GEOSTATISTICAL TOOLS IN RESERVOIR CHARACTERISATION GEOSTATISTIČKI ALATI U KARAKTERIZACIJI LEŽIŠTA Author: Tomislav Malvić1 1INA-Oil Industry Plc., E&P of Oil and Gas, Reservoir Engineering & Field Development Department, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb, DSc., BSc. in Geology Key words: geostatistika, kriging, kokriging, stohastičke simulacije, poroznost Ključne riječi: geostatistics, Kriging, Cokriging, stochastic simulations, porosity Sažetak: Geostatistika je vrlo snažan i standardan alat kod izrade geoloških modela ležišta ugljikovodika. Takvo značenje poprimila je 80-tih godina 20. stoljeća te ga ima još i danas. Geostatistika uključuje matematičku teoriju razvijenu za opisivanje ponašanja regionalizirane varijable. Danas se geostatistika upotrebljava u mnogih područjima naftne geologije ali i drugim geoznanostima koje se bave opisivanjem prostornog ponašanja regionaliziranih varijabli. Temelji se na variogramskoj analizi te uključuje različite interpolacijske i simulacijske tehnike. Prednosti geostatističke interpolacije (različite tehnike kriginga) uočljive su na gotovo svakom skupu s 15 ili više podataka. Skupina metoda kokriginga dopušta uključivanje jedne ili više sekundarnih varijabli kojima se poboljšava proces kartiranja primarne varijable. Najčešće primjer je upotreba seizmičkih atributa kao dodatnog izvora informacija kod kartiranja poroznosti. Druga skupina geostatističkih metoda obuhvaća stohastičke simulacije. To je vrlo koristan alat koji se upotrebljava za kreiranje niza jednakovrijednih realizacija kartirane varijable. Pojedinačne realizacije odabiru se na temelju nekoliko geoloških kriterija. Abstract: Geostatistics is very powerful and standard tool in geological modelling of hydrocarbon reservoirs, starting from eighties in 20th century and last to date. It includes mathematical theory developed for describing of regional variable behaviour. Today geostatistics is used widely in petroleum geology as well as other geosciences that handle by spatial distribution of regional variable. It is based on variogram analysis and different interpolation and simulation techniques. The advantages of geostatistics interpolations (different Kriging techniques) are obviously for almost every datasets that include 15 or more point data. Set of Cokriging methods allow to include one or more secondary variables to improve mapping process of primary variable. The most often example is porosity mapping supported by seismic attributes. Second group geostatistical methods encompass stochastical simulations. This very useful tool allows creating a set of equiprobable realizations of mapped variable. Particular realization can be selected based on several geological criteria. INTRODUCTION Exploration and production of oil and gas is large field of activity. Geological modelling and reservoir characterisation play one of the major roles in petroleum business. New and improved techniques come very fast. Geostatistics is one of the main tools in geological modelling, recognised and global applied approx. from eighties in the 20th century to date. It can be applied in all phases of geological modelling, i.e. in exploration as well as in development phase of hydrocarbons (Figure 1). Figure 1: Application of geostatistics in different stages of geological modelling Number of input is key-value for applying mostly deterministic or stochastical geostatistical methods. After Jensen et al. (2000) reservoirs can be classified as: Deterministic are reservoirs where inter-well area is excellent known, correlated and internal reservoir architecture is solved. Such type is very rare and can be observed on small or very mature fields, where is well’s density high. Geostatistics deterministic methods (Kriging/Cokriging) could be applied. Stochastic reservoirs includes mostly deterministic parameters, but also are characterised with some degree of un-predictability, i.e. inter-well areas include some stochastic. This type is the main target for geostatistics whether deterministic or stochastic methods. Mostly un-predictable reservoirs are very rare type, always connected with exploration localities, few wells or potential plays. Estimation could be done only with analogy or Monte Carlo method. In the following chapters several (deterministic and stochastic) examples are selected from Development Department practice in geostatistical modelling. Geostatistics analyses are performed in several oil and gas reservoirs and lithofacies in the Drava depression from Palaeozoic to Badenian age. Names of wells and fields are stayed hidden as company business information, but all examples are transparent and clearly describe benefit of geostatistics in geological modelling. BASICS OF GEOSTATISTICS THEORY Geostatistics assumes spatial data analysis. The most common spatial tool is variogram defined by formula (Eq. 1). N (h) 1 2 2 (h) z (un ) z (un h) N (h) n1 (1) Where are: N(h) - number of data pairs at distance “h” (inside searching neighbourhood area) z(un) - value at location un z(un+h) - value at location un+h Calculation of experimental variogram is necessary input for different geostatistical interpolation or simulation techniques, like Kriging (Eq. 2), Cokriging (Eq. 3) and Sequential Gaussian Simulations. n z k i z i (2) i 1 n m i 1 j 1 zC i zi j s j (3) Where are: zk / zc - points estimated by Kriging / Cokriging i / j - weight coefficient for Kriging / Cokriging calculated from matrix equation zi - hard data of primary variable (inside searching neighbourhood area) sj - hard data of secondary variable (inside searching neighbourhood area) The Kriging includes several interpolation techniques (see e.g. Hohn, 1988; Isaaks & Srivastava, 1989) like Simple, Ordinary, Block and other Kriging interpolations. Stochastical simulations are geostatistical tool with different purpose than interpolation techniques (see e.g. Dubrule, 1998; Kelkar and Perez, 2002). Simulation algorithm transforms input data in normal distribution with known mean and standard deviation. Well data are respected as hard data (conditional simulation). Variogram models and Kriging map are used as additional input data. Estimated points are sequentially used as new “hard-data”, and procedure has been repeating until all grid points are not simulated, defining one realization. The simulation aim is make statistically representative set of equally probable realizations, describing reservoir heterogeneity. SOME EXAMPLES OF VARIOGRAMS AND KRIGED MAPS Experimental variograms in Drava depression Experimental variogram modelling, with porosity as primary variable, is performed at several reservoirs in Drava depression (Malvić and Đureković, 2003; Malvić and Đureković, 2004). These models included 10-30 point values. Several porosity variograms are shown on Figures 2 and 3. Each variogram is combined with corresponding Ordinary Kriging map (using local mean as substitution for global mean), to reflect influence of variogram ranges to porosity mapping. Quality of each map was validated using cross-validation (Davi, 1987). Variograms can be distinguished by reservoir age, lithology and number of data. All figures represent geological (and variogram) structures with primary axis strike 30-210o. The Figure 2 shows variogram and Kriging estimation in Lower Triassic heterogeneous lithology (quartzites, filites, dolomites...), obtained at the Kalinovac field. Dataset includes 11 point data, and variogram range is based on “first sill crossing” for primary axis. Kriging map is very smoothed, without “bull-eyes” effect. Cross-validation result was 1.13 (compared with 6.15 as maximum obtained for this lithofacies at other field). The next example (Figure 3) presents variogram models and Kriging interpolation made in mostly carbonate lithofacies (dolomites, carbonate breccias). Such lithofacies is characterised with mostly stochastical porosity distribution, what means that any interpolation technique have to include significant error. Also, such lithology is most problematic for geostatistics using, often stress “bull-eyes” effect. But this example shows very successful variogram and Kriging estimation, where isolines are elongated along structure (porosity distribution follows structural style). Cross-validation result was 2.80 (12.10 was result at field with maximum interpolation error in this lithofacies). Figure 2: Experimental variogram from Lower Triassic lithofacies (ranges 2500x2000 m) and corresponding Kriging porosity map. Figure 3: Experimental variogram from Upper Triassic lithofacies (ranges 2000x900) and corresponding Kriging porosity map Cokriging improvement – example from Drava depression Kriging maps are not unique solution, i.e. sometimes they need to be compared with other types of solutions. Generally it could be done in case of: a) Small-in-number input (e.g.<12 hard-data values) when Kriging would need to be compared with Inverse Distance Weighting, Nearest Neighbourhood or other nongeostatistical methods, b) Seismic attribute(s) that could considered as relevant secondary variable, when Kriging is compared with Cokriging solution. Seismic attribute as secondary variable is often way how to improve geostatistical results. In such case Cokriging techniques need to be tested (Eq. 3). Such connection need to be proved as objective as it is possible, and it is usual done by statistical tests like: Standard Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Statistical t-test or Tables with probability indicating on true or false correlation (Kalkomey, 1997; Chambers and Yarus, 2002). Such testing was performed on the Beničanci field in the Drava depression (Malvić and Đureković, 2003). Significant rank correlation is found for pair porosity-reflection strength. Collocated Cokriging (CC) map shows significantly more reservoir heterogeneity, due to seismic attribute, in inter-well area than Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting maps (Figure 4). More important, this heterogeneity better reflects true geological picture of breccia reservoir. Also, Cokriging was confirmed as favourable mapping technique also by crossvalidation (CC<IDW<OK=2.19<2.78<2.97). Seismic could be very useful additional source of information, especially when number of wells is small (14 in this example). Figure 4: Comparing of IDW (left), OK (centre) and CC (right) porosity maps. STOCHASTICAL SIMULATIONS Stochastical simulations are very strong tool for different kind of estimation and can be observed as improvements for deterministic approach. There is several kind of simulation – sequential and indicator tools are very often types. Here is shown example (Figure 5) of Sequential Gaussian Simulations (SGS) applied in purpose of: 1. Obtaining new better porosity histogram (simulated + hard data), 2. Simulation of reservoir porosity distribution in several possible realizations. Mathematically and naturally possible porosity variability (based on inputs) can be observed in two selected realization for Palaeozoic reservoir (Figure 5) at the Stari Gradac field (Malvić and Smoljanović, 2004; Smoljanović and Malvić, 2005). Two “extreme” realization (P1 and P99, where P1 means that 99 % of all realizations describe larger total reservoir porosity) show huge difference in porosity distribution that could be mapped on the same field (all realization are equally possible). Set of all 100 realizations is also excellent base for calculating more precise histogram of analysed variable (Figure 5, right). Figure 5: Variability of porosity expressed with P1 and P99 realizations and histogram of simulated data DISCUSSION Geostatistics offers many advantages in deterministic and stochastic approaches to geological modelling. Kriging techniques are generally the best spatial estimation method, and stochastic simulations are excellent tool for describing uncertainty in reservoir. There is no doubt that applying of Kriging and Sequential Gaussian Simulations improved geological models and especially porosity distribution at several hydrocarbon fields in Croatia. Limit of successful application of Kriging is defined at approx. 10-15 input porosity values. There is no need to use more demanding geostatistics for mapping smaller datasets. It means that geostatistics could be used only on the fields with enough number of wells/data. In such case, using of geostatistics will lead to better reservoir characterisation (porosity mapping, OGIP/OOIP calculations) and finally to higher recovery of hydrocarbons. REFERENCES Chambers, R. L. and J. M. Yarus, 2002, Quantitative Use of Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization: RECORDER, Canadian SEG, v. 27, p. 14-25, June. Davi, B., 1987, Uses and Abuses of Cross Validation in Geostatistics: Mathematical Geology, v. 19 (3), p. 241-248. Dubrule, O., 1998, Geostatistics in Petroleum Geology: AAPG, Tulsa. Hohn, M. E., 1988, Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology: Van Nostrand Reinhold, p. 264, New York. Isaaks, E. and R. Srivastava, 1989, An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics: Oxford University Press, p. 561, New York. Jensen, J. L., L. W. Lake, P. W. M. Corbett and D.J. Goggin, 2000, Statistics for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists: Elsevier Science B.V., 338 p., Amsterdam. Kalkomey, C. T., 1997, Potential risks when using seismic attributes as predictors of reservoir properties: The Leading Edge, March, p. 247-251. Kelkar, M. and G. Perez, 2002, Applied Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 264 p., Richardson. Malvić, T. and M. Đureković, 2003, Application of the Methods: Inverse Distance Weighting, Ordinary Kriging and Collocated Cokriging in the Porosity Evaluation and Results Comparison in the Beničanci and Stari Gradac Field: Nafta, 54, 9, 331-340, Zagreb. Malvić, T. and S. Smoljanović, 2004, Geostatistical Estimation and Simulation Approaches for More Detailed OGIP Calculations (Stari Gradac - Barcs Nyugat Field): IOR Methods for Economical Oil Recovery from Small Size and/or Marginal Oil Fields / Steiner, I. (ur.).Zagreb : Petroleum Summer School, RGNF, 119-128. Smoljanović, S. and T. Malvić, 2005, Improvements in reservoir characterisation applying geostatistical modelling (estimation & stochastic simulations vs. standard interpolation methods): Nafta, 56, 57-63, Zagreb. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The presented researching is done through activity of Reservoir Engineering & Field Development Department (INA-Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas). Thanks all colleagues who participate in some parts of researching and application of geostatistics.