NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING CITY OF PILOT POINT CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PILOT POINT, TEXAS, WILL HOLD A REGULAR MEETING ON: MONDAY, OCTOBER 08, 2012 AT 6:30 PM - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 102 E. MAIN STREET, PILOT POINT, TX AGENDA A. 6:30 PM – ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER B. Pledge to Flags: 1. United States of America 2. Texas Flag Honor the Texas Flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, One and indivisible C. Public Forum, Presentations and Recognition: (No Action) 1. Public Forum: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. If the issue is on the agenda, the City Council may choose to discuss and consider the item. If the issue is not on the agenda, the Council is not permitted by state law to respond to or discuss the item other than to make statements of specific factual information in response to a citizen’s inquiry or to recite existing policy in response to the inquiry. The Council may request the issue to be placed on a future agenda for action in accordance with state law. This forum is not the appropriate place to address complaints against Public Officials and/or Staff. Complaints of this nature should be made in writing and filed with the City Manager.) D. Consent Agenda: (All matters listed under the Consent Agenda for discussion and possible actions are considered to be routine by the City Council and require little or no deliberation. There will not be a separate discussion of these items and the Consent Agenda items will be enacted by one vote. If a Council Member expresses a desire to discuss a matter listed on the Consent Agenda, the item will be considered separately.) 1. Consider the Minutes for the September 10, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting. (Action Item) 2. Consider approval to register and give notice to the State of Texas that the City of Pilot Point is a home rule city with the powers of eminent domain for lawful purposes. (Action Item) 3. Consider a proclamation and authorizing the Mayor to sign designating October 17-13 as 2012 National 4-H Week in the City of Pilot Point. (Action Item) 4. Consider a proclamation and authorizing the Mayor to sign designating October 23-31 as 2012 Red Ribbon Week in the City of Pilot Point. (Action Item) 5. Consider approval and authorize the Mayor to sign an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for Library Services for the 2012-2013 Fiscal Year. (Action Item) 6. Consider the STW Software upgrade for the utility billing, accounting and court departments. (Action Item) 7. Consider approval and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with All American Dogs for Animal Sheltering Services. (Action Item) E. Regular City Council Agenda 1. Public Hearing regarding the submission of an application for a Texas Community Development Block Grant to provide Sewer Line Replacement. 2. Consider a resolution and authorize the Mayor to sign to approve an application for a Texas Community Development Block Grant to provide Sewer Line Replacement. (Action Item) 3. Consider approval and authorize the Mayor to sign a resolution authorizing the purchase and financing Emergency Medical Service Heart Monitor/Defibrillator Equipment. (Action Item) 4. Consider approval and authorize the Mayor to sign an ordinance to increase solid waste service fees by 1.28% to cover the cost increase charged by IESI for refuse collection, disposal and recycling services. (Action Item) 5. Consider the purchase or lease of Automated External Defibrillator(s) for City buildings and related physician directives and training requirements. (Action Item) 6. Consider approval and authorize the Mayor to sign a resolution to participation with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District in a Watershed Protection Program. (Action Item) 7. Consider authorizing staff to initiate the process for approval of the EDC Matching Funds Façade Reimbursement Grant Program. (Action Item) 8. Consider a resolution approving an application for funding through the Texas Department of Agriculture Texas Capital Fund Main Street Program. (Action Item) 9. Consider the upcoming regular scheduled council meetings in regards to the holiday season. (Action Item) F. Consider Council Goals, Administrative Reports, and Discussion & Future Agenda Items: 1. Consider priority and progress on City Council Goals and Objectives for 2012. 2. Consider identifying and suggesting future agenda items for the City Council and City Boards and Commissions. 2 3. Administrative Reports. a. August Financial Report b. End of Year Financial Detail G. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City Council of the City of Pilot Point will recess into Executive Session (Closed Meeting) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551, Subchapter D, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following: 1. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property: H. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION: The City Council of the City of Pilot Point will reconvene into Regular Session (Open Meeting) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551, Subchapter D, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following: 1. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property: I. Adjourn: Pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, the City Council reserves the right to convene into Executive Session (Closed Session), from time to time as deemed necessary during this meeting for any posted agenda item, to receive advise from its attorney as permitted by law. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Pilot Point will provide reasonable accommodations for disabled persons attending this meeting. Requests should be received at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s office at 940-686-2165. I the undersigned authority do hereby certify this notice was posted on the official bulletin board for the City of Pilot Point, Texas on October 5, 2012 at 3:00 p.m., and shall remain posted for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This notice was removed from the official bulletin board on . at by ______ Alice Holloway, City Secretary 3