UNION EUROPEENNE DE L’ARTISANAT ET DES PETITES ET MOYENNES ENTREPRISES EUROPÄISCHE UNION DES HANDWERKS UND DER KLEIN- UND MITTELBETRIEBE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATON OF CRAFT, SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES UNIONE EUROPEA DELL’ ARTIGIANATO E DELLE PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE Environmental Liability – Vote in Plenary 13 May 2003 The outcome of the vote in plenary will mark the end of the first reading regarding the future Directive on environmental liability. On this occasion UEAPME, the EU representative of crafts’, trades and SMEs, would like to draw the attention of MEPs on a number of points, particularly in the light of the outcome of the vote in the legal affairs committee at the end of April. Despite too much discretion left to the Member States on a number of issues such as the mitigating factors or the definition of biodiversity, which will lead inevitably to distortions and run counter to the principle of level playing field, the approach adopted by the legal affairs committee is realistic. The report of the legal affairs committee takes account of a number of basic facts such as the novelty of some of the concepts such as biodiversity damage and the need to provide businesses with legal certainty. Therefore UEAPME welcomes the following points and urges MEPs to adopt the following amendments of the legal affairs committee: Amendment 11 – deletion of fault based liability for biodiversity damage Amendment 19 – deletion of joint and several liability Amendment 37 – clarification regarding exemptions Amendment 39 (if amendment 37 not adopted) – mitigating factors Amendment 49 – financial security system Amendment 64 to 73 – deletion of the concept of compensation for interim losses UEAPME also encourages MEPs to adopt the following amendments of the Industry Committee: Amendment 8 – definition of biodiversity Amendment 11 – activities covered by the Directive Amendment 12 (same as amendment 11 legal affairs committee) – deletion of fault based liability for biodiversity damage Amendment 25 – damage caused by a third party Amendment 26 – deletion of joint and several liability For further information please contact Mr. Guido Lena (tel: +32 2 230 75 99; fax +32 2 230 78 61; email: g.lena@ueapme.com) Brussels, 7 May 2003