Application Form (Market Access Grant)

Market Access Grant:
Application Form
Enterprise Ireland will not release any information received as part of this application except as may be required by law,
including the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003. In the event of a Freedom of Information request, the client will be
given reasonable advance notice in order to contest such disclosure
Any personal information which you provide to Enterprise Ireland will be obtained and processed in compliance with the Data
Protection Acts 1988 & 2003. The information in Application Forms will be used by Enterprise Ireland in the processing of your
application and for ongoing administrative purposes between you and Enterprise Ireland.
To ensure consistency, this document uses protected form fields which are limited in length and which only allow use of plain
text (ie. no bolding, underlining, bulleting, etc).
1. Applicant Company Details
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Company Registration Number
Company Business Address
Company Web Address
Company Telephone Number
Company Fax Number
Principal Business of the Applicant (include
product/service key words for online search)
Company Contact Name
Contact’s Job Title
Contact’s Email Address
EI Development Adviser
Company’s Primary Bank
Project Summary - Please state the Market that is
the focus of this research project
.... (Max one sentence)
Critical Market – where a larger geographic region
or several markets are the target of this research
.... (Max one sentence)
project, please identify the most critical market
Eligibility Criteria
See Reference Document for further details.
I confirm that:
The Company employs more than 10 employees:
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2. Company Profile
Company Overview
o Please give a brief outline of the company history.
o Please briefly summarise your current product/service and key markets (more detail is requested later).
o Where relevant, please provide information on group structure, etc.
Type here ... (Max 1500 characters)
Company Ownership
Share Class
% Shareholding
Amount Invested
* For Type use: Promoter, Family/Friends, Domestic VC, Overseas VC, Trade Investor, Business Angel, BES/EII Fund,
BES Individuals or other.
o If any group structure exists, please describe here and attach group diagram separately.
o Identify any connected companies and related parties and outline their relationships.
Type here ...(Max 1000 characters)
3. Business Strategy
Product/Service and Market
What is the product/service that you supply now and what is its Unique Selling Point (USP)?
What is your specific target market? Please quantify?
Who are your main competitors?
Why is your product/service better than that of your competitors i.e. price, functionality, service etc.?
Type here ...(Max 3000 characters)
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Business Model
What channels do you use to bring your product/service to your customers and markets?
What is the pricing model used to achieve your sales revenue?
If there is a successful outcome on this Market Research project does the company have additional capacity in terms of
staff, equipment and buildings to meet a likely increased level of operations? If not please comment on possible
capacity issues facing the company.
Type here ...(Max 1500 characters)
Outline the current management structure.
What are the key skills and track record of the current management team and advisers?
Are there any potential gaps in this management structure arising out of the assignment of an in-house executive to
the new market research project for up to 6 months?
Type here ...(Max 1500 characters)
4. Proposed Development Project
Project Description
Start Date of Project
End Date of Project
Current level of sales in target market(s).
Market Validation
Does the market research project relate to
(1) an existing product/service in a new geographic market OR
(2) a new product/service in a new geographic market, or
(3) a new product /service in an existing geographic market?
What is the specific target market to be addressed? How was this identified? Provide also any information
available on the size of this market and how the market environment may significantly differ from the company’s
current markets.
Have there been any level of sales to this market in the past – please outline whether direct / indirect (distribution
What is the rationale for choosing this new particular geographic target market?
Has there been test marketing of any type carried out on the proposals to date?
Please note that the focus of the proposal should be an in-depth research and market validation for a key potential
Type here ...(Max 3000 characters)
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Project Team
Internal Employees assigned to the project:
A key element of a Market Access Grant is developing your company’s knowledge and experience of the target market.
Please provide details below on the staff assigned to the project, their experience, and duration that they will spend in the
market during the assignment. Please note that the CEO/MD's salary costs are not eligible if the CEO relocates to
the market. If the CEO is involved in the project from Ireland their costs can be supported at a maximum of 30% of
salary which is capped at €80K.
Type here ...(Max 3000 characters)
External consultants assigned to the project:
The Market Access Grant supports the use of consultants with specific expertise in the target market. Please outline below
how the consultants that you have chosen meet this criterion: (Please specify the location of the consultancy firm chosen)
Type here ...(Max 3000 characters)
Work Programme Outline/Activities
Please provide the following that will be used in assessing your proposal:
List of actual tasks and activities (and associated staff/consultants) that are likely to be part of the proposed market
validation programme, together with brief description of same;
Highlight any particular milestones that will be aimed at during the course of the research;
If the company is proposing to research what may be considered to be more than one market, full details should be
provided in the proposal;
A suggested outline of the programme of activities is provided below – outcomes of each stage will be need to be
agreed with the Development Advisor and the Market Advisor – interim and final reports will be requested at grant
payment stage:
- Research to determine market opportunity
- Research to identify route to market
- Research to identify partners
- Identify potential end customers
- Market Development to create tools and processes to deliver an implementation plan
- Implementation of Marketing Plan
Type here ...(Max 3000 characters)
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4.2 Project Costs
EI Use
Maximum eligible salary is €80,000 per annum (excl of PRSI and bonuses). (Up to a maximum eligible expenditure of
€1,500 per person per week, or €300 per day verified by employee payslips). Only time spent on the proposed project by
employees of the company can be applied for. Completed time sheets will be required for all staff active on the project.
Support for external consultants must be applied for in the Consultancy Fees section. Employee time spent attending
Trade Fairs is ineligible. The CEO/MD's salary costs are not eligible if the CEO relocates to the market. If the CEO is
involved in the project from Ireland their costs can be supported at a maximum of 30% of salary which is capped
at €80K. Employees listed below must be on the payroll of the Company at the time claim. If not they must be
entered as consultants.
Function / Role in company
Cost / Week or
# Weeks / Days (specify)
EI use
EI use
Overheads (may not exceed 30% of salary costs)
Note: overheads to support travel, subsistence, accommodation and any other employee out of
pocket costs.
1 – 20 days inclusive @ €1,500 per day; €900 per day for days 21-30 and €700 per day for all subsequent days. The rates
apply to each consultancy firm. Daily rate is to be inclusive of Consultant’s time and all associated travel, subsistence and
out of pocket expenses. Consultancy costs can only be claimed for non-company management / employee costs.
Management / shareholders of the company may not act as consultants to this project. If the consultant is not identified
at the time of application, the company must provide Enterprise Ireland with details of the consultant to be
engaged and the daily rate to be paid. Appointment of a consultant(s) is subject to Enterprise Ireland being
satisfied with the daily rate and that the consultant(s) is suitably qualified.
Cost / Day
# Days
Rental Costs
Up to a max. of €25,000 for rental of a new office in the new market for a max. of 18 consecutive
months where the office is used solely for the purposes of the Market Access project only. Note: rent
can not be used to for purposes of sales or distribution activities.
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EI use
Cost / Week
# Weeks
EI use
Trade Fair Costs: Not available to Large Companies. Only the cost of a company's first-time participation at a particular
Trade Fair/Trade Show in any one country is eligible. Maximum of 5 people can be supported. Attendees must be company
employees. Only ONE Trade Fair may be applied for in this application.
Name of Trade Fair
Has the company
Yes / No
participated in this
trade fair previously?
List of attendees Max 5 employees
Set-up/installation costs Note: This can include transportation costs for products/exhibit, installation costs at the event
(excluding own employee labour). Rental cost of equipment/ICT for the stand e.g. Lighting, Projectors, Laptops, Display
Monitors etc. Note the following costs are ineligible -Costs relating to stock/samples or purchase of equipment/ICT
Trade Fair Entrance Fee/ Rent of exhibition space
Market Research Materials/Collateral: Max €25,000
Cost of purchasing reports and databases relating to a new market/sector are eligible. Prior to the purchase
of any report, the company shall advise Enterprise Ireland of the nature, scope and cost of the report
and EI shall be satisfied that the report is in line with the Market Access Grant.
Marketing Collateral: The development cost of marketing collateral for use in new market is eligible. The cost
can include designing collateral, localisation, market specific value proposition messaging and translation.
Please itemise details of reports or collateral:
Total Expenditure
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4.3 Amount of Aid Sought from EI
Please provide detail on the requested amount of aid sought (amounts in €’000)
(refer to Project
Costs Above)
Grant Type
Support Sought
(Max is 50%)
Grant Sought €
Market Access Grant
4.4 Trading Position
(Please ask your Development Advisor if a Financial Data Sheet (FDS) is required).
Base Year-2
Base Year-1
Base Year
Current Year
Base Year+2
Note: Base Year is the last complete financial year unless 10 months have passed in the current
year, in which case Base Year is the current year.
Fin. Year End
Net Profit After
Tax (€000’s)
Net Assets /
S’holder Funds
(# FTE’s)
Please outline how the company has performed against previous targets (last 3 years).
Comment on any issues (eg. a major decline in sales).
Type here ...(Max 1500 characters)
4.5 Sources of Funding
Please detail sources of existing finance e.g. bank loans, shareholder/director loans, venture capital, leases, overdraft,
invoice discounting, etc.
Outline where the funding will come from to implement the development plan e.g. bank loan, additional equity from
promoters/existing shareholders or from other sources and the likelihood of securing the funding.
Detail any revisions negotiated/proposed to existing facilities from banks, VCs, etc.
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Term / Renewal
5 Benefits of and need for EI support
Outline the reasons why EI should support your application?
If successful, what would be the likely business impact to the company?
What would be the impact of not receiving financial support from Enterprise Ireland?
Include information on any additional economic benefits to Ireland (local suppliers, etc).
Type here ...(Max 1500 characters)
6 Milestones on Completion of the Project
Please specify milestones to be achieved on completion of the project – these must relate to the stated aims of the Market
Access Grant i.e.
Detailed validation of the target market to be undertaken
Development of a Go To Market strategy
Validation of potential opportunities with target customers/partners
Development of a detailed implementation plan.
Type here ...(Max 1500 characters)
Please Note:
All companies are required to submit an interim report to Enterprise Ireland when 50% of the grant has been
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7 Declaration by Authorised Officer of the Applicant
(Note: All questions must be answered, declaration signed and dated otherwise the application will be deemed incomplete).
An Authorised Officer of the Company or the Promoter should complete this Declaration.
I confirm that the Company:
Is a Small Enterprise (SE).
Is a Medium Enterprise (ME).
Is a Large Company.
Is part of a Group structure.
Has submitted a current Annual Business Review (ABR).
If YES, please state year.
eg. 2009
Is currently availing of the Audit Exemption.
Has submitted our most recent Audited Accounts to our Development Advisor.
If NO, I confirm that I will now submit our most recent Audited Accounts to our Development Advisor
(softcopy versions are preferred).
Has submitted Management Accounts no more than 3 months old to our Development Advisor.
IF NO, I confirm that I will now submit our Management Accounts no more than 3 months old to our
Development Advisor (softcopy versions are preferred).
Has NOT sought aid from any other State Agency in respect of this expenditure.
IF NO, I confirm that the Company/Promoter will not seek aid from any other State Agency in
respect of this expenditure.
Has received DE MINIMIS AID in the last three years:
Note: A false declaration by a company/group resulting in the threshold of €200,000 being
exceeded could later result in the aid being recovered with interest.
If YES, how much De Minimus Aid has been granted to your company in the last 3 years
(list the Type, Amount & Date received).
Name of Company’s Authorised Officer/Promoter:
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Checklist of Information Needed by EI
Application Form.
Formal Enterprise Ireland Application Form (this document).
Include the latest signed Audited accounts including notes.
Audited Accounts
Please provide consolidated accounts for the Group if part of a group.
Latest Management Accounts
(P&L and Balance Sheet)
This will facilitate the assessment of current year projections.
Financial Data Sheet (FDS) if
Group Structure
(if applicable)
Please provide a diagram outlining the companies in the group – showing the
shareholding of each and the relationship.
Indicate which company owns any IP and provide supporting evidence.
Please provide all information in soft copy, where available
The application form must NOT be a pdf document.
When the application has been completed, it, along with the additional information listed, should be
emailed to:
Submission of
If you don’t have soft copies of the company’s audited and management accounts, please send hard
copies of the accounts to your Development Advisor:
Enterprise Ireland,
The Plaza,
East Point Business Park,
Dublin 3.
Please note, for successful applicants, only eligible expenditure incurred after the application is
submitted to CSU will be considered for funding by the approval committee.
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