MODELLING CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATION INDUCTION BY IONISING RADIATION: THE INFLUENCE OF INTERPHASE CHROMOSOME ARCHITECTURE A. Ottolenghi, F. Ballarini, and M. Biaggi Dipartimento di Fisica - Università di Milano and INFN - Sezione di Milano, via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano (Italy) ABSTRACT Several advances have been achieved in the knowledge of nuclear architecture and functions during the last decade, thus allowing the identification of interphase chromosome territories and sub-chromosomal domains (e.g. arm and band domains). This is an important step in the study of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations; indeed, the coupling between track-structure simulations and reliable descriptions of the geometrical properties of the target is one of the main tasks in modelling aberration induction by radiation, since it allows one to clarify the role of the initial positioning of two DNA lesions in determining their interaction probability. In the present paper, the main recent findings on nuclear and chromosomal architecture are summarised. A few examples of models based on different descriptions of interphase chromosome organisation (random-walk models, domain models and static models) are presented, focussing on how the approach adopted in modelling the target nuclei and chromosomes can influence the simulation of chromosomal aberration yields. Each model is discussed by taking into account available experimental data on chromosome aberration induction and/or interphase chromatin organisation. Preliminary results from a mechanistic model based on a coupling between radiation trackstructure features and explicitly-modelled, non-overlapping chromosome territories are presented. INTRODUCTION The induction of chromosome aberrations is a biological endpoint of particular interest, since there is evidence that certain aberration types are correlated with cell reproductive death (Cornforth and Bedford, 1987) and with specific tumours (Forman and Rowley, 1982). For instance, a characteristic reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 15 and 17 is observed in most human Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia cells (APL cells), in which an oncoprotein is produced after fusion of the genes PML and RAR (de The et al., 1991). Furthermore, in case of accidental radiation exposure, where physical dose measurements are not available, or exposure to mixed fields, where physical dosimetry is not sufficient for tracing back to the radiation quality and performing reliable estimates of health risk, aberrations can be regarded as biological dosemeters. For instance, in the particular case of astronauts exposure to space radiation, comparisons between aberration yields observed in post-flight samples of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes (PBL) and calibration curves (i.e. dose-response curves for specific aberrations induced by in vitro irradiation with a reference radiation, usually X-rays or -rays), allow direct estimation of the equivalent dose; this is the approach adopted by NASA for biodosimetry in astronauts (Yang et al., 1997). 1 Indeed, predicting the effects of exposures to the complex space environment is extremely difficult, mainly due to the presence of different types of charged particles, including high-energy heavy ions (HZE particles), whose radiobiological features are still not known in detail. Extensive descriptions of the nature and intensity of space radiation can be found elsewhere (NCRP report no. 98, 1989); in this context, it is sufficient to remind that the charged particles constituting space radiation are generated by Van Allen belts, Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and Solar Particle Events (SPE). Van Allen belts, which play an important role in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) missions, mainly consist of electrons and protons trapped in the Earth's geomagnetic field; protons of Van Allen belts can reach energies of 100 MeV. GCR, consisting of 87% protons, 12% helium and about 1% HZE particles, provide chronic low-dose exposures (1 mSv/day) to different ions. Although HZE particles provide a little contribution to the GCR flux, they can account for up to the 50% of the absorbed dose. SPE are rare events consisting of injections of light and heavy ions coming from the sun in association with a solar flare; their prediction is extremely difficult, even though it is known that solar flares are correlated with the number of sunspots. One can have an idea of the great threat represented by such events, which can provide acute high-dose exposures, by considering that the large solar flare that occurred in August 1972, four months after the Apollo 16 lunar mission, would be lethal for an unprotected crew on the surface of the moon. It is worthy pointing out that when dealing with the effects of space radiation, it has also to be taken into account that the external field is modulated by the interactions with the spacecraft walls and shielding structures, where nuclear interactions can occur; this scenario is further complicated by microgravity, since it is still not clear to what extent weightlessness conditions can influence the time evolution of radiation-induced biological damage. An extensive review on biological dosimetry in astronauts can be found in Durante (1996); the main aspects will be summarised herein. A significant increase of the background level of chromosome aberrations is usually observed in cell samples of astronauts who participated in long-term missions; the negligible increase reported for the crew members of the 59 days Skylab-3 mission of 1973 (Bailey et al., 1977) can be ascribed to the very unusual nomenclature adopted in aberration scoring. One can have a quantitative idea by considering that at least a twofold increase of dicentric exchanges was observed in the members of the different crews who spent time on the MIR space station (Testard et al., 1996; Yang et al., 1997). PBL samples were taken from Russian cosmonauts and German, French and American astronauts who participated in MIR missions of different duration; in particular, 5 Russian cosmonauts spent 6 months on MIR during the French missions ANTARES (1992) and ALTAIR (1993). Cytogenetic analysis of their blood samples performed by dicentric scoring in uniformly-stained metaphases (Testard et al., 1996), revealed a large variability in individual response. The maximum increase was observed for crew member B, for which the mean number of dicentrics per cell raised from 0.005 (pre-flight analysis) to 0.02 (post-flight); a similar increase was found for member C. On this subject, it is worthy reporting that both members B and C were on their third 6-month mission on MIR, and that not only the dicentric yield was higher for them, but heavily-damaged cells were observed in their PBL, with up to 19 breaks and several rearrangements, including a tricentric chromosome for member B. The extreme complexity of the space environment is not the only reason that makes it difficult to predict chromosome aberration induction (and thus health risk) after exposure to space radiation. Indeed, the process itself, from the initial energy depositions in living cells to the production of observable aberrations, is still not known in detail. In a previous work (Ottolenghi et al., 1999) the main open questions on aberration induction by radiation were outlined: 1) is a single radiation-induced DNA lesion able to produce a chromosomal exchange ("one-hit hypothesis"), as hypothesised by Goodhead and coworkers (Wilkinson et al., 1985)? 2) what is the molecular nature of the DNA lesions leading to aberrations? double-helix "discontinuities", as assumed by Revell (1974), or double-strand breaks, as hypothesised by Lea (1946), or more complex lesions (e.g. clustered dsb), as suggested during the last decade by different authors (e.g. Sachs and Brenner, 1993; Chen et al., 1997; Ballarini et al., 1999)? 3) is the aberration formation probability dependent on the initial distance between such lesions, and, if so, what are the features of such distance-dependence law? 4) do incomplete exchanges really occur? 5) how does the structural organisation of interphase nuclei modulate the process of aberration production? In 2 Ottolenghi et al. (1999), we emphasised how mechanistic models and Monte Carlo simulations, possibly based on track-structure codes, can be of great help in better understanding the intermediate steps of aberration induction. Different modelling approaches available in the literature were presented and discussed, focussing attention on the assumptions adopted for the critical points summarised above. This study clearly indicated that, while track structure codes allow very detailed and reliable descriptions of the features of the projectile (e.g. the spatial distribution and entity of energy depositions), the target geometry (i.e. nuclear and chromosomal architecture) is usually modelled with rough approximation. This kind of approach is well represented by a model developed by Edwards et al. (1996), who described the radiation with event-by-event simulations at the nanometre level, whereas he assumed that chromatin was uniformly distributed throughout the whole cell nucleus. Models able to couple track-structure simulations with interphase chromosome descriptions attaining a comparable level of detail are therefore highly desirable. The present paper will focus on chromosomal architecture modelling (see open question no. 5 above). A brief overview will be given on the present status of the knowledge on nuclear and chromosomal architecture, which is becoming more and more satisfactory due to the continuous advances in techniques such as Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation (FISH), immuno-FISH (i.e. simultaneous detection of proteins and genes with specific fluorescent antibodies), and computer 3-D reconstruction of images from confocal microscopes. A few models of chromosome aberration induction will be presented and discussed, focussing the attention on the approaches adopted in modelling interphase chromosome organisation, and their possible coupling with track structure descriptions. NUCLEUS AND CHROMOSOME ARCHITECTURE DURING INTERPHASE The first description of the cell nucleus was provided by Brown in 1831; however, the nuclear structure and function is still a subject of debate. At one extreme, the nucleus is thought to have its own nucleoskeleton and organelles, whereas at the other, it is regarded as a disordered "bag" containing nucleic acids, proteins and other molecules, in which transient structures are constructed and disrupted depending on the particular activities (replication, transcription, etc.) that take place in the various regions. Many important results on nuclear architecture and its relationship with nuclear functions were achieved during the last decade. Indeed, chromosomes were visualised in the 1860s, and a localisation of interphase chromosomes in sub-nuclear territories had already been proposed by Carl Rabl (Rabl, 1885) and Theodor Boveri (Boveri, 1909); however, this hypothesis was first neglected and then abandoned in the late 1960s and early 1970s, due to the failure of electron microscopy techniques in detecting such territories. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) clearly demonstrated that individual interphase chromosomes are localised whithin intranuclear territories (see T. Cremer et al., 1993 for a review); the first visualisations of entire human chromosome territories with in situ hybridisation are due to Manuelidis (1985) and Schardin et al. (1985). Furthermore, there is now strong evidence that no significant overlapping occurs between distinct chromosome-territories/arm-domains at the resolution of the light microscope (Dietzel et al., 1998; Visser and Aten, 1999). Indeed in 1993 it was hypothesised the existence of an "Inter Chromosomal Domain compartment" (ICD compartment) in which activities such as DNA replication and repair, and RNA transcription, splicing, maturation and transport would take place (Zirbel et al., 1993). This hypothesis has recently been supported by experimental observations: by introducing in human cells a filamentous protein called vimentin, a system of interconnecting intranuclear channels can be observed, localised almost exclusively outside of chromosome territories (Bridger et al., 1998); moreover, this study indicated that there is no accessible space between chromosomes and the nuclear periphery, possibly due to an association of specific chromatin regions with the nuclear envelope. However, the authors themselves pointed out that this experiment does not demonstrate the existence of a well defined and structured intranuclear compartment; the ICD compartment remains therefore an assumption. 3 It was also shown that within individual chromosomal territories, R-bands and G-bands (early- and late-replicating DNA, respectively) occupy distinct domains (Zink et al., 1999); moreover, active and inactive genes are preferentially located at the periphery, whereas non-coding DNA sequences tend to occupy the interior of the territory (Kurz et al., 1996). Furthermore, while GC-rich DNA sequences, which are rich in genes, were found to be localised in all subvolumes of chromosome territories at similar frequencies, AT-rich regions, which are gene-poor, were observed more to the interior of the territories (Tajbakhsh et al., 2000). Similarly, chromatid damage in Chinese-hamster fibroblasts irradiated with Xrays were found to involve more frequently euchromatin (i.e. early-replicating chromatin, with relatively low condensation degree) than eterochromatin (late-replicating, higher condensation degree) (Slijepcevic and Natarajan, 1994a). It is also worthy reporting that at least some chromosomes show preferential relative positioning in quiescent (i.e. non-cycling) human fibroblasts (Nagele et al., 1999). To what extent this organisation remains unaltered during the various phases of the cell cycle, is still an open question. Centromere movements over distances of about a micrometer were observed in vivo, albeit infrequently (Lamond and Earnshaw, 1998), and chromosome arms move during interphase depending on the cell-cycle stage (Li et al., 1998). Some of these movements may be linked to DNA replication, consistent with the hypothesis that replication occurs at intranuclear fixed sites called "replication factories" (Lamond and Earnshaw, 1998). EXAMPLES OF APPROACHES IN MODELLING CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS: IMPLICATIONS OF INTERPHASE CHROMOSOME DESCRIPTION In this section a few approaches adopted in modelling radiation-induced chromosome aberrations will be presented, focussing the attention on the description of interphase chromosome organisation and its consequences on the final outcomes of the calculations. The models described below will be grouped in three categories: those based on polymer physics approaches ("Random-Walk Models"), those in which interphase chromosomes are described by means of subnuclear regions regardless of the detailed chromatin structure within such regions ("Subnuclear-Domain Models"), and those in which track structure is combined with static models of the genome ("Static Models"). Random-Walk Models Biphasic Random Walk In a model developed by Wu et al. (1997), the DNA double helix during interphase was treated as a flexible polymer, for which it is known that the probability of the physical distance, l, between two points follows a 3-D Gaussian distribution (Doi and Edwards, 1988), i.e.: P(l)dl = 4/ 3 exp(-2l2 ) l2 dl < l > = 3/2 2 (1) 2 For a simple random walk, = (3/2na2)1/2, where n is the distance in base-pairs between the two points and a2 is a scale factor; thus the mean square (physical) distance between the two points is directly proportional to their genomic separation, i.e. < l2 > = a2n (Doi and Edwards, 1988). However, to take into account that during interphase each chromosome is spatially localised, Wu and co-workers expressed the 3-D mean square distance between two points of the same chromosome as follows ("biphasic" random walk): < l2 > = a2n n<m < l2 > = (a2-b2)m + b2n nm 4 (2) This means that < l2 > increases linearly with n following two different slopes, a2 for genomic distances smaller than m and b2 for larger genomic distances, with a2 > b2. Here m represents the genomic size separating the two slopes a2 and b2; the numerical values of the three parameters (m = 1.3 Mbp, a2 = 3 m2/Mbp and b2 = 0.14 m2/Mbp) were derived from Yokota et al. (1995), who studied the correlation between the physical distance and the genomic distance between pairs of points of specific interphase chromosomes by using a set of DNA markers. The probability distribution for the distance between two points of a certain chromosome was approximated by Eq. (1), with given by (3/2na2)1/2 for n<m and (3/2[(a2-b2)m+b2n])1/2 for nm. This corresponds to a loose random walk at small scales and a tighter one at large scales. In this context, it is worthy reminding that the size of the smallest fragment detectable with the Giemsa and FISH staining techniques is no smaller than a few Mbp. The main purpose of the authors was to quantify the role of proximity effects in the induction of extra acentric fragments, consisting of acentric rings and acentric linear fragments not associated with a centric ring or a dicentric chromosome. Since the frequency of acentric rings cannot be obtained directly from experimental data, the authors estimated it by finding an expression for the ratio between acentric rings and centric rings; the yields of centric rings were taken from published data. The model was applied to the case of low-LET radiation, where distinct dsb can be assumed to be independent. Isolated dsb were assumed to restitute (legitimate repair), whereas chromosome exchanges were assumed to originate from pairwise interactions of (non isolated) dsb. By assuming that the interaction probability between two dsb was proportional to their collision rate (i.e. to < l2 >-3/2), and considering all possible locations for two dsb on the two arms of the same chromosome, the authors expressed the ratio of acentric rings to centric rings by means of a2, b2, m and the size of the smallest detectable fragment of condensed chromatin, which was fixed to 6 Mbp. The ratio calculated by Wu and co-workers with this model was more than twice the ratio obtained by the same authors with ad hoc calculations neglecting the effects of chromosome localisation, thus indicating that interphase chromosome localisation play an important role. The fact that the calculated frequency of acentric rings was not sufficient to account for all the observed acentric fragments was explained by assuming that the remaining excess acentric fragments are due to incomplete exchanges. Since the crucial point of this model was to calculate a ratio, the authors were not interested in expressing the absolute yields of specific aberration types. Therefore, no assumption was needed on the nature of the DNA lesions able to produce aberrations; such lesions were termed "double-strand breaks" in a general sense, i.e. a break in the double helix. Random-Walk/Giant-Loop Two years before with respect to the biphasic random-walk model described above, a "RandomWalk/Giant-Loop" (RW/GL) model was proposed by Sachs et al. (1995), who suggested that the largescale (above 1 Mbp) geometry of chromatin during the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle consists of flexible "giant loops" with a random-walk backbone. In other words, a chromosome was described as a sequence of large chromatin loops of equal size (3 Mbp) attached to a randomly-folded backbone structure; each loop consists of a sequence of 30 "beads". Since the probability density for a certain bead configuration can be regarded as a Boltzmann distribution (Doi and Edwards, 1988), it was expressed as proportional to exp (-U/kB T), where T is the temperature of the system of beads, U is the potential energy and kB is Boltzmann's constant. By starting from the joint probability density for two Cartesian intervals, the authors found an expression for the distance probability density between pairs of beads. In the case of intermediate genomic distances, between 0.1 and 1.5 Mbp, this lead to a mean square geometrical distance, < r2 >, directly proportional to the genomic distance, n, whereas for larger genomic distances the following expression was found: < r2 > = Rn + S [ni (n0-ni ) + nj (n0-nj)]. Here ni and nj are the (genomic) distances from the closest bead for the two points (identified with the letters i and j), whereas the parameters R, S and n0 (n0 is the size of the loops) were adjusted to 0.08 m2/Mbp, 0.83 m2/Mbp and 3 Mpb, respectively, after comparison with the data of Yokota et al. (1995), who measured geometrical distances between pairs of FISH signals on a given interphase chromosome. 5 This model accounts well for the data of Yokota and co-workers. However, it has to be pointed out that this kind of models (see also Hahnfeldt et al., 1993) imply a highly-random geometry of chromosome territories, and thus they are not consistent with the observed systematic compartmentalisation of subterritorial domains such as arm domains and band domains. Indeed, the model of Sachs and co-workers fits the 3-D measurements of distances between chromosomal subregions (e.g. centromeric regions) of human chromosomes performed by Dietzel et al. (1995) reasonably well only for some chromosome territories/subterritories, whereas it yields significant differences for others; in particular, the observed strong differences in 3-D distance distributions between the active and inactive X-chromosomes, cannot be reproduced with the model of Sachs. A detailed discussion on this topic can be found in C. Cremer et al. (1996). Furthermore, following the RW/GL model, the various sections of a chromosome territory would have a similar probability to be exposed at the territory surface, due to possible changes of the loop positioning; thus, chromosomal interchanges should occur with similar frequencies in R-bands and Gbands. This is not consistent with the observation that at least in certain cell types, aberrations preferentially involve G-light (gene-rich) bands (Slijepcevic and Natarajan, 1994b). Subnuclear-Domain Models Interaction Sites A model based on the idea that the cell nucleus is divided into a certain number of "interaction sites" was developed by Chen et al. (1997). The authors assumed that only the chromosome breaks induced within the same site can interact to produce exchange-type chromosomal aberrations. The model was applied with a Monte Carlo simulation in which the number of sites, S, was taken as an adjustable parameter; its typical values were found to be in the range 5-25. For each cell, each of the 46 chromosomes was randomly assigned to a certain site, and chromosome aberrations were assumed to originate from interactions of "reactive" dsb in the same site. Reactive dsb (rdsb) were assumed to increase linearly with dose, and the yield of reactive dsb per Gy per cell was taken as an adjustable parameter. In the case of low-LET radiation, rdsb were randomly distributed on chromosomes, and the probability for a rdsb to be inflicted on a particular chromosome arm was taken as proportional to the arm genomic length. Simulation of random interactions between rdsb within the same site allowed calculation of the yields of apparently simple and visibly complex exchanges. Comparisons with experimental data obtained by Simpson and Savage (1995) with X-rays, lead to 13 interaction sites, with a corresponding mean number of rdsb/Gy/cell of 2.4. In the case of high-LET, flattened human fibroblast nuclei were represented as right cylinders, having an ellipsoidal projected cross-section A and height parallel to the radiation beam. The nucleus was modelled as a single layer of S sites, each of them having a crosssectional area of A/S; this value, together with the particle LET, determined the mean number of tracks per site per Gy. For a given dose value and a given LET value, for each site an actual number of tracks traversing that site was extracted from a Poisson distribution. The distribution for the total specific energy imparted to a site was calculated on the basis of the probability of having 0,1,2, …tracks intersecting the site; the probability that a given chromosome arm in a given site experienced exactly n reactive dsb was then calculated by a superposition of Poisson distributions whose mean value was determined by the yield of rdsb/Gy/cell. The best overall fit to the fibroblast data of Griffin et al. (1995) was obtained with 25 interaction sites per nucleus and 9.5 reactive dsb/Gy/cell. This model was discussed in detail elsewhere (Ottolenghi et al., 1999). In this context, it is worthy outlining that the parameter representing the mean number of sites per cell has not a clear biophysical meaning, since its value changes significantly with LET, thus reflecting the features of the radiation track structure rather than the target geometry. Inter Chromosomal Domain (ICD) compartment The "Inter Chromosomal Domain (ICD)" compartment model, developed by T. Cremer and coworkers (Zirbel et al., 1993; T. Cremer et al., 1993; T. Cremer et al., 1995), was extensively described and discussed by C. Cremer et al. (1996); the main features will be summarised below. The authors 6 hypothesised the existence of a 3-D network of intra-nuclear channels containing the proteins needed for cellular activities such as DNA- replication and repair and RNA- transcription and splicing. Such channels were supposed to start at the nuclear pores and to expand between the surfaces of chromosomal territories; from the territorial surface, other channels would lead into the territory interior and would expand between sub-chromosomal domains (e.g. arm domains and band domains). In particular, for DNA replication and repair, this model requires a dynamic organisation of chromosomal territories and subchromosomal domains, to allow the access of double-helix strands to the ICD channels; similarly, for transcriptional activities, this model implies that genes are located at the surfaces of territories and domains. The authors explained the formation and topology of this channel network by assuming that chromosomal territories and sub-chromosomal domains are negatively-charged under physiological conditions, thus leading to repulsive electric forces between opposite surfaces. The negative charges at the surfaces may originate from non-neutralised, negatively-charged phosphate groups and non-histone proteins. The channel width, which was predicted to be of the order of a few nm, was assumed to be modulated by the morphology of territories/domains, by local differences in repulsive forces, and by Brownian movements of domain surfaces. Transport of proteins and RNA molecules within the channel network would take place either by diffusion, and/or via matrix filaments. As a consequence, channels in regions with ongoing DNA-replication/repair or RNA transcription may strongly be enlarged; this is consistent with the experimentally-observed macromolecular domains detectable as "speckles" or "foci" (Zirbel et al., 1993). According to the model described above, double-strand breaks located within a common boundary zone of distinct chromosomal territories can lead to interchanges by illegitimate rejoining of two chromosome ends in the ICD region, whereas illegitimate rejoining of dsb in channels located within the same chromosomal territory leads to intrachanges. This implies that the frequency of chromosomal aberrations depends both on the surface areas of adjacent territories/domains and on the accessibility of repair complexes at these surfaces. It is worthy pointing out that repair (legitimate or illegitimate) of dsbs induced at a certain distance from the ICD channels requires the motion of these dsbs to the territory/domain surfaces. C. Cremer et al. (1996), on the basis of the ICD-compartment model and of 3D measurements of the surface areas of individual interphase chromosomes, derived quantitative estimates of chromosome aberration frequencies, aimed to interpret the translocation rates observed by Tanaka et al. (1983) and Muhlmann-Diaz and Bedford (1994) for the X-chromosome. Taking into account that the surface area of the of the inactive chromosome-X (Xi) territory was found to be much smaller with respect to the active X-chromosome (Xa), C. Cremer et al. (1996) assumed equal translocation rates for the X chromosome of male cells and the Xa chromosome of female cells; this translocation rate, according to the ICD-compartment model, was assumed to be proportional to the surface area adjacent to other chromosome territories, and an expression was found linking the translocation rate of Xi to the translocation rate of Xa. A re-examination of the data of Tanaka and coworkers suggested that the lower number of breaks observed for X chromosomes can be explained by assuming that the surface fraction of Xi participating in translocations is significantly smaller than the surface fraction of Xa, and by adopting a value of 1.4 for the ratio between the measured surface area of Xa and that of Xi. Also the data obtained by Muhlmann-Diaz and Bedford were found to be compatible with the application of the ICD-compartment model performed by C. Cremer et al. (1996). An example of coupling between interphase chromosome geometry and track structure In a previous work on modelling chromosomal aberrations induced by protons and alpha particles (Ballarini et al., 1999), human lymphocyte nuclei were taken as spheres of 7 m diameter, and interphase chromosomes were implicitly described as spherical territories with volumes proportional to the genomic content. More specifically, the tracks traversing the nucleus were represented as linear segments and the traversal lengths were extracted from a triangular distribution; for each nuclear traversal, a set of intersected chromosomes was selected as follows. The first chromosome intersected by that track was randomly extracted, and the chromosomal traversal length (i.e. the fraction of the nuclear traversal contained in the spherical territory representing that chromosome) was also extracted from a triangular 7 DICENTRICS/CELL distribution. A second, third,… chromosome were added along the particle track, under the condition that the sum of the chromosome traversal lengths would not exceed the nucleus traversal length, within a 10% tolerance interval. The process of selection of intersected chromosomes was then repeated for each track, being the mean number of tracks determined by the nucleus radius and the radiation LET and dose. It was also assumed that only severe DNA damage, operationally defined as 2 or more ssb on each strand within 30 bp and called "Complex Lesions", can lead to aberrations; these lesions were distributed along the radiation tracks, and the yield of CL per m was derived from the yield of CL/Gy/dalton calculated in a previous work on DNA damage modelling (Ottolenghi et al., 1995). It was therefore possible to obtain the number of CL in each traversed chromosome; within a given damaged chromosome, each CL was then assigned to one of the two arms on the basis of their DNA content. Doseresponse curves for different Giemsa- and FISH-stained aberrations were calculated, and good agreement was found with experimental data. In the work described above, interphase chromosome territories were modelled only implicitly, meaning that they were not defined in terms of 3-D coordinates within the nuclear volume. However this approach, by making it possible to couple the geometrical features of track structure with those of the target nuclei, allowed reproduction of the experimentally-observed ratio of interchanges (typically dicentrics) to intrachanges (typically centric rings), which is strongly influenced by what is usually called "proximity effect". Indeed, in a previous version of the model (Ballarini, 1997), in which neither interphase chromosome localisation nor the geometrical features of light-ion tracks were taken into account, a higher yield of dicentrics (factor 2) and a lower yield of centric rings was obtained (same factor), thus confirming that both the target structure and the lesion spatial distribution play a relevant role in the induction of chromosomal aberrations. DOSE (Gy) Fig. 1. Giemsa-stained dicentrics induced by gamma rays. The solid and dashed lines are simulation results for two different values of the cut-off distance d. Experimental data are from Lloyd et al., 1975 (+); Bauchinger et al., 1983 (x); Fabry et al., 1985 ( , ■ ); Schmid et al., 1995 (*). 8 A future development of the work will consist in simulating interphase chromosomal territories and subchromosomal domains in an explicit manner. As a first approach, a grid of small cubic elements ("boxes") was superimposed to a spherical cell nucleus, and non-overlapping chromosome territories were constructed with step-by-step occupation of the closest neighbouring boxes, starting from 46 randomly-selected boxes. To simulate aberration induction by sparsely ionising radiation, DNA lesions were randomly distributed in the nuclear volume, and they were allowed to interact according to a step function of their initial distance. In Figure 1, the results of a preliminary test on dicentric dose-response curves are reported for two different values of the cut-off distance, i.e. the maximum distance allowing interaction of two chromosome free-ends (each DNA lesion produces two free-ends). A comparison between the two cases can provide a quantitative estimate of the influence of the distance-dependence law on the final outcome of the simulations: an increase in the cut-off distance from 1 to 1.2 m produces almost a twofold increase in the dicentric yields. Static Models In this section two examples of "static" models of the genome will be reported, in which the biological target was described by a function representing the expected fraction of "sensitive matrix" (i.e. the region of interest for radiation-induced damage) contained in spherical shells randomly located within the cell nucleus; the radiation itself was described by the expected amount of energy deposited in these shells. Both models are based on a generalised formulation of the Theory of the Dual Radiation Action (TDRA) due to Kellerer and Rossi (1978), who assumed that biological "lesions" (e.g. chromosome aberrations) are due to distance-dependent interactions of pairs of "sublesions" (e.g. chromosome breaks). The interest in this kind of approaches, which are much earlier than those presented in the previous sections, mainly relies on the fact that they provided interesting suggestions on how the probability of interaction between two sublesions depends on their initial distance, that is still an important open question. The "floccule" approach The "floccule" approach was developed by Kellerer and co-workers two years after the generalised TDRA (Kellerer et al. 1980). For a randomly centred spherical shell of radius x and thickness dx, t(x)dx ("energy proximity function") was defined as the expected energy imparted to the shell, whereas s(x)dx ("geometry proximity function") was defined as the expected mass of the sensitive matrix contained in the shell. A function g(x) was also introduced, representing the interaction probability between two sublesions with initial distance x. Following the generalised TDRA, the probability that two energy transfers produce a lesion is proportional to s(x)g(x)/(4x2). Although experimental data do not provide information on s(x) and g(x) separately, they can give information on their product. Therefore the authors introduced a function (x) = [s(x)g(x)/(4x2)] / ∫ s(x)g(x)dx with x ranging from 0 to ∞; finding an expression for (x) consistent with experimental data was the main goal of this work. Experiments on V-79 cell survival following irradiation with pairs of correlated deuteron ions having a LET of 33 keV/ μm were carried out, and the data were used to derive expressions for (x). More specifically, the usual expression for the surviving fraction S = exp [-k(ξD+D2)] was fitted to the data obtained at different doses D, thus allowing to derive the corresponding value of ξ. As a second step, (x), which was required to be a smooth and monotonically decreasing function of the distance, was obtained by unfolding the expression ξ = ∫ (x)t(x)dx, where t(x) was determined by the radiation LET and the distribution of the distances between two correlated ions at a depth midway in the cell nucleus. The main finding of this work is that only (x) extending to several micrometers are consistent with experimental data, and that (x) must decline sharply below distances of the order of 0.1 μm. Furthermore, interactions between two sublesions produced by the same primary track (intra-track combinations), were found to occur predominantly below 0.1 μm, whereas inter-track combination was predominant at the micrometer range. Importantly, the authors observed that the resulting (x) functions were similar to those that would result if DNA were the target and if it were randomly distributed over a 9 region of several μm diameter in "floccules" having linear dimensions up to 0.1 μm. The derivation of (x) for the specific case of spherical floccules of diameter δ randomly distributed in a spherical site of diameter d lead to acceptable agreement with data for δ=0.1 μm and d=4μm, although the precise form of the functions (x) could not be given with certainty. On the basis of the recent findings on nuclear structure (see the section "Nucleus and chromosome architecture during interphase" ), this interpretation of the results is of extreme interest, since the floccules of Kellerer and co-workers might be identified with some kind of domains at the sub-chromosome level. The Drosophila approach Also starting from the generalised TDRA (Kellerer and Rossi 1978), D. Brenner (1988) proposed an ab initio model of chromosome aberration induction by different radiation types, with the main aim of quantifying the role of the target geometry and of the distance between sublesions. Chinese hamster chromosomes were modelled by using information on Drosophila chromosomes, whose structure was taken from an experimental study describing the spatial organisation of Drosophila chromosomes with Cartesian coordinates (Hochstrasser et al. 1986). More specifically, the total chromosomal content of a Chinese hamster cell was modelled by random superposition of four Drosophila nuclei. A large number of spheres were then located along each chromosome, so that the union of these spheres had about the same volume as that of the nucleotides in the nucleus; each sphere represented a nucleotide pair. The distribution of the distances, s(x), between pairs of points randomly extracted within the sensitive matrix (i.e. the union of the spheres) was then calculated by splitting it into two components, referring to pairs of points in the same chromosomes and in two distinct chromosomes, respectively. Following the TDRA, chromosome aberrations were assumed to be produced by a two-step mechanisms, the first step consisting in the induction of sublesions (e.g. chromosome breaks) in the sensitive matrix, and the second step consisting in pairwise interactions of sublesions to form lesions. The aberration yield was found to increase with dose in a linear-quadratic fashion, since the aberration yield at a certain dose was assumed to be proportional to the lesion yield, which following the TDRA is a linearquadratic function of dose. On the basis of TDRA, the ratio of the linear to the quadratic coefficient was expressed by means of the functions t(x) and (x), where t(x)dx represents the expected value of the energy deposited in a spherical shell of radius x and thickness dx centered at a randomly-extracted deposition point, and (x) is the probability that two energy depositions at distance x will interact and form a lesion. The function (x) was considered to comprise two components, s(x) and g(x), where the latter represents the probability that two sublesions having initial distance x will interact to produce a lesion. (x) was calculated by unfolding the expression for the ratio between the linear and the quadratic coefficient of chromosome aberration dose-response curves; this expression was found by fitting the linear-quadratic relationship to experimental data sets obtained after irradiation of hamster cells with different radiation types (Skarsgard et al. 1967). The probability for two sublesions to interact and form a lesion was found to be very similar to a step function with a cut-off distance of 1 m. The author therefore concluded that the enhancement shown by (x) at nanometre level is due to the contribution of s(x) rather than g(x), suggesting that the target structure rather than the cell response is one of the main responsible factors for proximity effects in aberration induction. Although the numerical results should be considered carefully, this model provides very interesting indications, since the dependence of the interaction probability of two chromosome breaks on their initial separation is considered to be a relevant open question. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Recent advances in techniques such as 3D reconstruction of confocal microscope images of FISHstained chromosomes, provided a reliable picture of nuclear architecture during interphase. A large number of experimental studies have clearly indicated that the cell nucleus is a highly organised structure, in which individual interphase chromosomes occupy distinct territories; similarly, each chromosome territory contains non-overlapping sub-chromosomal domains, typically arm domains and band domains. 10 Although the "Inter Chromosomal Domain compartment" proposed by Cremer and co-workers is still an hypothesis, it has been demonstrated that proteins, and possible other molecules such as RNAs, can penetrate between the various territories and domains, whereas there is no available space between chromosome territories and the nuclear envelope. These findings have relevant implications in understanding the mechanisms underlying chromosome aberration induction. Indeed, the structural - and possibly functional - organisation of the cell nucleus summarised above, implies that only DNA breaks at the periphery of neighbouring chromosome territories/sub-chromosomal domains should contribute to chromosome exchanges, since the enzyme complexes necessary for repair should be preferentially located between distinct territories/domains rather than in their interior. As a consequence, the interaction probability between two breaks at the periphery of different territories/domains is essentially governed by their adjacent surface area. Therefore, broken chromosomes having similar volumes (and thus similar DNA content) but different surface areas adjacent to neighbouring territories, in principle have different probabilities to be involved in a chromosome exchange. This can provide an explanation for experiments in which the observed yield of exchanges was not proportional to the genomic content of the chromosomes involved, as is the case of Muhlmann-Diaz and Bedford (1994), who observed a strong deviation from the linear expectation for aberrations involving X-chromosomes in human cell lines. It is also worthy pointing out that the fraction of the territory surface attached to the nuclear envelope would not participate in exchanges; therefore, also chromosomes with similar surfaces can have different probability to be involved in the production of exchange-type aberrations. However, the scenario is much more complicated than it may appear, since the organisation of the nucleus is highly dynamic, being modulated by the different cellular activities ongoing in the various regions (see De Boni, 1994 for a review on the dynamic aspects of interphase nuclear structure). Although interphase chromosomes in non-cycling cells have shown preferential relative positioning, it is still not clear to what extent chromosome territories can move throughout the nucleus. Furthermore, even though the movement of entire territories as a whole were not significant, there is substantial evidence that sub-chromosomal domains are subject to continuous movements within the chromosome territory during the various cell-cycle phases, that should affect the exchange frequency. For instance, a break initially induced in the interior of the territory could subsequently move towards the periphery, thus increasing its probability to be involved in exchanges. 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