : Introduction to contemporary
mathematics. Annenberg, 1987.
(Overview) Quantifying decisions in game theory and social choices (The
Impossible Dream) Five voting methods.
VC 519.3 For
For all practical purposes : Introduction to contemporary
mathematics. Annenberg, 1987.
(More Equal Than Others) Weighted voting and winning coalitions (Zero
Sum Games) Game theory; game matrices.
VC 520.20 Hub
Hubble space telescope : Rescue in space. Finley-Holiday Film Corp.
The views abroad the Hubble mission were among the most spectacular
ever seen from space because the shuttle entered a higher-than-normal orbit
to capture the Telescope. See these views first-hand and hear the astronauts
describe what it's like to work in space so far above our planet.
VC 523 Ast
The astronomers : A window to creation. MPI Home Video, c1991.
American and Japanese astronomers are followed as they seek to measure
cosmic background radiation, the heat remaining from the big bang, by
launching rockets and satellites above the earth's atmosphere. Their results
contribute to research into the origins of the universe. Also shown are two
astonomers who are mapping the universe in 3-D and discovering that
galaxies have formed into gigantic groups. Richard Chamberlain.
VC 523 Ast
The astronomers : Prospection for planets. MPI Home Video, c1991.
Efforts to discover other planetary systems and to learn more about the
planets of our own solar system are examined. Images are shown that have
been sent back to earth by Voyager, the space probe exploring the outer
edges of the solar system. Narrator, Richard Chamberlain.
VC 523 Ast
The astronomers : Searching for black holes. MPI Home Video, c1991.
At the center of galaxy NGC 1275, some 200 million light years from
earth, there might be a supermassive black hole. In a attempt to map the
galaxy and look deep into its heart, an international team of astronomers
has linked radio telescopes throughout Europe and American in order to
produce a picture of NGC 1275. Jessie Greenstein, the co-discoverer of
quasars, and Italian radio astronomer Tiziana Venturi appear. Richard
VC 523 Ast
The astronomers : Stardust. MPI Home Video, c1991.
The deaths of stars allow human lives to come into being. This episode
explains how and looks at the complete life cycle of the stars that make up
our galaxy. Two American scientists are shown researching the forces that
bring gas and dust together with such intense pressure that nuclear fusion
results and a star is born. Hans Bethe, the first scientst to explain in detail
how stars are fueled, appears. Three Australian scientists look into the
death of a star by studying the remains of the supernova explosion of 1987.
Narrator, Richard Chamberlain; Appearing : Hans Albrecht.
VC 523 Ast
The astronomers : Waves of the future. MPI Home Video, c1991.
Gravity waves, as yet undetected but predicted by Albert Einstein, may
contain the answers to many questions about the universe. Soviet scientist
Leonid Grishchuk and American scientist Kip Thorne describe their
attempts to prove the existence of the waves. The episode also visits a
gravity-wave detector prototype and describes the three-mile-long fullscale version, planned for construction in the late 1990's. Grishchuk and
scientist Stephen Hawking meet. Richard Chamberlain, Narrator;
Appearing: Leonid Grishchuk, Kip Thorne, Stephen Hawking.
VC 523 Ast
The astronomers : Where is the rest of the universe? MPI Home Video, c1997.
Astronomers believe the universe contains at least ten times as much mass
as can be seen and accounted for. How are they able to detect this missing
mass and to disciver more about it are the subjects of this episode.
Astronomers Vera Rubin and Tony Tyson describe their search for dark
matter, material invisible to us but whose gravity affects the motion of the
stars and can alter the light reaching us from distant galaxies. In addition,
John Dobson, a self-proclaimed "sidewalk astronomer," shares his
knowledge with people he encounters. Richard Chamberlain.
VC 523 Ast
The really big world of astronomy : Part 1. Cerebellum Corporation, c1997.
Introduction - - The History of Astronomy - - Gravity - - Light and the
Spectrum - - Telescopes - - The Earth - - The Moon.
VC 523 Ast
The really big world of astronomy : Part 2. Cerebellum Corporation, c1997.
Overview of the solar system - - The sun.
VC 523 Sta
Stargazers. Discovery Communications, Inc., c1997.
Founded in 1894, the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, has been
the site of some of the most eye-opening moments in astronomical history.
Take a peek through Lowell's massive telescope and scan the skies for
quasars, black holes, distant galaxies, and supernovas exploding into
VC 523.2 Sol
The new solar system : An epic adventure. Finley-Holiday Film Corp., c1994.
From the cratered wasteland of Mercury, to the frozen outer worlds of
Neptune and Triton, from the magical arrival of Halley's Comet, to the
breathtaking display of Saturn's rings, from spectacular solar flares to
erupting volcanoes on Io and a comet striking Jupiter, this is the complete
video sage of our solar system.
VC 523.4 Inn
The inner planets. The Assistant Professor. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Allied Video
Corporation, c1992.
Experience the inner worlds of our solar system: from the smooth plains of
Mercury, bathed in the brilliant and intense radiation of a nearby star, to the
frigid red mega-mountains of Mars.
VC 523.4 Mar
Mars : The red planet. SpaceSmart, Inc., 1992.
See a real Viking Lander and learn how it got there; ride out a Martian dust
storm; study the crater Olympus Mons from the Mars Base; perform
geological tests and seek out inner Martian life; visit a space station and
watch astronauts study weightlessless; colonise the Mars of the future.
VC 523.4 Pla
The planets. BMG Video, c1991.
Patrick Stewart is the guide on a journey that takes us beyond the world of
sci-fi. View an awesome array of NASA images. Narrated by Patrick
VC 523.4 Pla
Planets. DK Vision and BBC Worldwide Americas, 1997.
Planets journeys through space and time, witnessing the birth of the sun
traveling to the outer limits of the solar system. This "journey" includes
visits to Earth's close neighbors in space. Narrator, Andrew Sachs.
VC 523.43 Mar
Windows on Mars.
VC 523.45 Jup
On Jupiter. Discovery Communications, Inc., c1996.
Explore the unique terrain of each of Jupiter's moons; watch as teh
Shoemaker-Levy comet explodes in a fiery death; discover why a storm
three times the size of Earth has raged on Jupiter for more than 300 years;
travel with Voyager and Galileo as they penetrate Jupiter's atmosphere and
send back the first-ever reports on the planet's chemistry.
VC 523.51 Met
Meteorites : Menace from the sky/Witness from beyond the times. Acorn Media,
Welcome to the world of meteorites, messengers from outer space that tell
us about the birth of the solar system and the formation of the stars.
VC 523.6 Met
Meteorites : Menace from the sky / Witnesses from beyond the times. Atlas
Video, c1994.
Filled with amazing computer graphics, pictures from Voyager II, and
footage of ancient meteor craters and specimens from around the world,
Meteorites tells a fascinating story of science, legend, myth, and wonder.
VC 527.2 LOS
Lost at sea : the search for longitude. Boston, MA : WGBH Boston Video, 1998.
Navigation in the 1700s was both unpredictable and deadly until a humble,
ingenious country carpenter named John Harrison made longitude as
predictable as the sunrise. Expert insights and fascinating details.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe... and beyond : Moving in circles/Fundamental
forces. Annenberg, 1987.
(Moving in Circles) The Platonic theory of uniform circular motion.
(Fundamental Forces) Explains all physical phenomena of nature are
explained in two nuclear forces, gravity and electricity.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Angular momentum/Torques and
gyroscopes. Annenberg, 1987.
(Angular Momemtum) Discusses angular motion as a twist on momentum.
(Torques and Gyroscopes) Explains that when a torque acts on a spinning
object, the angular momentum changes, but the object only processes.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Beyond the mechanical universe/Static
electricity. Annenber, 1987.
(Beyond the Mechanical Universe) Looks at electricity, magnetism and the
twentieth century discovers of relativity and quantum mechanics. (Static
Electricity) Looks at Coulomb's law and the principles of static electricity.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Conservation of energy/Potential
energy. Annenberg, 1987.
(Conservation of Energy ) The law of physics which states that energy is
neither created nor destroyed. (Potential Energy) Potential energy and the
powerful model that this concept has become for understanding why the
world has worked the same way since the beginning of time.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Conservation of momentum/Harmonic
motion. Annenberg, 1987.
(Conservation of Momentum) Likens the universe to a perpetual clock and
applies the principle of conservation of momentum to explain why the
universe continues to operate. (Harmonic Motion) Explains that the
restoring force and inertia of any stable mechanical system causes objects
to excel.
VC 530.11Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Derivatives/Inertia. Annenberg, 1987.
3. (Derivative)The function of mathematics in physical science and the
derivative as a practical tool. 4. (Inertia) Galileo answers the questions of
the universe with his law of inertia.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Energy and eccentricity/Navigating in
space. Annenberg, 1987.
(Energy and Eccentricity) Describes the orbit of all heavenly bodies in
terms of the laws of conservation of energy and angular momentum.
(Navigating in Space) Discusses how the amount of energy needed to
voyage to other planets can be minimized by using the same principles that
guide planets.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Gravity, electricity, and magnetism/The
Millikan Experiment. Annenberg, 1987.
(Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism) The Mathematical form of gravitational,
electric, and magnetic forces (The Millikan Experiment) A re-creation of
Robert Millikan's classical oil-drop experiment to determine the charge of a
single electron.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Integration/The apple and the
moon. Annenberg, 1987.
(Integration) Newton and Leibniz arrive at the conclusion that
differentiation and integration are inverse processes. (The Apple and the
Moon) The first real steps toward space travl as Newton discovers that
gravity describes the force between any two particles in the universe.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Introduction to the mechanical
universe/the law of falling bodies. Annenberg, 1987.
(Introduction to the Mechanical Universe) Revolutionary ideas and heroes
from Copernicus to Newton; links between the physics of the heavens and
the earth. (The Law of Falling Bodies) Galileo's imaginative experiments
prove that all bodies fall with the same constant acceleration.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Kepler to Einstein/Harmony of the
spheres. Annenberg, 1987.
(Kepler to Einstein) Explains why natural occurrences such as the ebb and
flow of tides are a consequence of the law of gravity and this explanation
leads to Einstein's general theory of relativity and black holes. (Harmony of
the Spheres) Looks back at material covered in earlier programs.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Kepler's three laws/The Kepler
problem. Annenberg, 1987.
(Kepler's Three Laws ) Deals with Kepler's three laws which described the
motion of heavenly bodies with unprecedented accuracy. Discusses the
relationship between these laws and conic sections first identified by
ancient Greek mathematicians. (The Kepler Problem) Deals with what is
known about the Kepler problem.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Resonance/Waves. Annenberg, 1987.
(Resonance) Explores the phenomenon of resonance and discusses how
this phenomenon can be used to explain why a swaying bridge can collapse
in a mild wind or a wine glass be shattered by a human voice. (Waves)
Discusses Newton's application of the simple harmonic motion.
VC 530.11 Mec
The mechanical universe...and beyond : Vectors/Newton's laws. Annenberg,
(Vectors) Physics must explain not only why and how much, but also
where and which way. (Newton's Laws) Newton's laws of force, mass, and
VC 531.14 Thr
Thrill ride: the science of fun. Sony Pictures Entertainment, c1997, 1998.
Thrill ride puts the audience in the front seat of some of the wildest rides
ever created and shows how technology for motion simulatores, originally
developed by the military and NASA for flight...
VC 532.4 Out
The outer planets. The Assistant Professor. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Allied Video
Corporation, c1992.
Experience the outer worlds of our solar system: great gas giants with no
solid surfaces, orbited by frozen moons and shimmering rings. Visit
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
VC 538.19 Mag
Understanding: Magnetism. Bethesda, Maryland: Discovery Communications,
Inc., c1997.
The earth is a giant magnet, creating a powerful force that humans can use
in many ways from storing informatio on computer disks to converting
electricity into sound in television. Teacher's Guide.
VC 538.7 Aur
The aurora explained. c1992.
Tells what northern lights are, how they work, and why and when they
appear where they do.
VC 539.1 Boh
Bohr's model of the atom. New York : Video Education America, c2006.
This program focuses on Niels Bohr, who worked with some of the best
physicists of the 20th century to devise his atomic model. Students will
gain an understanding of the historical developments in atomic theories up
to Bohr, a brief outline of Bohr's life, Bohr's first and second postulates and
his influence on contemporary society.
VC 541.11 Mol
The world of chemisty : The mole/water. Annenberg, 1990.
11. Explains that a mole of any substance contains a constant number of
molecules. Examines the use of this important quantitative chemistry term.
12. Explains why water is unique and necessary for life and explores the
special chemical properties of water.
VC 550 Ear
Science in the news : Earth science connections. Holt, Rinehart, Winston, c2000.
Asteroid Answer - - Why Time Zones? - - Satellite Farming - -Seattle
Quake - - Earthquake Seekers - - LA Quake House - - Earth's Core - Mercury Disposal - - Egypt's Pyramids - - Olmstead Project - Yellowstone Hot Water - - Antarctic Meltdown - - Beach Erosion Tools - Birds from Dinosaurs? - - Dinosaur Heart - - Asteroid Extinction - - Side
Scan Sonar - - Salty Water - - Message in a Bottle - - Acid Rain - - Twister
Mysteries - - Hurricane Double Whammy - - Hottest Years - - Age of the
Universe - - "S" Marks the Spot - - Looking for Life - - Europa Pics.
VC 551 Sav
Savage skies : The winter's tale. MPI Home Video, c1996.
Explains the manner in which humans have come to adapt their lifestyles to
the rigorous demands of winter - - looks back on some of history's biggest
blizzards, and used state-of-the-art 3D sequences to journey inside the
crystalline structure of the snowflake. Narrated by Al Roker.
VC 551.09 Won
Wonders of nature. Reader's Digest.
Grand Canyon, The Serengeti, The Sahara Desert, Iguazu Falls, Amazon
Rivers, Ayers Rock, and The Himalays.
VC 551.1 Ear
Earth Revealed : Earth's interior/ the sea floor. Annenberg, 1992.
3. (Earth's Interior) Seismic waves, measuring gravity, heat flow and earth
magnetism. 4. (The Sea Floor) The mid-oceanic ridge, oceanic trenches,
and fracture zones, evidence of the mobile crust of the earth.
VC 551.2 Ear
Earth revealed : Earthquakes / Geologic time. Annenberg, 1992.
9. (Earthquakes)The nature and consequences of earthquakes, factors that
cause them, location and characteristics. 10. (Geologic Time) Immensity of
the geologic time scale, the world-wide basis for correlation of geologic
events, rock formation and fossils.
VC 551.2 Ear
Killer quake ! Nova - WGBH, 1994.
Travel to the metropolitan Los Angeles area, a region that sits on a network
of potentially deadly faults that could trigger the nation's most devastating
earthquake in search of clues to where nature will strike next.
VC 551.2 Ear
Predictable disaster. WGBH Educational, 1988.
Discusses the techniques used by scientists to establish the size, time and
force of earthquakes.
VC 551.2 Vol
The story of America's great volcanoes. Questar, 1992.
Reveals the fascinating story of America's volcanoes, most of which are
only quiet, not dead.
VC 551.2 Vol
Volcano. National Geographic, 1989.
See the birth of an active volcano, presented with a up-close look at the
awesome power of the earth.
VC 551.3 Gla
Earth revealed : Glaciers/ Waves, beaches, and coasts. Annenberg, 1992.
23. (Glaciers) Glaciers as an important sculptor of Earth's surface. 24.
(Waves, Beaches, and Coasts) The beach as a dynamic zone, sensitive to
variations in waves, winds, tides, currents and human intervention.
VC 551.4 Oce
Finite oceans. Discovery, 1995.
Takes a political, economic, and environmental journey through the earth's
seas presenting a view of oceans as finite bodies of water, not the limitless
seas into which we discard vast quantities of toxic, industrial wastes.
VC 551.46 FIN
Finite oceans. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Enterprises, 1995, c1990.
Hosted by Roger Payne. Shows the political, economic and environmental
aspects of the oceans, which must be preserved and protected from
VC 551.46 SEC v.1
Secrets of the ocean realm. Burbank, CA : Time Warner Entertainment
Company, 1998.
Cathedral in the sea -- Survival in the sea. The first episode explores the
submarine forests of giant kelp of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean. The
second episode examines the reproduction and predation techniques used
by marine animals.
VC 551.46 Tsu
Killer wave : Power of the tsunami. National Geographic, 1997.
Dare to confront oneof the sea's most deadly mosters - the tsunami. Its
freak waves can race undetected across an ocean at 600 miles per hour,
crashing ashore like a bomb. . . and pushing massive walls of water that
swallow cities whole.
VC 551.48 See
See how they grow : Pond animals. Sony Wonder, 1994.
See how the world in and around a pond delights a dragonfly, frog, duck
and salamander as they celebrate their passage to young adulthood.
VC 551.5 Tor
Tornadoes : The entity. Beerger, 1993.
46 tornadoes revealed over the past 40 years. Features 9 incredible minutes
with the Killer, Andover, Kansas tornado of 1991.
VC 551.55
Tornado chasers. A&E Home Video, 1995.
Travel with a group of thrill seekers known as the "Storm Chasers" who
travel a desolate stretch of Oklahoma known as "Tornado Alley" risking
their lives to capture astonishing, up-close video footage of these incredible
VC 551.55
Faidley, Warren. Storm chaser: in pursuit of untamed skies. Weather Channel
Tornadoes. Atlanta: Weather Channel, c1966.
VC 551.55 Hur
Hurricanes. The Weather Channel.
VC 551.55 Lig
Nova Production. Lightning! Nova. Boston, MA: WGBH Educational
Foundation, c1995........
VHS; Dolby surround. Closed captioned for the hearing impaired. Narrated
by Al Roker. Scientists dare to get close enough to lightning to study this
natural phenomenon.
VC 551.55 Nat
Nature's fury. United States : 1995.
Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods - these colossal powers of
nature have had dramatic consequences for human kind. Now in dramatic
scenes of cataclysmic destruction and human courage, you'll journey with
National Geographic as we learn how earthquakes create and shape our
landscapes, even as they destroy cities like San Francisco and Tokyo.
Discover how rotating updrafts can build into the towering tornadoes that
sweep the Midwest's "Tornado Alley," or how cloud disturbances can grow
into the awesome hurricanes that ravage coastal areas of Bangladesh and
Florida. Witness the devastation of flooding in France and China, and
learn, as today's scientists have, that the mighty Mississippi cannot be
tamed. You'll meet heroes , but see victims too. Join scientists as they study
the elemental killers. Their work is critical as they prepare and protect us as
well as better predict.
VC 551.55 Sav
Savage skies : Monsters of the deep. MPI Home Video, 1991.
Visit with survivors of Hurricane Andrew, the United States' costliest
natural disaster, and examine the ocean effects that create hurricanes. Al
Roker, NBC.
VC 551.55 Tor
Tornadoes. Weather Channel.
VC 551.55 Tor
Tornadoes 1995. The Weather Channel Enterprise, c1996.
Tornadoes 1995 contains video of eight Texas tornadoes that hit the cities
of Allison, Pampa, McLean, Friona, Dimmitt, Lazbuddie, Dougherty and
Vernon durning one stormy week in June.
VC 551.6 Nov
Nova. Chasing El Nino. WGBH Educational Foundation, 1998.
Chasing El Nino is an exploration that goes far beyond the three-minute
feature story you've seen on the evening news. Through spectacular film
footage, ground-breaking research, expert interviews and colorful
diagrams, NOVA explores El Nino's myths, reveals its devastation and
explains its fascinating origins.
VC 551.6 Wea
Wonders of weather. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Communication, Inc., 1996.
Terrifying tornadoes, horrifying hurricanes, hailstones as big as
basketballs. The weather is a constant source of amazement, amusement,
and wonder. From the jet stream to the Gulf Stream, discover where the
weather comes from and why.
VC 557 Cyc
Cyclone! : Nature at it's most terrifying. California : Columbia TriStar Home
Video, c1995.
National Geographic chronicles come of the world's most shocking storms
with gripping footage and scenes of heart-thumping, real - life drama.
Narrated by Peter Coyote.
VC 557 Nat
Nature's fury. California : Columbia TriStar Home Video, c1996.
Witness the destructive power of tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and
VC 557 Rai
Rain Forest. National Geographic, c1983.
Journey to the dense rain forests of Costa Rica and whatch as leaf-cutting
ants carry sections of leaves many times their weight to underground
fungus gardens; a basilisk lizard walks on water; and howler monkeys bask
in the sun. Narrated by Richard Kiley.
VC 571.6 MAG
The magic of cells. Tulsa, OK : Allied Video Corporation, c1994.
Explains what cells are, explores the parts of an animal cell, & finally looks
at the amazing diversity of cells.
VC 572.86 Cra
Nova . Cracking the code of life. 2001.
VC 574 Fen
Fenati, Danielle. The dissected world of Biology : Video Course Review
presents. Cerebellum Corporation, c1996.
VC 574 Pon
Eyewitness. Pond and river. New York: DK Publishing, c1996.
Pond and river takes you on a twisting journey down the great rivers of the
world pausing to visit the thriving realm of the freshwater pond. Travel
upstream to find civilization's source...
VC 574.5 Rai
Rain forest : Heroes of the high frontier. National Geographic, 1998.
Heroes of the High Frontier. Braving dizzying heights and jungle parasites,
courageous canopy researchers uncover a complex web of life among the
treetops. Journey to some of the world's most spectacular rain forests.
VC 574.5 Sav
Survival on the savannah. Questar, 1995.
The short-grass plains of the south are the wildebeest's favorite feeding
grounds and the place where they give birth. The story of survival in the
great African wilderness.
VC 574.8 DNA
DNA : Secret of photo 51. United States : WGBH Boston Video, c2003.
Narrated by Sigourney Weaver. On April 25, 1953, James Watson and
Francis Crick published their groundbreaking discovery of the double helix
structure of DNA. Their crucial breakthrough depended on the pioneering
work of another biologist - Rosalind Franklin. 50 years later, NOVA
investigates the shocking trugh behind one of the greatest scientific
discoveries and presents a moving protrait of a brilliant woman in an era of
male-dominated science.
VC 574.87 Cel
The Cell. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 1966.
This program explains the structure and funtion of the cell -- the basic unit
of life -- and how it is studied using the compound and electron
microscopes. An expert on the electron microscope is intervied.
VC 574.87 Cel
Cell Division. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c1996.
The stages of normal cell division and its function are presented in this
program as well as the causes and harmful effects of abnormal cell
VC 574.87 Cel
Cell Organelles and Transport. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities &
Sciences, c1996.
This program describes how substances are moved into, out of, and inside
body cells, and how important cellular transportation is to good health. A
dialysis patient and a hemodialysis technician are interviewed.
VC 574.87 Cel
Cells and Energy. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c1996.
This program explains the concept of energy -- how it is stored and
released in cells, and what the source of all energy is. An example, the
program looks at how greenhouses trap the energy of the sun.
VC 574.87 Cel
The magic of cells. The Assistant Professor. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Allied Video
Corporation, c1994.
Using live action video and sensational computer animation, this video
introduces the viewer to the amazing world of the cell. What is a cell--the
parts of a cell--the diversity of cells.
VC 574.87 Dis
Discovering the cell. Washington, D. C. : National Geographic Society, c1992.
All life begins in a single cell, and most creatures on earth consist of
nothing more. Yet this video reminds us, other organisms, such as human
beings, are composed of billions of cells performing myriad fuctions.
VC 574.87 Wor
The world of chemistry : Proteins : structure and function / The genetic
code. Annenberg, 1990.
23. (Proteins : Structure and Function) Proteins - polymers built from only
twenty basic amino acids. 24. (The Genetic Code) The structure and role of
the nucleric acids DNA and RNA.
VC 574.92 Cor
City of Coral. Nova. Peace River Films, c1983.
Intended audience: Junior high school through adults. Studies the
ecosystems of a coral reef with special emphasis on the means used by
various animals to survive in this complex environment.
VC 575 PLA v.1
The birth of Earth : Ancient oceans. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Enterprises,
A series that explores the evolutionary development of life on Earth. These
segments explore the emergence of life from the primordial planet's toxic
beginnings and the explosion of sea life that is preserved as fossils in the
Burgess Shale.
VC 575 PLA v.2
When dinosaurs ruled : Creatures of the skies. Bethesda, MD : Discovery
Enterprises, c1995.
A series that explores the evolutionary development of life on Earth. These
segments explore the time of the dinosaurs and the ancestors of the birds.
VC 575 PLA v.3
The insect world : Apes to man. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Enterprises, c1995.
A series that explores the evolutionary development of life on Earth. These
segments explore the survival strategies and adaptations of Earth's insect
species and the evolutionary forces that shaped primates and the first
VC 575 PLA v.4
Evolution's next step. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Enterprises, c1995.
A series that explores the evolutionary development of life on Earth. This
segment explores man's impact on Earth and our survival as a species.
VC 575 Pow
Understanding : The power of genes. Maryland : Discovery Communications,
Inc., c1997.
Are you ready for biotech revolution? The possibilities are startling. Learn
how we've already utilized the power of genes for cloning and crime
solving, and glimpse what's on the horizon: gene-based drugs, genetically
engineered farm animals, a cure for baldness. Should science be shuffling
the genetic deck after 4 billion years of evolution?.
VC 575.1 Gen
Understanding genetics. SVE, 1995.
Examines Classical or Mendelian Genetics and examines Mendel's genetic
work in the light of the insights provided by Molecular Genetics.
VC 575.2 For
Forensics/genes. Disney.
1. Would more than one person have the same fingerprints, what does the
word "forensics" mean? 2. What are the bundles of chemicals in our body
called. What are the four main chemicals that make up DNA? What makes
up your body and brain ?. Bill Nye, the Science Guy.
VC 576 Vir
Viruses. Discover, 1995.
Editor, host, Paul Hoffman.
VC 576.5 Gen
Discover magazine : Genetics. Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc.,
Humans and flies may be more closely related than you ever imagined.
Twins can reveal that our genetics may be as important as upbringing in
determining who we are. It's all part of the secret code of life - genetics locked within the familiar double helix structure of DNA.
VC 577.27/6 AIR
Air pollution, smog & acid rain. Huntsville, TX : Educational Video Network,
Narrator, Thomas F. Soare. Studies the chemical by-products that threaten
our quality of life (as well as the lives of other organisms), the interaction
of atmospheric gasses, and the effects and sources of air pollution.
VC 580 ITS
It's a jungle out there. Atlanta, GA : Turner Home Entertainment, c1995.
Hosted by Sir David Attenborough. "Attenborough journeys to the four
corners of the Earth and encounters plant life from the coldest Arctic
wastes to the driest deserts; where plants endure in a harsh and changing
world in environments where humans often cannot exist"--container.
VC 580 Pla
The plant kingdom. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c2001.
Earth's abundant plant life probably evolved from ancient aquatic plants
that lived in primordial seas. Learn about the characteristics of plants and
see how groups of plants differ from one another. Understand the important
role of plant life in any ecosystem.
VC 580 Pla
Plant or animal? National Geographic, 1986.
Distinguishes plants from animals, how each reproduce.
VC 581 Pho
Photosynthesis : Life energy. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society,
Although much has been learned about the way in which green plants
manufacture food and release oxygen, the process is not yeat completely
understood. Scientists explore this process in this video.
VC 581 Pla
The Life Cycle of Plants. Princeton, NJ: Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
Beginnins with the oldest film known to have been made about plants
which shows through accelerated images what the naked eye cannot see,
this program shows how and why plants move.
VC 581.1 Att
Attenborough, David. The private life of plants : Branching out. Turner, 1995.
Plant seeds are seasoned travelers using animals, insects and wind in their
journey for roots.
VC 581.1 Att
Attenborough, David. The private life of plants : It's a jungle out there. Turner,
Journeys to the four corners of the Earth encountering plant life from the
coldest Arctic wastes to the driest deserts.
VC 581.1 Att
Attenborough, David. The private life of plants : Living together. Turner, 1995.
This profile of how plants form remarkable partnerships, co-habitating with
and within animals, fungi and other plants in order to survive.
VC 581.1 Att
Attenborough, David. The private life of plants : Plant politics. Turner, 1995.
Struggling for survival, plants use some hair-raising strategies, such as
arson, to engineer catastrophes.
VC 581.1 Att
Attenborough, David. The private life of plants : The birds & the bees. Turner,
Ingenious plants help insects and birds discover their hidden pollen with
intricate, brilliantly colored flowers.
VC 581.1 Pho
Photosynthesis : Life energy. National Geographic, 1983.
Explores the way in which green plants manufacture food and release
VC 581.1 Pri
Attenborough, David. The private life of plants : Putting down roots. Turner,
Plants cultivate myriad survival techniques. Infant plants race across the
forest floor to climb a tree.
VC 581.498 PUT
Putting down roots. Atlanta, GA : Turner Home Entertainment, c1995.
Hosted by Sir David Attenborough. "Plants cultivate myriad survival
techniques. Infant plants race across the forest floor to climb a tree.
Tropical leaves strain to catch shafts of life-giving sunlight. Others use a
poisonous sap and crafty disguises as defense mechanisms"--container.
VC 582 Ang
Angiosperms. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1990.
Flowers are the outward manifestation of a complicated reproductive
system that ensures the plant's survival.
VC 582.01 BIR
The birds and the bees. Atlanta, GA : Turner Home Entertainment, c1995.
Hosted by Sir David Attenborough.
VC 582.13 BRA
Branching out. Atlanta, GA : Turner Home Entertainment, c1995.
Hosted by Sir David Attenborough. "Plant seeds are seasoned travelers
using animals, insects and wind in their journey for roots. Some employ
aeronautical technology like the squirting cucumbers' jet propulsion and the
Himalayan balsam's violent explosions to propel their seeds"--container.
VC 585 Gym
Gymnosperms. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1990.
Once the dominant plants on the planet, the non-flowering gymnosperms,
through less abundant now, are still essential to the delicate balance of the
earth's ecosystem.
VC 587 LIV
Living together. Atlanta, GA : Turner Home Entertainment, c1995.
Hosted by Sir David Attenborough. "This profile of how plants form
remarkable partnerships, co-habiting with and within animals, fungi and
other plants in order to survive ... also reveals their symbiotic relationship
with jellyfish, the Great Barrier Reef, fierce biting ants and predatory
VC 589.9 Bac
Bacteria. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, 1985.
Beyond the edge of vision lies a world teeming with bacteria. These
organisms, called "animalcules" by Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the Dutch
scientist who discovered them, occur in three basic shapes. The film shows
microscopic views of these primary shapes and their various arrangements.
The basic structurees of a typical bacterial cell are illustrated in animated
VC 591 Aqu
Aquatic habitats. Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc., c1997.
The program explores the worlds of four different aquatic habitats.
Students will discover what grows and flourishes in their depths and how
microclimates determine an animal's biological destiny. Explored are:
Ocean Habitat/Sharks, Lake Habitats/Loch Nexx, Wetland Habitat/The
Everglades, and Bay Habitat/The Chesapeake.
VC 591 Cor
Coral reefs. Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc., c1997.
Sharks, eels, turtles. Caves, lagoons, water gardens. It's all under the Red
Sea for students to discover. The Red Sea is one of the world's most
colorful ecosystems. It's home to hundreds of invertebrates and species of
fish, and spectacular coral reefs. Get your students below the survace and
let them swim through the Red Sea's more than 800 awesome miles of
coral architecture and marine life.
VC 591.5 Bod
Body by design : Form & function. Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc.,
The brightest minds at M.I.T. can't hold a candle to Mother Nature in the
engineering department. Her designs for animal bodies and how they
function - how they eat, see, fly, run, and more - reflect an unparalleled
mastery of physics, biomechanics, materials and construction. Follow
along as this wondrous film explores the complex and diverse creatures
that emerge ( and brilliantly evolve) from her ever-changing laboratory.
VC 591.52 Ame
America's endangered species : Don't say good-bye. National Geographic, 1998.
Photographers Susan Middleton and David Littschwager are in a race
against the clock to capture powerful portraits of America's most threated
creatures. Their every picture tells a story ... and makes a plea : DON'T
SAY GOOD-BYE to America's natural treasures.
VC 591.92 Car
Jewels of the Caribbean Sea. National Geographic, 1994.
Tour the depths of the Caribbean where, in waters famed for hidden
treasures, another kind of wealth lies in abundance. From the coral reefs,
across the plains, and through the grasses, stunning underwater
photography allows you to get close up to creatures rare and fantastic.
VC 591.92 LIF
Life in the sea. Chicago : Questar Video, c1995.
v.1. [Great sea mammals] -- v.2. [Great sea predators]. Shows marine
mammals including whales, manatees, dolphins, sea lines and predators
such as a variety of sharks, the barracuda, the manta ray, the giant octopus,
and the sting ray.
VC 591.98 Arc
Eyewitness. Arctic & Antarctic. New York: DK Publishing, c1996.
Explore the life and legends of these harshly polar kingdoms. Journey to
the ends of the earth where climate presents its greatest challenges to
survival, and meet the remarkable animals ...
VC 593 Pro
In the eye of a needle: Protozoans II. Encinitas, California: Insights Visual
Productions, I, c1992.
VC 593 Pro
Water circus: Protozoans I. Encinitas, California: Insights Visual Productions, I,
VC 593 Pro
Wonder down under: Protozoans III. Encinitas, California: Insights Visual
Productions, c1992.
VC 595 Ody
Nova . Odyssey of life : part 2, "the unknown world" 1996.
VC 595.5 Ins
Insects. Tell Me Why.
This volume answers questions about insects. Included are questions
covering the following subjects : How many kinds of insects are there? Do
insects have blood? How does a caterpillar spin a cocoon? What does a
butterfly eat? Why do mosquito bites itch? How can a fly walk on the
ceiling? Can a grasshopper hear? What makes a queen be a "Queen"? What
does a wasp look like? Do ants always live in colonies?.
VC 595.7 Cre
Little creatures who run the world. Nova: Adventures in science. Boston:
WGBH, c1995.
VHS format. Unselfishness is the rule. Everything ants do is for their
colony's good. This film explores the world of ant colonies.
VC 595.7 Ins
Insects -- the little things that run the world. New York: Smithsonian Institute,
Narrated by James Earl Jones, ... is a comprehensive look at the life, habits
and environments of these adaptive and most complex life forms that now
make up over 80% of all animal life on Earth.
VC 595.7 See
See how they grow : Insects & spiders. Sony Wonder, 1993.
Features ladybugs, spiders, butterflies, and grasshoppers. Narrated from
each creature's point of view, live action photography charts their growth
from infancy to young adulthood,.
VC 595.709 Ali
Alien empire : Battlezone/Metropolis. Time Life, 1995.
Alien Empire. Travel to an alien place where death lurks, existence
depends on instincts of attack and quickness to defend, on the ability to eat
before being eaten. Welcome to the Empire of the Insect.
VC 595.709 Ali
Alien empire : Hardware/replicators. Time Life, 1995.
Alien Empire. Discover a race of invincible robots, perfect-in-design. They
are metamorphs, capable of molding their armored skeletons to any form
necessary for survival.
VC 595.709 Ali
Alien empire : Voyager war of the worlds. Time Life, 1995.
Alien Empire. Humankind vs the alien empire of the insects. Honeybee,
VC 597 KIN
Kingdom of the seahorse. South Burlington, VT : WGBH Boston Video, 1997.
Explores the unique mating rituals and survival techniques of the sea horse,
plus efforts to conserve the species.
VC 597.31 Sha
Sharks : The true story. Vestron, 1984.
Provides a revealing look at the truth behind the legend of te terrifying
great white shark, including why it is the most feared creature in the sea,
and what makes it attack.
VC 597.96 Cob
King cobra. National Geographic, 1997.
Tread softly into the jungle realm of a legendary monarch - the King
Cobra. Swift, stron, and surprisingly deadly, it delivers enough venom in
one bite to kill a hundred people, yet preys solely on other snakes. Its
intriguing life has been a mystery ...until now.
VC 599 Jun
Eyewitness. Jungle. New York: DK Publishing, c1996.
Change your perception of this invaluable resource and recognize its
significance as a refuge for the richest variety of plant and animal life on
earth-and fully comprehend why this mysterious world...
VC 599 Nat
Nature's assassins : Lethal weapons. Time Life, 1993.
Cross the fine line between man and beast. A survival course on the art of
attack where stealth, camouflage, and ambush form the crucial links in the
chain of life. Featuring previously unseen footabe from some of the world's
premiere wildlife filmmakers, discover an animal kingdom in which raw
power rules - and sheer strategy separates the hunter from the hunted.
VC 599.74 MYT
Mythical cats. New York, NY: DK Publishing Inc., 1998.
An investigative exploration into the origins, myths and legends
surrounding the cat. Explore our complex relationship with them from the
Egyptian worship of the cat and the majesty of lions and the Sphinx.
Features dramatic rare footage and special effects.
VC 610.6 Car
Careers in health care. Indiana: Career & Education Network.
VC 612 Bra
The brain : Evolution. Bethesda, Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc.,
Learn how our three-pound supercomputer works, how brains evolve, and
why kids can learn languages much more easily than adults.
VC 612 See
Seeing the light. Maryland : Discovery Communications, Inc., 1997.
Why does sunlight appear to travel in straight lines? How do we perceive
the glorious spectrum of colors? It's all in your head! Learn how the eyes
and brain work together to make sense of what we see, and what happens
when there's a kink in the process. You'll get insight into why some of us
are nearsighted or farsighted, and how eyeglasses help correct these
VC 616.9 Ebo
Ebola : The plague fighters. Associated Producers, Inc., c1996.
VC 616.97 DiS
DiSpezio, Michael. The science of HIV. Arlington, Virginia: National Science
Teachers, 1997.
Integrates the science of HIV with prevention education, expands upon a
biology or health curriculum, includes reproducible student activity pages,
gives teachers background information; video - 30 min.
VC 617.15 Bro
An inside look : Broken bones. Bethesda, MD : Discovery Communications,
Inc., c2000.
Meet 11-year-old Lisa Mason. After she accidentally crashes her bike and
breaks an arm, we travel inside her bones and see how these tough
honeycombed structures of calcium, phosphate, and flexible collagen
withstand pressure and heal themselves when necessary. This is not for
funny bones. This is a serious matter!.
VC 627 HOO
Hoover Dam. New York, NY : A & E Television Networks ;, [1999].
NARRATOR: Harlan Saperstein. Footage that documents every step of the
engineering achievement of the building of Hoover Dam.
VC 629.1 Spa
The space shuttle. Discovery Communications, Inc., 1996.
Space Shuttle : Learn about the shuttle's three main parts - - the orbiter,
external fuel tank and solid rocket boosters. Countdown : Follow the
shuttle as it heads towards countdown at the Kennedy Space Center - from
assembly to launch. Astronaut : Discover how astronauts train for space
flight in simulated zero gravity and prepare for emergencies in space.
Payload : Watch what happens onboard and outside, when shuttle
astronauts go to work.
VC 629.4 Men
Men in space : From Goddard to Armstrong. CEL Communications, Inc., 1991.
Takes a look at the extraordinary lives of the men who conquered space - Coverage spans from the father of modern rocketry, Robert Goddard. . . to
Neil Armstrong and the pioneer astronauts, who rished their lives while
establishing America's space program.
VC 629.4 Mil
Voyage to the Milky Way. PBS Home Video, c1999.
Discusses how scientific advances can overcome the difficulties of long
distance space flight. Also shows how rockets have evolved, and how
research in alternative fuels allows new visions of intergalactic travel and
colonization. Narrated by Stacy Keach.
VC 629.4 Moo
Moon shot : the inside story of the Apollo Project. TBS Productions, Inc., c1994.
Re-live moments that will go down in history : John Glenn's breathtaking
orbit, Apollo 11's 1969 moon landing, and the tragic Apollo I fire. Share
the magic all over again in this inspiring creation of mankind's greatest
VC 629.4 Spa
Space age : Celestial Sentinels. QED Communications, Inc., 1992.
Persian Gulf
communications instantly...these are the work of the satellites that fill the
skies above us. Find out haow satellites have actually kept the peace and
how new, nonmilitary uses may help developing nations move into the 21st
century. Hosted by Patrick Stewart.
VC 629.4 Spa
Space Age : Mission to planet Earth. QED Communications, Inc., 1992.
On the way to the moon, we discovered another world ; our own. Join
scientists as they chart a course for a healthy planet and reveal our world in
ways that were never possible before the Space Age. Hosted by Patrick
VC 629.4 Spa
Space Age : Quest for planet Mars. QED Communications, Inc., 1992.
Explore the Red Planet on a fascinating voyage to Earth's haunting
neighbor. Discover the unexpected dangers we could face on an extended
journey to Mars, and see researchers at work right now on the nuclear
propulsion system that may power the first expeditions. Hosted by Patrick
VC 629.4 Spa
Space Age : The unexplained universe. QED Communications, 1992.
For years, telescopes offered up one very serene view of the heavens, but
when scientists began using rockets to rise above Earth's atmosphere, our
perceptions were shattered. What we saw was astonishing-colliding
galaxies, exploding stars, and a universe that was inimaginably violent and
chaotic. Hosted by Patrick Stewart.
VC 629.4 Spa
Space Age : To the moon and beyond. QED Communications, Inc., 1992.
Our first trip to the moon was as a Cold War competitor in the space race.
Now we are considering it as place to colonize in peace, our minds
captured by the potential of another world. Will we go back and reclaim it - developing outposts, and then whole cities? Blast off where the Apollo
missions ended, and explore where mankind's "one giant leap" could take
us next. Hosted by Patrick Stewart.
VC 629.4 Spa
Space Age : What's a heaven for? QED Communications, Inc., 1992.
What is space really for? Delve into this fascinating question and learn
where the Space Age is taking us. Hosted by Patrick Stewart.
VC 629.47 Apo
The Apollo movies. Encinitas, California: Insights Visual Productions.
Apollo 13, 28 minutes; Apollo 11, 28 minutes.
VC 630.2 Sav
Save the Earth : Feed the world. Annenberg, 1990.
The rediscovery of traditional farming techniques in Australia, Indonesia,
West Africa, and the American Midwest.
VC 634.9 Bro
Brown, Roger. Forest wars. Gypsum, Colorado: Earth Vision Institute, 1996.
VC 635 Por
Portrait of gardener, Elsa Bakalar. 1993.
VC 650.1 Tak
Take this job and love it! : The keys to surviving your new job. Charleston, West
Virginia : Cambridge Educational, c1993.
This program prepares entry level employees for the realities of the
workplace. Focusing on skills it takes to be successful on any job, this
program includes interviews with employers and workers in different fields
and answers commonly asked questions. The program emphasizes that
when starting a new job, people skills and attitude are as important as
learned skills; often making the difference between a smooth take-off or a
crash landing.
VC 650.14 Car
Career evaluation : The complete job search system. Charleston, West Virginia :
Cambridge Educational Inc., c1997.
This comprehensive series is ideal for introducing job seekers to the latest
information and techniques in selecting a career and getting a job.
Designed to be used by a wide variety of viewers, these programs are
entertaining yet loaded with solid content, informative interviews, helpful
tips, and colorful graphics. Career Evaluation shows viewers how to relate
their interests, skills, education, training, values, and lifestyle to specific
occupations in the world of work. This program discusses how to research
the numerous sources of career information available today.
VC 650.14 Fin
Finding a job : The complete job search system. Charleston, West Virginia :
Cambridge Educational Inc., c1997.
This comprehensive series is ideal for introducing job seekers to the latest
information and techniques in selecting a career and getting a job.
Designed to be used by a wide variety of viewers, these programs are
entertaining yet loaded with solid content, informative interviews, helpful
tips, and colorful graphics. Series includes: Planning a Career; Career
Evaluation; Finding a Job; Interviewing for a Job; Succeeding on the Job.
Discusses the many ways to find job opening using both conventional job
search methods (want ads, resumes, job applications, state & private
employment services, etc.) and unconventional job search methods
(networking, informational interviews, the internet, yellow pages, etc.). A
terrific overview of the best and quickets ways to get a job!.
VC 658.04 Adv
Advertising tactics. Scottdale, AZ : Teacher's Video Company.
VC 662.1 Kab
Kaboom! Nova. Windfall Films, 1997.
With stunning violence, a supersonic shock wave ripples across the sand,
blasting debris for a mile. This time it's only a test, rigged to help scientists
explore the nature of explosions....
VC 690.2 WHY
Why the towers fell. [South Burlington, VT] : WGBH Boston Video ;, [2002].
Narrated by Will Lyman. Follows a team of forensic engineers as they
investigate the precise causes of the Twin Towers' collapse on September
11, 2001. Also presents the stories of several of the buildings' survivors,
who relate their harrowing journeys to safety.
VC 709.2 Leo
Leonardo Da Vinci--Renaissance master. New York: A&E Entertainment, 1997.
Biography proudly presents the incredible story of Leonardo da Vinci -- the
original Renaissance man.
VC 709.2 Mic
Michelangelo: artist and man. A&E Home Video, 1994.
VHS format. Biography examines the broad canvas of Michelangelo's life
and legacy to probe the very soul of the artitst who in his own lifetime was
called genius.
VC 720.9 Won
Wonders of man's creation. Readers' Digest, 1993.
The Colosseum, Machu Piechu, Great Wall, The Kremlin, Versailles, Statte
of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, and Mount Rushmore and Chief Crazy Horse
VC 720.93 Won
Wonders : Sacred & mysterious. Reader's Digest, 1993.
Supreme examples of the human need to try to explain some of the
mysteries of life. Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids, Hagia Sophia,
Borobudur, St. Peter's Basilica, and The Taj Mahal.
VC 739.7 Met
Metropolitan Museum of Art. At the Met : The tournament. ABC Video
Enterprises, Inc., 1982.
One of the world's largest collections of arms and armor from the age of
chivalry is collected in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. With the
aid of the collection's curator, the museum's holdings are displayed and a
number of myths about the period are dispelled.
VC 759.13 Roc
Jackson, Sammy, producer. Norman Rockwell. Biography. New York: A&E
Network, 1994.
With over 300 Saturday Evening Post covers to his credit, Norman
rockwell is unquestionably America's most popular and famous illustrator.
Biography presents a portrait... of Norman Rockwell.
VC 778.99 Cha
The chase. The Weather Channel Enterprise, c1996.
Meet and chase with several storm chasers, each with a unique story to tell
about his or her own adventures and motivation.
VC 791.4372 GOD
Godspell. U.S. : Columbia Pictures, 1973.
Victor Garber, David Haskell, Jerry Sroka, Lynne Thigpen, Katie Hanley,
Robin Lamont. Film adaptation of a Broadway musical which tells the
story of Jesus as a flower child, living and dying in New York City.
VC 791.4372 IVA
Ivanhoe. Burbank, CA : RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video, 1986.
James Mason, Anthony Andrews, Olivia Hussey, Lysette Anthony. Set in
12th century England, the film tells the story of valiant warriors, fighting
kings and misplaced love.
VC 791.4372 MAC
RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video,. Macbeth. Burbank, CA : RCA/Columbia
Pictures Home Video, 1986.
Jon Finch, Francesca Annis, Martin Shaw, Nicholas Selby, John Stride.
Film version of the Shakespeare tragedy about the ambitious king and his
eventual downfall.
VC 791.4372 MOB
Moby Dick. [United States] : Live Entertainment :, c1998.
Patrick Stewart, Henry Thomas, Ted Levine, Gregory Peck, Hugh KeaysByrne, Norman Golden II, Kee Chan. A skipper of a 19th century whaling
boat is obsessed with the idea of harpooning the whale that is responsible
for the loss of his leg.
VC 791.4572 CHR
Truman Capote's a Christmas memory. Sandy Hook, CT : Video Yesteryear,
Geraldine Page, Donnie Melvin, Lavinia Cassels, Christine Marler, Josip
Elic. Based on Capote's memories of Christmas in his rural southern
childhood during the depression, a boy and his aunt prepare fruitcakes for
relatives and get into the Christmas spirit.
VC 796.09 Cen
A century of sports bloopers. Newark, New Jersey : Peter Pan Industries,
Inc./Parade Video, c1998.
Featuring Wade Boggs, Charles Barkley, Troy Aikman, Reggie White,
Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, and Eric Lindross.
VC 796.09 Sup
Super duper sports bloopers. Chicago, Illinois : Questar, Inc., 2002.
It's wild! It's wacky! It's the funniest collection of sports goofs and gaffes
VC 796.32 Bar
Sir Charles. NBA Entertainment, Inc., c1994.
Basketball fans everywhere can't seem to get enough of Charles Barkley.
An up-close and personal look at Charles as you've never seen him before.
VC 796.32 Erv
Dr. J's basketball stuff. NBA Entertainment, Inc., c1987.
Lots of spectacular career highlights; the doctor's special secrets;
interactive basketball; some of the most amazing moments as shown on the
ABA and NBA game footage.
VC 796.32 Hil
Grant Hill: NBA sensation. NBA Superstars Series. NBA Entertainment, Inc.,
Spectacular NBA highlights, behind the scenes, off the court, and family
and friends of Grant Hill.
VC 796.32 Kar
Kareem: reflections from inside. Los Angeles, CA: Fox Video, Inc., c1989.
Kareem: Reflections from Inside is a career retrospective told by AbdulJabar himself. Features: Kareem's 3 decades of basketball, appearances by
many of his teammates, coaches, and the personal...
VC 796.32 Mag
Magic Johnson: always showtime. NBA Classic Series. NBA Entertainment,
Inc., c1991, 1996.
Earvin "Magic" Johnson is more than just a player -he's a wizard on the
basketball court and one of the NBA's ultimate winners. See Earvin's
transformation as he earns the nickname "Magic,"...
VC 796.32 Mag
Magic Johnson: put magic in your game. Los Angeles, CA: Fox Video, Inc.,
Who said that magicians never reveal their tricks? Here comes the NBA's
incredible two-time MVP, Magic Johnson, to show you his tricks of the
trade: dribbleing, passing, rebounding, defense, ...
VC 796.33 Foo
Football America. New York: PolyGram Video, c1996.
Here is a definitive portrait of football as a mirror of America itself, a
melting pot of stories which range far and wide--from a pee-wee league to
a penitentiary-from Texas to Alaska.
VC 808 Cor
Correct citations & works cited page. Scottsdale, Arizon : Teacher's Video
VC 808 Cre
Creating an outline. Scottsdale, Arizona : Teacher's Video Company.
VC 808 Wri
The wrinkle-free world of English Composition. 1997.
VC 808.02 How
How to study : Reading, writing, & library. Huntsville, Texas : Educational
Video Network, Inc.
Part 3 of 3 How to Study videos.
VC 808.04 How
How to write an essay. Scottsdale, AZ : Teacher's Video Company.
VC 808.8 Poe
Nebraskans for Public Television, Inc. The poetry hall of fame. Nalibu, CA:
Monterey Home Video, 1994.
VHS format. "From the acclaimed PBS series."--container. Host: William
Perry; Cast: William Shatner, Vincent Price, Levar Burton, Valerie Harper,
Ruby Dee, Claire Bloom, Jack Lemmon, etc...
VC 809 Kin
.Hayes, Sue, director/producer. King Arthur. Biography. Satel Documentary.
Arts & Entertainment Network;, 1995.
Copyright; no reg. Copyright notice on cassette box: A&E Television
Network; 1995. Sources used: descriptive material; cassette box.
VC 810.8 Haw
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Rappaccini's Daughter. California: Monterey Home
Video, 1980.
Based on the story of the same title by Nathaniel Hawthorne, set in 18thcentury Italy, about young man's romantic entanglement with a beautiful,
forbidden woman in a poisonous garden.
VC 811 Spo
Nebraska ETV. Spoon River anthology & a poetic portrait gallery. The Master
Poets Collection. Malibu, CA: Monterey Home Video, 1997.
VHS format. Includes excerpts from Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River
anthology, along with works of other poets.
VC 811.09 Fro
Nebraska Educational Television. New England in autumn: the poetry of Robert
Frost. Master Poets Collection. Malibu, CA: Monterey Home Video, 1997,
VHS format. Container title: Robert Frost: New England in Autumn.
Presents selections of Robert Frost's poetry.
VC 811.4 Dic
Nebraska ETV. The world of Emily Dickinson. Master Poets Collection. Malibu,
CA: Monterey Home Video, 1997, c1976.
VHS format. Cast: Claire Bloom, Jill Tanner, Cynthia Herman, George
Backman. A dramatic presentation of her "Letters to the world.".
VC 811.52 Fro
Voices & visions. Robert Frost. The New York Center for Visual History, Inc.,
One of the most popular poets in America, Robert Frost (1874 - 1963), was
not merely the nature poet that he appeared to be; his vision was of a harsh
universe indifferent to man and his anxieties. This revealing film
interweaves interviews with the poet, dramatizations of some of his work.
VC 812 Bea
The beat generation : an American dream. WinStar Home Entertainment, c1998.
In the early 1950's a small group of writers and painters gathered in the
Bohemian quarters of New York and San Francisco. They voiced their
concerns over America's post WWII euphoria and values in a manner so
raucous and colorful that the media took note and dubbed them the Beat
Generation. The Beats proposed alternatives to traditional sexuality and
family structure and were deemed "crazy" for their deviations.
VC 812 Han
Hansberry, Lorraine. A raisin in the sun. Colombia Pictures Corporation, c1961.
Black and white.
VC 812 Wil
Williams, Tennessee. Glass menagerie. Universal City, California: MCA Home
Video, c1994.
One of Tennessee Williams' best and most poetic works is brought to the
screen by director Paul Newman in this film based on the Broadway play.
Stars Joanne Woodward, Karen Allen, John Malkovich.
VC 812.08 Bol
Hal B. Wallis, producer and Charles Jarrott, director. Anne of the thousand
days. MCA Home Video, <1994>.
VHS; hi-fi. Richard Burton, Genevieve Bujold, Irene Papas. Based on the
play by Maxwell Anderson. Set against the pageantry and political intrigue
of the 16th century England,...
VC 812.52 Mil
Miller, Arthur. The crucible. United States : 20th Century Fox, 1997.
A gang of teenage girls, stifled by the crushing piety of their elders, dance
naked in the woods, one girl's innocence is lost in the bed of a married
farmer who drinks a charm to kill his wife. and suddenly the devil is loose
in Salem. The girls are discovered and spurred on by their terrified
accusations, the entire village is consumed by cries of witchcraft. One by
one, the blameless victims of mass hysteria are torn from their homes until,
inexorable vengeance is turned on Proctor's wife.
VC 812.52 Mil
Miller, Arthur. Death of a salesman & the video private conversations. Troy,
Michigan : Anchor Bay Entertainment, Inc., c1998.
Death of a Salesman follows Willie Loman as he struggles with the conflict
of family values and society's expectations of success. Private
Conversations takes a candid look at the filming of Death of A Salesman.
Witness conservations about the sets, lighting, camera placement and
performances. Hear Dustin Hoffman talk about the process of making films
- including the translations and limitations. Starring: Dustin Hoffman, John
Malkovich, Charles Durning, Kate Reid, and Stephen Lang. Willie Loman
(Dustin Hoffma), a traveling salesman, has spend his life chasing the
American Dream. Yet nothing has turned out the way he thought it would,
and he sees his visions of success slipping away. Now he must face the
facts: he is past his prime and feels he has wasted the best years of his life
and neglected his family.
VC 813 Fal
William Faulkner : a concise biography. New Jersey : Kultur International Films.
VC 813 Jam
James, Henry. The turn of the screw. Dan Curtis Productions, 1992.
When the young Jane Cubberly (Lynn Redgrave) takes on the position of
governess of two orphaned children at a foreboding English country estate,
she learn that the children's previous governess, Miss Jessel, died under
mysterious circumstances. As Miss Cubberly becomes acquainted with the
children she finds they are being controlled by the menacing spirits of Miss
Jessel and her evil lover, Peter Quint. A desparate battle follows as the
sinister ghosts attempt to take complet possession of the children's souls.
VC 813 Kni
Knights of Camelot. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1997.
Explore the countryside of England while you explore its fascinating
history. Become more familiar with the tales of King Arthur and learn
about the demise of his kingdom, Camelot.
VC 813.08 Ani
Animal stories: Captivating tales traditionally told. Atlas Video, Inc., c1991.
Boastful bears and a beauty conscious cockroach join a cast of lovable
creatures with lessons to share in Animal Stories. Listen and learn: How a
monkey puts a buzzard out of the "flying business" in Monkey Takes a
Ride; what the secret of true beauty is in La Cucarachita; and other stories.
VC 813.11 Haw
Nathaniel Hawthorne. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
VC 813.11 Mel
Herman Melville. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
VC 813.3 Haw
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-1864. The scarlet letter. WGBH/Boston Production,
In early colonial Massachusetts, a young woman endures the consequences
of her sin of adultery and spends the rest of her life in atonement.
VC 813.3 Mel
Herman Melville : Consider the sea. Monterey Home Video, 1981.
Offers a unique loook into the life and work of one of the giants of
American literary history, a life of work and dreams as powerful and
mysterious as the sea.
VC 813.36 Mob
Moby Dick. California: MGM/UA Home Video, Inc., c1990.
Best Actor Oscar winner Gregory Peck will forever be remembered
portraying Ahab as a madman possessed, stumping his ship's deck as
though he were riding the winds of hell.
VC 813.42 Wal
Ben - Hur. Turner Entertainment Company, c1959.
Based on the novel entitled Ben - Hur; a tale of the Christ, by Lew
Wallace. CAST: Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Haya Harareet, Stephen
Boyd, Hugh Griffith. A drama about a wealthy Jew and his emotional and
spiritual development under the shadows of Roman tyranny, and his final
emergence from oppression through his observation of the example and
teachings of Jesus.
VC 813.5 Tal
Tall tales, yarns, and whoppers. Atlas Video, Inc., c1991.
Gian animals, superhuman feats and other preposterous impossibilities
make the leg-pullers in Tall Tales, Yarns, and Whoppers a delight. Learn
about: How love, exaggeration, and exasperation all play a part in giving a
young girl a name in My Name; how a woodsman uses his wits to get out
of a tight spot in Bill Greenfield and the Big Mosquitoes; and other stories.
VC 813.52 Lon
The Long hot summer. Jerry Wald Productions, Inc., 1958.
Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Anthony Franciosa, Orson Welles, Lee
Remick, Angela Lansbury. This is a riveting tale of life in the Deep South.
Provacative and compelling, it simmers with sexual tension, bawdy humor
and a powerful clash of personalities. When Ben Quick (Newman), a
suspected barnburner drifts into town, he catches the eye of Will Varner, a
tyrannical, intimidating patriarch (Welles) who decides Quick is the ideal
husband for this spinterish daughter (Woodward). But once the loner
moves in, the two men lock horns, drawing Varner's family into a complex
web of emotions and actions that leave all of them changed forever.
VC 813.52 Mit
Mitchell, Margaret 1900-1949. Gone with the wind. United States : MGM/UA
Home Video, c1989 ; 1939.
Originally released in 1939. the 1989 release is described as the new
digitally remastered edition. Focuses on the life and loves of the beautiful
and selfish Scarlett O'Hara. the story begins on the O'Hara's Georgia
plantation of Tara in antebellum days and moves through the Civil War and
Reconstruction. Based on the book by Margaret Mitchell.
VC 814.3 Eme
Ralph Waldo Emerson. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
VC 818.00 Tho
Henry David Thoreau. Encyclopeadia Britannica Educational Corporation.
VC 818.11 Poe
Edgar Allan Poe. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
VC 818.30 Rav
The raven. The Classic Collection. Universal City, CA: MCA Home Video, Inc.,
Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi star in this macabre horror classic inspired
by the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
VC 821 Pro
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video
Network, c1991.
Chaucer's contentious pilgrims have been delighting readers for 600 years.
This basic exposition of the characters will help students to visualize the
motley travelers.
VC 821 Tay
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Rime of the ancient mariner : the immortal epic of
Samuel Taylor Coleridge. New Jersey : Kultur International Films, 1984.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's epic poem is brought to life with an evocative
mix of animated and real images which give this famous poem an exciting
new dimension. Presented in two parts. Part 1 - biography of Samuel
Taylor Coleridge. Part 2 - unique visualization of Coleridge's evocative
VC 821 Wor
William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism.
VC 821.11 Can
The Canterbury tales I. Wynnewood, Pennsylvania : Schlessinger Media, c2000.
VC 821.11 Can
The Canterbury tales II. Wynnewood, Pennsylvania : Schlessinger Media, c2000.
VC 821.11 Can
The Canterbury tales III. Wynnewood, Pennsylvania : Schlessinger Media,
VC 822 Sha
Shaw, George Bernard. Pygmalion. Los Angeles, California: Embassy Home
Entertainment., c1987.
Black and white.
VC 822.3 Sha
William Shakespeare : A life of drama. New York : A&E Television Networks,
Join Biography for an in-depth look at William Shakespeare, the greatest
writer the English language has ever known. William Shakespeare's
tumultuous life produced an unmatched legacy of drama and poetry. But
the Bard's own story remains, for the most part, a myters. Biography pieces
together the clues of Shakespear's identity from his comfortable youth in
Stratford - upon - Avon and his marriage to an older woman at eighteen to
the night of carousing that led to his death at age fifty-two.
VC 822.3 Sha
William Shakespeare: His life & times. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bonneville
Worldwide Entertain, c1995.
Follow the life of an unknown sheepherder who became the most famous
playwright in the world. Tape 2: "Alms for Oblivion".
VC 822.3 Sha
Nebraskans for Public Television, Inc. William Shakespeare: a poet for all
time. Malibu, CA: Monterey Home Video, c1997.
VHS format. As you like it. All the world's a stage -- Sonnet XXX(When
to the sessions of sweet silent thought) -- Sonnet XVIII (Shall I compare
thee to a summer's day?) -- Cymbeline...
VC 822.3 Sha
Biography. William Shakespeare -- life of drama. 1996.
William Shakespeare's tumultuous life produced as unmatched legacy of
drama and poetry. But the Bard's own story remains, for the most part, a
mystery. In this remarkable program, Biography pieces together the clues
of Shakespeare's identity, from his comfortable youth in Stratford-on-Avon
and his marrage to an older woman at eighteen to the night of carousing
that led to his death at age fifty-two. Film excerpts, dramatic readings and
location footage provided a glimpse into his little-known-life and his
astonishing twenty-year as a playwright and actor.
VC 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Princeton, New Jersey: Films for the
Humanities, c1988.
Part 1 of 2; Length 2 hours, 28 minutes; color.
VC 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare, William. Romeo & Juliet. Paramount Pictures Corporation, c1968.
Rated PG. Color.
VC 822.3 Sha
Shakespeare, William. The tragedy of Othello, the moor of Venice. Huntsville,
Texas: Educational Video Network, c1981.
Length: 3 hours, 15 minutes.
VC 822.3 Und
Understanding Macbeth. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1994.
This explication follows the story line and offers insights about the history
of the play, the characters, and the complex themes.
VC 822.32 Mar
Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus. California : Columbia Pictures, c1967.
Richard Burton stars as the aging scholar who makes a deal with the devil
for youth, knowledge, and a dazzling mistress. But when the Faustus
begins to regret his decision, the devil's assistant, Mephistopheles, sends
Taylor as the spellbinding seductress who seals Faustus' fate. Starring
Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. First dramatized in the 16th Century,
the legend of Doctor Faustus is the immortal tale of a German conjurer
who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for a life of adventure and
VC 822.33 Sha
William Shakespeare: A concise biography. New Jersey: Kultur International
Famous Authors Series.
VC 823.20 Sch
Schindler's list. United States : Universal Pictures, 1993.
The film presents the indelible true story of the enigmatic Oskar Schindler,
a member of the Nazi party, womanizer, and war profiteer who saved the
lives of more than 1,100 Jews during the Holocaust. It is the triumph of one
man who made a difference, and the drama of those who survived one of
the darkest chapters in human history because of what he did.
VC 823.8 Dic
Dickens, Charles 1812-1870. Great Expectations. Troy, Michigan : Anchor Bay
Entertainment, Inc., c1999.
After harsh years, Pip, an orphan growing up in Victorian England, is given
the means to become a gentleman by an unknown benefactor and learns
that outward appearances can be deceiving.
VC 823.8 Eli
Eliot, George 1819-1880. Silas Marner. Livonia, Michigan : CBS/Fox Video,
c1987; 1985.
Ben Kingsley leads a stellar cast in this stunning production of George
Eliot's classic novel. Also featured are Jenny Agutter, along with some of
Britain's most popular actors from stage, film and television. Filmed on
location in the beautiful Cotswold hills of England. Silas Marner is the
story of a young linen-weaver whose dreams are destroyed when he is
falsely accused of a crime. Isolating himself, he becomes a selfish and
despondent miser. Despair turns to hope when he adopts an abandoned
child, but their happiness may end when her real father returns. You'll
never forget Kingsley's touching performance or this tender story of love,
devotion, and the joy that only a child can bring.
VC 823.91 Orc
Orczy, Emmuska Orczy, Faroness, 1865-1947. The scarlet pimpernel. London
Film Productions, Ltd., c1982.
Based on the novels The Scarlet Pimpernel and Eldorado, this features Jane
Seymour and Anthony Andrews in a tale of passion and romance in
eighteenth century France.
VC 829 Bac
Background to Beowulf. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1995.
The high point of Old English literature is the epic poem, "Beowulf." This
historical and literary traditions of the era in which it was written are
explained in detail.
VC 829.3 BEO
Beowulf. Wynnewood, PA : distributed by Schlessinger Media, [2000].
Voices: Derek Jacobi, Joseph Fiennes, Timothy West, Anna Calder
Marshall, Michael Sheen ... [et al.]. The epic poem chronicles the
legendary struggle between Beowulf and the monster, Grendel, translated
into modern English.
VC 839.82 Ibs
Ibsen, Henrik. A doll's house. New York: BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.,
Adaptation of Ibsen's play about a woman who leaves her husband and
children to find a new life for herself.
VC 882.11 Ant
The Theban plays. Antigone. Princeton, New Jersey: Films for the Humanities,
Antigone defies Creon's decree to bury her slain brother according to
religious rituals as Creon tries to impose his will on Antigone.Based on:
Antigone/Sophocles. Made in 1984. Ages 17 through adult.
VC 882.11 Oed
The Theban plays. Oedipus the king. Princeton, New Jersey: Films for the
Humanities, 1987.
The play recounts the beginning of the Oedipus saga, setting the stage and
creating the characters who will continue the story to its conclusion in
VC 883 Adv
Adventures of Ulysses. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1991.
Follow Ulysses, the craftiest of Homer's heroes, as he invents the Trojan
horse, struggles to return home, and triumphs over his wife's suitors.
VC 883 Ili
The Iliad and the Trojan war. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network,
Homer's Iliad and the accompanying epics about Troy have survived in
classical culture for more than 1,500 years. Heroes and gods strive toward
VC 883 Ody
The odyssey. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1989.
Retrace the steps of Odysseus to the sites of his adventures, and gain
insights about Homer's epic, as we explore the world of Greek heroes.
VC 883.01 Hom
Homer. The Iliad. Hicksville, NY : Best Film & Vide Corporation, 1987.
Through easy-to-follow narration and live, re-enacted scenes, The World
Classics Collection presents informative new dramatizations of highlights
from selected literary masterpieces. Presented to make the author's original
intent easy to understand, the programs include helpful discussions of the
story's historical setting and details on the author's life. As an added bonus,
a special review section offers questions about key elements of the program
to assist in full appreciation of this literary classic.
VC 904.51 Ama
Amazing planet : explosive Earth. National Geographic Television, c1996.
Volcanoes oozing 2,000 - degree lava! Yellowstone's bubbling mud pots &
geysers! Deep sea vents, home to creepy tube worms! California's
earthquake "danger zone!" Tsunamis, giant killer waves that can rage as
fast as a 500 mph jet plane!.
VC 909 Bet
Between the wars : The road to Pearl Harbor. Columbia River, 1998.
The Road to Pearl Harbor. 1. The Lost Peace. 2. The Price of
Appeasement. 3. The Age of Giants. 4. Countdown to Pearl Harbor. It was
the era of Lucky Lindy, bootlegging, Babe Ruth, Valentino, and assem-line
Fords. Also the time of market collapse, Klan meetings, and the meteoric
rise of Hitler and Nazism.
VC 909 His
History of the 80's : 1980. Home Video, 1991.
Iran hostage crisis - US hockey victory - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Mt. St. Helens, Love Canal, Movies of the year - Solidarity in Poland Chrysler bailout.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1981. Home Video, 1991.
Hostages released - Reagan inqugurated - MTV - Reagan and Pope John
Paul II assassination attempts - PCs & Videos - Charles & Diana's
Wedding - AIDS - Sadat Assassination.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1982. Home Video, 1991.
Vietnam Memorial - Falkland Islands war - ERA defeat - Israeli invasion
of Lebanon - Tylenol poisonings - Anti-nuclear protest - Artificial heart
implanted - Poland.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1983. Home Video, 1991.
US deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe - Granada invasion Education report - Star Wasrs - Aquino assassination - Firsts in America US Embassy/Marine barracks bombed.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1984. Home Video, 1991.
Bhopal disaster - New patriotism - Central America - Presidential
campaigns - Los Angeles Olympics - Bernard Goetz - Indira Gandhi
assassination - Iran-Iraq war.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1985. Home Video, 1991.
Gorbachev comes to power - Live Aid/Farm Aid concerts - Terrorism Apartheid in South Africa - Crack - Contras - AIDS - Pet Rose - Poland US buyouts of corporations.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1986. Home Video, 1991.
Challenger disaster - Iceland Summit - Oliver North - Chernobyl nuclear
accident - Homeless in America - Statue of Liberty centennial - Kurt
Waldheim - US bombs Libya.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1987. Home Video, 1991.
Wal Street crash - AIDS - Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker - Papal visit to
Polant - Gorbachev in America - Contra Affair - Japan in America - 200th
Anniversary of US Constitution.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1988. Home Video, 1991.
Environmental issues - Reagan and Gorbachev - Navy in the Persian Gulf Pan Am Flight 103 - Election - Wall Street buyouts - PLO renounces
terrorism - Benazir Bhutto.
VC 909 His
History of the 1980's : 1989. Home Video, 1991.
End of the Soviet Bloc - Berlin Wall - Manuel Noriega - Exxon Valdez San Francisco Earthquake - War on drugs - Student protests in China Romania - S & L crisis - Bush.
VC 909.07 Dar
The Dark Ages : Europe after the fall of Rome (410 - 1066 A.D.). ACG/United
(410 - 1066 A.D.) How Britain was changed when it became a province of
Rome. What happened when the Anglo-Saxons destroyed Roman
civilization in Britain; and Rome's unified government was replaced by
many small warlike kingdoms.
VC 909.07 Med
Medieval times: Life in the Middle Ages (1000-1450 A.D.). Niles, Illinois:
United Learning.
VC 909.08 Wes
The Western Tradition : The Cold War and Europe and the Cold
War. Annenberg, 1989.
49. The U.S. and Soviet Union dominated Europe and confronted each
other in Korea. 50. Burdened with the legacy of colonial imperialism, the
Third World rushed development to catch up with its Western counterparts.
VC 909.09 Isl
The story of Islam : A history of the world's most misunderstood faith. MPI
Home Video, c1990 ; 1983.
This film takes us on a journey through the Story of Islam, from its humble
beginnings 1300 years ago, to its place in the world today. We are
introduced to the culture, philosophy, and staples of this way of life which
is rapidly being embraces by so many in the West. You will learn of the
amazing similarities between Muslim, Christian, and Judaic faiths, and
perhaps the program will help tear down the stereotypical Western vies of
Islam as an alien phenomenon.
VC 909.81 Wes
The Western tradition : The Industrial Revolution / The Industrial
World. Annenberg, 1989.
41. Technology and mass production reduced famine and ushered in higher
standards of living. 42. A consumer revolution was fueled by coal, public
transportation, and new city services.
VC 909.82 Nat
Nature's fury : A decade of disasters. MPI, 1989.
Describes the earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, and bitter cold that have
brought havoc during the 1980's.
VC 909.83 New
Newscast from the past. California: Zenger Video.
VC 910 Ant
Antarctica : Life in the freezer. National Geographic, 1998.
What does it take to survive the coldest place on Earth? For Weddell seals,
enduring the Antarctic winters means staying underwater - - where, even at
subzero temperatures, it's warmer beneath the ice. David Attenborough.
VC 910 Fiv
Five themes of geography. California : TMW Media Group, c1995.
What are the five themes of geography? What is absolute location? What is
relative location? What are human or cultural place characteristics? What is
an environment? Whare are physical place characteristics? What is a
region?. Narrated by Ron Hamill and Christiana Dene-Lambert.
VC 910 Wha
What is geography? California : TMW Media Group, c1995.
This volume answers questions that students ask concerning "Geographic
Definitions." Examples are: What does geography mean? What are the
differences between types of maps? What is geology? What is a thematic
map? What is a culture hearth? What is physical geography? What is a
renewable resource? What is oceanography? What is human geography?.
Narrated by Ron Hamill and Christiana Dene-Lambert.
VC 910.09 Ara
Arab gulf states. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2002.
Traveler Megan McCormick visits three of the six Arab Gulf states. She
starts her journey in the battle scarred Kuwait traveling onto the United
Arab Emirates, visiting biblical Oman in search of Frankincense and the
Empty Quarter, one of the last great wildernesses on earth.
VC 910.09 Won
Valentine, Chris [director and producer]. Wonders of nature. New York: Reader's
Digest Association, c1993.
Copyright: Reader's Digest Association, Inc. Prev: Some footage prev. pub.
NM: all other cinematographic material, compilation, selection. DCR 1993;
PUB 19Apr93; REG 17Aug93; PA668-047.
VC 912.54 Ind
South India. Oakland, CA: Lonely Planet Publications, c1996.
Justine Shapiro explores the country's southern tip-traveling through the
state of Tamil Nadu and then on the tropical Kerala, where she tours is
famed network of backwaters and canals. Quick quiz available.
VC 912.56 Jor
The Middle East : Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Oakland, California : Lonely
Planet Publications, 1999.
Ian Wright. Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon contain some of the most
spectacular and mystical scenery in the world. This region's volatile politics
is countered by the hospitality of its people. Traveler Ian Wright's Middle
East adventure takes in Jordan's Wadi rum desert, the cities of Beirut and
Damascus, border warzones and desert monasteries.
VC 912.7 Mex
Southern Mexico. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2002.
Traeler Ian Wright betins his journey in Patzcuaro at the unique Day of the
Dead festival. He then moves on to Guanajuato to spend time riding bulls
with Mexican cowboys before taking in the nightlife of Acapulco. Ian vistis
Puerto Escondido for the annual surfing competition and then journeys to
the Landondon Jungle to learn the history of the Maya civilization.
VC 912.73 USA
Passport USA. Plymouth, MN: Simitar Entertainment, c1991.
Catch the fast-paced energy and excitement of New York City; enjoy the
simplicity of the New England countryside; travel the path of freedom from
Boston to Philadelphia to the great monuments and more.
VC 913.32 Egy
Egypt. Rand McNally.
VC 913.36 Sto
Stonehenge: Secrets of the unknown. ABC Video Enterprises, c1989.
VC 914 Cze
Czech Republic & Southern Poland. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet, 1999.
Since the collapse of communism in 1989, the Czech Republic has become
an increasingly popular tourist destination. Traveling from Prague, through
Bohemia and into southern Poland, Justine Shapiro visits the vestiges of
bygone eras and finds a new culture blossoming in the heart of Eastern
VC 914.03 Ren
The Renaissance. California : Goldhil Video, c2001.
VC 914.12 Ger
Germany. Pilot Productions.
Traveler Justine Shapiro's journey starts in Berlin where she learns about
Germany's experiences during World War II. From there she hitches a ride
to Niebull before continuing on to the incredible beaches of Sylt. After a
stop in Hamburg, she moves on to the grand city of Nuremberg before
completing her trip climbing Mount Yenna in the Bavarian Alps.
VC 914.2 Bri
Britain's royal heritage. Lafayette, California: International Video Network,
VC 914.2 Bri
Welcome to Britain. Hammersmith, London: British Tourist Authority, c1987.
VC 914.20 Los
Lost castles of England. New York, New York : A&E Home Video, c1996.
See what life was like for nobels and vasasals in old England, when the
rigid social structure defined roles, behavior, and attitudes. Leonard
VC 914.21 Lon
London : City guide. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1999.
Jonathan Atherton. On the cutting edge of contemporary art and music,
London is the world's capital of cool and one of Europe's most memorable
cities. Jonathan Atherton finds himself among snap-happy tourists on the
trail of famous landmarks such as Trafalgar Square and Soho, then explores
the alternative London of Gay Pride and Bangladeshi Brick Lane.
VC 914.24 Sha
Stratford - upon - Avon and the Shakespeare country. Venice, California : TMW
Media Group.
Heritage Video presents the history of Stratford and Shakespearean times,
with a fascinating look at the Shakespeare country.
VC 914.3 Ger
Germany. International Video Network.
VC 914.4 Aus
Australia. International Video Network.
VC 914.4 Aus
Touring Australia. Chicago, Illinois: Questar Video, Inc., c1993.
VC 914.4 Fra
Northern France. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2003.
Globe Trekker traveler Justine Shapiro touches down on the Normandy
Beaches to learn the history of the World War II D-Day landings. From
here she takes the bullet train to Brittany before touring the coastal resorts
of Le Touquet, Boulogne-sur-mer and Calais. She ends her journey in
Champagne, tasting one of Frances most famous exports.
VC 914.5 Sou
Southern Italy. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet, 1999.
The boot shaped peninsular that extends southwards to the Mediterranean
Sea was the center of the once mighty Roman Empire. Justine Shapiro
tours the extraordinary remeains of the ancient culture and learns about
modern Italian life along the way. She travels from the bustling city of
rome along the coast to Terracine and Naples, into the Puglia region and
ends aher journey at the time of the toe in Calabria.
VC 914.59 Cor
Corsica, Sicily, and Sardinia. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications,
Traveler Ian Wright explores the mountains of Corsica, the isolated
villages of Sardinia and the historic sites of Sicily. His journey ends on top
of Europe's most active volcano, Stromboli, ... Quick quiz available.
VC 914.6 Spa
Northern Spain. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1999.
Spain is a country vibrant with arts and culture. It is also a vast place where
you can still escape into wilderness. Sixty million people visit the country
each year and most head for the south, but traveler Shilpa Mehta's journey
is through the lesser known north of the country.
VC 914.7 DIS
Discovering Russia. San Ramon, CA : International Video Network, c1995.
See and taste the new and the old Russia. Marvel at the jeweled icons,
golden churches, baroque fountains, Red Square, Lenin's tomb, Russian
music & Russian delicacies.
VC 914.79 Fin
Finland & the Baltic States. Los Angeles : Pilot Production, 2002.
Traveler Neil Gibson visits the three capitals of the Baltic States before
taking the ferry to finland and finally heading north to the forests and lakes
of Karelia.
VC 914.8 Nor
Norway. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet, 1999.
Norway is a peace loving nation, but the country on the west coast of
Scandinavia was once home to the most fearsome people in Europe- the
Vikings. The land of extremes has one of the coldest climates in Europe
and Ian Wright braces himself to begin his journey in Stavanger and head
for the mountain slopes of Stryn via Bergen and Voss. He crosses the Artic
Circle in Lapland and ends his trip on the remote island of Spitsbergen.
VC 915 Jap
Lonely planet -- the experience. The Japan experience. 1995.
Ride the bullet train at 160 miles per hour; read your fortune at a Buddhist
shrine; tour the peace museum in Nagasaki; watch a snake and mongoose
fight; swing fire at the Aso Fire Festival.
VC 915.1 Chi
China & Tibet. International Video, 1988.
Experience the beauty and grandeur of various cities and areas in China &
Tibet and learn about their people, culture, and history.
VC 915.19 Kor
Korea: War, prosperity & democracy. Korea-America Society, 1995.
VC 915.2 Jap
Japan. San Ramon, California: International Video Network, 1988.
VC 915.49 Sri
Sri Lanka & the Maldives. Los Angeles : Pilot Production, 2002.
Treveler Megan McCormick begins her journey in Colombo, capital of Sri
Lanka. She travels to the east coast to surfing paradise Arugam Bay, visits
Ratnapura and Sigiriya, before drifing to Kandy. Flying to the Maldives,
she ends her trip with a diving safari around the maze of idylli, uninhabited
VC 915.61 Tur
Turkey. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications, c1996.
Justine Shapiro makes her way from the roman ruins of Ephesus along the
turquoise coast and then north through the rural Turkish interior to the
mountainous Black Sea region. Quick quiz available.
VC 915.80 Cen
Central Asia : Kirghizstan and Uzbekistan. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet,
Right in the heart of Central Asia ar the former Soviet republics of
Ubekistan and Kirghistan, an area of vast inaccessible wilderness,
surrounded by harsh deserts and high mountains. It was once the site of the
ancient caravan routes and its towns were oases on the Great Silk road of
the east.
VC 915.9 Nor
The North India experience. San Ramon, California: International Video
Network, c1995.
VC 915.9 Nor
North Thailand & Laos. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet, 1999.
Ian Wright travels in the fiercely independent country of Thailand
(formerly Siam) and neighboring Laos, which has been under communist
rule for more than 25 years. From Bangkok he journeys northwards to the
trekking areas around Chiang Mai, before crossing the Mekong River into
VC 915.99 Phi
The Philippines. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, c1999.
The 7,000 islands which comprise the Philippines are the forgotten islands
of South East Asia; they're off the main overland route and have never
attracted great numbers of tourists. Beginning her journey on the island of
Luzon, Shilpa Mehta visits the capital, Manila, before heading south to the
paradise island of Boracay, Mindanao and, finally, the pristine island of
VC 916 Uga
Trekking in Uganda and Congo. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet
Publications, 1999.
Nikki Grosse. Uganda and the Congo, formerly Zaire, offer dramatic and
remote landscapes and some of the hardest traveling on the planet. Nikki
Grosse treks through forests and across mountain ranges in this ultimate
VC 916.2 Isr
Israel and the Sinai Desert. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications:,
Justine Shapiro's Middle East journey takes her through the Jewish
Promised Land, which is also the land of Jesus and where Mohammed
ascended to heaven. Quick quiz available.
VC 916.4 Mor
The Morocco experience. California : International Video Network, c1995.
Travel with Ian Wright along an ancient caravan route, trek through
Morocco's Atlas Mountains, and barter in the bazaars.
VC 916.4 MOR
The Morocco experience. San Ramon, CA : International Video Network, c1995.
Traveller: Ian Wright. Travel with Ian Wright along an ancient caravan
route, trek through Morocco's Atlas Mountains, and barter in the bazaars.
VC 916.60 Wes
West Africa. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publication, c1996.
Traveler Justine Shapiro visits three former French colonies - Benin,
Burkina Faso, and Mali - traveling north from the old slave coast into the
Sahara, ending her journey at the legendary city of... Quick quiz available.
VC 916.76 Eas
East Africa: Tanzania and Zanzibar. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet
Publications, c1996.
Traveler Ian Wright begins his journey on the historical island of Zanzibar
and then heads to the mainland. Quick quiz available.
VC 916.8 Zim
Zimbabwe, Botwana & Namibia. San Ramon, California: International Video
Network, c1995.
VC 916.80 Sou
South Africa and Lesotho. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications,
Justine Shapiro. South Africa has always been a country of great natural
beauty. In the post-apartheid era, it is back on the tourist trail for the first
time in nearly a century. Justing Shapiro grew up here. she returns to a land
where segregation is still extreme and political and social problems are
ever present, but where there is now renewed hope for the future.
VC 917 Cen
Central America : Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Oakland, California : Lonely
Planet, 2002.
They might share a common border but Costa Rica and Nicaragua are two
of the most contrasting countries in Central America. While Nicaragua has
been ravaged by years of war and natural disasters Costa Rica is an oasis of
calm and natural beauty.
VC 917.1 CAN
Canadian journey. Chicago : Questar Video, c1996.
A journey from coast to coast through Canada, the world's second largest
country. Explores the people, culture, sights and sounds of all 10 provinces.
VC 917.1 CAN
Canada. [Toronto, Canada] : World Life Video :, c1992.
Hosted by Anne Martin. A travelogue of Canada, showing folklore, history,
and fascinating facts from coast to coast.
VC 917.2 Baj
Baja California and the Copper Canyon. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet
Publications, 1996.
Ian Wright. The isolated peninsula of Baja California used to be a haven
for mercenaries, revolutionaries, prohibition busters and gangsters - anyone
on the run from the law in the United States or mainland Mexico. Now it
gets tens of millions of tourists a year, but traveler Ian Wright proves you
can still escape the crowds.
VC 917.2 Cub
Cuba and Haiti. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1999.
Ian Wright. Cuba is the largest and least commercialized Caribbean
country. Political factors have kept tourists away since Castro's revolution
in the fifties. Beginning his journey in the famous Cuban capital of Havana,
Ian Wright travels across Cuba, ending his journey in Haiti, the oldest
black republic in the world.
VC 917.2 Mex
Mexico : journey to the sun. Concord, California : IVN Entertainment, Inc.,
Ancient treasures, Indian cultures and contemporary cities. Perfect
pyramids and mountainside villages. No matter where you travel - from the
ruins of Palenque to the resorts of Cancun - Mexico is a myriad of
religions, heritages and lifestyles unlike any other.
VC 917.2 Mex
Touring Mexico. Chicago, Illinois : Questar Video, Inc., 1998.
See Mexico City and Aztec Civilizations Chichen-Itza and Teotihuacan;
Guadalajara, Merida, Oaxaca; Puerto Vallarta, Cancun, Cozume, Acapulco,
and Baja.
VC 917.20 Mex
SuperCities : Mexico City. California : International Video Network, c1995.
Welcome to the largest city on Earth! Modern-day Mexico city is a product
of its tumultuous past; the legacy of the Aztecs, the influence of the
Spanish, American and French invasions, civil war and revolution have all
left their mark. Ancient ruins and towering skyscrapers, bustling markets
and quiet partks, and a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds merge to
create the vibrant energy of Mexico City.
VC 917.29 Jai
The Jamaica Experience. California: Lonely Planet Publication, c1995.
Experience Jamaica by dining with rastas on curried goat, diving off the
famous cliffs of Negril, cutting sugarcane with a machete, riding a
motorcycle through the Blue Mountains, and feeding a crocodile.
VC 917.29 MEX
Mexico City & Guadalajara. Seattle, WA : Small World Productions, Inc. ;,
Host: Shari Belafonte. Visit ancient treasures and urban areas of Mexico
City. See the beaches, ballet, architecture and artist colony of Guadalajara.
VC 917.3 Ami
Amistad. California : Dreamworks Pictures, c1998.
Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou,
Matthew McConaughey, David Paymer, Pete Postlethwaite, Stellan
Skarsgard, Razaaq Adoti, Anna Paquin, Tomas Milian, Austin Pendleton.
Amistad is about a 1839 mutiny onboard a slave ship that is traveling
towards the Northeast coast of America. Much of the story involves a court
room drama about the slave who led the revolt.
VC 917.3 Was
Washington, DC. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2004.
Join Globe Trekker traveler Justine Shapiro as she goes beyond the myths
and mystique to get at the real DC and the real Washingtonians, from the
corridors of power, to the bluegrass bars. She also discovers the history of
the first settlers and the founding of the nation at Williamsburg, Yorktown,
and Jamestown.
VC 917.47 New
New York City guide. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, c1996.
New York is a vast metropolis and its famous skyline makes it one of the
world's most spectacular cities. It is also home to a multitude of ethnic
groups who have created a mosaic of diverse cultures and enclaves. Ian
Wright visits the famous landmarks but also finds off-the-beaten-track
surprises rarely visited by tourists.
VC 917.53 Was
Washington, D.C. Chicago, Illinois : Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation, 1984.
VC 917.68 EXP
Exploring the Smokies. Whittier, CA : Finley-Holiday Film Corp., 1995.
Narrator, Joseph Campanella. A four season tour of the changing scenery
and some of the cultural history of the Great Smoky Mountains.
VC 917.73 Phy
Physical geography of North America : The Central Lowlands. National
Geographic, 1989.
Shows fertile heartland of central Canada and United States, follows the
course of the Mississippi-Missouri river system, examines relationship of
geography and weather in the region and notes typical flora and fauna.
VC 917.73 Phy
Physical geography of North America : The East. National Geographic, 1989.
Explores the Atlantic coastal plain, piedmont, and Appalachian highlands,
and reveals diversity of plant and animal life in the Chesapeake Bay and
Florida Everglades.
VC 917.73 Phy
Physical geography of North America : The Northlands. National Geographic,
Explores northern regions of North America, including permanent ice caps
of high Arctic, frozen tundra, and deep forests of the taiga, and examines
interrelationship of climate, plant life and animal life in this harsh
VC 917.75 Sou
The Upper South. National Geographic, 1983.
Explores the physical, cultural, and economic geography of North Carolina,
Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, focusing on the natural
beauty and rich history of the region.
VC 917.78 Wes
Visions of Adventure : 50 states, 50 capitals. Video Marketing, 1991.
Description and travel through our Western States.
VC 917.8 Roc
The American Rockies. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1996.
Ian Wright. The Rocky Mountain states of South Dakota, Wyoming,
Montana and Idaho are steeped in myths and legends of Native Indians and
cowboys. Ian Wright sets out on a journey to find out how the West was
really won.
VC 917.86 Cub
Cuba : Island of dreams. International Video.
Enjoy a tropical paradise. From rugged mountains to idyllic beaches, from
coral reefs to shors teeming with flamingoes, Cuba's colorful panorama
VC 917.90 Sou
South West USA. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1999.
Justine Shapiro. The vast and framatic landscapes of the South West USA
are home to a mixed cultural heritage: Native Americans, conquistadors,
missionaries, and Anglo-Americans have all left a legacy. Justine Shapiro's
roadtrip takes her by car, bike, train, and plane through some of the most
magnificent geographical terrain on the planet.
VC 917.93 San
Santo Domingo. World Life International, 1994.
Espanola - Caribbean island discovered by Christoph Columbus. Santo
Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic is looking back upon 500
years of history and offers a lot of sights and attractions.
VC 917.98 Ala
The Alaska experience. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1995.
Steer a plane through the Katmai National Park... Dive into a glacer-fed
lake... Kayak through the fjords... Share the catch at a salmon bake... Scale
a glacier... Experience Alaska!.
VC 918.1 Bra
Brazil. San Ramon, California: Internationa Video Network, c1995.
VC 918.1 Ecu
Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. San Ramon, California: International Video
Company, c1995.
VC 918.30 Chi
Chile & Easter Island. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications, c1996.
Ian Wright's journey down the elegant longitude of Chile takes him from
the driest desert in the world to the southernmost point before the Anarctic.
Quick quiz available.
VC 918.4 Bol
Bolivia. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2002.
Traveler Ian Wright starts his journey on Lake Titicaca, before heading to
the capital La Paz. He then travels to the mining centre of Potosi, the salt
lakes of Salar de Uyuni, and attends the Fiesta of San Miguel in Uncia.
After cycling to the cocoa fields of Coroico, he treks up the spectacular
Andean peak of Huayna Potosi.
VC 918.8 Gua
Guatemala. Travelvision, 1985.
Journey through the "Land of Eternal Spring." Roam dense, tropical
jungles in search of Flores. Venture to Lake Atitlan. Follow the Camino
Real to Antigua. Hear Guatemala's national instrument as you explore
Indian villages.
VC 918.86 Ecu
Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands. International Video.
Soar into the Amazon on an old army airplane. Ride on the roof of a train.
Bathe in hot water from a volcano. Romp with seal lions. Climb 18,000 icy
VC 919 Aus
The changing face of Australia. Sony Corporation of America, c1986.
VC 919 Aus
Lonely planet -- the experience. The Australia experience. 1995.
See how you look in a bushman's hat; take a surfing lesson; shear a sheep;
soar in a hang glider; ride a horse through Mount Buffalo National Park;
try white-water rafting; experience Australia.
VC 919.13 Fre
French Polynesia : Tahiti and Samoa. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2002.
Traveler Ian Wright starts his journey on the legendary island of Bora Bora
before flying to Tahiti. From there he heads to the remote outer islands of
Tubuai and Rangiroa and then west to independent Samoa. After a stopover
in Moorea he ends his journey back in Tahiti at the top of Mount Aorai.
VC 919.4 New
New Zealand. Los Angeles : Pilot Productions, 2002.
Ian Wright starts his journey in Auckland, where the city skyscrapers are
home to the most extreme sports in the world. He then heads up the coast to
Matauri Bay and the Bay of Islands. On the South Island he visits
Wellington, Christchurch, and queenstown, before an amazing climb of the
Fox Glacier.
VC 919.61 Pac
Pacific Islands Experience : Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands. Oakland, California
: Lonely Planet, 1995.
VC 919.9 Nov
Nova : Death of a star. WGBH Educational Foundation, c1987.
Why did the phenomenon of the supernova fascinate, baffle, and delight
astronomers? What caused the star to explode? How will these energy
blasts help us understand our universe? Take a look at the true meaning of
star power.
VC 920 Leg
Legends of the Wild Wild West. American Institute for Education.
The legendary figures of the American West: Wyatt Earp, Jesse James,
Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid, Sitting Bull, Annie Oakley, Billy The Kid,
Calamity Jane and more.
VC 920 Pre
Portraits of American presidents. NBC News, 1992.
Covers the personalities and events that shaped the American presidency
from George Washington to George Bush.
VC 920.72 Wil
Wild women : Calamity Jane, Belle Star, Annie Oakley. Greystone
Communications, Inc., c1993.
Hosted by Kenny Rogers. Belle Star was a robber and a horse thief. Annie
Oakley could shoot a cigarette out of your mouth at fifty paces. Calamity
Jane was as tough as beef jerky on a three day ride. The wild women of the
Old West weren't prissy little frontier fillies. They staked their claim to
Western legend with a style all their own. Problem is, history leans to the
male gunslingers and Indian fighters. In Wild Women, America's folklore
heroines get their just rewards.
VC 921 Fau
William Faulkner. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 Fit
F. Scott Fitzgerald. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 Hem
Ernest Hemingway. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 Lin
Abraham Lincoln. Atlas, 1990.
Reveals the complex personality of Lincoln, and takes the viewer to many
of the major landmarks of his life.
VC 921 Mel
Herman Melville. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 O'Ne
Eugene O'Neill. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 Poe
Edgar Allan Poe. White Star.
Poe's personal history has been the subject of controversy. An outline of
the writer's life and a visual picture of the social and historical background
of his writing.
VC 921 Ste
John Steinbeck. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 Twa
Mark Twain. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 921 Ver
Jules Verne. A&E Home Video, 1995.
Examines the life and work of the nineteenth century French writer whose
fantastistic novels took his readers to all of the places he had dreamed
about as a young boy.
VC 921 Was
George Washington : Founding father. A&E, 1994.
From his youth of privilege to his inauguration as the nation's first
president, here is George Washington's life.
VC 921 Whi
Walt Whitman. WhiteStar.
A factual outline of the writer's life and a clear visual picture of the social
and historical background to his writing.
VC 925.3 New
Sir Isaac Newton--the gravity of genius. New York: A&E Television Network,
Biography. By the age of 23, he had invented calculus and begun
investigating motion, gravity and light. His discoveries earned him the title
"Father of Modern Science.".
VC 929.9 Fla
Alabama to Wyoming: Flags of the United States. Beverly Hills, California:
Lanny Lee Enterprises, c1994.
Color; Length 60 minutes.
VC 929.92 Fla
Flags of the nations. Beverly Hills, California: City Island Entertainment, Inc,
Color; 60 minutes in length; reference directory included; features the
interactive flag indicator. Shows and describes the creation and history of
over 270 flags incorporating political changes.
VC 930 Won
Gammon, Marianne [director and producer]. Wonders sacred &
mysterious. Reader's Digest Association, c1993.
Copyright: Reader's Digest Association, Inc.
VC 930.009 Cle
Cleopatra : The first woman of power. Questar, 1999.
This program utilizes re-enactments, original location footage, and
interviews with leading historians to peer beyond the legends and discover
the real-life Cleopatra. Narrated by Angelica Huston.
VC 932 Anc
Ancient mysteries. : The Great Sphinx. New York : Reader's Digest Association,
Inc., c1996.
Narrated by Leonard Nimoy. Travel to the threshold of the unknown to
unlease the secret of the Great Sphinx, Egypt's sacred beast, the guarding
of eternity.
VC 932 Anc
Ancient Egypt. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Video Productions, 1998.
This program explores the history and culture of ancient Egypt, looking at
the pyramids, temples, hieroglyphs, art and culture.
VC 936.401 CEL
Celts : rich traditions and ancient myths. Beverly Hills, CA : CBS Fox Video :,
Presented & written by Frank Delaney. From the Celts' earliest roots 2500
years ago through the flowering of their unique culture and legacy, see
reconstructions of iron-age villages, dramatizations of major historical
events and visits to modern Celtic lands. Underscored by the hauntingly
beautiful music of Enya.
VC 937.06 ANC
Ancient Rome. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, c1998.
Host: Ori Z. Soltes ; Rori Godsey as Stephanie. Looks at the history and
culture of the ancient Romans including their leaders, government, art,
architecture, and trade.
VC 938 Anc
Ancient Greece. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Video Productions, 1998.
This program looks at the history and culture of ancient Greece, including
their architecture, art, mythology, and more.
VC 938 Gre
Greece : a moment of excellence. Alexandria, VA : Time Life Video &
Television, c1995.
Narrated by Sam Waterston. Location footage, 3-D computer graphics, and
re-creations bring to life the extraordinary ancient Greek culture at its
zenith, an intellectual and aesthetic model for western civilization to this
VC 940.1 Feu
Feudalism, lords, and vassals. Scottsdale, Arizona : Teacher's Video Company.
Travel back in time to learn about life in the Middle Ages! Young actors
play lords and vassals in this look at a unique social structure. This
program provides relevant background information for many important
literary works.
VC 940.17 Mid
The Middle Ages. California : Full Circle Entertainment, Inc., c2001.
Castles, cathedrals, nobility, knights in shining armor, witches, dragons,
gothic splendor and alsmost constant war. the Middle Ages are all that and
more. the vidoe tells the fascinating story of the thousand years of history,
from approximately 500 A.D. to 1400 A.D.
VC 940.2 Age
The age of reason : 1642 - 1800. ACG/United Learning.
Review of Rennaisance trends that gave rise to the Age of Reason.
Innovations that resulted in new ways of organizing a growing body of
knowledge (encyclopedias and classification system). Pursuit of science.
Influence of ideals of Age of Reason.
VC 940.53 HID
The hiding place. [Carlsbad, CA] : Bridgestone Group :, [199-?].
Julie Harris, Eileen Heckart, Arthur O'Connell, Jeannette Clift, Robert
Reitty, Pamela Sholto, Paul Henley. Based on the true story of Corrie ten
Boom and the efforts she and her sister made to save Jews during WWII,
and their survival in a Nazi prison camp.
VC 940.53 Hol
The Holocaust: A teenager's experience. Remembrance Educational Media,
Teacher's Guide and Black Line Masters included.
VC 940.54
Untold stoires of World War II : Three secrets that changed the war. National
Geographic, 1998.
Compelling stories of about the secret weapons, ruthless tactics, and
remarkable heroism of World War II.
VC 940.54 Fra
Anne Frank : The life of a young girl. New York : ABC News Productions and
A&E Television Network, c1998, 1999.
As recounted in her diary and by her childhood friends and her father Otto
Frank, this is the story of an ordinary young girl forced into hiding with her
family when Hitler rose to power. Concealed for almost two years in the
secret annex of rooms behind an Amsterdam office building, Anne reveled
a unique gift of translating her experiences into simple yet profoundly
insightful writings in the cherished diary she nicknamed "Kitty." Step into
Anne Frank's secret world as she survives endless months of confinement,
discovers love, rebels, comes of age - and faces the consequences of
discovery when the war finally overwhelms her family's hidden refuge.
VC 940.55 Eur
Great cities of Europe. 1989.
Copyright: International Video Network. PUB 1Sep89; PA665-624. Source
used: copyright data sheet. Received: 12-2-93; veiwing copy; copyright
deposit--no agreement; Copyright Collection.
VC 940.55 Eur
Touring the great festivals of Europe.
VC 941.02 Med
Medieval times : 1000 - 1450. ACG/United Learning.
Describes the period by taking a close look at the castle at Chepstow in
South Wales. Examines the ruins of Tintern Abbey.
VC 941.06 Eng
The English revolution. Pergamon Press, Inc., 1979.
VC 941.085 Eli
Queen is crowned. Chicago, Illinois: International Historic Films, c1953.
The only full length record of the Coronation of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.
VC 941.11 Bri
Fromer, Bob and Gladys Carter [writers]. Rise and Fall of the British
Empire. Pleasantville, New York: Educational Audio Visual, Inc., 1986.
Narrator, Patrick Dennis. Junior high school through college students and
adults. Part 1: the rise -- Part 2: the fall; covers the early voyages of
discovery, the impact of industrialization, etc.
VC 941.17 Kni
Knights and armor. New York: A&E Television Network, c1994.
Clad in burnished metal upon a steed of superior might, William Marshal
was an invincible force. In battles and tournaments throughout medieval
Europe, he brought unprecedented glory to himself...
VC 941.4 Ire
Discovering Ireland. International Video Network, 1992.
Marvel at nature's gifts to Ireland: the sheer cliffs of Moher, the spectacular
Iunarlike landscape of the Burren, the romantic Glenns of antrim and the.
VC 942 His
The history of English literature. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video.
VC 942 His
The History of English literature. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video.
VC 942 His
The history of English literature.
VC 942.03 RIC
Richard the Lionheart : Bonnie Prince Charlie. Bethesda, MD : Dist. by Acorn
Media, 1997.
Tales of nobility and heroism about Richard the Lionheart, and the
adventures of Charles Eward Steward, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie.
VC 943.086 Hit
Fatal attraction of Adolf Hitler. New York: BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.,
VC 944 Dis
Discovering France. San Ramon, Calif. : International Video Network, 1994.
This program provides an overview of the history, architecture, and art of
VC 945 Dis
Discovering Italy. San Ramon, Calif. : International Video Network, 1994.
This program presents an overview of the history, architecture, art, and
music of Italy.
VC 945.09 Ren
Exploring the Renaissance 1350 - 1650. ACG/United Learning.
Historical review of the 1400 years that preceded the Renaissance. Life in
ancient Rome is contrasted to life among the barbarians during the Dark
Ages. Feudal and religious life during the last part of the Middle Ages is
presented. Renaissance viewed.
VC 946 Spa
Spain : everything under the sun. San Ramon, Calif. : International Video
Network, 1988.
Viewers will begin their visit in Madrid's Royal Palace, go to Avila,
continue on to Toledo, Granada, and Barcelona.
VC 946.9 Por
Portugal : land of discoveries. San Ramon, Calif. : International Video Network,
Viewers will visit Algarve, Cascais, Bucaco and Sintra; attend a bull fight;
explore the country's history, and more.
VC 947 Ris
The rise and fall of the Soviet Union. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic
Society, 1994.
In December 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed. With
its demise, one of the largest and most powerful nations in the world
suddenly ceased to exist. The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union uses
archival film footage to trace the history of the Soviet Union through its
seven leaders - from Vladimir Lenin to Mikhail Gorbachev.
VC 947 Rus
Russia then & now. Bennu Productions, Inc., 1992.
Ancient monasteries and timeless villages are visited on a cruise along the
rivers, canals and lakes of northern Russia.
VC 947 Rus
Russia : After the U.S.S.R. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society,
In December 1991, one of the most powerful nations in the world, the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, collapsed. The 15 republics making up
the Soviet Union became independent countries. As a map depicting the
emerging countries reveals, the largest of these is Russia. Russia: After the
U.S.S. R. rexamines the major issues - unemployment, crime, and pollution
- facing Russians today.
VC 947 Sov
The rise & fall of the Soviet Union. Las Vegas, Nevada: Library Distributors of
VC 947.08 Jou
A journey across Russia. Huntsville, Texas : Educational Video Network, c1999.
Russia is home to a diverse mixture of cultures, traditions, art, and
architecture. This program takes you on a visual odyssey across Russia,
from the palaces of St. Petersburg to the rugged wilderness of Kamchatka.
VC 947.08 Nic
Russia's last tsar. National Geographic, 1994.
It is a fairy tale and a horror story all at once, and remembering it wall but
forbidden... until now. The fabled Romanovs, led by handsome Nicholas II
and the devout Empress Alexandra, ruled imperial Russia in high splendor,
despite the distintegration of their divided, war-torn country.
VC 949.5 Atl
Aegean : Legacy of Atlantic. Time - Life, 1995.
Lost Civilizations.Visit a candidate for the site of Atlantis on the Greek isle
of There, where 3,000 years ago a highly advanced culture was destroyed
by volcanic eruption.
VC 949.5 Gre
Greece : playground of the gods. San Ramon, Calif. : International Video
Network, 1991.
This program explores Greece's history, tradition, natural beauty, and
famous architecture.
VC 950 Far
Exotic Far East. Rand McNally.
VC 951 Tib
Tibet : The end of time. Time Life, 1995.
Lost Civilizations. Enter a kingdom so remote it was virtually unknown to
outsiders until recent times. Experience an enigmatic way of life. Discover
how, as the world's last surviving theocracy, Tibetans voluntarily
abandoned their warlike past.
VC 951.19 Gre
In search of history. The great wall. United States : A&E Network, 1997.
VC 951.34 Chi
South West China. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications, c1996.
Traveler Justine Shapirpo visits just four of the twenty-one provinces of
China - Guangxi, Yuman, and Sichuan. Quick quiz available.
VC 951.9 Kor
Korea : The forgotten war. Fox Hills, 1987.
Presents the events of the Korean War - from Pusan Perimeter conflict
through the horrific battles to the final truce negotiations.
VC 952.04 Hir
Hiroshima. Hallmark, 1995.
Beginning in the frenzied final months of World War II, Hiroshima rockets
back and forth between Truman, Churchill and Hirohito to reach behind the
headlines and tell the story of the people whose lives and careers would be
forever changed by this event.
VC 952.19 Ice
Iceland and Greenland. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications, c1996.
Ian Wright's Arctic journey takes him through the volcanic landscapes of
Iceland and the frozen wilderness of Greenland, the most northerly country
in the world. Quick quiz available.
VC 955 Ira
Iran. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet, 1999.
Iran's reputation in the west has kept travelers away from the erstwhile
home of one of the greatest civilizations of all time. Ian Wright explores
the cities, mountains and deserts at the heart of the Persian Empire.
VC 956 Mid
The Middle East: A unit of study. Niles, Illinois: United Learning.
A region of contrasts (16:26); Birthplace of religions (23:13).
VC 956.19 Mid
Middle East : Cradle of conflict. Bridgestone Production, 1991.
Known as the "Cradel of Civilization," the Middle East is the place of
origin of the alphabet, mathematics, literature, science and the arts. Yet, it
is also one of the most misunderstood regions to the Western mind,
shrouded in mystery, controversy and confrontation. This documentary
begins by exploring the 5,000 year-old Mesopotamia culture along the
Tigris and Euphrates rivers - the traditional site of the Garden of Eden; the
Great Flood; the ancient city of Ur; the Tower of Babel and Ninevah; and
the kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria and ancient Babylonia - the region today
known as Iraq. Hosted by James R. Wallis. Unique perspectives shed light
on the birth and development of Islam, Judaism and early Christianity.
Insight is given into the people of the Middle East formed by centuries of
early instrusions, the displacement of the Palestinians and the creation of
the modern state of Israel.
VC 956.94 Isr
The wonder of Israel. United States : Embassy of Israel, c1997.
This video is aimed at junior and senior high school students and covers
such topics as the geography, history, government, people, lifestyles, and
economy of Israel, and the search for peace. This version is updated
through 1997.
VC 956.94 Jer
Jerusalem: Within these walls : National Geographic. USA : National
Geographic Society, 1986.
Jerusalem's Old City is a tiny enclave where some of history's greatest
dramas have been enacted. Bury and colorful, it is the fountainhead of three
major religions, the site of amny of the world's most venerated shrines, and
home to 26,000 people of profoundly different cultures who live side by
sied in a fragile peace. Jerusalem: Within These Walls offers a
kaleidoscopic view of the city and its people as they are today - the
remarkable outcome of 3,000 years of history, hope, and faith.
VC 959 Vie
Lonely Planet -- the experience. The Vietnam experience. 1995.
Copyright: no reg. Copyright notice on cassette box: International Video
Network: 1995. Descend into subterranean tunnels to ring in the new year,
fire an AK-47 assault rifle, ...
VC 963 Eth
Ethiopia. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, 1999.
Ethiopia is a country of spectacular diversity. famine and war have kept
travelers away, but for the adventurous athis is one of the most exciting
destinations on the planet. Traveling from North to South, Ian Wright visits
the stunning Blue Nile Falls and the capital, Addis Ababa, before ending
the journey in the vast wilderness of the Mago National Park.
VC 967.4 Tex
Texas rangers : Manhunters of the Old West. Greystone Communications, Inc.,
It's been said that a Texas Ranger could "ride like a Mexican, trail like an
Indian, shoot like a Tennessean, and fight like the very devil.: Stephen F.
Austin formed the Texas Rangers in 1826 to protect american settlers in the
Texas territory. Later, the rangers turned to upholding the law. They
tracked own murderers, smugglers, and bank and train robbers across the
wide open spaces of the newly born Lone Star State. Join up with The
Texas Rangers and get set for a manhunt through the Old West.
VC 967.62 Out
Out of Africa. United States : Universal Pictures, 1985.
Based on Out of Africa, Shadows on the grass, Letters from Africa by Isak
Dinesen ; Isak Dinesen : The Life of a storyteller by Judith Thurman ;
Silence will speak by Errol Trzebinski. Robert Redford, Sydney Pollack,
Meryl Streep, and Klaus Maria Brandauer.
VC 970.004 Nat
A class of cultures : I will fight no more. Discovery, 1993.
How the West was Lost. The plight of five Native American nations; the
Navajo, Nez Perce, Apache, Cheyenne and Lakota.
VC 970.2 Sit
Sitting Bull & the great Sioux nation. Greystone Communications, Inc., c1993.
Hosted by Kenny Rogers. The mighty Sioux Nation roamed the Great
Plains led by their spiritual leader, Sitting Bull. A powerful medicine man
who guided his people to numerous victories over the U.S. Cavalry. Sitting
Bull foresaw the Battle of Little big Horn. A year before the massacre, he
urged his followers to change their way of fighting. Their new tactics
brought them glorious victory over Custer. In Sitting Bull & the Great
Sioux Nation, the powerful leader's fierce charisma and brilliance stands
VC 972.87 Pan
Modern marvels. Panama Canal. United States : Arts & Entertainment, 1994.
An exciting history of the formidable wonder known as the Panama Canal,
inlcuding the ingenuity and enterprise behind its construction, and the
admiration it still merits to this day.
VC 973 Hol
The Holocaust: In memory of millions. Maryland: The Discovery Channel,
From the halls of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Walter
Cronkite chronicles the entire story of the Holocaust - from the rise of the
Nazi party to tales of incredible bravery...
VC 973 Hol
Survivors of the Holocaust. Turner Original Productions, c1995.
Steven Spielberg presents an unprecedented and historic documentary
which chronicles the events of the Holocaust as witnessed by those who
VC 973 Nat
Native Americans. Educational Distributors of America, Inc.
Early civilizations of the Inuits, Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas. Christopher
Columbus' voyage of 1492. Indians tribes of North America. Western
expansion in the United States. Life on the Indian reservations.
VC 973.09 Pre
Presidents. United States : ABC News.
From the stately George Washington to the practical George Bush, this
fascinating program uncovers amazing, little known facts about every
American president.
VC 973.1 Pil
Pilgrims and Puritans : The struggle for religious freedom in England 1517 1692. United Learning.
The Struggle for Religious Freedom in England 1517-1692. Origin and
history of the Puritans and their offshoot group, the Separatist Pilgrims.
Starts with the Protestant Reformation. Birth of the Separatists. Follow
Pilgrims on journey to America.
VC 973.2 Col
Colonial America. Mastervision, 1981.
Describes the customs and traditions established during the time when
France, Spain and Great Britain were fighting for the riches of the New
VC 973.21 Dec
The Declaration of Independence. California : Full Circle Entertainment, Inc.,
Learn why the Declaration of Independence is America's most revered
VC 973.5 Ala
Battle of the Alamo. Discovery, 1996.
Retraces the battle of the Alamo in the words of those who fought it.g.
VC 973.7 Blu
The blue and the gray. Burbank, California: Columbia Pictures Television,
Length 295 minutes; color.
VC 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : Alexander Gardner -- War photographer. John Brown's
War. United States : produced by Graystone Communications, Inc. in
association with A&E Networks; a History TV network presentation, 1993.
Employing a new medium, Alexander Gardner brought the bitter memories
of a war between countrymen to the home front. Like Matthew Brady,
Gardner's evocative images, captured on primitive equipment under duress,
chronicles the fierce struggle of a nation divided. John Brown's War: He
was a radical abolitionist with the fanatical plan of freeing Southern slaves
through armed insurrection. His raid on the U.S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry
shattered any hope of unity in an already fragmented nation.
VC 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : Days of darkness: The Gettysburg civilians. West Point
classmates - Civil War enemies. United States : produced by Greystone
Communications, Inc. in association with A&E Networks; a History TV
Network presentation, 1993.
The batt;e pf Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was the turning point of the war,
and a nightmare for its citizens. For three days the bloody conflict raged on
until close to 50,000 soldiers lay dead. for the peaceful townspeople, life
would never be the same. West Point Classmates -- Civil War Enemies: In
a great irony, former West Point classmates faced one another on opposite
sides of the conflict - Union gnerals Sherman, McClellan and Grant versus
Confederate generals Beauregard, Lee and President Jefferson Davis.
VC 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : Stonewall Jackson. Destiny at Fort Sumter. United States :
produced by Greystone Communications, Inc. in association with A&E
Networks; a History TV network presentation, 1993.
He eared his nickname at the first Battle of Bull run when he and his men
"stood like a stone wall" against Union forces. "Stonewall" Jackson was the
South's brilliant leader, cool under fire, and rumored to be indestructible. It
took a Confederate bullet fired by mistake to brind him down. Destiny At
Fort Sumter: No lives were lost in the very first military engagement of the
Civil War. Yet, from the South's modest attack upon a tiny fort in the
harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, came a conflict that would engulf the
entire nation.
VC 973.7 Civ
The Civil War journal. : The 54th Massachusetts . McClellan's Way. United
States : produced by Greystone Communication, Inc. in association with
A&E Networks; a History TV network presentation producer, 1993.
Some were escaped slaves who wanted a chance at revenge. Others were
educated black men who believed in the cause. Was the Fighting 54th an
elite regiment called upon for their gallantry? Or were they considered
cannon fodder. McClellan's Way: What was Lincoln to do with "Little
Mac?" the brilliant Union General was removed from command twice for
being overcautious, the second time at Antietam when he allowed Lee's
forces to withdraw across the Potomac.
VC 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : The battle of 1st Bull Run. Pickett's Charge. United States :
produced by Graystone Communications, Inc. in association with A&E
Networks; a History TV network presentation producer, 1993.
The first battle of the Civil War was a stunning victory for the Confederacy
led by Stonewall Jackson and a humiliating loss for the Union. It also sent
a clear message to a once overconfident North: The war was going to be
long, costly, and ... bloody. Pickett's Charge: Did the vain Confederate
general George Edward Pickett have something to prove? At Gettysburg,
he led his troops on a slow, suicidal "charge" into the center of a Union line
that virtually annilhilated his division.
VC 973.7 Civ
Civil War journal : The monitor vs. the CSS Virginia. The gray ghost -- John
Singleton Mosby. United States : produced by Graystone Communications,
Inc. in association with A&E Newtorks; a History TV network
presentation, 1993.
In March of 1862, the South's CSS Virginia came face to face with the
North's Monitor at Hampton Roads River, virginia. for over three hours,
the two hulking "ironclads" lobbed shells at one another. Though the battle
ended in a draw, it spelled the end of the era of wooden fighting ships. The
Gray Ghost: John Singleton Mosby -- The 125-pound "Gray Ghost" of the
confederacy was given full authority to operate his 800 men without
interference from ranking officers. The result was the development of
guerrilla warfare and an extension of the war for six months.
VC 973.73 Cat
Catton, Bruce, 1899-1978. Gettysburg: the final fury. Civil War Series. Newark,
New Jersey: Peter Pan Industries, Inc., c1987.
The Battle of Gettysburg is accurately re-enacted in this historical
documentary hosted by Stacy Keach and Bruce Catton. The three day battle
is considered a major turning point in the Civil War...
VC 973.73 Fif
Fifer, Charles, director and producer. The Civil War photography. The Civil War
Series. United States: Parade Video, c1997.
Never before have so many works by Civil War photographers been
incorporated into one documentary. Award-winning director Charlie Fifer
takes you back to share the thoughts and emotions of these...
VC 973.73 Wic
Wicklein, Mike, producer and director. The battle of new market field of
honor. Newark, New Jersey: Parade Video, 1989.
Over 2,000 Civil War re-enactors encampled at the New Market Battlefield
Park and recreated the early stages of the 1864 Shenandoah Valley
Campaign and the Battle of New Market.
VC 973.73 Wic
Wicklein, Mike, producer and director. Chickamauga river of death. Newark,
New Jersey: Parade Video, 1988.
Chicamauga-River of Death documents the efforts of over 3,500 living
history hobbyists coming together from across America to recreate as
authentically as possible the deadliest struggle...
VC 973.91 War
War comes to America. Alpha Video, 1994.
Tells the story of America's struggles for freedom and independence from
the first settlers through World War II. Our resolve to never fight another
war, the steps we took to stay out of Europe and Asia's fight against the
three aggressor countries - Japan, Germany, and Italy.
VC 975 Sto
Storm of the century : The ultimate weather disaster. National Geographic, 1998.
The late weather forecast predicted deadly tornadoes, thunderstorms, and a
record-breaking blizzard that would hit the eastern United States in one
violent storm. But for some already asleep for the night, these urgent
emergency warnings would go unheard. Experience the deadly forces of
nature firsthand in the Storm of the Century.
VC 976.4 Ala
The battle of the Alamo. Greystone Communications, Inc., c1993.
Their legendary reputations preceded them into the tiny Spanish mission
called the Alamo. Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William Bennet Travis
were heroes of the frontier, whose colorful careers made them symbols of
the American spirit. Yet inside the besieged fort, no amount of boasting or
bragging could save them from the onslaught of 5,000 Mexican soldiers.
The Battle of the Alamo confronts the truth and controversy behind their
desperate defense. It examines the impulsive heroics, the fatal
miscalculations, and the vain ambitions of three men out to carve their
marks into American folklore.
VC 976.8 Voi
Voices for union.
Information concerning the publication of Jackson, Polk, and Johnson
papers, and seeks to foster an appreciation of the Tennessee Presidents'
legacy to American democracy.
VC 978.12 Hic
Wild Bill Hickock. Greystone Communication, Inc., c1993.
Western lore has it that James Butler Hickock got the nickname "Wild Bill"
as a Union spy during the Civil War. Wild Bill Hickock was a legend in his
own time. He gambled professionally, drove stagecoaches, killed
lawbreakers as a sheriff, and scouted Indians for Custer's Seventh Cavalry.
Heck, even Mrs. Custer called him "physical perfection." Pull up a chair
next to Wild Bill Hickock at his last poker game in Deadwood, Dakota
Territory, and remember to duck when the lead starts flying.
VC 980 Sou
Ricardo Montalban's South America. Maryknoll, New York: Maryknoll World
VC 982 Arg
Argentina : Land of natural wonder. Video Visits.
Tour Argentina.
VC 985.37 Per
Peru. Oakland, California : Lonely Planet Publications, c1999.
Peru, known as the "Land of the Incas" is one of the earth's most
geograpically and culturally diverse countries. Neil gibson journeys from
the capital Lima to the Amazon Jungle, across the andes Mountains,
through high altitude desert to the Pacific Coast.
VC 996.9 Haw
Hawaii : Paradise found. Questar, 1993.
Presents the onslaught of western ideas, disease and greed in the 19th and
20th centures.
VC 996.9 Haw
Hawaii : Paradise sought. Questar, 1993.
Presents the story of Polynesian sailors and their families who, a thousand
years before Columbus, left their homes to search for a land free of strife,
hunger, and persecution and arrived at Hawaii.
Biography of the millenium : 100 people - 1000 years. New York : A&E
Television Networks, c1999.
They are our greatest scientists and artists. Our most admired thinkers and
dreamers. They are revolutionaries, explorers, saints and sinners. The
individuals who, during the last ten centuries, changed our world in ways
beyond imagining. Host narrator Harry Smith.
I know why the caged bird sings. Van Nuys, Calif.: LIVE Home Video, 1993.
Diahann Carroll, Ruby Dee, Esther Rolle. Adaptation of the autobiography
of Angelou, telling of her troubled life in depression-era Arkansas.
Maya Angelou : intimate portrait. Seattle, WA : Unapix Entertainment Inc.,
Narrated by Oprah Winfrey. The story of Angelou's life, a collection of
great achievements as well as personal tragedy, a prolific writer who was
the recipient of over 30 honorary degrees and awards.
VC B Dic
Dicken, Charles. Charles Dickens : A tale of ambition and genius. United States :
A&E Home Video, c1995.
Internationally famous just months after his first novel was serialized,
Charles Dickens was among the world's first literary stars. but success and
acclaim could not banish the ghosts of his childhood - marked by his
father's confinement in debtors' prison - or keep him from the deep
loneliness that haunted him until his death. This extraordinary program
tells the full story of Dickens' remarkable life, from his year as a child
laborer to the spectacular success of Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle : the man who was Sherlock Holmes. New York, NY :
Interama Video Classics, 1987.
Narrated by Andrew Faulds. A portrait of Conan Doyle, who was a real life
sleuth, social reformer, and pioneer of spiritualism.
VC B Hen
Henry VIII : Scandals of a king. New York : A&E Television Networks, c1996.
VC B Her
Fulkerson, Lee (producer). Biography, Hercules. New York: Filmroos, Inc./A&E
Network, 1995.
Copyright: no reg. Copyright notice on cassette box: A&E Television
Networks, 1995. Sources used: copyright descriptive material;
videocassette box. Received: 7/25/96; viewing copy.
VC B Kel
The miracle worker. Santa Monica, California : Playfilm Productions. Released
by United Artists Corp., c1962.
Cast: Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victor Jory, Inga Swenson, Andrew
Prine, Kathleen Comegys. A dramatization about seven-year-old Helen
Keller, showing how the blind, deaf, and mute girl was taught by her
perseverant nurse, Anne Sullivan, to communicate with the world by the
sense of touch. Describes the difficulties which the nurse overcame in her
attempt to reorient Helen's family to the task of disciplining and
understanding her handicapped child.
VC B Kin
Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunburst Visual Media.
VC B Yor
Sergeant York. United States : Warner Bros. Pictures, 1941.
Based upon The diary of Sergeant York.
Animal farm. Chicago, Ill. : Home Vision Entertainment, 2004, c1954.
Narrator, Gordon Heath ; voices of all animals, Maurice Denham. Mel
Gibson stars as the prince of medieval Denmark, sensing a dark conspiracy
behind his father's death.
VC Fic Aus
Austen, Jane. Sense and sensibility. BBC Enterprises Ltd./CBS Fox, c1986/1987.
Recorded in Hi-Fi; Closed caption; Color.
VC Fic Ben
based on the stories E.F. Benson. Mapp & Lucia. Acorn Media, c1996.
Running time - approximately 5 hours; Episode 1-The Village Fete;
Episode 2-Battle Stations; Episode 3-The Italian Connection; Episode 4Lobster Pots; Episode 5-The Owl and the Pussycat.
VC Fic Bie
Bierce, Ambrose. The coup de grace and an occurrance at owl creek
bridge. Classic Literary Stories.
VC Fic Bro
Bronte, Emily. Jane Eyre. Livonia, Michigan: CBS/Fox Video, c1987.
Featuring Timothy Dalton; closed caption; Adaptation of the novel about
the problems of a young governess, whose love affair with her master is
terminated when a terrifying mystery is exposed.
VC Fic Cha
Charly. New York: American Broadcasting Companie, c1968.
Rated PG.
VC Fic Col
Danaher-Dorr, Karen (producer) and Tewkesbury, Joan (director). Cold sassy
tree/ a Faye Dunaway and Don Ohlmeyer production. Turner Network
Television, Inc, 1989.
Copyright: Turner Network Television, Inc. DCR 1989; BUB 16Oct89;
REG 14Dec89; BA42-187. Based on the novel by Olive Ann Burns.
Reference source used: COPICS data base.
VC Fic Con
Lord Jim [Motion picture]. California : Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment,
Cast : Peter O'Toole, James Mason, Curt Jurgens, Eli Wallach, Jack
Hawkins. An adventure drama. A young English ship's officer who deserts
his foundering passenger-crowded ship becomes Lord Jim to the people in
a Malay jungle village after his bush-fighting efforst on their behalf.
Filmed in part in Cambodia.
VC Fic Con
The most dangerous game. United States : RKO Radio Pictures, 1932.
Joel McCrea, Fay Wray, Leslie Banks, Robert Armstrong, Nobel Johnson.
A mad Russian hunter becomes bored with big game and decides to hunt
humans. He captures his victims and sets them loose on his wooded island
with only a knife to defend themselves from him.
VC Fic Cra
Crane, Stephen. The red badge of courage. New York: MGM/UA Home Video,
c1951; 1979.
Original motion picture version; black and white.
VC Fic Dic
Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. ITC/ Live Home Video, c1991; 1993.
VC Fic Dic
Dickens, Charles. A tale of two cities. California: ITC Productions, Inc., c1994.
Chris Sarandon heads a top international cast, playing the dual roles of
dissolute London berrister Sydney Carton and Parisian patriot-in-exile
Charles Darnay.
VC Fic Eli
Eliot, George. Silas Marner. BBC Video/ CBS Fox Video, c1987.
Color; closed caption.
VC Fic Fit
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The great gatsby. Hollywood, California: Paramount Home
Video, c1981.
Color; rated PG.
Johnny Tremain. Burbank, CA : Walt Disney Home Video :, 1997.
Luana Patten, Richard Beymer, Hal Stalmaster, Jeff York, Sebastian Cabot.
The story of the gallant American patriots who participated in the Boston
Tea Party.
The autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Charlotte, NC : UAV Home Video,
Cicely Tyson, Richard A. Dysart, Katherine Helmond, Michael Murphy,
Roy Poole. The story of the life of a black Louisiana woman, from the time
of her childhood as a slave in the pre-Civil War South to 1962, when she
witnesses the birth of the civil rights movement at the age of 110.
VC Fic Gol
Lord of the flies. Canada : Diamond Video.
"Lord of the Flies" documents the chilling descent into savagery of a group
of British Schoolboys who, completely cut-off from society, revert to
brutal, primitive tribalism. Witness the utter degradation of civilized
children in the most realistic and intense horror story of our time.
VC Fic Gre
Grease. [United States] : Paramount Home Video, 1978.
John Travolta , Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, Jeff Conaway,
Didi Conn.
VC Fic Guy
Guys and dolls. California : MGM Home Entertainment, 2005.
Marlon Brando, Jean Simmons, Frank Sinatra, Vivian Blaine, Robert
Keith. A musical comedy about the misadventures and love affairs of a
dice-game proprietor, a night-club chorine, and inveterate gambler, and a
mission worker. Setting : New York's Time Square area and Havana.
VC Fic Haw
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The scarlet letter. Bethesda, Maryland: Discovery
Communications, Inc., c1997.
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter explores the timeless conflict
between private truth and public appearance and the choice between sin
and salvation. The story reflects questions asked today.
VC Fic Hom
Homeward bound : The incredible journey. Disney.
Unforgetable story of love, courage, and devotion.
VC Fic Hug
Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. California : Columbia Pictures, c1998.
Based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Liam Neeson, Geoffrey Rush, Uma
Thurman, Claire Danes. Jean Valjean, a heartless convict, is transformed
by a single act of mercy. Fantine, the vulnerable prostitute, begs Valjean to
raise her only child, Cosette. An ambitious policeman is determined to
return Valjean to prison.
Inherit the wind. Culver City, CA : MGM/UA Home Video, 1991.
Spencer Tracy, Fredric March, Gene Kelly, Dick York, Donna Anderson.
Film adaptation of the famous "Monkey trial", starring Tracy as the defense
attorney and March as the prosecutor who is working to keep the teaching
of evolution out of Tennessee schools.
VC Fic It's
It's a wonderful life. Los Angeles, California : Republic Pictures, c1993.
James Stewart (George Bailey), Donna Reed (Mary Hatch), Lionel
Barrymore (Dr. Potter), Beulah Bondi (Mrs. Bailey), Gloria Grahame
(Violet Bick). A holiday title about how a man who thinks he is a failure is
prevented from committing suicide by an angel who shows him how
important his life has been to the people who love him.
VC Fic Lee
Lee, Harper. To kill mockingbird. California: MCA Home Video, 1987.
A white woman accuses a black man of rape. Though obviously innocent,
the outcome of his trial is such a foregone conclusion that no lawyer will
step forward to defend him--except...
Call of the wild. [Greenwich, Conn.] : Cabin Fever Entertainment, c1992.
Rick Schroder, Gordon Tootoosis, Duncan Fraser, Richard Newman, Brent
Stait, Mia Sara. Classic adventure story of Buck, the domestic dog who
becomes a sled dog in the Yukon in the days of the gold rush, and of John
Thornton, the young man who hoped for riches.
VC Fic Lon
London, Jack. To build a fire. Video Communications, Inc., c1991.
Based on the original story or Jack London. Featuring Ian Hogg as the
Chechaquo. A lone man travels through the great Alaskan wilderness in
seventy-five degrees below zero weather. The stark realism of the chilling
images combined with the power of Orson Welles' reading fills the viewer
with an awesome admiration for the story's courageous hero.
VC Fic Lon
London, Jack. White Fang. California : Walt Disney Home Video.
Jack London's immortal tale of courage and survival comes to glorious life
amid the breathtaking beauty of the great Alaskan frontier!. Ethan Hawke.
Klaus Maria Brandauer. Ethan Hawke stars as a young man trying to fulfill
his father's dying wish to find gold in the treacherous Yukon valley. His
incredible journey gegins when he meets a veteran gold miner (Klaus
Maria Brandauer) who guides young Jack to his father's claim. Along the
way, Jack discovers a kindred spirit who will change his life forever... a
magnificent wolf-dog names White Fang. From the taming of a wolf, to the
taming of the wild, he must find the courage to conquer his fears and
become a man in this spectacular outdoor adventure!.
VC Fic Mac
MacLachlan, Patricia. Sarah, plain and tall. Los Angeles, California: Republic
Pictures, c1991.
When their father invites a mail-order bride to come life with themin their
prairie home, Caleb and Anna are captivated by their new mother and hope
that she will stay.
VC Fic Mir
Miracle on 34th street. United States : Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp, 1947.
Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Edmund Gwenn, Gene Lockhart, Natalie
VC Fic My
My fair lady. California : Paramount Pictures, 2001.
Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway, Wilfred Hyde-White,
Gladys Cooper, Jeremy Brett, Mona Washbourne. Can a skillful professor
of phonetics teach a lovely but definitely lower-class Cockney girl to talk
like a duchess? Professor Higgins wagers he can -- an pass her off as an
aristocrat among aristocrats. A few painful but hilarious lessons later, Eliza
Doolittle is ready to do exactly that. Eliza sails through her launch into high
society, but her relationship with the Professor proves to be rougn sailing.
VC Fic Pas
Pasternak, Boris. Doctor Zhivago. California: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.,
Rated PG; Double cassettes; Color.
VC Fic Poe
Poe, Edgar Allen and Guy de Maupassant. The cask of amontillado and the
necklace. Classic Literary Stories.
VC Fic Pol
A Roman Polanski film. 'Tess'. Columbia Pictures Home Video, c1980.
Rated PG; Color.
VC Fic Rem
Remember the Titans. United States : Buena Vista Pictures, 2000.
Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Wood Harris, Ryan Hurst, Donald
Faison. The true story of a newly appointed African-American coach and
his high school team on their first season as a racially integrated unit.
VC Fic Sca
Scary stories. Acorn Media Publishing, Inc., c1991.
Creepy cratures crunch... slithery slimies squirm... and skeletons streak the
sky. In the land of Scary Stories, anything can happen. Your spine will
tingle as you hear about: Gold, high peaks, and an Indian ghost in Chebai an Adirondack Ghost Story; things that go crunch in the night in A Light at
Night; and other stories.
VC Fic Ste
Steinbeck, John. Grapes of wrath. United States : Twentieth Century-Fox Film
Corp., c1967 ; 1940.
Henry Fonda (Tom Joad), Jane Darwell (Ma Jord), John Carradine (Casey),
Charley Gapewin (Grandpa Joad), Dorris Bowdon (Rosaham), russell
Simpson (Pa Joad). From the early scenes of Dust Bowl desolation to Ma
Joad's triumphant closing words, this sage of the Joad family and its
struggle to reestablish roots in California during the Depression remains a
movie masterpiece. Henry Fonda plays Tom Joad, a common man who
confronts the forces of nature and hate with uncommon valor.
VC Fic Ste
Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968. East of Eden. New Jersey: Starmaker
Entertainment, Inc., c 1990.
Color. In the Salinas Valley of California in 1917, Cal Trask must vie for
his father's love with Aron, the favored son. Based on the book by John
VC Fic Sto
The agony and the ecstasy. Twentieth Century Fox, 19661.
When Pope Julius II commissions Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the
Sistine Chapel, the artist initially refuses. Virtually forced to do the job by
Julius, he later destroys his own work and flees Rome. Eventually resumed,
the project becomes a ba. Charlton Heston; Rex Harrison.
Gulliver's travels. Los Angeles : Hallmark Home Entertainment, 1996, c1995.
Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, James Fox, Ned Beatty, Geraldine
Chaplin, Edward Fox, Sir John Gielgud, Robert Hardy, Shashi Kapoor,
Peter O'Toole, Alfre Woodard, Omar Sharif, Nicholas Lyndhurst, Phoebe
Nicholls, Karyn Parsons. Gulliver travels to the fantasy lands of Lilliput,
Brobdingnag, Laputa and the country of the Houyhnhnms.
VC Fic Twa
Twain, Mark. The adventures of Tom Sawyer. American Broadcasting Co.,
c1938; 1988.
Color; closed caption.
VC Fic Twe
12 angry men. United States : United Artists, [1987?].
Martin Balsam (foreman), John Fieldler (juror #2), Lee J. Cobb (juror #3),
E.G. Marshall (juror #4), Jack Klugman (juror #5), Edward Binns (juror
#6), Jack Warden (juror #7), Henry Fonda (juror #8), Joseph Sweeney
(juror #9), Ed Begley (juror #10), George Voskovec (juror #11), Robert
Webber (juror #12). In New York City, a teenage boy accused of killing his
father, and between him and capital punishment stands one just man.
VC Fic W
Wilder, Thornton. Our Town. Mastervision, 1990/1977.
Hal Holbrook, Barbara Bel Geddes, John Houseman, Robby Benson,
Ronnie Cox, and Sada Thompson. The full poignant portrayal of love, life,
and death in a small American town.
VC Fic Wha
Wharton, Edith. The buccaneers. New York: BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.,
VC Fic Wil
Williams, Tennessee. The glass menagerie. MCA, 1988.
Joanne Woodward; John Malkovich; Karen Allen; James Naughton. The
touching drama about people who live on the fine line between fantasy and
reality tells the story of Amanda (Joanne Woodward) a strongwilled
woman who attempte to impose her shattered dreams into the life and
personality of her shy, reclusive daughter Laura.
Our town. New York : MasterVision, [199-?], c1989.
Spalding Gray, Eric Stoltz, Penelope Ann Miller. A boy & a girl grow up,
get married, and in time the girl dies. With commentary and asides by the
narrator, this is a survey of life in a small town in America around 1910.
Irving, Washington 1783 - 1859. The legend of Sleepy Hollow. Mandacy
Entertainment Group, Inc., 1999.
Glenn Close. Washington Irving's eerie tale of romantic rivalry along the
Hudson pits the new schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, against the local hero
and bully, Brom Bones, for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel. This haunting
drama climaxes with the appearance of one of the great, legendary ghosts
of all time: the Headless Horseman. This spirited adaptation reflects all the
wit, fun and drama of the early American classic.
Poe, Edgar Allan. Edgar Allan Poe's The tell-tale heart. Monterey Media Inc.,
Michael Sollazzo, Robert E. Reynolds.
VHS 270 Sai
Saint Patrick : The man and the myth. New York : A&E Home Video, c1996.
A profile of Ireland's patron saint, a 5th century-missionary whose life,
according to this hour, was mythologized two centuries later. Patrick was
thought to have been born in Britain in 386 and to have died, legend has it,
121 years later.
VHS 284 Lut
Martin Luther : Protestant reformer. New York : Interama Video Classics.
An academic, Martin Luther invited debate and saw his notions of reform
evolve into a political upheaval. Outlawed as a heretic, he remained true to
his conscience. He became the first priest to marry in a thousand years and
his translation of the Bible provided the groundwork for a unified German
VHS 355 Med
Medieval siege : Secrets of lost empires II. United States : WGBH Boston Video,
The Scots inside Stirling Castle must have felt untouchable. Protected by a
massive stone fortress, they prepared for a long drawn-out siege against the
arm of England's Edward the First. Fifty carpenters worked day and night
to creathe the forteenth century version of the atom bomb: the trebuchet - a
fearsome, gravity powered catapult dubbed "Warwolf" that was capable of
hurling boulders, bee hives and plague-infested corpses long distances.
Travel back to the Middle Ages to relive a fascinating turning point in
warfare and medieval history.
VHS 363.12 Gre
The greatest show in space : Challenger disaster and investigation/ NASA the
25th year. Macacy Entertainment Group, Inc., 1995.
Challenger - This was the flight that exposed the real dangers of space
exploration. Millions of people watched in disbelief as the Space
Challenger exploded. NASA, the 25th Year - An hour program of the first
25 years of NASA including these history making events : orbiting the
Earth for the first time on Friendship 7, the first docking in space by the
Gemini VII crew, the first man to set foot on the moon with Apollo 11, the
ill-fated voyage of Apollo 13, the unbelievable explosing of space shuttle
Challenger, and much more.
VHS 423 Apo
Apostrophes and plurals : They're possessive! United States : Teacher's Video
Company, 2002.
Examine apostrophes and plurals through visual images and amazing
graphics to enhance your understanding. Then use the multiple choice and
true/false questions to quiz your comprehension of the material. Correct
answers are given at the end of the video for review and discussion.
VHS 423 Pun
English punctuation : Part 2. Cerebellum Corporation, c1999.
VHS 428 Act
Active vs passive voice : Don't put the cart before the horse! United States :
Teacher's Video Company.
Use this challenging, interactive quiz format to review active/passive voice.
Take the multiple choice quiz to determine what you have learned.
Answers appear at the end of the video for review and discussion.
VHS 428 Gra
Grammar pitfalls. Cerebellum Corporation, c2001.
VHS 428 Pun
English punctuation : Part 1. Cerebellum Corporation, c2000.
VHS 428 Wor
Word choice : You got that right! United States : Teacher's Video.
Enjoy a challenging, interactive quiz format as you study word choice.
Then use the multiple-choice questions that quiz students on what they
have learned. The answers appear at the end of the video for review and
VHS 428 Wri
Writing style : Super model sentences! United States : Teacher's Video
VHS 530.4 Ele
Elements of chemistry : gases, liquids, and solids. Silver Spring, MD : Discovery
Communications, 2006.
Investigate the different states of matter to help students understand the
kinetic-molecular theory and which variables determine the state of an
element or substance.
VHS 702 Sha
Shakespeare's Globe : The audience & the actor. Chicago : Public Media
Education, c1999.
This stunning recreation celebrate the recent opening of the Globe Theatre
in London, and how stimulating Shakespeare's work can be when
experienced in context. Features both rehearsals and performances from
productions of "Henry V" and "Julius Ceasar" as well as snippets from
BBC versions of other Shakespeare plays.
VHS 781.4 How
How to dance through time : The majesty of Renaissance dance. Dancetime
VHS 808 Del
Delivering successful presentations. California : International Video Network.
VHS 808 Pub
Public speaking. Cerebellum Corporation, c2000.
VHS 821 Poe
The poetry of Ireland. New Jersey : Kultur.
Features the poetic works of Patrick Kavanagh, Seamus Heaney, W.B.
Yeats, Brendan Kennelly, Padriac Pearse, Padraic Colum, and others.
VHS 822 Sha
Shakespeare : Introduction to Shakespeare. United States : Cerebellum
Corporation, c2001.
Video Module 1 : Introduction to Shakespeare includes the life and times
of Shakespeare, Shakespeare's use of language; Elizabethan drama, the
importance of words, and real life vs stage life.
VHS 822 Sha
Shakespeare : Macbeth basics. United States : Cerebellum Corporation, c2001.
Video Module 9 : Macbeth Basics includes Macbeth background, the plot,
use of language, and Macbeth as a tragedy.
VHS 822 Sha
Shakespeare : The characters of Macbeth. United States : Cerebellum
Corporation, c2001.
Video Module 10 : The Characters of Macbeth includes the witches,
Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, the Macduffs.
VHS 822 Sha
Understanding Shakespeare : Macbeth. United States : Goldhil Home Media
International, c1993.
Shakespeare's classic tragedy tells the story of a good man gone bad, driven
to murder by "ugly ambition" and fueled by a power-hungry wife.
Macbeth's desire to fulfill his prophecies of greatness-foretold by three
witches-ultimately leads to wicked acts and his eventual downfall.
VHS 822 Sha
Shakespeare Tragedies : Origins and style. United States : Cerebellum
Corporation, c2000.
VHS 823.8 Bro
The Bronte Sisters. New Jersey : Kultur.
VHS 842.91 Bec
Becket [Motion Picture]. E&M enterprising and MPI Home Video, 1964.
The Clash between church and state in twelfth century England is brought
into focus through the friendship of two powerful, strong-willed men, the
fun-loving young Norman King Henry II, and Thomas Becket accepts
Henry's impetuous appointment as Archbishop of Canterbury, and serves in
that office with such zeal that it transcends his allegiance to his king.
VHS 913 Ang
Life in Anglo-Saxon times. New Jersey : Kultur, c2000.
Filmed at Houlgate Village near York, "Life in Anglo-Saxon Times"
provides young people with the ideal introduction to known aspects of life
during the Dark Ages. Simply presented, but with authority. Features :
Authentic reconstructions of everyday life; expert commentary by Ian
Wood (University of Leeds) and Dave Thirlwall (Houlgate Village); laws
and religion; the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; Alfred the Great.
VHS 940 Med
Life in Medieval Times. New Jersey : Kultur, c2000.
Life in Medieval Times provides young people with the perfect
introduction to everyday life in the medieval period of British history.
Simply presented, but with authority. Features : a reconstructed working
medieval village; authentic recreations to illustrate all aspects of life at that
time; analyses by Dr. Martin Lowry (University of Warwick), Dr. Robert
Swanston (University of Birmingham) and Andrew Brown (Keble College
VHS 942 Vic
Life in Victorian Times. New Jersey : Kultur, c2000.
The Victorian era was one of the most remarkable in British history; it saw
The Industrial Revolution, the growth of the major cities, the birth of the
Empire and huge advances in medicine, transportation, and education. It
was also a time when harsh working conditions and desparate poverty
blighted the majority of the people of the country. Incorporating rare
footage from the end of Queen Victoria's reign, this film presents an
uncomplicated picture of the era for younger audiences, focusing on
aspects of everyday life. Features : rare contemporary film footage;
dramatized readings and contemporary accounts; footage of Ironbridge,
Staffordshire, England - home of the Industrial Revolution ; expert
commentary and analyses; many period photographs, engravings,
paintings, and drawings.
VHS Fic Chr
Christmas in Connecticut. United States : Warner Brothers, c1945 ; c1972.
Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan, Sidney Greenstreet, Reginald
Gardiner. Elizabeth Lane (Barbara Stanwyck) leads everyone to believe
she's the perfect country cook, homemaker, and mother. But nothing could
be further from the truth. She is actually a single, smart-talking New York
City girl without a domesticated bone in her body. Comic complications
ensue when Stanwyck must round up a snow-covered cottage, "husband"
(long time beau Reginald Gardiner), baby and a cook (loveable S.Z.Sakall)
before guests arrive.
VHS Fic Rob
Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves (Motion Picture). United States : Warner
Brothers, 1991.
Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Alan Rickman.