November 8 In-Class Discussion Problems Based on Problem 9.4 in the text: Suppose the true population model for children’s television viewing is: tvhours* = 0 + 1age + 2age2 + 3avgedparents + u But a researcher only has a parent’s report of viewing, tvhours = tvhours* + e0. Suppose more educated people are embarrassed by the amount of television they let their children watch, and thus systematically underreport their children’s viewing. The use of reported viewing, tvhours, instead of true viewing, tvhours*, will a) not affect any of the slope coefficients, but may bias the intercept and will increase the standard errors b) cause attenuation bias in all of the slope coefficients, and may cause bias of unknown sign in the intercept and will increase the standard errors c) result in 3 being negatively biased, because e0 is definitely negatively correlated with avgedparents d) will not affect any of the coefficients or their standard errors Based on Problem 9.8 in the text: A researcher is interested in whether using job training grants increases the productivity level of a firm’s workers (by reducing that firm’s scrap rate). The researcher has a limited amount of data but estimates these 2 models, where lscrap is ln(scrap rate), lscrap_1 is lscrap from last year, and grant = 1 if the firm received a training grant this year. The researcher is most interested in H0: 1=0, H1: 1<0. MODEL 1 | Robust lscrap | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ----------+--------------------------------------------------------------grant | .0566004 .3708355 0.15 0.879 -.6875354 .8007361 _cons | .408526 .262929 1.55 0.126 -.1190797 .9361316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------MODEL 2 | Robust lscrap | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ----------+--------------------------------------------------------------grant | -.2539697 .1463727 -1.74 0.089 -.5478251 .0398857 lscrap_1 | .8311606 .0735407 11.30 0.000 .6835216 .9787996 _cons | .021237 .099845 0.21 0.832 -.1792103 .2216843 -------------------------------------------------------------------------. test lscrap_1=1 ( 1) lscrap_1 = 1.0 F( 1, 51) = 5.27 Prob > F = 0.0258 Based on the 2 models and the F-test reported above, we can conclude a) that the p-value for a t-statistic of (.8311-1)/.0735 = .026 b) that we should reject H0 at the 5% level c) that there are constant determinants of the scrap rate that are correlated with whether the firm received a training grant. d) all of the above Based on Example 17.1 in the text: A researcher is estimating the probability that a married woman works as a function of age, education, experience, number of children and other family income. The coefficients (standard errors) on age from a linear probability model, a probit model and a logit model are -.016 (.002), -.053 (.008) and -.088 (.015), respectively. From this we can conclude that all else equal a) younger women are significantly less likely to work b) the estimated effect of age on the probability of working differs greatly across the different models c) a one year change in age changes the probability of working by about two percentage points d) all of the above Based on Problem 17.15 in the text: An experiment was run in which men were randomly assigned to groups, one of which received training and one of which did not. To test whether training reduces the probability of unemployment, the following model was estimated: Probit estimates Number of obs = 445 LR chi2(6) = 8.15 Prob > chi2 = 0.2271 Log likelihood = -270.65822 Pseudo R2 = 0.0148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------unem78| dF/dx Std. Err. z P>|z| x-bar [ 95% C.I. ] --------+----------------------------------------------------------------train*| -.107801 .043605 -2.42 0.016 .41573 -.193265 -.022337 unem74*| .0365794 .0713216 0.51 0.613 .732584 -.103208 .176367 unem75*| .0256093 .0671171 0.38 0.705 .649438 -.105938 .157156 age | .0009776 .0031779 0.31 0.758 25.3708 -.005251 .007206 educ | .0030652 .0126346 0.24 0.808 10.1955 -.021698 .027829 married*| -.0275807 .0595036 -0.46 0.648 .168539 -.144206 .089044 --------+----------------------------------------------------------------obs. P | .3078652 pred. P | .3049053 (at x-bar) -------------------------------------------------------------------------(*) dF/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1 z and P>|z| are the test of the underlying coefficient being 0 In a simple probit, the coefficient on train was significant and implied that the probability of unemployment was 11 percentage points lower for those in the training group. This model had a log likelihood of -271.5828. We can conclude a) that the causal effect of the training program is to lower unemployment by about 11 percentage points b) that the simple probit is preferred to the model shown above c) that the group assignment was truly random d) all of the above