Fall 2013 The Omaha Homeschool Learning Center --provides weekly classes to supplement your home curriculum. --brings classes that you already attend into one place to reduce travel time. --has activities and classes for the entire family (ages 3 to adult). --creates a community of learners and homeschool moms. We are located at the Southwest Church of Christ (124th and West Center). Classes are held from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday afternoons, and we welcome you to bring the whole family down. Whether spending time in our Mom’s Room or finding a nook to call your own, you are welcome to make us your homeschool away from home. Kids are free to study or socialize when not in class. Classes Our semester begins September 11th and ends December 4th; there will be no classes the day before Thanksgiving (Nov. 27th). Some high school classes will end on December 18th. Most classes are 50 minutes long. Tuition is typically $85 for a semester class, but may have additional charges for fees or textbooks. Tuition may be higher for classes that meet for extended periods. Parents’ Role Our mission is to help you enjoy, enrich, prepare, and protect your children. These supplemental classes are meant to assist your homeschooling efforts, but we always want to affirm parents as their child’s primary educator. Please be informed about your children’s classes: ask questions, talk to teachers, and sit in on classes. Because parents will remain the primary educators, please do not list the Learning Center or our individual teachers on state exempt school forms (Rule 12 or 13 for Nebraska). Questions? Contact Jack Donnelly at (402) 293-7621 or omahahomeschool@gmail.com We hope moms can stay at the Center while their kids are in class so that they can find some time to rest and enjoy themselves among other like-minded homeschool moms. But this is only a suggestion: you know best what you need to do, and you are welcome to drop your children off. Please be aware that the Learning Center is only responsible for the safety of children in the classroom; parents or the children themselves are responsible at all other times. 1 Belief Statement The Omaha Homeschool Learning Center is an ecumenical Catholic ministry, whose values should be respected but need not be shared. Our classes are open to all homeschoolers, regardless of religious orientation, but parents should be aware that classes may be taught from a Christian perspective. It is our firm belief that God is eager to see Christian brothers and sisters join together to celebrate all that they hold in common. Jesus prayed that all of His followers “may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me” (Jn. 17: 20). John Paul II has written, “Indeed all the faithful are asked by the Spirit of God to do everything possible to strengthen the bonds of communion between all Christians and to increase cooperation between Christ's followers” (That They May Be One, 101). There are countless benefits for this unity, but surely the greatest is to proclaim in unison to an unbelieving world that Jesus is Lord! Policies SUPERVISION: Please be aware that the Learning Center is only responsible for the safety of children in the classroom; parents or the children themselves are responsible at all other times. Classes may end before the scheduled time on occasion. Please instruct your children to remain in the classroom if you would like to pick them up. (Young Explorers will always be kept in the classroom until someone arrives to pick up the child.) ILLNESS: Although any public area increases exposure to germs, we ask that contagious children not attend classes. Colds are unavoidable, but children with a fever, severe cough, or any infectious disease should remain at home. INCLEMENT WEATHER: An email will be sent out by 9am if classes are cancelled. DRESS CODE: Please avoid tank tops, tube tops, halter tops, sun dresses, spandex, muscle shirts, bare backs, immodest necklines, etc. Midriff should not show when standing or sitting. Skirts and shorts should be an appropriate length: skirts no shorter than an inch or so above the knee, shorts should come down to at least fingertip level. Clothing should cover undergarments. Pants must be worn no lower than the waist. If a student inadvertently wears an item that doesn’t conform to the dress code, they may return home to change or accept a cover-up that will allow them to continue their day. Payment 1. An initial, non-refundable deposit of $20 per class must be made at the time of registration. This amount will be applied to the cost of the class. 2. Class fees are also non-refundable. 3. Full payment for classes can be made at registration or installments may be paid in person on any Wednesday or online at any time. 4. Changes made to registered classes will incur the loss of deposit for that class if made after July 15th. Scholarships This year kids can help pay for their classes, too! Responsible kids over the age of 14 may also be volunteered volunteer; they will receive the same benefits as adult volunteers. Scholarships are based on participation in our mission. We have positions open for housekeeping, hall monitors, and teacher assistants; you are welcome to volunteer teenagers, too. If you have younger children with you, we 2 may still be able to use your assistance; simply indicate this on the registration form. Teachers and volunteers receive priority registration, if forms are received before June 14th. Omaha Homeschool Learning Center Registration Parent’s Name Home Phone No information has changed since my previous registration. I have reviewed all the information on the emergency and consent form and agree to all terms. Check here if your contact information has changed or if your child has an allergy that we are not aware of. Address Cell Phone City, State, Zip Email Child One Child Two Child Three NAME Birth date 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm We love big families! Just print more forms as needed; personal information need not be repeated. VOLUNTEERS receive priority registration if forms are received before June 14th. Responsible kids over the age of 14 may also be volunteered volunteer. I’m available at __10am __ 11am __ 12pm __ 1 pm __ 2 pm __ 3 pm __before classes __after classes (We offer a higher stipend for helping before and after classes.) Total number of hours that I would like to volunteer each Wednesday ____ For office use only: ________ Consent ________ Ck # _________ Amount _________ Recv’d _________ QB ___ I will have young children with me while volunteering. Please include a non-refundable $20 deposit for each class, which will be applied to the cost of the class. Pay online (omahahomeschool.com) or through the mail. Checks may be made payable to OHLC. Mail completed form to 1011 Marian Ave, Bellevue, NE 68005. Questions? Contact Jack Donnelly at omahahomeschool@gmail.com or 402-293-7621. _________ DB 3 Emergency and Consent Form No Change of Information: If you have previously completed this form and your information has not changed, you only need to check the corresponding box on the registration form on page 3. Parent’s Name Cell Phone Children’s Names and Ages Emergency Contact with phone number Doctor’s Name and Phone Insurance Company, Policy Number, Group Number Medical Consideration or Allergies (specify child) Consent I give permission for my child(ren) to participate in any activity sponsored by the Omaha Homeschool Learning _____ Center as it relates to classes that I have enrolled my child(ren) in. Initial _____ I waive, release, and indemnify the Omaha Homeschool Learning Center and Southwest Church of Christ, its Initial agents, director, officers, employees, and volunteers from all demands, claims, or liabilities, in law or in equity, which have arisen or may arise from any Omaha Homeschool Learning Center activity and which involves any damage, loss, or injury to me, my child(ren) named on this form or our property. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency during an Omaha Homeschool Learning Center activity, I hereby give my permission to the physician or dentist selected by the Learning Center supervisor to secure proper medical treatment for any of my children deemed necessary, at no expense to the church or to the Omaha Homeschool Learning Center. Child Supervision Responsibility _____ I understand that I am personally responsible for my child(ren)’s safety and supervision during the times that Initial he/she is attending Omaha Homeschool Learning Center classes. Non-Refundable Initial Payment I understand that the $20 per class deposit, which will be applied toward the class tuition, is non-refundable _____ and cannot be credited. The deposit will only be refunded if the class is cancelled. I understand that class fees Initial are not refundable. ____________________________________________ _________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date 4 Class Schedule, Fall 2013 The age ranges listed after the class title are only suggestions (with some exceptions). 10:00-10:50 11:00-11:50 12:00-12:50 1:00-1:50 2:00-2:50 3:00-3:50 Kitchen Kiddos 4-6 Young Explorers 3-5 Young Explorers 3-5 Young Explorers 3-5 Young Explorers 3-5 Fun w/Lit 5-8 Phonics 4-6 Tae Kwon Do 5-7 Young Scientists 4-6 Pre-Ballet 4-6 Leathercraft 6 & up Dance Troupe 7+ Zumbatomic 4-7 Young Artists 4-6 Tae Kwon Do 12:20pm 5-7 Tae Kwon Do 1:15pm 5-7 Art 6-10 Tae Kwon Do 10:20 5-7 Kids’ Greek 5-8 PE 6-10 Rocket Math 6-9 Fun Foods 6-10 Health 6-10 Hands-On Science 6-10 Guitar 6 &up Art 6-10 Dangerous & Daring 6-10 American Girl 9-12 Art 6-10 Hands-On Science 6-10 Hands-On Science 6-10 Ballet 7 & up Guitar 6 & up Guitar 6 & up O Pioneers! 6-10 PE 10-18 Beg. Tae Kwon Do 8 & up Art Journaling 14 &up Writing 9-18 Health and Nutrition 10-14 Kids’ Greek 9-12 Percy Jackson 10-14 Hands-On Science 10-14 Leather Carving 14 & up Physical Science 12-18 Meet Composers 10-14 Comfort Cooking 10 & up Dangerous & Daring 10-14 Geography 10-14 Photography 14 &up Biology 13-18 Art 10 & up Story of the World 10-14 Spanish 1 12-18 Adv. Ballroom 14 &up Chemistry 15-18 Drama 12-18 Sign Language 12-18 Computer Exploration 14-18 Adv. Tae Kwon Do Physics 15-18 ACT Prep 12-18 Russian History 14-18 Beg. Ballroom 13 & up Amer. Gov’t 14-18 Writing 9-18 Science Fiction 14-18 Public Speaking 14-18 Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date information as classes may be filled. 5 Class Descriptions Spring 2013 Most classes are 50 minutes long and have additional charges for class fees, which are non-refundable. Tuition covers the entire semester and is not a monthly charge. Supplies should be purchased by students prior to class. Ages listed are only suggestions (with some exceptions); parents should make the final determination. Feel free to ask for guidance, if needed. ACT Test Preparation (13-18) A one-semester class. Kevin Burge This class is packed with tips, strategies, and plenty of essential English, math, reading, and science review. Students will gain a competitive advantage by becoming familiar with the test’s format, learn tips that will turn complex algebra problems into simple arithmetic, and ease reading comprehension and science reasoning problems by zeroing in on main ideas, topic sentences, and key words. Homework: 1-2 hrs per week. Time: 12pm, ending 12/19 Cost: $90 for 14 weeks Supplies: Kaplan ACT 2014 Comprehensive Program (No CD-ROM needed) American Girl (ages 9-12) Jennifer Barton The class will be reading through the first book in the Kristen series, Meet Kristen. We will journey with Kristen as she leaves her homeland of Sweden, travels to America, and discovers the hardships and wonders of the Minnesota frontier. As we explore the life of the pioneers, we will cook, create, and learn as they once did. On the last day of our journey, the girls will have a frontier picnic with their favorite doll. Time: 10am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $7 American Government (ages 14-adult) A one-semester class. Glenn Freeman This class is designed as a high school civics class, focusing on the central principles of the U.S. government and how power and responsibility are distributed, shared, and limited. The class will also discuss the ensuing deviations from the original federalist intentions of the Constitution. Mr. Freeman, a military veteran, who served on Senator Hagel’s staff, is an expert on the Constitution. Homework: 1hr per week. Time: 3pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $3 Art Staff [See also Young Artists for 4-7 year-olds.] Students learn to express themselves artistically as they apply the basic elements of art in drawing and painting, including color pencils and pastels (chalk) to water color. Students will discover that in all mediums, the creative process starts by using color, composition, line, and perspective to translate a mental image into a finished artistic product. Art history and styles will be included, discussing the different styles and techniques that changed or developed over time. Ages 6-10 Time: 11am, 1pm, 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 Students should bring a paint smock. Ages 10–Adult: Time: 12pm Class Fee: $15 Students should bring a paint smock. Cost: $85 6 Art Journal (ages 12 to adult) Staff An art journal is the fresh exciting way to express yourself through a combination of painting, drawing, doodling, stamping, photos, scripture, lyrics…whatever you choose to express yourself and your moods. For those so inclined, the art journal can be “a visible expression of your faith using scripture, prayers, blessings, and letters, combined with pictures and drawings to remember the memorable times God has intervened, reached out, challenged and changed your life.…” (adorehimcreations.com) Time: 3pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Ballet Abbie West This is a classically structured, traditional ballet class, which will also engage the student's imagination. An education in dance gives the discipline and passion needed to succeed in any aspect of life. The class will end with a simple recital. Pre-Ballet (4-6 year-old boys and girls) Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Supplies: Tights and leotard (both pink if possible). Boys wear comfortable clothing. Students will need quality shoes; no ABC products, please. Bloch is preferred, available at the Dance Shoppe for $17. Ballet (7+ year-old boys and girls) Time: 2pm Cost: $85 Supplies: Tights and leotard (pink tights and black leotard if possible). Boys wear comfortable clothing. Students will need quality shoes; no ABC products, please. Bloch is preferred, available at the Dance Shoppe for $17. Dance Troupe (7+ year-old boys and girls) Time: 3pm Cost: $85 This class is for ballet students who wish to increase their practice and perform more frequently. Students should be enrolled in 2pm ballet along with this class. Ballroom Dance Nate Woodhams Is it exercise or socializing? Are students learning dexterity or etiquette? Once the music starts, it all comes together in this lively, energizing class. Beginners will learn to dance swing (East Coast), waltz, foxtrot, and tango (American style). Advanced students must have ballroom dance experience and will dance swing and related styles: Charleston, foxtrot, shim-sham, Lindyhop, etc. This class is offered in partnership with Arts For All, a dynamic non-profit education program that provides quality classes that are affordable to all. Beginning (13-Adult only, please) Time: 2pm Advanced (14-Adult only, please, with one year of experience) Time: 3pm Biology (ages 13-18) A year-long class Cost: $85 Cost: $85 Jeanne Patton This Apologia college-preparatory biology course provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. Heavily emphasizing the vocabulary of biology, it provides a strong background in the scientific method, the five-kingdom classification scheme, biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular and Mendelian genetics, and ecosystems. This course does not contain a discussion of human anatomy, which most college professors do not consider to be a part of a college-prep course. Homework: 3-6 hours per week. Class Fee: $20, plus one ream of paper Time: 10am-11:50pm, ending 12/18 Supplies: Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd edition Cost: $185 per semester for 14 weeks 7 Chemistry (ages 15-18) A year-long class. Kevin Burge An Apologia laboratory-based high school course that gives students a rigorous foundation in chemistry. Over the year, material will include such topics as kinetics, acids and bases, solutions, atomic structure, and gas. Students who take this course should be well prepared for a challenging university chemistry course. Prerequisite: Algebra I. Please be sure to obtain the second edition of the text. Homework: 2-4 hours per week. Supplies: Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 2nd edition Time: 10am-11:50pm, ending 12/18 Class Fee: $20 Cost: $185 per semester for 14 weeks Comfort Cooking (ages 10 to adult) Lisa Epperson Real cooking, real tasty! Step into the kitchen and produce tasty creations while learning food preparation and cooking skills. Students will create appetizers, main courses, and desserts. Students will savor the results! Time: 12pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 For other cooking classes, see Fun Food Creations and Kitchen Kiddos. Computer Science Exploration (ages 14 -18) Alan Poe Geekiness not required! Open to all who are curious. Students engage in problem solving while creating a fictional story using a programming tool developed by MIT for high school-aged students. Using Flash drag-and-drop, students will "write" a tale incorporating if-then statements, Boolean logic, loops, and more. Rather than focusing on learning particular programming languages, the course is designed to focus on the conceptual ideas of computing and help students understand why certain tools or languages might be utilized to solve particular problems. A basic knowledge of Algebra is helpful, but not required Approximately 3-5 hours of homework weekly. Supplies provided by family: Students will need regular access to a computer (PC or Mac) each week and the ability to email assignments. Students will not need a computer in class. Time: 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 for copies A Dangerous and Daring Class Kevin Burge Based on The Dangerous Book for Boys and The Daring Book for Girls, this class will serve as a reminder of lore and technique that have not yet been completely lost to the digital age. Kids will learn to master code breaking, secret writing, juggling, binding and gagging a scoundrel, double Dutch jump roping, and more. Ages 6-10 Time: 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $8 Ages 10-14 Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $8 Drama (ages 12-18) Julie Knutson High energy fun! Through exercises, games, improvisation and scene work, students work to develop the foundations of good acting. Students study improvisation, blocking, story arc, and character development. Students have opportunities, through creative play and group work, to perform both for each other and for invited guests. Time: 12pm Cost: $85 Class fee: $5 8 Fun Food Creations (ages 6-10) Lisa Epperson Kids love to cook and help in the kitchen—now you can let us take care of the mess! Kids will enjoy making and eating these foods. Students will create appetizers, main courses, and desserts. They will savor the results! Time: 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 [For other cooking classes, see Comfort Cooking and Kitchen Kiddos.] Fun with Literature (ages 5-8) Tami Kolar Children love great stories. Using a delightful selection of picture books, your child will absorb math, science, and history lessons, not to mention a love of literature. Each week will include literature time, along with related projects, crafts, and even some cooking, which means eating, too, of course! Time: 3pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $5 Geography: Let’s Go! (ages 10-14) Julie Knutson Half of 18-24 year olds can’t find New York on a United States map and 63% of young Americans can’t find Iraq on a world map. Being able to locate places heard about in the world news on a map of our planet is a basic, yet very important, skill necessary for all students. This geography course will focus on the geography theme of relative location (a place in relation to another place) and will introduce students to how location affects the other aspects of geographical study. This course will include map study, map making and weekly geography bees. Homework: 10-30 minutes average per week. Time: 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Greek: "I Shall Know" Brandy Buckley What a great introduction to the classics! Students learn proficiency in writing the Greek alphabet, pronouncing Biblical Greek, and reading and translating beginning Biblical Greek. Biblical Greek, also called Koine or Common Greek provides students with an exciting, nonthreatening introduction to a classical language through the use of rhymes, simple songs, flash cards, and teacher-directed instruction. Approximately 1 hour of homework per week. Ages 5-8 Time: 11am Cost: $85 Class fee: $4 Ages 9-12 Time: 12pm Cost: $85 Class fee: $4 Guitar for Beginners (ages 6-Adult) Kevin Sullivan Students learn basic skills necessary to play contemporary guitar, including some music theory, technical chords, etudes and studies. The instructor will use a variety of personalized methods and instruction. Music will include a variety of styles. Acoustic and electric guitars are welcome. Time: 10am, 11am, 12pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $8 Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date information as classes may be filled. 9 Hands-On Science New book! Sandy Hawes [See also Young Scientists for 4-6 yr olds.] Equip your students with a working knowledge of the nuts and bolts of creation. Exploring the properties of matter and the basic building blocks of life, this lively introduction covers the laws of motion and thermodynamics, various forms of energy, electricity and magnetism, and a study of simple machines. Engaging activities, experiments, and projects provide opportunities for hands-on learning. Optional Text: Apologia’s brand new book Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics (not available for purchase until June 29th, however Christian book distributors are taking preorders at a discount.) Ages 6-10 11am, 12pm 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Ages 10–14 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Health and Nutrition New class! Sandy Allen Have you heard the expression,' You are what you eat'? In this class we will explore the positive effects of good health practices, ( such as diet, exercise and hydration) on the body's functions. Through handouts, music and fun, informative activities your student will learn the importance of good nutrition to maintain healthy weight,growth development, and strength.This class will equip your student with the knowledge to make healthy choices! Optional Text: Janice VanCleave's Food and Nutrition for Every Kid (Janice Pratt VanCleave) Ages 6-10 Time: 10am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Ages 10-14 Time: 11am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Kitchen Kiddos (ages 4-6) Lisa Epperson At last, someone brave enough to let the young ‘uns do some real cooking! It will be hands-on action as kids create simple meals and treats, and explore food. Don’t miss this chance to make, eat, and (perhaps) share delectable treats. (Don’t worry, Mom: no frying and only closely supervised cutting.) Time: 10am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 [For other cooking classes, see Fun Food Creations and Comfort Cooking.] Leather Carving (ages 14-Adult) Tandy Leather Staff This is an introductory course designed for new students as well as those who wish to expand their skills learned in leather crafting. This class will teach the use of basic leather carving tools including the swivel knife; the beveler; the camouflage tool; the pear shader; the veiner; and the backgrounder. We also teach the use of the tools in the production of a carved leather project for use as a gift, or for selling. When the class has been completed each student will leave with at least four completed leather craft projects. Time: 3pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 plus project supplies which vary 10 Leathercraft (ages 6-Adult) Tandy Leather Staff This class may be used to obtain the Boy Scout Leatherwork Merit Badge. Students will value this useful introduction to leatherworking as they learn to create a variety of handsome items. Students will be guided step-by-step through projects in which beginners can learn the techniques fundamental to the art of leather stamping. Beginning students can chose eight engaging projects from zipper pulls to a wallet. Advanced students will begin to master the intricacies of leather carving and produce their first project. Class fee includes all materials. Previous students may choose new projects. Time: 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 Making Myths with Percy Jackson (ages 10-14) Lisa Velez Enter the riveting mythological world of Percy Jackson. As we go through this adventure, we will learn about literary elements used, how the classical myths differ from those created by author Rick Riordan, as well as practicing your own creative writing. If you love fiction, writing, and mythology, then this class is for you! Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $5 Meet the Composers (ages 10-14) Michelle Beighley Renaissance! Baroque! Romantic! Come explore some famous composers such as Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. We'll explore the vast array of classical music through the composer's eyes by reading biographies, listening to musical excerpts and exploring their personal lives and testimonies. Student will create a lapbook and a timeline to take home with them on the last day. This class will be perfect with those who already love classical music as well as those who would like to learn more! Time: 11am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $5 O Pioneers! (ages 6-10) Tammy Hall Have you wondered what it was like to load a wagon, move to a new place, and begin a home from nothing? Come experience the journey of a pioneer traveling to Nebraska in 1892. We will learn why the pioneers came to Nebraska, what they brought with them, and what the journey was like. We will also learn about the tasks a pioneer had to complete to survive. This will be a hands-on experience which will include loading a wagon, making butter, spinning, washing with wash boards, and attending school in a one-room class complete with McGuffey Readers and slates. Time:12pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Phonics Fabulous (Ages 4-6 or any age that can form letters independently) Brandy Buckley Phonics programs can be complicated and material heavy, but they don't have to be. With a set of simple flash cards, a notebook, and a pencil, students can gain a framework for phonemic function that will serve them well as they begin to advance as readers through a teacher-led practice and drill of (slightly modified) Spalding phonics. Approximately 1 hour of homework per week. Time: 10am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $3 Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date information as classes may be filled. 11 Photography (ages 14 to adult) Trisha Batchelor Learn how to see and create, using light as your tool. Students will use photography as a means to capture and create amazing images by learning how to visualize before ever clicking the button. Explore all of your camera’s settings while learning the foundations of photography such as lighting, composition, and angles. Trisha Batchelor is a professional photographer and owner of Beautiful Photography Studio. Time: 3pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: None Supplies needed: Digital camera; SD or CF Card; Thumb Drive Physical Education Marty McCombs Students engage in aerobic exercise that helps teach coordination, team work, confidence and sportsmanship. While playing, kids will learn many skills that are more important than athleticism, including team work, compassion, playing by the rules, anger and pain management, social skills, and competitiveness. Ages 6-10 Students will participate in basketball, relays, freeze tag, Frisbee, wall ball, flag football, dodge ball, and kickball. Time: 12pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: None Ages 10-18 Students engage in aerobic exercise as they play dodge ball, kickball, and volleyball. Students improve motor skills, learn sportsmanship, and have fun! Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: None Physical Science (ages 12-18) Staff This Apologia course will introduce students to the stunning world they live in, as well as the universe around it, moving from icebergs to astrophysics. The course will provide simple weekly experiments covering such topics as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, weather, structure of the Earth, physics of motion, Newton's laws, gravity, and astrophysics. Students can read along in their textbook to complete their studies. Approximately1-2 hours of homework per week. Optional Text: Exploring Creation with Physical Science Student Textbook, 2nd Edition (Apologia) Time: 10am Cost: $90 for 14 weeks, ending 12/18 Class Fee: $15 Physics (ages 15-18) Jelaine Fondren This Apologia college-prep physics course is designed for the student who has completed algebra and has had an introduction to the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent. It provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general physics, heavily emphasizing vector analysis; this text is ideal preparation for a university-level physics course. It provides the student with a strong background in one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s laws and their application, gravity, work and energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, electrostatics, electrodynamics, electrical circuits, and magnetism. Homework: 2-4 hrs. per week. Mrs. Fondren is a homeschool mom and distinguished graduate from the Air Force Academy with degrees in physics and mathematics, and a Masters in Applied Physics from the Air Force Institute of Technology 2007. Time: 10-11:50am, ending 12/18 Cost: $185 for 14 weeks Class Fee: $20 Supplies: Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd edition 12 Public Speaking (ages 14-18) Tammy Hall Does talking in front of a group scare you? Together we can learn to overcome that. Public speaking is a challenge for many, but it doesn’t need to be. Come join us as we learn more about each other and share some laughs. There will be many opportunities to speak in front of the class. You will be evaluated and given encouragement along with helpful hints for future success. Please join us! Homework: approximately 1 hour per week. Time: 2pm Cost: $80 Class Fee: $5 Rocket Math (ages 6-9) Heidi Rankin Yes, even math can be fun! Single digit addition and subtraction is the basic building block of all arithmetic. There is no trick to it, so the way to improve speed and accuracy is practice, practice, and more practice! Rocket math uses timed tests, worksheets, and team oriented spelling-bee type activates to make that practice goal oriented and self-competitive. Homework: 10 minutes per day. Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $3 Russian History Highlights: from Ivan to Gorbachev (ages 14-18) Michelle Beighley Come and explore the vast history of the great land of Russia! We'll begin with Russian geography and the founding of Russia, work through the Russian Tsars and the Romanov family and finish with the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. The student will meet tsars, emperors and Communist party leaders as we explore their history and their impact on the history of the world. Students will work on an assigned project throughout the semester. Time: 1pm ending 12/18 Cost: $85 Class Fee: $5 Science Fiction (14-18) Jack Donnelly Students will read novels, short stories, graphic novels, and watch films that explore worlds unknown in order to know this world better, and to meet non-humans to shed light on our own humanity. This peculiar genre, at its best, is “the only kind of fiction that explicitly recognizes the profound ways in which science and technology, those key products of the human mind, shape not only our world but our very hopes and fears” (Erik Rabkin). Time: 1pm Cost: $90 for 14 weeks Class Fee: $8 for copies Sign Language (ages 12-18) Shari Briganti Look who’s signing now! This class introduces students to the exciting world of American Sign Language (ASL). Through the use of songs, games, and other activities, students will learn how to sign the alphabet, fingerspell words, and even learn some basic sign vocabulary. Many colleges are now accepting sign language as a foreign language. Approximately 15 minutes of homework every day. Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $5 Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date information as classes may be filled. 13 Spanish 1 (ages 12-18) Teresa Rietjens Students increase their vocabulary and knowledge of common conversation through the study of grammar, verb conjugation, and language usage. Through teacher-led instructions and interactive activities, role-plays, stories, and music, students will have opportunities to further their written and oral language skills. Peer teaching will help reinforce acquired skills. Homework: 2-4 hrs. per week. Time: 2pm, ending 12/18 Cost: $90 for 14 weeks Class Fee: $5 The Story of the World (ages 10-14) Darla Giambattista Our next installment will explore Chapters 14-29. This historic adventure through a Biblical lens will cover Exodus all the way through Rome with exciting stops in Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and even Central America. Bring a helmet and sign a waiver because we will be on the battlefields of the ancient world, up close and personal with the likes of King Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great. We’ll also get to trade battle helmets for fuzzy slippers to hear an ancient bedtime story or two. Time: 1pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $7 Tae Kwon Do For Christ Wesley Hall Tae Kwon Do teaches self-confidence, self-discipline, courtesy, integrity, healthy lifestyle, weight control, obedience to parents, good reading, study habits, and self-defense. Former students may continue their work; new students are welcome. Homework: 30 minutes to 1 hour per week. Uniform, testing, and belt fees are optional expenses. Young (5-7) 10:20am, 11am, 12:20pm, 1:15pm (30 minute classes) Beginning (8-Adult) 2pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: None Advanced (8-Adult) 3pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: None Cost: $85 Class Fee: None The Writing Workshop (ages 9-18) The Writing Workshop helps students acquire and improve skills to prepare them to write on the high school and college level. The instruction and evaluation will be adapted to each student’s skill level. The class will include group interaction and teacher instruction on writing style and techniques, including grammar. Students will be given specific assignments in which they will apply the writing process to such genres as personal narrative, descriptive, or expository. Homework: 1 hour per week. Jack Donnelly is a certified English teacher and homeschool dad, with a Master’s in English Literature, currently teaching at Metropolitan Community College. Alan Poe, a brilliant homeschool dad and polished writer who helped write for the Deb Fischer campaign. Times: 10am (Poe), 12pm (Donnelly) Cost: $85 Class Fee: $4 Staff Young Artists (ages 4-6) Inspire imagination and self-expression with a world of hands-on art activities. This class will encourage confidence and explore your child’s artistic potential. Time: 11am Cost: $85 Class Fee: $15 Students should bring a paint shirt. 14 Young Explorers (ages 3-5; must be potty trained) Holly Donnelly Sing, dance, paint…play! Students enjoy lively activities, crafts, and story time, while developing fine motor skills, listening, and coordination through positive social interaction. This non-academic class emphasizes that play is the work of children and provides a wonderful opportunity for individual and social activities. New learning experiences occur each hour; students may sign up for multiple hours. Time: 11am, 12pm, 1pm, and 2pm Cost: $85 per semester for each hour, $140 for two hours Class Fee: $5 (flat fee for all hours of enrollment) Young Scientists (ages 4-6) Lisa Velez Why let the big kids have all the fun? Let us handle the mess as kids explore science safely. We will investigate the four scientific methods, the five senses, nutrition, exercise, precipitation, clouds, light, colors of the rainbow, and sound. Time: 12pm Cost: $85 Class Fee: $10 Zumbatomic (ages 4-7) Alma Luz Kids: Get Fit, Rock Out, And Have A Blast! Zumbatomic® is the children's version of Zumba®Fitness. The classes are high-energy fitness-parties that children love. Packed with specially choreographed routines and the latest child-appropriate music such as pop, hip-hop, and reggaeton to name a few. Zumbatomic classes increase focus and self-confidence, boost metabolism and improve coordination. More than just a great way to stay active and healthy, Zumbatomic classes offer a welcoming and upbeat atmosphere for kids. No past dance experience needed. Time: 10am Cost: $85 Be sure to check our website for the most up-to-date information as classes may be filled. 15