Chapter 18 Outline I. II. Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Heart Disease and Strokes A. B. C. III. How Atherosclerosis Develops 1. Plaques develop 2. Blood clots form 3. Blood pressure rises Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease 1. High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol 2. Hypertension 3. Diabetes 4. Smoking 5. Male, 45 years and older 6. Female, 55 years or older Recommendations for Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk 1. Cholesterol screening 2. Population goals 3. Control weight 4. Reduce fat, especially saturated fat 5. Other fats 6. Other dietary interventions 7. Physical activity 8. Drug therapy Hypertension A. B. Blood Pressure Regulation 1. Arteries 2. Blood volume 3. Kidneys How Hypertension Develops 1. Obesity C. D. IV. 2. Insulin resistance 3. Consequences of hypertension Risk Factors for Hypertension 1. Smoking 2. High blood lipids 3. Diabetes 4. Gender 5. Age 6. Heredity 7. Obesity 8. Race Recommendations for Reducing Hypertension Risk 1. Weight control 2. Physical activity 3. Alcohol 4. Sodium/salt intake 5. DASH eating plan 6. Drug therapy Cancer A. B. How Cancer Develops 1. Genetic factors 2. Immune factors 3. Environmental factors 4. Dietary factors-cancer initiators 5. Dietary factors-cancer promoters 6. Dietary factors-antipromoters Recommendations for Reducing Cancer Risk 1. Plant-based foods 2. Healthy weight and physical activity 3. Alcohol in moderation V. B. VII. Prepare and store foods safe 6. No tobacco use Types 1. Type I diabetes 2. Type II diabetes Complications of Diabetes 1. Diseases of the large blood vessels 2. Diseases of the small blood vessels 3. Diseases of the nerves Dietary Recommendations for Type I Diabetes D. Dietary Recommendations for Type II Diabetes Recommendations for Chronic Diseases A. Population B. Individuals C. Each Individual Nutrition and Infectious Diseases B. IX. 5. C. A. VIII. Foods low in fat and salt Diabetes Mellitus A. VI. 4. The Immune System 1. Phagocytes 2. Lymphocytes: B-Cells 3. Lymphocytes: T-Cells Nutrition and Immunity Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) A. How AIDS Develops B. The HIV Wasting System C. Nutrition Support for People with HIV Infections Highlight: Complimentary and Alternative Medicine A. Defining Alternative Medicine B. Sound Research, Loud Controversy C. 1. Placebo effect 2. Risks versus benefits 3. Funds and findings Herbal Medicines 1. Herbal traditions 2. Herbal precautions a. Herb identification b. Purity of herbal preparations c. Appropriate uses and contraindications d. Safe doses e. Interactions with medicines and other herbs f. Adverse reactions and toxicity levels D. Internet Precautions E. The Consumer's Perspective