Year Plan - Hinton Community School

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2009-2010 Year Plan
Subject: World History
Grade Level: Junior/Senior
1st Semester- Ancient World History
90 Days- 88 days planned
Pre-Unit: Intro to class (1 days)
Unit I: What is Civilization (8 days)
Lesson 1: Why does World History Matter?
Lesson 2: Defining Civilizations
Lesson 3: Agriculture is an Anchor
Lesson 4: Customs and Language Unite
Lesson 5: Laws to Rule
Lesson 6: Art demonstrates Stability
Go Over Test
Aug. 27
Aug 28- Sept. 10
Unit II: River Valleys (10 Days)
Sept. 11- Sept. 24
Chapters: 3-4
Lesson 1: Foundations of Sumeria
Lesson 2: Sumerian Culture and Accomplishments
Lesson 3: Downfall of Sumeria
Lesson 4: Foundations of Egypt and Religion
Lesson 5: Old Kingdom
Lesson 6: New Kingdom
Lesson 7: Contributions of Egypt
Lesson 8: Decline of Egypt
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Unit III: Eastern Civilizations (8 Days)
Chapter: 5
Lesson 1: Foundations of Indus
Lesson 2: Growth of Civilization
Lesson 3: Contributions & Decline
Lesson 4: Foundations of Huang Ho
Lesson 5: Growth
Lesson 6: Contributions & Decline
Go Over Test
Sept. 25- Oct. 6
Unit IV: Pen and Sword (Pen) (9 Days)
Oct. 7- Oct. 20
Chapter: 6
Lesson 1: Trade Civilizations: Define and Explain
Lesson 2: Foundations of Phoenicia
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Lesson 3: Trade Empire and Effects
Lesson 4: Contributions & Legacy
Lesson 5: Hebrew History
Lesson 6: Hebrew Religion
Lesson 7: Hebrew Legacy
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Unit V: Pen and Sword (Sword) (10 Days)
Chapter: 7
Lesson 1: What Creates a Military Empire?
Lesson 2: Assyrian Foundations
Lesson 3: Assyrian Impact
Lesson 4: Chaldean Foundations
Lesson 5: Chaldean Impact
Lesson 6: Persian Foundation
Lesson 7: Persian Growth
Lesson 8: Persian Legacy
Go Over Test
Oct. 21- Nov. 2
Unit VI: Research Paper (4 days)
Nov. 3- Nov. 6
Unit VII: Ancient Greece (8 days)
Chapters: 9-11
Lesson 1: Minoans
Lesson 2: Mycenaeans
Lesson 3: Combined Heritage
Lesson 4: City States: Define and Examples
Lesson 5: The Iliad
Lesson 6: Cultural Contributions & Transition
Go Over Test
Nov. 9- Nov. 18
Unit VIII: Hellenistic Greece (8 days)
Chapters: 11-12
Lesson 1: Define the Hellenistic Period
Lesson 2: Greek Empire: Alexander the Great
Lesson 3: Greek Philosophy: Origins and Growth
Lesson 4: Greek Art
Lesson 5: Greek Theater
Lesson 6: Decline and Legacy
Go Over Test
Nov. 19- Dec. 3
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Unit IX: Early Rome and Republic (10 days)
Chapters: 13-14
Lesson 1: Creation Myth
Lesson 2: Etruscans
Lesson 3: Evolution of Republic
Lesson 4: Life in the Republic
Lesson 5: Punic Wars = 2 days
Lesson 6: Effects of the Punic Wars
Lesson 7: End of the Republic
Go Over Test
Dec. 4- Dec. 17
Unit X: Roman Empire (10 days)
Dec. 18- Jan. 114
Chapters: 15-16
Lesson 1: First Emperor
Lesson 2: Life in Imperial Rome: Advantages to citizens
Lesson 3: Life in Imperial Rome: Two classes
Lesson 4: The Legions: Backbone of Roman Empire
Lesson 5: Expansions
Lesson 6: Other Emperors
Lesson 7: Christianity in Rome
Lesson 8: Decline of Rome
Go Over Test
2nd Semester- Middle Modern World History
Unit I: Early Middle Ages (8 days)
Jan. 15 – Jan. 26
Chapters: 17-20
Lesson: Franks
Lesson: Charlemagne
Lesson: Irish and Anglo Saxons
Lesson: Vikings
Lesson: Viking Religion
Lesson: Viking Impacts
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Unit II: Late Middle Ages (10 Days)
Jan. 28- Feb. 10
Chapters: 24-27
Lesson: Feudal Society
Lesson: Church
Lesson: Crusades (2 days)
Lesson: Urban Growth
Lesson: Absolute and Constitutional Monarchies (2 days)
Lesson: 100 years war
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Unit III: Eastern Empires (10 Days)
Chapters: 21-23
Lesson: “New” Rome
Lesson: Justinian
Lesson: Eastern Orthodoxy
Lesson: Mohammed
Lesson: Growth of Islam
Lesson: Islamic Empire
Lesson: Medieval Chinese Dynasties
Lesson: Chinese cultural contributions
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Unit IV: Renaissance and Reformation(8 Days)
Chapter 28-29
Lesson: Renaissance defined
Lesson: Italian Renaissance
Lesson: European Renaissance
Lesson: Reformation defined
Lesson: Protestant Reformation
Lesson: 30 years War
Go Over Test
Feb. 11- Feb. 25
Feb. 26- Mar. 10
Unit V: Age of Reason (8 Days)
Mar. 11- Mar. 22
Chapter: 29-30
Lesson: Age of Discovery
Lesson: British Revolution
Lesson: French Revolution
Lesson: Scientific and Agricultural Revolutions
Lesson: Industrial Revolution
Go Over Test
Unit VI: Thesis Paper (5 days)
Mar. 23- Mar. 26
Unit VII: Imperialism (9 days)
Chapter 32-33, 35-36
Lesson: England-Why?
Lesson: Sun Never Sets
Lesson: Effects of Empire
Lesson: French Empire
Lesson: German Empire
Lesson: Franco-Prussian War
Mar. 29- Apr. 12
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Lesson: Global Competition
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Unit VIII: World At War (10 days)
Chapter: 37
Lesson: World War I- Causes
Lesson: War in Europe
Lesson: Treaty of Versailles
Lesson: World War II-Causes
Lesson: Alliances and reasons
Lesson: Battle for Britain
Lesson: The Eastern Front
Lesson: Legacy for Europe
Go Over Test
Apr. 13- Apr. 26
Unit IX: Cold War (10 days)
Apr. 27- May 10
Chapter 38
Lesson: Communism and the Russian Revolution
Lesson: Causes
Lesson: Germany Divided
Lesson: Stalin
Lesson: Iron Curtain and Eastern Bloc
Lesson: Role of Western Europe
Lesson: Proxy Wars
Lesson: Ending the War
Go Over Test
Unit X: Current Issues in History (10 days)
Current Trends Project
May 10- May 26