Information for Potential SRTP Supervisors: The Summer Research Training Program (SRTP) provides an opportunity for first and second year medical students at Schulich to undertake research under the supervision of a faculty member engaged in clinical or basic science research. Students enter the program at the end of their first year and spend two summers working with a Schulich supervisor on a specific project. The program also incorporates a weekly summer seminar series featuring presentations by all the participants. Funding of stipends for all students accepted into the program is organized by the Schulich Research Office. Sources of support include the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Lawson Health Research Institute, Mach-Gaensslen Foundation of Canada and Schulich Clinical Departments. Note that SRTP provides funding only for student stipends; all other costs associated with the project are the responsibility of the supervisor. If you are interested in participating as an SRTP supervisor, the deadline for submitting a proposal for consideration is Monday, December 7, 2015. Research projects in both clinical and basic areas may be supported through SRTP, as are projects across the full range of disciplines within Schulich. This includes laboratory research in any of the basic science departments, clinical and population health research and research on medical education. We encourage all researchers, including basic scientists, to consider submitting a proposal for SRTP. SRTP projects should be designed to be completed within the time frame of two ten-week blocks over two summers. The project description should clearly outline the project hypothesis, the expected role of the student in the first and second summer, and the methodology to be used. The emphasis should be on the testing of an interesting hypothesis through the generation of new data. The primary goal of the program is to ensure a positive research experience for students in the early phases of their medical training. This requires a commitment from the supervisor to not only host the student in his/her lab, but to regularly review their project and progress, help them to prepare and refine oral presentations, and review/edit their written reports at the end of each of the two summers. A project comprised either exclusively or primarily of a chart review is not a suitable project for the SRTP and will not be accepted. Further, a project that is primarily a literature review, a systematic review, or a case report will also not be supported by SRTP. Projects that include a student's participation in an ongoing, large, multifaceted research group should clearly outline what the SRTP student's specific role would be, and how this role would differ from, and augment, the objectives of the larger scale initiative. The SRTP Committee requests that all SRTP projects which require REB approval have that approval in place prior to the start of the student's term. Under exceptional cases, the Committee will consider projects in which REB approval will be pending at the start of the project. 1 To have a project considered for SRTP, please submit (1) a project description form for SRTP and (2) an abbreviated CV, including a list of publications for the past five years and current research funding (not more than 4 pages - please do not include your entire CV). Submissions should be emailed to Stacey Bastien in the Schulich Research Office ( Please email these materials in either Word or PDF format. Proposed projects will be reviewed by the SRTP Committee. All suitable proposals will be made available to the Meds2019 class on December 14, 2015 via posting on the Research Office website. The proposed projects will be posted on the website for approximately one month; project descriptions will be accessible via the website. The abbreviated CV will not be placed on the website, but will be made available to students through the Research Office. Students interested in participating in SRTP will contact the faculty member(s) directly to discuss specific projects. Completed applications matching supervisor with student will be due by January 25, 2016. Decisions on projects funded will be announced in March. Based on past experience, and depending upon availability of funds and student interest, it is expected that approximately 12-24 new projects will be funded this year. For more information on SRTP or on the submission process, please visit the SRTP website for a list of FAQs at For additional questions, please contact Stacey Bastien, Administrative Assistant at the Research Office at . ********** Note that in addition to SRTP, Schulich also sponsors the Schulich Research Opportunities Program (SROP). SROP is also aimed at fostering research opportunities for medical and dental students. A main distinction between the SRTP and SROP programs is that SRTP is strictly for summer research, while SROP will support research during the academic year as well as the summer. For more information on SROP, see SROP has a separate application process. If you would be interested in serving as a supervisor for an SROP project, please email with the following information: name, department, email, phone number, and area of research for a potential SROP project. 2