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Mass / Confession Times
Weekday Masses
6.30pm 12th Sunday in Ordinary
12th Sunday in Ordinary
Wednesday 9.30am
In St Marys School
Funeral Mass for
9.30am STs Peter and Paul – HOLY
7.30pm STs Peter and Paul – HOLY
Holyday Masses
Vigil Mass
9.30am and 7.30pm
10.30am to 11am
Holy Hour
- Mission Statement
- History
The parish of St. Mary’s of The Angels and St. Clare was founded in 1853, comprising
districts of Levenshulme, Reddish, Heaton Norris, Withington, Barlow Moor, Longsight and
For over three hundred years, the Catholic Church had survived in hiding since the
formation of the Church of England during the reign of King Henry VIII. The Diocese of
Salford and other Catholic dioceses were established in the 1850s around the country as
from then Roman Catholics were legally allowed to practice their faith and play a part in
public life and even being granted the right to vote.
On March 25th 1856, Samuel Grimshaw Esq. who was a native of Levenshulme and lived at
Errwood Hall near Buxton Derbyshire, donated 7820 square yards of land together with an
annual endowment of £25 to the parish of St. Mary’s in Levenshulme in Manchester. A
community of Good Shepherd Sisters took up residence and were then succeeded by Cross
and Passion Sisters.
Father Thomas Unsworth became the first Parish priest of St. Mary’s. He left in 1855 to
become an army chaplain during the Crimean War. Succeeding him was Father Henry Fox,
who moved on in 1862 to establish the parish of St. Edwards in Rusholme as the Diocese of
Salford began to develop its parishes.
On 26th May 1871, during the rectorship of Mgr. Croskell, eight Belgian Poor Clare Sisters
settled in Levenshulme. Their monastery was built on the cross roads of Errwood Road and
Nunnery Lane in Levenshulme. Nunnery Lane was later renamed as Clare Road after their
foundation and is now the site of St Marys primary school.
Bishop Herbert Vaughan, later to become Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, laid the
foundation stone of the church on 15th July 1882. The church was opened on the 4th March
1883 but was found to be too small for the quickly growing parish, and so an extension was
built which opened on the 1st November 1914 by Bishop Casertelli.
In 1898 a purpose built school was erected to replace the day and evening schools in
existence since the foundation of the parish. The building was built on the same site as the
church and Poor Clares and consisted of three classrooms and a hall. With Miss Agnes Holt
as its headmaster and Miss Eleanor Holt as her assistant the school opened on the 10th
October 1898. Forty four children attended morning lessons and forty seven the afternoon
lessons. Over the years the number of children attending school grew, and so a temporary
structure was erected in 1914 to cope with the expanding number.
In 1940, Monsignor Joseph Masterson, Vicar General of the Diocese of Salford, became
Parish Priest. In 1947 Mgr. Masterson was appointed the Archbishop of Birmingham.
In the later part of the 1950’s it became apparent that even the extended church on Clare
Road was too small for the growing congregation. Father Leonard Hulme, Parish Priest from
1956, on behalf of the parish bought the Grand Cinema on Stockport Road in 1957 at a cost
of £8500. Mr. Edward Blackwell was the architect in the conversion from cinema to church
and later designed the statue of ‘Our Lady of the Angels’ which now resides above the main
entrance to our present church. The old church and presbytery were now free to be used as
hall, library, head office and staff room. The newly converted church was blessed by Bishop
Beck who celebrated the first Mass there on 14th August 1957. In 1957, approval was also
granted for the construction of a new school, phase one being opened on 1st May 1961,
phase two was completed in 1970 and phase three in 1973. School attendance reached 499
children in 1972.
Permission was also granted in 1972 for the construction of a new church on the same site
as the old cinema. Its architect was to be Mr. Tadeusz Lesisz. The new church was officially
opened during Midnight Mass Christmas 1975. The church was consecrated by Bishop
Holland on 25th May 1983.
On 31st August 1978, the Poor Clare Sisters who had been such a prayerful presence in the
parish and community for so many decades, left Levenshulme. The old church and convent
were demolished in 1980 into which the school grounds have now been extended, with the
ground being recently landscaped and new gardens created with the help and efforts of
parents, pupils and friends.
All over the Christian world, at the dawn of the new millennium, began celebrations for the
Jubilee year of the birth of Jesus Christ. St. Mary of the Angels and St. Clare took an active
part in these celebrations.
On 8th December 2000 we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the new church being
opened. The Mass was well attended by parishioners of St. Mary’s with Bishop Terence
Brain of Salford diocese and many priests from surrounding parishes also in attendance,
making for a wonderful day to remember.
Parishioners of St. Mary’s turned their attentions to the year 2003, which of course was the
150th year anniversary of the establishment of the parish of St. Mary of the Angels and St.
Clare. With the commitment that the local community have demonstrated the anniversary
was celebrated with much enthusiasm and pride.
It will be the task of future generations to write the history of the years of the future. The
story from 1853 has been the tale of not just of bricks and mortar but of a community
expanding to face the challenges of being a disciple of the living Lord in every age.
Parish Priests of St. Mary’s of the Angels and St. Clare
Rev. Thomas Unsworth
Rev. Dr. Henry Marshall
Rev. Henry Brown
Rev. Henry Fox
Rev. William Corry
Rev. Edmund Hogan
Rt. Rev. Mgr. Provost Robert Croskell
Very Rev. Canon Corbishley
Rev. Charles McDermott Roe
Rev. Thomas Cusack
Rev. James Corkery
Very Rev. Canon John Lane
Rev. W. Sassen
Rev. Joseph Lomax
Rt. Rev. Mgr. Joseph Masterson, VG
Rev. Gaetano Maspero
Rev. Leonard Hulme
Rev. J. Houston
Rev. Francis Occleston
Rev. John Ahern
1853 - 1855
1855 - 1859
1859 - 1862
1862 - 1864
1864 - 1867
1867 - 1903
1903 - 1904
1904 - 1913
1913 - 1926
1926 - 1940
1940 - 1947
1947 - 1956
1956 - 1967
1967 - 1970
1970 - 1996
1996 -
- Ember 2012 – The Future
- Parish Links
Fr Pat
- Local Links
St Marys RC Primary School www.st-marys-levenshulme.manchester.sch.uk
Salford Diocese
St Bernards Burnage
St Josephs Reddish
Sacred Heart Gorton
St Richards Longsight
St Josephs Longsight
Little Sisters of the Poor
Francis House
- Gift Aid
0161 432 2168
0161 224 1498
Our Parish participates in the Diocese's Planned Giving scheme under which Parish members
are invited to make regular donations by standing order or through the weekly Mass
collection, with gift envelopes.
It's now much easier for the Church to obtain a small tax refund from every donation given
by a taxpayer. All you need to do is sign a simple, one-off form. For every £1 donated, the
parish can claim 25p from the government.
We hold your information in the strictest confidence and we can't access your tax or
financial information. If you'd like to help us in this way, first of all, Thank You! – please
contact Richard Molloy on xxxxxxxxxxxxx or Wyn O’Connor on xxxxxxxxxxxx
- Gallery
Will supply pictures
- Location
Google map
St Marys of the Angels and St Clare
Elbow Street
M19 3BY
Contact Telephone
Presbytery 0161 248 8836
Parish Centre 07599 547 852
- Parish Magazine
The parish magazine is published every December and is available at Christmas. Any articles
of interest can be submitted to the editorial team at any time during the year. Any persons
wanting to join the editorial team will be most welcome. In both instances please contact
Jimmy Crean on
- Location
St Marys of the Angels and St Clare
Elbow Street
M19 3BY
Contact Telephone
Presbytery 0161 248 8836
Parish Centre 07599 547 852
- School Mission
As a Catholic School, our aim is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment in
which Every Child Matters and in which our children can learn and grow with Jesus as their
example. Accordingly, all that happens in St. Mary’s School, the curriculum, the
relationships, the priorities, the pastoral care and discipline should reflect God’s loving care
for each person involved in the school’s life.
Our school, therefore, tries to help pupils:
· To develop lively, enquiring minds with the ability to
question and argue rationally and apply themselves to
· To acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to enable
them to participate as citizens in a rapidly changing
· To appreciate human achievement by study and knowledge
of language and literature, mathematics, art, music,
drama, science, technology and physical pursuits and
to experience their own sense of achievement in these
To understand the world in which they live and the
need for co-operation between individuals, groups and
· To experience responsibility and
exercise judgement.
· To realise that the school is a caring, supportive learning
environment, where there is equal opportunity,
regardless of sex, race, age, culture or disadvantage.
· To make the learning process enjoyable by taking
advantage of the educational opportunities provided
by the school.
- Staff
Head Teacher: Ms M McGuire.
Deputy Head: Mrs T Cooke.
Assistant Head Miss J O'Mullane
Nursery Teachers: Mrs Wilkinson & Miss McCormack
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Doherty/Mrs Kells/Mrs. O'Hara
Reception Teachers: Mrs Taylor & Miss Lee
Teaching Assistant: Miss Brock
Class 1T/C Teachers: Mrs Thorley & Mrs Collins
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jamieson
Class 1/2G Miss Gilgan
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Gordon
Class 2B Miss Bracken
Class 3E: Miss Egan
Class 3/4S: Mrs. Sheridan
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Morgan
Class 4W Mr Williams
Class 5K: Miss Knowles
Class 5/6M: Mrs McCarthy
Class 6M: Miss Molloy
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mageean
PPA Teacher Mrs Kearns
Admin Staff Mrs Kent Brown & Mrs Duffy
Lunchtime Organisers
SLO Angela Crozia
Bridget D'Arcy
Cook Caretaker - Mr. Henry
- Sacramental Programme
Each year in October the parish begins its preparation for the sacraments of First
Forgiveness and First Holy Communion. Much of the work of preparation is done in school,
but the parish and the home have an important role to play in helping our children
understand what it means to share in Jesus, the Bread of Life for the first time.
We use the parish programme of preparation; Do This in Memory, to help our children and
their families as they prepare for these sacraments. This programme aims to help parents
and parish to become more actively involved in the sacramental preparation for First
Forgiveness and First Holy Communion.
The time of preparation for sacraments is an opportunity for us all to be renewed and
nourished in our own faith journey. We look forward to the parents and children on the
programme and we pray every blessing for you and your family
Sacremental Programme Dates
To Be Announced
Pray for the children making their First Holy Communion
- Classes & clubs
- Sports
- Before & after School
- Term times
- School Information
St Mary’s RC Primary School
Clare Road
M19 2QW
0161 224 5995
0161 257 0226
Email admin@st-marys-levenshulme.manchester.sch.uk
Head Teacher Mrs M McGuire
Parish Centre
- About
Our parish centre is furnished and equipped to a high standard and is ideal for staging family
celebrations, community events, charity fundraisers and all kinds of meetings.
It comprises a main room with a capacity of 250-300 and a very comfortable lounge bar
capable of accommodating around 80 persons. For larger events the doors between the 2
rooms can be opened to allow free access.
Additionally we have a fully operational kitchen and serving equipment, place settings and
cutlery for up to 300 covers, a stage and lighting, function tables, tablecloths and table
decorations. We can also offer a fully licensed bar.
The centre is all on one level and has easy disabled access and toilet facilities.
We are able to offer the venue for hire on days and evenings and are confident you will find
our tariffs and room hire great value for money.
Because of the flexibility of the space and layout we can host most types of events. Here are
some examples of events we typically host:
•Family and community gatherings: weddings, baptisms, birthdays, funerals
•Parish events: sacramental programmes, church groups
•Community events: shows, fundraisers, concerts
•Meetings and conferences: public meetings, training seminars
•Statutory bookings: local councillors surgeries, housing association meetings
•Wellbeing and activity events: dance classes, zumba
•Children's events: school events, uniformed groups, kids' parties
What we won't do
•18th Birthday parties
•Events that promote or could result in racial intolerance or community discord
•Events that are lewd, crude or overtly sexual in nature or likely to cause offence
- Gallery
- Regular Events
First Tues
12pm – 1pm
10am – 2pm
6pm – 8pm
8pm – 10pm
12pm – 2pm
8pm – 10pm
Breakfast served after 11 am Mass
Irish Community Care
Irish Dancing Classes
Line Dancing Classes
Irish Community Care
Set Dancing Classes
11am – 2pm
10am – 11 am
7.30 pm – 9 pm
Over 50s Community Club
Zumba Class
6pm – 7pm
Liberal Democrat Local Councillor Surgery
- Hire
To enquire about hiring the hall please call 07599 547 852
- Conditions of Hire
Copy of current conditions
- Catering Facilities at St Marys
Hirers are welcome to organise their own catering and banqueting or, if you wish, we can
provide you with help and support about how to access this locally through our list of local
We have particular rules about catering though which have been put together to ensure
proper food safety and hygiene standards are maintained whatever you choose to do.
Below is the extract from our Health and safety instructions which summarises the main
Parties and organisations preparing buffets and refreshments are not permitted to set out
food more than three hours before the time of intended consumption and are asked to
store at a safe temperature prior to this.
If you intend to organise your own catering we request you refer to the food safety
guidelines for such found at www.food.gov.uk.
All food waste is to be tidied up and placed in bin bags, taken out of the building and
disposed of properly after each event. Absolutely no food or waste is to be left in the
building overnight
- Forthcoming Events at the Parish Centre
News and Events
- Parish news
- Parish Events – Past
Pictures and write ups
Parish events forthcoming
- Bulletin archive
Weekly scan of Bulletin
- Parish Centre Events - Past
Pictures and write ups
Parish Centre events forthcoming
Google map of Elbow Street
Pic of entrance to church grounds from Elbow Street
Pic of Parish centre from entrance gates
St Marys of the Angels and St Clare
Elbow Street
M19 3BY
Contact Telephone
Presbytery 0161 248 8836
Parish Centre 07599 547 852