Verification of wind forecasts for the airports Honningsvåg, Hammerfest, Hasvik, Tromsø, Evenes, Narvik, Mosjøen, Sandnessjøen, Brønnøysund, Værnes, Ørsta-Volda, Sandane, Førde and Fagernes for the period 1.5.2009 to 30.4.2010. Knut Helge Midtbø, Mariken Homleid and Viel Ødegaard (P.O. Box 43, N-0313 OSLO, NORWAY) ABSTRACT Atmospheric turbulence still accounts for a significant percentage of weather-related aircraft incidents in Norway. A turbulence modelling project is run by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute in cooperation with SINTEF. A nested model system designed for forecasting atmospheric turbulence has been developed. From mid 2007 the system has been operated for seven airports in Norway. Report 2, 2008 (Midtbø et. al., 2008) presents the system and gives verification results for the last months of 2007. Previous notes presented similar verification results for 2008 up to 30th of April 2009. The present note is a follow up covering the one year period from 1st of May 2009 till 30th of April 2010. In the project it has been decided to do a special study for Værnes airport. The airport is chosen as the one of the seven for which there are available AMDAR reports from aircrafts on a regular basis. The models validated include HIRLAM 8-km (8-km resolution), UM 4-km and UM 1-km (Unified Model, 4-km and 1-km horizontal resolution) and the SIMRA model (approximately 100m resolution). Verification results are presented. No. 8 Oslo, 31.05.2010 1. Model description Below is included a short description of the model system. The global ECMWF model provides lateral boundary conditions for the nested turbulence model system. Those boundary values are used for a first nest of the HIRLAM8 hydrostatic 8-km model covering Scandinavia and adjacent sea areas. From 27.3 2008 increased computer resources made it possible to upgrade to 8 km resolution (the model was renamed to HIRLAM8). The upgrade also included introduction of data assimilation in the new HIRLAM8. In HIRLAM10 no such assimilation was operational due to limited computer power. Nested inside this HIRLAM10 (from 27.3.2008 HIRLAM8) model is a version of the non-hydrostatic Unified Model (UM 4-km) developed at Met Office set up with 4-km resolution. (See areas in figure 2). The airport specific part of the turbulence system consists of two models covering an area surrounding the airport. Figure 1 Computation points in the UM. Wind components u and v are computed one half of a grid length displaced compared to ŋ that stands for T, q and all (left) Distribution of UM vertical layers illustrated with wind arrows in all grid points. T, q and all are computed on the interphones between these layers (right). A: 1-km resolution of the Unified Model (UM 1-km) B: approximately 100-m turbulence model Simra Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 2 A is nested inside the 4-km run. Initial values and boundary conditions for B is taken from model A. Surrounding the airports the airports which during the period has increased to 14 are set up several UM 1km models. The set up of UM1 has changes during the period covered. The changes are described briefly in section 2 below. The set up used at the end of the one year period is presented in figures 2,3,4 and 5. All the models involved are regular numerical weather prediction models with exception for SIMRA, which is a turbulence model. The model areas for the UM 1-km and Simra for the 14 airports are given in figures 6-19. The figures also include model topography and surface projection of the runway. For examples of results as presented to the ATM users we refer to IPPC. In the present model set up input to the SIMRA turbulence forecasts are produced by running UM 1-km model with an interpolated +3 hour forecast from UM 4-km as initial values. Boundary values are specified from the same UM 4-km every hour, and the model is integrated from +6 hours up to + 18 hours. The procedure is repeated based on 4-km forecasts starting at 00UTC and 12 UTC. 1-km model results are produced for both 00UTC and 12 UTC from +6 up to + 18 hours. Data are interpolated from the spherical rotated UM 1-km grid to UTM coordinates used by SIMRA. Vertical interpolation is needed to adapt to the higher resolution topography in the SIMRA model. Weather parameters transferred from UM to SIMRA are given in the following list: Surface pressure 2d Horizontal wind 3d Potential temperature 3d Specific humidity 3d Pressure at model levels 3d SIMRA is a model based upon Reynolds equations with a standard (K, ε) - turbulence closure and boundary conditions. It has the capability of predicting flows with separation, attachment, hydraulic transitions and internal wave breaking. The SIMRA model has a dynamic estimation of turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation and predicts turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The square root of TKE has the dimension of velocity and is used as an indicator of turbulence intensity. Initial data for the SIMRA model are interpolated from the 1-km runs valid every hour (+6, +7, +8, +18). For each of those points of time the SIMRA model is run with constant boundaries until a stationary solution is achieved. Rather than an ordinary forecast dataset, SIMRA supplies data that can be used to estimate quantitatively the strength of the turbulence in each time interval (1 hour) (Eidsvik and Utnes, 1997). The reason for running with a lead-time of 6 hours is that the total time from taking the observations up to finished computations is 4 hours. As the system is operated today, turbulence forecasts valid every hour between +6 and +18 based on 00UTC and 12UTC are available at approximately 04UTC and 16UTC. 2. Updates during the period During the 1st May 2009 till 30th April 2010 SIMRA computations for several new airports has been introduced. The model set up of the UM 1-km has been changed as upgrades to version 7.3 and as revision Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 3 of the areas and inclusion of areas for additional (new) airports. UM1FOS, UM1BMS, UM1NN and UM1SN are areas for UM1 and are shown in figures 2-5. 17/9: Start of SIMRA forecast for Førde airport Bringeland Upgrade to UM 7.3 for UM1FOS 21/9: Start of SIMRA forecast for Brønnøysund airport, Brønnøy Upgrade to UM 7.3 for UM1BMS 21/10: Start of SIMRA forecast for Mosjøen airport, Kjærstad and Harstad/Narvik airport, Evenes 28/10: Upgrade to UM 7.3 for UM1NN 18/12 SIMRA forecast for Honningsvåg, Hammerfest, Narvik nested in UM1NN 7/1: Start of SIMRA forecast for Hasvik airport and Tromsø airport, Langnes 8 /4 Start of SIMRA forecast for Fagernes airport, Leirin Start of UM1SN (version 7.3) SIMRA for Værnes airport nested in UM1SN. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 4 Figure 2. Model domains for UM 1-km (named UM1NN) for parts of Northern Norway. The Simra areas for the airports Honningsvåg, Hammerfest, Hasvik, Tromsø, Evenes and Narvik are shown in blue. Topography given by a colour from green at 0 meters to brown above a few hundred meters. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 5 Figure 3. Model domains for UM 1-km (named UM1BNS) for parts of Mid-Norway. The Simra areas for the airports Sandnessjøen, Mosjøen and Brønnøysund are shown in blue. Topography given by a colour from green at 0 meters to brown above a few hundred meters. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 6 Figure 4. Model domains for UM 1-km (named UM1FOS) for parts of Western Norway. The Simra areas for the airports Ørsta/Volda, Sandane and Førde are shown in blue. Topography given by a colour from green at 0 meters to brown above a few hundred meters. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 7 Figure 5. Model domains for UM 1-km (named UM1SN) for parts of Southern Norway. The Simra areas for the airport Værnes and Fagernes are shown in blue. Topography given by a colour from green at 0 meters to brown above a few hundred meters. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 8 Figure 6. Model area for SIMRA at Honningsvåg airport, Valan. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 9 Figure 7 Model area for SIMRA at Hammerfest airport. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 10 Figure 8 Model area for SIMRA at Hasvik airport. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 11 Figure 9 Model area for SIMRA at Tromsø airport, Langnes. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 12 Figure 10 Model area for SIMRA at Harstad/Narvik airport, Evenes.Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 13 Figure 11 Model area for SIMRA at Narvik airport, Framnes. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 14 Figure 12. Model area for SIMRA at Mosjøen airport, Kjærstad. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 15 Figure 13 Model area for SIMRA at Sandnessjøen airport, Stokka. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 16 Figure 14 Model area for SIMRA at Brønnøysund airport, Brønnøy. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 17 Figure 15 Model area for SIMRA at Trondheim airport, Værnes. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 18 Figure 16 Model area for SIMRA at Ørsta-Volda airport, Hovden. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 19 Figure 17 Model area for SIMRA at Sandane airport, Anda. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 20 Figure 18 Model area for SIMRA at Førde airport, Bringeland. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 21 Figure 19 Model area for SIMRA at Fagernes airport, Leirin. Model topography colour coded from green to brown. Isolines for each 80 meters are also given. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 22 3. Observations for verification We have used three standard meteorological observation types in this study. We include a description. The model system is designed for forecasting turbulent conditions. We have addressed the need for turbulence measurement for verification/validation. So far the data for verification is limited to observations, which are unfortunately rather sparse. In May 2008 a trial period started. During this period Widerøe pilots delivered special turbulence reports on how they felt the quality of the forecasts were compared to the real experience of the conditions. After the trial period the feedback from the pilots was evaluated and the overall impression was that it was good correlation between the forecast and the pilots experience of the actual wind conditions. 3.1 SYNOP SYNOP is an acronym for surface based reports. A SYNOP report contains wind measurements at 10 meter using standard traditional surface measurements for the airport at standard height 10 meter above land surface. 3.2 TEMP TEMP is an acronym for vertical soundings as measured from a balloon released and ascending due to lift of the balloon. A measurement device is attached to the balloon. Data are transmitted to the ground from this device in real time. The wind is calculated from the observed drift of the balloon relative to the ground. The observational error of wind from TEMP reports is of the order of a few m/s. 3.3 AMDAR There are available data from higher levels in the surrounding areas of some of the Norwegian airports. Some aircrafts are equipped with installations necessary to transmit meteorological observations known as AMDAR (Aircraft Meteorological DAta Relay). The following is referred from AMDAR REFERENCE MANUAL prepared by Derek Painting, World Meteorological Organization (WMO). “Wind speed and direction are computed by resolution of the vectors: V = Vg – Va Where V is the wind vector, Vg (ground velocity) is the velocity of the aircraft with respect to the earth and Va is the velocity of the air with respect to the aircraft. Va is calculated from true airspeed and heading. Heading and ground velocity are derived from the inertial reference unit (IRU). True airspeed is a function of Mach number and static air temperature. Errors in Mach number are the most significant. For example with a Mach number error of 0.5% at cruise level, airspeed error is some1.2m/s. Thus with zero error from the navigation system, wind vector errors up to 1.2m/s are to be expected and are also dependent on the angle between the wind at flight level and the aircraft heading. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 23 Errors in true airspeed combine with errors from the IRU. The basic calculations assume perfect alignment of the aircraft with the airstream and zero roll, pitch, yaw and perfect inertial platform alignment. At high pitch/roll angles wind vector errors, which are proportional to true airspeed can be significant. For example at 150kt airspeed with 5 degrees pitch and 10 degrees roll a wind vector error of some 1m/s can be expected regardless of the true wind vector. At low wind speeds vector errors can lead to large errors in wind direction. Thus a more useful indication combining wind speed and direction error as vector error would suggest a typical uncertainty of 2-3m/s.” In the AMDAR format there are possibilities for reporting turbulence measures. Turbulence is reported in one or more of three ways: (i)As variation in vertical acceleration experienced by the aircraft. (ii)As 'derived equivalent vertical gust'. (iii)As an index related to eddy dissipation rate (EDR). For more details see the reference manual referred to above. In Europe quite many AMDAR reports includes the index listed EDR (see list above). We have investigated the AMDAR reports presently available from aircrafts operating in Norway for some arbitrary days in January 2008. We have for those aircrafts found only reports with this index given as missing. For the project there would be of great value if actions could be taken in order to include such an index in the AMDAR reports for Norwegian areas. 4. Measures used for verification Basis for the verification work at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute is operational storage of both observations and model output in secured databases. In this way all data for validation and verification is available for further investigation if necessary. All model data used in the following validation is interpolated horizontally to the position of the observation with Bessel interpolation with good interpolation accuracy. In the vertical data are interpolated as linear in the logarithm of p. To compare with observations at times off the hourly available model data a linear interpolation in time is carried out. In order to summarize the results for the wind in some way, we have computed the square root ( suv ) of the mean of the squared standard deviations of the component errors of the two wind components u and v ( su and sv ). The formula is: suv Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway 1 2 2 su sv 2 Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 24 4.1 Verification of horizontal wind forecasts against SYNOP reports for the airports Honningsvåg, Hammerfest, Hasvik, Tromsø, Evenes, Narvik, Mosjøen, Sandnessjøen, Brønnøysund, Værnes, ØrstaVolda, Sandane, Førde and Fagernes. We have included figures showing monthly means of suv and Mean Error based on SYNOP reports for all airports (with exception of Fagernes airport, Leirin for which data covers a few weeks of April only). Those two parameters are used as a quality indicator for the wind forecasts. An overall result is that the errors are smaller in the summer season as is the wind force as a mean. This is a typical result, which is also clearly seen, in the lower panel of figure 1 for several models. The results are presented for one and one airport starting in Northern Norway with Honningsvåg ending up in Western Norway. For Honningsvåg the errors are quite large for all models. Simra and also UM 1-km underestimates the wind while UM 4-km does not. At Hammerfest Simra and UM 1-km has smaller errors than UM 4-km most of the year and it is clear that the forecasts here is improved with the highest resolution. There is however an overestimation in the UM 4km at this place while the Simra and UM 1-km underestimates also here. At Hasvik airport the period covers only four months. Here there is however a reduced error in Simra compared to the UM 1-km. Results for UM 4-km is missing due to a technical problem storage problem. At Tromsø airport there is also only four months of data. The error is almost equal in magnitude for the different models at this place; Underestimation of wind in Simra is rather significant also here. At Harstad/Narvik airport, Evenes error measures is remarkable similar for all the models. The results for Narvik airport, Framnes represent a location where the UM 4-km has the lowest error. This result is somewhat outstanding and is caused by very small-scaled features in terms of terrain and shoreline at this place. Because of the details, the models perform rather different. A closer inspection should probably be carried out for this location. For Sandnessjøen airport, Stokka Simra and UM 1-km is better than UM 4-km in summer and winter respectively. This airport represents one of the airports for which there is a clear advantage from using resolution better than 4 km. For Mosjøen airport, Kjærstad the errors are as there is often gentle wind conditions here. For this place UM 4-km has the lowest error level. For Brønnøysund airport, Brønnøy 8 months of data are available. The results are that there is a rather complicated error structure here and none of the models demonstrates clear advantages over the others. For Trondheim airport, Værnes the errors are small connected to generally weak surface winds. At this place all models has remarkable similar results. For Ørsta-Volda the highest resolution models has the largest errors at surface. This is probably caused by detailed and complicated terrain rather close to the runway. This might in principle be a sign of not so good Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 25 turbulence forecasts at this airport. Since we do not have turbulence measurements it might as well be turbulence measurements of about a quality similar to the airports for which the pilot reports (see earlier reports) demonstrated that the model gave important warnings of turbulence. For Sandane airport, Anda there are rather similar errors for all models. There is however a clear lower error in UM 4-km in September. (These results are also found for September although not that clear for Ørsta-Volda) This is probably due to atmospheric circulation in favour of the coarser 4 km grid for this location in the complex terrain. Førde airport, Bringeland is another of the airports where the errors are small and where all models show up rather similar results. The results discussed here are, however, consistent with the findings reported in the previous notes. There are seasonal variations and also other differences from year to year as one might expect, but nevertheless monthly means are rather stable from year to year. This is comforting as it indicates that the quality of the forecasts is stable in time. As discussed in Midtbø (2006), the results must be used with much care. The model is designed for forecasting turbulence in the upper air. A verification of forecasts of surface winds should be quite relevant as it can be argued that good surface wind forecast could be used as an indication of the models wind forecasts in general. We do not, however, think that this can be fully justified without turbulence measurements. The forecasts of wind at higher levels are the basis for the turbulence forecasts and in order to say something about the turbulence forecast, turbulence and wind at higher levels has to be verified against observations from those levels. The turbulence computed by the model is a result of complicated structures and gradients in wind and temperature and thus there are those structures rather than wind near surface, which is the key to good turbulence estimates. We have also included in table 1 results showing the availability of forecasts on our system as numbers and as percentage of the possible forecasts (two computational runs each day). We see that there have been available complete data sets for more than 90% of the possible runs. Most of the missing runs have been caused by some computational weaknesses in the UM model. As we could not be satisfied with availability we have therefore pushed forward updating UM in order to improve it. Introduction of version 7.3 of UM has been done in steps during the year (the update sequence is given in section 2. In January 2010 all UM 1-km except UM1SN had been upgraded. For the Simra runs the set up was at that time so that all models except the one for Værnes (this model was upgraded in April) was run nested in version UM 7.3 from 1st of February 2010. As a result of the upgrades the availability has increased to a total 13 missing forecast out of 14x178 possible forecast for the last three months of the year (February, March and April) giving a percentage above 99,0 which we regard as a satisfactory number in this respect. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 26 Figure 20. Verification results for Honningsvåg airport, Valan. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Figure 21. Verification results for Hammerfest airport. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 27 Figure 22. Verification results for Hasvik. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Figure 23. Verification results for Tromsø airport, Langnes. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 28 Figure 24. Verification results for Harstad/Narvik airport, Evenes. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Figure 25. Verification results for Narvik airport, Framnes. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 29 Figure 26. Verification results for Sandnessjøen airport, Stokka. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Figure 27. Verification results for Mosjøen airport, Kjærstad. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1- km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 30 Figure 28. Verification results for Brønnøysund airport, Brønnøy. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Figure 29. Verification results for Trondheim airport, Værnes. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1- km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 31 Figure 30. Verification results for Ørsta-Volda airport, Hovden. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Figure 31. Verification results for Sandane airport, Anda. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1-km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 32 Figure 32. Verification results for Førde airport, Bringeland. Upper panel shows plot of suv (see section 4) for SIMRA, UM 1- km and UM 4-km while lower panel shows mean error. Colour code given in the plot. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 33 Airport All data missing Sum data missing 21 Some data missing 41 % Operated with all or some data 62 Number % Operated with of forecast all data possible 730 91,5 Honningsvåg airport, Valan Hammerfest airport. Hasvik airport. Tromsø airport, Langnes Harstad/Narvik airport, Evenes Narvik airport, Framnes. Mosjøen airport, Kjærstad Sandnessjøen airport, Stokka. Brønnøysund airport, Brønnøy. Trondheim airport, Værnes Ørsta-Volda airport, Hovden Sandane airport, Anda Førde airport, Bringeland Fagernes airport, Leirin 21 39 60 730 91,8 97,1 1 1 1 1 2 2 226 226 99,1 99,1 99,6 99,6 4 17 21 382 99,0 95,1 8 19 27 730 96,3 98,9 10 10 20 382 94,8 97,4 15 19 34 730 95,3 97,9 11 9 20 424 97,6 95,0 28 20 48 730 93,4 96,2 26 22 48 730 93,4 96,4 26 22 48 730 93,4 96,4 23 19 42 424 90,1 94,6 0 0 0 28 100,0 100,0 97,1 Table 1 Table showing available forecast from the SIMRA runs. The two last columns show the percentage of forecasts available either complete or the sum of complete results and the results when some of the data are missing. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 34 4.2 Verification of horizontal wind forecasts against upper air TEMP reports for Ørlandet airport in Trøndelag The model system is nested. The quality of wind forecasts in the coarser mesh models are verified against TEMP reports on a routine basis. In this report we have computed verification against TEMP reports for Ørlandet airport. This verification is done for UM 4-km and HIRLAM10 / HIRLAM8 because neither UM 1-km nor SIMRA covers the location. The observations can not be viewed upon as what is called the true value for the model data. This has two causes: measurement errors and the model not representing a mean value for the model grid box. This means that the model represents the grid box and not always the measured quantity regardless of the observation accuracy. When we in the following compare the two values (observations and model results) we will in short call the difference for model errors. It should be kept in mind that this error has originates from observational errors and errors connected to difference in what the two values represent as explained above. We have done a separate investigation of the model errors measured by the TEMP reports for Ørlandet. The reason for this is that we want to monitor the model error in the Trøndelag area relative to an observing system like the TEMP reports. This is because a well-known and well-documented error level characterizes those reports. The station closest to Værnes is Ørlandet. As seen in figure 8 this is close to the lateral boundary for the UM 1km model for Værnes and outside the SIMRA area. Out of the results we have chosen to display data for 850 hPa, which is a level around 1500 meters above sea level. We have compared the wind from UM 4-km and HIRLAM10 / HIRLAM8 to the wind from TEMP reports. UM 1km results are not displayed, as they are quite similar to UM 4-km results. A selection of verification results is shown in table 2a-c. In this table we have show the verification parameters for +12 hour prognosis. We see that the error using this measure at the start is around 2 m/s. As explained above this result are a combination of observation accuracy and the model representing grid boxes rather than the TEMP measurement. This is in agreement with findings in previous. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 35 ME MAE RMSE SDE Wind FF.UM4 -0,22 2,00 2,36 2,35 speed in FF.Hirlam8 FF.ECMWF -0,34 -0,57 1,86 1,65 2,31 2,05 2,28 1,97 850 hPa 00+12 component U.Hirlam8 1,98 3,90 4,85 4,43 in U.ECMWF 0,96 1,78 2,17 1,95 850 hPa 00+12 ME MAE RMSE SDE U U.UM4 1,33 2,67 3,36 3,09 component V.Hirlam8 -1,64 3,85 4,96 4,68 in V.ECMWF 0,24 1,62 2,08 2,06 850 hPa 00+12 ME MAE RMSE SDE V V.UM4 -1,12 3,14 4,12 3,96 Table 2a Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of May till 31st of August 2009. Verification results of interpolated model data compared to horizontal wind from TEMP reports observed at Ørlandet airport. The observation level is at 850 hPa. The model data are 12 hour forecasts valid 12 UTC. The models are UM4 and HIRLAM8 and ECMWF (left to right). The parameters computed are standard statistical parameter for the value of model value minus observation. We see in the three upper tables values for wind force (FF), u-component and v-component of the wind. The parameters are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). All results are in m/s. Interpolation methods for model data are described in the text. The results are computed for models based on the 00 UTC only. The TEMP reports used for this verification are close to 100. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 36 ME MAE RMSE SDE Wind FF.UM4 -0,55 2,09 2,70 2,64 speed in FF.Hirlam8 FF.ECMWF -0,04 -0,61 2,11 1,82 2,67 2,23 2,67 2,15 850,00 hPa 00+12 component U.Hirlam8 3,40 4,68 6,06 5,02 in U.ECMWF 0,57 1,83 2,20 2,12 850,00 hPa 00+12 ME MAE RMSE SDE U U.UM4 2,18 3,43 4,55 3,99 component V.Hirlam8 -3,31 6,02 7,41 6,63 in V.ECMWF -0,03 1,85 2,22 2,22 850,00 hPa 00+12 ME MAE RMSE SDE V V.UM4 -2,05 4,33 5,52 5,13 Table 2b Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of September till 31st of December 2009. Verification results of interpolated model data compared to horizontal wind from TEMP reports observed at Orland airport. The observation level is at 850 hPa. The model data are 12 hour forecasts valid 12 UTC. The models are UM4 and HIRLAM8 and ECMWF (left to right). The parameters computed are standard statistical parameter for the value of model value minus observation. We see in the three upper tables values for wind force (FF), u-component and v-component of the wind. The parameters are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). All results are in m/s. Interpolation methods for model data are described in the text. The results are computed for models based on the 00 UTC only. The TEMP reports used for this verification are close to 100. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 37 ME MAE RMSE SDE Wind FF.UM4 -0,53 1,74 2,15 2,08 speed in FF.Hirlam8 FF.ECMWF -0,19 -0,81 2,23 1,70 2,82 2,13 2,81 1,97 850,00 hPa 00+12 component U.Hirlam8 0,71 3,79 4,71 4,65 in U.ECMWF -0,01 1,86 2,29 2,29 850,00 hPa 00+12 ME MAE RMSE SDE U U.UM4 0,52 2,88 3,66 3,63 component V.Hirlam8 -2,34 4,70 6,04 5,57 in V.ECMWF -0,05 1,83 2,30 2,30 850,00 hPa 00+12 ME MAE RMSE SDE V V.UM4 -1,71 3,60 4,82 4,51 Table 2c Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of January till 30th of April 2010. Verification results of interpolated model data compared to horizontal wind from TEMP reports observed at Ørlandet airport. The observation level is at 850 hPa. The model data are 12 hour forecasts valid 12 UTC. The models are UM4 and HIRLAM8 and ECMWF (left to right). The parameters computed are standard statistical parameter for the value of model value minus observation. We see in the three upper tables values for wind force (FF), u-component and v-component of the wind. The parameters are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). All results are in m/s. Interpolation methods for model data are described in the text. The results are computed for models based on the 00 UTC only. The TEMP reports used for this verification are close to 100. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 38 4.3 Validation of horizontal wind forecasts against upper air AMDAR reports for the SIMRA Værnes area. Among the seven airports Værnes airport is the only one where there are available AMDAR reports. This is because not all aircrafts are equipped with the necessary systems to produce and transmit AMDAR reports. The data forming basis for those reports are produced continuously during the flight including approach and take off. The observed wind is subject to a sampling procedure and AMDAR reports are produced at specified time intervals. An example of measured data is shown in figures 8 and 9. The observed data are irregularly distributed in space and time as a consequence of the flight regulations and the variation in the air traffic. For the data used for this verification we have selected data in the volume covered by the SIMRA model for Værnes. The model volume extends up to approximately 1840 meters above sea level. In this way the same observations are used for validating HIRLAM8, UM 1-km and SIMRA. Results are presented tables 3a-f. The tables covers the first four months (a and b), the next for (c and) and the last four months (e and f). a, c and e covers verification based on computations from 00 UTC while the other three tables covers verification from 12 UTC. For details about the results in the tables, see the table text. The results are as already mentioned confined to the volume box covered by SIMRA. From the previous chapter we have the result that a 12-hour prognosis of horizontal wind has an error of 2- 3 m/s at 1500 meters height when compared to TEMP reports for Ørlandet. The results in tables 3 a-f are for forecast lengths of a few hours and the errors displayed are of the same order of magnitude. But, conclusions about the value of the inner SIMRA nest can first be drawn when we have observations of turbulence available for verification. Værnes is situated closer to the large mountain areas in Southern Norway than Ørlandet. We have seen that the errors are on overall a little larger than the errors presented in chapter 3.2. Following up this investigation can draw more distinct conclusion on a larger data set. In a larger data set there also be possible to sample data for more distinct height levels for the AMDAR investigation. The results shows the view that the UM 1-km and SIMRA are able to reduce horizontal wind error compared to the coarser mesh model HIRLAM8. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 39 Figure 33. Model domains for UM 1-km for Værnes airport used until April 2010. Topography with 70 m spacing between isolines. The SIMRA domain is shown with red wind arrows every second grid point. In black a wind arrow (in 850 hPa) from the radiosonde at Ørlandet airport. Also in black, wind arrows from AMDAR for two different aircrafts. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 40 Figure 34 The SIMRA domain around Værnes. The topography is shown with 70 m between isolines. The straight black line indicates the projection of the sectors for take off and landing. The red wind arrows show the wind in the in-flight levels for every second grid point. The black wind arrows are from AMDAR for two different aircrafts. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 41 Statistics for 00+9,+10,+11,+12,+13,+14,+15 Number of cases: 998 FF.H8 FF.UM1 FF.SIMRA ME 0,62 0,82 0,71 MAE 2,04 2,42 2,33 RMSE 2,64 3,13 3,07 SDE 2,56 3,02 2,98 U.H8 U.UM1 U.SIMRA ME 0,69 1,46 1,24 MAE 3,35 3,19 2,90 RMSE 4,17 3,98 3,71 SDE 4,11 3,70 3,50 V.H8 V.UM1 V.SIMRA ME 1,10 -0,67 -0,82 MAE 3,14 1,61 1,70 RMSE 4,06 2,27 2,36 SDE 3,91 2,17 2,21 Table 3a Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of May till 31st of August 2009. The computations are for 00UTC +9,+10,+11,+12,+13,+14,+15. The table contains results for wind force ff, and for the components u and v of the wind. The error measures are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) andd standard deviation of error (SDE). Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 42 Statistics for 12+3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9 Number of cases: 324 ME MAE RMSE SDE FF.H8 0,45 1,94 2,47 2,44 FF.UM1 0,04 2,12 2,67 2,68 FF.SIMRA -0,21 2,00 2,65 2,64 ME MAE RMSE SDE U.H8 0,53 3,25 4,22 4,20 U.UM1 0,80 2,23 2,73 2,62 U.SIMRA 0,09 2,24 2,87 2,87 ME MAE RMSE SDE V.H8 0,17 3,14 3,99 3,99 V.UM1 -0,96 1,95 2,63 2,45 V.SIMRA -1,10 2,01 3,05 2,85 Table 3b Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of May till 31st of August 2009. The computations are for 12UTC +3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9. The table contains results for wind force ff, and for the components u and v of the wind. The error measures are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 43 Statistics for 00+9,+10,+11,+12,+13,+14,+15 Number of cases: 906 ME MAE RMSE SDE FF.H8 1,65 2,77 3,63 3,23 FF.UM1 0,90 2,59 3,33 3,21 FF.SIMRA 0,94 2,61 3,38 3,25 ME MAE RMSE SDE U.H8 -2,14 3,85 4,86 4,37 U.UM1 -0,02 2,94 3,61 3,61 U.SIMRA 0,26 2,79 3,47 3,46 ME MAE RMSE SDE V.H8 2,09 4,19 5,57 5,16 V.UM1 0,11 1,88 2,58 2,58 V.SIMRA 0,09 1,99 2,68 2,68 Table 3c Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of September till 31st of December 2009. The computations is for 00UTC +9,+10,+11,+12,+13,+14,+15. The table contains results for wind force ff, and for the components u and v of the wind. The error measures are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 44 Statistics for 12+3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9 Number of cases: 363 ME MAE RMSE SDE FF.H8 1,58 2,80 3,57 3,21 FF.UM1 0,47 2,03 2,58 2,54 FF.SIMRA 0,39 2,34 3,24 3,22 ME MAE RMSE SDE U.H8 -1,65 3,74 4,72 4,43 U.UM1 -0,01 2,53 3,06 3,06 U.SIMRA -0,14 2,47 3,16 3,16 ME MAE RMSE SDE V.H8 1,88 3,92 5,17 4,82 V.UM1 -0,41 1,41 1,94 1,90 V.SIMRA -0,39 1,89 2,91 2,89 Table 3d Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of September till 31st of December 2009. The computations is for 12UTC +3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9. The table contains results for wind force ff, and for the components u and v of the wind. The error measures are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 45 Statistics for 00+9,+10,+11,+12,+13,+14,+15 Number of cases: 1295 ME MAE RMSE SDE FF.H8 1,68 2,60 3,34 2,89 FF.UM1 1,08 2,25 2,91 2,71 FF.SIMRA 1,12 2,18 2,80 2,57 ME MAE RMSE SDE U.H8 -0,91 3,67 4,63 4,54 U.UM1 0,48 2,50 3,08 3,04 U.SIMRA 0,54 2,24 2,75 2,70 ME MAE RMSE SDE V.H8 1,59 3,14 4,44 4,14 V.UM1 -0,24 1,62 2,23 2,22 V.SIMRA -0,20 1,78 2,40 2,39 Table 3e Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of January till 30th of April 2010. The computations is for 00UTC +9,+10,+11,+12,+13,+14,+15. The table contains results for wind force ff, and for the components u and v of the wind. The error measures are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 46 Statistics for 12+3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9 Number of cases: 704 ME MAE RMSE SDE FF.H8 2,09 2,80 3,51 2,83 FF.UM1 0,97 1,88 2,42 2,21 FF.SIMRA 1,32 2,05 2,87 2,55 ME MAE RMSE SDE U.H8 -1,44 3,28 4,28 4,03 U.UM1 -0,09 1,98 2,47 2,47 U.SIMRA 0,18 2,01 2,53 2,52 ME MAE RMSE SDE V.H8 1,28 3,11 4,22 4,02 V.UM1 -0,18 1,43 1,91 1,90 V.SIMRA 0,26 1,56 2,43 2,42 Table 3f Verification results for wind speed (ff) and components u and v of wind for 1st of January till 30th of April 2010. The computations is for 12UTC +3,+4,+5,+6,+7,+8,+9. The table contains results for wind force ff, and for the components u and v of the wind. The error measures are mean error (ME); mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and standard deviation of error (SDE). Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 47 5. DISCUSSION As discussed above, the modelling of the winds above surface in SIMRA are for most places improved in this nested system when compared to coarser mesh meteorological models. The findings in the present report show that the accuracy of the forecasts is of the same type and shows similar local variations as demonstrated in the reports covering previous periods. The UM model has been upgraded during the period but since the SIMRA model version has been kept in the period, this is what should be expected. The regularity has been improved after introduction of upgrades of the UM model. Since SIMRA computes the turbulence from wind distribution, a good verification of the wind especially higher up in the atmosphere is a necessary condition for producing good turbulence forecast. Surface wind conditions will in this context be a weaker measure of ability to produce good turbulence estimates. In the project we want still to give high priority to getting turbulence measurements from the flight recorders. In this way we will expect important verification, which we can use for improving the system further. There is also a need for looking closer into the accuracy of the AMDAR data. Since the start of the project we have carried out validation the SIMRA model by comparing to standard SYNOP reports. For the new airports the results are comparable to the results gained at the airports Hammerfest and Sandnessjøen for which the model has been operated since 2005/2006. We have by using available SYNOP and AMDAR reports and comparing to Hammerfest and Sandnessjøen (where we in the test phase received pilot reports), demonstrated that the system operates with similar quality at the all airports. Bearing in mind the evaluation we did of the pilot reports collected during the early years of the project, we can conclude that we have established turbulence forecast of satisfactory accuracy at the new airports also. . For Fagernes airport there is however yet a too short period covered to estimate the accuracy of the forecasts. Above we used the term similar and not equal about the quality at the different airports. There is still a degree of uncertainty connected to the quality of forecasts for the new airports. There has as discussed earlier not been any test phase with pilot reports at those sites. Such reports would have been very helpful. We will stress that CFD-models (as SIMRA) and meteorological models are generalized models. As such models they do not need turbulence observations for the sites where they are applied. Local variations in quality caused by weaknesses in modelling of local forcing must be expected in addition to local variations caused by frequency of phenomena not described by the models. We have, however chosen SIMRA models grids and resolution with emphasis on resolving the features causing the turbulence at each airport. Therefore we will conclude that the turbulence forecasts should be expected to be of similar quality at all airports. Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 48 References Haugen, J. E., Aspelien, T., Homleid, M., Køltzow, M. and Vignes, O.(2008) Operasjonell Hirlam med 12km, 8km og 4 km gitter. 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Sharman, R., Tebaldi, C., Wiener, G., Wolff, J. An Integrated Approach to Mid- and Upper-Level Turbulence Forecasting Weather and Forecasting 2006 21: 268-287 Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 49 Dannevig, P. Hoem, V. (1978) Turbulensforholdene ved norske flyplasser (in Norwegian), Technical Report No. 30, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Postal address P.O.Box 43, Blindern NO-0313 OSLO Norway Office Niels Henrik Abelsvei 40 Telephone +47 22 96 30 00 Telefax +47 22 96 30 50 e-mail: Internet: Bank account 7694 05 00628 Swift code DNBANOKK 50